OCR: o i ij THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB LLD EDITED BY fT E PAGE CH LITTD fE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: CAPPS PHD LLD tW H D ROUSE littd L A POST LHD E H WARMINGTON ma frhistsoc SIDONIUS I SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS AND LETTERS WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY W B ANDERSON nULME PROFESSOR OF LATIN IN THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER IN TWO VOLUMES I POEMS LETTERS BOOKS III CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: MOMLXm PA Si v First printed Reprinted Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS PAGB PREFACE Vii INTRODUCTION ix ABBREVIATIONS USED IN GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE TEXTUAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES IxXV POEMS LETTERS BOOK I LETTERS BOOK II PREFACE The present volume contains the first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: English translation of the poems of Sidonius The task of translating the letters was originally assigned to the late Dr GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: E V Arnold He had drafted a rough rendering to which I have been repeatedly indebted for an apt word GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or phrase but as he had not had time to consider fully the many problems presented by the Latin text GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it seemed advisable to rewrite the translation I would fain hope that its present form is such as would have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: met with his approval An attempt has been made no doubt with indifferent success to discover and express the whole GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: meaning of every sentence There is a comfortable doctrine which has actually been propounded with reference to Sidonius that when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a writer is very hard to understand there is no need to translate him accurately It is scarcely necessary to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: expose this fallacy but one may remark that the many serious mistakes made by historians and biographers through failure to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grasp the meaning of Sidonius show that no one can afford to despise conscientious verbal scholarship The translation especially in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the case of the poems is accompanied by numerous explanatory notes it would not have been intelhgible without them They GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have involved a good deal of pioneer work and many excursions into paths outside the vii PREFACE regular beat of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a mere Latinist I cannot expect that they will completely satisfy either the specialist or the nonspeciaHst reader I do GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: however cherish the hope that they will clear up some obscurities and that a few of them will be of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: some interest to students of history and to some other scholars Shortly before his death Professor L C Purser who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had once thought of publishing a commentary on the poems of Sidonius most kindly put at my disposal the materials GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which he had collected It is a melancholy pleasure to express my deep gratitude for a thoroughly characteristic act of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: generosity Dr W H Semple was good enough to read the proofs of the translation and of a large part GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the notes I am indebted to him for many acute and valuable observations my obligations to him are by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no means confined to the places where I have expressly acknowledged them W B A INTRODUCTION I HISTORICAL SKETCH FROM GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: AD TO THE FALL OF THE WESTERN EMPIRE The sources available for our knowledge of the fifth century are meagre GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and often obscure and the attempts of modern historians to reconstruct the facts show marked divergences Even if the facts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were certain it would not be easy to present in short compass the history of a period so confused so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: full of intrigues and struggles in so many countries Gaul holds a position of special prominence not only in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: career of Sidonius but in the story of the decline and fall of the western Empire It is reasonable therefore GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to start our narrative at the end of the year when four German peoples Asding and Siling Vandals Alans and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Suevians made an incursion across the Rhine sacking Mainz burning Trier and spreading their depredations far and wide The invasion GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Gaul by the usurper Constantine from Britain in may have checked them for a short time but he soon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allowed them to pursue their activities without serious opposition In they crossed the Pyrenees and occupied a large part of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Spain Meanwhile the Burgundians On the geographical situation of the various German peoples see Bury Later Roman Empire I pp GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: f ix INTRODUCTION had likewise moved across the Rhine from their territory on the upper Main and in the end GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Emperor Honorius making a virtue of necessity allowed them to remain in occupation of the province of Upper Germany GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Germania Prima as foederati We must now turn to the Visigoths who were destined to play a leading part in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the dissolution of the Empire In Alaric their king died a few months after his capture of Rome Athaulf his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: successor left Italy for Gaul early in the year carrying off with him Placidia sister of Honorius After bringing about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fall of the new usurper Jovinus who had started an insurrection in and found many adherents he made overtures GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the Emperor but as he refused to give up Placidia nothing came of them He then occupied Narbonne where GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he married Placidia Vigorous measures by the general Constantius made his situation in Gaul precarious he therefore proceeded to Spain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: early in the following year probably intending to found a Visigothic kingdom in the province of Tarraconensis which had not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been occupied by the previous German invaders He was however assassinated at Barcelona seven days Its capital was Worms Borbetomagus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The foederati were the successors of the old clientpeoples who had acted as bufferstates to protect the Roman frontiers The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ruler of a federate people received an annual subsidy which in theory represented the pay of the soldiers at his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: disposal When necessity compelled the Romans to admit foreign peoples into Roman territory with the status of foederati the Roman GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: landowners had to surrender a certain proportion generally one third of their property to the new settlers INTRODUCTION later the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: same fate befel his successor and WaHia became king Debarred from foodsuppUes by the Romans and foiled in an attempt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to cross to Africa Wallia came to terms agreeing in return for large supplies of corn to restore Placidia and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to make war upon the German invaders of Spain On the first day of the following year Constantius married Placidia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Wallia vigorously set about his task of conquering his barbarian neighbours In their alarm they sought to make terms with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rome The Asding Vandals and the Suevians seem to have gained recognition as federates of the Empire but Wallia was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: left to work his will with the other two peoples In a campaign of two years he almost wiped out GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Silings and inflicted such grievous losses on the Alans that the survivors at last sought refuge with the Asdings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Gallaecia The Vandal king Gunderic thus became King of the Vandals and Alans and handed down the title to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his successors Then followed a momentous event It was decided to allow the Goths to settle in Gaul as foederati GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The lands assigned to them were the province of Aquitanica Secunda extending from the Loire to the Garonne and adjacent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: portions of Narbonensis including Toulouse and of Novempopulana west of Narbonensis Thus began the Visigothic kingdom in Gaul Wallia died GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soon after leading his people to their new abode and Theodoric I reigned in his stead The same period saw GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the quelUng of a The arrangements for the new settlers were completed under Theodoric The Goths received remarkably favourable terms GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as the Roman landowners had to surrender two thirds of their property to them xi INTRODUCTION serious revolution among the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aremoricans of Brittany In Spain soon after the departure of the Goths Gunderic king of the Vandals and Alans attacked GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and defeated the Suevians and although more than once defeated by Roman forces ultimately triumphed and established himself in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: southern province of Baetica from which his successor Geiseric was soon to aim a blow at the very heart of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rome National feeUng in Gaul wliich boded ill for the future of the Empire had been accentuated in the time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the usurpers Constantine and Jovinus who had found many adherents in that country and it was further heightened by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the severe measures which Constantius took against the ringleaders of the insurgents It was more than ever necessary to consolidate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the loyalty of the GalloRomans From this time dates the regular custom of appointing natives to the office of Praetorian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Prefect of Gaul and to the other important official posts in the country Another significant measure was the organisation in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the year of the Council of the Seven Provinces Concilium Septem Provinciarum in which leading men of the southern provinces GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: met every year to discuss matters affecting the public interest and to make recommendations to the authorities Among the provinces GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which sent representatives were The Aremorici inhabited the coastland between the Seine and the Loire The troubles in Britain in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the later years of the Roman occupation caused many of its inhabitants to emigrate to Aiemorica which owes its modem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: name to them In the fifth century Britannus is not infrequently used to denote a native or inhabitant of Aremorica GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cf Sidonius Epist III more explicitly Britannos supra Ligerim sitos I and it is not always easy to determine the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: meaning of the word xii INTRODUCTION Aquitanica Secunda and Novempopulana thus the Roman inhabitants of the occupied lands were stimulated GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to retain their Roman feelings in their barbarian environment The council met at Aries which had now become the residence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Praetorian Prefect after Trier had been sacked not only by the Vandals but on two occasions by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ripuarian Franks from the lower Rhine Aries became a proud capital and everything possible was done to make it a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: centre of Roman influence On the nd of July Flavius Placidus Valentinianus the future Emperor was born His father Constantius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was made a colleague in the Empire by Honorius on th February but died in the same year He had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: worked hard and with considerable success to maintain the cohesion of the Empire in the West On the th of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: August Honorius died After two years of the usurper John the boy Valentinian came to the throne as Valentinian III GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: For the first twelve years of his reign his mother Placidia acted as regent From this time the disintegration of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Empire proceeds apace despite the emergence of a great military leader in the person of Aetius The Goths under GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Theodoric I had turned longing eyes on the Mediterranean shores of Narbonensis Early in the new reign they were hurled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: back by Aetius from the walls of Aries to their own territory where they remained comparatively quiet but always a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: potential source of danger for a few years The barbarian peoples on the Rhinefrontier could not be trusted to keep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the peace for long and the Aremorici might For an enumeration of the Septem Provinciae see note on Sidonius Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I xiii INTRODUCTION cause trouble again Gaul thus made constant demands upon the vigilance of Aetius This fact together with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the enmity of Placidia and her partiality for less able supporters prevented him from intervening in another sphere where his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tried troops and his generalship were sorely wanted In the year Count Boniface governor of the diocese of Africa on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: being summoned home to give an account of his actions disobeyed and was proclaimed a rebel Unable to cope with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the forces sent against him he took the fatal step of inviting the Vandals to come to his help from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Spain King Gunderic lent a willing ear to this proposal but died before he could carrj it into effect His GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: successor Geiseric was only too glad to complete the preparations In May ad the combined host of Vandals and Alans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crossed the Straits of Gibraltar The Imperial government came to terms with Boniface but this reconciliation made no difference to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the greedy schemes of the Vandals Boniface now entrusted with the defence of Africa was no match for the enemy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and was eventually compelled in the spring of to shut himself up in Hippo Regius which underwent a long siege GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Meanwhile the Vandals made themselves masters of the valuable cornlands of Tunisia In this critical situation Placidia appealed to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eastern Emperor Theodosius II for help His trusted general Aspar entered Africa with a combined force drawn from east and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: west which perhaps succeeded in raising the siege of Hippo but soon sustained a severe For a different account see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cambridge Medieval History I p It was in the course of this siege that St Augustine Bishop of Hippo died GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: xiv INTRODUCTION defeat or and was unable to prevent the capture of town after town by Geiseric Soon almost every GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: important place with the exception of Cirta the capital of Numidia and Carthage was in the hands of the Vandals GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Not until the year did relief come Aetius with his formidable army composed largely of Huns seemed now in a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: position to turn his attention to Africa Geiseric dared not challenge him On the th of February a treaty was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: concluded whereby the Vandals were allowed to retain as foederati of the Empire a part of the African diocese probably GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the provinces of Mauretania Sitifensis and Numidia and the northwestern corner of the old proconsular province With a man like GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Geiseric such an arrangement could not be permanent An unrestricted African dominion was his first and chief object His covetous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eyes were already fixed upon Carthage We must now return to Aetius In he had driven the Ripuarian Franks back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the left bank of the Rhine Another successful contest with the Franks seems to have taken place about three GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years later In the interval he had conducted decisive operations against the luthungi and other troublesome peoples in Noricum and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rhaetia and he had been made generalissimo of the western forces of the Empire In the year of his first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consulship he was deposed from his command to make way for Placidias favourite Boniface who was recalled from Africa Thereupon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he concluded a treaty with the Franks and marched against Boniface but was defeated near Ariminum Boniface died two months GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: later and was succeeded by his soniniSee fcjidonius Carm f XV INTRODUCTION law Sebastian Aetius betook himself to his old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friends the Huns and returned to Italy with a large force Placidia was compelled to reinstate him The treaty with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Geiseric in enabled him to concentrate his attention once more upon Gaul In that year the Burgundians who seem to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have been joined by Alani from Mainz invaded the province of Belgica Prima the district round Trier and Metz About GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same time the Ripuarian Franks descended upon the same province from the north after taking Cologne and Trier was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: captured for the fourth time in a quarter of a century Matters were further compHcated by a revolt of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: oppressed classes peasants and slaves under one Tibatto With the aid of a large force of Huns from Germany Aetius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: utterly routed the Burgundians and laid their lands waste The Frankish invasion seems to have evaporated and the capture of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tibatto quelled the insurrection of the Bagaudae as they were called But the Goths were quick to avail themselves of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these disturbances and once more invaded the Mediterranean fringe of Narbonensis Litorius the chief lieutenant of Aetius had had to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: subdue a revolt in Aremorica he now hastened southward and reUeved the siege of Narbonne After a shortHved peace negotiated GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Avitus the future emperor the Goths renewed their attacks on Roman territory but Litorius in a series of battles GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: drove them back Near Toulouse their capital they turned at bay Litorius was defeated and fatally wounded in a bloody GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: battle The Goths Sidonius Carm f For the subsequent events mentioned in this paragraph see w li and of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: same poem xvi INTRODUCTION though victorious had suffered heavily and were in a mood to listen to Avitus who had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: just become Praetorian Prefect when he proposed terms of peace It is probable that the Goths were now recognised as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a sovereign people no longer foederatt and that their domains were increased by the cession to them of the whole GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Novempopulana This treaty was far from being the only blow which the Roman power and prestige sustained in that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: momentous year Geiseric perfidiously seized Carthage and made himself complete master of the proconsular province His ruthless expropriation of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: landowners his drastic proceedings against the orthodox Church and the other features of his conquest are related in all histories GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the period and need not be dwelt upon here Both Valentinian who had now taken the reins of government GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into his own hands and Theodosius the eastern Emperor were seized with consternation Theodosius sent a powerful naval expedition to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bring the Vandals to their senses but it never got beyond Sicily where it was delayed by Geiseric s diplomacy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: until trouble nearer home necessitated its recall A treaty was then made in which the best provinces of Africa were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: surrendered to the Vandals though Geiseric undertook to supply Rome with corn and gave his son Huneric as a hostage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He was soon compelled by disturbances in his own realm caused by his despotic conduct to seek a further rapprochement GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the western Emperor He brought about the betrothal of Huneric to Valentinian s daughter See Stein Gesch d sfdtrom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Retches I n Most authorities assign this improvement in the Gothic status to an earlier date see note on Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carm sqq xvii INTRODUCTION Eudocia who was then six years old Huneric who was restored to his father at this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time was already married to a daughter of the Visigothic king Theodoric I but a charge of attempted poisoning was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made a pretext for discarding her and she was sent back to her father with her ears and nose cut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: off From to the death of Valentinian in Geiseric kept the peace with the Empire though this did not prevent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him from encouraging the designs of the Huns on Gaul Meanwhile Aetius had been active in Gaul but the details GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his operations are not very clear We learn that the Alani and the Burgundians who had suffered grievously in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the disaster of at last had lands assigned them in which they settled as foederati One body of Alans found GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a home in the neighbourhood of Valence or earlier another under King Goar the old supporter of the usurper Jovinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was settled near Orleans In the following year the Burgundians received a permanent abode in Sapaudia Savoy It was apparently GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: about this time that Roman troops were finally withdrawn from Britain In Aetius obtained the signal honour of a third GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consulship We have scanty details of another rising in Aremorica occasioned by the exactions of the Roman treasury It began GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: perhaps in and lasted for some years in the end the Aremoricans gained a position of complete independence nominally as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foederati and some other Celtic peoples who had joined them seem to have won the same privilege Some time before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Ripuarian Franks were once more flung back across the Rhine by Aetius Probably after this came the The account GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in this paragraph follows Stein xviii INTRODUCTION attempt of the Salian Franks under Ghlogio to extend their territory to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Somme and their defeat near Vicus Helenae In Spain the Suevians under their king Rechiar who had recently married a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: daughter of Theodoric crowned their longstanding hostility by devastating the province of Tarraconensis the great stronghold of the Roman Empire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Spain The approach of the halfcentury was darkened by the growing menace of the Huns under Attila It was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fortunate for Aetius and for the Roman cause that the specious overtures of Attila were regarded with suspicion by Theodoric GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and that the mission of A Vitus secured the support of the Goths The bloody battle of the Mauriac or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Catalaunian Plains near Troyes in which Theodoric lost his life saved Gaul from the invaders Aetius however did not follow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up his success He persuaded the new Gothic king Thorismund to lead his warriors home and Attila was enabled to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: withdraw with comparative ease to ravage northern Italy and to threaten the existence of Rome until his death in Before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the end of this year Thorismund who had renewed the old policy of Gothic expansion was murdered by his brothers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Theodoric and Frederic and the former ascended the throne as Theodoric II The new king had a tincture of Latin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: civiUsation gained partly through the teaching of Avitus and at the beginning of his reign he gave signal proofs of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friendship He resumed the federate status which his father had discarded then he proceeded to Spain where he quelled an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: antiRoman peasant rising and induced his Suevian brotherinlaw Rechiar to restore the Sidonius Carm sqq Sidonius Carm INTRODUCTION province of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carthaginiensis to the Empire The western Roman world was beginning to breathe more freely when it was suddenly convulsed by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the news that Aetius had been murdered by his Emperor Whatever one may think of Valentinians motives the results of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this deed were serious The Goths became restless the Salian Franks under Chlogio took Cambrai and extended their conquests to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Somme the Ripuarian Franks and the Alamanni once more crossed the Rhine and Count Marcelhnus who commanded in Dalmatia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: declared himself independent of the western Empire A conspiracy was formed in which Petronius Maximus a prominent noble who had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: filled the highest offices of state joined forces with old followers of Aetius and on the th of March Valentinian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: met the fate which he had brought upon Aetius in the previous year With him died that loyalty to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dynastic principle which had protected his family for nearly a century The Empire of the West now begins to fade GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: away in a miserable succession of brief reigns The first in this series of illfated princes was the Petronius Maximus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who has just been mentioned Little more than two months after his accession he was seeking flight before the approach GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Geiseric whom he had wantonly provoked The furious crowd fell upon him stoned him to death and tore him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: limb from Umb The Vandals entered Rome three days later and plundered it for two weeks returning at last to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carthage with immense booty and some very important captives including Eudoxia the widow of Valentinian her two daughters and Gaudentius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the younger son of Aetius Petronius Maximus had made Avitus a magisier INTRODUCTION militum and had sent him to secure GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the favour of Theodoric for the new regime Avitus was at the court of Toulouse when news came of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Emperors assassination and of the sack of Rome Theodoric urged him to seize the throne and offered his support Avitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allowed himself to be persuaded A hastily summoned gathering of Gallo Roman senators met at Viernum or Ugernum Beaucaire near GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arles and enthusiastically hailed him as the future champion of Gaul and saviour of the Empire On the th of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: July he was proclaimed Emperor by the soldiers He reached Rome in September and assumed the consulship at the beginning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the following year The Vandals claimed his immediate attention Geiseric had seized the lands which had been left to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rome by the treaty of and had declared his independence of the Roman suzerainty Avitus tried both threats and armed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: force against him An armament which he sent to Sicily under Ricimer foiled a Vandal attempt on Agrigentum and afterwards GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: won a naval victory near Corsica But the Gallic Emperor was looked on askance by the Italian senators and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: people began to murmur when a failure of the cornsupply threatened them with famine Avitus agreed to lessen the number GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of mouths to be fed by dismissing the force of federate troops which had accompanied him from Gaul But these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had first to be paid he therefore melted down and sold a number of bronze statues which had escaped the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ravages of the Vandals An open revolt broke out At the head of it were Ricimer the ambitious Suevian whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avitus had raised to the See n on Sidonius Carm f Sidonius Carm INTRODUCTION second military command of the West GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Majorian friend and old companioninarms of Ricimer who had been made comes domesticorum by Valentinian after the murder of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aetius Avitus deprived of his loyal troops was helpless and fled to Aries After a vain appeal to Theodoric who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had gone to Spain and was engaged in a merciless war with the Suevian king he mustered a force as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: best he could and marched into Italy Near Placentia he was defeated and captured He was spared for the moment GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and allowed to become Bishop of Placentia October th or th but he could not feel safe and soon attempted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to return to his home in Auvergne He died on the way possibly he was murdered The fall of Avitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aroused consternation and indignation in Gaul Both the national feeling of the GalloRomans and their loyalty to the Empire had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: received a rude shock The central government had shown its weakness in many ways Africa was lost to the Empire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the Roman name of which they were proud was sadly tarnished In order to repair the distresses of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time the resources of Gaul had been raided with special severity To Avitus the Empire had owed much in time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of peril Both as Gauls and as Romans they had looked to him to inaugurate a brighter era And now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these hopes had gone for ever the Italian senators it seemed would rather let the Empire go to ruin than GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allow the supreme power to be held by one outside their own charmed circle It is no wonder if this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sudden See n on Sidonius Carm For this merciful method of making a fallen potentate harmless we may compare the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: case of Glycerins below p XXX xxii INTRODUCTION revulsion of feeling led to desperate measures Lyons was the centre of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the revolt The rebellious GalloRoman nobles allied themselves with the Burgundians and admitted a Burgundian garrison into the town The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: insurgents or a section of them seem to have invited Count Marcellinus to lead them and to assume the Imperial GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: diadem He had held a command under Aetius and after the murder of his old chief he had shown vigour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and decision and the courage of his convictions he would be an inspiring leader and he would make short work GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of an Itahan clique if it stood in his way Theodoric who had seen in his compact with Avitus a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: satisfactory accommodation of Gothic and Imperial interests was now in no mood to keep the peace On his return from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Spain he renewed the old attacks on Narbonensis The coalition of Ricimer and Majorian resulted in the elevation of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: latter to the throne Whatever one may think of his part in the fall of Avitus Majorian was certainly a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man of ability and character Apart from internal affairs his most urgent task was the crushing of Geiseric He enUsted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a great army composed mostly of foreign contingents and prepared a large fleet which was to assemble off the coast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Spain His plan was to march through Gaul and Spain gathering contingents from the federate peoples as he went GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and then to cross the strait for a decisive struggle He See n on Sidonius Epist I See above p GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: xx There is a controversy about the exact date of Majorian formal accession See nn on Sidonius Carm E and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ff xxiii INTRODUCTION set out late in the year On his way he had to subdue the rebellious GalloRomans Lyons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: capitulated apparently a Uttle before the Emperor arrived in person on favourable terms which seem to have been arranged by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the quaestor Petrus Majorian showed a wise leniency Even the severe taxation which he at first imposed upon the insurgents GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems to have been remitted and danger from the Burgundians was removed by allowing them to occupy the province of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lugdunensis Prima with the exception of Lyons itself The Goths had next to be mastered this was accomplished by Aegidius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who with the aid of reinforcements sent by the Emperor drove them back from Aries In their case also Majorian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was conciliatory and Theodoric agreed to a continuation of the old federate status Majorians expedition came to grief in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: following year An act of treachery enabled Geiseric to surprise the Roman fleet off the coast of Spain between Cartagena GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Alicante and to capture a great number of the ships Majorian had to conclude a humiliating treaty by which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Geiseric probably obtained legal possession of the African provinces which he had recently seized he may also have received at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same time Corsica Sardinia and the Balearic Islands which were certainly in his possession a few years later After GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spending some time in It seems probable that Marcellinus dissociated himself from the revolt when he heard that his old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comradeinarms Majorian had been proclaimed Emperor Sidonius Carm In this and in the preceding paragraph I have for the most GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: part followed the orthodox version Steins ingenious account though valuable seems at times to strain the evidence including the evidence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidonius xxiv INTRODUCTION Gaul Majorian returned to Italy with a small following having disbanded the barbarian contingents enlisted for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Vandal campaign On the nd of August he was attacked and captured near Tortona by a large body of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ricimers armed retainers and five days later he was beheaded Ricimer the Patrician a title which he had held since GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was now the real ruler of the West though as a barbarian and an Arian he could not aspire to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the throne In November he set up a puppetEmperor in the person of Libius Severus But he soon found himself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in difficulties Geiseric who hated him made piratical attacks on the coasts of Italy and Sicily Marcellinus who probably held GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the rank of magister militum in Dalmatia and Aegidius the magister militum in Gaul threw off their allegiance and Theodoric GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: renounced the compact which he had made with Majorian The eastern Emperor was induced to hold Marcellinus in check but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the troubles in the Gallic provinces were not so easily ended The threatened invasion of Italy by Aegidius was kept GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: off by purchasing Gothic and Burgundian friendship at a heavy price The Burgundians under King Gundioc were allowed to occupy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lyons and their territory was further enlarged so that they barred the landroute to Italy the searoute was barred by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allowing the Goths to seize Narbonne and the greater part of Narbonensis Prima which extended from the Pyrenees to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rhone The Goths were also encouraged to extend their conquests in Spain but when Theodorics brother Frederic tried to push GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Gothic power On this title as applied to Ricimer see n on Sidonius Carm XXV INTRODUCTION beyond the Loire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was signally defeated near Orleans by Aegidius who had found a valuable ally in Childeric king of the Salian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Franks Fortunately for Rieimer and his allies Aegidius died in the folloving year But the wily Vandal had still to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be dealt vith Geiseric thought it politic to Usten at last to the representations of Leo the eastern Emperor so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: far as to give upEudoxia and her daughter Placidia whom he sent to Constantinople Eudocia the other daughter who had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: married Huneric was retained In return for this concession he is said to have received as much of Eudocias inheritance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as was situated in the East and also a promise from Leo to abstain from hostiUties against him Soon he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: addressed further demands to the West claiming a large share of the property of Valentinian III and making the capture GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Gaudentius a pretext for claiming the property of Aetius In addition he demanded that Olybrius an accommodating senator who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had married Placidia either in Africa or in Constantinople should receive the sceptre of the West Annual raids on Italy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Sicily reinforced his demands Nothing short of a great effort of East and West in common had any prospect GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of crushing him On the th of November Libius Severus died He had really been a usurper as Leo who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had never acknowledged him had legally been the sole Roman Emperor since the death of Majorian There followed seventeen months GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in which Leo had no colleague in the West Geiseric continued to press the claims of Olybrius and to attack GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Italy and Sicily At last he had the temerity to raid the Peloponnese So lordanes Rom but his statement has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been questioned xxvi INTRODUCTION Leo was stung to action He now acceded to insistent requests from Italy and appointed a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: colleague to rule in the West and to collaborate in a great offensive against the Vandals The man of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: choice was Anthemius who besides being a soninlaw of the late Emperor Marcian had a distinguished record of public service GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to his credit Anthemius was created Augustus on the th of April In the same year his daughter Alypia was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: given in marriage to Ricimer Next year the great offensive was launched Basiliscus the commanderinchief sailed with an enormous force GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to take Carthage an army began to march from Egypt through Tripolitana to cooperate in the conquest of Africa Marcellinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who held the chief command of the western forces was sent to capture Sardinia Basiliscus after defeating a Vandal fleet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sent against him anchored near Carthage and had Geiseric at his mercy but the resourceful Vandal persuaded him probably with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the aid of a large bribe to grant a truce of five days Thereupon the Vandals brought up fireships and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: launched an unexpected attack inflicting such serious losses that Basiliscus retreated to Sicily The final blow came dth the assassination GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Marcellinus who had crossed over to Sicily after recovering Sardinia This dastardly deed was almost certainly brought about by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ricimer whose position in Italy would have been very insecure if Marcellinus had come back covered with glory Geiseric promptly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: regained Sardinia and a little later Sicily The eastern forces were vdthdrawn and those of the West were required for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the defence of Italy and for operations against the Goths in Gaul In Euric had murdered his brother Theodoric xxvii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: INTRODUCTION and become king of the Visigoths It soon became clear that he meant to throw off his nominal dependence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on Rome and to extend his dominions over all the Gallic lands The union of East and West for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: war against Geiseric with whom he had meditated an alliance deterred him for a time but the disastrous failure of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the great expedition gave him his opportunity He seems to have counted on a large measure of support from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: GalloRomans His success in this direction was probably less than he had expected owing to the antagonism of the Catholic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Church and the traditional loyalty of the upper classes but Arvandus the Praetorian Prefect and many others went over to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his side Arvandus was summoned to Rome impeached for High Treason and condemned to death though the sentence was afterwards GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: commuted to one of banishment Matters now came to a crisis Anthemius prepared an expedition and the Bretons of Aremorica GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under King Riothamus marched to defend the territory north of the Loire Riothamus was completely defeated near Vicus Dolensis Deols GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dep Indre and fled with the remnant of his army to the Burgundians Euric thus became master of Tours and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bourges and of a large part of the province of Aquitanica Prima east of Aquitanica Secunda which had been occupied GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the Goths for more than fifty years he was however prevented from extending his conquests north of the Loire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Count Paulus and after the death of Paulus in by Syagrius son of Aegidius with the aid of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Franks under King Childeric But there were prizes to be won in other parts In Aquitanica Prima Auvergne whose inhabitants GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: xxviii INTRODUCTION prided themselves on their Latin blood and on their connexion vith Rome still remained unconquered more important still GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were those cities of Narbonensis which still remained Roman especially Aries the headquarters of the Roman administration But before these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: could be subdued the army which Anthemius had organised had to be met and defeated It crossed the Alps in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under the leadership of Anthemiolus son of the Emperor and three other generals but on its way to Aries it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was totally defeated on the left bank of the Rhone all its generals being slain Euric overran and plundered the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lower Rhonevalley from Valence to the sea but as he had impinged on Burgundian territory he thought it prudent to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: abandon for the present his conquests in that region and to transfer his attention to two centres of opposition farther GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: west A fierce war had been waged with the Suevians in Spain for some years Euric himself took command and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ultimately about made himself master of practically the whole of the peninsula except the old home of the Suevians in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the northwest This diversion of large Gothic forces made it easier for the Arvernians to defend their capital modern ClermontFerrand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The exploits of EcdiciuSj the youngest son of the late Emperor Avitus the courageous helpfulness of his brotherinlaw Apollinaris Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now Bishop of Auvergne and the garrison provided by the Burgundians who had no desire to see a further extension GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Gothic power enabled the townsmen to hold out for some years But their resistance could not go on for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever and the Empire was See n on Sidonius Carm See especially Sidonius Epist III xxix INTRODUCTION too weak to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: defend its last strongholds in the west In Ricimer whom no Emperor could satisfy in the long run brought about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fall and assassination of Anthemius A few weeks later he himself died and before the end of the year GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Emperor whom he had set up Olybrius who as we have seen had been Geiserics nominee was also no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more Four months later March the Burgundian Gundobad Ricimers successor as Patrician caused the comes domesticorum Glycerius to be proclaimed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Emperor by the troops in Ravenna This election however was not recognised by the eastern Emperor Leo I who nominated GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Julius Nepos a nephew of Marcellinus Glycerius could offer no resistance and was put out of harms way by being GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consecrated Bishop of Salona in Dalmatia Nepos seems at first to have planned vigorous measures against the Goths and he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made the heroic Ecdicius magister militum praeseitalis and Patrician But a change soon occurred the details of which are not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: entirely clear Whatever the reason Ecdicius soon lost his new dignities and was replaced by Orestes a Roman from Pannonia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who had once been Attilas secretary Nepos in agreement with the Burgundian king sought to arrange terms of peace with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Euric The negotiations were entrusted to a delegation of bishops They arranged that Auvergne should be surrendered while the Empire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: should still rule in southern Provence including Aries and Marseilles It was a bitter blow to the Arvernians to be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thus sacrificed by an Empire for which they had fought and suffered so long The rule of Rome in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: west was now crumbling to pieces The Danubian XXX INTRODUCTION provinces had actually if not nominally thrown off their allegiance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Spain was lost The rest of the miserable tale may be told in a few words Orestes rose against GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nepos compelling him to take refuge in Dalmatia Preferring to remain Patrician he elevated to the Imperial throne on st GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: October his son Romulus who is generally designated by the nickname given him in pity or contempt for his youth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Augustulus Less than a year sufficed to end this usurping reign The barbarian mercenaries quartered in Italy unable to obtain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pay from a depleted exchequer demanded that one third of the land should be made over to them When their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: demand was refused they rose in rebellion and proclaimed their leader the Scirian Odovacar King of Italy Augustulus was mercifully GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allowed to retire into private life In this situation Euric found an opportunity of winning the coveted strip of Provence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for which the Romans had recently sacrificed Auvergne or Nepos was still legally Emperor and thus the eastern Emperor had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a colleague until the death of Nepos in Even apart from this as modern historians do not fail to point GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out it is incorrect to speak of the year as marking the fall of the Roman Empire in the West GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nevertheless the events of that year were of immense significance Italy the ancient home of the Empire now saw one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: third of her land in possession of barbarians and began to suffer the fate which had already overtaken the proud GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lands of Gaul and Africa She had a foreign ruler in her midst unhampered by the presence even of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: puppetEmperor such as Ricimer See for example Bury of cit I p INTRODUCTION had liked to set up It is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: true that the Roman Empire continued to exist in the West even after the death of Nepos Legally the lack GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of a western Emperor did not matter the Emperor who ruled in Constantinople ruled also in Italy and even barbarian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rulers such as Odovacar and Theodoric the Ostrogoth found it expedient to acknowledge his sovereignty But such legal technicalities and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: such ostentatious deference cannot hide the fact that the substance of power was in other hands and that a momentous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: change had taken place II LIFE AND WORKS OF SIDONIUS Gaius Sollius Modestus Apollinaris Sidonius was born at Lyons Lugdunum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the th of November the year is uncertain but it must have been about AD His family was one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of considerable distinction His greatgrandfather had held an official position of some importance his grandfather the first of his family GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to adopt the Christian religion In his works he is usually called simply Sollius or Sidonius The latter is not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: strictly a surname cognomen but a signum These signa which properly denoted membership of some association were often adopted by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: persons of good birth Modestus has strong MS authority in the incipit of Carm less strong in the svbscriptiones of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: most books of the Letters It may be authentic but it ought perhaps to be regarded with as much suspicion GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as Sophronius in the name of Jerome The notion that it is due to a wrong inference from Epist IX GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is scarcely credible Carm This is inferred from Epist VIII which tells us that in the year he was adulescens GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: atque adhuc nuper ex puero On the whole or seems the most likely date xxxii INTRODUCTION had been Praetorian Prefect GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Gaul and his father held the same exalted position when Sidonius was Uttle more than a boy His mother GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was connected with the distinguished house of the Aviti We do not know where he received his education some think GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was partly at Lyons and partly at Aries The great institutions of higher learning in Gaul which had flourished GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so long under Imperial patronage seem by this time to have fallen on evil days but the upper classes still GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: retained their predilection for the traditional training of pagan Rome as represented in the schools of grammar and rhetoric Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: went through the usual courses in grammar literature rhetoric philosophy with its satellites arithmetic geometry astronomy and music and law GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He has recorded the names of two of his teachers Hoenius who taught him poetry and Eusebius who taught him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: philosophy He mentions Claudianus Mamertus the famous author of the De Statu Animae as having conducted edifying philosophical disputations with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him and other ardent students but it is not certain See Epist I with note cf III V grandfather V GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VIII father It is a frequent mistake to attribute to the age of Sidonius the conditions enjoyed a Uttle earlier GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Ausonius as a professor at Bordeaux The disturbed state of the country and the growing financial stringency had in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all probability caused the withdrawal of active Imperial patronage from the schools of grammar and rhetoric See Roger Uenseignement des GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letires dassiques dAitsone d Alcuin Paris pp This excellent book has not received the attention which it deserves See Carm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: epist Carm epist sq Carm Epist IV Z Epistln xxxiii VOL I B INTRODUCTION that Claudianus held any official post GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as a teacher or that this seminar as one might call it formed part of Sidoniuss regular course of higher GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: education it may have taken place later and in a different place Certainly these teachers never made Sidonius a philosopher GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He seems to have learnt enough Greek to construe Menander without much difficulty A good deal of the learning acquired GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the schools at this time was somewhat superficial and much of it was in tabloid form Historical examples were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a regular part of the educational course Sidonius was always ready to produce one or a dozen at the shortest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: notice though not always accurately to embellish his writings The way in which he repeats the same stock illustrations time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after time casts some light on the nature of the instruction received The case was somewhat similar with myths and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: legends which sprout up everywhere in his poetry and with literary criticism in which lists of past authors with brief GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: readymade descriptions were served up to the student Nevertheless a great deal of literature was read with comments on diction GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: style and subjectmatter great emphasis being placed on antiquarian details especially those dealing with mythology Sidonius shows an intimate acquaintance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with many wTiters especially poets and he must have acquired much of it in his student days Among the poets GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Virgil Horace Lucan Juvenal Martial Statius Ausonius Claudian and others were known to him at first hand most of them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intimately Among the EpisL IV It is interesting to note that he shows even in his early woiks some knowledge GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Christian poet Prudentius He had also some acquaintance with Plautus and he seems to have been fond of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Terence xxxiv INTRODUCTION prose authors whom he knew well were Pliny the Younger Apuleius and Symmachus But the letter counted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for more than the spirit The authors of the past were treasures from which to steal subjectmatter learned allusions and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tricks of diction The highest compliment which could be paid by one fifthcentury writer to another was that he recalled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one or more of the ancients Creative work in the true sense was not fostered in the schools The training GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in rhetoric had the same tendency as that given by the grammaticus The study of rhetoric though not without good GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: points had for centuries emphasized the importance of form rather than of matter A straining after effect an ostentatious and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: often unnatural use of words forced antithesis farfetched conceits silly paradoxes overelaboration and a constant sacrifice of clearness to cleverness GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these were some of the features which this training too often produced They are all found abundantly in Sidonius and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: strange to say his contemporaries admired them even if they did not always understand what he meant Amid the almost GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: complete silence of Sidonius about his formative years we read of one trivial incident which gave him much pleasure At GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the beginning of the year the new consul Astyrius inaugurated his office in an imposing ceremony at Aries and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: young Sidonius whose father was Praetorian Prefect of Gaul at the time occupied a place of great honour Perhaps Fronto GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: should be added to this list Cicero is often mentioned and some acquaintance with his works especially the letters Ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Familiares is shown There are also indications that the works of Sallust Livy Seneca and Tacitus were to some extent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: known to Sidonius Ejtist VIII XXXV INTRODUCTION being allowed to stand beside the curule chair There is no doubt that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the young man was already planning to follow the family tradition by entering the government service and attaining to high GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: office perhaps even to the consulship itself which none of his family had reached His prospects already bright were soon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: greatly enhanced when he married Papianilla daughter of Avitus The marriage which was obviously a happy one brought him the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: delightful estate of Avitacum near ClermontFerrand Auvergne in which it was situated thus became a second fatherland to this young GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lyonese who was destined to have a pathetic opportunity of showing his devotion to it There seem to have been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: four children of the marriage a son and three daughters Avitus was proclaimed Emperor in July ad Carm The son GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is the ApoUinaris to whom Epist III is addressed of V V VIII IX When Count Victorius the governor was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: driven out of Auvergne about the year owing to his outrageous conduct Apollinaris accompanied him in his flight to Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: There Victorius continuing his misbehaviour was put to death and Apollinaris was imprisoned at Milan He succeeded in escaping and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: returned to Auvergne In he fought along with other Arvemians in the disastrous battle against Clovis at Vouille Campus Vogladensis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: About eight years later when his fathers old see of Clermont fell vacant he obtained it not it seems without GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a good deal of intrigue in which his wife and a sister named Alcima joined and bribery Greg Tur Hist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fr III He died a few months after his installation Sidonius maes no mention of Alcima but he mentions as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: daughters Severiana Epist II and Roscia V Mommsen perhaps unnecessarily doubts whether these three names aU belong to separate persons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He also credits Sidonius with twins This amusing error which has become an article of faith with subsequent writers on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius is due to a very unscholarly misunderstanding of Carm xxxvi INTRODUCTION and his proud soninlaw accompanied him to Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: On the first of January in the following year the new Emperor assumed the consulship and Sidonius delivered to an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: applauding throng a long panegyric in verse Carmen The honour of a bronze statue in the Forum of Trajan was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: decreed to the young poet whose fortune now seemed to be made But his elation was shortlived The fall of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avitus and the subsequent rebellion in Gaul have already been described Sidonius might well be excused for joining in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: insurrection Petrus the Imperial secretary who seems to have arranged the terms of capitulation would no doubt recognise this moreover GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was a literary man himself and he probably admired the young poet who had so recently won the plaudits GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Romans It seems certain that he secured pardon for Sidonius at the earliest opportunity When Majorian arrived in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lyons late in the year Sidonius already pardoned see Carm delivered a panegyric in his honour Carm The concluding lines GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the poem show that Majorian had not yet fully decided the fate of Lyons and of the insurgent GalloRomans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The poet seeks to arouse his pity and professes to detect in the Imperial countenance a look of compassion Whether GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the poets pleading worked on Majorian or not it is certain that he was merciful though he imposed a heavy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tax as a punishment In Carmen whidi was in all probability composed very soon after the panegyric Sidonius pleads for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a remission of this burden and it seems safe to conclude that his plea Carm Epist IX m See pp GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: xxixxiv See Carm with note on v xxxvii INTRODUCTION was successful Although it must have been very hard to forgive GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the man who had conspired with Ricimer to bring about the downfall of Avitus the generosity of Majorian his innate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nobility of character and his attractive personality won the heart of Sidonius and Majorian did what he could to cement GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their friendship In the following year or in the year we find Sidonius occupying a government post at Romei nd GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the year we find that he has the title of Count Comes which if not given in virtue of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a definite office of state betokened at least that he was an accepted member of the court circle In that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: year he travelled from Auvergne to Aries where Majorian was sojourning after the disastrous failure of his expedition against Geiseric GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and he has left us a long and interesting account of an Imperial dinnerparty at which he was a guest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But the end of Majorian was at hand and in August of that year Sidonius was once more bereft of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an Imperial patron See note on commilitio recenti Epist I also n on of the same letter So far as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is known Sidonius had not previously held any appointment in the Imperial civil service It has been conjectured that he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was Iribunus et notarius under Avitus He may have been but there is absolutely no evidence of it Epist I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Seep xxiv Epist I By an unfortunate inadvertence M A Loyen attributes to Mr Stevens and personally approves the view GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that this party took place in ad see Journ Rom Stud XXIV p This date is quite impossible as the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letter itseK shows the date is suggested by Mr Stevens not for this dinnerparty but for the one mentioned in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Epist IX Stevens Sidonius Apollinaris p For the fall of Majorian see p xxv xxxviii INTRODUCTION How he spent liis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time in the ensuing six years may be partially inferred from his own writings several of which both poems and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letters must have been written in this period although anything like an accurate dating is generally impossible It seems certain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that he lived partly in the old family home at Lyons and partly at Avitacum and that from time to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time he visited numerous friends in different parts of the country passing many a happy day like those which he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spent with Tonantius Ferreolus and ApoUinaris Epist II His visit to Bishop Faustus at Riez Carm almost certainly took place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the same period It is quite possible that the visit to the court of Theodoric II at Toulouse Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I occurred in one of these years and he may well have combined it with a series of visits to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friends in Bordeaux and its neighbourhood including a stay with Pontius Leontius at Burgus which he celebrates in Carm We GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: learn from Carm epist that he spent a considerable time at Narbonne where Consentius and many other friends lived in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad or a very little later In all probability this was the occasion on which he enjoyed the hospitality which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he celebrates in Carm The murder of Theodoric the accession of Euric It is commonly said that Sidonius at some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time held the Praetorian Prefectship of Gaul This idea arises from a misinterpretation of Epist IV and and from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: expression fori index in the socalled Epitaphium Sidonii found in the Codex Matritensis th or th century I cordially agree GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with those who impugn the authority of this epitaph see especially Stevens p n and p but even if it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were an authentic document one could not say that its vague language proves that Sidonius was Praetorian Prefect Fori index GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was possibly suggested by Epist IX v iuta gubemat which refers to the Prefecture of the City xxxix INTRODUCTION and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the elevation of Anthemius to the Imperial throne April have been related elsewhere Early in the new reign Sidonius was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: commissioned by the Arvernians to present to the Emperor a petition the subject of which he does not disclose He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has described his journey in a long and interesting letter I which was supplemented early in the following year by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: another I He arrived in Rome at a time when the whole city was joyfully celebrating the marriage of Ricimer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Alypia the daughter of Anthemius To further the business with which he was entrusted Sidonius attached himself to two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: powerful senators Gennadius Avienus and Caecina Basilius As the st of January approached on which date Anthemius was going to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assume the consulship Basilius suggested to Sidonius that it would be profitable for him to bring out the old Muse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and compose a panegyric This he did and once more he stood before a Roman throng to sing the praises GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of an emperorconsul He must surely have spoken with a lump in his throat as he thought of that other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: New Years Day twelve years before when he had stood before a similar gathering and prophesied a glorious reign for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avitus But his facile Muse did all that was necessary and his reward came promptly in his appointment as Prefect GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the City This preferment may have been designed to please the GalloRoman nobles as well as to recognise the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: virtues of the panegyric but it obviously gave him great delight The office of Prefect of the City was still GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one of the most exalted in the Empire The Prefect was President of the Senate and also head of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: judicature and of the police both in Rome and See pp xxvii f gee EpisL I xl INTRODUCTION for a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hundred miles around it Besides this he was controller of the foodsupply This was a worrying responsibility in a period GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when the hostility of Geiseric might at any time cause a shortage and we read of one occasion when Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: feared an outcry from the populace and anxiously awaited the arrival of five shiploads of wheat and honey He tells GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: us no more of his prefectship which he held for a year We may imagine that he was glad to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be freed from a rather thankless office and to leave Rome with the prestige of an exprefect and the honourable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: title of Patrician He had another reason for preferring Gaul to Rome in the year for it was then that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his friend Arvandus was brought to Rome for trial on a serious charge and so conducted himself that it was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: impossible to save him Arvandus had become Praetorian Prefect of Gaul in ad and had given such satisfaction at first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that his term of office was increased to five years But his conduct had undergone a change and his oppression GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and malversation could no longer be borne He was arrested by order of the Council of the Seven Provinces and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sent to Rome for trial Meanwhile the three delegates sent from Gaul to prosecute him were furnished with evidence which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made the charge against him infinitely more serious A letter from him to Euric had been intercepted in which he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: advised the Gothic king to abandon his pacific attitude toward the Greek Emperor Anthemius to attack the Bretons and to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arrange a division of Gaul between the Goths and the Burgundians Epist I On the case of Arvandus see Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I also p xxviii above xli INTRODUCTION Sidonius was in an embarrassing position The three accusers sent from Gaul were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: old friends of his but he had also been on friendly terms with Arvandus Along with some others he did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all that was possible to help the prisoner by advising him to make no admissions and to be wary of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: any traps that might be set for him Their advice was received with scorn by Arvandus whose arrogance and selfconfidence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: almost passed belief Sidonius left Rome before the trial came on Arvandus was condemned on a charge of High Treason GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and sentenced to death but the sentence was commuted to one of exile We next find Sidonius apparently in ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or enthroned at Clermont as Bishop of the Arverni We do not know what immediately led to this change but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was not the first or the last noble who abandoned the honours of state for the responsibilities of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see There were various reasons which made such a translation desirable The weakening power of the Empire was bitter to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all who loved the Roman name As the Imperial power declined it was the Church above all that upheld the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: standard of Roman civilisation and maintained and diffused the Roman spirit amid barbarian surroundings To Sidonius this must have meant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: much Again the bishop was a great refuge in time of trouble He could aid the distressed in a very GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: special way and stand up to the oppressor whether Roman official or barbarian potentate It had long been the custom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to vest certain judicial powers in him He also administered large funds which might be used both for the relief GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of distresses and for the furtherance of the Catholic religion but which too often tempted greedy intriguers to possess themselves GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of a diocese In Gaul xlii INTRODUCTION Euric a fanatical Arian was hostile to the orthodox church seeing in it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not only the promoter of a hated creed but the fosterer of the Roman antibarbarian spirit There was therefore plenty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of work to challenge the zeal of a patriot who cared also for religion In countries like Gaul it was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not merely the man of piety that was required for this task It was often not only a great advantage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but a necessity to have as bishop a man of rank and wealth a man who could face even Euric GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: himself and command respect and who could through his experience as an administrator backed by his own generosity provide the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: means to resist aggression and to help the ruined and homeless outcasts whose numbers were being multiplied by the excesses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of friend and foe alike Sidonius must have felt all this At the same time he felt how illfitted he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was for the task A sense of his own unworthiness to be a spiritual guide oppressed him not only now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but to the end The worldly ambitions which were characteristic of his class might often be patriotic but they were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not set upon the City of God Moreover he was now asked to become a bishop so suddenly that any GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: adequate preparation for his ecclesiastical duties was out of the question In entering the Church he would be entering a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: world which was strange to him and in which he would have much both to learn and to unlearn And GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was no theologian His poem to Faustus Carm shows not only an imperfect knowledge of the Scriptures but a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: naive unorthodoxy which would have drawn from a less tolerant ecclesiastic a horrified rebuke He remained a close friend both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the heretical Faustus and of Claudianus Mamertus who dedicated to Sidonius the De Statu xliii INTRODUCTION Animae in which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the views of Faustus are vigorously assailed This impartiality does credit to his heart at the same time it cannot GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be said with certainty that he really understood what the controversy was all about Nevertheless the poem to Faustus shows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius as a devout Christian with a profound admiration for the saintly character and there is plenty of other evidence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that along with all his enthusiasm for the pomp and pageantry of power and amid all his literary preoccupation with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the products of heathen mythology he retained a sense of humble dependence on a divine Providence It is easy to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be cynical and point out that the position of a bishop gave both dignity and what offices of state did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not always give comparative safety It must however be remembered that he felt both then and even later the glamour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the government service and as far as we know he might have looked forward to further distinctions perhaps even GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the most coveted honour of all that of the consulship Be that as it may we cannot deny that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was renouncing much his domestic and social life could not be quite the same as before his liberty was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: curtailed his wealth might have to be sacrificed and there were dangerous times ahead in Auvergne which he cannot have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: failed in some measure to foresee and to fear The insinuation of some historians that Sidonius sought the episcopal throne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and that he did so from motives of worldly prudence is not justified either by his owTi words or by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intrinsic probability It is sometimes held that Sidonius spent some time in the lower ranks of the clergy before being GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: installed as bishop but the evidence for this is not conclusive See Stevens Sidonius Apollinaris p n See Mommsen in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Luetjohanns edition p xlviii xhv INTRODUCTION Sometimes a layman was rushed through the lower degrees but in some cases even GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this formality was dispensed with Sidonius took his new status very seriously He resolved to write no more worldly verses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: This was a great renunciation for a man who had for so many years found delight in thrumming on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: antique lyre On the whole his austere vow was kept as well as could reasonably be expected There was indeed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sterner work to be done even apart from the ordinary duties of spiritual oversight Auvergne with all its ancient pride GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the Roman name was in imminent danger of going the way of other parts of Gaul and falling into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the clutches of the barbarian Romans even members of the old governing class were more and more inclined to acquiesce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the new order of things and even to accept official positions under the sovereign Goth or the nominally federate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Burgundian In the parts of the country which still remained to the Empire there were traitors to the Roman name GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Seronatus undeterred by the fate of Arvandus freely encouraged Gothic encroachment and did what he could to curry favour with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Euric and to further his designs He was indeed thanks to Arvernian loyalty Ambrose passed from baptism to the episcopate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the course of a week C H Turner in Cambridge Medieval History p Sidonius himself when entrusted with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: task of choosing a bishop for the see of Bourges chose a layman see Epist VII where he reproduces the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: address which he delivered on the occasion In the circumstances his choice was not an unreasonable one EpisL IX He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: speaks of verses in general but he obviously did not mean to debar himself from writing poems with a Christian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: content See also IX w especially f EpisL II V VII xlv INTRODUCTION brought to justice and executed but this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was only a sHght setback to the sinister schemes of Euric Sidonius soon found that the see of Clermont called GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for all the qualities of a man and a patriot Unfortunately it is impossible to follow with any certainty the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: course of the struggle which began probably in AD and ended four years later with the sacrifice of Auvergne by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Empire for a transitory gain The Goths besieged the city every year retiring on the approach of winter after GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wasting the land There were sallies and some fierce fighting but the pressure went on relentlessly The Burgundians had sent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a garrison to help the besieged Ecdicius brotherinlaw of Sidonius raised a force mostly at his own expense and himself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: performed prodigies of valour and the good bishop did all that he could to animate the defenders and to relieve GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the distressed That they were distressed there is no doubt In all probability the citizens who resided outside the walls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when they had not fled to safer regions had taken refuge within and these along with the Burgundians and other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: troops were difficult to house as well as to feed The Burgundians seem to have been troublesome and the Goths GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had seen to it that supplies were scarce As things grew worse Sidonius could not help feeling that the troubles GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: must be a divine judgment for some unknown sin and indeed the people had grown slack in their public prayers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He therefore instituted at Clermont the special prayers or Rogations which Bishop Mamertus was said to have used with miraculous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: See EpisL III Episl III Epist III VII Efit V xlvi INTRODUCTION effect at Vienne But although these as he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tells us had a good effect circumstances were too strong as their privations increased and no help came the people GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: murmured more and more and all the efforts of their bishop could not quell the talk of surrender At this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: juncture Sidonius besought the saintly priest Constantius to come from Lyons to his aid Aged though he was Constantius braved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the rigours of a severe winter and a difficult journey to encourage the waverers and succeeded in nerving them to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: further resistance Ecdicius seems to have been absent for a considerable time at the Burgundian court Perhaps he was trying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to persuade the king to launch a great offensive against the Goths The language of Sidonius is vague he does GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not even say what court Ecdicius was visiting but we must remember that his letters were revised and modified before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: publication and that the original wording may have been much more explicit In the year the Quaestor Licinianus arrived in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gaul carrying with him the patent of the patriciate which with the Mastership of the Forces was now conferred upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ecdicius Sidonius was delighted at this and he reposed great hopes in the coming mission of Licinianus to the Gothic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: court We know nothing of that mission except that it gained no concession from Euric at least as far as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Auvergne was concerned If the appointment conferred on Ecdicius was meant to convince the Goth that the Emperor Nepos was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: organising a formidable resistance it failed dismally It seems safe to say that the speedy supersession of Ecdicius the declared GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enemy EpisL III Epist III Epist V Epist III sqq xlvii INTRODUCTION of the Goths by a more innocuous magister GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: militum betokened a change of policy in the direction of conciliation with Euric But the history of all these doings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is so obscure that we need not dwell longer upon them The end came in the following year when Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ceded Auvergne to the Goths in order to retain or regain a small strip of Provence At this betrayal of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the most loyal part of Gaul after years of suffering for the Roman cause Sidonius was filled with consternation A GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: moving letter written to Bishop Graecus of Marseilles who had had a hand in the drafting of the treaty voices GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his indignation and scorn Our slavery he says is the price that has been paid for the security of others GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Clermont was occupied by Victorius a Roman in the Gothic service now created Count of Auvergne He spared the town GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no doubt by order of Euric and probably pardoned all but the most prominent of the resisters It was impossible GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to ignore the uncompromising hostility of the bishop Sidonius was confined in the fortress of Livia near Carcassonne He seems GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to have been given some titular duties to alleviate the indignity of his imprisonment and It is just possible that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Goths had been in possession of the whole of Provence for two years and that the comer of it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which included Aries was regained by the bargain of ad see Stevens pp sqq The part played by Epiphanius and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the four other bishops BasUius of Aix Leontius of Aries Faustus of Riez Graecus of Marseilles in the making of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the treaty is a vexed question See Stevens pp Epist VII Liviana according to the Peutiger Table Sidonius speaks only GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of moenia Liviana It has been identified with the modem Capendu Epist IX per officii imaginem solo patrio exatus xlviii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: INTRODUCTION although he complained bitterly of his lot he does not seem to have been badly treated He had a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friend at the Gothic court Leo of Narbonne who was now a trusted minister of Euric discharging duties similar to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: those discharged for the Roman Emperor by the quaestor sacri palatii Leo asked him to transcribe the life of Apollonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Tyana by Philostratus probably wishing to give him a task which would take his mind off his troubles When GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this was completed and sent to Leo Sidonius had already won his freedom through the good offices of his friend GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: possibly before the end of the year His movements after his release are not entirely clear It seems certain that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was not allowed to return to Clermont immediately Sooner or later he went to Bordeaux and eventually he appeared GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as a suppliant at the court of Euric Two months passed without an answer to his suit At this point GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he sent to his friend Lampridius who enjoyed the favour of the Gothic king a letter containing a poem of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hendecasyllabic lines in which he not only makes reference to his own plight but draws an impressive picture of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gothic court crowded with embassies from near and far even from distant Persia all anxious to win the gracious favour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the See note on Carm On this office see note on Carm In Epist VIII Leo is described as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the kings mouthpiece Epist VIII ago adhuc exulem Epist VIII Sidonius does not say definitely that the court was then GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at Bordeaux It is possible that he had gone on from Bordeaux to Toulouse the Gothic capital Perhaps he had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: already had one audience semel visos Epist VIlI V is obscure but may mean this See note on Carm xlix GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: INTRODUCTION mighty Euric It is almost certain that he wished this poem to be brought to the notice of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: king Whatever its effect may have been it is certain that Sidonius was eventually allowed to return to Clermont and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to resume his duties as bishop The events of the past few years had left their mark upon him Truer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the traditions of his class than most of his friends had been he had clung wistfully hoping against hope GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to his faith in the Empire Even as late as the year he regarded the consulship as a dazzling prize GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He had indeed come to see that worldly ambition is not everything and he maintained in his later years that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the humblest of Gods ministers held a rank more exalted than the highest dignities of state But in his eyes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the two views were not inconsistent Church and State were merged in the great unity of Romanism To maintain the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Catholic faith against Arianism and to maintain the Roman civilisation against barbarism these were sacred duties bound up with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: heritage into which he had been born The sense of that heritage was strong in Sidonius As a GalloRoman noble GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he had been cradled and nurtured in the traditions of the past and it was a matter of pride as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: well as of conviction to uphold them The whole tenMommsen has some interesting pages on this poem Reden u Avfsdtze GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pp sqq It is absurd to suppose that Euric was ignorant of Latin It is true that he used an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interpreter when dealing with Epiphanius Ennod Vit Epiph but that need not mean more than that he did not feel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quite capable of deahng with the highly pohshed language of the Roman envoy see Roger op cit p We need GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not of course assume that he personally read the poem of Sidonius but if he did he probably understood its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: general drift EpisL V EpisL VII INTRODUCTION dency of his education had been to turn his gaze backward The literature GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the history of bygone days were his inspiration and he could not imagine any culture worth having which was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not drawn from that allsufficient source Deep down in his heart was the vision of the Empire a spiritual as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: well as a material force appointed from of old to guard all that was most precious In that last struggle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Arvernians the heroic bishop was fighting for this idealised Rome majestic even in her day of humiliation Amid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the despair of those times there had lurked a hope that somehow the Empire might arise from its ashes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and assert itself But such selfdeception could continue no longer He had to realise that now for better or worse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the barbarian kings were the inheritors of the Empire in the West Perhaps as he surveyed the scene at Eurics GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: court even he dimly perceived that the change now going on was not so much the Germanisation of the Romans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as the Romanisation of the Germans Rome was not a spent force even in the West But for Sidonius the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: revulsion was too violent Although the pictures sometimes drawn of his despair after his return to Clermont have been exaggerated GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through misunderstanding of his Latin combined with arbitrary dating of his letters there can be little doubt that the shattering GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his hopes and ideals told heavily upon him But he did not break down utterly He had many friends GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who did what they could to cheer him The preparation of his letters for publication helped to divert him though GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it must have given him many a pang by calling up memories of other days Above all there were his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: episcopal Moiumsen Rolen u Aujmtze p li INTRODUCTION duties All the evidence goes to show that he was loved and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trusted by his flock that he took a helpful interest in their various concerns and that he was assiduous in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the performance of his ecclesiastical functions The governor Count Victorius who was a Catholic showed himself helpful and sympathetic but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: alas only for a time One would like to think that Sidonius did not live to see the change which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: happened It is just possible that he was spared the distress which his son brought upon his house We do GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not know the year of his death ad seems the earliest date to which it can be assigned but a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: somewhat later date seems probable He was canonised and in Clermont his feast is still celebrated on the st of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: August Sidonius is one of the many writers who lisped in numbers for the numbers came He wrote poetry from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: early years and some of it was circulated among his friends but there is no evidence that any of it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was published before the collection still extant appeared That collection falls into two parts which were probably published separately but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: subsequently combined The first part consists of the For the conduct of Sidonius as bishop see Chaix Vol II Stevens GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: c VII The present volume does not contain any of the letters written by Sidonius as bishop these begin in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Book III See p xxxvi n Mommsen supports and is followed by Duchesne and Stein This dating however depends too GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: much on an arbitrary handling of the worthless epitaph see p xxxix n Aprunculus the successor of Sidonius in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see died in ad but the date of his installation is unknown The last letter of Sidonius is assigned to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad or see however p lix n Carm sq Epist V IX w sqq Hi INTRODUCTION panegyrics mentioned above which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occur in reverse order together with prefaces and dedications The second professedly consists of youthful poems The panegyrics are constructed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the formal lines laid down by the rhetoricians and hitherto carried out most thoroughly in poetry by Claudian Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: observes all the pitiable conventions of the genre and succeeds in writing three poems which for prolonged insipidity absurdity and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: futility would be hard to beat It is often very difficult to see what he means all the more difficult GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: because he so frequently means very little It is true that he occasionally brings forth a striking epigram all the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Latin poets could do that but these are by no means always as new as some of their admirers seem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to think A tenacious memory has given him plenty of material to steal from his predecessors If imitation is the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sincerest flattery never not even by Silius Italicus were previous writers honoured with a more thoroughgoing adulation But the imitation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: does not go beneath the surface Some of it is merely mechanical The old mythological machinery is made to work GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: overtime its figures are now rusty creaking puppets but he dresses them up in garish tinsel and spangles and makes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them present a ludicrous caricature of their oldtime splendour It is pathetic to think that such mouldy antiquarianism was considered GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a worthy tribute to the master of the If this order is due to Sidonius himself he may have desired GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to put the recently delivered panegyric on Anthemius in the place of honour as a comphment to the Emperor but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this is doubtful Klotz points out that the order of the prose Panegyrici Latini is similarly reversed except that Pliny GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the model of them all is naturally put first Uii INTRODUCTION Roman world The thought when there is any worth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: speaking of is thin or at least unoriginal The great object is not to think noble thoughts but to coin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clever phrases The ancients are ransacked for suggestions of all kinds but their features are disguised by all the virtuosity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the schools verbal jingles and bad puns forced contrasts unnatural use of words straining after point in season and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out of season It cannot be said that any one of these faults was new but in Sidonius they occur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with such devastating frequency and with such grotesque exaggeration that the reader is often driven to distraction The English language GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is quite incapable of reproducing all the oddities of these poems The consequence is that however feeble the translator they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: must needs seem more tolerable in his version than in the original Having said all this and one could easily GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: say a great deal more to the same effect one feels bound to admit that there are a few places GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: where the author deviates into sense and even into real feeling not ineptly expressed as when he exposes the sorrows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Lyons in the panegyric on Majorian or the character and prowess of the Arvenians in the panegyric on Avitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: There are also some descriptive touches and sentimental outbursts which suggest that the poet might have been more worthy of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his calling if he had lived in an age of less depraved taste But even these better morsels are soon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spoilt by some bizarre absurdity The chief value of the panegyrics apart from the light which they incidentally throw on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the literary training and ideals of the fifth century lies in their historical information which is of considerable importance The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: second part of the poems Carm was liv INTRODUCTION dedicated to Felix The dedicatory poem is a most extraordinary production GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: It is lines long and consists mostly of a list wath various embellishments of the subjects mostly mythological which he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is not going to treat and the writers whose themes or style he is not going to reproduce The other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poems are of various kinds Some are in hexameters the others are in elegiacs or hendecasyllabics There are a few GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: epigrams not unpleasing especially nos and No is the poem already mentioned in which he beseeches Majorian to remit the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tax Of the two epitkalamia nos and each of considerable length the best that can be said is that they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are not the only absurd experiments in that conventional form to be found in European literature The first one with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its tortuous conceits is a nerveracking problem for the wouldbe interpreter in the second one Sidonius after parading unblushingly his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius tells us that Felix had asked him to gather together in a book the trifles which he had written GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and circulated in his younger days Carm In iw fiF hesaya that he rarely commits such efforts to the permanent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: medium of a papjnrussheet and when he does so the sheet is always a short one not a roll in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other words those measures of his barren Muse v are not as a rule carefully preserved and they are always GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: short This passage has often been misunderstood Some authorities ignoring rarae take the passage to mean I am entrusting these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poems for pubhcation to a short roll and infer that the long poems and cannot have been included in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: original collection but were added in a second edition The fact is in aU probability that and were specially written GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for inclusion in the published collection and when Sidonius speaks about his brevis charta he is thinking of the more GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: youthful poems which form the main body of the book indeed the two longer poems may possibly not have been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: written at the time when he wrote the prefatory poem to Felix Iv INTRODUCTION ignorance of philosophy and astronomy shows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one or two genial traits which the jaded reader will scarcely appreciate It is rather inappropriately followed by a very GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pious poem to Bishop Faustus The description of Jonah in the whales belly vv is a striking instance of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poets uncanny powers It is unfortunately quite possible that Faustus and some other contemporaries admired its ingenuity But the poem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is not all as bad as that part Although Sidonius can never wholly rid himself of his mannerisms the second GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: half and indeed some of the earlier parts also does at least suggest some sincere feeling and the parts dealing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with Lerins and Riez have an interest of their own No is a very showy and obscure description of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Burgus of Pontius Leontius Sidonius has no idea that the reader of what purports to be a description of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: house might desire to learn what the house was really like rather than what the author could achieve as a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: verbal trickster There is also the inevitable parade of gods and other mythological figures Hie multus tu Jrater eris y GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see note ad loc is unfortunately the best thing in this poem of lines No is a tour deforce hendecasyllabics GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: addressed to his friend Consentius of Narbonne Though it has a fair share of the usual faults it shows some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: skill and is probably the most interesting of all the longer poems The description of the battered city recently occupied GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Theodoric has a certain effectiveness The praise of Theodoric may profitably be compared with Epist I Pantomimic performances which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: obviously enjoyed a considerable vogue even in those Christian times are described in a notable passage The picture of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chariotIvi INTRODUCTION race is a wonderfully vigorous effort based on Statius unfortunately it is marred by some obscurity in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: climax The last part of the poem gives an interesting and valuable picture of the social life enjoyed by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: GalloRoman nobles The collection ends with an epilogue speeding the book on its way from the author to friends in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: different parts of the country Poem see the prefatory letter was written not long after the occupation of Narbonne by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Theodoric in ad Probably the visit to Narbonne there mentioned is the same as the one mentioned in no which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: must in any case have been written not earlier than the year and not later than the date of Theodorics GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death If these two poems were specially written for inclusion in the published edition see p Iv n we may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plausibly assign the publication of poems approximately to AD The panegyrics must of course have been published after the delivery GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the panegyric to Anthemius in the year It is customary to assign them to The letters also contain a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: number of poems Several of them in accordance with the stern resolution which Sidonius took on obtaining his bishopric are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of a religious cast but these with the exception of the poem in IX are all very short It may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be of some interest as the statements made on the subject are generally rather vague to examine the letters with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the object of discovering how seriously Sidonius took his vow to keep the old pagan Muse in check Book II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contains an inscription for the church built by Bishop Patiens at Lyons II and also an epitaph II which has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no Christian content but as the INTRODUCTION letters in this book seem all to have been written before his episcopate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they are not relevant to our enquiry Apart from these there are five poems in the first seven books Three GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of these all with a Christian tone IV a lament for Claudianus Mamertus IV an inscription for the rebuilt church GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of St Martin at Tours and VII an epitaph on the monk Abraham may be assigned to the period of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his bishopric but the other two III a Christian epitaph on his grandfather and IV a trivial inscription for a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: drinkingcup cannot be assigned to the same time with any probabihty Thus the complete collection of his letters as originally GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: planned contains no evidence of pagan poetry written by Sidonius after becoming bishop The first of the two supplementary books GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contains the poem already mentioned describing Eurics court VIII it has no trace of Christian influence In the same book GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VIII Sidonius quotes a poem written in his old style which certainly belongs to his preepiscopal days So far he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has only once broken his vow and that one breach is so venial that it can scarcely be counted against GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Book IX is interesting In the th letter written three Olympiads ie years after his entry into holy orders GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he tells Oresius of the vow he had made on entering the ranks of the clergy to give up his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: old habit of versifying This letter is placed surely of set purpose immediately before one written several years later which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contains a breach of his rule Then after a kindly letter to a young man with literary ambitions there comes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: another in which his rule is broken Next there comes in the See pp xlix q Iviii INTRODUCTION last letter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of all a sort of palinode in verse in which after sketching his secular career and mentioning the honorary statue GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which his poetry had brought him he speaks in penitent tones of his early verses and registers a vow no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more to indulge in versewriting unless it be to celebrate the holy martyrs The way in which these last few GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letters expose his lapse from grace is as good as a sermon Oresius had asked him for a poem Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: After explaining that he had renounced such frivolities Sidonius promises to see if he can find any old compositions to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: satisfy his friend Nothing of the kind is given in the letter In the next letter IX we find that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tonantius has asked him for a poem in Asclepiads which he might recite at a dinnerparty Sidonius with some show GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of diffidence sends him Asclepiad verses in which he protests that he cannot now fitly satisfy such a request This GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is a small lapse but the mischief has been done the memory of his happy days in the Muses company GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comes upon him and he goes on to quote a poem of lines which he had composed at a dinnerparty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the reign of Majorian In letter he relapses more completely into the bad old ways Gelasius has heard of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the verses written to Tonantius and wants some for himself Sidonius No doubt in imitation of Prudentius So far as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is known he never carried out this ambition In Sidonius says that this poem has been lying in a bookbox GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for about years Most authorities think that the dinnerparty must have occurred at Aries in like the one described in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Epist I In that case is an approximate date for the letter to Tonantius even if we make allowance for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the vagueness of about we can scarcely make it earher than the year in which many persons would place the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death of Sidonius Mr Stevens however p would assign the dinner party to the year lix INTRODUCTION composes a poem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: specially for him lines praising contemporary writers and at the end he hints that he might be induced to write GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: some more poetry for his friend Then comes the great renunciation in the last letter of the book Thus we GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: find that the poem to Euric which is scarcely to be counted the very short poem in Epist IX and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the longer one in no are the only breaches of his selfdenying rule as far as one can gather from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his correspondence It is a very creditable record It is not known in what year Sidonius began to prepare his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letters for publication ad is as likely a date as any The idea was suggested by his friend Constantius of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lyons to whom the work was dedicated in the introductory letter It is certain that the collection was published in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: instalments and not improbable that each book was published This date was suggested by Mommsen At first sight it conflicts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with Epist I in which Sidonius says that he has a longestabUshed reputation as a poet But in the first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: place there can be no doubt that copies of the panegyrics were circulated very soon after these poems were recited GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carm VIII which accompanied a copy of the panegyric on Avitus sent to Priscus Valerianus says of course with some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: exaggeration that the applause which greeted the poem is still echoing through Rome in the second place it is quite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: likely that Carmina were first pubhshed about ad see p Ivii Again those who would put the publication of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: first book of the letters after the restoration of Sidonius to the see of Clermont ie about ad forget that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his attitude to his secular poetry had then changed and he would scarcely have spoken of it with the selfsatisfaction GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which he betrays in Epist I But the question cannot be definitely settled As it is incredible that any book GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the letters was published durmg the siege of Clermont Book III which mentions the siege must be assigned to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a subsequent date Ix INTRODUCTION separately The last letter of Book VII is an epilogue addressed to Constantius There the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: work was meant to end But the letters had aroused much interest there was a demand for a supplement and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more and more friends wished to be represented in the collection by letters addressed to them At the instance of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Petronius he added an eighth book In the last letter of this book which is like the epilogue of Book GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VII addressed to Constantius he says that he has now no letters left which are worth publication but he gives GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a broad hint that with a little more time he might work up a few and that a ninth book GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is not an impossibility Firminus urged him to produce another book pleading that Pliny had written nine books Sidonius complied GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and added a book of sixteen letters which are by no means the least interesting in the collection With that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: volume the published correspondence closes Sidonius revised his old letters for publication and added several specially written for inclusion in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the collection His chief model is Pliny though Symmachus also had a great influence on him especially The evidence on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this head which is rather complicated will be best considered in the commentary as the passages bearing upon it occur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it may however be pointed out here that it is wrong to cite Epist I as evidence that Book I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was published separately There Sidonius agrees to a request to include in one volumen all his letters that merit publication GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Volumen must therefore mean book in the sense of a complete work a meaning for which there is excellent authority GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Those who take it as book in the sense of a division of a larger work ignore the word omnes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: See VIII For Petronius see note on I IX Epist IV ego Plinio ut discipulus assurgo Ixi INTRODUCTION in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: later books The mere fact that nearly every letter has only a single theme is as in the case of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pliny a sure sign that they were considerably modified real letters to friends are not generally so limited Much that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: we should have liked to know about the age and its personalities must have been pruned away Many of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letters are simply miniature panegyrics derogatory remarks are much rarer than one would expect them to be in the genuine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: familiar correspondence of an average human being The many letters to bishops assume a very humble sometimes abject tone Nearly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: every letter is assiduously worked up according to the principles of contemporary rhetorical teaching It is impossible here to give GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: any adequate idea of the ostentatious combination of stylistic elaboration with sesquipedalian verbiage Frontonian archaisms weird neologisms and verbal jingles GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which makes the correspondence such a nervewracking conglomeration But it would be a mistake to regard the style and diction GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidonius as something new and without precedent He was in the main only carrying out with misguided zeal and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a conspicuous lack of taste the principles which had been taught in the schools of rhetoric for centuries These principles GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were often sound enough and might be helpful to people who really had something to say but even as the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: young men in Quintihans time had seized on There are some signs of the influence of Cicero Ad Fam The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more homely and informal style of the letters to Atticus can scarcely have appealed to him An interesting exception is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reference to the unstudious habits of his son Apollinaris in Episl IX but we may be sure that this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is inserted in imitation of Ciceros words about young Marcus Ixii INTRODUCTION Senecas dulcia viiia for imitation and ignored the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: qualities which made him a great writer so also after his time the young students and too often their professors GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as well were inclined to regard composition as a field for the exploitation of specious tricks of the trade which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: became ends in themselves and were developed in the most fantastic manner This tendency increased as time went on Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was not an original genius he was a conscious artist working with traditional materials and seeking only to exploit to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the uttermost limit all the tips which he had derived from the mechanical teaching of the schools and from his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reading of earlier writers The result is a reductio ad ahsurdiim of all the resources of rhetoric and a travesty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Latin language But although he had detractors most of his educated contemporaries seem to have admired him So GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: many recherche effects had never before been found concentrated in such small space If he took hberties with the meaning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of words that only increased the dazzHng glamour of it all If he was obscure well anyhow it was great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: art great art my masters It is pathetic to find Ruricius humbly trying to imitate him though compelled to admit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that he did not understand him One may be sure that in preparing the letters for publication Sidonius elaborated and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: multiplied their mystifying artifices but most of them must have been rather terrible even in their original form There are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: some cases where he writes more simply but his manner never completely leaves him Sidonius imitating Pliny arranges his letters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: withQuintilian X Ruric Epist II ixiii INTRODUCTION out regard to chronological order though all the letters contained in Books I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and II seem to have been originally written before his election to the bishopric There are some signs of intentional GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grouping The whole of Book VI and the first eleven letters of Book VII are addressed to bishops the same GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is true of letters in Book VIII and in Book IX In the latter part of Book IX as we GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have seen the letters seem to be arranged according to a set plan The collection includes a letter from Claudianus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mamertus IV which is followed by the reply of Sidonius There is one letter to Papianilla all the other recipients GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are men Not many people are honoured by more than one letter as the number of persons anxious to have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their names perpetuated by inclusion in the correspondence was very large and Sidonius was anxious to oblige them Whatever one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may think about their style and diction the letters of Sidonius are an invaluable source of information on many aspects GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the life of his time It is true that one is often tempted to sigh for information which he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: withholds and to upbraid him for telling us so little when he might have told so much The appetising lists GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sometimes drawn up of subjects on which he might well have thrown light make ones mouth water But he did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not set out to write a history and he was unfitted for such a task His views were limited It GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is doubtful if he really thought or cared much about the social evils and distresses of his day until he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was brought into contact See for example Hodgkin Italy and her Invaders II pp f On his conscious unfitness for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: historical writing see below p Ixvi Ixiv INTRODUCTION with them as a bishop and even then perhaps he only partially GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: realised them For a good part of his life his horizon was bounded by the pride and prejudices of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: class indeed his aristocratic pride sometimes breaks out rather ludicrously even in his later years He was not a deep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thinker but he was a keen observer of external details Many of his descriptions in spite of their pretentious language GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are both vivid and picturesque From his pages we gather much knowledge of the lives led by the GalloRoman nobility GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as the Empire in the West tottered to its fall Its pleasures its goodfellowship its ambitions and sometimes its lack GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of ambition its often narrow and pedantic but not unwholesome interests its apparent indifference to many of the most terrible GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: things going on around it all pass before our eyes We find also some valuable pictures of the barbarians who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were taking over the Roman heritage Here and there we get pleasing sidelights on the lives of great clerics and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: we are helped to realise the power mostly beneficent wielded by the great Gallic bishops and priests in those troubled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: times For these and many other glimpses we may well be grateful As for Sidonius himself when one has recovered GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the exhaustion caused by wrestling with his showy pedantry one cannot repress a liking for him Amid all his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prejudices his timeserving pliability at certain junctures his excessive pride in his lineage and his illdisguised Hterary vanity one can GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: discern a sympathetic nature and a simple goodness of heart He accepted great responsibilities at a testing time and rose GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nobly to the occasion He walked humbly before God and all his pride fell from him as he contemplated his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unfitness for his high Ixv INTRODUCTION calling Though strictly orthodox he is untouched by the bitterness which so often showed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: itself in the religious controversies of the day He abhors the religion of the Jews but he can admire a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Jew as a man and he dares to say so No one without goodness and charm could have had such GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a circle of devoted friends as he had He could write in all sincerity to Bishop Faustus Thanks be to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: God not even my enemies can charge me with halfhearted friendship Epist IX Besides his poems and letters Sidonius wrote GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a number of short speeches or addresses called by him contestatiunculae a copy of which he sent to Bishop Megethius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Epist VIII It is not certain that he published them Gregory of Tours Hist Fr II refers to masses missae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: composed by him He was urged to write on the war with Attila and especially on the siege of Orleans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the wonderful achievements of its bishop Anianus He found such a large task too exacting but promised to celebrate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the glories of Anianus Epist VHI There is no evidence that this projected work was ever written He declined to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: write a historical work which Leo had suggested to him Epist IV He did not translate the life of Apollonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Tyana as is often said but merely transcribed it see p xlix He wrote many poems besides those which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have come down to us but it is not certain that he published any collection of them Epist III cf GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VI In Epist II before quoting the epitaph on Philomathia he says to Desideratus quam sc neiiiam si non satis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: improbas ceteris epigramriiatum meoriim voluminibus applicandam mercennarius hyhliopola suscipiet Ceteris is loosely Ixvi INTRODUCTION The numerous manuscripts of Sidonius seem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all to be derived from a single archetype of no great antiquity They suffer from extensive dislocations interpolations corruptions corrections GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and lacunae but as they can very often be successfully used to check one another a text in the main GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: satisfactory can be evolved from them It is difficult to construct a convincing stemma codicum but we may divide the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: MSS into four classes on the basis of certain dislocations and of differences in their contents I have added to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the MSS most used by Luetused he means the existing books or perhaps rolls of my epigrams It is probably GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a case of transferred epithet ceterorum would have been more logical the books containing my other epigrams Klotz in PaulyWissowa GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: RE sv Sidonius understands epigrammata to mean small poems hence trifling verses nugae He takes the reference to be to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the extant Carmina This view may well be correct although there does not seem to be any passage in Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: where the word epigramma must necessarily have such an extended meaning It generally means a short poem see especially Carm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: epist where paucitas is mentioned as characteristic of an epigramma cf Epist IV IX v IX The extended meaning may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be present in Epist IX IX where there is a competition in the production of epigrammata and Sidonius composes a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poem of lines and IX v It is certainly found in Alcimus Avitus who humbly speaks of a quite lengthy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poem as an epigramma see especially Poem VI prol p v Peiper The source of this use is probably Pliny GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Epist IV The stemma of Leo in Luetjohanns edition p xli perhaps comes as near to the truth as it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is possible to get It is repeated with the addition of the codices N and R by M C Burke GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: De Apollinaris Sidonii codice nondum tractato Munich Ixvii INTRODUCTION johann and Mohr the codex R It is impossible to mention GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the codices Class I containing all the writings in the proper order except that in Epist IX letters and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are put after C Matritensis Ee formerly at Cluni Madrid XXI cent Much interpolated Akin to this MS is Vaticanus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: X cent Class II All with disturbance in the order of the letters in Books VI and VII some contain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the works some Epist alone some Epist and some poems F Parisinus XII cent Class III Intermediate between I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and II P Parisinus XXI cent Class IV a superior class but with large lacunae Some contain only Epist T GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Laurentianus plut XLV Florence XIXII cent M Marcianus Florence X cent Epist and Carm IVIII L Laudianus lat Oxford Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: only IX cent The best MS N Parisinus Epist only X cent Closely akin to L but with more lacunae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and numerous corrections V Vaticanus Epist only Xcent Mutilated at the beginning and in the middle See note p Ixvii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Dr M Tyson has kindly ascertained for me that this Rheims codex has safely survived the Great War My knowledge GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of its readings is derived entirely from Burkes pamphlet Ixviii INTRODUCTION R Remensis Rheims Epist only IXX cent Closely akin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to V V and R are less closely related to L than N is The fullest account of variant readings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is given in Luetjohanns edition Mohr gives a shorter but very useful apparatus criticus The following is a short list GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of works useful to the student of Sidonius An excellent and on the historical side much more comprehensive bibliography will GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be found in the work of Stevens mentioned below pp Text Critical Editions Gai Sollii Apolliiaris Sidonii epistulae et carmina GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Recens et emend C Luetjohann Monumenta Germaniae Historica Auct Antiquiss VIII BeroUni MDCCCLXXXVII On the death of Luetjohann the editing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was completed by Mojnmsen and Leo with the assistance of U von WilamowitzMoellendorfF and Buecheler Mommsen added a life of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius and very useful indices of persons and places An index of words and linguistic usages helpful as far as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it goes was compiled by E Grupe and a list of parallel passages by E Geisler Interesting information about this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: edition will be found in Mommsen und Wilamowitz Brief wechsel Berlin numerous letters see the index to the vol sv GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidoniusij C Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius Recens P Mohr Lipsiae MDCCCLXXXXV Ixix INTRODUCTION Text with Commentary Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii opera GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lo Savaro recog et librum commentarium adiecit editio auctior et emendatior Parisiis MDCIX Illdigested learning with much irrelevance but useful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in several places C Sol Apollin Sidonii opera lac Sirmondi cura et studio recognita notisque illustrata Editio secunda Parisiis MDCLII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: A masterpiece invaluable for its notes on subjectmatter the only pity is that they are not more numerous The commentary GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is reprinted in Mignes Patrologia Latina LVIII There are some useful notes in the edition with French translation by Gregoire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Collombet vols LyonParis but as the text is antiquated and the translation contemptible the work is of no great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: value Translations Sidonius has very seldom been translated into any language The only rendering worth mention is a translation into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: English of the letters alone by O M Dalton vols Oxford This translation though it does not profess to follow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Latin closely has been justly welcomed by students of Sidonius It is accompanied by a valuable introduction and some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: helpful notes Besides the effort of Gregoire and Collombet mentioned above there is another French translation not markedly superior by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Baret in Nisards Collection des auteurs latins with text Ixx INTRODUCTION along with Ausonius and Venantius Fortunatus Paris Life and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Works of Sidonius Chaix L A Saint Sidoine Apollhiaire et son siecle vols ClermontFerrand Uncritical but of considerable value Fertig GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: M Cajus Sollius ApoUinaris Sidonius u seine Zeit nach seinen Werken dargestellt parts Wiirzburg Passau Germain A Essai litteraire et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: historique sur ApoUinaris Sidonius Paris Kaufmann G Die Werke des Cajus Sollius ApoUinaris Sidonius als eine Quelle fur die Geschichte GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seiner Zeit Gottingen Mommsen T ApoUinaris Sidonius u seine Zeit In Reden u Aufsatze Berlin etc Also in Luetjohanns edition GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see above Stevens C E Sidonius ApoUinaris and his Age Oxford A stimulating and valuable work to which every reader GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: must feel much indebted even if he cannot everjrwhere agree with the author There are useful articles on Sidonius in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the HerzogHauck Realencyclopddie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche by Arnold the PaulyWissowa Realencycl d klass Altertumsnissenschaft by Klotz the histories GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Latin Literature by Teuffel vol th ed by Kroll and Skutsch and SchanzHosiusKriiger IV also in Eberts Allgemeine Gesch GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: d Litter atur d Mittelalters im Abendlaiide nd ed vol I pp Ixxi INTRODUCTION History and Civilisation of the Fifth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Century Bury J B History of the later Roman Empire Vol I London Cambridge Medieval History Vol I nd ed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cambridge Dill S Roman Society in the last Century of the Western Empire nd ed Lond etc A very readable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and illuminating work with some excellent pages on Sidonius and his times Duchesne L Early History of the Christian Church GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vol III Translated by C Jenkins London Fauriel C Histoire de la Gaule meridionale sous les conquer ants germains Vol GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I Paris Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire cc and in vols Ill and IV of Burys edition GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lond This part scarcely shows Gibbon at his best Hodgkin T Italy and her Invaders Vols I and especially H GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nd ed Lond Marked by good sense and an absence of the vagueness and evasiveness too often found in historical GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: works on the fifth century Roger M Lenseignement des lettres classiques dAusone a Alcuin Paris Seeck O Geschichte d Untergangs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: d Antiken Welt Vol VI Stuttgart Also articles in PaulyWissowa RE on various personages eg Avitus Anthemius Euric Seeck s GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: work is valuable but prejudiced and often unreliable Ixxii INTRODUCTION Stein E Geschichte d spdtromischen Retches I Band Vienna A GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: very able and important work though one may not always agree with it Sundwall J Westromische Studien Berlin With a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: valuable prosopography of the fifth century The Language of Sidonius No comprehensive treatment of this subject exists Besides Grupes contribution GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Luetjohanns edition the following pamphlets may be mentioned Engelbrecht A Uniersuchungen iiher die Spracke des Claudianus Mamertus Vienna Grupe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: E Zur Spracke d Apoll Sidonius Zabern Stresses the influence of legal language on the vocabulary of Sidonius Kretschmann H GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: De latinitate C Sollii Apoll Sidonii parts Memel Mohr P Zu Apoll Sidonius Bremerhaven Muller M De Apoll Sidonii latinitate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Halle Miscellaneous Bitschofsky R De C Sollii Apoll Sidonii siudiis Statianis Vienna Brakman G Sidoniana et Boethiana Utrecht Geisler E GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: De Apoll Sidonii siudiis Breslau Ixxiii INTRODUCTION Holland R Studia Sidoniana Leipzig Kraemer M Res libraria cadentis aniiqiiitaiis Ausonii et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Apoll Sidonii exemplis illustrata Marburg Schuster M De C Sollii Apoll Sidonii imiiafionihus studiisque Horatianis Vienna etc Semple W H GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Quaestiones exegeticae Sidonianae Cambridge Discusses the interpretation of various passages A very helpful work Ixxiv ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TEXTUAL GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: AND EXPLANATORY NOTES add addidit CMH Cambridge Medieval History Class Quart loc cit Classical Quarterly xxviii January codd codices ie GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the MSS or all the other MSS whose readmgs seem worth recording def defendit dist distinodt punctuated edit editio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Other abbreviations when not selfevident refer to authorities mentioned in the bibliographical part of the Introduction When a reading stands GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: alone after a colon eg sat es Mohr satis codd is to be supplied IxTV THE POEMS OF GAIUS SOLLIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS GAT SOLLII APOLIJNARIS SIDONII CARMINA PRAEFATIO PANEGYRICI DICTI ANTHEMIO AVGVSTO BIS CONSVLI Cum iuvenem super astra lovem null GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Cum iuvenem super astra null Iovem OCR: natura locaret susciperetque novus regna vetusta deus certavere suum venerari numina numen disparibusque modis par cecinere sophos Mars clangente tuba GT : natura locaret susciperetque novus regna vetusta deus certavere suum venerari numina numen disparibusque modis par cecinere sophos Mars clangente tuba OCR: patris praeconia dixit laudavitque sono fulmina fulmineo Areas null et Arcitenens fidibus strepuere sonoris doctior hie eitharae null null pulsibus GT : patris praeconia dixit laudavitque sono fulmina fulmineo null Arcas et Arcitenens fidibus strepuere sonoris doctior null null hic citharae pulsibus OCR: ille lyrae Castalidumque chorus vario modulamine plausit earminibus eannis poRiee null null null voce pede sed post caelicolas etiam mediocria GT : ille lyrae Castalidumque chorus vario modulamine plausit null null null carminibus cannis pollice voce pede sed post caelicolas etiam mediocria OCR: fertur cantica semideum sustinuisse deus tunc Faunis Dryades Satyrisque Mimallones aptae fuderunt lepidum rustica turba melos alta cicuticines liquerunt Maenala GT : fertur cantica semideum sustinuisse deus tunc Faunis Dryades Satyrisque Mimallones aptae fuderunt lepidum rustica turba melos alta cicuticines liquerunt Maenala OCR: Panes postque chelyn placuit fistula rauca lovi Mercury Hermes who was bom in a cave of M Cyllene in Aicadia GT : Panes postque chelyn placuit fistula rauca null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ApoUo cf THE POEMS OF GAIUS SOLLIUS APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS I PREFACE TO THE PANEGYRIC IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR ANTHEMIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: CONSUL FOR THE SECOND TIME When nature established the young Jupiter above the stars and the new god was entering GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: upon an ancient sovereignty all the deities vied in paying worship to their deity and uttered in diverse measures the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: same bravo Mars with trumpets blare acclaimed his sire and with thunderous din praised the thunderbolts The Arcadian and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Archer God sounded the clanging strings the one more skilled to strike the zither the other the lyre Castalias maiden GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: band gave forth their plaudits in varied strains with songs reeds thumb voice and foot But after the denizens of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: heaven tis said the god brooked even the inferior chants of demigods then Dryads in union with Fauns Mimallones with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Satyrs a rustic multitude poured forth a sprightly song The Pans that sound the hemlockreed left high Maenalus and after GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the lyre the hoarse pipe Nymphattendants of Bacchus THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS null hos inter Chiron ad plectra sonantia saltans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Iovi hos inter Chiron ad plectra sonantia saltans OCR: flexit inepta sui membra facetus equi semivir audiri meruit meruitque placere quamvis hinnitum dum canit ille daret ergo sacrum dives GT : flexit inepta sui membra facetus equi semivir audiri meruit meruitque placere quamvis hinnitum dum canit ille daret ergo sacrum dives OCR: et pauper lingua litabat summaque tunc voti victima cantus erat sic nos o Caesar nostri spes maxima saecli post magnos GT : et pauper lingua litabat summaque tunc voti victima cantus erat sic nos o Caesar nostri spes maxima saecli post magnos OCR: proceres parvula tura damus audacter docto coram Victore canentes aut Phoebi aut vestro qui solet ore loqui qui licet aeterna GT : proceres parvula tura damus audacter docto coram Victore canentes aut Phoebi aut vestro qui solet ore loqui qui licet aeterna OCR: sit vobis quaestor in aula aeternum nobis ille magister erit ergo colat variae te princeps hostia linguae nam nova templa GT : sit vobis quaestor in aula aeternum nobis ille magister erit ergo colat variae te princeps hostia linguae nam nova templa OCR: tibi pectora nostra facis II PANEGYRICVS Auspicio et numero fasces Auguste secundos erige et effulgens trabealis mole metalli annum pande GT : tibi pectora nostra facis null null Auspicio et numero fasces Auguste secundos erige et effulgens trabealis mole metalli annum pande OCR: novum consul vetus ac sine fastu This idea recurs in Victor quaestor sacri palatii under Anthemius The holder of this GT : novum consul vetus ac sine fastu null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: office acted as the Emperors mouthpiece in the Consistory the Senate and elsewhere He was responsible for the drafting of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: laws and of Imperial answers to petitions Rutilius Namatianus likewise describes the quaestor as speaking with the mouth of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Emperor Cf Claudian Fl Mall Cons and below C also Epist viii Phoebi ore refers to Victors poetry vestro tuo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so in the next line vohis tibi There seems to be no certain instance of this use before the third GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: century It is quite common in Sidonius II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS pleased Joves ears Amid this throng Chiron dancing to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sounding quill moved his ungainly horselimbs elegantly and that beastman earned a hearing and found grace even though he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: neighed in the midst of his singing So tongues rich and poor made an acceptable offering and the greatest tribute GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in that days sacrifice was song In like manner O Caesar chiefest hope of our time I come after great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lords and offer thee humble incense boldly singing my lay in presence of the learned Victor viho is wont to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: speak either with the voice of Phoebus or with thine and who though he is quaestor in thine everlasting court GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall everlastingly be my master So my prince let offering of diverse utterance pay worship to thee for thou makest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our hearts new temples for thy habitation II PANEGYRICS Raise up Augustus thy second fasces seconded by Fortune gleaming with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mass of gold upon thy robe do thou an old consul begin the new year and deem it no disgrace GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to grace the roll of office ie although he is your subordinate he shall always be my master M agister GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: implies teacher but there is a play on the use of the word in the titles of various Imperial officials GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Victor may have been one of Sidonius teachers at Lyons or elsewhere but the present passage does not prove it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Recited to the Senate on Jan ad See Introd p xl and Epist A play as old as Ovid on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the two meanings of secundus second and propitious Anthemius had been consul for the first time in ad The translator GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has done his poor best to reproduce one part of the verbal jingle fastu fastis fastigatus THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scribere bis fastis quamquam diademate crinem fastigatus eas umerosque ex more priorum includat Sarrana chlamys te picta togarum purpura plus GT : scribere bis fastis quamquam diademate crinem fastigatus eas umerosque ex more priorum includat Sarrana chlamys te picta togarum purpura plus OCR: capiat quia res est semper ab aevo rara frequens consul tuque o cui laurea lane null annua debetur religa torpore GT : capiat quia res est semper ab aevo rara frequens consul tuque o cui laurea null Iane annua debetur religa torpore OCR: soluto quavis fronde comas subita nee null luce pavescas principis aut rerum credas elementa moveri nil natura novat sol hie GT : soluto quavis fronde comas subita null nec luce pavescas principis aut rerum credas elementa moveri nil natura novat sol null OCR: null quoque venit ab ortu Hie null est o proceres petiit quem Romula virtus et quem vester amor cui se GT : hic quoque venit ab ortu null Hic est o proceres petiit quem Romula virtus et quem vester amor cui se OCR: ceu victa procellis atque carens rectore ratis respublica fractam intulit ut digno melius flectenda magistro ne tempestates ne te pirata GT : ceu victa procellis atque carens rectore ratis respublica fractam intulit ut digno melius flectenda magistro ne tempestates ne te pirata OCR: timeret te prece ruricola expetiit te foedere iunctus adsensu te castra tubis te curia plausu te punctis scripsere tribus collegaque GT : timeret te prece ruricola expetiit te foedere iunctus adsensu te castra tubis te curia plausu te punctis scripsere tribus collegaque OCR: misit te nobis regnumque tibi suffragia tot sunt quanta legit mundus fateor trepidavimus omnes ne vellet collega pius permittere voto GT : misit te nobis regnumque tibi suffragia tot sunt quanta legit mundus fateor trepidavimus omnes ne vellet collega pius permittere voto OCR: publica vota tuo credet ventura propago in nos ut possint princeps sic cuncta licere dist ego Cf sq ie of GT : publica vota tuo credet ventura propago in nos ut possint princeps sic cuncta licere null null null null null null OCR: Tyrian purple Gallienus was the first emperor to wear the chlamys at Rome Hist Aug Gallien ie the toga picta GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: purple with gold embroidery which with the tunica palmata had become the official garb of the consuls and is here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contrasted with the Imperial garb pirata with special reference to Geiseric Cf v Joed iunct ie the barbarian foederati Introd GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p X n Their assent was important II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS twice with thy name Althousrh thou walkest with a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: diadem surmounting thy iiair and thy shoulders are covered by a Tyrian mantle after the fashion of thy predecessors yet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may the bright purple of the consuls gown charm thee more for repeated consulships have from all time been rare GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: And thou Janus to whom a laurel wreath is due every year dispel thy lethargy bind thy locks with any GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foliage and be not affrighted by the sudden radiance of our prince nor deem that the elements are in upheaval GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nature is making no change this days Sun also has come from the East This my Lords is the man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for whom Romes brave spirit and your love did yearn the man to whom our commonwealth like a ship overcome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by tempests and without a pilot hath committed her broken frame to be more deftly guided by a worthy steersman GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that she may no more fear storm or pirate The countrydwellers prayer the goodwill of the leagued peoples the trumpet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the camp the plaudits in the senatehouse all called for thee for thee have the tribes recorded their suffrages GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and thy colleague hath consigned thee to us and the sovereignty to thee all the votes that the whole world GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: can muster are for thee I confess we were all sore disquieted lest thine honest colleague should commit to thine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own decision what all the people had decided Will future generations believe it to ensure O Prince that this complete GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: power over A mere rhetorical flourish The mention of the army the Senate and the eastern Emperor is quite correct GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as they all played some part in the election of a western Emperor but the people might merely acclaim him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after his election Cf THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS de te non totum licuit tibi facta priorum exsuperas Auguste Leo nam GT : null null null null null null null null de te non totum licuit tibi facta priorum exsuperas Auguste Leo nam OCR: regna superstat qui regnare iubet melius respublica vestra nunc erit una magis quae sic est facta duorum Salve sceptrorum columen GT : regna superstat qui regnare iubet melius respublica vestra nunc erit una magis quae sic est facta duorum Salve sceptrorum columen OCR: regina Orientis orbis Roma tui rerum mihi principe misso iam non Eoo solum veneranda Quiriti imperii sedes sed plus pretiosa GT : regina Orientis orbis Roma tui rerum mihi principe misso iam non Eoo solum veneranda Quiriti imperii sedes sed plus pretiosa OCR: quod exstas imperii genetrix Rhodopen quae portat et Haemum Thracum terra tua est heroum fertilis ora excipit hie null natos GT : quod exstas imperii genetrix Rhodopen quae portat et Haemum Thracum terra tua est heroum fertilis ora excipit null hic natos OCR: glacies et matris ab alvo artus infantum molles nix civica durat pectore vix alitur quisquam sed ab ubere tractus plus GT : glacies et matris ab alvo artus infantum molles nix civica durat pectore vix alitur quisquam sed ab ubere tractus plus OCR: potat per vulnus equum sic lacte relicto virtutem gens tota bibit crevere parumper mox pugnam ludunt iaculis hos suggerit illis GT : potat per vulnus equum sic lacte relicto virtutem gens tota bibit crevere parumper mox pugnam ludunt iaculis hos suggerit illis OCR: nutrix plaga iocos pueri venatibus apti lustra feris vacuant rapto ditata inventus null iura colit gladii consunmnatamque null senectam non GT : nutrix plaga iocos pueri venatibus apti lustra feris vacuant rapto ditata null iuventus iura colit gladii null consummatamque senectam non OCR: ferro finire pudet tali ordine vitae cives Martis agunt at tu circumflua ponto Europae atque Asiae commissam carpis utrimque Leo GT : ferro finire pudet tali ordine vitae cives Martis agunt at tu circumflua ponto Europae atque Asiae commissam carpis utrimque null OCR: the eastern Emperor who nominated Anthemius as Emperor of the West Constantinople was called New Rome in a law of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Constantine Other titles were Eastern Rome and Second Rome Plus often usurped the fimctions of magis as magis usurped those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of potius Sed magis is used for but rather even in the poetry of the classical period Here sed plus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has the same meaning Plus quam is sometimes found in the II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS us should be thine full GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: power over thyself was denied thee Augustus Leo thou dost surpass the deeds of thy forerunners for he who can GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: command a man to reign towers above regal power Now your government shall be more perfectly one having thus become GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a government of two All hail to thee pillar of sceptred power Queen of the East Rome of thy hemisphere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no longer to be worshipped by the eastern citizen alone now that thou hast sent me a sovereign prince O GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: home of Empire and more precious in that thou appearest before the world as Empires mother The land of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thracians whereon Rhodope and Haemus rest is thine a region fruitful of heroes Here children are born into a world GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of ice and their native snow hardens the soft limbs of infants even from the mothers womb Scarce anyone is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reared at the breast rather is he dragged from the maternal bosom to suck from a horse through a wound GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thus deserting milk the whole race drinks in courage They have grown but a short time and anon they play GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at battle with javelins this sport is prompted by the wounds that suckled them The boys gifted hunters clear the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dens of their beasts the young men enriched with plunder honour the laws of the sword and when their old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: age has reached its fullness not to end it with steel is a disgrace Thus do these countrymen of Mars GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: order their lives But thou surrounded by the sea dost imbibe a tempered blend of Europes and Asias air commingled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from two sides sense of potius quam Another use of plus magis is to form comparatives eg v above This GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is common in Sidonius see SchmalzHofmann Syntax pp f THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS temperiem nam Bistonios Aquilonis hiatus proxima Calchidici GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null temperiem nam Bistonios Aquilonis hiatus proxima Calchidici OCR: sensim tuba temperat Euri interea te Susa tremunt ac supplice cultu flee tit null Achaemenius lunatum Persa tiaram Indus odorifero GT : sensim tuba temperat Euri interea te Susa tremunt ac supplice cultu null null flectit Achaemenius lunatum Persa tiaram Indus odorifero OCR: crinem madefaetus null amomo in tua lucra feris exarmat guttur alumnis ut pandum dependat ebur sic trunea null reportat Bosphoreis GT : crinem null madefactus amomo in tua lucra feris exarmat guttur alumnis ut pandum dependat ebur sic null trunca reportat Bosphoreis OCR: elephas inglorius ora tributis porrigis ingentem spatiosis moenibus urbem quam tamen angustam populus facit itur in aequor molibus et veteres GT : elephas inglorius ora tributis porrigis ingentem spatiosis moenibus urbem quam tamen angustam populus facit itur in aequor molibus et veteres OCR: tellus nova eontrahit null undas namque Dicarcheae translatus pulvis harenae intratis solidatur aquis durataque massa sustinet advectos peregrine null in GT : tellus nova null contrahit undas namque Dicarcheae translatus pulvis harenae intratis solidatur aquis durataque massa sustinet advectos null peregrino in OCR: gurgite campos sic te dispositam spectantemque undique portus vallatam pelago terrarum commoda cingunt fortunata sat es Romae partita triuraphos null GT : gurgite campos sic te dispositam spectantemque undique portus vallatam pelago terrarum commoda cingunt fortunata sat es Romae partita null triumphos OCR: et iam non querimur valeat divisio regni concordant lancis partes duni null pondera nostra suscipis aequasti Tali tu civis ab GT : et iam non querimur valeat divisio regni concordant lancis partes null dum pondera nostra suscipis aequasti Tali tu civis ab OCR: urbe Procopio genitore micas cui prisca propago Augustis venit a proavis quem dicere digno sat es Mohr satis Sidonius means GT : urbe Procopio genitore micas cui prisca propago Augustis venit a proavis quem dicere digno null null null null null null OCR: Calcliedonius or Chalcedonius from Chalcedon which faced Constantinople on the Asiatic side of the strait Lunatus may mean moonshaped or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crescentshaped but among the many forms of the tiara I have not found one really entitled to such a description GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The epithet may refer to the ornamentation Martial uses lunatus for decorated with crescents Dicarchus or Dicaearchus was the founder GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Puteoli The reference is to pulvis Puieolanus pozzolana a volcanic earth found near Puteoli The cement made from it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sets hard when submerged in water The invasion of the sea II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS for the Thraciiui blasts of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aquilo are gradually softened by the breath of Eurus trumpet wafted from Calchis hard by Meanwhile Susa trembles before thee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the Persian of Achaemenes race in suppliant guise inclines his crescenttiara The Indian with hair steeped in fragrant balm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: disarms for thy profit the throat of his lands wild denizens that he may make payment of curved ivory thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the elephant takes home ingloriously a mouth shorn of the tribute yielded to the Bosphorus Thou dost spread out a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great city of spacious walls yet doth the multitude therein make its bounds too narrow so the sea is invaded GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with massive masonry and new land cramps the old waters for the dusty sand of Puteoli is brought thither and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made solid by entering the water and the hardened mass bears upon it imported plains amid an alien flood Thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: art thou ordered on all sides thou beholdest harbours and walled in as thou art by the sea thou art GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: surrounded by all the blessings of earth Right fortunate art thou in having shared Romes triumphs and now we regret GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it no longer farewell to the division of the empire The two sides of the balance are poised by taking GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over our weights thou hast made all even v A citizen from such a city thou shinest also with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lustre of thy father Procopius whose ancient lineage springs from imperial ancestors a man here described took place at various GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: points of the shore when the walls of Constantino were no longer able to contain the whole population For subsequent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: extensions and for the harbours see Bury Later Rom Emp I pp Procopius a Galatian who rose to be magister GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: militum per Orientem and patrician He obviously claimed descent from the Procopius who was a socalled Emperor for a few GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: months and who seems to have been related to the house of Ckntantine II THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS non datur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null non datur OCR: eloquio nee null si modo surgat Averno qui cantu flexit seopulos null digitisque eanoris eompulit null null auritas ad pleetrum GT : eloquio null nec si modo surgat Averno qui cantu flexit null scopulos digitisque null null canoris compulit auritas ad null OCR: null currere silvas eum null starent Hebri latiees eursuque null null ligato fluminis attoniti earmen null magis unda sitiret Huie GT : plectrum currere silvas null cum starent Hebri null null latices cursuque ligato fluminis attoniti null carmen magis unda sitiret null OCR: null quondam iuveni reparatio eredita paeis null null Assyriae stupuit primis se Parthus in annis eonsilium null non ferre senis GT : Huic quondam iuveni reparatio null null credita pacis Assyriae stupuit primis se Parthus in annis null consilium non ferre senis OCR: conterritus haesit quisque sedet sub rege satraps ita vinxerat omnes legati genius tremuerunt Medica rura quaeque draconigenae portas non clauserat GT : conterritus haesit quisque sedet sub rege satraps ita vinxerat omnes legati genius tremuerunt Medica rura quaeque draconigenae portas non clauserat OCR: hosti turn null demum Babylon nimis est sibi visa patere partibus at postquam statuit nova formula foedus Procopio dictante magis GT : hosti null tum demum Babylon nimis est sibi visa patere partibus at postquam statuit nova formula foedus Procopio dictante magis OCR: iuratur ab illis ignis et unda deus nee null non rata paeta null futura hie null divos testatur avos Chaldaeus GT : iuratur ab illis ignis et unda deus null nec non rata null pacta futura null hic divos testatur avos Chaldaeus OCR: in extis pontificum de more senex arcana peregit murmura gemmantem pateram rex ipse retentans fudit turicremis carchesia cernuus aris suscipit GT : in extis pontificum de more senex arcana peregit murmura gemmantem pateram rex ipse retentans fudit turicremis carchesia cernuus aris suscipit OCR: hinc reducem duplicati culmen honoris Orpheus There is a similar passage in Sidonius likes elliptical uses of magis and plus GT : hinc reducem duplicati culmen honoris null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The point here seems to be the river was thirsty rather than tiiirstquenching Cf ie to Procopius II PANEGYRIC ON GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ANTHEMIUS whom no eloquence could worthily celebrate not even if from Avernus that bard should arise who once with his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: song swayed rocks and with his tuneful fingers impelled the woods to hasten all ears to the sounding quill while GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the waters of Hebrus stood still and its flow held fast the waves of the entranced river were strangely athirst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for song To him once in his youth was committed the restoring of peace with Assyria The Parthian was amazed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that he had no power to withstand the aged wisdom of those youthful years Every satrap that sat below the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: king faltered in terror so strongly had the envoys genius gripped them The Median realms trembled and Babylon that had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not closed her gates against the serpentborn foe now at last thought herself too widely opened Then when a treaty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had been established between them on new terms recited by Procopius to the Magi they took oath by their gods GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fire and water and he called his divine ancestors to witness that the bargain should be upheld An aged Chaldaean GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over a victims entrails in the manner of the pontiffs muttered the mystic words and the king himself holding a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: jewelled bowl stooped and poured out cups over the incenseburning altar When the envoy returned the eminence of a twofold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: honour welcomed him Assyriae Parthus Medica All these refer to the Persian empire This embassy negotiated terms of peace with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Varahran V in ad after a war caused by the persecutions of Christians in Persia Bury II pp f Alexander GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Great see w Babylon admitted Alexander without a struggle Sidonius absurdly implies that she showed contempt for his impending GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: attack by keeping her gates open A similar idea occurs in v unless we read strident THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patricius nee null non peditumque equitumque magister praeficitur eastris null ubi Tauri claustra eohereens null Aethiopasque vagos belli terrore relegans GT : patricius null nec non peditumque equitumque magister praeficitur null castris ubi Tauri claustra null cohercens Aethiopasque vagos belli terrore relegans OCR: gurgite pacato famulum spectaret Orontem Huic socer Anthemius praefectus consul et idem iudiciis populos atque annum nomine rexit purpureos Fortuna GT : gurgite pacato famulum spectaret Orontem Huic socer Anthemius praefectus consul et idem iudiciis populos atque annum nomine rexit purpureos Fortuna OCR: viros cum murice semper prosequitur solum hoc tantum mutatur in illis ut regnet qui consul erat sed omittimus omnes iam GT : viros cum murice semper prosequitur solum hoc tantum mutatur in illis ut regnet qui consul erat sed omittimus omnes iam OCR: tu ad plectra veni tritus cui casside crinis ad diadema venit rutilum cui Caesaris ostrum deposit null thorace datiu null GT : tu ad plectra veni tritus cui casside crinis ad diadema venit rutilum cui Caesaris ostrum null deposito thorace null datur OCR: sceptroque replenda mucrone est vacuata manus cunabula vestra imperii fulsere notis et praescia tellus aurea converse null promisit saecula fetu GT : sceptroque replenda mucrone est vacuata manus cunabula vestra imperii fulsere notis et praescia tellus aurea null converso promisit saecula fetu OCR: te nascente ferunt exorto flumina melle dulcatis cunctata vadis oleique liquores isse per attonitas baca pendente trapetas He became magister GT : te nascente ferunt exorto flumina melle dulcatis cunctata vadis oleique liquores isse per attonitas baca pendente trapetas null null null OCR: utriiisque militiae or m peditum et pquitum or m peditum equitumque receiving the eastern command In the eastern Empire there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were five such officers two in the Presence and three with special districts assigned to them They all received the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patriciate sooner or later In the west there were originally only two such magistri militum this or vmg militiae is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a handy abbreviation which may be used of all such officers These were called magister peditum and mag equitum respectively GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but as the magister peditum held a superior command over both infantry and cavalry he came to be called magister GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: peditum equitumque or mugister uiriusqv militiae By and by this title was extended to the magister equitum and his allpowerful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: superior is specially designated as Patricius he was The Patrician par excellence not only commanderinchief but leading adviser and righthand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man of the Emperor In this sense the title was borne by Aetius Ricimer and others This seems to be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the prevalent view see however Professor Norman Baynes in Journ Rom Stud XII pp J II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS Patrician GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now and Master of Horse and Foot he was set in command of camps where he must needs hold the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: barriers of Taurus and force the roaming Ethiopians over the border by the terror of war and behold Orontes with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: calmed flood subservient to his will His wifes father was Anthemius who as prefect and likewise consul ordered peoples by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his judgments and the year by his name Men of the purple are ever attended by Fortune with purple ready GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to bestow the only change that happens to them is that he who was consul becomes sovereign But I pass GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over all the others come thou to my lyre thou whose hair frayed by the warriors helmet came to wear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the diadem thou who hast laid aside the breastplate to receive the glowing purple of a Caesar and whose hand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hath been emptied of the sword to be filled with the sceptre Thy cradle gleamed with tokens of imperial power GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the prophetic earth altering her progeny gave promise of a golden age They tell how at thy birth honey GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: appeared making rivers flow tardily with sweetened waters and oil ran through the amazed mills while the ohveberry still Aathemius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a leading figure in the early part of the fifth century comes sacrarum largitionum magister officiorvm praefectus praetorio orientis consul GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patricius not later than regent for the young Theodosius II on the death of Arcadius He built the new walls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Constantinople ie of Imperial or consular family for the association of purple with the consulship see v n also GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The meaning is that consulships and the Imperial throne are the natural destiny of such persons venit is Historic Present GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which Sidonius uses very freely The rather frigid iteration veni venit is no doubt intentional I THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: protulit undantem segetem sine semine campus et sine se natis invidit pampinus uvis hibernae rubuere rosae spretoque rigore lilia permixtis GT : protulit undantem segetem sine semine campus et sine se natis invidit pampinus uvis hibernae rubuere rosae spretoque rigore lilia permixtis OCR: insultavere pruinis tale puerperium quotiens Lucina resolvit mos elementorum cedit regnique futuri fit rerum novitate fides venisse beatos sic loquitur GT : insultavere pruinis tale puerperium quotiens Lucina resolvit mos elementorum cedit regnique futuri fit rerum novitate fides venisse beatos sic loquitur OCR: natiira null deos constantis luli null lambebant teneros incendia blanda capillos Astyages Cyro pellendus forte nepoti inguinis expavit difFusum null GT : null natura deos constantis null Iuli lambebant teneros incendia blanda capillos Astyages Cyro pellendus forte nepoti inguinis expavit null diffusum OCR: vite racemum praebuit intrepido mammas lupa feta Quirino lulius null in lucem venit dum laurea flagrat magnus Alexander nee null GT : vite racemum praebuit intrepido mammas lupa feta Quirino null Iulius in lucem venit dum laurea flagrat magnus Alexander null nec OCR: non Augustus habentur concepti serpente deo Phoebumque lovemque null divisere sibi namque horum quaesiit unus Cinyphia sub Sjrrte null patrem GT : non Augustus habentur concepti serpente deo Phoebumque null Iovemque divisere sibi namque horum quaesiit unus Cinyphia sub null Syrte patrem OCR: maculis genetricis alter Phoebigenam sese gaudebat haberi Paeonii iactans Epidauria signa draconis multos cinxerunt aquilae subitumque per orbem lusit Venturas GT : maculis genetricis alter Phoebigenam sese gaudebat haberi Paeonii iactans Epidauria signa draconis multos cinxerunt aquilae subitumque per orbem lusit null OCR: null famulatrix penna coronas ast hunc egregii proceres ad sceptra vocari iam tum nosse datum est laribus cum forte paternis GT : venturas famulatrix penna coronas ast hunc egregii proceres ad sceptra vocari iam tum nosse datum est laribus cum forte paternis OCR: protulit excisus iam non sua germina palmes Verg Aen II Herodotus I He dreamed that a vine issued from his GT : protulit excisus iam non sua germina palmes null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: daughters womb and spread over all Asia This story does not seem to occur in any previous writer Possibly it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was in the early part now lost of Suetonius lulius Alexander the Great claimed to be the son of Zeus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ammon Augustus was rumoured to be the son of Apollo these gods were said to have visited the mothers in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the form of serpents For accoxints of Alexanders miraculous birth see for example i II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS hung upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bough The plain brought forth without seed a waving crop and the vinebranch looked grudgingly on the grapes brought GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into being without her Roses blushed red in winter and lilies scorning the cold mocked the surrounding frosts When Lucina GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is bringing such a birth to fulfilment the order of the elements gives way and a changed world gives assurance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of coming sovereignty Thus does nature declare that blessed gods have arrived Flames played lovingly round the childish locks of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the staunch lulus Astyages fated to be dethroned by his grandson Cyrus shuddered to see the grapeclusters spreading from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vine that grew from the womb the motherwolf gave suck to the untroubled Quirinus Julius came into the world whilst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a laurel blazed Alexander the Great and Augustus are deemed to have been conceived of a serpent god and they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: claimed between them Phoebus and Jupiter as their progenitors for one of them sought his sire near the Cinyphian Syrtes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the other rejoiced that from his mothers marks he was deemed the offspring of Phoebus and he vaunted the imprints GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the healing serpent of Epidaurus Many have been encircled by eagles and a quickformed ring of cringing plumage has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: playfully figured the crown that was to come But as for this prince of ours illustrious Lords right early might GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it be known that he was destined for the sceptre when it came to pass that in his fathers house GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a severed vinebranch brought forth shoots no longer its own That was the Justin xi and Plutarch Alex cc sq GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for Augustus see Suet Aug From v it seems clear that Sidonius represents Augustus as claiming to be the son GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Aesculapius and therefore the graticUon of Apollo THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS imperii ver illud erat sub imagine frondis dextra GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null imperii ver illud erat sub imagine frondis dextra OCR: per arentem florebant omina virgam at postquam primes null infans exegerat annos reptabat super arma patris quamque arta terebat lammina GT : per arentem florebant omina virgam at postquam null primos infans exegerat annos reptabat super arma patris quamque arta terebat lammina OCR: cervicem gemina complexus ab ulna livida laxatis intrabat ad oscula cristis ludus erat puero raptas ex hoste sagittas festina tractare GT : cervicem gemina complexus ab ulna livida laxatis intrabat ad oscula cristis ludus erat puero raptas ex hoste sagittas festina tractare OCR: manu captosque per arcus flexa reluctantes in cornua trudere nervos nunc tremulum tenero iaculum torquere lacerto inque frementis equi dorsum GT : manu captosque per arcus flexa reluctantes in cornua trudere nervos nunc tremulum tenero iaculum torquere lacerto inque frementis equi dorsum OCR: cum pondere conti indutas Chalybum saltu transferre catenas inventas agitare feras et fronde latentes quaerere deprensas modo claudere cassibus artis GT : cum pondere conti indutas Chalybum saltu transferre catenas inventas agitare feras et fronde latentes quaerere deprensas modo claudere cassibus artis OCR: nunc torto penetrare veru tum saepe fragore laudari comitum frendens cum belua ferrum ferret et intratos exirent arma per armos GT : nunc torto penetrare veru tum saepe fragore laudari comitum frendens cum belua ferrum ferret et intratos exirent arma per armos OCR: conde Pelethronios alacer puer et venator Aeacida titulos quamquam subiecta magistri terga premens et ob hoc securus lustra pererrans tu GT : conde Pelethronios alacer puer et venator Aeacida titulos quamquam subiecta magistri terga premens et ob hoc securus lustra pererrans tu OCR: potius regereris equo non principe nostro spicula direxit melius Pythona superstans Paean cum vacua turbatus paene pharetra figeret innumeris numerosa GT : potius regereris equo non principe nostro spicula direxit melius Pythona superstans Paean cum vacua turbatus paene pharetra figeret innumeris numerosa OCR: volumina telis tenders Buecheler As the boys hands seem to be otherwise engaged v the idea may be that he GT : volumina telis null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eagerly pushes the visor up with his face untU it is sufficiently open for his purpose In any case the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: metal bruises him as he tries to snatch a kiss this seems to be the meaning of livida osciila but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same adjective is used in to denote the discoloration of the skin through wearing a helmet and Dr Semple GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Qiiaest Ex p may be right in finding the same reference here Cristis means i II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS springtime GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his sovereignty in the guise of leafate happy omens burgeoned along that withered branch But when the early years GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of infancy were past he would clamber over his fathers armour and gripping with his two forearms the neck pressed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the closefitting metal he would loosen the helmet and find an entrance for his livid kisses In boyhood it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was his sport to handle eagerly arrows that had been seized from the foe and on captive bows to force GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the resisting strings on to the curving horn or to hurl with boyish arm the quivering javelin or with a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: leap to throw upon the back of a chafing steed all his weight of steel chainarmour and heavy lance or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at other times to find and chase the wild beasts to seek them in their leafy lurkingplaces and when he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: espied them sometimes to enclose thein in a tight net sometimes to pierce them with cast of spear Then would GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he oft be cheered with great noise by his comrades as with gnashing teeth the beast received the steel and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the weapon entered and passed clean through the shoulders Now hide thy Thessalian honours scion of Aeacus highmettled boy and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hunter though as thou didst bestride thy masters compliant back and so traverse the haunts of beasts in safety it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was rather thou that wert controlled by thy steed Even Paean Apollo did not aim his shafts better than our GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prince as the god stood over Python and sore distressed with quiver wellnigh emptied pierced those mmierous coils with innumerable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: weapons helmet as in This rare use occurs first in Silius IV but Sidonius probably borrowed it from Claudian Rufin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I Aeacida Achilles nagistri Chiron the centaur THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Nee null minus haec inter veteres audire sophistas null GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Nec minus haec inter veteres audire null sopbistas OCR: Mileto quod crete Thales vadimonia culpas Lindie quod Cleobule canis modus optimus esto ex Ephyra totum meditaris quod Periander Attice GT : Mileto quod crete Thales vadimonia culpas Lindie quod Cleobule canis modus optimus esto ex Ephyra totum meditaris quod Periander Attice OCR: quodve Solon finem bene respicis aevi Prienaee Bia quod plus tibi turba malorum est noscere quod tempus Lesbo sate Pittace GT : quodve Solon finem bene respicis aevi Prienaee Bia quod plus tibi turba malorum est noscere quod tempus Lesbo sate Pittace OCR: suades quod se nosse omnes vis ex Laeedaemone null Chilon praeterea didicit varias nova dogmata sectas quidquid laudavit Scythicis Anacharsis GT : suades quod se nosse omnes vis ex null Lacedaemone Chilon praeterea didicit varias nova dogmata sectas quidquid laudavit Scythicis Anacharsis OCR: in arvis quidquid legifero profecit Sparta Lycurgo quidquid Erechtheis Cynicorum turba volutat gymnasiis imitata tuos Epicure sodales quidquid nil verum GT : in arvis quidquid legifero profecit Sparta Lycurgo quidquid Erechtheis Cynicorum turba volutat gymnasiis imitata tuos Epicure sodales quidquid nil verum OCR: statuens Academia duplex personat arroso quidquid sapit ungue Cleanthes quidquid Pythagoras Democritus Heraclitus deflevit risit tacuit quodcumque Platonis ingenium quod GT : statuens Academia duplex personat arroso quidquid sapit ungue Cleanthes quidquid Pythagoras Democritus Heraclitus deflevit risit tacuit quodcumque Platonis ingenium quod OCR: in arce fuit docet ordine terno laudatum est codd Cf sqq where the maxims of the Seven Sages are the GT : in arce fuit docet ordine null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: same as here except in the case of Solon The saying attributed to Periander seems to have been originally fieXerrj GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Doric LicAera to ttuv practice is everything practice makes perfect but Sidonius like several other ancient authors takes fieXtra as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the imperative of the verb ixeXerdv to practise The Cynics were more allied in doctrine to the Stoics than to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Epicureans and Sidonius may really be thinking of the Cyrenaics but Augustine CD xix ad fin asserts that philosophers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with very different views of the summum bonum in some cases virtue in others pleasure adopted the dress and customs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Cynic school and were called Cnici Origen In Exod Horn iv p E Baehrens alleges that the Cynics GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: make pleasure and lust their summum bonum cf Augustine Contra Acad III The doctrine that certain truth is unattainable belongs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: especially to the New Academy but Cicero as Mr Semple II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS And amid all these doings he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: busied himself no less in hearkening to the lore of ancient sages how Thales that son of Miletus condemned all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lawsuits how Cleobulus of Lindus sings Let moderation be our ideal how Periander of Corinth practises everything how Athenian Solon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: keeps his eye wisely fixed on lifes end how Bias of Priene deems the wicked to be the majority how GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pittacus native of Lesbos advises to mark well the opportune time and how Chilon of Lacedaemon would have all men GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: know themselves Moreover he learned new doctrines of divers schools whatsoever in the Scythian land Anacharsis praised all the gain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Sparta got with Lycurgus for her lawgiver all that the company of Cynics debates in the Erechthean gymnasium copying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the disciples of Epicurus all that the two Academies loudly proclaim affirming naught to be true all the wisdom that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cleanthes has won with much biting of nails the tears of HeracHtus the laughter of Democritus or the silence of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pythagoras whatsoever teaching Platos intellect which dwelt in the citadel sets forth in points out p claims that the attitude GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Old Academy even of Plato himself was similar Ac I The biting of the nails seems to have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been traditionally associated with Cleanthes Cf Epist IX Probably he was represented in some wellknown work of art in arce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Plato taught that the rational part of the soul resides in the head which is as it were the citadel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which commands the nonrational parts the passionate and the appetitive situated respectively in the breast and under the midriff The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: doctrine is briefly stated in Cic Tusc I In arcefuit could also mean was preeminent cf and there may be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a double entente here Ordine temo probably refers not to the tripartite division of the soul but to the division GT : null null null null null temo null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Philosophy into Physics Logic and Ethics See f and note VOL I D THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quae vel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null quae vel OCR: Aristoteles partitus membra loquendi argumentosis dat retia syllogismis quidquid Anaximenes Euclides Archyta Zenon Arcesilas Chrysippus Anaxagorasque dederunt Socraticusque animus post GT : Aristoteles partitus membra loquendi argumentosis dat retia syllogismis quidquid Anaximenes Euclides Archyta Zenon Arcesilas Chrysippus Anaxagorasque dederunt Socraticusque animus post OCR: fatum in Phaedone vivus despiciens vastas tenuato in crure catenas cum tremeret mors ipsa reum ferretque venenum pallida securo lictoris GT : fatum in Phaedone vivus despiciens vastas tenuato in crure catenas cum tremeret mors ipsa reum ferretque venenum pallida securo lictoris OCR: dextra magistro praeterea quidquid Latialibus indere libris prisca aetas studuit totum percurrere suetus Mantua quas acies pelagique pericula lusit Zmyrnaeas GT : dextra magistro praeterea quidquid Latialibus indere libris prisca aetas studuit totum percurrere suetus Mantua quas acies pelagique pericula lusit Zmyrnaeas OCR: imitata tubas quamcumque loquendi Arpinas dat consul opem sine fine secutus fabro progenitum spreto cui patre polita eloquiis plus lingua GT : imitata tubas quamcumque loquendi Arpinas dat consul opem sine fine secutus fabro progenitum spreto cui patre polita eloquiis plus lingua OCR: fuit vel quidquid in aevum mittunt Euganeis Patavina volumina chartis qua Crispus brevitate placet quo pondere Varro quo genio Plautus GT : fuit vel quidquid in aevum mittunt Euganeis Patavina volumina chartis qua Crispus brevitate placet quo pondere Varro quo genio Plautus OCR: quo fulmine Quintilianus qua pompa Tacitus numquam sine laude loquendus in C om codd plerique secutus fabro progenitum Iohr et GT : quo fulmine Quintilianus qua pompa Tacitus numquam sine laude loquendus null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Luetjohann locutus tabro progenitus Homer Cicero Demosthenes of Juvenal X The father of Demosthenes was a wealthy swordmanufacturer Polita contains GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an allusion to the fathers trade Sidonius uses polire in the sense of sharpen cf expolire The works of Livy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The Euganei inhabited Venetia but were driven out by the Veneti Euganeus in poetry means Venetian and especially Paduan Padua GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Patavium was Livys birthplace Sallust C Sallustius Crispus Sidonius Uke other late authors uses genius in various meanings not always GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: easy to determine The renderings given in this version generally follow the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS triple GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: array or again the snares that Aristotle dividing speech into its members sets for us with his syllogistic reasoning and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also whatever has been bestowed by Anaximenes Euclid Archytas Zeno Arcesilas Chrysippus and Anaxagoras and by the soul of Socrates GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as it lives after his death in the Pkaedo a soul that recked naught of the huge fetters on his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wasted leg while deaths self trembled before the prisoner and the executioners hand was pale as it proffered the poison GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: though the masters heart was untroubled Besides these he was wont to range through all that antiquity strove to inscribe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on Latin pages the battles and the ocean perils that Mantua paraded copying the trumpettones of Smyrnas bard whatever aid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to speaking the consul of Arpinum affords he who follows without ceasing that smiths son who set his father at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: naught deeming more precious a tongue made keen by use of eloquence or again whatever the volumes of the Paduan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deliver for all time in those Euganean pages the brevity that wins applause in Crispus the weightiness of Varro the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wit of Plautus the hghtning of Quintilian and the majesty of Tacitus a name never to be uttered without praise GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: This can scarcely refer to the Institutio Oratoria Quintilian in early life published one of his speeches and garbled versions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of others were pubhshed without his authority But Sidonius is almost certainly thinking not of these but of the declamations GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mostly still extant which were falsely attributed to Quintilian Cf Epist V Fulmen is applied to eloquence by Quintilian himself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VIII and XII the latter passage alluding to the famous saying of Aristophanes about the flashing and thundering Pericles Acharnians GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also by Cicero and others Sidonius plays on the word Tacitus silent cf Epist IV THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS His GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null His OCR: hunc formatum studiis natalibus ortum moribus imbutum princeps cui mundiis null ab Euro ad Zephrrum null tunc sceptra dabat cui GT : hunc formatum studiis natalibus ortum moribus imbutum princeps cui null mundus ab Euro ad null Zephyrum tunc sceptra dabat cui OCR: nubilis atque unica purpureos debebat nata nepotes elegit generum sed non ut deside luxu fortuna soceri contentus et otia captans GT : nubilis atque unica purpureos debebat nata nepotes elegit generum sed non ut deside luxu fortuna soceri contentus et otia captans OCR: nil sibi deberet comitis sed iure recepto Danuvii ripas et tractum limitis ampli circuit hortatur disponit discutit armat sic sub GT : nil sibi deberet comitis sed iure recepto Danuvii ripas et tractum limitis ampli circuit hortatur disponit discutit armat sic sub OCR: patre Pius moderatus castra parentis sic Marcus vivente Pio post iura daturi innumerabilibus legionibus imperitabant hinc reduci datur omnis honos GT : patre Pius moderatus castra parentis sic Marcus vivente Pio post iura daturi innumerabilibus legionibus imperitabant hinc reduci datur omnis honos OCR: et utrique magister militiae consulque micat coniuncta potestas patricii celerique gradu privata cucurrit culmina conscenditque senum puer ipse curulem sedit GT : et utrique magister militiae consulque micat coniuncta potestas patricii celerique gradu privata cucurrit culmina conscenditque senum puer ipse curulem sedit OCR: et emerito iuvenis veteranus in aiiro lamque null null parens divos sed vobis nulla cupido imperii longam diademata passa repulsam GT : et emerito iuvenis veteranus in null null auro Iamque parens divos sed vobis nulla cupido imperii longam diademata passa repulsam OCR: honos edit Greg et Collomh honor Marcian Emperor of the East Aelia Marcia Euphemia He received the dignity of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comes rei militaris a frequent steppingstone to a magisterium militum as in the present case History does not record any GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: military service on the part of Marcus Aurelius before the death of Antoninus Pius A gilded curule chair was used GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the Emperors on ceremonial occasions but there is no evidence that gold ornamentation was allowed on other sdlae curules GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: It was however at this time allowed on the sellae gestatoriae of consuls see Epist VIII and Sidonius may be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: referring to this ie his fatherinlaw Marcian divos cf v It is odd to find the Christian Sidonius writing thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but literary tradition is far more potent than reHgion in his poetry II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS By such studies was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he moulded from such lineage sprung in such habits nuitured and the prince to whom at that time the world GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from east to west was giving the sceptre on whom an only daughter now of age for wedlock must needs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bestow grandchildren that should wear the purple chose this man for her husband Yet he did not rest in slothful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: luxury content with her fathers glory seeking a life of ease and owing nothing to himself nay receiving a counts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: authority he traversed the Danube bank and the whole length of the great frontierlines exhorting arranging examining equipping Even so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had Pius under his fathers sway ruled his fathers camps thus Marcus too while Pius still lived these two destined GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: later to be lawgivers then conmianded legions innumerable When Anthemius returned every office was bestowed upon him he shone upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the world as Master of Both Services and as consul to this was added the authority of Patrician and thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with speedy step he ran through the highest dignities that a subject may reach youth though he was he mounted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the curule throne of the elders and sat a young veteran on the gold that belongs to the old campaigner GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: And now thy father was numbered with the gods but thou hadst no craving for empire the diadem after a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: long rejection chose out an illustrious man Leo I occupied a comparatively humble position he was a tribumis militum with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the rank of count when he was suddenly promoted to the Imperial throne at the age of nearly The words GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: loiigam passa repulsam cannot refer to the very short interval between the death of Marcian and the accession of Leo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they state with what truth we cannot say that Anthemius had persistently declined the offer of Marcian to designate him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as his successor THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS insignem legere virum quern null deinde legentem spernere non posses soli tibi contulit GT : null null null null null null null insignem legere virum null quem deinde legentem spernere non posses soli tibi contulit OCR: uni hoc Fortuna decus quamquam te posceret ordo ut lectus princeps mage quam videare relictus post socerum Augustum regnas sed GT : uni hoc Fortuna decus quamquam te posceret ordo ut lectus princeps mage quam videare relictus post socerum Augustum regnas sed OCR: non tibi venit purpura per thalamos et coniunx regia regno laus potius quam causa fuit nam iuris habenis non generum GT : non tibi venit purpura per thalamos et coniunx regia regno laus potius quam causa fuit nam iuris habenis non generum OCR: legit respublica sed generosum fallor bis gemino nisi cardine rem probat orbis ambit te Zephyrus rectorem destinat Eurus ad Boream GT : legit respublica sed generosum fallor bis gemino nisi cardine rem probat orbis ambit te Zephyrus rectorem destinat Eurus ad Boream OCR: pugnas et formidaris ad Austrum Ante tamen quam te socium collega crearet perstrinxisse libet quos Illyris ora triumphos viderit excisam GT : pugnas et formidaris ad Austrum Ante tamen quam te socium collega crearet perstrinxisse libet quos Illyris ora triumphos viderit excisam OCR: quae se Valameris ab armis forte ducis nostri vitio deserta gemebat baud null aliter caesus quondam cum Caepio robiu null GT : quae se Valameris ab armis forte ducis nostri vitio deserta gemebat null haud aliter caesus quondam cum Caepio null robur OCR: dedidit Ausonium subita cogente ruina electura ducem post guttura fracta lugurthae null ultum Arpinatem Calpurnia foedera lixam opposuit rabido respublica GT : dedidit Ausonium subita cogente ruina electura ducem post guttura fracta null Iugurthae ultum Arpinatem Calpurnia foedera lixam opposuit rabido respublica OCR: territa Cimbro Bury I wrongly takes ordo to mean the Senate Illyricum for its extent see Hodgkin I The name GT : territa Cimbro null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the unworthy dux is unknown Some have absurdly tried to identify him with Arnegisclus magister militum per Thracias who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: died fighting bravely against Attila in ad After the breakup of the Hunnish dominion in ad the Ostrogoths were allowed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Marcian to settle in Pannonia Some years later when Leo had refused to pay the subsidy which Marcian had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: granted them they overran and devastated lUyricum It was obviously one of these raids that Anthemius checked but no other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: writer mentions the episode Sidonius is likewise the sole authority for the campaign against Hormidac w sqq Walamir was one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the three Ostrogoth kings Caepio defeated with great slaughter by the Cimbrians at Arausio Orange BC II PANEGYRIC ON GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ANTHEMIUS one whom thou coiildst not slight when he in his turn chose thee Fortune hath given thee this unique GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: honour that although the order of succession demanded thee thou art looked on as a prince chosen not as a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prince by inheritance Thou reignest after an Augustus who was thy wifes father but the purple came not to thee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by thy marriage thy royal bride hath been rather the glory of thy royalty than its cause for when the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: commonwealth chose thee to vield the reins of state it was for thy kingly soul not for thy kin My GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: judgment errs if the four quarters of the earth do not approve the choice the West seeks thee the East GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sends thee as ruler thou fightest in the North and art feared in the South But I would fain touch GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the triumphs that the Illyrian region beheld before thy colleague made thee his partner when that land deserted as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it chanced through a Roman leaders fault was bemoaning its devastation by the arms of Walamir Even so was it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in former days when Caepios slaughter had given up Ausonias best warriors to the enemy the terrified commonwealth compelled by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that crashing blow essayed to choose a leader twas after the strangling of Jugurtha and they set against the frenzied GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cimbrian the batman from Arpinum who had avenged Calpurnius treaty Ancient writers are fond of exaggerating the lowly origin of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gains Marius Lixa properly means campsutler but in later Latin we sometimes find lixae used where calones would be more GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: correct The calones were slaveattendants of officers or soldiers The treaty made with Jugurtha in BC by Calpurnius Bestia and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aemilius Scaurus who had been bribed by the Numidian THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS hie null primum ut vestras aquilas provincia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null hic primum ut vestras aquilas provincia OCR: vidit desiit hostiles confestim horrere dracones ilicet edomiti bello praedaque cardites null mox ipsi tua praeda iacent Sed omittimus istos GT : vidit desiit hostiles confestim horrere dracones ilicet edomiti bello praedaque null carentes mox ipsi tua praeda iacent Sed omittimus istos OCR: ut populatores belli magis acta revolvo quod bellum non parva manus nee null carcere fracto ad gladiaturam tu Spartace vincte GT : ut populatores belli magis acta revolvo quod bellum non parva manus null nec carcere fracto ad gladiaturam tu Spartace vincte OCR: parasti sed Scythicae vaga turba plagae feritatis abundans dira rapax vehemensipsis null null quoque gentibus illic barbara barbaricis cuius dux GT : parasti sed Scythicae vaga turba plagae feritatis abundans dira rapax null vehemens ipsis quoque gentibus illic barbara barbaricis cuius dux OCR: Hormidac atque civis erat quis tale solum est moresque genusque Albus Hrperboreis null Tanais qua vallibus actus Riphaea de caute GT : Hormidac atque civis erat quis tale solum est moresque genusque Albus null Hyperboreis Tanais qua vallibus actus Riphaea de caute OCR: cadit iacet axe sub Vrsae gens animis membrisque minax ita vultibus ipsis infantum suus honor null inest consurgit in artum GT : cadit iacet axe sub Vrsae gens animis membrisque minax ita vultibus ipsis infantum suus null horror inest consurgit in artum OCR: massa rotunda caput geminis sub fronte cavernis visus adest oculis absentibus acta cerebri in cameram vix ad refugos lux pervenit GT : massa rotunda caput geminis sub fronte cavernis visus adest oculis absentibus acta cerebri in cameram vix ad refugos lux pervenit OCR: orbes non tamen et clausos nam fornice non spatioso magna vident spatia et maioris luminis usum moresque Mohr murique atrum GT : orbes non tamen et clausos nam fornice non spatioso magna vident spatia et maioris luminis usum null null null null OCR: C The typically Roman eagle the traditional legionary standard is contrasted with the dragons of the barbarians But the use GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of dragon ensigns had found its way into the Roman army long before and it is possible that by this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time they had entirely supplanted the ordinary standard For a description of them see It seems probable that the eagle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: belonged only to the full legion of men and not to the smaller units which were now dignified with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: title of legio See Grosse Rom Militdrgeschichte pp axe siib Vrsae The Huns came originally from the II PANEGYRIC ON GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ANTHEMIUS Thereupon the province beholding thine eagles ceased of a sudden to shudder at the dragons of the foe Straightway GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crushed in war and reft of their spoil they in their turn were spoils for thee lying prostrate at thy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: feet But such folk I pass by as mere raiders rather do I now relate the exploits of a real GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: war which war no small band contrived no Spartacus bondsman destined for the gladiators work who had burst open his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prison but a roaming multitude from Scythian clime teeming with savagery frightful ravening violent barbarous even in the eyes of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the barbarian peoples around them a race whose leader was Hormidac a man of their own nation Their land their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: habits and their origin were after this manner Where the white Tanais driven down through the valleys of the far GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: north falls from the Riphaean crags in the region of the Bear there dwells a race with menace in heart GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and limbs for truly the very faces of their infants have a gruesomeness all their own Their heads are great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: round masses rising to a narrow crown in two hollows beneath the brow resides their sight but the eyes are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: far to seek the light as it forces its way into the arched recesses in the skull can scarce reach GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: those retreating orbs retreating but not shut for from that vault of narrow space they enjoy a spacious vision and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pelEast but it was from the North that they drove the Goths down on the Romans L C Purser r GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: For other descriptions of the Huns see Claud Rufin l imitated here Amm Marc XXXI Jordan Get and on AttUa GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cameram one of the two cavernae Cameras or orbem for orbes would have been clearer It seems best to make GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: both nouns plural in the translation THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS perspicua in puteis compensant puncta profundis turn null ne per GT : null null null null null null null null null null perspicua in puteis compensant puncta profundis null tum ne per OCR: malas excrescat fistula duplex obtundit teneras circumdata fascia nares ut galeis cedant sic propter proelia natos maternus deformat amor quia GT : malas excrescat fistula duplex obtundit teneras circumdata fascia nares ut galeis cedant sic propter proelia natos maternus deformat amor quia OCR: tensa genarum non interiecto fit latior area naso cetera pars est pulchra viris stant pectora vasta insignes umeri succincta sub GT : tensa genarum non interiecto fit latior area naso cetera pars est pulchra viris stant pectora vasta insignes umeri succincta sub OCR: ilibus alvus forma quidem pediti miedia null est procera sed exstat si cernas equites sic longi saepe putantur si sedeant GT : ilibus alvus forma quidem pediti null media est procera sed exstat si cernas equites sic longi saepe putantur si sedeant OCR: vix matre carens ut constitit infans mox praebet dorsum sonipes cognata reare membra viris ita semper equo ceu fixus adhaeret GT : vix matre carens ut constitit infans mox praebet dorsum sonipes cognata reare membra viris ita semper equo ceu fixus adhaeret OCR: rector cornipedum tergo gens altera fertur haec habitat teretes arcus et spicula cordi terribiles certaeque manus iaculisque ferendae mortis fixa GT : rector cornipedum tergo gens altera fertur haec habitat teretes arcus et spicula cordi terribiles certaeque manus iaculisque ferendae mortis fixa OCR: fides et non peccante sub ictu edoctus peccare furor gens ista repente erumpens solidumque rotis transvecta per Histrum venerat et GT : fides et non peccante sub ictu edoctus peccare furor gens ista repente erumpens solidumque rotis transvecta per Histrum venerat et OCR: siccas inciderat orbita lymphas hanc tu directus per Dacica rura vagantem contra is aggrederis superas includis et ut te metato GT : siccas inciderat orbita lymphas hanc tu directus per Dacica rura vagantem contra is aggrederis superas includis et ut te metato OCR: spatio castrorum Serdica vidit obsidione premis quae te sic tempore multo siccas Mohr sectas codd strictas Rossberg tectas Buechder Or GT : spatio castrorum Serdica vidit obsidione premis quae te sic tempore multo null null null null null null null null null OCR: perhaps a larger eye Perspicua is possibly used metri gratia for perspicacia clearsighted but I have not found any parallel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for such a use ie the nostrils The paradoxical description of frozen rivers etc as dry or soUd water is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: common in the Latin poets cf The notion of wheels traversing the water is derived from Virgil Georg III sq GT : null in null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and is worked to death by the postAugustans Cf similarly of riders II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS lucid pinpoints in those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sunken wells give all the service that an ampler light could bring Moreover the nostrils while still soft are blunted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by an encircling band to prevent the two passages from growing outward between the cheekbones that thus they may make GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: room for the helmets for those children are born for battles and a mothers love disfigures them because the area GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the cheeks stretches and expands when the nose does not intervene The rest of the mens bodies is comely GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chest large and firm fine shoulders compact stomach beneath the flanks On foot their stature is middling but it towers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aloft if you view them on horseback thus are they often deemed long of frame when seated Scarce has the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: infant learnt to stand without his mothers aid when a horse takes him on his back You would think the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: limbs of man and beast were born together so firmly does the rider always stick to the horse just as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if he were fastened to his place any other folk is carried on horseback this folk lives there Shapely bows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and arrows are their delight sure and terrible are their hands firm is their confidence that their missiles will bring GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death and their frenzy is trained to do wrongful deeds with blows that never go vrong This people had burst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: forth in a sudden invasion they had come crossing with wheels the solid Danube marking the moistureless waters with ruts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Straight against them didst thou go as they roamed through the Dacian fields thou didst attack and vanquish and hem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them in and soon as Serdica beheld thee with thine encampment laid out thou didst straitly besiege them The town GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: marvelled at thee as thou didst Serdica Near the modern Sofia THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS in vallo positum stupuit quod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null vallo positum stupuit quod OCR: miles in agros nee null licitis nee null furtivis excursibus ibat cui deesset cum saepe Ceres semperque Lyaeus disciplina tamen GT : miles in agros null nec licitis null nec furtivis excursibus ibat cui deesset cum saepe Ceres semperque Lyaeus disciplina tamen OCR: non defuit inde propinquo hoste magis timuere ducem sic denique factum est ut socius tum forte tuus mox proditor illis GT : non defuit inde propinquo hoste magis timuere ducem sic denique factum est ut socius tum forte tuus mox proditor illis OCR: frustra terga daret commissae tempore pugnae qui iam cum fugeret flexo pede cornua nudans tu stabas acies solus te sparsa GT : frustra terga daret commissae tempore pugnae qui iam cum fugeret flexo pede cornua nudans tu stabas acies solus te sparsa OCR: fugaci expetiit ductore manus te Marte pedestri sudantem repetebat eques tua signa secutus non se desertum sensit certamine miles I GT : fugaci expetiit ductore manus te Marte pedestri sudantem repetebat eques tua signa secutus non se desertum sensit certamine miles I OCR: nunc et veteris profer praeconia Tulli aetas cana patrum quod pulchro hortamine mendax occuluit refugi nutantia foedera Metti nil simile GT : nunc et veteris profer praeconia Tulli aetas cana patrum quod pulchro hortamine mendax occuluit refugi nutantia foedera Metti nil simile OCR: est fallique tuum tibi non placet hostem tunc vicit miles dum se putat esse iuvandum hie null vicit postquam se GT : est fallique tuum tibi non placet hostem tunc vicit miles dum se putat esse iuvandum null hic vicit postquam se OCR: comperit esse relictum dux fugit insequeris null renovat certamina vincis null clauditur expugnas elabitur obruis atque Sarmaticae paci pretium sua GT : comperit esse relictum dux fugit null insequens renovat certamina null vineis clauditur expugnas elabitur obruis atque Sarmaticae paci pretium sua OCR: funera ponis paretur iussum subiit iam transfuga letum atque peregrino cecidit tua victima ferro ecce iterum si forte placet conflige GT : funera ponis paretur iussum subiit iam transfuga letum atque peregrino cecidit tua victima ferro ecce iterum si forte placet conflige OCR: vetustas See Livy I f Ietti may be gen sing of Mettius the usual form or of Mettus Verg Aen GT : vetustas null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VIII It seems clear from v that the dux here mentioned is the deserter Sua in v is equal to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eius as often in Sidonius Sarm ie with the Hunnish forces II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS tarry thus for long within GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the rampart because thy soldiers went not forth into the fields in regular or stealthy raids Though oft they lacked GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: corn and always vine they lacked not discipline hence though the foe was nigh they feared their general more So GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at length it came to pass that he who chanced to be thine ally then but straightway played thee false GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gained nothing when he retreated before the foe at the first onset for when he had begun to flee turning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aside and laying bare the wings thou didst stand thy ground a host in thyself to thee did those warriors GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rally whom their captains flight had scattered back to thee came the cavalry as thou didst toil and sweat fighting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on foot and following thy standards the soldiers felt that they were not deserted in the fray Go to now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ancient generation of our fathers Proclaim if ye will the praises of old Tullus for that he lied in a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: noble exhortation and concealed the collapse of the treaty with the deserter Mettus There is nothing like that here thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Anthemius wouldst not choose to have even thine enemy misled Those oldtime soldiers conquered in the belief that they would GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be aided but these conquered in the knowledge that they were deserted The captain flees thou dost pursue he renews GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fray thou conquerest he shuts himself in thou dost storm his entrenchment he slips away thou dost overwhelm him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and dost demand his life as the price of peace with the Sarmatians Thy will is done and straightway the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deserter has suffered the death decreed and has fallen thy victim though slain by a foreign sword Come now Antiquity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Enter the contest once more if it please thee THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Hannibal ille ferox ad poenam forte petitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null Hannibal ille ferox ad poenam forte petitus OCR: etsi non habuit ius vitae fine supremo certe habuit mortis quem caecus career null et uncus et quem exspectabat fracturus GT : etsi non habuit ius vitae fine supremo certe habuit mortis quem caecus null carcer et uncus et quem exspectabat fracturus OCR: guttura lictor hausit Bebrycio constantior hospite virus nam te qui fugit mandata morte peremptus non tam victoris periit quam iudicis GT : guttura lictor hausit Bebrycio constantior hospite virus nam te qui fugit mandata morte peremptus non tam victoris periit quam iudicis OCR: ore Nunc ades o Paean lauro cui grypas obuncos docta lupata ligant quotiens per frondea lora flectis penniferos hederis bicoloribus GT : ore Nunc ades o Paean lauro cui grypas obuncos docta lupata ligant quotiens per frondea lora flectis penniferos hederis bicoloribus OCR: armos hue null converte chelyn non est modo dicere tempus Pythona exstinctum nee null bis septena sonare vulnera Tantalidum quorum GT : armos null huc converte chelyn non est modo dicere tempus Pythona exstinctum null nec bis septena sonare vulnera Tantalidum quorum OCR: tibi funera servat cantus et aeterno vivunt in carmine mortes vos quoque Castalides paucis quo numine nobis venerit Anthemius gemini GT : tibi funera servat cantus et aeterno vivunt in carmine mortes vos quoque Castalides paucis quo numine nobis venerit Anthemius gemini OCR: cum foedere regni pandite pax rerum misit qui bella gubernet Auxerat Augustus naturae lege Severus divorum numerum quem mox Oenotria GT : cum foedere regni pandite pax rerum misit qui bella gubernet Auxerat Augustus naturae lege Severus divorum numerum quem mox Oenotria OCR: casum vidit ut aerei de rupibus Appennini pergit caerulei vitreas ad Thybridis aedes non galea conclusa genas nee null sutilis GT : casum vidit ut aerei de rupibus Appennini pergit caerulei vitreas ad Thybridis aedes non galea conclusa genas null nec sutilis OCR: illi Forte as it so happened is sometimes little more than padding Servius alleges that Virgil has so used it GT : illi null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in two places the allegation would be truer of Sidonius I have translated it where possible Prusias of Bithynia Hannibal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: took poison to avoid falling into the hands of the Romans when Prusias sought to betray him Nam but as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in several other places The use is common in late Latin and its germ can be found in Cicero See GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SchmalzHofmann Synt p Modo now as often in these poems For the varying accounts of the number of Niobes children GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see the note in Sir J G Frazers trans of ApoUodorus in this series Vol I p II PANEGYRIC ON GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ANTHEMIUS Wlien the surrender of the bold Hannibal was claimed by those that would punish him though in that last GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hour he had not power to live yet had he power to determine his death and so when the dark GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dungeon awaited him and the iron hook and the lictor appointed to break the prisoners neck he swallowed the poison GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a stauncher man than his Bithynian host but the man that deserted thee was cut off by a death that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had been commanded and it was a judges rather than a victors lips that sealed his doom Now grant thy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: presence Paean Apollo whose hookbeaked gryphons the wellschooled curb doth constrain with its bond of laurel whensoever thou wieldest thy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: leafy reins and guidest their winged shoulders with doublehued ivy Hither direct thy lyre It is not now the time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to sing of Pythons destruction or to hymn the twice seven wounds of the Niobids victims whose dooms are preserved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to thine honour in song so that their deaths live in deathless poesy Ye Muses likewise reveal in brief words GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by what divine power Anthemius came to us with a covenant made by the two realms an empires peace hath GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sent him to conduct our wars By natures law Severus had been added to the ranks of the gods Oenotria GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when from the crags of towering Apennine she beheld this calamity hied her to the glassy abode of blue Tiber GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: She had not encased her cheeks in a helmet and she wore no Libius Severus was Emperor from th Nov GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad to th Aug Some said that he was murdered by Ricimer and naturae lege may be meant as an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: emphatic denial of this probably unfounded allegation See Hodgkin II Oenotria old and poetical name for Italy here treated as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a goddess THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS circulus inpactis loricam texuit hamis sed nudata caput pro crine racemifer exit plurima per GT : null null null null null null circulus inpactis loricam texuit hamis sed nudata caput pro crine racemifer exit plurima per OCR: frontem constringens oppida palmes perque umeros teretes rutilantes perque lacertos pendula gemmiferae mordebant suppara bullae segnior incedit senio venerandaque membra GT : frontem constringens oppida palmes perque umeros teretes rutilantes perque lacertos pendula gemmiferae mordebant suppara bullae segnior incedit senio venerandaque membra OCR: viticomam retinens baculi vice flectit null ad ulmum sed tamen Vbertas sequitur quacumque propinquat incessu fecundat iter comitataque gressum laeta GT : viticomam retinens baculi vice null nectit ad ulmum sed tamen Vbertas sequitur quacumque propinquat incessu fecundat iter comitataque gressum laeta OCR: per impress as null rorat Vindemia plantas I licet ingreditur Tiberini gurgitis antrum currebat fluvius residens et harundinis altae concolor GT : per null null impressas rorat Vindemia plantas I licet ingreditur Tiberini gurgitis antrum currebat fluvius residens et harundinis altae concolor OCR: in viridi fluitabat silva capillo dat sonitum mento unda cadens licet hispida saetis suppositis multum sedaret barba fragorem pectore ructabat GT : in viridi fluitabat silva capillo dat sonitum mento unda cadens licet hispida saetis suppositis multum sedaret barba fragorem pectore ructabat OCR: latices lapsuque citato sulcabat madidam iam torrens alveus alvum terretur veniente dea manibusque remissis remus et urna cadunt veniae tum GT : latices lapsuque citato sulcabat madidam iam torrens alveus alvum terretur veniente dea manibusque remissis remus et urna cadunt veniae tum OCR: verba paranti ilia null prior venio viduatam praesule nostro per te si placeat lacrimis inflectere Romam expetat Aurorae partes fastuque GT : verba paranti null illa prior venio viduatam praesule nostro per te si placeat lacrimis inflectere Romam expetat Aurorae partes fastuque OCR: remoto hoc unum praestet iam plus dignetur amari instrue quas quaerat vires orbique iacenti She wore a crown of towers GT : remoto hoc unum praestet iam plus dignetur amari instrue quas quaerat vires orbique iacenti null null null null null null OCR: representing in this case the Italian towns The goddess Roma also has a towered crown v The meaning straightway may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be intended but it does not quite suit the previous paragraph Sidonius has a peculiar use of ilicet found in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and in at least nine of the ten passages where it occurs in the Epistles There it is a particle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of transition with the force of so so then well sometimes in short For a discussion of the subject see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mohrs pamphlet Zu Apollinaris Sidonius Bremerhaven The meaning straightway will serve in most passages of the Poems where the word GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occurs II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS hauberk fashioned with stitched rings of tightdriven hooks but bared was her head Instead of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hair there overran her forehead a vinebranch with clustered grapes binding fast her many towns and along her shapely shoulders GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and radiant arms jewelled brooches gripped her flowing robe The slowness of old age was in her gait and she GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: held as a staff an elm covered with vinefoliage and guided her venerable limbs thereby Yet Abundance attended her wherever GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: she drew nigh with her coming she spread fruitfulness over her path and Vintage accompanying her steps joyfully made the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: juice rise wherever her feet trod So she entered the cave of Tibers stream There sat the running river On GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his green hair drifted a likehued clump of tall reeds The water sounded as it fell from his chin though GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a beard of shaggy bristles underneath did much to dull the roar From his breast he threw out streams and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: falling more rapidly the flood now furious furrowed his soaking stomach As the goddess drew nigh fear seized him his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hands relaxed and the urn and the oar fell from them He was devising words of excuse when she broke GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in I come that through thee if it please thee I may sway by my tears Rome now bereft of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our ruler I would have her turn to the region of Dawn let her put her disdain aside and by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: granting this one thing deserve even greater love Teach her what strength she must enlist and tell her in what GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: world she must crave A feeble paradox somewhat toned down in the translation The rivergod is identified with the river GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in currebat and distinguished from it in residens THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quo poscat die null orbe caput quemcumque creavit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null quo poscat null dic orbe caput quemcumque creavit OCR: axe meo natum eonfestim null fregit in illo imperii Fortuna rotas hinc Vandalus hostis urget et in nostrum numerosa classe GT : axe meo natum null confestim fregit in illo imperii Fortuna rotas hinc Vandalus hostis urget et in nostrum numerosa classe OCR: quotannis militat excidium conversoque ordine fati torrida Caucaseos infert mihi Byrsa furores praeterea invietus null Ricimer quem publica fata respiciunt GT : quotannis militat excidium conversoque ordine fati torrida Caucaseos infert mihi Byrsa furores praeterea null invictus Ricimer quem publica fata respiciunt OCR: proprio solus vix Marte repellit piratam per rura vagum qui proelia vitans victorem fugitivus agit quis sufFerat null hostem qui GT : proprio solus vix Marte repellit piratam per rura vagum qui proelia vitans victorem fugitivus agit quis null sufferat hostem qui OCR: paeem null pugnamque negat nam foedera nulla cum Ricimere iacit quem cur nimis oderit audi incertum crepat ille patrem cum GT : null pacem pugnamque negat nam foedera nulla cum Ricimere iacit quem cur nimis oderit audi incertum crepat ille patrem cum OCR: serva sit illi cert a null parens nunc ut regis sit filius effert matris adulterium turn null livet quod Ricimerem GT : serva sit illi null null certa parens nunc ut regis sit filius effert matris adulterium null tum livet quod Ricimerem OCR: in regnum duo regna vocant nam patre Suebus a genetrice Getes simul et reminiscitur illud quod Tartesiacis avus huius Vallia GT : in regnum duo regna vocant nam patre Suebus a genetrice Getes simul et reminiscitur illud quod Tartesiacis avus huius Vallia OCR: terris Vandalicas turmas et iuncti Martis Halanos stravit et occiduam texere cadavera Calpen quid veteres narrare fugas quid damna priorum GT : terris Vandalicas turmas et iuncti Martis Halanos stravit et occiduam texere cadavera Calpen quid veteres narrare fugas quid damna priorum OCR: Geiseric took Carthage in ad and made it his capital Byrsa is properly the citadel of Carthage The epithet CaiLcaseos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is very loose the Vandals had not come from the region of the Caucasus though the Alans who were now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: subjects of the Vandal king had done so piratam cf v Geiseric was an incorrigible pirate even when he was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not actually at war It was an attack by him on the Peloponnese that finally induced Leo to concert a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gigantic ofEensive of East and West against him and to make Anthemius Emperor of the West Shortly before this Geiseric GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had made a series of devastating descents upon Italy and Sicily The joint expedition of which Sidonius speaks so hopefuUy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: came to a disastrous end in ad owing mainly to the incompetence of the commanderinchief BasiUscus II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a head for her own stricken world Whenever Fortune hath chosen a man born in my cHme she hath instantly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: broken the wheels of his empire On this side the Vandal foe presses hard and every year he wars with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: multitudinous navy to destroy us the natural order hath been reversed and now parched Byrsa launches against me the frenzy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Caucasus Yea more unconquerable Ricimer to whom the destiny of our nation looks for safety doth barely drive GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: back with his own unaided force the pirate that ranges over our lands that ever avoids battles and plays a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conquerors part by flight Who could brook an enemy that refuses both concord and combat For never does he make GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a treaty with Ricimer Hear now why he hates our leader with such exceeding hate His father is unknown yet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he prates ever of him since tis well known his mother was a slavewoman So now to make himself out GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a kings son he proclaims his mothers shame He is jealous also because two kingdoms call Ricimer to kingly power GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Suevian as he is on the fathers side Gothic on the mothers He likewise remembers this that Wallia grandsire of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ricimer laid low on Spanish soil the Vandal squadrons and the Alans their comrades in the war and their corpses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: covered Calpe in the far west But why tell of ancient routs of the losses of bygone generations Nay he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: calls Geiserics feud with Ricimer was not due merely to the causes mentioned here See Hodgkin II f Geiserics father GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was Godigiselas a king of the Asding Vandals Ricimer s father was a Suevian chief The Visigoth WaUia father of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ricimers mother annihilated the Siling Vandals in Spain and crushed their allies the Alans the remnant of whom took refuge GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the Asding Vandals in Gallaecia ad See Introd p xi THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Agrigentini recolit dispendia campi inde GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Agrigentini recolit dispendia campi inde OCR: furit quod se docuit satis iste nepotem illius esse viri quo viso Vandale semper terga dabas nam non Siculis inlustrior GT : furit quod se docuit satis iste nepotem illius esse viri quo viso Vandale semper terga dabas nam non Siculis inlustrior OCR: arvis tu Marcelle redis per quem tellure marique nostra Syracusios presserunt arma penates nee null tu cui currum Curii superare GT : arvis tu Marcelle redis per quem tellure marique nostra Syracusios presserunt arma penates null nec tu cui currum Curii superare OCR: Metelle contigit ostentans nobis elephanta frequentem grex niger albentes tegeret cum mole iugales auctoremque suum celaret pompa triumphi Noricus Ostrogothum GT : Metelle contigit ostentans nobis elephanta frequentem grex niger albentes tegeret cum mole iugales auctoremque suum celaret pompa triumphi Noricus Ostrogothum OCR: quod continet iste timetur Gallia quod Rheni Martem ligat iste pavori est quod consanguineo me Vandalus hostis Halano diripuit radente GT : quod continet iste timetur Gallia quod Rheni Martem ligat iste pavori est quod consanguineo me Vandalus hostis Halano diripuit radente OCR: suis hie null ultus ab armis sed tamen unus homo est nee null tanta pericula solus tollere sed differe potest GT : suis null hic ultus ab armis sed tamen unus homo est null nec tanta pericula solus tollere sed differe potest OCR: modo principe nobis est opus armato veterum qui more parentum non mandet sed bella gerat quem signa moventem terra vel GT : modo principe nobis est opus armato veterum qui more parentum non mandet sed bella gerat quem signa moventem terra vel OCR: unda tremant ut tandem iure recepto Romula desuetas moderentur classica classes Audiit ilia null pater simul annuit itur in urbem GT : unda tremant ut tandem iure recepto Romula desuetas moderentur classica classes Audiit null illa pater simul annuit itur in urbem OCR: continuo videt ipse deam summissus adorat pectus et exsertam tetigerunt cornua mammam sed si Buecheler Ricimer with his fleet frustrated GT : continuo videt ipse deam summissus adorat pectus et exsertam tetigerunt cornua mammam null null null null null null null null OCR: an attempted raid by Geiseric on Agrigentum and afterwards defeated him in Corsican waters ad See Introd p xxi Bury GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I Marcellus the capturer of Syracuse BC Manius Curius Dentatus conqueror of Pyrrhus BC had four elephants at his triumph GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Eutrop II L CaeciUus II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS to mind the havoc of Agrigentums plain Madly he rages because his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: adversary has amply proved himself the grandchild of that hero at sight of whom the Vandal did ever turn in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flight No whit more glorious didst thou Marcellus return from Sicilian lands thou through whom our arms did beset the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: homes of Syracuse by land and sea or thou Metellus whose fortune it was to outdo the triumph of Curius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when thou didst display to us a throng of elephants and the dusky herd screened the white chariotsteeds with their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mighty bulk and the triumphal parade hid the winner of the triumph If the Norican is restraining the Ostrogoth it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is that Ricimer is feared if Gaul ties down the armed might of the Rhine it is he that inspires GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the dread and because the Vandal foe plundered me while the Alan his kinsman swept off what remained this man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: took vengeance by the force of his own arms But he is only one man alone he cannot remove these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: perils but only delay their day we need now an armed prince who in the manner of our sires shall GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not order wars but wage them one before whom land and sea shall quake when he advances his standards so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that at last with power regained the Roman wartrump may direct Romes dormant navies Father Tiber heard and heeded To GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the city he went and straightway with his own eyes beheld the goddess and bowed in humble adoration so that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his horns touched her breast and her uncovered bosom Metellus had many authorities differ as to the number when he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: triumphed after defeating the Carthaginians at Panormus BC This anticipation was not fulfilled Anthemius did not personally take part in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the great expedition against Greiserio THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS mandatas fert inde preces quas diva secuta apparat ire viam laxatos GT : null null null null null null null null null mandatas fert inde preces quas diva secuta apparat ire viam laxatos OCR: torva capillos stringit et inclusae latuerunt casside turres infula laurus erat bullis hostilibus asper applicat a laeva surgentem balteus ensem GT : torva capillos stringit et inclusae latuerunt casside turres infula laurus erat bullis hostilibus asper applicat a laeva surgentem balteus ensem OCR: inseritur clipeo victrix manus illius orbem Martigenae lupa Thybris Amor Mars Ilia complent fibula mordaci refugas a pectore vestes dente GT : inseritur clipeo victrix manus illius orbem Martigenae lupa Thybris Amor Mars Ilia complent fibula mordaci refugas a pectore vestes dente OCR: capit micat hasta minax quercusque tropaeis curva tremit placitoque deam sub fasce fatigat perpetuo stat planta solo sed fascia primos GT : capit micat hasta minax quercusque tropaeis curva tremit placitoque deam sub fasce fatigat perpetuo stat planta solo sed fascia primos OCR: sistitur ad digitos retinacula bina cothurnis mittit in adversum vincto de fomite pollex quae stringant crepidas et concunentibus null ansis GT : sistitur ad digitos retinacula bina cothurnis mittit in adversum vincto de fomite pollex quae stringant crepidas et null concurrentibus ansis OCR: vinclorum pandas texant per crura catenas ergo sicut erat liquidam transvecta per aethram nascentis petiit tepidos Hyperionis ortus Est locus GT : vinclorum pandas texant per crura catenas ergo sicut erat liquidam transvecta per aethram nascentis petiit tepidos Hyperionis ortus Est locus OCR: Oceani longinquis proximus Indis axe sub Eoo Nabataeum tensus in Eurum ver ibi continuum est interpellata nee null ullis placitoque GT : Oceani longinquis proximus Indis axe sub Eoo Nabataeum tensus in Eurum ver ibi continuum est interpellata null nec ullis null OCR: Drakenborch placidoque codd def Semple fascia confining band is evidently applied here to the sole of the sandal cf Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VIII carm v fasceata It cannot mean a fascia pedulis which did not come near the front of the foot GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The meaning is that the leather of the sole is not continued upwards over the toes to form uppers Two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thongs encircle the great toe and are passed cross wise through large leather loops which are attached to the sole GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and form a network on both sides of the foot when the laces have drawn them tight After passing through GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the last pair of loops these shoestrings were passed round the leg and fastened The vincla are the laces and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS Then he delivered his message of entreaty and the goddess compHant made ready for the journey Stern GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was her look as she bound up her flowing hair then she shut in her towers and hid them under GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a helmet laurel formed her fillet Her belt rough with shieldstuds taken from enemies made fast a sword which rose GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: high on her left side Her conquering arm was thrust into a shield whose orb was filled with the twin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sons of Mars with the wolf and Tiber and Love and Mars and Ilia A clasp fixes with gripping tooth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the raiment that retreats back from her breast Her threatening spear flashes and an oak bowed down with trophies sways GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and tires the goddess under its welcome burden The covering of her sole is of one piece but this strip GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is not carried beyond the tips of the toes the great toe sends two strings upward from its encircled socket GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in opposite directions so that they bind the sandal tight and with the sideloops drawn together weave a curving mesh GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of ties up the leg In this guise then she was wafted through the clear bright air seeking the warm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: risingplace of the nascent sun There is a region by Oceans shore nigh to the distant Indians under the eastern GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sky stretching towards the Nabataean wind Perpetual spring is there the ground is not made pale by any invading V GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems to refer to the pattern which they and the converging loops make along the instep rather than to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whole network of thongs which as explained above covered both sides of the foot It is unfortunate that Sidonius uses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: both cothurmis and crepida for the same thing the latter is by far the more appropriate word ie eastern cf GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ovid Iet I Lucan IV The Nabataei were a people of Arabia Petraea In the second vowel of Nabataeus is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: long THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS frigoribus pallescit humus sed flore perenni picta peregrines null ignorant arva rigores halant rura rosis GT : null null null null null frigoribus pallescit humus sed flore perenni picta null peregrinos ignorant arva rigores halant rura rosis OCR: indiscriptosque per agros fragrat odor violam cytisum serpylla ligustrum lilia narcissos casiam colocasia caltas costum malobathrum myrrhas opobalsama tura parturiunt GT : indiscriptosque per agros fragrat odor violam cytisum serpylla ligustrum lilia narcissos casiam colocasia caltas costum malobathrum myrrhas opobalsama tura parturiunt OCR: campi nee null non pulsante senecta hinc rediviva petit vicinus cinnama Phoenix hie null domus Aurorae rutilo crustante metallo bacarum GT : campi null nec non pulsante senecta hinc rediviva petit vicinus cinnama Phoenix null hic domus Aurorae rutilo crustante metallo bacarum OCR: praefert leves asprata lapillos diripiunt diversa oculos et ab arte magistra hoc vincit quodcumque vides sed conditur omnis sub domina GT : praefert leves asprata lapillos diripiunt diversa oculos et ab arte magistra hoc vincit quodcumque vides sed conditur omnis sub domina OCR: praesente decor nimioque rubore gemmarum varios perdit quia possidet ignes fundebat coma pexa crocos flexoque lacerto lutea depressus comebat tempora GT : praesente decor nimioque rubore gemmarum varios perdit quia possidet ignes fundebat coma pexa crocos flexoque lacerto lutea depressus comebat tempora OCR: pecten fundebant oculi radios color igneus iUis null non tamen ardor erat quamvis de nocte recussa excepti soleant sudorem fingere GT : pecten fundebant oculi radios color igneus null illis non tamen ardor erat quamvis de nocte recussa excepti soleant sudorem fingere OCR: rores pectora bis cingunt zonae parvisque papillis invidiam facit ipse sinus pars extima pepli perfert puniceas ad crura rubentia rugas GT : rores pectora bis cingunt zonae parvisque papillis invidiam facit ipse sinus pars extima pepli perfert puniceas ad crura rubentia rugas OCR: indiscTiptosque Mohr et Luetjohann indescriptosque fragrat F flagrat CPT The phoenix gathers all kinds of fragrant herbs to be burnt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with him on his hfegiving pyre Lactant Phoen In this connexion Sidonius never fails to mention cinnamon see cf Lactant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phoen Here dawn and the goddess of dawn are mixed up like the Tiber and the Tibergod in v The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dew of dawn looks like sweat but is not sweat for the rays of Dawn II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS seasons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of cold the fields bedizened with everblooming flowers know not the frosts of strange lands The countryside is fragrant with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: roses and throughout those unowned and undivided fields a sweet aroma breathes The plains ever bring forth violets clover thyme GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: privet lilies narcissus casia culcas marigold costum malobathrum myrrh balm frankincense Yea when old age knocks at his door the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: phoenix that dwells hard by seeks from hence the cinnamon that brings a new life Here the home of Aurora GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: overlaid with plates of flashing gold displays withal smooth pearls on its broken surface On all sides are things to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: capture the gaze and thanks to their masterly artistry whatsoever meets the eye seems to surpass the rest But all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that beauty is dimmed in the presence of its mistress who with her blushing radiance destroys the diverse fires of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the gems because she has fires of her own Her combed hair poured forth saffron hues her arm was bent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as the comb sank in and arranged the yellow tresses on her temples Her eyes poured forth rays fiery their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hue but the heat of fire was not there although when night is shaken off the dews received from it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are wont to have a semblance of sweat Her bosom was girdled by a double band and even the fold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in her robe mocked the smallness of her breasts The lower part of the dress extended its crimson folds down GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to her rosy knees Aurora which are diffused from her eyes have no heat in their fiery glow morning receives GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its dew from the departing night not from the dawn The meaning is not clear Possibly made her small breasts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: envious though invidiam facere regularly means to bring reproach upon THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS sic regina sedet solio sceptri vice GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null sic regina sedet solio sceptri vice OCR: dextram lampadis hasta replet Nox adstat proxima divae iam refugos conversa pedes ac pone tribunal promit Lux summum vix intellecta GT : dextram lampadis hasta replet Nox adstat proxima divae iam refugos conversa pedes ac pone tribunal promit Lux summum vix intellecta OCR: cacumen hinc Romam liquido venientem tramite cernens exsiluit propere et blandis prior orsa loquellis quid caput o mundi dixit mea GT : cacumen hinc Romam liquido venientem tramite cernens exsiluit propere et blandis prior orsa loquellis quid caput o mundi dixit mea OCR: regna revisis quidve iubes paulum ilia null silens atque aspera miscens mitibus haec coepit venio desist e null moveri nee GT : regna revisis quidve iubes paulum null illa silens atque aspera miscens mitibus haec coepit venio null null desiste moveri null OCR: null multum trepida non ut mihi pressus Araxes imposito sub ponte fluat nee null ut ordine prisco Indicus Ausonia potetur GT : nec multum trepida non ut mihi pressus Araxes imposito sub ponte fluat null nec ut ordine prisco Indicus Ausonia potetur OCR: casside Ganges aut ut tigriferi pharetrata per arva Niphatis depopuletur ovans Artaxata Caspia consul non Fori null modo regna precor GT : casside Ganges aut ut tigriferi pharetrata per arva Niphatis depopuletur ovans Artaxata Caspia consul non null Pori modo regna precor OCR: nee null ut hisce lacertis frangat Hydaspeas aries inpactus Erythras non in Bactra feror nee null committentia pugnas nostra Semiramiae GT : null nec ut hisce lacertis frangat Hydaspeas aries inpactus Erythras non in Bactra feror null nec committentia pugnas nostra Semiramiae OCR: rident ad classica portae Arsacias non quaero domus nee null tessera castris in Ctesiphonta datur totum hunc tibi cessimus axem GT : rident ad classica portae Arsacias non quaero domus null nec tessera castris in Ctesiphonta datur totum hunc tibi cessimus axem OCR: Pori Sirmondus pharii Rome asserts that she has not come to reclaim her old eastern conquests Araxes in Armenia Augustus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is said to have built a bridge over it Cf Verg Aen VIII The Romans had never conquered any part GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of India But here and in vv f Rome may merely be indicating that she does not intend to emulate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Alexander the Great Erythraeus is often used by poets for Indian from the mare Erythraeum which in the largest sense GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the term extended to the coast of India Sidonius seems to have invented the town of Erythrae cf In GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Erythraeus really means Arabian the vague geography of the poets often merges Arabia or Aethiopia with II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thus she sits a queen on her throne but instead of sceptre the shaft of a lamp fills her right GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hand Night stands near the goddess with her feet already turning to flee and behind the dais Light scarce perceived GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is beginning to reveal the topmost peak When from hence the goddess saw Rome drawing nigh through the cloudless air GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: she sprang up in haste and was the first to speak thus beginning with kindly words O head of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: world why dost thou revisit my kingdom What are thy commands The other was silent for a brief space then GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thus began mingling harsh and gentle phrase I come cease to be thus perturbed and be not grievously alarmed not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Araxes mastered by me may have to flow beneath a bridge forced upon it nor that in the ancient GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: manner the Indian Ganges may be drunk from an Italian helmet nor that a consul ranging through the fields of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tigerhaunted Niphates home of archers may triumphantly despoil Artaxata by the Caspian Sea I do not now beg for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: realm of Porus nor that these arms may thrust a batteringram to shatter Erythrae on the bank of the Hydaspes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I am not hurling myself against Bactra nor are the gates of Semiramis town laughing to hear our trumpets starting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fight I crave not the palaces of Persian kings nor is word being passed in camp of mine to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: march on Ctesiphon All this region we have yielded up to thee Do I not even India so in another GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reference to the Phoenix the same bird appears among the Indian captives of Bacchus ie of Babylon which had however GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: decayed after the death of Alexander the Great For the contemptuous refusal to close the gates see n on v GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: For the boundaries of the eastern and western Empires as finally settled after the death of Theodosius ad see Gibbon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: c init Hodgkin I THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS et nee null sic mereor nostram ut tueare senectam omne quod Euphraten GT : null null null null null null null null et null nec sic mereor nostram ut tueare senectam omne quod Euphraten OCR: Tigrimque interiacet olim sola tenes res empta mihi est de sanguine Crassi ad Carrhas pretium scripsi nee null inulta remansi GT : Tigrimque interiacet olim sola tenes res empta mihi est de sanguine Crassi ad Carrhas pretium scripsi null nec inulta remansi OCR: aut periit sic emptus ager si fallo probasti Ventidio mactate Sapor nee null sufficit istud Armenias Pontumque dedi quo Marte GT : aut periit sic emptus ager si fallo probasti Ventidio mactate Sapor null nec sufficit istud Armenias Pontumque dedi quo Marte OCR: petitum dicat Sulla tibi forsan non creditur uni consule Lucullum taceo iam Cycladas omnes adquisita meo servit tibi Creta Metello GT : petitum dicat Sulla tibi forsan non creditur uni consule Lucullum taceo iam Cycladas omnes adquisita meo servit tibi Creta Metello OCR: transcripsi Cilicas hos Magnus fuderat olim adieci Syriae quos nunc moderaris null Isauros hos quoque sub nostris domuit Servilius arinis GT : transcripsi Cilicas hos Magnus fuderat olim adieci Syriae quos nunc null moderans Isauros hos quoque sub nostris domuit Servilius null OCR: null concessi Aetolos veteres Acheloiaque arva transfudi Attalicum male credula testamentum Epirum retines tu scis cui debeat illam PnThus null GT : annis concessi Aetolos veteres Acheloiaque arva transfudi Attalicum male credula testamentum Epirum retines tu scis cui debeat illam null Pyrrhus OCR: in Illyricum specto te mittere iura ac Macetum terras et habes tu Paule nepotes Aegypti frumenta dedi mihi vicerat olim GT : in Illyricum specto te mittere iura ac Macetum terras et habes tu Paule nepotes Aegypti frumenta dedi mihi vicerat olim OCR: Leucadiis Agrippa fretis ludaea null tenetur sub dicione tua tamquam tu miseris illuc insignem cum patre Titum tibi Cypria merces GT : Leucadiis Agrippa fretis null Iudaea tenetur sub dicione tua tamquam tu miseris illuc insignem cum patre Titum tibi Cypria merces OCR: fertur pugnaces ego pauper laudo Catones Dorica te tellus et Achaica rura tremiscunt rura Mohr iura Three Persian kings had GT : fertur pugnaces ego pauper laudo Catones Dorica te tellus et Achaica rura tremiscunt null null null null null null null OCR: borne the name Sapor Shapur but Sidonius uses it to denote any Persian or rather Parthian king or prince It GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was Pacorus son of Orodes I who was defeated and slain by P Ventidius Bassus in BC See n on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Attalus III of Pergamum who died in BC bequeathed or was said to have bequeathed his dominions to the Romans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hence arose the Roman province of Asia L AemiUus PauUus defeated Perseus of Macedon at Pydna BC II PANEGYRIC ON GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ANTHEMIUS thus deserve that thou protect mine old age All that lies between Euphrates and Tigris thou hast long possessed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: alone yet that possession was bought by me with the blood of Crassus at Carrhae I paid down the price GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nor did I remain unavenged nor lose the land thus bought if my word is not good Sapor hath proved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it slain by Ventidius Nor is this enough I gave up the Armenias and Pontus by what martial might assailed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: let Sulla tell thee perchance one mans word is not enough then ask Lucullus I keep silence now about all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Cyclades but Crete which my Metellus won is thrall to thee I made over to thee the Cilicians yet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Magnus had routed them long ago To Syria I added the Isaurians whom thou governest now yet these likewise Servilius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: subdued beneath our arms I yielded up to thee Aetolias ancient race and the lands where Achelous flows with illstarred GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trustfulness I handed over to thee the bequest of Attalus Thou dost hold Epirus though thou knowest who won the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: title to it from Pyrrhus I see thee extending thy rule to Illyricum and the land of the Macedonians and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: yet descendants of Paulus still live I gave thee the corn of Egypt though Agrippa had conquered the land for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: me long since in the strait of Leucas Judea is held beneath thy sway as if it were thou that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hadst sent there the glorious Titus and his sire To thee is the revenue of Cyprus brought while I in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poverty belaud my warlike Catos The Dorian land and Achaias fields tremble before thee and thou stretchie at the battle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Actium The younger Cato Uticensis was sent to Cyprus in BC to annex the island THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tendis et in bimarem felicia regna Corinthon die null Byzantinus quis rem tibi Mummius egit Sed si forte placet veteres GT : tendis et in bimarem felicia regna Corinthon null dic Byzantinus quis rem tibi Mummius egit Sed si forte placet veteres OCR: sopire querellas Anthemium concede mihi sit partibus istis Augustus longumque Leo mea iura gubernet quern null petii patrio vestiri murice GT : sopire querellas Anthemium concede mihi sit partibus istis Augustus longumque Leo mea iura gubernet null quem petii patrio vestiri murice OCR: natam gaudeat Euphemiam sidus divale parentis adice praeterea privatum ad publica foedus sit socer Augustus genero Ricimere beatus nobilitate micant GT : natam gaudeat Euphemiam sidus divale parentis adice praeterea privatum ad publica foedus sit socer Augustus genero Ricimere beatus nobilitate micant OCR: est vobis regia virgo regius ille mihi si concors annuis istud mox Libyam sperare dabis circumspice taedas antiquas par nulla GT : est vobis regia virgo regius ille mihi si concors annuis istud mox Libyam sperare dabis circumspice taedas antiquas par nulla OCR: tibi sic copula praesto est proferat hie null veterum thalamos discrimine partos Graecia ni pudor est reparatis Pisa quadrigis suscitet GT : tibi sic copula praesto est proferat null hic veterum thalamos discrimine partos Graecia ni pudor est reparatis Pisa quadrigis suscitet OCR: Oenomaum natae quem fraude cadentem cerea destituit resolutis axibus obex procedat Colchis prius agnita virgo marito crimine quam sexu spectet GT : Oenomaum natae quem fraude cadentem cerea destituit resolutis axibus obex procedat Colchis prius agnita virgo marito crimine quam sexu spectet OCR: de carcere circi pallentes Atalanta procos et poma decori Hippomenis iam non pro solo colligat auro Deianira tuas Achelous gymnade GT : de carcere circi pallentes Atalanta procos et poma decori Hippomenis iam non pro solo colligat auro Deianira tuas Achelous gymnade OCR: pinguis inlustret taedas et ab Hercule pressus anhelo See Alypia daughter of Anthemius was married to Ricimer in AD Sidonius GT : pinguis inlustret taedas et ab Hercule pressus anhelo null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reached Rome in the midst of the celebrations Epist I ie by the defeat of Geiserio Cf Medea crimine refers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the murder of her brother Absyrtus see ie not merely on account of the gold as on the first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occasion but because she would fain have Hippomenes win Cf The struggle of Achelous with Hercules for the possession of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Deianira is often mentioned in II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS est thy prosperous sovereignty to where Corinth lies between the two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seas pray tell me this what Byzantine Mummius did this work for thee But if haply it please thee to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lay old grievances to rest grant me Anthemius In these lands let Leo be emperor and long may he reign GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But let my laws be in the hands of him whom I have asked of thee and let the star GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of her deified father rejoice that Euphemia his daughter is robed in the purple of her ancestors Add also a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: private compact to our public one let a parent who is Emperor be blessed by having his daughter wedded to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ricimer Both shine with the lustre of high rank in her ye have a royal lady in him I have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a man of royal blood If thou dost willingly agree to this thou shalt permit me to hope for Libya GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: anon Survey the nuptials of olden time and no union such as this event can offer itself to thy view GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Here let Greece bring forward unless she be ashamed those marriages of her ancients which were won by peril Let GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pisa bring back her fourhorse chariot and revive Oenomaus who fell by a daughters guile when the waxen linchpins betrayed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him unloosing the axles let the maid of Colchis come forward who was brought to her husbands knowledge by her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crime before he knew her as a woman let Atalanta gaze on her pale suitors from the startingplace in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: circus and no longer gather the apples of the comely Hippomenes for their gold alone let Achelous with the oil GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the wrestlingschool upon him glorify the nuptials of Deianira and clasped tightly by the panting Herancient literature See Sir GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: J G Frazers n on Apollodorus II Vol I p in this series Gymnade pinguis is oddly used of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: riverdeity THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS lassatum foveat rivis rivalibus hostem quantumvis repetam veteris conubia saecli transcendunt hie null heroas heroidas GT : null null null null null lassatum foveat rivis rivalibus hostem quantumvis repetam veteris conubia saecli transcendunt null hic heroas heroidas OCR: ilia null hos thalamos Ricimer Virtus tibi pronuba poscit atque Dionaeam dat Martia laurea myrtum ergo age trade virum non GT : null illa hos thalamos Ricimer Virtus tibi pronuba poscit atque Dionaeam dat Martia laurea myrtum ergo age trade virum non OCR: otia pigra foventem deliciisque gravem sed quern null modo nauticus urit aestus Abydenique sinus et Sestias ora Hellespontiacis circumelamata null GT : otia pigra foventem deliciisque gravem sed null quem modo nauticus urit aestus Abydenique sinus et Sestias ora Hellespontiacis null circumclamata OCR: procellis quas pelagi fauces non sic tenuisse vel ilium null crediderim cui ruptus Athos cui remige Medo turgida silvosam currebant GT : procellis quas pelagi fauces non sic tenuisse vel null illum crediderim cui ruptus Athos cui remige Medo turgida silvosam currebant OCR: vela per Alpem nee null Lucullanis sic haec freta cincta carinis segnis ad insignem sedit cum Cyzicon hostis qui cogente GT : vela per Alpem null nec Lucullanis sic haec freta cincta carinis segnis ad insignem sedit cum Cyzicon hostis qui cogente OCR: fame cognata cadavera mandens vixit morte sua sed quid mea vota retardo trade magis Tum pauca refert Tithonia coniunx due GT : fame cognata cadavera mandens vixit morte sua sed quid mea vota retardo trade magis Tum pauca refert Tithonia coniunx null OCR: null age sancta parens quamquam mihi maximus usus invieti null summique ducis dum mitior exstes et non disiunetas null melius GT : duc age sancta parens quamquam mihi maximus usus null invicti summique ducis dum mitior exstes et non null disiunctas melius OCR: moderemur habenas nam si forte placet veterum meminisse laborum et qui pro patria vestri pugnaret luli null ut nil plus GT : moderemur habenas nam si forte placet veterum meminisse laborum et qui pro patria vestri pugnaret null Iuli ut nil plus OCR: dicam prior hinc ego Memnona misi Pinierant null geminas iunxit Concordia partes electo tandem potitur quod principe Roma Anthemius was GT : dicam prior hinc ego Memnona misi null Finierant geminas iunxit Concordia partes electo tandem potitur quod principe Roma null null OCR: in command of the fleet in the Hellespont when called to the Imperial throne Xerxes Sidonius is wrong It was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mithridates who commanded the sea throughout his disastrous siege of Cyzicus BC though his ships could not save him from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: famine See also II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS cules refresh his wearied a dversaryvvith spiteful spate recall as I may the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: marriages of the olden time this man excels all the goddescended heroes she the heroines Valour hath this union in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her charge she demands it for thee Ricimer and thus the laurel of Mars bestows on thee the myrtle of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Venus Come then deliver to me this man who neither cherishes lazy ease nor is numbed by indulgence but who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: even now is harassed by the heaving deep by the bay of Abydos and the shore of Sestos with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tempests of the Hellespont roaring all around Not so firmly methinks was this narrow sea held even by him who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: burst through Athos and with his Median oarsmen made his swelling sails rush through wooded mountains nor was this strait GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so hemmed by Lucullus ships when before famed Cyzicus idly lingered that enemy who when hunger pressed him devoured the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bodies of his kin and thus lived by the death of his own But why do I delay the fulfilment GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of my prayer Rather deliver him now to me Then answered Tithonus spouse in these few words Come take him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reverend mother although I have great need of a mighty and unconquerable leader provided that thou wilt now show thyself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more kindly and so we may better wield the reins in joint control For if haply it please thee to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: remember the toils of olden days I was before thee to mention but this in sending Memnon hence to fight GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for the native land of your lulus They had finished and Concord united the two sides for Rome at length GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gained the emperor of her Memnon who appears in postHomeric accounts as an ally of the Trojans was the son GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Tithonus and Eos Aurora VOL I E THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS nunc aliquos voto simili vel amore vetustas te GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null nunc aliquos voto simili vel amore vetustas te OCR: legisse crepa numquam non invida summis emeritisque viris Brenni contra arma Camillum profer ab exilio Cincinnatoque secures expulso Caesone refer GT : legisse crepa numquam non invida summis emeritisque viris Brenni contra arma Camillum profer ab exilio Cincinnatoque secures expulso Caesone refer OCR: flentemque parentem a rastris ad rostra roga miseroque tumultu pelle prius quos victa petas si ruperit Alpes Poenus ad adflictos GT : flentemque parentem a rastris ad rostra roga miseroque tumultu pelle prius quos victa petas si ruperit Alpes Poenus ad adflictos OCR: condemnatosque recurre improbus ut rubeat Barcina clade Metaurus multatus tibi consul agat qui milia fundens Hasdrubalis rutilum sibi cum fabricaverit GT : condemnatosque recurre improbus ut rubeat Barcina clade Metaurus multatus tibi consul agat qui milia fundens Hasdrubalis rutilum sibi cum fabricaverit OCR: ensera null concretum gerat ipse caput longe altera nostri gratia iudicii est scit se non laesus amari Sed mea iam GT : null ensem concretum gerat ipse caput longe altera nostri gratia iudicii est scit se non laesus amari Sed mea iam OCR: nimii propellunt carbasa flatus siste Camena modos tenues portumque petenti iara null placido sedeat mihi carminis ancora fundo ai null GT : nimii propellunt carbasa flatus siste Camena modos tenues portumque petenti null iam placido sedeat mihi carminis ancora fundo null at OCR: tamen o princeps quae nunc tibi classis et arma tractentur quam magna geras quam tempore parvo si mea vota deus GT : tamen o princeps quae nunc tibi classis et arma tractentur quam magna geras quam tempore parvo si mea vota deus OCR: produxerit ordine recto aut genero bis mox aut te ter consule dicam sed Luetjokann et Camillus was exiled on a GT : produxerit ordine recto aut genero bis mox aut te ter consule dicam null null null null null null null null OCR: charge of having made an unfair division of the booty taken at Veii Liv V Caeso son of the great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: L Quinctius Cincinnatus was exiled and a heavy fine was imposed upon him which his father had to pay Liv GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: III Three years later BC Cincinnatus was summoned from the plough to the dictatorship in order to rescue the Romans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the Aequians Liv III M Livius Salinator consul in BC condemned on a charge similar to that brought against GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Camillus n on v retired from Rome to the country and took no part in public II PANEGYRIC ON ANTHEMIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: choice And now Antiquity thou who art ever jealous of the greatest men and greatest benefactors prate if thou wilt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of choices made by thee with like eagerness and affection Bring Camillus forth from his exile to confront the arms GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Brennus give Cincinnatus the fasces once more after banishing Caeso invite the weeping parent from the rake to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rostra and in miserable discord drive men out only to seek their help in thine hour of defeat Should the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carthaginian have burst the Alps asunder have recourse to men that have been broken and condemned if the insatiate Metaurus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is to be reddened by the defeat of Barcas son let a consul thou hast fined do the work for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee and as he routs Hasdrubals thousands let him who has fashioned a bloody sword for his use himself show GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an unkempt head Far different is the graciousness of our choice he has never been wronged but knows that he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is loved But now too strong are the breezes that drive my sails before them Check O Muse my humble GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: measures and as I seek the harbour let the anchor of my song settle at last in a calm restingplace GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Yet of the fleet and forces that thou O prince art handling and of the great deeds thou doest in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: little time I if God further my prayers shall tell in order due in the second consulship of thy daughters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: affairs until he was compelled to return in BC He came in the guise of disgrace and mourning with unkempt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hair and matted beard and in shabby attire Liv XXVII He was made consul for the year with C Claudius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nero with whom he shared in the victory over Hasdrubal at the Metaurus ie he has not had to suffer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: injury hke those old Romans before gaining the love of the people THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS nam modo nos iam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null nam modo nos iam OCR: festa vocant et ad Vlpia poscunt te fora donabis quos libertate Quirites quorum gaudentes exceptant verbera malae perge pater patriae GT : festa vocant et ad Vlpia poscunt te fora donabis quos libertate Quirites quorum gaudentes exceptant verbera malae perge pater patriae OCR: felix atque omine fausto captives null vincture novos absolve vetustos Ill AD LIBELLVM Quid faceret laetas segetes quod tempus amandum GT : felix atque omine fausto null captivos vincture novos absolve vetustos null null null Quid faceret laetas segetes quod tempus amandum OCR: messibus et gregibus vitibus atque apibus ad Maecenatis quondam sunt edita nomen hinc Maro post audes arma virumque loqui at GT : messibus et gregibus vitibus atque apibus ad Maecenatis quondam sunt edita nomen hinc Maro post audes arma virumque loqui at OCR: mihi Petrus erit Maecenas temporis huius nam famae pelagus sidere curro suo si probat emittit si damnat carmina celat nee GT : mihi Petrus erit Maecenas temporis huius nam famae pelagus sidere curro suo si probat emittit si damnat carmina celat null OCR: null nos ronchisono rhinocerote notat i liber hie null nostrum tutatur crede pudorem hoc censore etiam displicuisse placet Ricimer had GT : nec nos ronchisono rhinocerote notat i liber null hic nostrum tutatur crede pudorem hoc censore etiam displicuisse placet null null OCR: been consul in ad The forum of Trajan The public manumission of some slaves was regularly performed by the consuls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when they entered upon their office Cf Claud IV Cons Hon The ceremony included the traditional blow on the cheek GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: alapa the significance of which is uncertain See Mr R G Nisbets interesting paper in JRS VIII pp ie as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a result of his coming victory over Geiseric These two lines are partly a quotation partly a paraphrase of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: opening of Virgils Georgics III TO HIS LITTLE BOOK husband or in thy third but now a festival doth call GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: us and thy presence at the Ulpian Forum is demanded by those citizenstobe on whom thou wilt bestow liberty whose GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cheeks receive their buffets with joy Forward then Father of thy country blest of fortune and with happy omen release GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: old captives to bind new ones anon Ill TO HIS LITTLE BOOK What made the cornfields joyous what season is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dear to harvestcrops and flocks to vines and bees was once declared in a poem addressed to Maecenas thereafter Maro GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou didst dare to sing of arms and the man But to me Petrus shall be the Maecenas of this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time for I glide over the sea of fame under his guiding star If he approves my poems he lets GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them go forth if he condemns them he suppresses them but he never censures me with the snorting snout of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a rhinoceros Go then my book for believe me he sustains my bashfulness with him for censor it is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pleasure even to have displeased Petrus Imperial secretary magister epistularum under Majorian a man of some literary ability see Carm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sqq Epist IX and the carmen which follows He was evidently instrumental in reconciling the Emperor to Sidotiius after the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trouble at Lugdunum Introd p xxxvii and also in negotiating terms of surrender for the besieged GalloRomans and their Burgundian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allies see THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS IV PRAEFATIO PANEGYRICI DICTI DOMINO IMPERATORI CAESARI IVLIO VALERIO MAIORIANO AVGVSTO Tityrus ut quondam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Tityrus ut quondam OCR: patulae sub tegmine fagi volveret inflates null murmura per calamos praestitit adflicto ius vitae Caesar et agri nee null stetit GT : patulae sub tegmine fagi volveret null inflatos murmura per calamos praestitit adflicto ius vitae Caesar et agri null nec stetit OCR: ad tenuem celsior ira reum sed rus concessum dum largo in principe laudat caelum pro terris rustica Musa dedit nee GT : ad tenuem celsior ira reum sed rus concessum dum largo in principe laudat caelum pro terris rustica Musa dedit null OCR: null fuit inferius Phoebeia dona referre fecerat hie null dominum feeit null et ille deum et tibi Flacce acies Bruti GT : nec fuit inferius Phoebeia dona referre fecerat null hic dominum null fecit et ille deum et tibi Flacce acies Bruti OCR: Cassique secuto earminis null est auctor qui fuit et veniae sic mihi diverso nuper sub Marte cadenti iussisti invicto victor GT : Cassique secuto null carminis est auctor qui fuit et veniae sic mihi diverso nuper sub Marte cadenti iussisti invicto victor OCR: ut essem animo serviat ergo tibi servati lingua poetae atque meae vitae laus tua sit pretium non ego mordaci fodiam GT : ut essem animo serviat ergo tibi servati lingua poetae atque meae vitae laus tua sit pretium non ego mordaci fodiam OCR: modo dente Maronem nee null civem carpam terra Sabella tuum res minor ingenio nobis sed Caesare maior vincant eloquio dummodo GT : modo dente Maronem null nec civem carpam terra Sabella tuum res minor ingenio nobis sed Caesare maior vincant eloquio dummodo OCR: nos domino invicto victor Stangl erecto victor Leo victor victor Verg Eel I Tityrus is as usual taken to represent GT : nos domino null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Virgil Octavian as a Triumvir might be spoken of as angry with Cremona which supported Brutus and suffered severely when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: confiscated lands were assigned to the veterans of Phihppi The confiscations were extended to the territory around Mantua too near GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: alas to hapless Cremona Verg Ec IX and Virgil was evicted Thus the wrath of Octavian might be said to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have extended to Virgil There is no other authority for the statement in v probably Sidonius is writing from a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: confused recollection IV PREFACE TO MAIORIANUS IV PREFACE TO THE PANEGYRIC PRONOUNCED IN HONOUR OF THE LORD EMPEROR lULIUS VALERIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: MAIORIANUS CAESAR AUGUSTUS That Tityrus of old under the canopy of a spreading beech might pour forth his warblings breathed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into the reed Caesar vouchsafed him in his hour of distress the right to Hve and possess his land and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the wTath of majesty endured not against an humble offender But the rustic Muse praising thus a bounteous prince for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a farm restored gave in return for that earthly boon a place in heaven nor was such repayment with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gifts of Phoebus too poor a recompense for whereas the one man had made the poet a master of lands GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the poet made him a god To Flaccus likewise when he had followed the campaigns of Brutus and Cassius he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who was the source of his pardon was also the source j of his song So it is with me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: laid prostrate not L long since in the ranks of thy foe I was bidden by thee my conqueror to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: keep an unconquered spirit So let the tongue of a poet thus preserved yield its service to thee and let GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my praises be the recompense for my life I will not now fix a malignant tooth in Maro or carp GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the citizen of the Sabine country My work must needs be less than theirs in talent but it is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: greater in its Caesar Let them surpass me in the power of utterance so long as I surpass them in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my lord and master If this refers to Maecenas the statement is incredible Horace was first introduced to Maecenas in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bc But as Geisler says p n the context suggests that the reference is to Octavian THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PANEGYRICVS Concipe praeteritos respublica mente triumphos imperium iam consul habet quern null purpura non plus quam lorica operit cuius diademata GT : null Concipe praeteritos respublica mente triumphos imperium iam consul habet null quem purpura non plus quam lorica operit cuius diademata OCR: frontem non luxu sed lege tegunt meritisque null laborum post palmam palmata venit decora omnia regni accumulant fasces et princeps GT : frontem non luxu sed lege tegunt null mentisque laborum post palmam palmata venit decora omnia regni accumulant fasces et princeps OCR: consule crescit personat ergo tuum caelo rure urbibus undis exsultans Europa sophos quod rector haberis null victor qui fueras fateor GT : consule crescit personat ergo tuum caelo rure urbibus undis exsultans Europa sophos quod rector null habens victor qui fueras fateor OCR: trepidaverat orbis dum non vis vicisse tibi nimioque pudore quod regnum mereare doles tristique repulsa non moderanda subis quae defendenda GT : trepidaverat orbis dum non vis vicisse tibi nimioque pudore quod regnum mereare doles tristique repulsa non moderanda subis quae defendenda OCR: putasti Sederat exserto bellatrix pectore Roma cristatum turrita caput cui pone capaci casside prolapsus perfundit terga capillus Delivered at Lugdunum GT : putasti Sederat exserto bellatrix pectore Roma cristatum turrita caput cui pone capaci casside prolapsus perfundit terga capillus null null null OCR: late in the year See Introd p xxxvii The tunica palmata n on f These words seem to be a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flattering reference to the interval between April and December The date of Majorians accession is a vexed problem see Stein GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p n and N Baynes in Journ Bom Stud XII pp f and XVIII pp f The scanty evidence available GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems to indicate that on April b was proclaimed by the soldiers with the connivance of the eastern Emperor but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that his formal adoption b late army and people did not take place until December T Sidonius v collega tells GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: us that Leo gave his assent on the latter occasion This was strictly necessary see n on p and there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: o V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS PANEGYRIC Picture to your minds O Roman people all your past triumphs now a consul GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: holds the imperial power one whom the hauberk clothes no less than the purple whose brow is wTeathed with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: diadem not through vain parade but through lawful power and to whom as reward of his toils doth come the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: palmdecked robe after the victors palm Now the fasces crown all the splendours of sovereignty and the prince is magnified GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the consul Therefore jubilant Europe shouts a bravo for thee echoing through sky and countryside and cities and waters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: since thou who wert a conqueror art now greeted as ruler I confess it the world trembled with alarm while GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou wert loth that thy victories should benefit thee and with overmuch modesty wert grieved that thou didst deserve the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: throne and so with a woful refusal wouldst not undertake to rule that which thou hadst deemed worth defending Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the warriorgoddess had taken her seat Her breast was uncovered on her plumed head was a crown of towers and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: behind her escaping from under her spacious helmet her hair flowed over her seems to be no cogent reason for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: doubting the poets assertion Stein rather arbitrarily takes the mention of Leo to refer to April while implicitly admitting that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reference in the same sentence to commons Senate and army apphes only to December The attitude of Leo does GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seem to have been wavering and baffling and may well have made Majorian hesitate but it is very doubtful if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Majorian would have committed himself irrevocably on December without at least a formal assent from the eastern Emperor i THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS laetitiam censura manet terrorque pudore crescit et invita superat virtute venustas ostricolor pepli textus quern null fibula GT : null null null laetitiam censura manet terrorque pudore crescit et invita superat virtute venustas ostricolor pepli textus null quem fibula OCR: torto mordax dente forat turn null quidquid mamma refundit tegminis hoc patulo concludit gemma recessu hinc fulcit rutilus spatioso circite GT : torto mordax dente forat null tum quidquid mamma refundit tegminis hoc patulo concludit gemma recessu hinc fulcit rutilus spatioso circite OCR: laevum umbo latus videas hie null crasso fusa metallo antra Rheae fetamque lupam quam fauce retecta blandiri quoque terror erat GT : laevum umbo latus videas null hic crasso fusa metallo antra Rheae fetamque lupam quam fauce retecta blandiri quoque terror erat OCR: quamquam ilia null vorare Martigenas et picta timet pars proxima Thybrim exprimit hie null scabri fusus sub pumice tofi proflabat GT : quamquam null illa vorare Martigenas et picta timet pars proxima Thybrim exprimit null hic scabri fusus sub pumice tofi proflabat OCR: madidum per guttura glauca soporem pectus palla tegit quam neverat Ilia coniunx liquenti quae iuncta toro vult murmura lymphis tollere GT : madidum per guttura glauca soporem pectus palla tegit quam neverat Ilia coniunx liquenti quae iuncta toro vult murmura lymphis tollere OCR: et undosi somnum servare mariti ista micant clipeo cuspis trabe surgit eburna ebria caede virum propter Bellona tropaeum exstruit et GT : et undosi somnum servare mariti ista micant clipeo cuspis trabe surgit eburna ebria caede virum propter Bellona tropaeum exstruit et OCR: quercum captivo pondere curvat consurgit solium saxis quae caesa rubenti Aethiopum de monte cadunt ubi sole propinquo nativa exustas adflavit GT : quercum captivo pondere curvat consurgit solium saxis quae caesa rubenti Aethiopum de monte cadunt ubi sole propinquo nativa exustas adflavit OCR: purpura rupes iungitur hie null Synnas Nomadum lapis additur istic antiquum mentitus ebur post caute Laconum marmoris herbosi radians interviret GT : purpura rupes iungitur null hic Synnas Nomadum lapis additur istic antiquum mentitus ebur post caute Laconum marmoris herbosi radians interviret OCR: ordo forat Wilamowitz vorat Compare the shorter description ofRomes shield sq The reference is to lapis Syenites a red granite GT : ordo null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quarried near Syene Assouan on the Egyptian side of the Ethiopian border Syene was supposed to lie on the tropic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its heat was proverbial See also Epist II For similar lists of stones see Epist II loc cit V PANEGYRIC GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ON MAIORIANUS back She has a sternness ready to rebuke exultation her modest mien but makes her more terrible and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her valour is loth to see her beauty triumph Purplehued is her robe which a clasp pierces with the bite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of its twisted tooth that part of her mantle which her breast throws off is gathered up by a jewel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under her ample bosom Here a glowing shield of vast circumference supports her left side Thereon can be seen cast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in thick metal the cave of Rhea and the motherwolf whose very caresses were fearsome with those open jaws yet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: even in her pictured guise she is afraid to devour the sons of Mars The near side figures Tiber outstretched GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under a porous rock of scaly tuif and breathing forth his humid slumber through his greygreen throat His breast is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: covered with a robe which his wife Ilia had spun and she close to that dripping couch would fain stop GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the plashing and guard the sleep of her watery mate Such are the pictures that sparkle on the shield Her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spear set on an ivory shaft towered up drunk with the slaughter of men Near by Bellona was building up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a trophy and making an oak tree bend Avdth the weight of captured spoils The lofty throne was fashioned of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the stones that are quarried and lowered from the ruddy Aethiopian mount where the sun is nigh and thus a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: natural purple has tinged the seared crags Here Synnadian there Numidian marble that counterfeits old ivory was added after these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the grasshued marble from Laconian scaur interposed a row of radiant green Numidian marble giallo antico varies in colour from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the faintest straw tint to deep shades of rich yellow M W Porter What Borne was built mth p THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS Ergo ut se mediam solio dedit advolat omnis terra simul turn null quaeque suos provincia fructus exposuit GT : null null null Ergo ut se mediam solio dedit advolat omnis terra simul null tum quaeque suos provincia fructus exposuit OCR: fert Indus ebur Chaldaeus amomum Assyrius gemmas Ser vellera tura Sabaeus Atthis mel Phoenix palnias null Lacedaemon olivum Areas null GT : fert Indus ebur Chaldaeus amomum Assyrius gemmas Ser vellera tura Sabaeus Atthis mel Phoenix null palmas Lacedaemon olivum null Arcas OCR: equos Epirus equas pecuaria Callus null arma Chalybs frumenta Libys Campanus lacchum null aurum Lydus Arabs guttam Panchaia myrrham Pontus GT : equos Epirus equas pecuaria null Gallus arma Chalybs frumenta Libys Campanus null Iacchum aurum Lydus Arabs guttam Panchaia myrrham Pontus OCR: castorea blattam Tyrus aera Corinthus Sardinia argentum naves Hispania defert fulminis et lapidem scopulos iaculabile fulgur fucat et accensam silicem GT : castorea blattam Tyrus aera Corinthus Sardinia argentum naves Hispania defert fulminis et lapidem scopulos iaculabile fulgur fucat et accensam silicem OCR: fecunda maritat ira deum quotiens caelum se commovet illic plus ibi terra valet Subito flens Africa nigras procubuit lacerata genas GT : fecunda maritat ira deum quotiens caelum se commovet illic plus ibi terra valet Subito flens Africa nigras procubuit lacerata genas OCR: et cernua frontem iam male fecundas in vertice fregit aristas ac sic orsa loqui venio pars tertia mundi infelix felice GT : et cernua frontem iam male fecundas in vertice fregit aristas ac sic orsa loqui venio pars tertia mundi infelix felice OCR: uno famula satus olim hie null praedo et dominis exstinctis barbara dudum sceptra tenet tellure mea penitusque fugata nobilitate furens GT : uno famula satus olim null hic praedo et dominis exstinctis barbara dudum sceptra tenet tellure mea penitusque fugata nobilitate furens OCR: quod non est non amat hospes o Latii sopite vigor tua moenia ridet insidiis cessisse suis non concutis hastam non GT : quod non est non amat hospes o Latii sopite vigor tua moenia ridet insidiis cessisse suis non concutis hastam non OCR: pro me vel capta doles tua nempe putantur loqui est codd plerique This stone was probably a kind of catseye GT : pro me vel capta doles tua nempe putantur null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: According to one popular belief it was foiuid only in places which had been struck by lightning Isid Etym XVT GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Some said this only of a rare variety of thunderstone Plin NH xxxvii The stone was called cerauniua so lapis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ceraunia sc gemma or ceraunium Or possibly becomes more precious Cf sq V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS So when she had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seated her on the throne in the midst all lands flocked to her at once The provinces display their several GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fruits the Indian brings ivory the CJhaldaean nard the Assyrian jewels the Chinaman silk the Sabaean frankincense Attica brings honey GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phoenicia palms Sparta oil Arcadia horses Epirus mares Gaul flocks and herds the Chalybian arms the Libyan corn the Campanian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wine the Lydian gold the Arab amber Panchaia myrrh Pontus castory Tyre purple and Corinth bronzes Sardinia offers silver Spain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ships and the thunderstone for there the flashing levinbolt stains the rocks and the fertilising wrath of the gods impregnates GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the heated flint whensoever in that clime the sky stirs itself to fury the earth there waxes stronger Of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sudden Africa flung herself down weeping with her swarthy cheeks all torn Bowing her forehead she broke the cornears that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crowned her ears whose fruitfulness was now her bane and thus she began I come a third part of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: world unfortunate because one man is fortunate This man son of a slavewoman hath long been a robber he hath GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: blotted out our rightful lords and for many a day hath melded his barbarian sceptre in my land and having GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: driven our nobility utterly away this stranger loves nothing that is not mad O slumbering energy of Latium He makes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scornful boast that thy walls yielded to his cunning Wilt thou not then brandish the spear Dost thou not grieve GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for me even though thou too hast been captured In sooth it is There is a double meaning in nobilitas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nohles and nobleness he has driven away all that is noble and loves only what is mad The Vandals under GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Geiseric sacked Rome in June ad Insidiis may contain a reference to the suspected collusion of Geiseric with the Empress GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Eudoxia See Bury I THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS surgere fata malis et celsior esse ruina sed melius quod terror abit GT : null null null null null null null null surgere fata malis et celsior esse ruina sed melius quod terror abit OCR: iam vincere restat si pugnas ut victa soles Porsenna superbum Tarquinium impingens complevit milite Tusco laniculum null quondam sed dum GT : iam vincere restat si pugnas ut victa soles Porsenna superbum Tarquinium impingens complevit milite Tusco null Ianiculum quondam sed dum OCR: perrumpere portas obsidione parat totam te pertulit uno Coclitis in clipeo presserunt milia solum multa virum pendente via nee null GT : perrumpere portas obsidione parat totam te pertulit uno Coclitis in clipeo presserunt milia solum multa virum pendente via null nec OCR: ponte soluto cum caderet cecidit rex idem denique morte admonitus scribae didicit sibi bella moveri non solum cum bella forent GT : ponte soluto cum caderet cecidit rex idem denique morte admonitus scribae didicit sibi bella moveri non solum cum bella forent OCR: mox pace petita in regnum rediit non tam feriente fugatus quam flagrante viro steterat nam corde gelato Scaevola et apposito GT : mox pace petita in regnum rediit non tam feriente fugatus quam flagrante viro steterat nam corde gelato Scaevola et apposito OCR: dextram damnaverat igni plus felix peccante manu cum forte satelles palleret constante reo tormentaque capti is fugeret qui tortor erat GT : dextram damnaverat igni plus felix peccante manu cum forte satelles palleret constante reo tormentaque capti is fugeret qui tortor erat OCR: Brennum tremuisti post melior quodcumque tuum est quodcumque vocaris iam solus Tarpeius erat sed reppulit unus turn null quoque totam GT : Brennum tremuisti post melior quodcumque tuum est quodcumque vocaris iam solus Tarpeius erat sed reppulit unus null tum quoque totam OCR: aciem Senones dum garrulus anser nuntiat et vigilat vestrum sine milite fatum me quoque da veniam quod bellum gessimus olim GT : aciem Senones dum garrulus anser nuntiat et vigilat vestrum sine milite fatum me quoque da veniam quod bellum gessimus olim OCR: post Trebiam Cannasque domas Romanaque tecta Hannibal ante meus quam nostra Scipio vidit quo codd plerique Cf Hor Garm iv GT : post Trebiam Cannasque domas Romanaque tecta Hannibal ante meus quam nostra Scipio vidit null null null null null null null OCR: etc corde gelato which should refer to fear Luc VII here means perfectly cool There is a characteristically absurd contrast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: between the coolness of Scaevola and the heat of the fire V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS believed that thy fortunes are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: exalted by ills and that a fall makes thee rise all the higher but now thy case is better for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the menace hath departed from thee now victory awaits thee if thou but fight as thou art wont to fight GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after defeats Once Porsenna forcing Tarquin the Proud upon thee filled Janiculum with Tuscan soldiery but as he made ready GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by siege to break through thy gates he met in the one shield of Codes the whole of thee Myriads GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bore hard upon that lone man while the passage across hung doubtful and when the bridge was broken he fell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: yet did not fall The selfsame king at last took warning from his scribes death and learned that he was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: being warred against not only when war was raging thereupon he sought peace and returned to his kingdom driven back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: less by a mans blow than by his burning For Scaevola had stood with heart cool as ice and doomed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his right hand to the fire near by happier he in that his hand struck in error while the retainer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grew pale as he saw the offenders courage and the torturer fled from the prisoners tortures Thou didst quake before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Brennus though later thou wast more than his match It had come to such a pass that all the possessions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and all the name thou now enjoy est were bound up in the Tarpeian mount alone but then also one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man drove back a whole host when the cackling goose announced the Senones and thy destiny kept watch without warriors GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Me also forgive me that I warred with thee aforetime thou didst crush after the Trebia and Cannae yet my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hannibal viewed Romes roofs ere Scipio saw The Gaul who captured Rome BC ie the Capitol which was not taken GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quid merui fatis cogor tibi bella movere cum volo cum nolo trepidus te territat hostis sed GT : null null null null quid merui fatis cogor tibi bella movere cum volo cum nolo trepidus te territat hostis sed OCR: tutus claudente freto velut hispidus alta sus prope tesqua iacet claususque cacuminat albis OS null nigrum telis gravidum circumlatrat ingens GT : tutus claudente freto velut hispidus alta sus prope tesqua iacet claususque cacuminat albis null os nigrum telis gravidum circumlatrat ingens OCR: turba canum si forte velit concurrere campo ille per obiectos vepres tumet atque superbit vi tenuis fortisque loco dum proximus GT : turba canum si forte velit concurrere campo ille per obiectos vepres tumet atque superbit vi tenuis fortisque loco dum proximus OCR: heia venator de coUe null sonet vox nota magistri lassatam reparat rabiem turn null vulnera caecus fastidit sentire furor quid GT : heia venator de null colle sonet vox nota magistri lassatam reparat rabiem null tum vulnera caecus fastidit sentire furor quid OCR: proelia differs quid mare formidas pro cuius saepe triumphis et caelum pugnare solet quid quod tibi princeps est nunc eximius GT : proelia differs quid mare formidas pro cuius saepe triumphis et caelum pugnare solet quid quod tibi princeps est nunc eximius OCR: quem praescia saecula clamant venturum excidio Libyae qui tertius ex me accipiet nomen debent hoc fata labori Maioriane tuo quem GT : quem praescia saecula clamant venturum excidio Libyae qui tertius ex me accipiet nomen debent hoc fata labori Maioriane tuo quem OCR: cur conscendere classem ac portus intrare meos urbemque subire si iubeas cupiam paucis ex ordine fabor Fertur Pannoniae qua Martia GT : cur conscendere classem ac portus intrare meos urbemque subire si iubeas cupiam paucis ex ordine fabor Fertur Pannoniae qua Martia OCR: pollet Acincus lUyricum null rexisse solum cum tractibus Histri huius avus nam Theudosius quo tempore Sirmi Augustum sumpsit nomen per GT : pollet Acincus null Illyricum rexisse solum cum tractibus Histri huius avus nam Theudosius quo tempore Sirmi Augustum sumpsit nomen per OCR: utramque magistrum sic codd Bernetisis et Paris nuncpraetura praeterea M eximius quem saecula ceteri Probably a reference to the defeat GT : utramque magistrum null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Vandals ofE Corsica in ad n on Rather an unfortunate expression coming from the lips of Africa but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius like his model Virgil Aen I is thinking of the conquest of Carthage Carthage was Geiserics capital ie after GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the two Scipios Nomen refers to the honorary surname Africaniis V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS ours Wliat is my fault I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: am compelled by some fate to stir up wars against thee when I will it and when I will it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not It is a frightened foe that frights thee nowi but he is guarded by the enclosing sea as a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shaggy boar lies low on the edge of the wild and thus shut in sharpens the white weapons wherewith his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: black jaws are loaded around him barks a great pack of hounds hoping he may choose to give them battle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the open plain but he amid his barrier of briers swells with insolence poor in dash but strong in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: situation till the huntsman coming near shouts from the hill Have at him then the masters wellknown voice revives the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: jaded fury of the dogs to a blind frenzy that scorns to feel wounds Why dost thou delay the fight GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Why dost thou fear the sea when even heaven is wont so oft to battle for thy victories And hast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou not now a peerless prince whom the prophetic ages proclaim as destined for Libyas destruction and who shall be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the third to get an added name from me To thy toil Majorian fate owes this guerdon And the reason GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: why I desire if thou shouldst so bid that he embark with his fleet and sail into my harbours and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enter my city this I will briefly declare in due order Tis recorded that where stands in all its might GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the martial city of Acincus in Pannonia his grandfather ruled the land of lUyricum together with the Danuberegions for Theodosius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when he took the name of Augustus at Sirmium before setting forth Acincus more usually Aquincum Aquinquum or Acincum a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: town in Pannonia Inferior on the right bank of the Danube mod AltOfen or OBuda Sirmium modern Mitrovitza capital of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pannonia Inferior THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS militiam ad partes regni venturus Eoas Maiorianum habuit Latiis sunt condita fastis facta ducis GT : null null null null null null militiam ad partes regni venturus Eoas Maiorianum habuit Latiis sunt condita fastis facta ducis OCR: quotiens Scythicis inlata colonis classica presserunt Hypanim Peucenque rigentem mente salutatis inrisit lixa pruinis hunc socerum pater huius habet vir GT : quotiens Scythicis inlata colonis classica presserunt Hypanim Peucenque rigentem mente salutatis inrisit lixa pruinis hunc socerum pater huius habet vir OCR: clarus et imo null culmine militiae semper contentus ut unum casibus in dubiis iunctus sequeretur amicum non semel oblatis temptavit GT : clarus et null uno culmine militiae semper contentus ut unum casibus in dubiis iunctus sequeretur amicum non semel oblatis temptavit OCR: fascibus ilium Actio null null rapere aula suo sed perstitit ille maior honoratis coepit pretiosior esse sic pretio non capta GT : fascibus null null illum Aetio rapere aula suo sed perstitit ille maior honoratis coepit pretiosior esse sic pretio non capta OCR: fides erat ille quod olim quaestor consulibus tractabat publica iure aera suo tantumque modum servabat ut ilium null narraret rumor GT : fides erat ille quod olim quaestor consulibus tractabat publica iure aera suo tantumque modum servabat ut null illum narraret rumor OCR: iam rebus parcere nati Senserat hoc sed forte ducis iam livida coniunx augeri famam pueri suffusaque bili coxerat internum per GT : iam rebus parcere nati Senserat hoc sed forte ducis iam livida coniunx augeri famam pueri suffusaque bili coxerat internum per OCR: barbara corda venenum ilicet explorat caelum totamque volutis percurrit mathesim numeris interrogat umbras fulmina rimatur fibras null videt undique gaudens GT : barbara corda venenum ilicet explorat caelum totamque volutis percurrit mathesim numeris interrogat umbras fulmina rimatur null libras videt undique gaudens OCR: secretum rapuisse deo sic torva Pelasgum Colchis in aplustri steterat trepidante marito vid Class Quart loc cit p His name GT : secretum rapuisse deo sic torva Pelasgum Colchis in aplustri steterat trepidante marito null null null null null null null null OCR: was Domninus He must have controlled the warchest of Aetius His office is compared with that of the quaestor consulis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in republican Rome This official accompanied his chief to war and afterwards to his province his duties were mainly financial GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hodgkin II wrongly says that Domninus was quaestor Apart from other considerations the words of Sidonius himself imply that the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: official designation of Domninus whatever it may have been w as certainly not quaestor V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eastern parts of the realm had a Majorian as his Master of Both Services The exploits of this leader have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been inscribed in Romes public annals whensoever his troops were launched against the Scythian landsmen and marched over the Hypanis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and even the campfollowers mocked at frozen Pence bidding welcome to the frosts This leaders daughter was married to our GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: princes father a renowned man who was content to the end with a single high office in the imperial service GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that he might follow one single friend and cling to him in times of jeopardy Not once but oft the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: court strove with offers of the consulship to steal him from his Aetius but he stood firm a greater man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: than those who received these dignities and a loyalty which no price could tempt came to be held more precious GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He was what of old the quaestor was to the consuls he controlled the public funds by right of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: office and such moderation did he maintain that rumour declared he was thus early saving the future possessions of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: son But as it chanced the wife of the leader already jealous had perceived that the youths renown was thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: waxing greater and filled with spleen she had nursed the hidden venom in her barbarian heart So now she searches GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sky casting up numbers and exhausting the astrologers lore she questions ghosts explores the thunderbolts and gazes at entrails GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rejoicing to wrest Gods secret purpose from every source Even thus grimly had stood the Colchian woman on the stern GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The young Majorian got his first taste of military service under Aetius The explanation here given of his sudden dismissal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may be merely a piece of popular gossip Cf THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Absyrtum sparsura null patri facturaque caesi germani GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null Absyrtum null Sparsura patri facturaque caesi germani OCR: plus morte nefas dum funere pugnat et fratrem sibi tela facit vel cum obruit ignem taurorum plus ipsa calens texitque GT : plus morte nefas dum funere pugnat et fratrem sibi tela facit vel cum obruit ignem taurorum plus ipsa calens texitque OCR: trementem frigida flamma virum quem defendente veneno inter flagrantes perhibent alsisse iuvencos Ergo animi dudum impatiens postquam audiit isti imperium GT : trementem frigida flamma virum quem defendente veneno inter flagrantes perhibent alsisse iuvencos Ergo animi dudum impatiens postquam audiit isti imperium OCR: et longum statui laniata lacertos ingreditur qua strata viri vocemque furentem his rupit secure iaces oblite tuorum o piger et GT : et longum statui laniata lacertos ingreditur qua strata viri vocemque furentem his rupit secure iaces oblite tuorum o piger et OCR: mundo princeps sic saecula poscunt Maiorianus erit clamant hoc sidera signis hoc homines votis isti quid sidera quaero fatum aliud GT : mundo princeps sic saecula poscunt Maiorianus erit clamant hoc sidera signis hoc homines votis isti quid sidera quaero fatum aliud OCR: cui fecit amor nil fortius illo et puer est cupidus numquam sed parcus habendi pauper adhuc iam spargit opes ingentia GT : cui fecit amor nil fortius illo et puer est cupidus numquam sed parcus habendi pauper adhuc iam spargit opes ingentia OCR: suadet consilia et sequitur totum quod cogitat altum est urget quod sperat ludum si forte retexam consumit quidquid iaculis fecisse GT : suadet consilia et sequitur totum quod cogitat altum est urget quod sperat ludum si forte retexam consumit quidquid iaculis fecisse OCR: putaris istius una dies tribus hunc tremuere sagittis anguis cervus aper non sic libravit in hostem spicula qui nato serpentis GT : putaris istius una dies tribus hunc tremuere sagittis anguis cervus aper non sic libravit in hostem spicula qui nato serpentis OCR: corpore cincto plus timuit cum succurrit dum iactibus isdem interitum vitamque daret stabilemque teneret corde tremente manum totamque exiret in GT : corpore cincto plus timuit cum succurrit dum iactibus isdem interitum vitamque daret stabilemque teneret corde tremente manum totamque exiret in OCR: artem consumpsit LM Alcon Cf The son whom he saved was Phalerus one of the Argonauts V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS GT : artem null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Grecian ship in the presence of her terrified husband ready to throw Absyrtus in pieces at his father GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and commit a horror worse than her brothers murder as she used a corpse for battle and made missiles of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her own kin so too when herself burning with a fiercer warmth she quenched the fire of the bulls and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chilled was the flame that enwrapped her trembling lover who they say through the protection of a magic drug felt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cold amid the blazing cattle So after long chafing when she heard that the sovereignty was ordained even from of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: old for that youth she tore her arms and entered thus where her lords couch stood and broke forth into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these frenzied cries Heedless thou liest there sluggard oblivious of thine own and Majorian for so the ages claim is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be the worlds chief the stars proclaim this by signs and mankind by their prayers Why do I search GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for stars baneful to him for whom love has created another destiny No power is stronger than love And the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: youth is never covetous but is moderate in his getting though his wealth as yet is slender he is already GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lavish with his means Great plans he urges and follows All his thoughts aspire high and he pushes forward whatever GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his hopes conceive Were I to recount his sport one single day of his wipes out all that thou art GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reputed to have performed as bowTnan three arrows laid trembling before him a snake a stag and a boar Not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so surely was the shaft launched against the foe by him who when his son was encircled by a serpents GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: body felt a new dread in the act of succouring as he dispensed both life and destruction with the same GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shot keeping a steady hand with a quaking heart and as hope drew closer his fear found relief THE POEMS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS spe propiore metus dans inter membra duorum unius mortem libeat decernere caestu cessit Eryx Siculus simili nee null GT : null null spe propiore metus dans inter membra duorum unius mortem libeat decernere caestu cessit Eryx Siculus simili null nec OCR: floruit arte Sparta Therapnaea pugilem cum gymnade pinguem stratus Bebryciis Amycus suspexit harenis qui vigor in pedibus frustra sibi natus GT : floruit arte Sparta Therapnaea pugilem cum gymnade pinguem stratus Bebryciis Amycus suspexit harenis qui vigor in pedibus frustra sibi natus OCR: Ophelte Sicaniam tribuit palmam plant asque null superbas baud null ita per siccam Nemeen citus extulit Areas null cuius in GT : Ophelte Sicaniam tribuit palmam null null plantasque superbas null haud ita per siccam Nemeen citus extulit null Arcas cuius in OCR: Aetolo volitantem pulvere matrem horruit Hippomenes multo qui caespite circi contemptu praemissus erat cum carceris antro emicuit pernix populo trepidante GT : Aetolo volitantem pulvere matrem horruit Hippomenes multo qui caespite circi contemptu praemissus erat cum carceris antro emicuit pernix populo trepidante OCR: virago nil toto tactura gradu cum pallidus ille respiceret medium post se decrescere campum et longas ad signa vias flatuque GT : virago nil toto tactura gradu cum pallidus ille respiceret medium post se decrescere campum et longas ad signa vias flatuque OCR: propinquo pressus in hostili iam curreret anxius umbra donee null ad anfractum metae iam iamque relictus concita ter sparso fregit GT : propinquo pressus in hostili iam curreret anxius umbra null donec ad anfractum metae iam iamque relictus concita ter sparso fregit OCR: vestigia pomo qui videt hunc equitem Ledaeum spernit alumnum ac iuvenem Sthenoboea tuum cui terga vetustas pennati largitur equi Lyciamque GT : vestigia pomo qui videt hunc equitem Ledaeum spernit alumnum ac iuvenem Sthenoboea tuum cui terga vetustas pennati largitur equi Lyciamque OCR: Chimaeram quem superasse refert vulnus cum sustulit unum tres animas vitam tum si tibi fata dedissent Maioriane ferox vetuisses Castora GT : Chimaeram quem superasse refert vulnus cum sustulit unum tres animas vitam tum si tibi fata dedissent Maioriane ferox vetuisses Castora OCR: frenos Pollucem caestus Alconem spicula nosse Son of Aphrodite and Butes and founder of the town and temple of Eryx GT : frenos Pollucem caestus Alconem spicula nosse null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Sicily according to some accounts but the legends about him vary a great deal His prowess as a boxer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is referred to by Virgil Aen V f ff vv mention the boxing contest in which Hercules defeated and killed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him According to another version it was a wTestlingbout Amycus the boxing king of the Bebryces vanquished by Pollux in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the course of the Argonautic expedition Euryalus son of Opheltes Verg en IX the victor in the footrace at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: games celebrated in Sicily by Aeneas Aen V V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS in the full exercise of his skill dealing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death to one amid the entangled bodies of two Or suppose he chooses to try the issue in boxing Sicilian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Eryx has now yielded up his glory nor did Sparta bloom with such prowess when on the sand of Bebrycia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the prostrate Amycus looked up at the boxer greasy with the oil of the Laconian gymnasium And what power of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foot is his In vain does the son of Opheltes claim the palm won in Sicily nor did the swift GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arcadian so lift his proud feet as he sped over thirsty Nemea he whose mother as she flitted over the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aetolian dust dismayed Hippomenes contemptuously sent far ahead along the course when that fleet manlike maid dashed forth from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mouth of the startingpen before the breathless throng never to plant her whole foot anywhere while he with blanched cheeks GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: looked back and saw the intervening space behind him grow ever less and scanned the long distance to the goal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and now he felt her breath close upon him and he was running sore distressed upon his adversarys shadow till GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the turningpoint he bade fair to be left behind then he arrested those flying steps by thrice throwing her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an apple Whoso sees him on horseback scorns the child of Leda and Sthenoboeas loved one whom ancient story dowers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with a winged mount telling also that he overcame the Lycian Chimaera destroying three lives with one stroke Had fate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: granted it to thee to live then gallant Majorian thou wouldst have taken from Castor Pollux and Alcon their title GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to mastery of Parthenopaeus son of Atalanta he was one of the Seven against Thebes and won the footrace at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the first celebration of the Nemean games According to another version he was the winner of the archerycontest ie Castor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cf ie Bellerophon of THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Bellerophonteis insultaturus opimis si clipeum capiat vincit Telamone creatum qui puppes inter GT : null null null null null null null null Bellerophonteis insultaturus opimis si clipeum capiat vincit Telamone creatum qui puppes inter OCR: Graias contra Hectoris ignem ipsam etiam infidi classem defendit Vlixis missile si quanto iaculetur pondere quaeris segnius insertae trepidans pro GT : Graias contra Hectoris ignem ipsam etiam infidi classem defendit Vlixis missile si quanto iaculetur pondere quaeris segnius insertae trepidans pro OCR: fasce Camillae excussit telum Metabus nee null turbine tanto stridula Pelidae per Troilon exiit ornus nee null sic heroum tardantem GT : fasce Camillae excussit telum Metabus null nec turbine tanto stridula Pelidae per Troilon exiit ornus null nec sic heroum tardantem OCR: busta Creontem Atticus Aegides rupit Marathonide quercu nee null sic intortum violatae Phoebados ultrix in Danaos fulmen iecit cum Graecia GT : busta Creontem Atticus Aegides rupit Marathonide quercu null nec sic intortum violatae Phoebados ultrix in Danaos fulmen iecit cum Graecia OCR: Troiae noctem habuit similemque faeem null fixusque Capherei cautibus inter aquas flammam ructabat Oileus Parva loquor quid quod quotiens tibi GT : Troiae noctem habuit similemque null facem fixusque Capherei cautibus inter aquas flammam ructabat Oileus Parva loquor quid quod quotiens tibi OCR: bella geruntur discipulus non miles adest et fingit alumnum aemulus econtra spectat quod viceris odit et quos vincis null amat GT : bella geruntur discipulus non miles adest et fingit alumnum aemulus econtra spectat quod viceris odit et quos null vineis amat OCR: totus dormitat ad istum magnus Alexander patris quem gloria torsit quid faciam infelix nato quae regna parabo cxclusa null sceptris GT : totus dormitat ad istum magnus Alexander patris quem gloria torsit quid faciam infelix nato quae regna parabo null exclusa sceptris OCR: Geticis respublica si me praeterit et parvus super hoc Gaudentius huius calcatur fatis istum iam Gallia laudat quodque per Europam GT : Geticis respublica si me praeterit et parvus super hoc Gaudentius huius calcatur fatis istum iam Gallia laudat quodque per Europam OCR: est rigidis hunc abluit undis Ajax son of Telamon see Ovid Met XIII ff The tale of Metabus is told GT : est rigidis hunc abluit undis null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Verg Aen XI Theseus slew Creon who had refused burial to Polynices and the other assailants of Thebes See GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Statius Theh XII E The lesser Ajax son of Oileus had assaulted Cassandra in the temple of Pallas Athena The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vengeance of the goddess is here as often eg Verg Aen I associated with the destruction of the returning Greek GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ships on Cape Caphereus Pallas wrecks the ships hurling many thunderbolts one of which strikes Ajax and flings him upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a pointed rock Facem refers to the lightning V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS the bridle the boxingglove and the arrow and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou wouldst have made a mockery of Bellerophons proud spoils Should he take up his shield he surpasses the offspring GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Telamon who among the Greek ships defended against Hectors fires even the fleet of the treacherous Ulysses If you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ask with what force he hurls the javelin more feebly did Metabus fling his dart when alarmed for the bundle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that held Camilla with a less powerful swing did the ashen shaft of Peleuss son pass whirring through the body GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Troilus not with such strength did the man of Athens son of Aegeus crush with Marathonian oak Creon who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was hindering the burial of the heroes nor was the thunderbolt sent hurtling so violently against the Greeks by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: maiden avenger of Phoebus wronged votary when Greece suffered a night such as Troys with like flaring of brands and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the son of Oileus pinned on the cliffs of Caphereus vomited flame amid the waters But these are trifles I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: speak of There is more whenever thou wagest war he is near thee as a learner not as a soldier GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and while he professes himself thy pupil he looks on thee with a rivals eye He hates the thought that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou hast conquered and them that thou conquerest he loves Compared with him Alexander the Great to whom his fathers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: glory was torture is an arrant sluggard Unhappy me What shall I do What realm shall I win for my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: son debarred as I am from a Gothic sceptre if Rome ignores me and to crown all our little Gaudentius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is trodden underfoot by this youths destiny Already Gaul and all Europe sound his praises He See Plutarch Alex c GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The wife of Aetius was or claimed to be of royal Gothic descent Her father Carpilio was comes domesticorum under GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Rhenus Arar Rhodanus Mosa Matrona Sequana Ledus Clitis Elaris Atax Vacalis Ligerimque bipenni excisum per frusta GT : null null null null Rhenus Arar Rhodanus Mosa Matrona Sequana Ledus Clitis Elaris Atax Vacalis Ligerimque bipenni excisum per frusta OCR: bibit cum bella timentes defendit Turonos aberas post tempore parvo pugnastis pariter Francus qua Cloio patentes Atrebatum terras pervaserat hie GT : bibit cum bella timentes defendit Turonos aberas post tempore parvo pugnastis pariter Francus qua Cloio patentes Atrebatum terras pervaserat null OCR: null coeuntes claudebant angusta vias arcuque subactum vicum Helenam flumenque simul sub tramite longo artus suppositis trabibus transmiserat agger illic GT : hic coeuntes claudebant angusta vias arcuque subactum vicum Helenam flumenque simul sub tramite longo artus suppositis trabibus transmiserat agger illic OCR: te posito pugnabat ponte sub ipso Maiorianus eques fors ripae colle propinquo fortaaee arcusque ub ictu Vid Class Quart loc GT : te posito pugnabat ponte sub ipso Maiorianus eques fors ripae colle propinquo null null null null null null null null OCR: ciU p Honorius and her elder son was named after him The younger son Gaudentius was named after his paternal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grandfather He was born about and in was taken by Greiseric as a prisoner to Africa where he apparently died GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not later than The present passage seems to imply that Carpilio the elder brother of Gaudentius was dead He had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been a member of an embassy to Attila on behalf of Aetius Cassiod Var I perhaps in ad It may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have been on this occasion that he was detained by the Huns as a hostage He seems to have regained GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his liberty possibly by flight Priscus fr F H G IV Nothing further is known about him Ledus the Laz GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: near MontpeUier Clitis tmknown Elaris Elaver the Allier a tributary of the Loire Atax the Avxie Vacalis Vachalis VacaliLS Vahalis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Waal Tours may have been threatened by an invasion of the Aremoricans It is usual to connect these words GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with where the subjugation of the Aremoricans by Litorius apparently in ad is mentioned But there was another V PANEGYRIC GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ON MAIORIANUS bathes in the icy waters of Rhine Arar Rhone Mosa Matrona Sequana Ledus Clitis Elaris At ax Vacalis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Liger he cleaves with an axe and drinks piece by piece When he defended the Turoni who feared the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conflict thou wast not there but a little later ye fought together where Cloio the Frank had overrun the helpless GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lands of the Atrebates There was a narrow passage at the junction of two ways and a road crossed both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the village of Helena which was within bowshot and the river where that long but narrow path was supported by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: girders Thou wert posted at the crossroads while Majorian warred as a mounted man close to the bridge itself As GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chance Aremorican rising about and Tours may then also have been threatened On the other hand Sidonius may be referring GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to an occurrence not elsewhere recorded Other forms are Chlodio Chlogio The incident here related for which Sidonius is the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: only authority is usually dated ad about the year C M H This dating is quite incompatible with the mention GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in v of Gaudentius bom about taken in conjunction with the repeated insistence on the extreme youth of Majorian who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was indeed still iuvenis at the time of his accession see v needless to say it is also incompatible with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the usual explanation of the reference to Tours see the last note The date was in all probabihty after and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may have been several years later Stein p n gives as the terminiLS ante quern The above rendering is given GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with some diffidence but seems preferable to any other that has been ofEered The meaning is that a narrow road GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ran from the crossroads through the village and was continued over the bridge which spanned the river The two strategic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: points were the crossroads and the bridge there Aetius and Majorian were respectively posted The agger and the trames are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same thing Artii is here translated as if it agreed with tramite in order to bring out the antithesis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the juxtaposed adjectives longo and artiis a feeble point for the sake of which Sidonius THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: barbaricus resonabat hymen Scythicisque chore is null nubebat flavo similis nova nupta marito hos ergo ut perhibent stravit crepitabat ad GT : barbaricus resonabat hymen Scythicisque null null choreis nubebat flavo similis nova nupta marito hos ergo ut perhibent stravit crepitabat ad OCR: ictus cassis et oppositis hastarum verbera thorax arcebat squamis donee null conversa fugatus hostis terga dedit plaustris rutilare videres barbarici GT : ictus cassis et oppositis hastarum verbera thorax arcebat squamis null donec conversa fugatus hostis terga dedit plaustris rutilare videres barbarici OCR: vaga festa tori coniectaque passim fercula captivasque dapes cirroque madente ferre coronatos redolentia serta lebetas ilicet increscit Mavors thalamique refringit GT : vaga festa tori coniectaque passim fercula captivasque dapes cirroque madente ferre coronatos redolentia serta lebetas ilicet increscit Mavors thalamique refringit OCR: plus ardens Bellona faces rapit esseda victor nubentemque nurum non sic Pholoetica monstra atque Pelethronios Lapithas Semeleius Euan miscuit Haemonias GT : plus ardens Bellona faces rapit esseda victor nubentemque nurum non sic Pholoetica monstra atque Pelethronios Lapithas Semeleius Euan miscuit Haemonias OCR: dum flammant null orgia matres et Venerem Martemque cient ac prima cruentos consumunt ad bella cibos Bacchoque rotato pocula tela GT : dum null flairimant orgia matres et Venerem Martemque cient ac prima cruentos consumunt ad bella cibos Bacchoque rotato pocula tela OCR: putant cum crudescente tumultu poUuit null Emathium sanguis Centauricus Othryn nee null plus nubigenum celebrentur iurgia fratrum hie null quoque GT : putant cum crudescente tumultu null polluit Emathium sanguis Centauricus Othryn null nec plus nubigenum celebrentur iurgia fratrum null hic quoque OCR: monstra domat rutili qui bus null arce cerebri ad frontem coma tracta iacet nudataque null null cervix saetarum per damna GT : monstra domat rutili null null quibus arce cerebri ad frontem coma tracta iacet null nudata que cervix saetarum per damna OCR: nitet turn null lumine glauco albet aquosa acies ac vultibus undique rasis pro barba tenues perarantur pectine cristae has dislocated GT : nitet null tum lumine glauco albet aquosa acies ac vultibus undique rasis pro barba tenues perarantur pectine cristae null null OCR: and complicated the sentence For a fuller discussion see Clcias Quart loc cit pp fE PiignabcU in v means merely GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was serving or was under arms the fighting began later Helena has not been identified with certainty most historians now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seem to favour Helesmes Dep Nord other possibihties are VieilHesdin and Lens Scyth ie Frankish Contrast where Scythian refers to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Huns Vandals see n on Goths The Centaurs were sons or descendants of Ixion and a cloud So V GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS would have it the echoing sound of a barbarian niaiTiagesong rang forth from a hill near the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: riverbank for amid Scythian dance and chorus a yellowhaired bridegroom was wedding a young bride of like colour Well these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: revellers they say he laid low Time after time his helmet rang with blows and his hauberk with its protecting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scales kept off the thrust of spears until the enemy was forced to turn and flee Then might be seen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the jumbled adornments of the barbarian nuptials gleaming red in the waggons and captured salvers and viands flung together pellmell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and servants crowned with perfumed garlands carrying vinebowls on their oily topknots Straightway the spirit of Mars waxes fiercer and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the nuptial torches are snapped asunder by the more fiery goddess of war the victor snatches their chariots and carries GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: off the bride in the hour of her bridal Not so fiercely did Bacchus Semeles son embroil Pholoes monsters and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Thracian Lapitliae when his revels inflamed the Thracian women stirring up both love and war and they used for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the struggle first of all the bloody meats of the feast and whirling the wine about deemed their cups weapons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: while as the affray grew fiercer the blood of Centaurs defiled Emathian Othrys And truly the quarrel of the cloudborn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brothers deserves no more renown for this youth likewise subdues monsters on the crown of whose red pates lies the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hair that has been drawn towards the front while the neck exposed by the loss of its covering shows bright GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Their eyes are faint and pale with a glimmer of greyish blue Their faces are shaven all round and instead GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of beards they have thin moustaches which they run through with i THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS strictius assutae vestes procera GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null strictius assutae vestes procera OCR: cohercent membra virum patet his altato tegmine poples latus et angustam suspendit balteus alvum excussisse citas vastum per inane bipennes GT : cohercent membra virum patet his altato tegmine poples latus et angustam suspendit balteus alvum excussisse citas vastum per inane bipennes OCR: et plagae praescisse locum clipeosque rotare ludus et intortas praecedere saltibus hastas inque hostem venisse prius puerilibus annis est belli GT : et plagae praescisse locum clipeosque rotare ludus et intortas praecedere saltibus hastas inque hostem venisse prius puerilibus annis est belli OCR: maturus amor si forte premantur seu numero seu sorte loci mors obruit illos non timor invicti perstant animoque supersunt iam GT : maturus amor si forte premantur seu numero seu sorte loci mors obruit illos non timor invicti perstant animoque supersunt iam OCR: prope post animam tales te teste fugavit et laudante viros quisnam ferat omnia tecum te sine multa facit pugnant pro GT : prope post animam tales te teste fugavit et laudante viros quisnam ferat omnia tecum te sine multa facit pugnant pro OCR: principe cuncti quam timeo ne iam iste sibi si regna tenebit huic vincis null quodcumque domas nil fata relinquunt hie GT : principe cuncti quam timeo ne iam iste sibi si regna tenebit huic null vineis quodcumque domas nil fata relinquunt null OCR: null medium percussor enim si respuis esse servus eris certe recto si tramite servat sidera Chaldaeus novit si gramina Colchus GT : hic medium percussor enim si respuis esse servus eris certe recto si tramite servat sidera Chaldaeus novit si gramina Colchus OCR: fulgura si Tuscus si Thessalus elicit umbras si Lyciae sortes sapiunt si nostra volatu fata locuntur aves doctis balatibus Hammon GT : fulgura si Tuscus si Thessalus elicit umbras si Lyciae sortes sapiunt si nostra volatu fata locuntur aves doctis balatibus Hammon OCR: si sanctum sub Syrte gemit si denique verum Phoebe Themis Dodona canis post tempora nostra lulius hie null null Augustus GT : si sanctum sub Syrte gemit si denique verum Phoebe Themis Dodona canis post tempora nostra null null Iulius hic Augustus OCR: erit coniunctus amore praeterea est iuveni grandis quem spiritus armat regis avi quo te vertas ad culmina mundi The oracle GT : erit coniunctus amore praeterea est iuveni grandis quem spiritus armat regis avi quo te vertas ad culmina mundi null null OCR: of Apollo at Patara Verg Aen IV The god Ammon or Hammon was represented as a ram or in human GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: form with the head sometimes with only the horns of a ram Reference to Ricirner The royal grandfather is Wallia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see n on V PANEGYRIC ON iMAIORIANUS a comb Closefitting garments confine the tall limbs of the men they are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: drawn up high so as to expose the knees and a broad belt supports their narrow middle It is their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sport to send axes hurtling through the vast void and know beforehand where the blow will fall to whirl their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shields to outstrip with leaps and bounds the spears they have hurled and reach the enemy first Even in boyhoods GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years the love of fighting is fullgrown Should they chance to be sore pressed by numbers or by the luck GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the ground death may overwhelm them but not fear unconquerable they stand their ground and their courage wellnigh outlives GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their lives Such men did he put to flight with thee to witness and to praise Who could endure it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: All thine exploits he shares many more he performs without thee All men fight for their emperor I fear alas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he now fights for himself If he should win the sovereignty then all the conquests thou makest are victories for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Here the fates leave no middle course if thou refuse to be his assassin thou wilt be his slave GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Certain is this if the Chaldaean goes not astray in his stargazing if the Colchian has knowledge of herbs the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tuscan of lightning if the Thessalian tempts forth the ghosts of the dead if the Lycian oracle hath discernment if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the birds can tell our destiny by their flight if Hammon nigh to the Syrtes wails forth a hallowed rede GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with prescient bleatings yes if Phoebus Themis Dodona chant forth the truth then when our day is over this man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall be Julius Augustus Moreover there is linked with him in bonds of affection one who is armed with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great spirit of a royal grandfather Whither canst thou THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS hie null fatum fert ambo animum consurge GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null hic fatum fert ambo animum consurge OCR: simulque aggredere ignaros neutrum mactare valebis si iubeas utrumque mori sed necte dolosas blanditias uni ferro tamen iste petatur quid GT : simulque aggredere ignaros neutrum mactare valebis si iubeas utrumque mori sed necte dolosas blanditias uni ferro tamen iste petatur quid OCR: loquor incassum nihil est quod tanta cavemus ut regnet victurus erit Commotus in iras Aetius sic pauca refert compesce furentis GT : loquor incassum nihil est quod tanta cavemus ut regnet victurus erit Commotus in iras Aetius sic pauca refert compesce furentis OCR: impia vota animi mortem mandare valebo insontis taceam nostri quisquamne precatur ut sine criminibus crimen fiat bene nasci ad poenam GT : impia vota animi mortem mandare valebo insontis taceam nostri quisquamne precatur ut sine criminibus crimen fiat bene nasci ad poenam OCR: quis fata vocet tua viscera ferro Maioriane petam Phoebus si nocte refulget Luna die duplex ponto si plaustra novatur Parrhasis GT : quis fata vocet tua viscera ferro Maioriane petam Phoebus si nocte refulget Luna die duplex ponto si plaustra novatur Parrhasis OCR: Atlantem Tanais si Bagrada cernit Caucason Hercynii nemoris si stipite lintris texta Nabataeum pro Rheno sulcat Hydaspen si bibit Hispanus GT : Atlantem Tanais si Bagrada cernit Caucason Hercynii nemoris si stipite lintris texta Nabataeum pro Rheno sulcat Hydaspen si bibit Hispanus OCR: Gangen tepidisque ab Erythris ad Tartesiacum venit Indus aquator Hiberum si se Pollucis perfundit sanguine Castor Thesea Pirithoi Pyladen si GT : Gangen tepidisque ab Erythris ad Tartesiacum venit Indus aquator Hiberum si se Pollucis perfundit sanguine Castor Thesea Pirithoi Pyladen si OCR: stravit Orestae vel furibunda manus raperet cum Taurica sacra matricida pius sed ne sprevisse dolorem forte tuum videar vivat careatque GT : stravit Orestae vel furibunda manus raperet cum Taurica sacra matricida pius sed ne sprevisse dolorem forte tuum videar vivat careatque OCR: parumper militia heu potuit nobis nisi triste putasses fortunam debere suam The Bears Eryth n on V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS GT : parumper militia heu potuit nobis nisi triste putasses fortunam debere suam null null null null null null null null null OCR: turn To the worlds topmost pinnacle he directs his fate and both direct their thoughts Arise and assail them at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same time unawares Neither of them wilt thou be able to slay if thou shouldst order that both die GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nay rather weave crafty flatteries for the one and let this man be attacked with the sword But why do GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I speak vain words Tis for naught that we seek to avert these fateful events He will surely live that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he may reign Aetius stirred to wrath thus briefly answered Curb the impious longings of thy frenzied spirit Can I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: order the death of a man who is innocent not to say our friend Can anyone urge that where no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crime is charged it be made a crime to be wellborn Who can summon the fates to judgment I will GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assail thy body with the sword Majorian yes if the sun shines by night and the moon by day if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the two Arcadian constellations have their wains refreshed in the sea if Tanais looks on Atlas and Bagrada on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Caucasus if the boat compacted of timbers from the Hercynian forest cleaves the eastern Hydaspes instead of the Rhine if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Spaniard drinks of the Ganges and the Indian comes from warm Erythrae to the Spanish Ebro to draw water GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if Castor steeps himself in his brothers blood if the hand of Pirithous laid Theseus low or the hand of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Orestes frenzied as it was struck Pylades down when the filial matricide was snatching the holy image from the Tauric GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shrine Nevertheless I would fain not be deemed to have slighted thy distress so he shall live indeed but he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall be taken from his soldiering for a brief space Alas But for thy gloomy thoughts he might have owed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his rise to me s VOL I T THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Sic fatur et ilium null rure iubet patrio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Sic fatur et null illum rure iubet patrio OCR: suetos mutare labores fatorum currente rota quo disceret agri quid possessorem maneat quos denique mores ius civile paret ne solam GT : suetos mutare labores fatorum currente rota quo disceret agri quid possessorem maneat quos denique mores ius civile paret ne solam OCR: militis artem ferret ad imperium suspenderat ilicet arma emeritus iuvenis sterilis ieiunia terrae vomere fecundans sic quondam consule curvo vertebas GT : militis artem ferret ad imperium suspenderat ilicet arma emeritus iuvenis sterilis ieiunia terrae vomere fecundans sic quondam consule curvo vertebas OCR: campos paulum si pace sequestra classica laxasses fortis cui laeva regebat stivam post aquilas humili dum iuncta camino victoris fumum GT : campos paulum si pace sequestra classica laxasses fortis cui laeva regebat stivam post aquilas humili dum iuncta camino victoris fumum OCR: biberet palmata bubulci Principis interea gladio lacrimabile fatum clauserat Aetius cuius quo tutius ille magna Palatinis coniungeret agmina turmis evocat GT : biberet palmata bubulci Principis interea gladio lacrimabile fatum clauserat Aetius cuius quo tutius ille magna Palatinis coniungeret agmina turmis evocat OCR: hunc precibus sed non se poena moratur sanguinis effusi numerum collegerat ergo agri Luetjohann agro Aetius was slain by Valentinian GT : hunc precibus sed non se poena moratur sanguinis effusi numerum collegerat ergo null null null null null null null null OCR: Til and the eunuch chamberlain Heraclius on Sept AD Petronius Maximus who had instigated this murder in the vain hope GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of succeeding Aetius as the Patrician soon turned upon his imperial master and caused him to be assassinated on March GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: AD On the following day he was proclaimed Emperor A month and a half later he was killed as he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sought flight before the Vandals advance on Rome When Geiseric departed after plundering the capital Avitus was proclaimed Emperor in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gaul and he entered Rome before the end of the year accompanied by our poet his soninlaw Scarcely a year GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: later he was deposed by Ricimer and Majorian and died shortly afterwards After an interregnum he was succeeded in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: year by Majorian who would perhaps have been elevated two years before had not Petronius Maximus stood in his way GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: It must have been very hard for Sidonius to write this part of the poem Avitus of course is not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mentioned V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS So spake he and ordered the fighter to exchange his wonted toil for his native GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fields but fates revolving wheel was here at work to the end that he might learn what is in store GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for the possessor of land and likewise what conduct the civil law creates and so he might bring to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: throne more than a soldiers skill Straightway he had hung up his armour this veteran young in years and was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: making the leanness of a barren land fruitful with the plough Even so in old times thou wert wont O GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rome to upturn thy fields by the work of a stooping consul when peace had intervened for a little and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou hadst relaxed thy campaigning and his stout left hand would control the plough after he had ruled the legions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: while near the lowly hearth a peasantconquerors palmdecked robe drank in the smoke Meanwhile Aetius had fulfilled his melancholy fate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the sword of the emperor who that he might with more safety win over the great hosts of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: victim to join the Palatine bands called on Majorian with prayers to come to him But punishment for the blood GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that he had shed was not long in coming so twas a mere mob he had rallied round After the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death of Aetius Valentinian summoned Majorian from his retreat and made him comes domesticorum The palatini like the old Praetorian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Guards were stationed in various parts of Italy They were under the command of the magister utriusque militiae The domestici GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: another body of guards usually but not always in attendance at the Court were commanded independently by the comes domesticorum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Magna agmina refers particularly to the great body of armed retainers buccellarii which Aetius had enlisted in his service and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which almost certainly outnumbered the regular troops available in Italy THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS non animum populi ferri mala crimina GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null non animum populi ferri mala crimina OCR: ferro solvit et in vestram plus concidit ille ruinam iam tunc imperium praesentis principis aurea volvebant bona fata colu sed GT : ferro solvit et in vestram plus concidit ille ruinam iam tunc imperium praesentis principis aurea volvebant bona fata colu sed OCR: publica damna invidiam fugere viri quicumque fuerunt nomen in Augustum lecti tenuere relictum Caesaribus solium postquam tu capta laboras hie GT : publica damna invidiam fugere viri quicumque fuerunt nomen in Augustum lecti tenuere relictum Caesaribus solium postquam tu capta laboras null OCR: null quod habet fecit Traianum Nerva voeavit null cum pignus iam victor erat Germanicus esset ut titulis meritis fuerat res GT : hic quod habet fecit Traianum Nerva null vocavit cum pignus iam victor erat Germanicus esset ut titulis meritis fuerat res OCR: ordine currit banc null ambit famam quisquis sic incipit olim post Capreas Tiberi post turpia numina Gai censuram Claudi citharam GT : ordine currit null hanc ambit famam quisquis sic incipit olim post Capreas Tiberi post turpia numina Gai censuram Claudi citharam OCR: thalamosque Neronis post speculi immanis pompam quo se ille videbat hinc turpis quod pulcher Otho post quina Vitelli milia famosi GT : thalamosque Neronis post speculi immanis pompam quo se ille videbat hinc turpis quod pulcher Otho post quina Vitelli milia famosi OCR: ventris damnata barathro his titulis princeps lectus similique labore Vespasianus erat Sed ne fortasse latroiiis null me clausam virtute putes GT : ventris damnata barathro his titulis princeps lectus similique labore Vespasianus erat Sed ne fortasse null latronis me clausam virtute putes OCR: consumpsit in illo vim gentis vitae vitium Scythicam feritatem non vires sed vota tenent spoliisque potitus immensis robur luxu iam GT : consumpsit in illo vim gentis vitae vitium Scythicam feritatem non vires sed vota tenent spoliisque potitus immensis robur luxu iam OCR: perdidit omne quo valuit dum pauper erat mea viscera pro se in me nunc armat laceror tot capta per annos GT : perdidit omne quo valuit dum pauper erat mea viscera pro se in me nunc armat laceror tot capta per annos OCR: lahori GPTF At this point it is perhaps necessary to remind the reader that Africa is addressing all these words GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the goddess Roma See Suet Claiid for the eccentric conduct of Claudius as censor See Juvenal II This was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not true of Geiseric though it may have been true of many of his followers V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not the hearts of the people the swords crime he expiated by the sword and so he fell O Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bringing thee lower than he himself was brought Yet even then the kindly fates with their golden distaff were evolving GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reign of our present chief but the calamities of the people shrank from bringing enmity on such a man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: All who had been chosen to bear the name of Augustus had held a throne left for them by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Caesars but he when thou wert captured and in sore trouble created that which he now holds Nerva called Trajan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to power when his son was already a conqueror in official title he was styled Germanicus but his deeds had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made him so already The one thing leads to the other whoever begins thus aims at the same glory In GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: olden days after Tiberius in Capri after Gaius base assumption of divinity after the censorship of Claudius after Nero with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his lyre and his lechery after the parade of that horrible mirror in which Otho foul because he was fair GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was wont to behold himself after Vitellius five millions of money condemned to the bottomless pit of his scandalous belly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vespasian had been chosen emperor with the same titles won by the same toil as Trajans and Majorians But lest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haply thou think that I am securely hemmed in by the valour of the Robber know that in him the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vileness of his vices has sapped the vigour of his race His Scythian savagery is governed not by his strength GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but by his desires spoils immense he has won but already by his profligacy he has lost all that made GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him strong when he was poor Now he arms mine own flesh against me for his own ends and after GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all these years of captivity I am being See nn on above and on THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS ure suo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null ure suo OCR: virtute mea fecundaque poenis quos patiar pario propriis nil conficit armis Gaetulis Nomadis Garamantibus Autololisque Arzuge Marmarida Psyllo Nasamone timetur GT : virtute mea fecundaque poenis quos patiar pario propriis nil conficit armis Gaetulis Nomadis Garamantibus Autololisque Arzuge Marmarida Psyllo Nasamone timetur OCR: segnis et ingenti ferrum iam nescit ab auro ipsi autem color exsanguis quern null crapula vexat et pallens pinguedo tenet GT : segnis et ingenti ferrum iam nescit ab auro ipsi autem color exsanguis null quem crapula vexat et pallens pinguedo tenet OCR: ganeaque perenni pressus acescentem stomaehus null non explicat aurani null par est vita suis non sic Barcaeus opimam Hannibal ad GT : ganeaque perenni pressus acescentem null stomachus non explicat null auram par est vita suis non sic Barcaeus opimam Hannibal ad OCR: Capuam periit cum fortia bello inter delicias moUirent null corpora Baiae et se Lucrinas qua vergit Gaurus in undas bracchia GT : Capuam periit cum fortia bello inter delicias null mollirent corpora Baiae et se Lucrinas qua vergit Gaurus in undas bracchia OCR: Massylus iactaret nigra natator atque ideo hunc dominum saltern null post saecula tanta ultorem mihi redde precor ne dimicet ultra GT : Massylus iactaret nigra natator atque ideo hunc dominum null saltem post saecula tanta ultorem mihi redde precor ne dimicet ultra OCR: Carthago Italiam contra Sic fata dolore ingemuit lacrimisque preces adiuvit obortis his haec Roma refert longas succinge querellas o devota GT : Carthago Italiam contra Sic fata dolore ingemuit lacrimisque preces adiuvit obortis his haec Roma refert longas succinge querellas o devota OCR: mihi vindex tibi nomine divum Maiorianus erit sed paucis pauca retexam ex quo Theudosius communia iura fugato reddidit auctoris fratri GT : mihi vindex tibi nomine divum Maiorianus erit sed paucis pauca retexam ex quo Theudosius communia iura fugato reddidit auctoris fratri OCR: cui guttura f regit This is related by Livy XXIII and is a favourite topic with later writers In this GT : cui guttura null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: answer of the goddess Roma the poet takes the opportunity of indicating the hardships suffered by Gaul during the past GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years with the object of enlisting Majorians sympathy and of excusing the recent rebellion V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS cruelly torn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under his authority by the prowess of mine own fertile in afflictions I bring forth sons to bring me suffering GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Naught doth he perform with his own arms Gaetulians Numidians Garamantians Autoloh Arzuges Marmaridae Psylli Nasamones it is these that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: make him feared but he is sunk in indolence and thanks to untold gold no longer knows aught of steel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: His cheeks are bloodless a drunkards heaviness afflicts him pallid flabbiness possesses him and his stomach loaded vith continual gluttony GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cannot rid itself of the sour wind His followers live like him Hannibal of Barcas race was not so utterly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: undone in affluent Capuas land when Baiae enfeebled amid all its allurements bodies that were strong for war and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Massylian took to swimming and flourished his swarthy arms about where Gaurus stoops down to the Lucrine waters So do GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou I pray thee give me but this one lord after these many ages to be my avenger that so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carthage may cease to war against Italy So speaking she groaned in her distress and the starting tears gave support GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to her prayers Rome answered Curb thy long plaint my faithful one Majorian shall be thine avenger commissioned by heaven GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But a few things in few words I will recall Ever since Theodosius restored a joint authority to his patrons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: exiled brother whose neck was broken by a hand destined to be turned against Mr Stevens p n inadvertently accuses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the poet of inconsistency here In v Rome tells Africa who her saviour is to be but in v Africa GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is represented as already knowing his name But in the earlier passage Africa says Majorian is the deliverer I want GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and here Rome says Majorian you shall have there is no inconsistency THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS null post in se GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null fregit post in se OCR: vertenda manus mea Gallia rerum ignoratur adhuc dominis ignaraque servit ex illo multum periit quia principe clauso quisquis erat miseri GT : vertenda manus mea Gallia rerum ignoratur adhuc dominis ignaraque servit ex illo multum periit quia principe clauso quisquis erat miseri OCR: diversis partibus orbis vastari sollemne fuit quae vita placeret cum rector moderandus erat contempta tot annos nobilitas iacuit pretium respublica GT : diversis partibus orbis vastari sollemne fuit quae vita placeret cum rector moderandus erat contempta tot annos nobilitas iacuit pretium respublica OCR: forti rettulit invidiam princeps haec omnia noster corrigit atque tuum vires ex gentibus addens ad bellum per bella venit nam GT : forti rettulit invidiam princeps haec omnia noster corrigit atque tuum vires ex gentibus addens ad bellum per bella venit nam OCR: maximus isse est non pugnasse labor terimus cur tempora verbis pervenit et vincit tali sermone peractum concilium verbisque deae famulante GT : maximus isse est non pugnasse labor terimus cur tempora verbis pervenit et vincit tali sermone peractum concilium verbisque deae famulante OCR: metallo aurea Concordes null traxerunt fila sorores Hos me quos cecini Romae Libyaeque labores vota hominum docuere loqui iam tempus GT : metallo aurea null concordes traxerunt fila sorores Hos me quos cecini Romae Libyaeque labores vota hominum docuere loqui iam tempus OCR: ad ilia null ferre pedem quae fanda mihi vel Apolline muto pro Musis Mars vester erit conscenderat Alpes Raetorumque iugo GT : ad null illa ferre pedem quae fanda mihi vel Apolline muto pro Musis Mars vester erit conscenderat Alpes Raetorumque iugo OCR: per longa silentia ductus Romano exierat populato trux Alamannus Gratian who had raised Theodosius to Imperial power hence auctor was GT : per longa silentia ductus Romano exierat populato trux Alamannus null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assassinated by his soldiers when the pretender Magnus Clemens Maximus invaded Gaul ad Maximus invaded Italy in in order to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: attack Valentinian II halfbrother of Gratian who fled to the East Maximus was beheaded in the following year whereupon Theodosius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not only restored Valentinian to his former sway but gave him in addition the share of the Empire which Gratian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had held The death of Valentinian ad seems to have been brought about by Arbogastes though the story of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stranghng is doubtful Arbogastes kUled himself after the battle of the Frigidus Sept principe clauso referring to Honorius and Valentinian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: III in Ravenna These emperors were helpless or worse without the control of stronger hands StiHcho Constantius Placidia Aetius hence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rector moderandus erat v V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS itself my land of Gaul hath even till now been ignored by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the lords of the world and hath languished in slavery unheeded Since that time much hath been destroyed for with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the emperor whoeer he might be closely confined it has been the constant lot of the distant parts of a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wTetched world to be laid waste What manner of life could satisfy when the ruler required a controlling hand For GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: many a year the nobility have lain prostrate and despised and enmity has been the states reward for the valiant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Now our prince is amending all this and he advances to your wars by way of other wars adding fresh GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: forces from divers peoples for tis the going not the fighting that is hardest But why do we waste time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in words He comes he conquers With such speech the assembly was ended and the fateful sisters harmoniously spun golden GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: threads whose metal humbly obeyed the words of the goddess These afflictions of Rome and Africa that I have sung GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the yearnings of mankind did teach me to proclaim now it is time to advance to deeds which must needs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be told even were Apollo dumb Thy Mars shall take the Muses place The savage Alaman had scaled the Alps GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and led down by way of the Rhaetian ridge over its long silences had emerged plundering the Roman land he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had sent This is perhaps as much a priiyer as a statement of fact Allusion to the Emperors design of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: securing the loyalty and cooperation of the various foreign peoples in Gaul and Spain as a preliminary to the expedition GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against Geiseric He had made a beginning with the conquered Burgundians and the submission of the Visigoths came in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: following year See also n on w THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS perque Cani quondam dictos de nomine campos in praedam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null perque Cani quondam dictos de nomine campos in praedam OCR: centum noviens dimiserat hostes iamque magister eras Burconem dirigis illo exigua comitante manu sed sufRcit null istud cum pugnare iubes GT : centum noviens dimiserat hostes iamque magister eras Burconem dirigis illo exigua comitante manu sed null sufficit istud cum pugnare iubes OCR: certa est victoria nostris te mandasse acies peragit fortuna triumphum non populo sed amore tuo nolo agmina campo quo mittis GT : certa est victoria nostris te mandasse acies peragit fortuna triumphum non populo sed amore tuo nolo agmina campo quo mittis OCR: paucos felix te respicit iste eventus belli certatum est iure magistri Augusti fato nuper ferus hostis aperto errabat lentus pelago GT : paucos felix te respicit iste eventus belli certatum est iure magistri Augusti fato nuper ferus hostis aperto errabat lentus pelago OCR: postquam ordine vobis ordo omnis regnum dederat plebs curia miles et collega simul Campanam flantibus Austris ingrediens terram securum milite GT : postquam ordine vobis ordo omnis regnum dederat plebs curia miles et collega simul Campanam flantibus Austris ingrediens terram securum milite OCR: Mauro agricolam aggreditur pinguis per transtra sedebat Vandalus opperiens praedam quam iusserat illuc captivo capiente trahi sed vestra repente inter GT : Mauro agricolam aggreditur pinguis per transtra sedebat Vandalus opperiens praedam quam iusserat illuc captivo capiente trahi sed vestra repente inter OCR: utrumque host em null dederant sese agmina planis quae pelagus collemque secant portumque reducto efficiunt flexu fluvii perterrita primum ferus GT : utrumque null null hostem dederant sese agmina planis quae pelagus collemque secant portumque reducto efficiunt flexu fluvii perterrita primum null OCR: hostis ego Class Qiuxrt loc citp cf post hostis codd postquam simul C Campi Canini a northItalian region near Bilitio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bellinzona in the upper part of the Ticinus valley Majorian became magister militum on Feb I have discussed the following GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: passage in Class Quart XXVIII pp sqq See n p and n on w of this poem It seems clear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that the reference here is to the formal accession on December The fight with the Vandals must have taken place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the following year probably not many months V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS nine hundred foemen to scour for booty the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plains named long ago after Canius By this time thou wert Master of the Forces and thou didst send thither GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Burco Tith a band of followers small indeed but that suffices when thou bidst them fight tis certain victory for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our troops when they go under thine orders Fortune brings about a triumph not through their numbers but through their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: love for thee I crave no armies in a field to which thou sendest but a few men The happy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: issue of that campaign is due to thee for thou didst fight with yr the authority of a Master but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the destiny of y k an Emperor Lately when the throne had been vJ bestowed on thee in due GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: order by all orders commons senate army and thy colleague too r a savage foe was roaming at his ease GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over the unguarded sea Under southerly breezes he invaded the Campanian soil and with his Moorish soldiery attacked the husbandmen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when they dreamed not of danger the fleshy Vandal sat on the thwarts waiting for the spoil which he had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bidden his captives to capture and bring thither But of a sudden thy bands had thrown themselves between the two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enemy hosts into the plains which sunder the sea from the hills and fashion a harbour where the river makes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a backward curve First the multitude before the Panegyric was delivered see also v n The fight with the Alamanni GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: related in the previous lines must have happened before December but not necessarily before April as there is good ground GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for believing that Majorian remained technically a Magister Militum until his formal accession in December The two latest editors have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: caused great confusion by punctuating after instead of before nujper in V The Moors y who had been subjugated by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Geiseric THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS montes turba petit trabibus quae clausa relictis praedae praeda fuit turn null concitus agmine toto GT : null null null null null montes turba petit trabibus quae clausa relictis praedae praeda fuit null tum concitus agmine toto OCR: in pugnam pirata coit pars lintre cavata iam dociles exponit equos pars ferrea texta concolor induitur teretes pars explicat arcus GT : in pugnam pirata coit pars lintre cavata iam dociles exponit equos pars ferrea texta concolor induitur teretes pars explicat arcus OCR: spiculaque infusum ferro latura venenuni null quae feriant bis missa semel iam textilis anguis discurrit per utramque aciem cui guttur GT : spiculaque infusum ferro latura null venenum quae feriant bis missa semel iam textilis anguis discurrit per utramque aciem cui guttur OCR: adactis turgescit zephyris patulo mentitur hiatu iratam pictura famem pannoque furor em null aura facit quotiens crassatur vertile tergum flatibus GT : adactis turgescit zephyris patulo mentitur hiatu iratam pictura famem pannoque null null furorem aura facit quotiens crassatur vertile tergum flatibus OCR: et nimium iam non capit alvus inane at tuba terrisono strepuit grave rauca fragore responsat clamor lituis virt usque null GT : et nimium iam non capit alvus inane at tuba terrisono strepuit grave rauca fragore responsat clamor lituis null null virtusque OCR: repente ignavis vel parva furit cadit undique ferrum hinc tamen in iugulos hunc torta falarica iactu proterit ad mortem vix GT : repente ignavis vel parva furit cadit undique ferrum hinc tamen in iugulos hunc torta falarica iactu proterit ad mortem vix OCR: cessatura secundam hunc conti rotat ictus equo ruit aclyde fossus ille veruque alius iacet hie null simul alite telo absentem GT : cessatura secundam hunc conti rotat ictus equo ruit aclyde fossus ille veruque alius iacet null hic simul alite telo absentem OCR: passus dextram pars poplite secto mortis ad invidiam vivit partemque cerebri hie null galeae cum parte rapit fortique lacerto Toterit GT : passus dextram pars poplite secto mortis ad invidiam vivit partemque cerebri null hic galeae cum parte rapit fortique lacerto null OCR: Luetjohann praeterit See n on These standards in the form of dragons or serpents were made of cloth or of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flexible skins hollow inside and with a silver mouth When the wind blew in at the mouth they contorted themselves GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in a manner which suggested real serpents The last line of the description is hard I have followed an ingenious GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: suggestion of Dr Sample that inane means air the use is much bolder than in an expression like vastum per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inane v but probably pleased Sidonius as it enabled him to introduce one of his innumerable paradoxes cannot hold the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: emptiness Literally the words V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS of plunderers flees in terror towards the mountains and so cut off GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the ships they had left they become the prey of their prey then the pirates are aroused and mass GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their whole forces for the battle Some land their welltrained steeds in hollow skiffs some don the meshed mail of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: like hue to themselves some get ready their shapely bows and the arrows made to carry poison on the iron GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: point and to wound doubly with a single shot Now the broidered dragon speeds hither and thither in both armies GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his throat swelling as the zephyrs dash against it that pictured form with wideopen jaw counterfeits a wTathful hunger and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the breeze puts a frenzy into the cloth as often as the lithe back is thickened by the blasts and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the air is now too abundant for the belly to hold Now the trumpets deep note sounds with terrific blast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a responsive shout greets the clarions and even the puny spirit of cowards suddenly bursts into frenzy From everywhere a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shower of steel comes down but from our side it comes down on the throats of the foe a hurtling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: javelin lays one man in the dust scarce to exhaust its force with a second victim another man is sent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spinning by the thrust of a pike one gashed by a harpoon another by a lance falls headlong from his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: horse yet another flung down by a flying shaft lies there the prey of a hand beyond his ken some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of them with the thighsinews severed live on to envy death again a warrior sweeps off part of a foemans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brain and part of his helmet together cleaving the hapless skull with twoedged mean and the belly no longer has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: room for the excessive air ie more air than the dragons belly can hold blows in at the mouth THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS disicit ancipiti miserabile sinciput ense ut primum versis dat tergum Vandalus armis succedit caedes pugnae discrimine nullo GT : null null null disicit ancipiti miserabile sinciput ense ut primum versis dat tergum Vandalus armis succedit caedes pugnae discrimine nullo OCR: sternuntur passim campis et fortia quaeque fecit iners trepidante fuga mare pallidus intrat et naves pertransit eques turpique natatu de GT : sternuntur passim campis et fortia quaeque fecit iners trepidante fuga mare pallidus intrat et naves pertransit eques turpique natatu de OCR: pelago ad cymbam rediit sic tertia Pyrrhi quondam pugna fuit caesis cum milibus ilium null Dentatus premeret lacerae vix fragmina GT : pelago ad cymbam rediit sic tertia Pyrrhi quondam pugna fuit caesis cum milibus null illum Dentatus premeret lacerae vix fragmina OCR: classis traxit in Epirum qui Chaonas atque Molossos qui Thracum Macetumque manus per litora vestra sparserat et cuius vires Oenotria GT : classis traxit in Epirum qui Chaonas atque Molossos qui Thracum Macetumque manus per litora vestra sparserat et cuius vires Oenotria OCR: pallens ipsaque quae petiit trepidaverat uncta Tarentus hostibus expulsis campum qui maximus exstat iam lustrare vacat videas hie null strage GT : pallens ipsaque quae petiit trepidaverat uncta Tarentus hostibus expulsis campum qui maximus exstat iam lustrare vacat videas null hic strage OCR: sub ilia null utrorumque animos nullus non pectore caesus quisquis vester erat nullus non terga foratus illorum quisquis clamant hoc GT : sub null illa utrorumque animos nullus non pectore caesus quisquis vester erat nullus non terga foratus illorum quisquis clamant hoc OCR: vulnera primi praedonum turn null forte ducis cui regis avari narratur nupsisse soror qui pulvere caeco clausus et elisus pilis GT : vulnera primi praedonum null tum forte ducis cui regis avari narratur nupsisse soror qui pulvere caeco clausus et elisus pilis OCR: vestigia turpis gestat adhuc probrosa fugae sic agmina vestra cum spoliis campum retinent et Marte fruuntur Interea duplici texis dum GT : vestigia turpis gestat adhuc probrosa fugae sic agmina vestra cum spoliis campum retinent et Marte fruuntur Interea duplici texis dum OCR: litore classem inferno superoque mari cadit omnis in aequor silva tibi nimiumque diu per utrumque recisus Appennine latus navali qui GT : litore classem inferno superoque mari cadit omnis in aequor silva tibi nimiumque diu per utrumque recisus Appennine latus navali qui OCR: arbor e null dives non minus in pelagus nemorum quam mittis aquarum navali qui Mohr navalique The blackamoor turns pale GT : null null arbore dives non minus in pelagus nemorum quam mittis aquarum null null null null null null null null OCR: again in v ie it is no longer a flat plain but a hill of corpses The Adriatic and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tuscan Sea V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS sword wielded by a strong arm Soon as the Vandal began to turn and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flee carnage took the place of battle all were laid low promiscuously throughout the plain and even the coward did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the most doughty deeds In their panic flight the horsemen plunged pallid into the water and passed beyond the ships GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: then swam back in disgrace to their boats from the open sea Like to this in olden days was the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: third fight of Pyrrhus when Dentatus had slain thousands and pressed him sore he scarce dragged some fragments of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shattered fleet to Epirus he who had spread over thy shores bands of Chaonians and Molossians Thracians and Macedonians he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at whose might Oenotria grew pale and luxurious Tarentum that invited him was herself dismayed With the foe driven out GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there was freedom to survey the plain which now stood up high Here in that slaughtered pile could be discerned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the spirit of each host no man of thine but had been stricken in the breast none of the foe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who was not stabbed in the back This truth is loudly proclaimed by the wounds of him who chanced on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that day to be commander of the robbers a man whom it is said the daughter of the greedy king GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had wedded enveloped by the blindly flying dust and crushed under a mass of pikes he still carried the infamous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: marks of a shameful flight Thus thy battalions hold the field with all its spoils and reap the reward of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their prowess Meanwhile thou buildest on the two shores fleets for the Upper and the Lower Sea Down into the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: water falls every forest of the Apennines for many a long day there is hewing on both slopes of those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mountains so rich in ships timber mountains that send down to the sea as great an abundance of wood as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Gallia continuis quamquam sit lassa tributis hoc censu placuisse cupit nee null pondera sentit quae GT : null null null null null Gallia continuis quamquam sit lassa tributis hoc censu placuisse cupit null nec pondera sentit quae OCR: prodesse probat non tantis maior Atrides Carpathium texit ratibus cum Doricus hostis Sigeas rapturus opes Rhoeteia clausit Pergama nee null GT : prodesse probat non tantis maior Atrides Carpathium texit ratibus cum Doricus hostis Sigeas rapturus opes Rhoeteia clausit Pergama null nec OCR: tantae Seston iuncturus Abydo Xerxes classis erat tumidas cum sterneret undas et pontum sub ponte daret cum stagna superbo irrupit GT : tantae Seston iuncturus Abydo Xerxes classis erat tumidas cum sterneret undas et pontum sub ponte daret cum stagna superbo irrupit OCR: temerata gradu turmaeque frequentes Hellespontiaco persultavere profundo nee null sic Leucadio classis Mareotica portu Actiacas abscondit aquas in bella mariti GT : temerata gradu turmaeque frequentes Hellespontiaco persultavere profundo null nec sic Leucadio classis Mareotica portu Actiacas abscondit aquas in bella mariti OCR: dum venit a Phario dotalis turba Canopo cum patrio Cleopatra ferox circumdata sistro milite vel piceo fulvas onerata carinas Dorida GT : dum venit a Phario dotalis turba Canopo cum patrio Cleopatra ferox circumdata sistro milite vel piceo fulvas onerata carinas Dorida OCR: difFusam null premeret Ptolomaide gaza hoc tu non cultu pugnas sed more priorum dite magis ferro merito cui subiacet aurima GT : null diffusam premeret Ptolomaide gaza hoc tu non cultu pugnas sed more priorum dite magis ferro merito cui subiacet null OCR: null divitis ignavi tales ne sperne rebelles etsi non acies decorant tamen ista triumphos nee null me Lageam stirpem memorasse GT : aurum divitis ignavi tales ne sperne rebelles etsi non acies decorant tamen ista triumphos null nec me Lageam stirpem memorasse OCR: pigebit hostis ad exemplum vestri namque auguror hisdem regnis fortunam similem cum luxus in ilia null parte sit aequalis nee GT : pigebit hostis ad exemplum vestri namque auguror hisdem regnis fortunam similem cum luxus in null illa parte sit aequalis null OCR: null peior Caesar in ista Ilicet aggrederis quod nullus tempore nostro isdem CTP A timely hint to Majorian pontum sub GT : nec peior Caesar in ista Ilicet aggrederis quod nullus tempore nostro null null null null null null null null null OCR: poUe cf These lines describe the muster of Majorians forces and the march over the Alps into Gaul Modern historians GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eg Hodgkin and Bury absurdly imagine that the reference is to an expedition into Pannonia The list of peoples in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vv is a lurid commentary on Romes dependence upon foreign contingents to do her fighting although Sidonius ingeniously turns a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lamentable fact into a compliment to Majorian The poet makes it abundantly clear that Majorian lOO V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: waters Gaul though wearied by unceasing tribute is now eager to gain approval by a new levy for this end GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and feels not a burden wherein she beholds a benefit The elder son of Atreus did not cover the Carpathian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sea with so many ships when the Dorian foe bent on seizing the wealth of Sigeum beleaguered Rhoeteian Pergamum not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so vast was the fleet that Xerxes had when he sought to link Sestos with Abydos and paved the swelling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: waters setting a bridge over the breakers and with haughty step burst in upon the outraged flood and his multitudinous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: squadrons pranced over the Hellespontine deep Not so fully did the Mareotic fleet in Leucas harbour hide the waters of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Actium when a multitude that was a womans dower came from Egyptian Canopus to fight her husbands battles and proud GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cleopatra with her countrys sistrum girded upon her and her yellow boats loaded with pitchblack warriors weighted the wide sea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the treasure of the Ptolemies Thou dost not fight in this array but rather as our forerunners did with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wealth of steel whereto the wealthy cowards gold submits Yet scorn not such troublers of the peace for these splendours GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: though they grace not the ranks of battle grace the pageantry of a triumph And truly I shall never grieve GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to have mentioned the house of Lagos as prototype of thy foe for I forecast a like fate for these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: two kingdoms since on their side the luxuriousness is equal and on our side is a Caesar as good as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there was then Straightway thou dost attempt what no emperor began early in his reign to organise an army and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a navy for an attack on Geiseric in Africa The muster here described has that ultimate end in view though GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the troubles in Gaul had first to be settled See also n on sq THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Augustus potuit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Augustus potuit OCR: rigidum septemplicis Histri agmen in arma rapis nam quidquid languidus axis cardine Sithonio sub Parrhase parturit Vrsa hoc totum tua GT : rigidum septemplicis Histri agmen in arma rapis nam quidquid languidus axis cardine Sithonio sub Parrhase parturit Vrsa hoc totum tua OCR: signa pavet Bastarna Suebus Pannonius Neurus Chunus Geta Dacus Halanus Bellonotus Rugus Burgundio Vesus Alites Bisalta Ostrogothus Procrustes Sarmata Moschus GT : signa pavet Bastarna Suebus Pannonius Neurus Chunus Geta Dacus Halanus Bellonotus Rugus Burgundio Vesus Alites Bisalta Ostrogothus Procrustes Sarmata Moschus OCR: post aquilas venere tuas tibi militat omnis Caucasus et Scythicae potor Tanaiticus undae quid faciat fortuna viri quascumque minatur has GT : post aquilas venere tuas tibi militat omnis Caucasus et Scythicae potor Tanaiticus undae quid faciat fortuna viri quascumque minatur has OCR: tremuit iam Roma manus modo principe sub te ne metuat prope parva putat nisi serviat illi quod timuit regnante alio GT : tremuit iam Roma manus modo principe sub te ne metuat prope parva putat nisi serviat illi quod timuit regnante alio OCR: Iam castra movebas et te diversis stipabant milia signis obsequium gens una negat quae nuper ab Histro rettulit indomitum solito GT : Iam castra movebas et te diversis stipabant milia signis obsequium gens una negat quae nuper ab Histro rettulit indomitum solito OCR: truculentior agmen quod dominis per bella caret populoque superbo Tuldila plectendas in proelia suggerit iras hie null tu vix armis GT : truculentior agmen quod dominis per bella caret populoque superbo Tuldila plectendas in proelia suggerit iras null hic tu vix armis OCR: positis iterum arma retractas Bistonides veluti Ciconum cum forte pruinas Ogygiis complent thiasis seu Strymonos arvis seu se per Rhodopen GT : positis iterum arma retractas Bistonides veluti Ciconum cum forte pruinas Ogygiis complent thiasis seu Strymonos arvis seu se per Rhodopen OCR: seu qua nimbosus in aequor volvit Hyperboreis in cautibus Hismarus Hebrum dat somno vaga turba simul lassata quiescunt The reference GT : seu qua nimbosus in aequor volvit Hyperboreis in cautibus Hismarus Hebrum dat somno vaga turba simul lassata quiescunt null null OCR: is almost certainly to the Huns Tuldila is not mentioned elsewhere ie soon after the battle described in w The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mutiny obviously occurred in Italy before the passage of the Alps Presumably it affected only a part of the Hun GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contingent Thracian Theban a silly paradox Theban here means little more than Bacchanalian V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS in our time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has availed to do thou dost carry off to war the frozen army of the sevenmouthed Danube All the multitude GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that the sluggish quarter of the earth doth produce in the Sithonian region beneath the Arcadian bear fears thy standards GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bastarnian Suebian Pannonian Neuran Hun Getan Dacian Alan Bellonotan Rugian Burgundian Visigoth Alites Bisalta Ostrogoth Procrustian Sarmatian Moschan have ranged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: themselves behind thine eagles in thy service are the whole Caucasus and the drinker of the Dons Scythian waters What GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall such a heros fortune accomplish Every band wherewith he now threatens others has at some time caused Rome to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tremble but now under thy sovereignty she counts it almost a small thing to be free from fear unless she GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also sees humbly at her service that which she feared when another reigned Now thou wert moving thy camp and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: around thee thronged thousands under divers standards Only one race denied thee obedience a race who had lately in a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mood even more savage than their wont withdrawn their untamed host from the Danube because they had lost their lords GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in warfare and Tuldila stirred in that unruly multitude a mad lust of fighting for which they must needs pay GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dear Hereupon having scarce laid down thine arms thou takest them up again as when the Thracian women fill the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fiosty land of the Ciconians with Theban troops of revellers and on the fields by the Strymon or over the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: slopes of Rhodope or where cloudy Hismarus rolls Hebrus down amid the Hyperborean rocks to the sea the roaming band GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: give themselves up to sleep and THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS orgia et ad biforem reboat nee null tibia flatum vix GT : null null null null null null null null null null orgia et ad biforem reboat null nec tibia flatum vix OCR: requies iam f null ponte ligant f null rotat enthea thyrsum Bassaris et maculis Erythraeae nebridos horrens excitat Odrysios ad GT : requies iam null † ponte ligant null † rotat enthea thyrsum Bassaris et maculis Erythraeae nebridos horrens excitat Odrysios ad OCR: marcida tympana mystas tu tamen banc null differs poenam sed sanguinis auctor maioris dum parcis eras non pertulit ultra hoc GT : marcida tympana mystas tu tamen null hanc differs poenam sed sanguinis auctor maioris dum parcis eras non pertulit ultra hoc OCR: pro te plus cauta manus vestrumque pudorem sprevit pro vobis primi cadit hostia belli quisque rebellis erat praedam quoque dividis GT : pro te plus cauta manus vestrumque pudorem sprevit pro vobis primi cadit hostia belli quisque rebellis erat praedam quoque dividis OCR: illis mens devota quibus fuerat quae territa servit exemplo gaudet pretio Pharsalica Caesar arva petens subitas ferro compescuit iras sed GT : illis mens devota quibus fuerat quae territa servit exemplo gaudet pretio Pharsalica Caesar arva petens subitas ferro compescuit iras sed OCR: sua membra secans ut causae mole coactus flevit quos perimit vestris haec proficit armis seditio quodcumque iubes nisi barbarus audit GT : sua membra secans ut causae mole coactus flevit quos perimit vestris haec proficit armis seditio quodcumque iubes nisi barbarus audit OCR: hie null cadit ut miles timeat lam null tempore brumae Alpes marmoreas atque occurrentia iuncto saxa polo rupesque vitri siccamque GT : null hic cadit ut miles timeat null Iam tempore brumae Alpes marmoreas atque occurrentia iuncto saxa polo rupesque vitri siccamque OCR: minantes per scopulos pluviam primus pede carpis et idem lubrica praemisso firmas vestigia conto coeperat ad rupis medium quae maxima GT : minantes per scopulos pluviam primus pede carpis et idem lubrica praemisso firmas vestigia conto coeperat ad rupis medium quae maxima OCR: turba est interno squalere gelu quod colle supino artatis conclusa viis reptare rigenti non pot erat null revoluta solo fors GT : turba est interno squalere gelu quod colle supino artatis conclusa viis reptare rigenti non null null poterat revoluta solo fors OCR: unus ab illo sponte T iam sponte vigens R Henry bOl ut ego Class Qvnrt loc cit p et See GT : unus ab illo null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n on Things connected with Bacchus are like the god himself often associated with India The famous mutiny of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ninth Legion at Placentia BC ie ice See n on V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS straightway the rout falls into wearied GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: repose and no longer does the breath awake a resounding note in the double pipe but scarce has rest begun GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when an inspired Bassarid once more whirls the thyrsus and bristling in her dappled garb of Erythraean fawnskin rouses the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Odrysian votaries to beat the languid tabors Yet thou didst put off the punishment of this offence but in sparing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou didst cause greater bloodshed for a band of thy men more careful of thy weal could bear this crime GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no longer and for thy sake spurned thy mildness and the rebels fell one and all victims offered at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wars beginning Thou didst divide the spoil among those whose hearts had been true and these hearts that trembled when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they aided in the punishment were cheered by their reward Caesar bound for the field of Pharsalia stayed a mutinous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: outburst with the sword yet as he thus cut off his own limbs driven thereto by the compelling need of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his cause he wept for those he destroyed But this rising was a benefit to thine arms henceforth whatever thine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: orders might be if a barbarian hearkened not he fell that the soldiers might fear And now in winter thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: didst thyself lead the way over the marble slopes of the Alps over crags that rise to meet the sky GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over rocks like glass and dry rain resting amid threatening scaurs and with a lance thrust out before thee thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: didst steady thy slipping feet Halfway up the mountain the main part of thy force felt a chilling frost encrusting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their very hearts for confined in narrow paths on a hillslope they could not clamber up the frozen face but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever rolled back then it came to pass that one of the column a man whose wheels had in THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS agmine canentem cuius rota triverat Histrum exclamat gladios malo et soUemne null quieta quod frigus de morte GT : null null null agmine canentem cuius rota triverat Histrum exclamat gladios malo et null sollemne quieta quod frigus de morte OCR: venit mea torpor inerti membra rigore ligat quodam mihi corpus adustum frigoris igne perit sequimur sine fine labori instantem iuvenem GT : venit mea torpor inerti membra rigore ligat quodam mihi corpus adustum frigoris igne perit sequimur sine fine labori instantem iuvenem OCR: quisquis fortissimus ille est aut rex aut populus castris modo clausus aprica vel sub pelle iacet nos anni vertimus usum GT : quisquis fortissimus ille est aut rex aut populus castris modo clausus aprica vel sub pelle iacet nos anni vertimus usum OCR: quod iubet hie null lex rebus erit non flectitur umquam a coeptis damnumque putat si temporis iras vel per damna GT : quod iubet null hic lex rebus erit non flectitur umquam a coeptis damnumque putat si temporis iras vel per damna OCR: timet qua dicam gente creatum quern null Scytha non patior cuius lac tigridis infans Hyrcana sub rupe bibit quae sustulit GT : timet qua dicam gente creatum null quem Scytha non patior cuius lac tigridis infans Hyrcana sub rupe bibit quae sustulit OCR: istum axe meo gravior tellus en vertice summo algentes cogit turmas ac frigora ridet dum solus plus mente calet cum GT : istum axe meo gravior tellus en vertice summo algentes cogit turmas ac frigora ridet dum solus plus mente calet cum OCR: classica regis Arctoi sequerer Romani principis arma Caesareumque larem luxu torpere perenni audieram dominos nil prodest isse priores si rex GT : classica regis Arctoi sequerer Romani principis arma Caesareumque larem luxu torpere perenni audieram dominos nil prodest isse priores si rex OCR: hie null quoque fortis erat maiora parantem dicere de scopulo verbis accendis amaris quisquis es oppositi metuis qui lubrica clivi GT : null hic quoque fortis erat maiora parantem dicere de scopulo verbis accendis amaris quisquis es oppositi metuis qui lubrica clivi OCR: frange cutem pendentis aquae scalptoque fluento sit tibi lympha gradus turpes depone querelas otia frigus habent numquid mihi membra biformis GT : frange cutem pendentis aquae scalptoque fluento sit tibi lympha gradus turpes depone querelas otia frigus habent numquid mihi membra biformis OCR: Hylaei natura dedit num Pegasus alis isse desse M Cf The wordplay is made possible by the fact that damnum GT : Hylaei natura dedit num Pegasus alis null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may mean fault vice as well as loss lo V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS their time scoured the whitened Danube exclaimed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I would rather have a swordthrust and that common coldness that comes from a quiet death numbness ties my limbs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vith cramping stiffness and my body is seared and consumed by the burning cold We follow a young general that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: persists in toil without ceasing but even the bravest whether king or people is now enclosed in camp or fort GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or lies down under tents of skin in sunny places while we pervert the uses of the year What he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: orders will be a law to all creation He is never turned from his enterprises and he thinks his character GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is lost if even his losses make him fear the violence of the season Of what race must I pronounce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him born vith whom I a Scythian cannot cope What tigress gave suck to him in infancy under some Hyrcanian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: height What land more severe than mine own clime reared him Lo on the very summit he musters his chilled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: squadroas and laughs at the cold for he alone has in his soul a warmth that is stronger When I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: followed the standards of a northern king I heard that the emperors arms and the house of the Caesars were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sunk in unending luxury It is no gain to me that my former lords are gone if after all there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is here too a valiant king He was ready to utter more violent words when thou speaking from the crest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: didst stir him with bitter taunts Whosoeer thou art that fearest the slippery rise that confronts thee break the skin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the hanging water then dig into the flow and make the pool thy steppingstone Have done with thy base GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: complaints idleness is the cause of cold Did nature give me the limbs of doublebodied Hylaeus Did Pegasus help me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with wings THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS adiuvit quidquid gradior pennasque volanti dat Calais Zetusque mihi quern null ninguida cernis calcantem GT : null null null null null null adiuvit quidquid gradior pennasque volanti dat Calais Zetusque mihi null quem ninguida cernis calcantem OCR: iam dorsa iugi vos frigora frangunt vos Alpes iam iam studeam pensare pruinas aestatem sub Syrte dabo sic agmina voce GT : iam dorsa iugi vos frigora frangunt vos Alpes iam iam studeam pensare pruinas aestatem sub Syrte dabo sic agmina voce OCR: erigis exemploque levas primusque labores aggrederis quoscumque iubes turn null cetera paret turba libens servit propriis cum legibus auctor Qui GT : erigis exemploque levas primusque labores aggrederis quoscumque iubes null tum cetera paret turba libens servit propriis cum legibus auctor Qui OCR: tibi praeterea comites quantusque magister militiae vestrum post vos qui compulit agmen sed non invitum dignus cui cederet uni Sulla GT : tibi praeterea comites quantusque magister militiae vestrum post vos qui compulit agmen sed non invitum dignus cui cederet uni Sulla OCR: acie genio Fabius pietate Metellus Appius eloquio vi Fulvius arte Camillus si praefecturae quantus moderetur honorem vir quaeras tendit patulos GT : acie genio Fabius pietate Metellus Appius eloquio vi Fulvius arte Camillus si praefecturae quantus moderetur honorem vir quaeras tendit patulos OCR: qua Gallia fines vix habuit mores similes cui teste senatu in se etiam tractum commiserat Vlpius ensem qui dictat modo GT : qua Gallia fines vix habuit mores similes cui teste senatu in se etiam tractum commiserat Vlpius ensem qui dictat modo OCR: iura Getis sub iudice vestro ie in Africa fighting against the Vandals This Master of the Forces cannot be the GT : iura Getis sub iudice vestro null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Patrician Ricimer He may be either Nepotianus father of the future emperor Julius Nepos who seems to have obtained the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rank of second magister under Avitus or less probably Aegidius who was mug militum per Gallias from to according to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the usual account Stein p thinks otherwise The holder of this districtcommand had for some years been dignified with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: title magister utriusque militiae the original title was mag equitum per Gallias See also n on sqq Q Caecilius Metellus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pius consul BC received his extra surname owing to the strenuous efforts which he made to secure the recall of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his father Metellus Numidicus from exile io V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS over the ground I tread Do I fly with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plumage bestowed by Calais and Zethus I whom thou seest already trampling the snowclad brow of this ridge Art thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: overcome by the cold by the Alps Then tis time I sought to compensate thee for the frosts I will GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: give thee a summer near the Sntes Thus dost thou brace thy troops with thy words and cheer them by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thine example ever the first to essay whatever tasks thou dost order and the others willingly obey when the lawgiver GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: makes himself the servant of his own laws And what a staff thou hadst and what a Master of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Forces He it was who pushed on the line of men behind thee right willing men tis true To him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of all men Sulla might well have given precedence in fighting Fabius in talent Metellus in filial loyalty Appius in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eloquence Fulvius in energy Camillus in skill And if it should be asked how great is the man who wields GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Prefects office where Gaul extends her wide lands he is a man scarce equalled in goodness by him to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whom with the senate as witness Trajan entrusted a drawn sword to be used even against himself Under thy judge GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he who now gives laws to the Goths he our skinclad foe doth respect the Q Fulvius Flaccus consul in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and BC a great general Along with Ap Claudius Pulcher he took Capua in BC The new Praetorian Prefect of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gaul was Magnus See n on It is related that Trajan on handing to a praetorian prefect the sword which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was the badge of his office said Take this to be used in my defence if I act well against GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: me if I act ill Aur Vict Goes Cass Dio LXVIII cf Plin Pan THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS pellitus ravum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null pellitus ravum OCR: praeconem suspicit hostis quid loquar hie ilium null null qui scrinia sacra gubernat qui cum civilis dispenset partis habenas sustinet GT : praeconem suspicit hostis quid loquar null null hic illum qui scrinia sacra gubernat qui cum civilis dispenset partis habenas sustinet OCR: armati cur as interpret e null null sub quo flectitur ad vestras gens efFera null condiciones quid laudare Petrum parvis GT : armati null null null null curas interprete sub quo flectitur ad vestras gens null effera condiciones quid laudare Petrum parvis OCR: temeraria Clio viribus aggrederis cuius dignatur ab ore Caesar in orbe loqui licet et quaestore diserto polleat attamen hie null GT : temeraria Clio viribus aggrederis cuius dignatur ab ore Caesar in orbe loqui licet et quaestore diserto polleat attamen null hic OCR: nuper placidissime princeps obside percepto nostrae de moenibus urbis visceribus miseris insertum depulit ensem et quia lassatis nimium spes unica GT : nuper placidissime princeps obside percepto nostrae de moenibus urbis visceribus miseris insertum depulit ensem et quia lassatis nimium spes unica OCR: rebus venisti nostris petimus succurre ruinis Lugdunumque tuam dum praeteris aspice victor otia post nimios poscit te fracta labores cui GT : rebus venisti nostris petimus succurre ruinis Lugdunumque tuam dum praeteris aspice victor otia post nimios poscit te fracta labores cui OCR: pacem das redde animum lassata iuvenci cervix deposito melius post sulcat aratro telluris glaebam solidae bove fruge colono civibus exhausta GT : pacem das redde animum lassata iuvenci cervix deposito melius post sulcat aratro telluris glaebam solidae bove fruge colono civibus exhausta OCR: est stantis fortuna latebat dum capitur vae quanta fuit post gaudia princeps suscipit ZCiP The reference is obviously to Theodoric GT : est stantis fortuna latebat dum capitur vae quanta fuit post gaudia princeps null null null null null null null null OCR: II but it is mere hyperbole or sanguine prophecy The Gallic rising had roused the Visigoths to war and it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was not tiU the following year when Aegidius drove them back from the walls of Aries that they submitted and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made a treaty with Majorian ludice refers to the praetorian prefect as head of the judicature There may have been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a truce with Theodoric at the time when the Panegyric was deHvered It is also possible that there were some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Visigoths in the conquered garrison of Lugdunum The variant reading suscijpit in v might possibly mean is V PANEGYRIC ON GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: MAIORIANUS hoarsevoiced usher of the court Why tell here of him who controls the Sacred Bureau who while he guides GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reins of a civil office supports also the cares of a manatarms with whom as spokesman a wild race GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is won over to your terms But why my rash Muse dost thou essay with thy puny strength to praise GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Petrus Through his lips Caesar deigns to speak all over the world although he hath also a tower of strength GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in his eloquent quaestor nay this man lately O most gracious Emperor took hostages and thrust off from the walls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of our city the sword that had been driven into our hapless flesh And since thou hast come hither as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the only hope for our exhausted fortunes we pray and beseech thee save our ruins and as thou passest on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: let thine eye survey thy Lugdunum in thine hour of victory broken she asks thee for rest after toils too GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great to bear Give fresh heart to her to whom thou givest peace When the steers neck is wearied he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: will afterwards furrow the solid clods all the better if the plough is laid aside for a time The town GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is drained of her oxen her provender her farmers her citizens In her days of strength her fortune was unnoticed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but in the hour of her capture alas how great it was When joy has come my adopting ie he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is copying the Roman legal procedure in his own domain but suspicit is almost certainly right As Imperial secretary magister GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: epistularum Petrus on whom see n controlled one of the three great bureaux of the civil service The Burgundians who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had been received into Lugdunum by the GalloRoman insurgents The quaestor was probably Domnulus who is mentioned as a poet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in cf Epist IX IX carm Lpist TV is addressed to him On the quaestor sacri Palatii as mouthpiece of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Emperor see n on Ill THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS delectat meminisse mali populatibus igni etsi concidimus null veniens tamen GT : null null null null null null null null null null delectat meminisse mali populatibus igni etsi null concidimns veniens tamen OCR: omnia tecum i restituis fuimus vestri quia causa triumphi L ipsa ruina placet cum victor scanSere null currum incipies crinemque GT : omnia tecum null restituis fuimus vestri quia causa triumphi null ipsa ruina placet cum victor null scandere currum incipies crinemque OCR: sacrum tibi more priorum nectet muralis vallaris civica laurus et regum aspicient Capitolia fulva catenas cum vesties Romam spoliis cum GT : sacrum tibi more priorum nectet muralis vallaris civica laurus et regum aspicient Capitolia fulva catenas cum vesties Romam spoliis cum OCR: divite cera pinges Cinyphii captiva mapalia Bocchi ipse per obstantes populos raucosque fragores praecedam et tenui sicut nunc carmine dicam GT : divite cera pinges Cinyphii captiva mapalia Bocchi ipse per obstantes populos raucosque fragores praecedam et tenui sicut nunc carmine dicam OCR: te geminas Alpes Syrtes te te mare magnum te freta te Libycas pariter domuisse catervas ante tamen vicisse mihi quod GT : te geminas Alpes Syrtes te te mare magnum te freta te Libycas pariter domuisse catervas ante tamen vicisse mihi quod OCR: lumina flectis quodque serenato miseros iam respicis ore exsultare libet memini cum parcere velles hie null tibi vultus erat mitis GT : lumina flectis quodque serenato miseros iam respicis ore exsultare libet memini cum parcere velles null hic tibi vultus erat mitis OCR: dat signa venustas annue sic vestris respiret Byrsa tropaeis sic Parthus certum fugiat Maurusque timore albus eat sic Susa tremant GT : dat signa venustas annue sic vestris respiret Byrsa tropaeis sic Parthus certum fugiat Maurusque timore albus eat sic Susa tremant OCR: positisque pharetris exarmata tuum circumstent Bactra tribunal Pictures or models of conquered places were often exhibited in Roman triumphal processions GT : positisque pharetris exarmata tuum circumstent Bactra tribunal null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bocchus is used as a typical name of a northAfrican king V PANEGYRIC ON MAIORIANUS Emperor tis pleasant to remember GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the evil days Prostrated though we are by devastation and by fire thou by thy coming dost restore all things GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and since we were the cause of thy triumph our very fall is pleasing When thou shalt step into the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: victors chariot and after the manner of our forefathers the mural castrensian and civic crowns shall entwine thy sacred hair GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the golden Capitol shall behold kings in chains when thou shalt clothe Rome with spoils and shalt depict in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: costly wax the captured huts of some African Bocchus then I myself will walk before thee amid the obstructing throngs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the clamour of hoarse shouts and in my puny strain as now I will tell how thou hast subdued GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: two Alpine ranges the Syrtes the Great Sea the narrower waters and the Libyan hordes but first I will tell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: how thou didst conquer for my benefit I am fain to leap for joy that thou dost turn thine eyes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and already regardest the unfortunate with brightened countenance I remember well when thou wert minded to be merciful such was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever thy look a benign graciousness gives the sign Grant my prayer so may Byrsa draw breath again through thy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: victories so may the Parthian flee in good earnest and the Moor go his way white with fear so may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Susa tremble and the Bactrians lay aside their quivers and stand disarmed around thy tribunal The Alps and the Pyrenees GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Majorian was going to proceed to Spain ri n THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS VI PRAEFATIO PANEGYRICI DICTI AVITO AVGVSTO Pallados GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Pallados OCR: armisonae festum diim null cantibus ortum personal null Hismario Thracia vate chelys et dum Mopsopium stipantur per Marathonem qui steterant GT : armisonae festum null dum cantibus ortum null personat Hismario Thracia vate chelys et dum Mopsopium stipantur per Marathonem qui steterant OCR: fluvii quaeque cucurrit humus dulcisonum quatitur fidibus dum pectine murmur null has perhibent laudes laude probasse deam diva Gigantei fudit GT : fluvii quaeque cucurrit humus dulcisonum quatitur fidibus dum pectine murmur C has perhibent laudes laude probasse deam diva Gigantei fudit OCR: quam tempore beUi null armatus partus vertice dividuo quam neque DeUacis null peperit Latona sub antris fixura errantem Cyclada pignoribus GT : quam tempore null belli armatus partus vertice dividuo quam neque null Deliacis peperit Latona sub antris fixura errantem Cyclada pignoribus OCR: nee null quae Cadmeis pariens Alciden in oris suspendit tripHci null nocte puerperium nee null cuius pluvio turris madefacta metallo GT : null nec quae Cadmeis pariens Alciden in oris suspendit null triplici nocte puerperium null nec cuius pluvio turris madefacta metallo OCR: est cum matrem impleret filius aurigena sed te cum trepidum spectaret Phlegra Tonantem impuht null excussam vertice ruptus apex cumque GT : est cum matrem impleret filius aurigena sed te cum trepidum spectaret Phlegra Tonantem null impulit excussam vertice ruptus apex cumque OCR: deos solae traherent in proelia vires confusum valde te sine robur erat protulit ut mox te patrius Sapientia vertex tum GT : deos solae traherent in proelia vires confusum valde te sine robur erat protulit ut mox te patrius Sapientia vertex tum OCR: mage vicerunt te cum habuere dei te propter cessit manibus constructa tremendis iam prope per rutilum machina tensa polum The GT : mage vicerunt te cum habuere dei te propter cessit manibus constructa tremendis iam prope per rutilum machina tensa polum null OCR: Ismarian Thracian bard is Orpheus The meaning of this absurdity will be clear from and ie Attic When Leto Latona GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fleeing from the persecution of Hera Juno reached the floating island of Delos it suddenly became stationary There Artemis Diana GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Apollo were born VI PREFACE TO AVITUS VI PREFACE TO THE PANEGYRIC ADDRESSED TO THE EMPEROR AVITUS While the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thracian lyre in the hands of the Ismarian bard celebrated in ringing song the glorious birth of Pallas with her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clashing arms while rivers that stood and earth that ran were thronging close in Mopsopian Marathon and the quill twanged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out its sweet notes on the strings the goddess tis said commended with her praise these praises Hail divine one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whom a birth fullarmed sent forth from the opened head at the time of the giantwar whom Latona bore not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the depths of the Delian cave fain to fix the wandering Cyclad for her offspring s sake no nor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: she who in bringing forth Alcides in the land of Cadmus delayed her travail for three nights nor she whose GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tower was steeped in the rain of metal when the goldbegotten son began to cumber his mother but while Phlegra GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beheld the Thunderer alarmed the crown of his head burst open and thou wert shot forth from its sunmiit and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as brute force and naught else was impelling the gods to battle their might without thee had been sorely confounded GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but after thy fathers head had brought thee forth O goddess of Wisdom then the gods with thee to aid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were victorious as neer before Thanks to thee that great pile gave way which was built by those dread hands GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and at last wellnigh pierced the The plains of Phlegra were the scene of the battle between gods and giants GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Pindus Othrys Pholoe dextris cecidere Gigantum decidit et Rhoeti iam gravis Ossa manu sternitur Aegaeon Briareus GT : null null null null Pindus Othrys Pholoe dextris cecidere Gigantum decidit et Rhoeti iam gravis Ossa manu sternitur Aegaeon Briareus OCR: Ephialta Mimasque Arctoas sueti lambere calce rotas Enceladus patri iacuit fratrique Typhoeus Euboicam hie null rupem sustinet hie Sieulam Hine GT : Ephialta Mimasque Arctoas sueti lambere calce rotas Enceladus patri iacuit fratrique Typhoeus Euboicam null hic rupem sustinet null null null OCR: null null null sese ad totam genetricem transtulit Orpheus et doeuit null chordas dicere Calliopam assurrexerunt Musae sub laude sororis GT : hic Siculam Hinc sese ad totam genetricem transtulit Orpheus et null docuit chordas dicere Calliopam assurrexerunt Musae sub laude sororis OCR: et placuit divae carmine plus pietas quod si maternas laudes cantasse favori est nee null valeo priseas null aequiperare fides GT : et placuit divae carmine plus pietas quod si maternas laudes cantasse favori est null nec valeo null priscas aequiperare fides OCR: publicus hie null pater est vovi cui carmen Avitus materia est maior si mihi Musa minor VII PANEGYRICVS Phoebe peragrato GT : publicus null hic pater est vovi cui carmen Avitus materia est maior si mihi Musa minor null null Phoebe peragrato OCR: tandem visurus in orbe quem possis perferre par em null da lumina eaelo null sufficit hie null terris nee null GT : tandem visurus in orbe quem possis perferre null null parem da lumina null caelo sufficit null hic terris null nec OCR: se iam signifer astris VI decuit MPTF The snaky extremities of the giants ending in mouths instead offset are treated GT : se iam signifer astris null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with elaborate absurdity in ii VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS flaming firmament Pindus Othrys and Pholoe fell from the grasp of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the giants down at last fell ponderous Ossa from Rhoetus hand Aegeon was laid low and Briareus and Ephialtes and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mimas who were wont to lick the northern Wain with their feet Enceladus fell by thy fathers hand Typhoeus by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thy brothers and now the one supports an Euboean mountain the other a Sicilian Then Orpheus changed his theme making GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his mother the whole burden of his song and teaching the strings to hymn Calliope The Muses rose in homage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at this praise of their sister and the goddess was gladdened even more by a sons devotion than by his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: song But if it is well pleasing to sing a mothers praises and if I lack the power to match GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the ancient lyre yet in Avitus to whom I have vowed my song we have here tho father of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: people and though my muse be weaker my theme is greater VII PANEGYRIC O Sungod now at last in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: circle of thy wanderings thou canst see one that thou art able to brook as thine equal so give thy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rays to heaven for he is sufficient to Hghten the earth Nor need the A farfetched epithet Typhoeus was buried GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under the island of Inarime Verg Aen IX Lucan V the modem Ischia near Euboean Cumae Verg Aen VI According GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to another version he like Enceladus was buried under Etna Jan AD See Introd p xxxvii VOL I Q THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS iactet Marmaricus quern null vertice conterit Atlans sidera sunt isti quae sicut mersa nitescunt adversis sic Roma GT : null null null iactet Marmaricus null quem vertice conterit Atlans sidera sunt isti quae sicut mersa nitescunt adversis sic Roma OCR: micat cui fixus ab ortu ordo fuit crevisse malis modo principe surgit consule nempe patres collates null cernere fasces vos GT : micat cui fixus ab ortu ordo fuit crevisse malis modo principe surgit consule nempe patres null collatos cernere fasces vos OCR: iuvat et sociam sceptris mandasse curulem credite plus dabitis currus iam necte bifrontes anceps lane null comas duplicique accingere lauro GT : iuvat et sociam sceptris mandasse curulem credite plus dabitis currus iam necte bifrontes anceps null Iane comas duplicique accingere lauro OCR: principis anterior iam consulis iste coruscat annus et emerita trabeis diademata crescunt incassum iam Musa paves quod propulit Auster vela GT : principis anterior iam consulis iste coruscat annus et emerita trabeis diademata crescunt incassum iam Musa paves quod propulit Auster vela OCR: ratis nostrae pelago quia currere famae coepimus en sidus quod nos per caerula servet Forte pater superum prospexit ab aethere GT : ratis nostrae pelago quia currere famae coepimus en sidus quod nos per caerula servet Forte pater superum prospexit ab aethere OCR: terras ecce viget quodcumque videt mundum reparasse aspexisse fuit solus fovet omnia nutus iamque ut conveniant superi Tegeaticus ales nunc GT : terras ecce viget quodcumque videt mundum reparasse aspexisse fuit solus fovet omnia nutus iamque ut conveniant superi Tegeaticus ales nunc OCR: plantis nunc fronte volat vix contigit arva et toto descendit avo mare terra vel aer indigenas misere deos germane Tonantis GT : plantis nunc fronte volat vix contigit arva et toto descendit avo mare terra vel aer indigenas misere deos germane Tonantis OCR: surgit M surget Vid Class Qiuirt loc cit p ales Bitschofsky archas dist ego vid Class Quart ib cf sq GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Marmarictis is used by poets for African cf Marmarica lay between Egypt and the Greater Syrtes and was therefore far GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the Atlas range In Marmarides is used in its strict sense and in v below the Marmaricans are distinguished GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the Massylians another north African people See n double because it encircles two brows For the meaning of trabea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see n on XV sq Mercury Tegeaticus means no more than Arcadian see n on The feet and the brow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aUude to the wings attached to his sandals and to his forehead According Il VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS Zodiac that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is grazed by the head of Marmaric Atlas make boast of its constellations for this man also hath his stars GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and as stars sink only to shine forth once more so doth Romes light flash forth out of her calamities GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: since from her very beginning it hath been her fixed destiny to grow greater by misfortunes Now she begins to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rise once more with an emperor for consul Surely O Senators it delights you to see the fasces of two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dignities combined and to think that ye have assigned a curule chair to bear the sceptre company Believe me ye GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall yet give more a triumphal chariot Now bind O twoheaded Janus the locks of thy twin brows encircling them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with a double wreath of laurel Last year was illustrious as the emperors this year is glorious as the consuls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the diadem that has served us so well is enhanced by the state robes of a magistrate Now O GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Muse idle is the fear thou dost feel because the breeze hath driven out to sea the sails of my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bark as I have begun to speed over the ocean of fame behold the star that is to protect me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: throughout the blue expanse It chanced that the father of the gods looked forth from heaven upon the earth Lo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whatever he beholds is quickened to view the world is to renew it his mere nod revives all things Thereupon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to bid the gods assemble the winged god of Tegea speeds his flight now with his feet now with his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brow Scarce has he descended the whole length of his grandfather and touched the fields when sea earth and air GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: send their native divinities First to another idea the second pair of wings was attached to his hat petasus Atlas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cf Verg A en IV For the fusion of the god with his domain cf and THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prime venis viridi qui Dorida findere curru suetus in attonita spargis cito terga serenum umentes Nymphas Phorcus comitatur ibique glaucus GT : prime venis viridi qui Dorida findere curru suetus in attonita spargis cito terga serenum umentes Nymphas Phorcus comitatur ibique glaucus OCR: Glauce venis vatum et certissime Proteu certus eras longo veniunt post ordine divi pampineus Liber Mars trux Tirynthius hirtus nuda GT : Glauce venis vatum et certissime Proteu certus eras longo veniunt post ordine divi pampineus Liber Mars trux Tirynthius hirtus nuda OCR: Venus fecunda Ceres pharetrata Diana luno null gravis prudens Pallas turrita Cybebe Saturnus profugus vaga Cynthia Phoebus ephebus Pan pavidus GT : Venus fecunda Ceres pharetrata Diana null Iuno gravis prudens Pallas turrita Cybebe Saturnus profugus vaga Cynthia Phoebus ephebus Pan pavidus OCR: Fauni rigidi Satyri petulantes convenere etiani null caelum virtute tenentes Castor equo Pollux caestu Perseius harpe fulmine Vulcanus Tiphys rate GT : Fauni rigidi Satyri petulantes convenere null etiam caelum virtute tenentes Castor equo Pollux caestu Perseius harpe fulmine Vulcanus Tiphys rate OCR: gente Quirinus quis canat hie null aulam caeli rutilantia cuius ipsa pavimentum sunt sidera lam null pater aureo tranquillus sese GT : gente Quirinus quis canat null hic aulam caeli rutilantia cuius ipsa pavimentum sunt sidera null Iam pater aureo tranquillus sese OCR: solio locat inde priores consedere dei fluviis quoque contigit illo sed senibus residere loco tibi maxime fluctu Eridane et flavis GT : solio locat inde priores consedere dei fluviis quoque contigit illo sed senibus residere loco tibi maxime fluctu Eridane et flavis OCR: in pocula fracte Sygambris Rhene tumens Scythiaeque vagis equitate catervis Hister null null et ignotum plus notus Nile per ortum GT : in pocula fracte Sygambris Rhene tumens Scythiaeque vagis equitate catervis null H ister et ignotum plus notus Nile per ortum OCR: cum procul erecta caeli de parte trahebat Perseius def Brakman turn Perseus Mohr Danaeius Wilamoivitz Colournames in ancient literature are GT : cum procul erecta caeli de parte trahebat null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: notoriously vague a good example of this is found in sq where first viridis and then caeruleus is applied both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Nereus and to his dress In the dress of Glaucus is called viridis The adjective glaucus unhke caeruleus is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: never appHed to the deep blue of the sky but there is regularly an element of blue in its connotation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: It is applied to the sea and other expanses of water to water deities to plants especially like Greek yXavKos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the greygreen of the ohve to the I VII PANEGYRIC ON A ITUS comes the Thunderers OAvn brother who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: accustomed as he is to cleave the sea with his green chariot now quickly spreads calm over the amazed surface GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phorcus comes with the dripping nymphs Glaucus too green as his name Proteus also surest of seers was there in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sure presence After them comes a long array of divine beings Liber lord of the vine fierce Mars the shaggy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hero of Tiryns naked Venus fruitful Ceres Diana with her quiver staid Juno wise Pallas towercrowned Cybele Saturn the exile GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fair young Phoebus pavid Pan the uncouth Fauns the wanton Satyrs There also assembled those that inhabit heaven by virtue GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of their prowess Castor by the steed Pollux by the boxingglove Perseus by the scimitar Vulcan by the thunderbolt Tiphys GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the ship Quirinus by his people WTio could sing here below of heavens great hall whose floor the flaming GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stars themselves compose Now the great Father serenely sat him down on his golden throne then the chiefest gods took GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their seats and even to the rivers such of them as are aged the right to be seated in that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: place has been given Eridanus mightiest in his torrent the swelling Rhine that the yellowhaired Sygambrian breaks to fill his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cups Danube crossed on horseback by Scythias nomad hordes and Nile known all the better for his unknown source Lo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: afar from a lofty tract of sky came Rome dragging her slow human eye and to many other things including GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: animals No uniform translation is possible such words as blue green bluegreen the meaning here bluegrey grey green will serve GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at various times A full Hst of citations is now available in the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae ie not in one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his numerous disguises Semple p THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS pigros Roma gradus curvato cernua collo ora ferens pendent crines GT : null null null null null null null null null null pigros Roma gradus curvato cernua collo ora ferens pendent crines OCR: de vertice tecti pulvere non galea clipeusque impingitur aegris gressibus et pondus non terror fertur in hasta utque pii genibus GT : de vertice tecti pulvere non galea clipeusque impingitur aegris gressibus et pondus non terror fertur in hasta utque pii genibus OCR: primum est adfusa Tonantis tester null sancte parens inquit te numen et illud quidquid Roma fui summo satis obruta fato GT : primum est adfusa Tonantis null testor sancte parens inquit te numen et illud quidquid Roma fui summo satis obruta fato OCR: invideo abiectis pondus non sustinet ampli culminis arta domus nee null fulmen vallibus instat quid rogo bis seno mihi vulture GT : invideo abiectis pondus non sustinet ampli culminis arta domus null nec fulmen vallibus instat quid rogo bis seno mihi vulture OCR: Tuscus haruspex portendit iaciens primae cur moenia genti ominibus iam eels a null fui dum collis Etrusci fundamenta iugis aperis GT : Tuscus haruspex portendit iaciens primae cur moenia genti ominibus iam null null celsa fui dum collis Etrusci fundamenta iugis aperis OCR: mihi Romule pauper plus gladio secura fui cum turbine iuncto me Rutulus Veiens pariterque Auruncus et Aequus Hernicus et Volscus GT : mihi Romule pauper plus gladio secura fui cum turbine iuncto me Rutulus Veiens pariterque Auruncus et Aequus Hernicus et Volscus OCR: premerent sat magna videbar et tibi dum rumpit vitiatum femina ferro corpus et ad castum remeas pudor erute vulnus iam GT : premerent sat magna videbar et tibi dum rumpit vitiatum femina ferro corpus et ad castum remeas pudor erute vulnus iam OCR: cum vallatam socio me clausit Etrusco Tarquinius pro Muci ignes pro Coclitis undae pro dolor hie null quonam est qui GT : cum vallatam socio me clausit Etrusco Tarquinius pro Muci ignes pro Coclitis undae pro dolor null hic quonam est qui OCR: sub mea iura redegit Samnitem Gurges Volsci qui terga cecidit Marcius et Senones fundens dictator et exul Fabricii vitam vellem GT : sub mea iura redegit Samnitem Gurges Volsci qui terga cecidit Marcius et Senones fundens dictator et exul Fabricii vitam vellem OCR: mortes Deciorum vel sic vincentem vel sic victos mea redde For similar utterances on the perils of greatness and the GT : mortes Deciorum vel sic vincentem vel sic victos mea redde null null null null null null null null null null OCR: blessed security of a low estate see commentators on Hor C II VoUmer on Stat Silv II Cf sq The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: twelve vultures which appeared to Romulus were interpreted as portending a duration of twelve centuries for Rome According to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: usual dating of the foundation of the city this period ended in ad In the middle of the fifth century GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: many people recalled the old augury with superstitious dread See Gibbon c last par VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS steps along GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with neck bent and head bowed her hair hung Umply down covered not with a hehnet but with dust at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: each feeble step her shield knocked against her and in her spear there was no terror but only heaviness Flinging GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: herself at the feet of gracious Jove she cried O holy Father I call thee to witness thee and that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: divinity of other days all that I Rome have been wholly overwhelmed by my exalted fortune I envy the very GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: outcast a narrow house has not a spacious roof to support and the lowly vales are not harassed by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lightning What pray did the Tuscan seer foretell for me from the twelve vultures Why is it that when but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beginning to build walls for my infant people I was already raised on high by omens of greatness when Romulus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in his poverty dug foundations for me on the ridge of the Tuscan hill Through my sword I knew greater GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: safety than now when in a massed hurricane Rutulian Veientine Aequian Hernican and Volscian bore down upon me Mighty enough GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I seemed even to thee when the woman stabbed with the knife her sullied body and her ravished honour returned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with that chaste wound Tarquin with his Etruscan ally shut me within my newbuilt rampart Alas for the fire that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mucius the water that Horatius braved Woe is me Where is there here a Gurges the man who brought the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Samnite under my sway Where the Marcius who cut down the flying Volscian or he who routed the Senones a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dictator and an exile Would that I had Fabricius as he lived the Decii as they died victory such as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his or defeat like theirs Lucretia Q Fabius Maximus Gurges Camilltis cf sq THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS principia heu quo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null principia heu quo OCR: nunc pompae ditesque triumphi et pauper consul Libycum mea terruit axem cuspis et infido posui iuga tertia Poeno Indorum Ganges GT : nunc pompae ditesque triumphi et pauper consul Libycum mea terruit axem cuspis et infido posui iuga tertia Poeno Indorum Ganges OCR: Colchorum Phasis Araxes Armeniae Ger Aethiopum Tanaisque Getarum Thybrinum tremuere meum me Teutone iuncto quondam fracte subis Cimber gladiisque gravatas GT : Colchorum Phasis Araxes Armeniae Ger Aethiopum Tanaisque Getarum Thybrinum tremuere meum me Teutone iuncto quondam fracte subis Cimber gladiisque gravatas OCR: ante manus solas iussi portare catenas vae mihi qualis eram cum per mea iussa iuberent Sulla Asiatogenes Curius Paulus Pompeius GT : ante manus solas iussi portare catenas vae mihi qualis eram cum per mea iussa iuberent Sulla Asiatogenes Curius Paulus Pompeius OCR: Tigrani Antiocho Pyrrho Persae Mithridati pacem ac regna fugam vectigal vincla venenvun null Sauromatem taceo ac Moschum solitosque cruentum lac GT : Tigrani Antiocho Pyrrho Persae Mithridati pacem ac regna fugam vectigal vincla null venenum Sauromatem taceo ac Moschum solitosque cruentum lac OCR: potare Getas ac pocula tingere venis vel cum diffugiunt null fugiendos tum mage Persas nee null terras dixisse sat est GT : potare Getas ac pocula tingere venis vel cum null diffiigiunt fugiendos tum mage Persas null nec terras dixisse sat est OCR: fulgentibus armis tot maria intravi duce te longeque remotas sole sub occiduo gentes victricia Caesar signa Caledonios transvexit ad usque GT : fulgentibus armis tot maria intravi duce te longeque remotas sole sub occiduo gentes victricia Caesar signa Caledonios transvexit ad usque OCR: Britannos fuderit et quamquam Scotum et cum Saxone Pictum hostes quaesivit quem iam natura vetabat quaerere plus homines vidit te GT : Britannos fuderit et quamquam Scotum et cum Saxone Pictum hostes quaesivit quem iam natura vetabat quaerere plus homines vidit te OCR: frangere Leucas trux Auguste Pharon dum classicus Actia miles stagna quatit profugisque bibax Antonius armis incestam vacuat patrio Ptolomaida regno GT : frangere Leucas trux Auguste Pharon dum classicus Actia miles stagna quatit profugisque bibax Antonius armis incestam vacuat patrio Ptolomaida regno OCR: fort Asiatogenes Luetjohann Asiagenes Perseo Luetjohann perso perse M codd ac add ego aw et patria regna Mohr The correspondences GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are Sulla Mithridates poison a flagrant inaccuracy Asiaticus Antiochus tribute Curius VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS give me back my beginnings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Alas Where now are those pageants those triumphs rich of a consul poor My spears affrighted Libyas clime and I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: laid the yoke even a third time upon the faithless Carthaginian Ganges of the Indian Phasis of the Colchian Araxes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Armenia Ger of the Ethiopians Tanais of the Getae all trembled before my Tiber I bethink me too of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Cimbrian and the leagued Teuton shattered of old when I ordered hands till then loaded with the sword to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: caiTy naught but chains Alas for what I was when at my bidding Sulla Asiaticus Curius Paulus Pompeius demanded of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tigranes Antiochus Pyrrhus Perseus and Mithridates peace and realms banishment tribute chains and poison I say naught of the Sauromatians GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or of the Moschans or of the Getae whose wont it is to drink bloody milk and stain their cups GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with severed veins or of the Persians most to be shunned when they shun the foe Nor is it enough GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to speak of the land alone for with thee to guide me have entered many a sea and nations far GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: away under the setting sun Caesar took his victorious legions over even to the Caledonian Britons and although he routed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Scot the Pict and the Saxon he still looked for foes where nature forbade him to look any more GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for men Leucas saw the fierce Augustus shatter Egypt when the warriors of the fleet shook the waters of Actium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the tippler Antonius by the rout of his arms ousted the unclean daughter of the house of Ptolemy from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her ancestral kingdom And Pyrrhus flight Paulus Perseus chains Pompeius Tigranes peace and realms the latter referring perhaps to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: two provinces of Sophene and Gordyene ie The Parthians THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS cumque prius stricto quererer de cardine mundi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null cumque prius stricto quererer de cardine mundi OCR: nee null limes nunc ipsa mihi plus summe deorum sum iusto tibi visa potens quod Parthicus ultro restituit mea signa GT : null nec limes nunc ipsa mihi plus summe deorum sum iusto tibi visa potens quod Parthicus ultro restituit mea signa OCR: Sapor positoque tiara funera Crassorum flevit dum purgat ethinciam null null null pro dolor excusso populi iure atque senatus quod GT : Sapor positoque tiara funera Crassorum flevit dum purgat null et hinc iam pro dolor excusso populi iure atque senatus quod OCR: timui incurri sum tota in principe tota principis et fio lacerum de Caesare regnum quae quondam regina fui Capreasque Tiberi GT : timui incurri sum tota in principe tota principis et fio lacerum de Caesare regnum quae quondam regina fui Capreasque Tiberi OCR: et caligas Gai Claudi censura secuta est et vir morte Nero tristi Pisone verendum Galbam sternis Otho speculo qui pulcher GT : et caligas Gai Claudi censura secuta est et vir morte Nero tristi Pisone verendum Galbam sternis Otho speculo qui pulcher OCR: haberi dum captas ego turpis eram mihi foeda Vitelli intulit ingluvies ventrem qui tempore parvo regnans sero perit lassam post GT : haberi dum captas ego turpis eram mihi foeda Vitelli intulit ingluvies ventrem qui tempore parvo regnans sero perit lassam post OCR: inclitus armis Vespasianus habet Titus hinc post hunc quoque frater post quem tranquillus vix me mihi reddere Nerva coepit adoptivo GT : inclitus armis Vespasianus habet Titus hinc post hunc quoque frater post quem tranquillus vix me mihi reddere Nerva coepit adoptivo OCR: factus de Caesare maior Vlpius inde venit quo formidata Sygambris Agrippina fuit fortis pius integer acer talem capta precor Traianum GT : factus de Caesare maior Vlpius inde venit quo formidata Sygambris Agrippina fuit fortis pius integer acer talem capta precor Traianum OCR: nescio si quis aequiperet ni fors iterum tu Gallia mittas ie the precincts of my own city are not intact GT : nescio si quis aequiperet ni fors iterum tu Gallia mittas null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Semple p Phraates IV see n on ie successive Caesars are reducing Romes dominion more and more A reference to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the nickname Caligula httle mihtary boot given to Gains in his boyhood by the soldiers becauise he went about the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: barracks dressed like a soldier For the allusions to Claudius and Otho in this passage see nn on sq VII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS I who complained aforetime that the worlds limits were too narrow am now not even a boundary GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to myself O chiefest of the gods I seemed to thee more powerful than is meet inasmuch as the Parthian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sapor freely restored my standards and laying aside his royal tiara wept for the deaths of the Crassi as he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made atonement therefor And hence now woe is me I have fallen upon the fate I feared after wresting their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rights from senate and people I am merged in the Emperor wholly the Emperors property and through Caesar I who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was once a queen am becoming a mangled realm Tiberius with his Capri and Gaius with his soldiers boots were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: followed by Claudius with his censorship and Nero who in death played the man Galba to whom the stern Piso GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gave a claim to reverence was laid low by Otho who while he sought by his mirror to seem beautiful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made me ugly Then Mtellius with his loathsome gluttony thrust his paunch upon me and though he reigned but a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: short time he perished all too late Thus sore wearied was I when Vespasian famed man of war possessed me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and after him Titus after Titus his brother and after him the tranquil Nerva scarce began to make me myself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: again Nerva who made himself greater by the Caesar he adopted Then came Trajan by whose doing Agrippina became a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: terror to the Sygambrians an emperor gallant faithful righteous and vigorous In my captivity I pray for such another I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: know not if anyone can match Trajan unless perchance Gaul should once more send forth a man Colonia Agrippina Cologne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Trajan was a native of Spain which was now included in the Prefecture of the Gauls THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: qui vincat lacrimae vocem clausere precantis et quidquid superest luctus rogat undique caeli assurgunt proceres Mars Cypris Romulus et qui GT : qui vincat lacrimae vocem clausere precantis et quidquid superest luctus rogat undique caeli assurgunt proceres Mars Cypris Romulus et qui OCR: auctores tibi Roma dei iam mitior ipsa flectitur atque iras veteres Saturnia donat luppiterista null null refert Fatum quo cuncta GT : auctores tibi Roma dei iam mitior ipsa flectitur atque iras veteres Saturnia donat null Iuppiter ista refert Fatum quo cuncta OCR: reguntur quoque ego non licuit frangi sat celsa laborant semper et elatas nostro de munere vires invidit Fortuna sibi sed GT : reguntur quoque ego non licuit frangi sat celsa laborant semper et elatas nostro de munere vires invidit Fortuna sibi sed OCR: concipe magnos quamquam fracta animos si te Porsenna soluto plus timuit de ponte fremens si moenia capta mox Brenni videre GT : concipe magnos quamquam fracta animos si te Porsenna soluto plus timuit de ponte fremens si moenia capta mox Brenni videre OCR: fugam si denique dirum Hannibalem null null iuncto terrae caelique tumultu reppulimus cum eastra null tuis iam proximia null muris GT : fugam si denique dirum null H annibalem iuncto terrae caelique tumultu reppulimus cum null castra tuis iam null proxima muris OCR: starent Collina fulmen pro turre cucurrit atque illic iterum timuit natura paventem post Phlegram pugnare lovem null torpentia tolle lumina GT : starent Collina fulmen pro turre cucurrit atque illic iterum timuit natura paventem post Phlegram pugnare null Iovem torpentia tolle lumina OCR: detersam mentem caligo relinquat te mirum est vinci incipies cum vincere mirum non erit utque tibi pateat quo surgere tandem GT : detersam mentem caligo relinquat te mirum est vinci incipies cum vincere mirum non erit utque tibi pateat quo surgere tandem OCR: fessa modo possis paucis cognosce docebo Est mihi quae Latio se sanguine tollit alumnam tellus clara viris cui non dedit GT : fessa modo possis paucis cognosce docebo Est mihi quae Latio se sanguine tollit alumnam tellus clara viris cui non dedit OCR: optima quondam rerum opifex natura parem fecundus ab urbe fortuna M natura fremens M tremens The Roman army was encamped GT : optima quondam rerum opifex natura parem fecundus ab urbe null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: between the Colline and Esquiline Gates when Hannibal approached Rome Livy XXVI the battlemented Colline Gate is called Collina turris GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also by Juvenal VI and Claudian Gild Livy mentions the blinding storms of rain and hail which occurred on two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consecutive days ib sq but makes no mention of lightning Sidonius probably borrowed this and not only this from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grandiose description by Silius XII cf XIII Cf Juv VII See n on VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS who should even GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: surpass him Tears choked the suppliants voice and her grief served for what remained of her petition On all sides GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the chiefs of heaven rise in her honour Mars Venus Romulus and the gods that made Rome great even Saturns GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: daughter is moved to greater gentleness and forgoes her ancient wrath Then answered Jupiter Fate whereby all things yea I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: myself are governed might not be violated Whatever has reached its highest bourne must needs be afflicted and Fortune hath GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grudged to aid a power that hath been exalted by my bounty But broken though thou art be of right GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: good cheer If Porsenna feared thee more than ever when he raged indignant at the severing of the bridge if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the walls that Brennus captured soon saw his flight if last of all we drove back Hannibal with a wild GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: outburst from earth and sky alike his camp already stood nigh to thy walls when in front of the Colline GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tower a thunderbolt rushed down and Nature feared that there once again as in Phlegras combat Jove was fighting in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: terror raise thy drooping eyes let the dark mist be wiped away and vanish from thy soul Tis a marvel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that thou shouldst be conquered but when thou beginnest to conquer twill be no marvel And now that it may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be plain to thee how thou mayest rise again worn out as thou art hearken and I will declare it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in few words I have a land which carries its head high as sprung from Latin blood a land famed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for its men a land to which Nature the blessed creator of all things vouchsafed no peer in days gone GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by This claim of the Arvemi is mentioned in Lucan I sq a passage recalled by Sidonius in Epist VII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS poUet null ager primo qui vix proscissus aratro semina tarda sitit vel luxuriante iuvenco arcana exponit GT : null null null null null pollet ager primo qui vix proscissus aratro semina tarda sitit vel luxuriante iuvenco arcana exponit OCR: piceam pinguedine glaebam assurrexit huic coxit quod torridus Auster Niliacum Libycumque solum collataque semper arida Mygdoniae damnarunt Gargara falces Apulus GT : piceam pinguedine glaebam assurrexit huic coxit quod torridus Auster Niliacum Libycumque solum collataque semper arida Mygdoniae damnarunt Gargara falces Apulus OCR: et Calaber cessit spes unica rerum banc null Arverne colens nuUi null pede cedis in armis quosvis vincis null equo GT : et Calaber cessit spes unica rerum null hanc Arverne colens null nulli pede cedis in armis quosvis null vineis equo OCR: testis mihi Caesaris esto hie null nimium Fortuna pavens cum coUe null repulsus Gergoviae castris miles vix restitit ipsis hos GT : testis mihi Caesaris esto null hic nimium Fortuna pavens cum null colle repulsus Gergoviae castris miles vix restitit ipsis hos OCR: ego tam fortes volui sed cedere Avitum dum tibi Roma paro rutilat cui maxima dudum stemmata complexum germen palmata cucurrit GT : ego tam fortes volui sed cedere Avitum dum tibi Roma paro rutilat cui maxima dudum stemmata complexum germen palmata cucurrit OCR: per proavos gentisque suae te teste Philagri patricius resplendet apex sed portio quanta est haec laudum laudare patres quos quippe GT : per proavos gentisque suae te teste Philagri patricius resplendet apex sed portio quanta est haec laudum laudare patres quos quippe OCR: curules et praefecturas constat debere nepoti sint alii per quos se postuma iactet origo et priscum titulis numeret genus alter GT : curules et praefecturas constat debere nepoti sint alii per quos se postuma iactet origo et priscum titulis numeret genus alter OCR: Avite Proscindere is the technical term for the first ploughing Here no further ploughing is required so the oxen have GT : Avite null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a lazy time This explanation of luxuriante is given by Dr Semple p The Patrician Philagrius to whom Avitus was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: related is no doubt the man mentioned in Epist II as a remote ancestor of our poets old schoolfellow Magnus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Felix see n on Carm He cannot be the Philagrius to whom Epist VII is addressed but he may be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the one mentioned in Carm Modern authorities treat the two or three men as one ie their distinctions came to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them because it was ordained that a descendant should be Emperor it was his destined VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS From GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the city extend rich and fruitful fields scarce are they cloven with the early ploughing when they thirst for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tardy seeds and while the ox enjoys luxurious ease they display clods made black by some fatness mysteriously at work GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: To this soil the tilth of Nile and Libya baked by the scorching south wind hath yielded pride of place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Gargarus compared with such land hath always been condemned by Phrygian sickles as withered the Apulian and the Calabrian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have likewise owned defeat O Arvernian who dwellest therein sole hope for the world thou yieldest to none when thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fight est on foot and on thy steed thou art a match for any man Let Fortune Caesars attendant goddess GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be my witness who was sore dismayed in this land when his warriors were forced back from Gergovias hill and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scarce halted their flight at their very camp I ordained that these men should be thus gallant but all the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time I was making ready O Rome to present to thee A Vitus whose natal tree rich in noble branches GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hath long shone illustrious whose forefathers have time after time been adorned with the palmdecked robe and whose race as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Philagrius bears witness is iiTadiated by a Patricians dignity But how small a part of his meed of praise is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: such praise of his forefathers who manifestly owe their curule rank and prefectures to their descendant There may be others GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of whom the later scions of their race will make boast another may recount the ancient honours of his line GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but thou alone Avitus dost greatness that was the real cause of their dignities Thus it is he who ennobles GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his ancestors not his ancestors who ennoble him v THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS nobilitas tu solus avos libet edere tanti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null nobilitas tu solus avos libet edere tanti OCR: gesta viri et primam paucis percurrere vitam Solverat in partum generosa puerpera casti ventris onus manifesta dedi mox signa futuri GT : gesta viri et primam paucis percurrere vitam Solverat in partum generosa puerpera casti ventris onus manifesta dedi mox signa futuri OCR: principis ac tot am null fausto trepidi patris aulam implevi augurio licet idem grandia nati culparet fata et pueri iam GT : principis ac null null totam fausto trepidi patris aulam implevi augurio licet idem grandia nati culparet fata et pueri iam OCR: regna videret sed sibi commissum tanto sub pignore cernens mundi depositum ne quid tibi Roma periret iuvit fortunam studio lactantia GT : regna videret sed sibi commissum tanto sub pignore cernens mundi depositum ne quid tibi Roma periret iuvit fortunam studio null OCR: null primum membra dedit nivibus glaciemque inrumpere plantis iussit et attritas parvum ridere pruinas surgentes animi Musis formantur et illo GT : Iactantia primum membra dedit nivibus glaciemque inrumpere plantis iussit et attritas parvum ridere pruinas surgentes animi Musis formantur et illo OCR: quo Cicerone tonas didicit quoque facta tuorum ante ducum didicit pugnas libroque relegit quae gereret campo primus vix coeperat esse GT : quo Cicerone tonas didicit quoque facta tuorum ante ducum didicit pugnas libroque relegit quae gereret campo primus vix coeperat esse OCR: ex infante puer rabidam cum forte cruentis rictibus atque escas ieiuna fauce parantem plus catulis stravlt null fuerant nam fragmina GT : ex infante puer rabidam cum forte cruentis rictibus atque escas ieiuna fauce parantem plus catulis null stravit fuerant nam fragmina OCR: propter arrepta de caute lupam fractusque molari dissiluit vertex et saxum vulnere sedit sic meus Alcides Nemeae dum saltibus errat GT : propter arrepta de caute lupam fractusque molari dissiluit vertex et saxum vulnere sedit sic meus Alcides Nemeae dum saltibus errat OCR: occurrit monstro vacuus non robora portans non pharetras stetit ira fremens atque hoste propinquo consuluit solos virtus decepta lacertos Parva GT : occurrit monstro vacuus non robora portans non pharetras stetit ira fremens atque hoste propinquo consuluit solos virtus decepta lacertos Parva OCR: quidem dicenda tamen quis promptior isto sq dist ego vid Class Quart loc cit pp sq fremens Buechder et Wilamowitz GT : quidem dicenda tamen quis promptior isto null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tremens codd plerique VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS ennoble thy forefathers Fain am I to relate the deeds of this great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man and in few words to run through his earliest years His noble mother had been released from her chaste GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: travail anon I gave plain tokens of the emperor that was to be and filled with happy augury the whole GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: palace of the anxious father He tis true murmured at his sons high destiny already seeing his boy a sovereign GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nevertheless discerning in this great pledge the whole worlds trust committed to his keeping he seconded fortunes bounty by his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own diligence lest thou O Rome shouldst suffer loss First he surrendered the sucklings limbs to the snows he compelled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him while a little child to break the ice with his feet and to laugh at the frost as he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trod it down His growing mind was moulded by the Muses and by the Cicero that bestows on thee tones GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of thunder he learned also the deeds of thy leaders of former days he learned of battles and read in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the vvritten page what he should perform in the field Scarce had he changed infancy for boyhood when seeing a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shewolf ravening with bloody jaws agape as with hungry mouth she sought food chiefly for her cubs he snatched a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stone for there were pieces of rock hard by and laid her low Shattered by the boulder her head split GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: open and the stone sank down in the wound Even so my Hercules as he roamed the glens of Nemea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: faced the monster emptyhanded carrying neither club nor quiver in raging wrath he took his stand and with the enemy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nigh that brave spirit taken unawares looked for aid to naught but his own strong arms Small things yet worthy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be told are these Who was quicker than he to lower to the scent the THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tensa catenati summittere colla Molossi et lustris recubare feras interprete nare discere non visas et in aere quaerere plantas iam GT : tensa catenati summittere colla Molossi et lustris recubare feras interprete nare discere non visas et in aere quaerere plantas iam OCR: si forte suem latratibus improbus Vmber terruit albentes nigro sub gutture lunas frangere ludus erat colluctantique lacerto vasta per adversas GT : si forte suem latratibus improbus Vmber terruit albentes nigro sub gutture lunas frangere ludus erat colluctantique lacerto vasta per adversas OCR: venabula cogere praedas quam pulchrum cum forte domum post lustra revertens horrore splenderet apri virtusque repugnans proderet invitum per fortia GT : venabula cogere praedas quam pulchrum cum forte domum post lustra revertens horrore splenderet apri virtusque repugnans proderet invitum per fortia OCR: facta pudorem sic Pandioniis castae Tritonidos arvis Hippolytus roseo sudum radiabat ab ore sed simul a gemino flagrans cum Cressa GT : facta pudorem sic Pandioniis castae Tritonidos arvis Hippolytus roseo sudum radiabat ab ore sed simul a gemino flagrans cum Cressa OCR: furore transiit adfectu matres et fraude novercas Quid volucrum studium dat quas natura rapaces in vulgus prope cognatum quis doctior GT : furore transiit adfectu matres et fraude novercas Quid volucrum studium dat quas natura rapaces in vulgus prope cognatum quis doctior OCR: isto instituit varias per nubila iungere lites alite vHncit null aves celerique per aethera plausu hoc nuUi null melius pugnator GT : isto instituit varias per nubila iungere lites alite null vincit aves celerique per aethera plausu hoc null nulli melius pugnator OCR: militat unguis Nee null minus haec inter civilia iura secutus eligitur primus iuvenis solus mala fractae alliget ut patriae poscatque GT : militat unguis null Nec minus haec inter civilia iura secutus eligitur primus iuvenis solus mala fractae alliget ut patriae poscatque OCR: informe recidi null vectigal procerum tum forte potentior illic post etiam princeps Constantius omnia praestat Hounds Pandionian means Attic from GT : informe null reddi vectigal procerum tum forte potentior illic post etiam princeps Constantius omnia praestat null null null null null OCR: Pandion king of Athens father of Procne and Philomela Tritonis means Pallas Athena of Falconry Sidonius makes it clear that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Constantius was not yet Emperor He does not actually say that Constantius was in Gaul at the time and some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have supposed that the embassy went to Ravenna where Constantius was persuaded to use his influence with Honorius But the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: description of Constantius as potentior illic seems to imply that he was commanding in VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS taut necks GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the leashed Molossiansi to learn by the guidance of their nostrils that wild beasts he could not see were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lurking in the den and to seek for tracks in the air Again if haply the irrepressible Umbrian hound frightened GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a boar by his barking it was sport to this lad to smash the white crescents under the monsters black GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: throat and with straining arm to drive a huge spear through the confronting quarry What a beautiful sight when returning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: home from the chase he would appear all the more resplendent for the boars bristling hideousness and his gallantry in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its own despite baulked his shrinking modesty by this evidence of brave deeds Thus in the Pandionian fields of chaste GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tritonis was Hippolytus wont to diffuse a sunny radiance from his glowing countenance though it was then that the Cretan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: woman fired by a double frenzy overpassed a mothers love and a stepmothers guile Vhat of his devotion to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: birds that nature creates to prey upon the common throng of creatures almost their kin Who more skilfully trains them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to clash in divers contests amid the clouds With a bird he vanquishes birds with a swift whirring through the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: upper air the warrior claw fights for none more gallantly than for him And amid these sports he followed the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: law none the less and young though he was he was chosen first and alone to bind up the wounds GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his shattered homeland and to make claim for the abolishment of a hideous tax It chanced that Constantius was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chief lord in those parts he who anon was emperor Gaul It is indeed quite probable that patriae refers to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Auvergne We learn from Greg Tur II that the generals of Honoriua acted with great severity towards the supporters THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS indole defixus tanta et miratus in annis parvis grande bonum vel in ore precantis ephebi verba senis GT : null null null indole defixus tanta et miratus in annis parvis grande bonum vel in ore precantis ephebi verba senis OCR: Ducis hinc pugnas et foedera regum pandere Roma libet variis incussa procellis bellorum regi Getico tua Gallia pacis pignora iussa GT : Ducis hinc pugnas et foedera regum pandere Roma libet variis incussa procellis bellorum regi Getico tua Gallia pacis pignora iussa OCR: dare est inter quae nobilis obses tu Theodore venis quem pro pietate propinqui expetis in media pelliti principis aula tutus GT : dare est inter quae nobilis obses tu Theodore venis quem pro pietate propinqui expetis in media pelliti principis aula tutus OCR: Avite fide probat hoc iam Theudoris altum exemplum officii res mira et digna relatu quod fueris blandus regi placuisse feroci GT : Avite fide probat hoc iam Theudoris altum exemplum officii res mira et digna relatu quod fueris blandus regi placuisse feroci OCR: hinc te paulatim praelibat sensibus imis atque nimis vult esse suum sed spernis amicum plus quam Romanum gerere stupet ille GT : hinc te paulatim praelibat sensibus imis atque nimis vult esse suum sed spernis amicum plus quam Romanum gerere stupet ille OCR: repulsam et plus inde places rigidum sic Pyrrhe videbas Fabricium ingestas animo cum divite fugit pauper opes regem temnens dum GT : repulsam et plus inde places rigidum sic Pyrrhe videbas Fabricium ingestas animo cum divite fugit pauper opes regem temnens dum OCR: supplice censu pignus amicitiae vili mendicat ab auro nimis Mohr animis of Jovinus in the land of the Arvernians but GT : supplice censu pignus amicitiae vili mendicat ab auro null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius can scarcely be alluding to such an early date Jovinus fell in AD Constantius was so often and so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: long in Gaul that we cannot fix the reference with any certainty If the vectigal was a tax levied by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the government only the Emperor could remit it and we must then suppose that Avitus persuaded Constantius to use his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: influence with Honorius to that end It may however refer to the requisitions for the pay and provisioning of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: army annona militaris The Theodoras here mentioned is not otherwise known It is scarcely likely that he is the man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mentioned in Epist III The Gothic king is Theodoric I It is thought that the hostages referred to here were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: given to him on the occasion of his treaty with the Romans which gave him VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he granted all that was asked marvelling at such great talent and astonished at such fullgrown virtue in those boyish GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years at such elderly speech on the lips of the suppliant youth And now O Rome I would fain relate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the battles wherein he commanded and the compacts he made with kings Thy land of Gaul buffeted by divers tempests GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of war was bidden to give to the Gothic king sureties of peace and among them a noble hostage went GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Theodorus Avitus in loving duty to his kin sought him out in the midst of the skinclad monarchs court and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his loyalty won him safety Theodoric soon looked with favour on this sublime devotion Marvellous indeed is it and worthy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be recorded that by thy gentle winsomeness Avitus thou didst find grace with a fierce king Iittle by little GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he began to know thee in his inmost soul and he desired exceedingly to have thee as one of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own but thou didst scorn to act the friend rather than the Roman The king marvelled at this rebuff but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: esteemed thee all the more for it Even thus did Pyrrhus see Fabricius immovable when that poor man with rich GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soul shunned the riches thrust upon him despising the king in that he made his wealth play the suppliant and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: begged with paltry gold for a bond of friendship sovereignty over Aquitanica Secunda and Novempopulana Introd p xvii This is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: possible if we accept one of the two dates usually given for that agreement and but not if with Stein GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p we place it in The giving of hostages does not necessarily imply that the Gothic kingdom was now independent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see Stein loc cit n See also n on sqq Some eminent historians eg Mommsen have erred seriously through ignorance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the meaning of expetis t In Sidonius and other late Latin vites this verb often means seek out visit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Aetium interea Scythico quia saepe duello est edoctus sequeris qui quamquam celsus in armis nil sine GT : null null null null Aetium interea Scythico quia saepe duello est edoctus sequeris qui quamquam celsus in armis nil sine OCR: te gessit cum plurima tute sine illo nam post luthungos null et Norica bella subacto victor Vindelico Belgam Burgundio quem GT : te gessit cum plurima tute sine illo nam post null Iuthungos et Norica bella subacto victor Vindelico Belgam Burgundio quem OCR: trux presserat absolvit iunctus tibi vincitur illic cursu Herulus Chunus iaculis Francusque natatu Sauromata clipeo Salius pede falce Gelonus vulnere GT : trux presserat absolvit iunctus tibi vincitur illic cursu Herulus Chunus iaculis Francusque natatu Sauromata clipeo Salius pede falce Gelonus vulnere OCR: vel si quis plangit cui flesse null feriri est ac ferro perarasse genas vultuque minaci rubra cicatricum vestigia defodisse Inlustri GT : vel si quis plangit cui null Messe feriri est ac ferro perarasse genas vultuque minaci rubra cicatricum vestigia defodisse Inlustri OCR: iam tum donatur celsus honore squameus et rutilis etiamnunc livida cristis tute L Mueller tu feriri Ci perire It is GT : iam tum donatur celsus honore squameus et rutilis etiamnunc livida cristis null null null null null null null null null OCR: important to note that interea is often used in poetry to introduce a new action subsequent to not contemporaneous with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the events just described For this use in Virgil see D W Reinmuth in Amer Journ Phil LIV pp especiaUy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Meanwhile is often a misleading translation The Huns were for years the mainstay of Aetius army and Scythian warfare in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all probabihty means war waged by means of Hunnish forces It is scarcely likely that the meaning is hostilities with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Goths n on which had apparently gone on with little intermission from about AD to and in which Aetius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had played an important part The details are obscure though it is certain that Theodoric made at least one unsuccessful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: attempt to take Aries The luthungi were subdued by Aetius in ad the contest with the Noricans and the Vindelicians GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no doubt took place in the course of the same expedition All modern authorities infer from this passage that Avitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: took part in the campaign against the luthungi and their neighbours but Sidonius does not say so The Burgundians rose GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in ad and were crushed in VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS Anon thou didst follow Aetius because he had learnt many GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a lesson from the Scythian warfare and he glorious in arms though he was did no deed without thee though GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou didst many without him For when he had finished with the luthungi and the war in Noricum and had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: subdued the Vindelicians thereafter in partnership with thee did he deliver the Belgians whom the fierce Burgundian had harassed There GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Herulian found in thee his match in fleetness the Hun in javelinthrowing the Frank in swimming the Sauromatian in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: use of shield the Salian in marching the Gelonian in wielding the scimitar and in bearing of wounds thou didst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: surpass any mourning barbarian to whom wailing means selfwounding and tearing the cheeks with steel and gouging the red traces GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of scars on his threatening face Even thus early this hero was glorified by bestowal of the title of Illustrious GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Wearing his scalearmour his face still bearing the mark of the the following year It is obvious from this passage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Roman forces were used in the campaign Bury I must be wrong in thinking that the Huns were put GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in independent charge of it The construction is vel et vtUnere in the matter of a wound vincitur is surpassed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: si quia quisquis plangit The viri inlustres were the highest class of the senatorial order As Avitus had not yet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: held any of the high offices of state which gave a right to the title it must have been bestowed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as an honorary distinction It is somewhat surprising to find a GalloRoman reaching that dignity at such an early stage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in his career It is obvious that in this period he held a high military rank and the Prefectship which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soon followed shows that he was already a marked man But as the Praetorian Prefect became inlustris as a matter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ol course one is tempted to suspect that Sidonius has antedated the conferment of the title on Avitus J THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS ora gerens vix arma domum sordentia castris rettulerat nova bella iterum pugnamque sub ipsis iam patriae muris GT : null null null ora gerens vix arma domum sordentia castris rettulerat nova bella iterum pugnamque sub ipsis iam patriae muris OCR: periurus commovet hostis Litorius Scythicos equites turn null forte subacto celsus Aremorico Geticum rapiebat in agmen per terras Arverne tuas GT : periurus commovet hostis Litorius Scythicos equites null tum forte subacto celsus Aremorico Geticum rapiebat in agmen per terras Arverne tuas OCR: qui proxima quaeque discursu flammis ferro feritate rapinis delebant pacis fallentes nomen inane huius turn null famulum quidam truculentior horum GT : qui proxima quaeque discursu flammis ferro feritate rapinis delebant pacis fallentes nomen inane huius null tum famulum quidam truculentior horum OCR: mox feriende feris ruit ille et tristia fata commendat domino absenti partemque futuram vindictae moriens Stygium spe portat ad amnem GT : mox feriende feris ruit ille et tristia fata commendat domino absenti partemque futuram vindictae moriens Stygium spe portat ad amnem OCR: et iam fama viro turres portasque tuenti intuitu paidae null plebis perfert scelus actum excutitur restat pallet rubet alget et GT : et iam fama viro turres portasque tuenti intuitu null pavidae plebis perfert scelus actum excutitur restat pallet rubet alget et OCR: ardet ac sibimet multas vultum variata per unum ira facit fades null vel qui mos saepe dolenti plus amat extinctum GT : ardet ac sibimet multas vultum variata per unum ira facit null facies vel qui mos saepe dolenti plus amat extinctum OCR: tandem prorumpit et arma arma fremit pinguisque etiamnum sanguine fertur lorica obtusus per barbara vulnera contus atque sub assiduis dentatus GT : tandem prorumpit et arma arma fremit pinguisque etiamnum sanguine fertur lorica obtusus per barbara vulnera contus atque sub assiduis dentatus OCR: caedibus ensis includit suras ocreis capitique micantem imponit galeam fulvus cui crescit in altum conus et iratam iaculatur vertice lucem GT : caedibus ensis includit suras ocreis capitique micantem imponit galeam fulvus cui crescit in altum conus et iratam iaculatur vertice lucem OCR: et iam scandit equum vulsisque a cardine portis emicat adsistunt socio Virtusque Dolorque et Pudor armatas pilo petit impiger alas GT : et iam scandit equum vulsisque a cardine portis emicat adsistunt socio Virtusque Dolorque et Pudor armatas pilo petit impiger alas OCR: periurus Wilamoimtz periturus Celsus may mean made glorious For the conquest of the Aremoricans by Litorius and his subsequent march GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against the Goths who were besieging Narbonne see Introd p xvi The present passage refers to a lawless body of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hunnish auxiliaries no doubt detached from the main body of Litorius s forces VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS burnished helmet scarce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had he brought home his stained arms from the field when there came fresh wars and a battle this time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: under the very walls of his own city stirred up by a faithless foe Litorius elated by the conquest of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Aremoricans was hurrying his Scythian horsemen against the Gothic host through the land of the Arvernian and they with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: raid and fire and sword and barbarity and pillage were destroying all things near them betraying and making void the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: name of peace A servant of Avitus was wounded by one of these more savage than his fellows soon to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be wounded in turn the victim fell and falling conunended his woeful fate to the vengeance of his absent master GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and as he died he carried vith him to the Stygian stream a hopeful foretaste of the revenge that was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to come Now Rumour brought knowledge of the dastard deed to our leader as he kept his ward of towers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and gates regardful of the scared populace He starts halts grows pale grows red grows cold and hot his anger GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in its changing phases takes many forms in that one countenance and as is oft the mourners way he loves GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the lost one more than ever At length he dashes forward shouting again and again for his arms and they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bring him his corselet still clotted with gore his lance blunted by wounds dealt upon the barbarians and his sword GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: notched by unceasing slaughter He cases his legs in greaves and puts upon his head a gleaming helmet whereon a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: golden crestbase rises aloft darting an angry flash from on high Next he mounts his charger and tearing the gates GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from their hinges rushes forth Valour and Grief and Honour range themselves with their ally eagerly he charges with his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS pugnando pugnam quaerens pavidumque per agmen multorum interitu compensat quod latet unus sic Phrygium Emathia victorem GT : null null null null pugnando pugnam quaerens pavidumque per agmen multorum interitu compensat quod latet unus sic Phrygium Emathia victorem OCR: cuspide poscens Aeacides caeso luctum frenavit amico per mortes tot Troia tuas nam vilia per se agmina contentus ruere strictumque GT : cuspide poscens Aeacides caeso luctum frenavit amico per mortes tot Troia tuas nam vilia per se agmina contentus ruere strictumque OCR: per amplos exserere gladium populos natat obruta tellus sanguine dumque hebetat turba grave caedua telum absens in cuncto sibi vulnere GT : per amplos exserere gladium populos natat obruta tellus sanguine dumque hebetat turba grave caedua telum absens in cuncto sibi vulnere OCR: iam cadit Hector proditus ut tandem tanti qui causa tumultus inquit Avitus Age Scythica nutrite sub Arcto qui furis et GT : iam cadit Hector proditus ut tandem tanti qui causa tumultus inquit Avitus Age Scythica nutrite sub Arcto qui furis et OCR: caeso tantum qui fidis inermi congredere armato multum tibi praestitit ira iam mea concessi pugnam iubeoque resistas certantem mactasse iuvat GT : caeso tantum qui fidis inermi congredere armato multum tibi praestitit ira iam mea concessi pugnam iubeoque resistas certantem mactasse iuvat OCR: sic fatur et aequor prosilit in medium nee null non ferus advenit hostis ut primum pectus vel comminus ora tulere GT : sic fatur et aequor prosilit in medium null nec non ferus advenit hostis ut primum pectus vel comminus ora tulere OCR: hie null ira tremit ille metu iam cetera turba diversis trepidat votis variosque per ictus pendet ab eventu sed postquam GT : null hic ira tremit ille metu iam cetera turba diversis trepidat votis variosque per ictus pendet ab eventu sed postquam OCR: prima secunda tertiaque acta rota est venit ecce et celsa cruentum perforat hasta virum post et confinia dorsi cedit transfosso GT : prima secunda tertiaque acta rota est venit ecce et celsa cruentum perforat hasta virum post et confinia dorsi cedit transfosso OCR: ruptus bis pectore thorax et dum per duplicem sanguis singultat hiatum dividua ancipitem carpserunt vulnera vitam distego nam ego dubitanter GT : ruptus bis pectore thorax et dum per duplicem sanguis singultat hiatum dividua ancipitem carpserunt vulnera vitam null null null null OCR: iam ie fighting his way through the ranks in order to meet the hiding murderer Achilles after the slaying of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Patroclus by Hector VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS pike the armed ranks seeking a fight by fighting and amid the fearstricken GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: throng he makes the death of many pay for the absence of the one that lurks concealed Even so did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the scion of Aeacus ranging with his spear in search of the Phrygian victor hold back his mourning when his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friend was slain content to rush in a tide of deathdealing among Troys host for in themselves he counted those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hordes as naught and to wield the drawn sword through multitudinous throngs the ground was submerged and swam in blood GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and as the falling ranks blunted his heavy weapon he saw already in every wound he dealt the absent Hector GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fall When at last he who was the cause of that great havoc stood revealed then said Avitus Ho thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fellow reared neath the Scythian Bear who ragest like a madman and hast such boldness from slaying the unarmed come GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: meet one who is armed Already my wrath has allowed thee a great boon I have granted thee a fight GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and I bid thee stand thy ground I choose to slaughter a resisting foe Thus he spake and bounded forth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into the midst of the plain and the barbarous foe likewise came When first they approached breast to breast and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: face to face the one shook with anger the other with fear Now the general throng stands in sore suspense GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with prayers on this side or on that and as blow follows blow they hang on the issue But when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the first bout the second the third have been fought lo the upraised spear comes and pierces the man of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: blood his breast was transfixed and his corselet twice split giving way even where it covered the back and as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the blood came throbbing through the two gaps the separate wounds took away the life that each of them might GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: claim THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Haec post gesta viri temet Styx livida tester null intemerata mihi praefectus iura regebat et GT : null null null null null Haec post gesta viri temet Styx livida null testor intemerata mihi praefectus iura regebat et OCR: caput hoc sibimet solitis defessa ruinis Gallia suscipiens Getica pallebat ab ira nil prece nil pretio nil milite fractus agebat GT : caput hoc sibimet solitis defessa ruinis Gallia suscipiens Getica pallebat ab ira nil prece nil pretio nil milite fractus agebat OCR: Aetius capto terrarum damna patebant Litorio in Rhodanum proprios producere fines Theudoridae fixum nee null erat pugnare necesse sed migrare GT : Aetius capto terrarum damna patebant Litorio in Rhodanum proprios producere fines Theudoridae fixum null nec erat pugnare necesse sed migrare OCR: Getis rabidam trux asperat iram victor quod sensit Scythicum pro moenibus hostem imputat et nil est gravius si forsitan umquam GT : Getis rabidam trux asperat iram victor quod sensit Scythicum pro moenibus hostem imputat et nil est gravius si forsitan umquam OCR: vincere contingat trepido postquam undique nullum praesidium ducibusque tuis nil Roma relictum est foedus Avite novas saevum tua pagina regem GT : vincere contingat trepido postquam undique nullum praesidium ducibusque tuis nil Roma relictum est foedus Avite novas saevum tua pagina regem OCR: lecta domat iussisse sat est te quod rogat orbis credent hoc umquam gentes populique futuri littera Romani cassat quod barbare GT : lecta domat iussisse sat est te quod rogat orbis credent hoc umquam gentes populique futuri littera Romani cassat quod barbare OCR: vincis null iura igitur rexit namque hoc quoque par fuit ut tum assertor fieret legum qui nunc erit auctor ne GT : null vineis iura igitur rexit namque hoc quoque par fuit ut tum assertor fieret legum qui nunc erit auctor ne OCR: dandus populis princeps caput induperator Caesar et Augustus solum fera proelia nosset lam null praefecturae perfunctus culmine tandem se dederat GT : dandus populis princeps caput induperator Caesar et Augustus solum fera proelia nosset null Iam praefecturae perfunctus culmine tandem se dederat OCR: ruri numquam tamen otia numquam desidia imbellis studiumque et cura quieto armorum semper subito cum rupta tumultu The prefecture of GT : ruri numquam tamen otia numquam desidia imbellis studiumque et cura quieto armorum semper subito cum rupta tumultu null null null OCR: Avitus began in ad the year in which Litorius was defeated near Toulouse Introd pp xvif and it seems to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have lasted for some years Litorius though finally defeated inflicted heavy losses on the Goths and it was perhaps this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fact as much as the diplomacy of Avitus that persuaded the king to come to terms with the Romans VII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS After these valiant deeds I call even thee dark Styx to witness he was my prefect administering GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the laws without corruption Gaul when she received him as her head was worn out with the familiar devastation and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pale with affright at the Gothic wrath Aetius was broken naught could he do by prayer or bribe or with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his soldiers and when Litorius was captured the destitution of the land stood revealed Theodoric was resolved to advance his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own boundaries to the Rhone and the Goths needed not to fight but only to migrate The fierce victor whetted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his raging wrath he counted it a sin against him that he had known the presence of the Scythian foe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: before his walls and naught is more grievous than a frightened man if he ever chance to be victorious When GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there was no support anywhere and no resource O Rome was left to thy leaders Avitus renewed the treaty the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reading of his scroll subdued the king Avitus had but to order that which the world begged for Will future GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: races and peoples ever believe this a Romans letter annulled a barbarians conquests So he administered the laws for this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also was fitting that at that time he should become the champion of the laws who will now be their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: maker lest he who was to be given to the peoples as prince head emperor Caesar and Augustus should have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no knowledge save of savage battles Now he had discharged the prefects majestic office and he had devoted himself to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: country life though never with him was there idleness or unwarlike sloth but even in those peaceful days arms were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever his study and his care when suddenly the barThe Huns under Litorius THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS barbaries totas in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null barbaries totas in OCR: te transfuderat Arctos Gallia pugnacem Rugum comitante Gelono Gepida trux sequitur Scirum Burgundio cogit Chunus Bellonotus Neurus Bastarna Toringus Bructerus GT : te transfuderat Arctos Gallia pugnacem Rugum comitante Gelono Gepida trux sequitur Scirum Burgundio cogit Chunus Bellonotus Neurus Bastarna Toringus Bructerus OCR: ulvosa vel quern null Nicer alluit unda prorumpit Francus cecidit cito secta bipenni Hercynia in lintres et Rhenum texuit alno GT : ulvosa vel null quem Nicer alluit unda prorumpit Francus cecidit cito secta bipenni Hercynia in lintres et Rhenum texuit alno OCR: et iam terrificis diffuderat Attila turmis in campos se Belga tuos vix liquerat Alpes Aetius tenue et rarum sine milite GT : et iam terrificis diffuderat Attila turmis in campos se Belga tuos vix liquerat Alpes Aetius tenue et rarum sine milite OCR: ducens robur in auxiliis Geticum male credulus agmen incassum propriis praesumens adfore castris nuntius at postquam ductorem perculit Hunos iam GT : ducens robur in auxiliis Geticum male credulus agmen incassum propriis praesumens adfore castris nuntius at postquam ductorem perculit Hunos iam OCR: prope contemptum propriis in sedibus hostem exspectare Getas versat vagus omnia secum consilia et mentem curarum fluctibus urget tandem nutanti GT : prope contemptum propriis in sedibus hostem exspectare Getas versat vagus omnia secum consilia et mentem curarum fluctibus urget tandem nutanti OCR: sedit sententia celsum exorare virum coUectisque null omnibus una principibus coram supplex sic talibus infit orbis Avite salus cui non GT : sedit sententia celsum exorare virum null collectisque omnibus una principibus coram supplex sic talibus infit orbis Avite salus cui non OCR: nova gloria nunc est quod rogat Aetius voluisti et non nocet hostis vis prodest inclusa tenes tot milia nutu et GT : nova gloria nunc est quod rogat Aetius voluisti et non nocet hostis vis prodest inclusa tenes tot milia nutu et OCR: populis Geticis sola est tua gratia limes infensi semper nobis pacem tibi praestant victrices i prome aquilas fac op time GT : populis Geticis sola est tua gratia limes infensi semper nobis pacem tibi praestant victrices i prome aquilas fac null null OCR: null Chunos nutanti M cunctanti The incursion of Attila and his hordes gathered from many nations ad The support of GT : optime Chunos null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Visigoths was vital to the Romans Avitus certainly made a good ambassador but the probability is that Theodoric acted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: largely from selfinterest already detecting Attilas intention to push his conquests beyond the Loire The Bellonoti Balloniti or perhaps BaUonoti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Val Flacc VI were a Sarmatian people For the other peoples here mentioned see Hodgkin II If VII PANEGYRIC GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ON AVITUS barian world rent by a mighty upheaval poured the whole north into Gaul After the warlike Rugian comes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fierce Gepid with the Gelonian close by the Burgundian urges on the Scirian forward rush the Hun the Bellonotian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Neurian the Bastarnian the Thuringian the Bructeran and the Frank he whose land is washed by the sedgy waters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Nicer Straightway falls the Hercynian forest hewn to make boats and overlays the Rhine with a network of its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: timber and now Attila with his fearsome squadrons has spread himself in raids upon the plains of the Belgian Aetius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had scarce left the Alps leading a thin meagre force of auxiliaries without legionaries vainly with illstarred confidence expecting that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Gothic host would join his camp But tidings came that struck the leader with dismay in their own land GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were the Goths awaiting the Huns a foe they now almost despised Perplexed he turned over every plan and his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mind was beset with surging cares At length in his wavering heart was formed the fixed resolve to make appeal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to a man of high estate and before an assemblage of all the nobles he thus began to plead Avitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: saviour of the world to whom it is no new glory to be besought by Aetius thou didst wish it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the enemy no longer does harm thou wishest it and he does good All those thousands thou dost keep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: within bounds by thy nod thine influence alone is a barrierwall to the Gothic peoples ever hostile to us they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grant peace to thee Go display the victorious eagles bring it to pass O noble hero that the Huns The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Neckar See w ie in order that the Gothic soldiers may rally to them THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quorum forte GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null quorum forte OCR: prior fuga nos concusserat olim bis victos prodesse mihi sic fatur et ille pollicitus votum fecit spem protinus inde avolat GT : prior fuga nos concusserat olim bis victos prodesse mihi sic fatur et ille pollicitus votum fecit spem protinus inde avolat OCR: et famulas in proelia concitat iras ibant pellitae post classica Romula turmae ad nomen currente Geta timet aere vocari dirutus GT : et famulas in proelia concitat iras ibant pellitae post classica Romula turmae ad nomen currente Geta timet aere vocari dirutus OCR: opprobrium non damnum barbarus horrens hos ad bella trahit iam tum spes orbis Avitus vel iam privatus vel adhuc sic GT : opprobrium non damnum barbarus horrens hos ad bella trahit iam tum spes orbis Avitus vel iam privatus vel adhuc sic OCR: cinnama busto collis Erythraei portans Phoebeius ales concitat omne avium vulgus famulantia currunt agmina et angustus pennas non explicat aer GT : cinnama busto collis Erythraei portans Phoebeius ales concitat omne avium vulgus famulantia currunt agmina et angustus pennas non explicat aer OCR: Iam prope fata tui bis senas vulturis alas complebant scis namque tuos scis Roma labores Aetium Placidus mactavit semivir amens GT : Iam prope fata tui bis senas vulturis alas complebant scis namque tuos scis Roma labores Aetium Placidus mactavit semivir amens OCR: vixque tuo impositum capiti diadema Petroni ilico barbaries nee null non sibi capta videri Roma Getis tellusque suo cessura furori GT : vixque tuo impositum capiti diadema Petroni ilico barbaries null nec non sibi capta videri Roma Getis tellusque suo cessura furori OCR: raptores ceu forte lupi quis nare sagaci monstrat odor pinguem clausis ab ovilibus auram irritant acuuntque famem portantque rapinae ie GT : raptores ceu forte lupi quis nare sagaci monstrat odor pinguem clausis ab ovilibus auram irritant acuuntque famem portantque rapinae null OCR: by serving in the Roman ranks cf prodest v The meaning is that the Huns serving under Litorius had by GT : null null in null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their flight before the Goths caused a Roman disaster ad now a second defeat of the Huns will put them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: once more at the service of Rome Aere diruius Cjc Verr II etc was applied to a soldier whose pay GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was stopped as a punishment A play on the two meanings of privatus Avitus was now privatus out of office GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his Prefectship was over or still privatus ie a subject he was soon to become Emperor For the latter meaning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of privatum cf v below See nn on and for Eryth See V n See sqq n Placidus was one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the names of VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS whose flight aforetime shook us shall by a second defeat be made GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to do me service Thus he spake and Avitus consenting changed his prayer into hope Straightway he flies thence and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rouses up the Gothic fury that was his willing slave Rushing to enroll their names the skinclad warriors began to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: march behind the Roman trumpets those barbarians feared the name of paydocked soldiers dreading the disgrace not the loss These GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: men Avitus swept off to war Avitus even thus early the worlds hope though now or still a plain citizen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Even so the bird of Phoebus when bearing the cinnamon to his pyre on the Errthraean hill rouses all the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conunon multitude of birds the obedient throng hies to him and the air is too narrow to give their wings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: free play Now destiny was wellnigh bringing to fulfilment the sign of the twelve flying vultures Thou knowest O Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou knowest all thy troubles Placidus the mad eunuch slaughtered Aetius Scarce was the diadem set on the head of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Petronius when all at once came a barbarian flood and the Goths had visions of Rome captured by them and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the whole earth ready to surrender to their frenzy as ravening wolves whose keen scent has caught a whiff GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of fatlings wafted from a fenced sheepcote goad and sharpen their hunger and carry in their Valentinian III That feeble GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: emperor is perhaps intentionally described in terms strictly applicable to the chamberlain Heraclius who helped him in the assassination of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aetius It was Petronius Maximus who appointed Avitus to the military command of Gaul dignifying that office apparently for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: first time with the title magisler peditum equitumque or mag tUriusque militiae see v and n on Another view is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Avitus was made mag mil praesentalis VOL I H THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS in vultu speciem patulo ieiunia rictu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null vultu speciem patulo ieiunia rictu OCR: fallentes iam iamque tener spe frangitur agnus atque absens avido crepitat iam praeda palato quin et Aremoricus piratam Saxona tractus GT : fallentes iam iamque tener spe frangitur agnus atque absens avido crepitat iam praeda palato quin et Aremoricus piratam Saxona tractus OCR: sperabat cui pelle salum sulcare Britannum ludus et assuto glaucum mare findere lembo Francus Germanum primum Belgamque secundum sternebat Rhenumque GT : sperabat cui pelle salum sulcare Britannum ludus et assuto glaucum mare findere lembo Francus Germanum primum Belgamque secundum sternebat Rhenumque OCR: ferox Alamanne bibebas Romani ripis et utroque superbus in agro vel civis vel victor eras sed perdita cernens terrarum spatia GT : ferox Alamanne bibebas Romani ripis et utroque superbus in agro vel civis vel victor eras sed perdita cernens terrarum spatia OCR: princeps iam Maximus unum quod fuit in rebus peditumque equitumque magistrum te sibi Avite legit collati rumor honoris invenit agricolam GT : princeps iam Maximus unum quod fuit in rebus peditumque equitumque magistrum te sibi Avite legit collati rumor honoris invenit agricolam OCR: flexi dum forte ligonis exercet dentes vel pando pronus aratro vertit inexcoctam per pinguia iugera glaebam sic quondam ad patriae GT : flexi dum forte ligonis exercet dentes vel pando pronus aratro vertit inexcoctam per pinguia iugera glaebam sic quondam ad patriae OCR: res fractas pauper arator Cincinnate venis veterem cum te induit uxor ante boves trabeam dictatoremque salignae excepere fores atque ad GT : res fractas pauper arator Cincinnate venis veterem cum te induit uxor ante boves trabeam dictatoremque salignae excepere fores atque ad OCR: sua tecta ferentem quod non persevit turpique e fasce gravata vile triumphalis portavit purpura semen Vt null primum ingesti pondus GT : sua tecta ferentem quod non persevit turpique e fasce gravata vile triumphalis portavit purpura semen null Ut primum ingesti pondus OCR: suscepit honoris legas qui veniam poscant Alamanne furori Saxonis incursus cessat Chattumque palustri alligat Albis aqua vixque hoc ter menstrua GT : suscepit honoris legas qui veniam poscant Alamanne furori Saxonis incursus cessat Chattumque palustri alligat Albis aqua vixque hoc ter menstrua OCR: totum c the inhabitants of Germania Prima capital Moguntiacum Mainz and Belgica Secunda capital Durocortorum Remorum Rheims VII PANEGYRIC ON GT : totum null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: AVITUS eyes a vision of their spoil beguiling their famishment with jaws opened wide every moment their expectant hope sees GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a young lamb mangled and the prey beyond their reach is already crunched in their greedy mouths The Aremorican region GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: too expected the Saxon pirate who deems it but sport to furiow the British waters with hides cleaving the blue GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sea in a stitched boat The Frank began to lay low the First German and the Second Belgian the bold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Alaman was drinking the Rhine from the Roman bank and proudly lording it on both sides a citizen or a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conqueror But Maximus now emperor seeing such loss of widespread lands took the sole availing course in such distress and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chose for himself Avitus as Master of Horse and Foot The tidings of the rank bestowed found him farming plying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bent mattocks tooth or stooping over the curved plough as he turned up the unsunned clods in his fertile GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: acres Thus aforetime Cincinnatus came a poor ploughman to heal his countrys broken fortunes when his wife put the old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: robe upon him standing before the oxen and his doors of willowwood now opened for a dictator who bore back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to his dwelling what he had not sowed and thus the triumphal purple weighted with a mean load carried common GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seed No sooner had he taken up the burden of the office thrust upon him than the Alaman sent envoys GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to crave pardon for their frenzy the Saxons raiding abated and the marshy water of Albis confined the Chattian and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scarce had the moon viewed all this ie an Alamannian tribesman a member of the Alamannian community on the right GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bank of the Rhine on the other bank he is an alien invader Civis does not here mean Roman citizen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS lima null videt iamqiie null ad populos ac rura feroci tenta Getae pertendit iter qua pulsus GT : null null null null null luna videt null iamque ad populos ac rura feroci tenta Getae pertendit iter qua pulsus OCR: ab aestu Oceanus refluum spargit per culta Garunnam in flumen currente mari transcendit amarus blanda fluenta latex fluviique impacta per GT : ab aestu Oceanus refluum spargit per culta Garunnam in flumen currente mari transcendit amarus blanda fluenta latex fluviique impacta per OCR: alveum salsa peregrinum sibi navigat unda profundum hie null iam disposito laxantes frena duello Vesorum proceres raptim suspendit ab ira GT : alveum salsa peregrinum sibi navigat unda profundum null hic iam disposito laxantes frena duello Vesorum proceres raptim suspendit ab ira OCR: rumor succinctum referens diplomate Avitum iam Geticas intrare domos positaque parumper mole magisterii legati iura subisse Obstupuere duces pariter Scythicusque GT : rumor succinctum referens diplomate Avitum iam Geticas intrare domos positaque parumper mole magisterii legati iura subisse Obstupuere duces pariter Scythicusque OCR: senatus et timuere suam pacem ne forte negaret sic rutilus Phaetonta levem cum carperet axis iam pallente die flagrantique excita GT : senatus et timuere suam pacem ne forte negaret sic rutilus Phaetonta levem cum carperet axis iam pallente die flagrantique excita OCR: mundo pax elementorum fureret vel sicca propinquus saeviret per stagna vapor limusque sitiret pulvereo ponti fundo tunc unica Phoebi insuetum GT : mundo pax elementorum fureret vel sicca propinquus saeviret per stagna vapor limusque sitiret pulvereo ponti fundo tunc unica Phoebi insuetum OCR: clemens exstinxit flamma calorem Hie null aliquis turn null forte Getes dum falce recocta ictibus informat saxoque cacuminat ensem iam GT : clemens exstinxit flamma calorem null Hic aliquis null tum forte Getes dum falce recocta ictibus informat saxoque cacuminat ensem iam OCR: promptus caluisse tubis iam iamque frequent null caede sepulturus terram non hoste sepulto claruit ut primum nomen venientis Aviti exclamat GT : promptus caluisse tubis iam iamque null frequenti caede sepulturus terram non hoste sepulto claruit ut primum nomen venientis Aviti exclamat OCR: periit bellum date rursus aratra succinctum ego succinct Sidonius likes to dwell on the tidal bores of the Garonne cf GT : periit bellum date rursus aratra null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sq ib sqq Epist VIII Scyth ie Gothic n The lightness of Phaethon helped to throw the chariothorses into confusion GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ovid Met II sq VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS throughout three monthly courses when he set hiniseif on the march to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the peoples and lands possessed by the bold Goth where the ocean driven onwards by the tide spreads the retreating GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Garonne over the fields for as the sea invades the river the salt water climbs over the sweet flow and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the briny flood driven along the riverbed rides on deeps that are strange to it Here the chiefs of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Visigoths were letting loose the war they had planned when suddenly their fury was checked by tidings that Avitus armed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with an imperial writ was already entering the home of the Goths and having laid aside for a little the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pomp of the Masters office had taken upon himself the authority of an ambassador The Scythian leaders and senate alike GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were thunderstruck and feared lest he should deny their peaceful intent Even thus when the flaming chariot was pulling the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: light Phaethon this way and that and the daylight was already dim when the harmony of the elements was stirred GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to fury by a blazing world when the hot breath came close and ranged madly over the drying pools and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the parched mud thirsted on the dusty bottom of the sea then Phoebus gentle fire alone quenched that unwonted heat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hereupon as it chanced one of the Goths who had reforged his pruninghook and was shaping a sword with blows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the anvil and sharpening it with a stone a man already prepared to rouse himself to fury at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sound of the trumpet and looking at any moment with manifold slaughter to bury the ground under unburied foes cried GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out as soon as the name of the approaching Avitus was clearly proclaimed War is no more Give me the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plough THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS otia si replico priscae bene nota quietis non semel istc null mihi ferrum tulit o GT : null null null null null otia si replico priscae bene nota quietis non semel null iste mihi ferrum tulit o OCR: pudor o di tantum posse fidem quid foedera lenta minaris in damnum mihi fide meum compendia pacis et praestare iubes GT : pudor o di tantum posse fidem quid foedera lenta minaris in damnum mihi fide meum compendia pacis et praestare iubes OCR: nos et debere quis umquam crederet en Getici reges parere volentes inferius regnasse putant nee null dicere saltim desidiae obtentu GT : nos et debere quis umquam crederet en Getici reges parere volentes inferius regnasse putant null nec dicere saltim desidiae obtentu OCR: possum te proelia nolle pacem fortis amas iam partes sternit Avitus insuper et Geticas praemissus continet iras Messianus adhue null GT : possum te proelia nolle pacem fortis amas iam partes sternit Avitus insuper et Geticas praemissus continet iras Messianus null adhuc OCR: mandasti et ponimus arma quid restat quod posse velis quod non sumus hostes parva reor prisco tu si mihi notus GT : mandasti et ponimus arma quid restat quod posse velis quod non sumus hostes parva reor prisco tu si mihi notus OCR: in actu es auxiliaris ero vel sic pugnare licebit Haec secum rigido Vesus dum corde volutat ventum in conspectum fuerat GT : in actu es auxiliaris ero vel sic pugnare licebit Haec secum rigido Vesus dum corde volutat ventum in conspectum fuerat OCR: rex atque magister propter constiterant hie null vultu erectus at ille laetitia erubuit veniamque rubore poposcit post hinc germano regis GT : rex atque magister propter constiterant null hic vultu erectus at ille laetitia erubuit veniamque rubore poposcit post hinc germano regis OCR: hinc rege retento Palladiam implicitis manibus subiere Tolosam haud secus insertis ad pulvinaria palmis Romulus et Tatius foedus iecere parentum GT : hinc rege retento Palladiam implicitis manibus subiere Tolosam haud secus insertis ad pulvinaria palmis Romulus et Tatius foedus iecere parentum OCR: cum ferro et rabidis cognato in Marte maritis Hersiha null inseruit Pallantis colle Sabinas Messianus was one of Avituss trusted GT : cum ferro et rabidis cognato in Marte maritis null Hersilia inseruit Pallantis colle Sabinas null null null null null null OCR: officers who afterwards went with him to Rome and received the title of patrician He accompanied his master in his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flight and was killed at Placentia ad The king is Theodoric II the brother Friedrich Fridericus These two had in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad murdered their brother Thorismund who had succeeded Theodoric I There is an interesting description of Theodoric II in Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I Pallwdiam An epithet aheady appHed by Martial and Ausonius to Toulouse as a home of the Uberal arts VII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS again If I recall the familiar old days of idle peace he hath time and again taken GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sword from me O shame O ye gods above To think that faithful friendship should have such power Why GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dost thou threaten me with tedious treaties dealing loyally with me to my loss Thou dost bid us both give GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to thee and owe to thee the advantages of peace Who could have believed it Lo the Gothic kings are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fain to yield obedience and deem their royal power of less account than that Nor can I even say that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou dost shun battle to screen a craven spirit brave art thou albeit thou lovest peace Avitus is already ending GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the strife of parties and Messianus too sent on before is curbing the Gothic wrath Thou hast as yet but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sent thine orders Avitus and we are laying down our arms What further power canst thou desire I count it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a small thing that we are not thine enemies nay if I have gained a right knowledge of thee in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: action aforetime thine auxiHary will I be thus at least I shall have leave to fight While the Visigoth revolved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these thoughts in his stern heart they had come into view The king and the Master took their stand near GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: together the Master with confident look while the other blushed with joy and by his blush sued for clemency Then GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avitus kept on one side of him the king on the other side the kings brother and with joined hands GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they entered Tolosa city of Pallas Even thus with hand clasped in hand beside the couches of the gods did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Romulus and Tatius establish their treaty when Hersilia on the hill of Pallas thrust the Sabine women between their fathers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: weapons and the husbands who were furiously battling against their kindred IS THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Interea incautam furtivis Vandalus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Interea incautam furtivis Vandalus OCR: armis te capit infidoque tibi Burgundio ductu extorquet trepidas mactandi principis iras heu facinus in bella iterum quartosque labores perfida GT : armis te capit infidoque tibi Burgundio ductu extorquet trepidas mactandi principis iras heu facinus in bella iterum quartosque labores perfida OCR: Elisseae crudescunt classica Byrsae nutristis quod fata malum conscenderat arces Euandri Massyla phalanx montesque Quirini Marmarici pressere pedes rursusque revexit GT : Elisseae crudescunt classica Byrsae nutristis quod fata malum conscenderat arces Euandri Massyla phalanx montesque Quirini Marmarici pressere pedes rursusque revexit OCR: quae captiva dedit quondam stipendia Barce exsilium patrum plebis mala principe caeso captivum imperium ad Geticas rumor tulit aures luce GT : quae captiva dedit quondam stipendia Barce exsilium patrum plebis mala principe caeso captivum imperium ad Geticas rumor tulit aures luce OCR: nova veterum coetus de more Getarum contrahitur stat prisca annis viridisque senectus consiliis null squalent vestes ac sordida macro lintea GT : nova veterum coetus de more Getarum contrahitur stat prisca annis viridisque senectus null consulis squalent vestes ac sordida macro lintea OCR: pinguescunt tergo nee null tangere possunt altatae suram pelles ac poplite nudo peronem pauper nodus suspendit equinum Postquam in consilium GT : pinguescunt tergo null nec tangere possunt altatae suram pelles ac poplite nudo peronem pauper nodus suspendit equinum Postquam in consilium OCR: seniorum venit honora pauperies pacisque simul rex verba poposcit dux ait optassem patriis securus in arvis emeritam fateor semper fovisse GT : seniorum venit honora pauperies pacisque simul rex verba poposcit dux ait optassem patriis securus in arvis emeritam fateor semper fovisse OCR: quietem ex quo militiae post munia trina superbum It must not be forgotten that Jupiter is still addressing Rome Accounts GT : quietem ex quo militiae post munia trina superbum null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the murder of Petronius Maximus differ a great deal and we have no means of knowing what Sidonius means GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Burgundio n Avitus had gone to Toulouse to negotiate on behalf of Petronius Maximus These negotiations were apparently not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: completed when news of the Emperors death on May arrived Theodoric formed the plan of making Avitus Emperor and summoned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his coimcil Avitus is represented as appearing before the council in ignorance of the scheme on VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Meanwhile when thou wert off thy guard the Vandal with stealthy arms captured thee and the Burgundian with his traitorous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: leadership extorted from thee the panicfury that led to an emperors slaughter Alas for the deed Once more for war GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and for a fourth season of trouble the faithless wartrumpets of Didos Byrsa blare forth O Destiny what ill hast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou been fostering A Massylian band had climbed Evanders height Marmarican feet trampled Quirinus hills and Barce carried back the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tribute that once she paid in her days of captivity Rumour brought to Gothic ears the exile of the senate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the ills of the common folk the Emperors murder and the captivity of the Empire At dawn of day a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: meeting of Gothic elders was assembled in the wonted fashion there stand they old in years but hale in counsel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their dress is unkempt tarnished and greasy are the linen garments on their lean backs their coats of skin are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: drawn up high and cannot reach the calf their knees are bare and their boots of horsehide are held up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by a common knot When this company of elders venerable for all their poverty entered the council and the king GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: called for the proposals of peace the general said I confess that I would fain have cherished evermore in tranquillity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: among my paternal acres the rest that my toil has earned now that after holding three commands I have reached GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a fourth glory and held the foot and merely making a strong plea for peace between the two nations By GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: militiae munia Sidonius certainly means military commands not posts in the civil service We learn from v that Avitus had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: held no civil office before he became praefectua praetorio a THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS praefecturae apicem quarto iam culmine rexi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null praefecturae apicem quarto iam culmine rexi OCR: sed dum me nostri princeps modo Maximus orbis ignarum absentem procerum per mille repulsas ad lituos post iura vocat voluitque GT : sed dum me nostri princeps modo Maximus orbis ignarum absentem procerum per mille repulsas ad lituos post iura vocat voluitque OCR: sonoris praeconem mutare tubis promptissimus istud arripui officium vos quo legatus adirem foedera prisca precor quae nunc meus ille teneret GT : sonoris praeconem mutare tubis promptissimus istud arripui officium vos quo legatus adirem foedera prisca precor quae nunc meus ille teneret OCR: iussissem si forte senex cui semper Avitum sectari crevisse fuit tractare solebam res Geticas olim scis te nescisse frequenter quae GT : iussissem si forte senex cui semper Avitum sectari crevisse fuit tractare solebam res Geticas olim scis te nescisse frequenter quae OCR: suasi nisi facta tamen fortuna priorem abripuit genium periit quodcumque merebar cum genitore tuo Narbonem tabe solutum ambierat tu parvus GT : suasi nisi facta tamen fortuna priorem abripuit genium periit quodcumque merebar cum genitore tuo Narbonem tabe solutum ambierat tu parvus OCR: eras trepidantia cingens milia in infames iam iamque coegerat escas iam tristis propriae credebat defore praedae si clausus fortasse perit GT : eras trepidantia cingens milia in infames iam iamque coegerat escas iam tristis propriae credebat defore praedae si clausus fortasse perit OCR: cum nostra probavit consilia et refugo laxavit moenia bello teque ipsum sunt ecce senes hoc pectore fultum hae flentem tenuere GT : cum nostra probavit consilia et refugo laxavit moenia bello teque ipsum sunt ecce senes hoc pectore fultum hae flentem tenuere OCR: manus si forsitan altrix te mihi cum nolles lactandum toUeret null ecce advenio et prisci repeto modo pignus amoris si GT : manus si forsitan altrix te mihi cum nolles lactandum null tolleret ecce advenio et prisci repeto modo pignus amoris si OCR: tibi nulla fides nulla est reverentia patris i durus pacemque nega Prorumpit ab omni Theodoric I See Introd p xvi GT : tibi nulla fides nulla est reverentia patris i durus pacemque nega Prorumpit ab omni null null null null null null OCR: The result of the siege of Narbonne is described in sqq The rehef of the town is elsewhere attributed to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Litorius We may assume that the arrival of Litorius and possibly a severe engagement with his troops inclined Theodoric to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: make a temporary peace negotiated by Avitus The Goths withdrew but soon renewed hostilities which ended with the bloody battle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Toulouse It is most probable that Avitus joined the army of Litorius on its way to Narbonne and held GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a high command in it iS VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS supreme honour of the Prefecture But as Maximus late sovereign GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of our western world after a thousand refusals from our chieftest men summoned me all unsuspecting and far away to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: serve amid the clarions of war after controlling the laws and ordained that I should now hear the blaring trumpets GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: instead of the courtushers voice then did I right readily embrace the duty that I might go as ambassador to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you I crave of you the old treaty which even now that aged man my onetime friend for whom to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: follow Avitus was always to grow greater would be maintaining if only I had bidden him In former days I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was wont to guide the doings of the Goths thou knowest that my counsel was often acted on before thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wert aware of it But fate hath taken away from me my guardianspirit of former days and all my services GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have faded from sight along with thy father He had surrounded Narbo and it was enfeebled with wasting famine thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wert then a child hemming in those panicstricken thousands he had all but driven them to eat of loathsome things GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and already he had begun gloomily to think that some of his due spoil would be lost if haply the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: besieged perished within when he gave ear to my advice and withdrawing his arms relieved the walls from war And GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee thyself See there are old men to witness it these hands of mine have held weeping close to this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: breast when perchance thy nurse was taking thee away from me to give thee suck and thou wert loth to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: go Behold I come and seek now a fresh pledge of our old love If thou hast no loyalty no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reverence for thy father then go thy harsh way and refuse peace From all the council arose murmurs and shout GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS murmur concilio fremitusque et proelia damnans seditiosa ciet concordem turba tumultum turn null rex effatur dudum GT : null null null null murmur concilio fremitusque et proelia damnans seditiosa ciet concordem turba tumultum null tum rex effatur dudum OCR: dux indite null culpo poscere te pacem nostram cum cogere possis servitium trahere ac populos in bella sequaces ne quaeso GT : dux null inclite culpo poscere te pacem nostram cum cogere possis servitium trahere ac populos in bella sequaces ne quaeso OCR: invidiam patrio mihi nomine inuras quid mereor si nulla iubes suadere sub illo quod poteras modo velle sat est solumque GT : invidiam patrio mihi nomine inuras quid mereor si nulla iubes suadere sub illo quod poteras modo velle sat est solumque OCR: moratur quod cupias nescisse Getas mihi Romula dudum per te iura placent parvumque ediscere iussit ad tua verba pater docili GT : moratur quod cupias nescisse Getas mihi Romula dudum per te iura placent parvumque ediscere iussit ad tua verba pater docili OCR: quo prisca Maronis carmine molliret Scythicos mihi pagina mores iam pacem tum velle doces sed percipe quae sit condicio obsequii GT : quo prisca Maronis carmine molliret Scythicos mihi pagina mores iam pacem tum velle doces sed percipe quae sit condicio obsequii OCR: forsan rata pacta probabis testor Roma tuum nobis venerabile nomen et socium de Marte genus vel quidquid ab aevo nil GT : forsan rata pacta probabis testor Roma tuum nobis venerabile nomen et socium de Marte genus vel quidquid ab aevo nil OCR: te mundus habet melius nil ipsa senatu me pacem servare tibi vel velle abolere quae noster peccavit avus quem fuscat GT : te mundus habet melius nil ipsa senatu me pacem servare tibi vel velle abolere quae noster peccavit avus quem fuscat OCR: id unum quod te Roma capit sed di si vota secundant excidii veteris crimen purgare valebit ultio praesentis si tu GT : id unum quod te Roma capit sed di si vota secundant excidii veteris crimen purgare valebit ultio praesentis si tu OCR: dux inclite solum The following lines refer to the episode described in vv That passage seems to imply that the GT : dux inclite solum null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: visit to Theodorus was the first occasion on which Avitus met Theodoric I The most probable date for the visit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is ad or a little later Vv do not necessarily rule out ad see n Between that year and when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avitus took part in the war against the Burgundians the Goths seem to have been comparatively quiet and Avitus may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have remained at the Gothic court for a considerable time acting as tutor to the young prince There is no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: need to assume any further sojourn among the Goths apart from the official missions described in this poem As for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iw they are probably an empty rhetorical flourish lo VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS ing the insurgent crowd condemning war raised GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a friendly uproar Then out spake the king O leader renowned I have long been blaming thee for begging peace GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from us when thou hast power to enforce bondage and draw willing peoples to war in thy train I beseech GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee brand me not with obloquy by bringing up my fathers name What blame can be mine if thou give GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: me no orders What thou mightest have advised in his day thou needst now but desire the only hindrance is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that the Goths have not learnt what thou wouldst have Thanks to thee the laws of Rome have long been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pleasing to me when I was a child my father bade me learn lines by heart at thine instruction that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: those strains of Virgils ancient page taught to thy villing pupil might soften my Scythian ways even then thou didst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: teach me to desire peace But hear now the terms of my obedience and perhaps thou wilt be pleased to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sanction a compact I swear O Rome by thy name revered by me and by our common descent from Mars GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for among all things that have been since the beginning of time the world hath naught greater than thee and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thou hast naught greater than the senate I desire to keep the peace with thee and to wipe out the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: transgressions of my grandsire whose one blot is that he captured thee but if the gods bless my prayer the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: guilt of that ancient destruction can be atoned for by avenging that of today if only thou renowned leader Jord GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gei states that Mars is said to have dwelt for a long time among the Goths With this tradition he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: associates Verg Aen III where Mars is said to be a tutelary deity of the Getica arva Alaric who captured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rome ad ie the capture by Geiseric ii THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Augusti subeas nomen quid lumina flectis invitum plus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Augusti subeas nomen quid lumina flectis invitum plus OCR: esse decet non cogimus istud sed contestamur Romae sum te duce amicus principe te miles regnum non praeripis ulli nee GT : esse decet non cogimus istud sed contestamur Romae sum te duce amicus principe te miles regnum non praeripis ulli null OCR: null quisquam Latias Augustus possidet arces qua vacat aula tua est tester null non sufficit istud ne noceam atque tuo GT : nec quisquam Latias Augustus possidet arces qua vacat aula tua est null testor non sufficit istud ne noceam atque tuo OCR: hoc utinam diademate fiat ut prosim suadere meum est nam Gallia si te compulerit quae iure potest tibi pareat orbis GT : hoc utinam diademate fiat ut prosim suadere meum est nam Gallia si te compulerit quae iure potest tibi pareat orbis OCR: ne pereat dixit pariterque in verba petita dat sanctam cum fratre fidem discedis Avite maestus qui Gallos scires non posse GT : ne pereat dixit pariterque in verba petita dat sanctam cum fratre fidem discedis Avite maestus qui Gallos scires non posse OCR: latere quod possint servire Getae te principe namque civibus ut patuit trepidis te foedera ferre occurrunt alacres ignaroque ante tribunal GT : latere quod possint servire Getae te principe namque civibus ut patuit trepidis te foedera ferre occurrunt alacres ignaroque ante tribunal OCR: sternunt utque satis sibimet numerosa coisse nobilitas visa est quam saxa nivalia Cotti despectant variis nee null non quam partibus GT : sternunt utque satis sibimet numerosa coisse nobilitas visa est quam saxa nivalia Cotti despectant variis null nec non quam partibus OCR: ambit Tyrrheni Rhenique liquor vel longa Pyrenei quam iuga ab Hispano seclusam iure cohercent aggreditur nimio curarum pondere tristem gaudens GT : ambit Tyrrheni Rhenique liquor vel longa Pyrenei quam iuga ab Hispano seclusam iure cohercent aggreditur nimio curarum pondere tristem gaudens OCR: turba virum procerum tuni null maximus unus dignus qui patriae personam sumeret infit quam nos per varios dudum fortuna labores GT : turba virum procerum null tum maximus unus dignus qui patriae personam sumeret infit quam nos per varios dudum fortuna labores OCR: quod Mohr quid VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS shouldst take upon thee the name of Augustus Why dost thou avert thine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eyes Thine unwilHngness becomes thee all the more We do not force this on thee but we adjure thee with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee as leader I am a friend of Rome with thee as Emperor I am her soldier Thou art not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stealing the sovereignty from any man no Augustus holds the Latian hills a palace without a master is thine I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: protest it is not enough that I do thee no harm I would that thine imperial diadem might bring me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the means to do thee service My part is but to urge thee but if Gaul should compel thee as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: she has the right to do the world would cherish thy sway lest it perish He spake and straightway with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his brother gave his solemn pledge in the form of words desired But thou Avitus didst depart in sadness knowing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it could not be hidden from the Gauls that the Goths could be at their service if thou wert Emperor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Yea when it was revealed to the anxious citizens that thou wert carrying back with thee a treaty they eagerly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rushed to meet thee and vithout thy knoving it they spread a tribunal for thee beforehand and when the crowds GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of nobles deemed they were assembled in sufficient multitude those on whom the snowy rocks of the Cottian Alps look GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: down those around whom in their sundry regions wind the waters of the Tuscan sea or the Rhine and those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whom the long ridges of the Pyrenees shut off from Spanish rule then did that throng approach wiih joy that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man oppressed by a crushing load of care Thereupon the oldest of all those lords one right worthy to be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his countrys spokesman thus began Of the cruel fortune that hath long harassed us with divers hardships under a boy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS principe sub puero laceris null terat aspera rebus fors longum dux magne queri cum quippe dolentum GT : null null null null principe sub puero null Iacens terat aspera rebus fors longum dux magne queri cum quippe dolentum OCR: maxima pars fueris patriae dum vulnera higens sollieitudinibus null null vehementibus exagitaris has nobis inter clades ac funera mundi mors GT : maxima pars fueris patriae dum vulnera null null lugens sollicitudinibus vehementibus exagitaris has nobis inter clades ac funera mundi mors OCR: vixisse fuit sed dum per verba parentum ignavas colimus leges sanctumque putamus rem veterem per damna sequi porta vimus null GT : vixisse fuit sed dum per verba parentum ignavas colimus leges sanctumque putamus rem veterem per damna sequi null null portavimus OCR: umbram imperii generis contenti ferre vetusti et vitia ac solitam vestiri murice gentem more magis quam iure pati promptissima nuper GT : umbram imperii generis contenti ferre vetusti et vitia ac solitam vestiri murice gentem more magis quam iure pati promptissima nuper OCR: fulsit condicio proprias qua Gallia vires exsereret trepidam dum Maximus occupat urbem orbem sat potuit si te sibi tota magistro GT : fulsit condicio proprias qua Gallia vires exsereret trepidam dum Maximus occupat urbem orbem sat potuit si te sibi tota magistro OCR: regna reformasset quis nostrum elgica null rura litus Aremorici Geticas quis moverit iras non latet his tantis tibi cessimus indite GT : regna reformasset quis nostrum null Belgica rura litus Aremorici Geticas quis moverit iras non latet his tantis tibi cessimus null OCR: null bellis nunc iam summa vocant dubio sub tempore regnum non regit ignavus postponitur ambitus omnis ultima cum claros quaerunt GT : inclite bellis nunc iam summa vocant dubio sub tempore regnum non regit ignavus postponitur ambitus omnis ultima cum claros quaerunt OCR: post damna Ticini ac Trebiae trepidans raptim respublica venit ad Fabium Cannas celebres Varrone fugato Scipiadumque etiam turgentem funere Poenum GT : post damna Ticini ac Trebiae trepidans raptim respublica venit ad Fabium Cannas celebres Varrone fugato Scipiadumque etiam turgentem funere Poenum OCR: Livius electus fregit captivus ut aiunt orbis in urbe iacet princeps perit hie null caput omne nunc habet imperium petimus GT : Livius electus fregit captivus ut aiunt orbis in urbe iacet princeps perit null hic caput omne nunc habet imperium petimus OCR: conscende tribunal orbem sat potuit Leo orbem ego sat potui MC orbem immo potuit TF Referring to Valentinian III This GT : conscende tribunal null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: refers to Avituss organisation of resistance to Attila see w VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS emperor tearing our prosperity to shreds GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it would belike be tedious to make plaint O mighty leader since verily thou wert the chiefest figure among the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mourners lamenting ever thy countrys wounds and tortured by uncontrollable anxieties Amid those calamities that universal destruction to live was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death But as we taught by our fathers words paid homage to idle laws and deemed it a hallowed duty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to cling to the old order even through disasters we endured that shadow of Empire content to bear even the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vices of an ancient stock and to tolerate more from custom than by reason of just claim a house that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had been wont to be invested with the purple Of late a golden opportunity shone forth whereby Gaul might make GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her oAvn strength felt while Maximus was possessing himself of the panicstricken capital and she might well have possessed herself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the world if with thee as Master she had restored to herself all her rightful lands Tis no secret GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who of us it was that stirred up the Belgian land the Aremorican shore and the Gothic fury In this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dread warfare we yielded pride of place to thee renowned one Now the supreme office calls for thee in time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of peril a realm cannot be ruled by a poltroon All ambitious rivalry gives place when extremity calls for men GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of renown After the losses of Ticinum and Trebia the trembling republic came in haste to Fabius By the election GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Livius the disaster of Cannae famous for Varros rout was undone undone too was the Carthaginian still exulting over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the deaths of the Scipios The world they say lies captive in the captive city the Emperor has perished and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now the Empire has its head here Ascend the tribunal we beseech thee and raise up iS THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS erige collapses null non hoc modo tempora poscunt ut Romam plus alter amet nee null forte reare te regno GT : null erige null collapsos non hoc modo tempora poscunt ut Romam plus alter amet null nec forte reare te regno OCR: non esse parem cum Brennica signa Tarpeium premerent scis turn null respublica nostra tota Camillus erat patriae qui debitus ultor GT : non esse parem cum Brennica signa Tarpeium premerent scis null tum respublica nostra tota Camillus erat patriae qui debitus ultor OCR: texit fumantes hostili strage favillas non tibi centurias aurum populare paravit nee null modo venales numerosoque asse redemptae concurrunt ad GT : texit fumantes hostili strage favillas non tibi centurias aurum populare paravit null nec modo venales numerosoque asse redemptae concurrunt ad OCR: puncta tribus suffragia mundi nullus emit pauper legeris quod sufficit unum es meritis dives patriae cur vota moraris quae iubet GT : puncta tribus suffragia mundi nullus emit pauper legeris quod sufficit unum es meritis dives patriae cur vota moraris quae iubet OCR: ut iubeas haec est sententia cunctis si dominus fis null liber ero Fragor atria complet Vierni quo forte loco pia GT : ut iubeas haec est sententia cunctis si dominus null iis liber ero Fragor atria complet Vierni quo forte loco pia OCR: turba senatus detulerat vim vota preces locus hora diesque dicitur imperio felix ac protinus illic nobilium excubias gaudens soUertia null GT : turba senatus detulerat vim vota preces locus hora diesque dicitur imperio felix ac protinus illic nobilium excubias gaudens null sollertia OCR: mandat Tertia lux refugis Hyperiona fuderat astris concurrunt proceres ac milite circumfuso aggere composite null statuunt ac torque coronant castrensi GT : mandat Tertia lux refugis Hyperiona fuderat astris concurrunt proceres ac milite circumfuso aggere null composito statuunt ac torque coronant castrensi OCR: maestum donantque insignia regni nam prius induerat solas de principe curas baud null alio quondam vultu Tirynthius heros iiierni M GT : maestum donantque insignia regni nam prius induerat solas de principe curas null haud alio quondam vultu Tirynthius heros null null OCR: Ugerni Sirmond thiemi nam Mokr iam Viemum or Ugemum modern Beaucaire near Aries The meeting here referred to was a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hastily summoned assembly of Gallic notabilities not the representative assembly of Gaul on which see Introd p xii Bury I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pp sq which met at Aries i VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS the fainting this time of peril asks not that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: some other should love Rome more Nor do thou by any chance deem thyself unequal to sovereignty When Brennus host GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beset the Tarpeian rock then thou knowest Camillus was himself the whole of our state and he the destined avenger GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his country covered the smoking embers of the city with the slaughtered enemy No gold scattered among the people GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hath secured for thee the verdict of the centuries this time no venal tribes bought with plenteous coin rush to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: give their votes the suffrages of the world no one can buy Though a poor man thou art being chosen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rich art thou in thy deserts and that suffices in itself Why dost thou hinder the desires of thy country GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when she orders thee to give orders to her This is the judgment of all if thou becomest the master GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I shall be free Then a great clamour filled the hall of Viernum for it was in this place as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it chanced that the senates devoted throng had brought before him the force of its authority its desires and its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prayers Place hour and day are declared auspicious for the assumption of empire and straightway those resourceful nobles joyously order GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a guard to be set there The third day had spread the suns light over the retreating stars the lords GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the land assemble in haste and with soldiers all around set him on a moundplatform there they crown their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sorrowing chief with a military collar and present him with the outward emblems of sovereignty hitherto the only attribute of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an Emperor he had assumed was his cares With such a look did the Tirynthian hero The next stage was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the proclamation of the Emperor by the soldiers THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS pondera suscepit caeli simul atque novercae cum Libyca GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null pondera suscepit caeli simul atque novercae cum Libyca OCR: se rupe Gigas subduceret et cum tutior Herculeo sedisset machina dorso Hunc tibi Roma dedi patulis dum Gallia campis intonat GT : se rupe Gigas subduceret et cum tutior Herculeo sedisset machina dorso Hunc tibi Roma dedi patulis dum Gallia campis intonat OCR: Augustum plausu faustumque fragorem portat in exsanguem Boreas iam fortior Austrum hie null tibi restituet Libyen per vincula quarta et GT : Augustum plausu faustumque fragorem portat in exsanguem Boreas iam fortior Austrum null hic tibi restituet Libyen per vincula quarta et OCR: cuius solum amissas post saeeula null multa Pannonias revocavit iter iam credere promptum est quid faciat bellis o quas tibi GT : cuius solum amissas post null saecula multa Pannonias revocavit iter iam credere promptum est quid faciat bellis o quas tibi OCR: saepe iugabit inflictis gentes aquilis qui maxima regni omina privatus fugit cum forte vianti excuteret praepes plebeium motus amictum laetior GT : saepe iugabit inflictis gentes aquilis qui maxima regni omina privatus fugit cum forte vianti excuteret praepes plebeium motus amictum laetior OCR: at tanto modo principe prisca deorum Roma parens attolle genas ac turpe veternum depone en princeps faciet iuvenescere maior quam GT : at tanto modo principe prisca deorum Roma parens attolle genas ac turpe veternum depone en princeps faciet iuvenescere maior quam OCR: pueri fecere senem Finem pater ore vlx null dederat plausere dei fremitusque cucurrit Juno Her jealous hatred dogged Hercules from GT : pueri fecere senem Finem pater ore null vix dederat plausere dei fremitusque cucurrit null null null null null null null OCR: his birth and was the prime cause of his labours It was while engaged on one of these the quest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the golden apples that he temporarily took the burden of the heavens from the shoulders of Atlas the giant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of this passage ie the Vandals now pale with fright A very mysterious allusion Avitus was proclaimed Emperor in July GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and reached Rome in September ad There is no reason to believe that he took a long time over his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: journey the statement sometimes made that he left Gaul in July has neither common sense nor ancient authority to support GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it It is scarcely credible that he turned aside at this time to make a demonstration against the barbarians in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pannonia He may have sent a force under one of his generals it was l VII PANEGYRIC ON AVITUS of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: old take upon him the burden alike of the sky and of his stepmother when the giant withdrew himself from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Libyan mount and the firmament had sunk with greater safety upon the back of Hercules This man I have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: given thee Rome while Gaul throughout her wide plains thunders with plaudits for Augustus and the north now stronger carries GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the auspicious clamour to the palecheeked south He shall restore Libya to thee a fourth time in chains and when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a man has recovered the lost Pannonias after so many generations by a mere march tis easy to feel sure GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: even now of what he can do by waging war How he shall time and again bring nations under thy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: yoke dashing his eagles against them that man who as a subject shrank from the glorious omens of sovereignty when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it chanced that as he journeyed a startled bird struck from his shoulders the common cloak he wore But now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be of good cheer with such a man for Emperor O Rome ancient mother of gods lift up thine eyes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and cast off thine unseemly gloom Lo a prince of riper years shall bring back youth to thee whom childprinces GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have made old The great Father had scarce ended his utterance when the gods clapped their hands and a shout GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of quite in order to give the Emperor credit for a military success won under his auspices If Avitus did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not lead the expedition it may have taken place even after his arrival in Rome It is however probable that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iter means the journey of Avitus from Gaul to Rome and that in the course of it there came some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: good news or friendly overtures from Pannonia which Sidonius attributes to the prestige of the new Emperor and the fear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: produced by his journey southward The contrast of iter with bellis seems to imply that there was no fighting on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this occasion THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS concilio felix tempus nevere sorores imperiis Auguste tuis et consulis anno fulva volubilibus duxerunt GT : null null null null null null concilio felix tempus nevere sorores imperiis Auguste tuis et consulis anno fulva volubilibus duxerunt OCR: saecula pensis VIII AD PRISCVM VALERIANVM VIRVM PRAEFECTORIVM Prisce decus semper nostrum cui principe Avito cognatum sociat purpura celsa genus GT : saecula pensis null null null null null null Prisce decus semper nostrum cui principe Avito cognatum sociat purpura celsa genus OCR: ad tua cum nostrae currant examina nugae dico state vagae quo properatis null null amat destrictus semper censor qui diligit GT : ad tua cum nostrae currant examina nugae dico state vagae quo null prope ratis amat destrictus semper censor qui diligit OCR: exstat dura fronte legit mollis amicitia nil totura null prodest adiectum laudibus illud Vlpia quod rutilat porticus acre null meo GT : exstat dura fronte legit mollis amicitia nil null totum prodest adiectum laudibus illud Vlpia quod rutilat porticus null aere meo OCR: vel quod adhuc populo simul et plaudente senatu ad nostrum reboat concava Roma sophos respondent illae properabimus ibimus et nos GT : vel quod adhuc populo simul et plaudente senatu ad nostrum reboat concava Roma sophos respondent illae properabimus ibimus et nos OCR: non retines tanto iudice culpa placet cognitor hoc nullus melior bene carmina pensat contemptu tardo iudicio celeri et quia non GT : non retines tanto iudice culpa placet cognitor hoc nullus melior bene carmina pensat contemptu tardo iudicio celeri et quia non OCR: potui temeraria sistere verba hoc rogo ne dubites lecta dicare rogo Almost the only information which we have about Priscus GT : potui temeraria sistere verba hoc rogo ne dubites lecta dicare rogo null null null null null null null null null OCR: Valerianus is derived from this poem and from Epist V The superscription of the poem shows that Valerianus had risen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be Praetorian Prefect of Gaul but does not as some authorities suppose state that he held that office at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the time when the verfses were written For the statue of Sidonius in Trajans Forum see Introd p xxxvii VIII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO PRISCUS VALERIANUS applause rang through the council The fateful Sisters spun out a happy time for thy rule Augustus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and for thy consular year they drew out with their whirling spindles a golden age VIII TO PRISCUS VALERIANUS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PREFECTORIAN RANK i Priscus my unceasing pride whose race is by right of kinship linked with the majestic purple now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Avitus is Emperor as my trifling effusions are hurrying off to encounter your judgment I say Halt flighty creatures GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Whither are you hastening He loves me and he who loves ever shows himself an unsparing judge gentle friendship reads GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with harsh brow It boots me not that there is added to the tale of my merits all the glory GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of my form in bronze gleaming red in the Ulpian portico and the huzzas for me that still reecho from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the recesses of Romes hills while senate and people alike sound my praises Then they reply We nill hasten we GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: will go and you shall not hold us back With such a man to judge us even censure is sweet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: There is no better critic than he skilfully does he weigh poems and though quick of judgment he is slow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to scorn And so as I could not keep my reckless verses from going hesitate not when you have read GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them to let the fire prey on them I pray you Concava Roma is a bold expression in which concava GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is even more difficult to translate than it is in Verg Georg IV also referring to echoes concava pulsu saxa GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sonant The circle of Romes hills suggests the idea of a building with concave walls from which echoes are flung GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: back THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS IX AD FELICEM Largam Sollivs null hanc Apollinaris felici domino pioqve null fratri digit sidonivs GT : null null null null null null null null Largam null Sollius hanc Apollinaris felici domino null pioque fratri null null OCR: svvs salvtem Die die null null null null null null quod peto Magne die null amabo Felix nomine mente honore GT : null null null null dicit Sldonius suus salutem Dic dic quod peto Magne null dic amabo Felix nomine mente honore OCR: forma natis coniuge fratribus parente germanis genitoris atqiie null matris et summo patruelium Camillo quid nugas temerarias amici sparsit quas GT : forma natis coniuge fratribus parente germanis genitoris null atque matris et summo patruelium Camillo quid nugas temerarias amici sparsit quas OCR: tenerae ioeus null iuventae in formam redigi iubes libelli ingentem simul et repente fascem conflari invidiae et perire chartam mandatis GT : tenerae null iocus iuventae in formam redigi iubes libelli ingentem simul et repente fascem conflari invidiae et perire chartam mandatis OCR: famulor sed ante testor lector quas patieris hie null salebras Non nos currimus aggerem vetustum nee null quicquam invenies ubi GT : famulor sed ante testor lector quas patieris null hic salebras Non nos currimus aggerem vetustum null nec quicquam invenies ubi OCR: priorum antiquas terat orbitas Thalia non hie null antipodas salumque rubrum non hie null Memnonios eanemus null Indos Aurorae face GT : priorum antiquas terat orbitas Thalia non null hic antipodas salumque rubrum non null hic Memnonios null canemus Indos Aurorae face OCR: civica perustos non Artaxata Susa Bactra Carrhas non coctam Babylona personabo Magnus Felix son of Magnus n was a schoolfellow GT : civica perustos non Artaxata Susa Bactra Carrhas non coctam Babylona personabo null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidonius v below He rose to be Praetorian Prefect of Gaul and Patrician He lived in Narbonne Epist II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: III and IV and are addressed to him See also Carm and for his connexion with Philagrius n on The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wifes name was Attica An extant epigram records that she built a church IX TO FELIX IX TO FELIX To GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE Lord Felix His Loving Brother SoLLius Apollinaris Sidonius Hereby Gives Heartiest Greeting Come tell me tell me what I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: want to know tell me Magnus please Magnus Felix felicitous in your name in your intellect in your eminence your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: person your children wife brothers parents your fathers and mothers brothers and that chief est of all cousins Camillus why GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: do you demand that the thoughtless scribblings of your friend broadcast in the frolicsome spirit of early youth should be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: put into bookform and thus a great bundle of enmity should suddenly be produced and paper wasted at the same GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time I bow to your commands but first I declare to you what jolts you are going to suffer here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as you read I am not speeding over the old road you shall find here no place where my muse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: treads in the antique ruts of my predecessors I shall not here sing of Antipodes or Red Sea or Memnons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Indians burnt by Auroras torch blazing in her homeland I shall not trumpet forth Artaxata Susa Bactra Carrhae or brickbuilt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Babylon which opens out Probus n was a brother of Felix Araneola for whose marriage Sidonius wrote Carm and may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have been a sister Fratres may mean brother and sister One of the brothers of Magnus was the father of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Camillus He was a proconsul before ad Epist I Camillus as we learn from Epist I sq held two high GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: offices of state and received the title of inlustris THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quae largum fluvio patens alumno inclusum bibit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null quae largum fluvio patens alumno inclusum bibit OCR: hinc et inde Tigrim non hie null Assyriis Ninum priorem non Medis caput Arbacen profabor nee null quam divite cum GT : hinc et inde Tigrim non null hic Assyriis Ninum priorem non Medis caput Arbacen profabor null nec quam divite cum OCR: refugit hostem arsit Sardanapallus in favilla non Cyrum Astyagis loquar nepotem nutritum ubere quern null ferunt canino cuius non valuit GT : refugit hostem arsit Sardanapallus in favilla non Cyrum Astyagis loquar nepotem nutritum ubere null quem ferunt canino cuius non valuit OCR: rapacitatem vel Lydi satiare gaza Croesi cuius nee null feritas subaeta null tunc est caesis milibus ante cum ducentis in GT : rapacitatem vel Lydi satiare gaza Croesi cuius null nec feritas null subacta tunc est caesis milibus ante cum ducentis in OCR: vallis Scythicae coactus artum orbatae ad Tomyris veniret utrem Non hie null Cecropios leges triumphos vel si quo Marathon rubet GT : vallis Scythicae coactus artum orbatae ad Tomyris veniret utrem Non null hic Cecropios leges triumphos vel si quo Marathon rubet OCR: duello aut cum milia mille concitaret inflatum numerositate Xerxen atque hunc fluminibus null satis profundis confestim ebibitis adhuc sitisse nee GT : duello aut cum milia mille concitaret inflatum numerositate Xerxen atque hunc null numinibus satis profundis confestim ebibitis adhuc sitisse null OCR: null non Thermopylas et Helles undas spretis obicibus soli salique insanis equitasse cum catervis admissoque in Athon tumente ponto iuxta GT : nec non Thermopylas et Helles undas spretis obicibus soli salique insanis equitasse cum catervis admissoque in Athon tumente ponto iuxta OCR: frondiferae cacumen Alpis scalptas classibus isse per cavernas Non prolem Garamantici Tonantis regnis principibusque principantem porrectas Asiae loquar paterno actum GT : frondiferae cacumen Alpis scalptas classibus isse per cavernas Non prolem Garamantici Tonantis regnis principibusque principantem porrectas Asiae loquar paterno actum OCR: fulmine pervolasse terras Helles Luc Mtidler hellis Tigris should be Euphrates Cyrus had slain the son of Tomyris queen of GT : fulmine pervolasse terras null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Massage IX TO FELIX afar to receive the stream that nourishes it and so drinks the Tigris on both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: banks within the walls I shall not here proclaim the earlier Ninus of the Assyrians nor Arbaces head of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Medes nor the richness of the pyre on which Sardanapallus burned when he sought refuge from the foe I shall GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not tell of Asty ages grandson Cyrus who they say was suckled at a bitchs breast a man whose greed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not even the treasure of Lydian Croesus could sate whose fierceness was not subdued even when having slain two hundred GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thousand he was hemmed within a narrow Scythian valley and drew nigh to the bag of the bereaved Tomyris You GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall not read here of Athenian triumphs or of any war that may have dyed Marathon red or how Xerxes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stirring up a thousand thousand men was puffed up by their multitudinousness or how when rivers of great depth had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been drunk up in a trice he still thirsted or the tale of Thermopylae or how scorning the barriers of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: land and sea he rode with his mad hordes over the waters that Helle named and letting into Athos waves GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that rose wellnigh to the summit of that leafy Alp he passed on shipboard through the deep channel he had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cut I shall not relate how the offspring of the Garaniantian Thundergod lording it over lords and kingdoms was sped GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on by his fathers thunderbolt and swept through Asias widespread lands how tae Soon afterwards she enticed the Persians into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a narrow pass and slew Cyrus and all his men She ordered his head to he cut ofif and thrown GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into a bag filled with blood thus reviling his cruelty Sate yourself with the blood for which you thirsted insatiably GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The Hellespont Alexander the Great see THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS et primum Darii tumultuantes praefectos satrapasque perculisse mox ipsum solio GT : null null null null null null null null null null et primum Darii tumultuantes praefectos satrapasque perculisse mox ipsum solio OCR: patrum superbum cognatosque sibi deos crepantem captis coniuge liberis parente in casus hominis redire iussum qui cum maxima bella concitasset GT : patrum superbum cognatosque sibi deos crepantem captis coniuge liberis parente in casus hominis redire iussum qui cum maxima bella concitasset OCR: tota et Persidis undique gregatae uno constituisset arma campo hoc solum perhibetur assecutus dormire ut melius liberet hosti Non vectos GT : tota et Persidis undique gregatae uno constituisset arma campo hoc solum perhibetur assecutus dormire ut melius liberet hosti Non vectos OCR: Minyas loquente silva dicam Phasiaco stetisse portu forma percita cum ducis Pelasgi molliret rabidos virago tauros nee null tum territa GT : Minyas loquente silva dicam Phasiaco stetisse portu forma percita cum ducis Pelasgi molliret rabidos virago tauros null nec tum territa OCR: cum suus colonus post anguis domiti satos molares armatas tremebundus inter herbas florere in segetem stuperet hostem et pugnantibus hinc GT : cum suus colonus post anguis domiti satos molares armatas tremebundus inter herbas florere in segetem stuperet hostem et pugnantibus hinc OCR: et hinc aristis supra belliferas madere glaebas culmosos viridi cruore fratres Non hie null terrigenam loquar cohortem admixto mage vividam GT : et hinc aristis supra belliferas madere glaebas culmosos viridi cruore fratres Non null hic terrigenam loquar cohortem admixto mage vividam OCR: veneno cui praeter speciem modo carentem angues corporibus voluminosis alte squamea crura porrigentes in vestigia fauce desinebant vescos vescas F GT : veneno cui praeter speciem modo carentem angues corporibus voluminosis alte squamea crura porrigentes in vestigia fauce desinebant null null null OCR: codd The plain is that of Gaugamela where Alexander routed Darius and overthrew the Persian Empire BC the socalled Battle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Arbela On the day appointed for the battle Alexander slept until an alarmingly late hour When Parmenio with difficulty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: awoke him and asked how he IX TO FELIX he first laid low in confusion the governors and satraps of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Darius and then the king himself a monarch that proudly exulted in the throne of his father and prated of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his kin the gods but now with wife children and mother captured was forced to relapse into a mere mortals GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lot and who tis said when he had stirred up a mighty war and had set in one plain the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whole armed force of Persia gathered from every part won thereby this one thing only that his enemy was disposed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to sleep the better for it Nor shall I tell how the Minyae were carried over the sea by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: talking timber and halted in the harbour of the Phasis what time the manlike maid smitten by the beauty of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Grecian leader soothed the raging bulls and knew no terror even when he whom she had made a tiller GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the soil had sown the teeth of the vanquished serpent and stood trembling amid the armed shoots aghast to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see a foe burst into crop and the spikes take sides and fight with one another while over the warbreeding GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clods the stalky brothers dripped with green blood J shall not here speak of the earthborn band made more live GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the venom in their veins who besides a form that had outgrown all limits had likewise snakes with coiling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bodies extending their scaly legs on high and ending in mouths that served could possibly sleep so long on that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: most important of all days Alexander answered Dont you think the victory is as good as won now that we GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are freed from the necessity of roaming far and wide over desolate country in pursuit of the elusive Darius Plutarch GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Alex The wife children and mother of Darius were captured at the Battle of Issus Bc One plank of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Argo was endowed with speech THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS sic formae triplicis procax iuventus tellurem pede proterens voraci currebat capitum GT : null null null null null null null null null sic formae triplicis procax iuventus tellurem pede proterens voraci currebat capitum OCR: stiipenda null gressu et cum classica numinum sonabant mox contra tonitrus resibilante audebat superos ciere planta nee null Phlegrae legis GT : null stupenda gressu et cum classica numinum sonabant mox contra tonitrus resibilante audebat superos ciere planta null nec Phlegrae legis OCR: ampliata rura missi diim null volitant per astra montes Pindus Pelion Ossa Olympus Othrys cum silvis gregibus feris pruinis saxis GT : ampliata rura missi null dum volitant per astra montes Pindus Pelion Ossa Olympus Othrys cum silvis gregibus feris pruinis saxis OCR: fontibus oppidis levati vibrantum spatiosiore dextra Non hie Hereulis exeolam null null null labores cui sus eerva null leo Gigas GT : fontibus oppidis levati vibrantum spatiosiore dextra Non null null null hic Herculis excolam labores cui sus null cerva leo Gigas OCR: Amazon hospes taurus Eryx aves Lyeus null fur Nessus Libs iuga poma virgo serpens Oete Thraces equi boves Hiberae luctator GT : Amazon hospes taurus Eryx aves null Lycus fur Nessus Libs iuga poma virgo serpens Oete Thraces equi boves Hiberae luctator OCR: fluvius canis triformis portatusque polus polum dederunt Non hie EHda null null nobilem quadrigis nee null notam nimis amnis ex GT : fluvius canis triformis portatusque polus polum dederunt Non null null hic Elida nobilem quadrigis null nec notam nimis amnis ex OCR: amore versu prosequar ut per ima ponti Alpheus fluat atque transmarina in fluctus cadat unda coniugales Non hie null Tantaleam GT : amore versu prosequar ut per ima ponti Alpheus fluat atque transmarina in fluctus cadat unda coniugales Non null hic Tantaleam OCR: domum retexam qua mixtum Pelopea per parentem est prolis facta soror novoque monstro infamem genuit pater nepotem nil maestum hie GT : domum retexam qua mixtum Pelopea per parentem est prolis facta soror novoque monstro infamem genuit pater nepotem nil maestum null OCR: null canitur nee null esculentam Cf The plains are enlarged by the removal of the mountains IX TO FELIX as GT : hic canitur null nec esculentam null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: feet Thus that arrogant young band of tripleformed monsters tramphng the earth with ravenous feet would run in marvellous wise GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with stepping heads and when the wartrumps of the gods sounded they thereupon dared to challenge the denizens of heaven GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with foot hissing in reply to the thunders roar Nor do you read here of Phlegras plains enlarged when hurtling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mountains flew about among the stars Pindus Pelion Ossa Olympus Othrys with their woods herds beasts frosts rocks springs and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: towns all uplifted by the hurlers right hands that were broader than they I shall not here embellish the labours GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Hercules to whom boar deer lion giant Amazon host bull Eryx birds Lycus thief Nessus Libyan hills apples maid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: serpent Oeta Thracian steeds Spanish cows Avrestling river triformed dog and the carrying of heaven gave heaven as a reward GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I shall not here celebrate in verse Elis renowned for the fourhorse chariots nor her who is so famed for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a rivers love telling how Alpheus flows through the lowest deeps of the sea and the water on the other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: side falls into the connubial waves I shall not here recall the house of Tantalus wherein Pelopea by union with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a father became the sister of her children and her father by an unheardof deed of horror begat an infamous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grandson Nothing doleful is here sung I do not relate the Cf sqq Most of the references are obvious The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: giant is perhaps Typhoeus the host is probably Busiris the thief is Cacus the Libyan is Antaeus the hills are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Calpe and Abvla the Pillars of Hercules the maid is Hosione the Thracian steeds are those of Diomede Arethusa THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS fletiis null pingimus ad dapem Thyestae fratris crimine qui miser voratis viviim null pignoribus fuit sepulcrum cum GT : null null null null fletus pingimus ad dapem Thyestae fratris crimine qui miser voratis null vivum pignoribus fuit sepulcrum cum OCR: post has epulas repente flexis Titan curribus occidens ad ortum convivam fugeret diem fugaret Nee null Phryx pastor erit tibi GT : post has epulas repente flexis Titan curribus occidens ad ortum convivam fugeret diem fugaret null Nec Phryx pastor erit tibi OCR: legendus decrescens cui Dindymon reciso fertur vertice texuisse classem cum iussu Veneris patrocinantis terras Oebalias et hospitales raptor depopulatus est GT : legendus decrescens cui Dindymon reciso fertur vertice texuisse classem cum iussu Veneris patrocinantis terras Oebalias et hospitales raptor depopulatus est OCR: Amyclas praedam trans pelagus petens sequacem sed nee null Pergama nee null decenne bellura nee null null saevas Agamemnonis phalangas GT : Amyclas praedam trans pelagus petens sequacem sed null nec Pergama null nec decenne null null bellum nec saevas Agamemnonis phalangas OCR: nee null periuria persequar Sinonis arx quo Palladio dicata signo pellaci reserata proditore portantem pedites equum recepit Non hie null GT : null nec periuria persequar Sinonis arx quo Palladio dicata signo pellaci reserata proditore portantem pedites equum recepit Non null hic OCR: Maeoniae stilo Camenae civis Duliehiique null Thessalique virtutem sapientiamque narro quorum hie Peliaeo null null putatur antro venatu fidibus palaestra GT : Maeoniae stilo Camenae civis null Dulichiique Thessalique virtutem sapientiamque narro quorum null null hic Peliaco putatur antro venatu fidibus palaestra OCR: et herbis sub Saturnigena sene institutus dum nunc lustra terens puer ferarum passim per Pholoen iacet nivosam nunc praesepibus accubans GT : et herbis sub Saturnigena sene institutus dum nunc lustra terens puer ferarum passim per Pholoen iacet nivosam nunc praesepibus accubans OCR: amatis dormit mollius in iuba magistri inde Scyriadum datus parent null falsae nomina pertulisse Pyrrhae pingimus pangimus vulgo fingimus Buechder GT : amatis dormit mollius in iuba magistri inde Scyriadum datus null parenti falsae nomina pertulisse Pyrrhae null null null null null OCR: ie the sun when in the middle of its course suddenly turned back making the day retreat lo IX TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: FELIX weeping of Thyestes at the gluttonous feast who by his brothers crime unhappy one was a Hving tomb for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the children he devoured while the sun after that horrible banquet suddenly turning his car set toward the east and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fleeing from the feaster put the day to flight Nor shall you have to read of the Phrygian shepherd for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whom tis said Dindymon grew smaller and with her lopped crest formed a fleet when by order of Venus his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: abettor that ravisher despoiled the land of Oebalia and hospitable Amyclae seeking across the sea a prey that willingly followed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Nay I shall not go over the tale of Troy and the ten years war and the fierce battalions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Agamemnon and the treachery of Sinon whereby the citadel dedicated to the image of Pallas was laid open through GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the work of a wily betrayer and admitted the horse that carried footsoldiers I do not here relate with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pen of the Maeonian muse the wisdom of the Dulichian and the valour of the Thessalian of whom the second GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is deemed to have been trained in a cave of Pelion under an aged son of Saturn in hunting in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the music of the lTe in wrestling and in the use of simples and the boy as he scoured the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wild beasts haunts would sometimes repose on any part of snowy Pholoe at other times he would recHne in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wellloved stall sleeping more comfortably on his tutors mane then says the story he was given to the father of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Scyrian maids enduring the false name of Paris Sidonius is here imitating Statius Silv I the only other passage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: where the nominative form Dindymon occurs Dindymus and Dindyrna plur are the usual forms Ulysses and Achilles Chiron ii VOL GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I I THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS atque inter tetricae chores null Minervae occultos Veneri rotasse thyrsos postremo ad Phrygiae sonum GT : null null null null null null atque inter tetricae null choros Minervae occultos Veneri rotasse thyrsos postremo ad Phrygiae sonum OCR: rapinae tractus laudibus Hectoris trahendi ast ilium null cui contigit paternam quartum post Ithacam redire lustrum nee null Zmyrnae satis GT : rapinae tractus laudibus Hectoris trahendi ast null illum cui contigit paternam quartum post Ithacam redire lustrum null nec Zmyrnae satis OCR: explicat volumen nam quis continuare possit illos quos terra et pelago tulit labores raptum Palladium repertum Achillem captum praepetibus Dolona GT : explicat volumen nam quis continuare possit illos quos terra et pelago tulit labores raptum Palladium repertum Achillem captum praepetibus Dolona OCR: plantis et Rhesi niveas prius quadrigas Xanthi quam biberent fluenta tractas ereptam quoque quam deus patronus Philocteta tibi dedit pharetram GT : plantis et Rhesi niveas prius quadrigas Xanthi quam biberent fluenta tractas ereptam quoque quam deus patronus Philocteta tibi dedit pharetram OCR: Aiacem Telamonium furentem quod sese ante rates agente causam pugnacis tulit eloquens coronam vitatum hinc Polyphemon atque Circen et Laestrygonii GT : Aiacem Telamonium furentem quod sese ante rates agente causam pugnacis tulit eloquens coronam vitatum hinc Polyphemon atque Circen et Laestrygonii OCR: famem tyranni tum pomaria divitis Calypso et Sirenas pereuntibus placentes vitatas tenebras facemque Naupli et Scyllae rabidum voracis inguen vel GT : famem tyranni tum pomaria divitis Calypso et Sirenas pereuntibus placentes vitatas tenebras facemque Naupli et Scyllae rabidum voracis inguen vel OCR: Tauromenitana quos Chary bdis null ructato scopulos cavat profundo Non divos specialibus faventes agris urbibus insulisque canto Saturnum Latio lovemque GT : Tauromenitana quos null null Charybdis ructato scopulos cavat profundo Non divos specialibus faventes agris urbibus insulisque canto Saturnum Latio null OCR: null Cretae lunonemque null Samo Rhodoque Solem Hennae Persephonen Minervam Hymetto Vulcanum Liparae Papho Dionen Or perhaps by the glorious GT : Iovemque Cretae null Iunonemque Samo Rhodoque Solem Hennae Persephonen Minervam Hymetto Vulcanum Liparae Papho Dionen null null null null null OCR: prospect of dragging Hector IX TO FELIX Pyrrha and amid the band of stern Minervas votaries he honoured Venus in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: secret revels lastly when the noise of the Phrygian spoiling reached his ears he was dragged away by the glories GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of that Hector who would himself one day be dragged But as for the other hero whose hap it was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to return to Ithaca the land of his father after four lustres had passed even Smyrnas scroll does not unfold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the whole tale Nay who could relate the whole succession of toils that he endured on land and sea the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seizing of the Palladium the finding of Achilles the capture of swiftfooted Dolon and the four snowwhite chariothorses of Rhesus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: taken away before they could drink of Xanthus stream likewise the snatching of the quiver given to Philoctetes by his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patron god and the madness of Ajax son of Telamon because when he stood before the ships and pled his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cause the man of words won the prize of the man of arms then the escape from Polyphemus from Circe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and from the hunger of the Laestrygonian king and thereafter the rich mans orchard and Calypso and the Sirens who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: charmed men to their doom his escape likewise from the darkness and the torch of NaupUus and the raging groin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of ravening Scylla and the rocks that Charybdis of Tauromenium hollows out by the belching of the deep I sing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not of the divinities that show favour to special lands cities and islands Saturn to Latium Jove to Crete Juno GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Samos the Sungod to Rhodes Proserpine to Henna Minerva to Hymettus Vulcan to Lipara Dione to Paphos Perseus to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Argos Homer Nauplius by showing false lights on the cliffs of Euboea wrecked the Greek ships on their way back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from Troy THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Aris null Persea Lampsaco Priapum Thebis Euhion Ilioque Vestam Thymbrae Delion Arcadem Lycaeo Martem GT : null null null null null null null Argis Persea Lampsaco Priapum Thebis Euhion Ilioque Vestam Thymbrae Delion Arcadem Lycaeo Martem OCR: Thracibus ac Scythis Dianam qiios null fecere deos dicata templa tus sal far mola vel superfluarum consecratio caerimoniarum Non cum GT : Thracibus ac Scythis Dianam null quos fecere deos dicata templa tus sal far mola vel superfluarum consecratio caerimoniarum Non cum OCR: Triptolemo verendam Eleusin qui primas populis dedere aristas pastis Chaonium per ilicetum non Apin Mareoticum sonabo ad Memphitica sistra concitari GT : Triptolemo verendam Eleusin qui primas populis dedere aristas pastis Chaonium per ilicetum non Apin Mareoticum sonabo ad Memphitica sistra concitari OCR: non dicam Lacedaemonos iuventam unctas Tyndaridis dicasse luctas doctos quos patriis palen Therapnis gymnas Bebrycii tremit theatri non sortes Lyciasque GT : non dicam Lacedaemonos iuventam unctas Tyndaridis dicasse luctas doctos quos patriis palen Therapnis gymnas Bebrycii tremit theatri non sortes Lyciasque OCR: Caeritumque responsa aut Themidis priora Delphis nee null quae fulmine Tuscus expiato saeptum numina quaerit ad bidental nee null quos GT : Caeritumque responsa aut Themidis priora Delphis null nec quae fulmine Tuscus expiato saeptum numina quaerit ad bidental null nec quos OCR: Euganeum bibens Timavum colle Antenoreo videbat augur divos Thessalicam movere pugnam nee null quos Amphiaraus et Melampus ex ipsis rapuit GT : Euganeum bibens Timavum colle Antenoreo videbat augur divos Thessalicam movere pugnam null nec quos Amphiaraus et Melampus ex ipsis rapuit OCR: deos favillis per templum male fluctuante flamma gaudens lumine perdito Metellus See n A place struck by lightning Such places GT : deos favillis per templum male fluctuante flamma gaudens lumine perdito Metellus null null null null null null null null null OCR: were hca religiosa ie a taboo was attached to them The Hghtning was ceremonially buried fulmen condere and a sheep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sacrificed hence the name from bidens then the spot was doubly enclosed by a high kerb and an outer wall GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: At Rome IX TO FELIX Priapus to Lampsacus Bacchus to Thebes Vesta to Ilium the Delian god to Thymbra the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arcadian to Lycaeus Mars to Thrace Diana to Scythia who have all been made gods by the dedication of temples GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to them by incense salt spelt meal and the hallowing of vain rites I shall not trumpet forth the worshipful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Eleusis and Triptolemus givers of the first corn to folks wont to find their food in the Chaonian oakforest nor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Egyptian Apis aroused by the sounds of the Memphitic sistrum I shall not tell how Spartas young manhood dedicated the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: oily wrestlingbout to the sons of Tyndarus at whose prowess learned in their native Therapnae the athletes of the Bebrycian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arena trembled Nor shall my theme be Lycian or Caerite oracles or the earlier responses of Themis at Delphi or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the divinities that the Tuscan when he expiates the lightning seeks at the fenced bidental or the gods whom on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Antenors mount the seer who drank the waters of Euganean Timavus saw stirring up the Thessalian battle nor of those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whom Amphiaraus and Melampus nor of the gods that Metellus snatched even from the midst of the burning when the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flames surged ruinously through the temple and he rejoiced in the loss of the help of Etruscan experts was frequently GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enlisted on such occasions Sidonius is probably thinking of the Puteal Libonis in the Roman Forum Cornelius a priest was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: said to have seen at Patavium a vision of the battle of Pharsalia Sidonius i thinking of Lucan VII sqq GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: where the story is related with considerable scepticism For Euganeum see n on L Caecilius Metellus Pontifex Maximus rescued the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Palladium when the temple of Vesta caught fire in BC His bravery cost him his eyesight The generalising plural dei GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is often used of an action affecting one deity THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS non hie Cinjhius null null canetur Hammon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null non null null hic Cinyphius canetur Hammon OCR: mitratum caput elevans harenis vix se post hecatombion litatum suetus promere Syrtium barathro non hie null Dindyma nee erepante null GT : mitratum caput elevans harenis vix se post hecatombion litatum suetus promere Syrtium barathro non null hic Dindyma null null nec OCR: null buxo Curetas Bereeynthiam null sonantes non Baeehum trieteriea null null exserentem deseribam null et tremulas furore festo ire in GT : crepante buxo Curetas null Berecynthiam sonantes non null null Bacchum trieterica exserentem null describam et tremulas furore festo ire in OCR: Bassaridas vel infulatos aram ad turicremam rotare mystas Non hie null Hesiodea pinguis Ascrae speetes null carmina Pindarique chordas non GT : Bassaridas vel infulatos aram ad turicremam rotare mystas Non null hic Hesiodea pinguis Ascrae null spectes carmina Pindarique chordas non OCR: hie soceiferi ioeos null null null Menandri non laesi Arehilochi null feros iambos vel plus Stesiehori null graves Camenas aut GT : null null null hic socciferi iocos Menandri non laesi null Archilochi feros iambos vel plus null Stesichori graves Camenas aut OCR: quod composuit puella Lesbis non quod Mantua eontumax null Homero adiecit Latiaribus loquehs null aequari sibimet subinde livens busto Parthenopam GT : quod composuit puella Lesbis null quod Mantua null contumax Homero adiecit Latiaribus null loquelis aequari sibimet subinde livens busto Parthenopam OCR: Maroniano non quod post saturas epistularum sermonumque sales novumque epodon libros carminis ac poetieam null artem Lesbis Luetjohann lesbi post GT : Maroniano non quod post saturas epistularum sermonumque sales novumque epodon libros carminis ac null poeticam artem null null null null OCR: ieo per codd quod reiineri potest si valuit Lueijohann in v legos It is surprising to find Hamnion wearing a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mitra on his homed head Bacchus is so represented in Sen Phaedr and Sidonius may have had a confused recollection GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of that passage By Syrtes here Sidonius may mean the land near the Syrtes the Roman poets are always ready GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to bring any Libyan lands near to those famous gulfs see sq and Lucan IV confnis Syriibus Hammon He may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: however be alluding to the fact that the land extending from the Syrtes to the oasis of Ammon had formerly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been covered by the sea see Strabo I l IX TO FELIX his sight Here no Cinyphian Hammon shall be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sung who raises his snooded head among the desert sands and even after auspicious sacrifice of a hecatomb will scarce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: show himself from the depths of the Syrtes nor shall I picture Dindyma or the Curetes sounding on murmuring boxpipe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the praises of the Berecynthian Mother nor Bacchus as he brings forth his triennial festival and invades the Bassarids quivering GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the frenzy of the feast and whirls his filletcrowned votaries beside the incenseburning altar Not here shall you behold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Hesiodic strains of sluggish Ascra or Pindars lyre nor the jests of Menander wearer of comedys sock nor the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: savage lampoons of the injured Archilochus nor the graver muse of Stesichorus or the song fashioned by the Lesbian maid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nor that which Mantua defying Homers supremacy added to Latin utterance Mantua soon jealous that Parthenope matched her by possessing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Virgils tomb nor the notes that Horace was fain to sound when he penned the praises of Phoebus and roaming GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Diana after the medleys of the Epistles the witty sallies of the Sidoniiis seems to be playing on the word GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: saiura by using it in its old sense of medley and applying it to the Epistles not the Satires of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Horace Horace refers to his Satires as aaiurae as well as sermones In Suetonius life of the poet a phrase GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the Epistles is said to occur in saturis but this is probably an inadvertence though Hendrickson in m Joum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phil XVIII pp uses it along with the present passage wrongly punctuated with commas after saturas and eale and other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inconclusive evidence to prove that the ancients assigned the Epistles as well as the Satires to the literary genre called GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: saiura or satira Line refers to the Carmen Saeculare the first line of which is Phoebe silvarumqwe potens Diana but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was not the latest work of Horace as is implied if the reading here given is correct THE POEMS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS Phoebi laudibus et vagae Dianae conscriptis voluit sonare Flaccus non quod Papinius tuus meusque inter Labdacios sonat furores GT : null null Phoebi laudibus et vagae Dianae conscriptis voluit sonare Flaccus non quod Papinius tuus meusque inter Labdacios sonat furores OCR: aut cum forte pedum minore rhythmo pingit gemmea prata silvularum Non quod Corduba praepotens alumnis facundum ciet hie null putes GT : aut cum forte pedum minore rhythmo pingit gemmea prata silvularum Non quod Corduba praepotens alumnis facundum ciet null hic putes OCR: legendum quorum unus colit hispidum Platona incassumque suum monet Neronera null orchestram quatit alter Euripidis pictum faecibus Aeschylon secutus aut GT : legendum quorum unus colit hispidum Platona incassumque suum monet null Neronem orchestram quatit alter Euripidis pictum faecibus Aeschylon secutus aut OCR: plaustris solitum sonare Thespin qui post pulpita trita sub cothurno ducebant olidae marem capellae pugnam tertius ille Gallicani null dixit GT : plaustris solitum sonare Thespin qui post pulpita trita sub cothurno ducebant olidae marem capellae pugnam tertius ille null Gallicam dixit OCR: Caesaris ut gener socerque cognata impulerint in arma Romam tantum dans lacrimas suis Philippis ut credat Cremerae levem ruinam infra GT : Caesaris ut gener socerque cognata impulerint in arma Romam tantum dans lacrimas suis Philippis ut credat Cremerae levem ruinam infra OCR: et censeat Alliam dolendam ac Brenni in trutina lovem null redemptum postponat Trebiam gravesque Cannas stragem nee null Trasimenicam loquatur GT : et censeat Alliam dolendam ac Brenni in trutina null Iovem redemptum postponat Trebiam gravesque Cannas stragem null nec Trasimenicam loquatur OCR: fratres Scipiadas putet silendos quos Tartesiacus retentat orbis The Thebais and Silvae of Statius Referring to the long hair and GT : fratres Scipiadas putet silendos quos Tartesiacus retentat orbis null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beard typical of the philosopher of Epist IV Sidonius wrongly regards the philosopher Seneca as distinct from the writer of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tragedies Cf Hor P sq Hor ib Lucan l IX TO FELIX Satires the newfangled Epodes the books of Odes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the Art of Poetry nor what Papinius dear to you and to me utters amid the frenzy of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: house of Labdacus or when in shorterfooted measure he portrays the begemmed meads of his Httle Silvae Nor must you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: expect to read here the eloquence called forth by Corduba great in her sons of whom one is devoted to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the unkempt Plato and vainly admonishes his pupil Nero another rouses again the stage of Euripides and also follows Aeschylus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who painted his face with winelees and Thespis who was wont to give utterance from waggons bards who after treading GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the stage with their buskins used to lead away the mate of a fetid shegoat third of Corduba s sons GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was he who sang the fight of Caesar the Gallic conqueror how a father and his daughters husband drove Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into a war of kinsfolk and so bitterly does he weep for his Philippi that he deems the disaster of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cremera a trifle he avers that Allia and the ransom of Jupiter in the scales of Brennus are less to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be lamented he holds Trebia and dire Cannae of less moment he has naught to say of Trasimenes slaughter he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thinks those Scipios not worth a w ord whom the region of Tartessus holds he takes no account of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ruinous Cognata arma probably alludes to Lucans cognatas acies I Philippi ie Pharsalia Poets Verg Georg I sq often place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Philippi and Pharsalia in the same region The very first line of Lucan places Pharsalia in Macedonia Lucan VII lovem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ie the Capitol the habitation of Jupiter Lucan II ib II VII THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Euphraten taceat male appetitum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Euphraten taceat male appetitum OCR: Crassorum et madidas cruore Carrhas vel quos Spartace consulum solebas victrici gladios fugare sica ipsum nee null fleat ille plus GT : Crassorum et madidas cruore Carrhas vel quos Spartace consulum solebas victrici gladios fugare sica ipsum null nec fleat ille plus OCR: duellum quod post Cimbrica turbidus tropaea et vinctum Nasamonium lugurtham null dum quaerit Mithridaticum triumphum Arpinas voluit movere Sullae Non GT : duellum quod post Cimbrica turbidus tropaea et vinctum Nasamonium null Iugurtham dum quaerit Mithridaticum triumphum Arpinas voluit movere Sullae Non OCR: Gaetulicus hie null tibi legetur non Marsus Pedo Silius TibuUus null non quod Sulpiciae iocus Thaliae seripsit null blandiloquum suo GT : Gaetulicus null hic tibi legetur non Marsus Pedo Silius null Tibullus non quod Sulpiciae iocus Thaliae null scripsit blandiloquum suo OCR: Caleno non Persi rigor aut lepos Properti sed nee null centimeter Terentianus non Lucilius hie null Lucretiusque est non Turnus GT : Caleno non Persi rigor aut lepos Properti sed null nec centimeter Terentianus non Lucilius null hic Lucretiusque est non Turnus OCR: Memor Ennius Catullus Stella et Septimius Petroniusque aut mordax sine fine Martialis non qui tempore Caesaris secundi aeterno incoluit Tomos GT : Memor Ennius Catullus Stella et Septimius Petroniusque aut mordax sine fine Martialis non qui tempore Caesaris secundi aeterno incoluit Tomos OCR: reatu This and the previous line probably refer to Lucan I sqq though the poet does not there say that GT : reatu null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the disaster of Carrhae was of little account compared with the Civil War he merely says that the Romans would GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have done better to avenge Carrhae than to fight among themselves In I he makes the disaster of Carrhae and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the death of Crassus responsible for the Civil War Cf Luc II In Martial I prdef which Sidonius probably had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in mind Gaetulicus Marsus and Pedo are mentioned as epigrammatists Gaetuhcus after a distinguished official career was put to death GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Caligula ad He is sometimes credited with a historical work but it was probably an epic poem He is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mentioned again by Sidonius in Epist II Domitius Marsus an Augustan poet wrote besides epigrams versified IX TO FELIX attempt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the Euphrates and of Carrhae drenched with the blood of the Crassi or of the consuls whose swords Spartacus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was wont to rout vith victorious dagger nay he does not bewail more bitterly that war which the man of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arpinum wild with arrogance after his Cimbric trophies and the enchainment of Nasamonian Jugurtha and seeking next a Mithridatic triumph GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was fain to stir up against Sulla Here you shall read no Gaetulicus Marsus Pedo Silius or TibuUus nor the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: winsome words which Sulpicias sprightly muse wrote to her Calenus nor the sternness of Persius nor the liveliness of Propertius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nor yet Terentianus of the hundred metres Here is no Lucilius no Lucretius Tumus Memor Ennius Catullus Stella Septimius or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Petronius no Martial vith his constant bite nor he who in the days of the second Caesar dwelt at Tomi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a prisoner never absolved nor he who later tales and an epic Albino vanus Pedo was a friend of Ovid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He wrote an epic called Theseis and a poem of which an interesting fragment is preserved on the exploits of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Jermanicus in the North Sulpicia a writer of lovepoetry in the time of Domitian Calenus was her husband The satura GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which goes under her name probably belongs to a later age centimeter apparently a popular designation of writers on metre GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: perhaps suggested by the work of Servius De Centum Metria The reference is to Terentianus Maurus Tumus a satirist Memor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a writer of tragedies in the age of Domitian L Amintius Stella a native of Padua often mentioned by his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friends Martial and Statins He wrote loveelegies celebrating Violentilla who became his wife In all probability Septimius Serenus mentioned in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Praef a poet of the age of Hadrian who wrote opuscula on rural themes Ovid cf sqq THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS nee null qui eonsimili null deinde easu null ad vulgi tenuem strepentis auram irati fuit histrionis exsul non Pelusiaeo GT : null null nec qui null consimili deinde null casu ad vulgi tenuem strepentis auram irati fuit histrionis exsul non null OCR: null satus Canopo qui ferruginei toros mariti et Musa canit inferos superna nee null qui iam patribus fuere nostris primo GT : Pelusiaco satus Canopo qui ferruginei toros mariti et Musa canit inferos superna null nec qui iam patribus fuere nostris primo OCR: tempore maximi sodales quorum unus Bonifatium secutus nee null non praeeipitem null Sebastianum natales puer horruit Cadurcos plus Pandionias amans GT : tempore maximi sodales quorum unus Bonifatium secutus null nec non null praecipitem Sebastianum natales puer horruit Cadurcos plus Pandionias amans OCR: Athenas cuius si varium legas poema tunc Phoebum vel Hyantias puellas potato madidas ab Hippocrene tunc Amphiona filiumque Maiae tune GT : Athenas cuius si varium legas poema tunc Phoebum vel Hyantias puellas potato madidas ab Hippocrene tunc Amphiona filiumque Maiae null OCR: null vatem Rhodopeium sonare conlato modulamine arbitreris Non tu hie null nunc legeris tuumque fulmen o dignissime Quintianus alter spernens GT : tunc vatem Rhodopeium sonare conlato modulamine arbitreris Non tu null hic nunc legeris tuumque fulmen o dignissime Quintianus alter spernens OCR: qui Ligurum solum et penates mutato lare Gallias amasti inter classica signa pila turmas laudans Aetium vacansque libro in eastris GT : qui Ligurum solum et penates mutato lare Gallias amasti inter classica signa pila turmas laudans Aetium vacansque libro in null OCR: null hederate laureatis sed nee null tertius ille nunc legetur Baetin qui patrium semel relinquens hederate laureatis Chatelain hedera ter GT : castris hederate laureatis sed null nec tertius ille nunc legetur Baetin qui patrium semel relinquens null null null null null OCR: laureatus On the stories of Juvenals banishment see DufiFs ed pp xxiii Plessis La Poesie latine discussion of the present GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: passage on p Claudian De Baptu Proserpinae IX TO FELIX by a like misfortune on the stirring of a breath GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of vulgar gossip became the exiled victim of an angry actor nor that son of Egyptian Canopus who of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dusky bridegrooms marriage and of the denizens of hell doth sing with his heavenly muse nor those who even in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their earliest days were the greatest of our fathers comrades of whom one following Boniface and the headstrong Sebastian abhorred GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in boyhood his native Cadurcans loving Pandions Athens more were you to read his varied poems then would you think GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Phoebus was giving utterance and the Boeotian maids their lips all moist with draughts of Hippocrene and Amphion too GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the son of Maia and the bard of Rhodope all contributing their melody Nor does the reader now find GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee here Quintianus the second of the three with thy thunderbolt who spurning thy Ligurian soil and home didst change GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thine abode and give Gaul thy love and didst sing the praises of Aetius amid trumpetcalls standards spears and troops GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sparing time for the pen as for the sword a bard ivycrowned in a belaurelled camp Nor shall the reader GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: here find that other the third of the band who leaving once for all his native Baetis The name of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this poet is unknown Sebastian succeeded his fatherinlaw Boniface as magister utriusque militiae in ad After an adventurous career ho GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: finally betook himself to Geiseric who put him to death in ad because he would not abjure the Catholic faith GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: In Aquitaine SW of the Arvemi Quintianus not otherwise known Flavins Merobaudes The inscription attached to his statue has been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: found C I L vi Dessau Its date is ad The princeps v is Valentinian III this reference to him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is astonishingly kind after and In he is pitis princeps THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS undosae petiit sitim Ravennae plo sores GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null undosae petiit sitim Ravennae null null OCR: null cui fulgidam Quirites et carus popularitate princeps Traiano statuam foro locarunt Sed ne tu mihi comparare temptes quos multo GT : plosores cui fulgidam Quirites et carus popularitate princeps Traiano statuam foro locarunt Sed ne tu mihi comparare temptes quos multo OCR: minor ipse plus adoro Paulinum Ampeliumque Symmachumque Messalam ingenii satis profundi et nulli modo Martium secundum dicendi arte nova parem GT : minor ipse plus adoro Paulinum Ampeliumque Symmachumque Messalam ingenii satis profundi et nulli modo Martium secundum dicendi arte nova parem OCR: vetustis Petrum et cum loquitur nimis stupendura null vel quern null municipalibus poetis praeponit bene vilicum senatus nostrum aut quos GT : vetustis Petrum et cum loquitur nimis null stupendum vel null quem municipalibus poetis praeponit bene vilicum senatus nostrum aut quos OCR: retinet solum disertos dulcem Anthedion et mihi magistri Musas sat venerabiles Hoeni acrem Lampridium catum Leonem praestantemque tuba Severianum This GT : retinet solum disertos dulcem Anthedion et mihi magistri Musas sat venerabiles Hoeni acrem Lampridium catum Leonem praestantemque tuba Severianum null OCR: jest about Ravenna is found in Martial III G and and is repeated by Sidonius in Epist of ib I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Paulinum probably not Pontius Paulinus Epist VIII son of Pontius Leontius whose Castle is celebrated in Carm This line seems GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to refer to epistolary wTiters of the age of Symmachus and GaUoRoman writers seem to be excluded from this part GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the paragraph see v The reference may possibly be to Paulinus of Nola who though a native of Gaul GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: came to be closely associated with Italy The Ampelius mentioned here is supposed to be P Ampelius who held several GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: high offices of state in the fourth century He died not later than He was a correspondent of Libanius Valerius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Messala is highly praised for his eloquence by Symmachus who wrote several letters to him He is probably the Messala GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: praised by Rutilius Namatianus sqq Probably not Martius Myro IX TO FELIX betook himself to that place of thirst wellwatered GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ravenna and to whom the acclaiming citizens of Rome and the Emperor so beloved for his graciousness set up a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gleaming statue in Trajans Forum And try not gentle reader to compare me with those whom I vastly their inferior GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: worship all the more Paulinus Ampelius and Symmachus Messala of genius so profound Martius second to none in these times GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Petrus equal of the ancients in the modern style of eloquence and a marvel to all when he speaks or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that steward whom the senate rightly prefers to the poets of the towns or those men of gifted utterance whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our soil possesses charming Anthedius my master Hoenius whose muse commands my deepest reverence spirited Lampridius shrewd Leo and Severin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vilicum is not likely to be a proper name Juvenal IV uses the word of a praefectus urbi The mention GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Senate in V makes it probable that Sidonius is thinking of that passage and referring to a contemporary GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prefect in his day the jpraef urbi was president of the Senate We do not possess a complete list of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the city prefects for the period in which this poem must have been written and there is no evidence that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an of the known prefects was a poet Sidonius plays on the ordinary meaning of vilicus farmbailiff Anthedius a friend GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidonius epist Epist VIII Hoenius is not otherwise known Lampridius taught rhetoric at Bordeaux For an appreciation of him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see Epist VIII sqq on his poetical talent Epist IX carm sq and He gained favour with Euric and Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems in Epist VIII to angle for his good offices with that king Leo a native of Narbonne descended from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fronto Epist VIII lauded as a poet cf Epist IX carm ib IX carm sq and as a jurist He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: became a minister of Euric and no doubt helped to procure the release of Sidonius see Introd p xlix THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS et sic scribere non minus valentem Marcus Quintilianus ut solebat Nos valde sterilis modos Camenae rarae credimus GT : null null null et sic scribere non minus valentem Marcus Quintilianus ut solebat Nos valde sterilis modos Camenae rarae credimus OCR: hos brevique chartae quae scombros merito piperque portet nam quisnam deus hoc dabit reiectae ut vel suscipiens bonos odores nardum GT : hos brevique chartae quae scombros merito piperque portet nam quisnam deus hoc dabit reiectae ut vel suscipiens bonos odores nardum OCR: ac pinguia Nicerotianis quae fragrant alabastra tincta sucis Indo cinnamon ex rogo petitum quo Phoenix iuvenescit occidendo costum malobathrum rosas GT : ac pinguia Nicerotianis quae fragrant alabastra tincta sucis Indo cinnamon ex rogo petitum quo Phoenix iuvenescit occidendo costum malobathrum rosas OCR: amomum myrrham tus opobalsamumque servet quapropter facinus meum tuere et condiscipuli tibi obsequentis incautum precor asseras pudorem germanum tamen ante GT : amomum myrrham tus opobalsamumque servet quapropter facinus meum tuere et condiscipuli tibi obsequentis incautum precor asseras pudorem germanum tamen ante OCR: sed memento doctrinae columen Probum advocare isti qui valet exarationi destrictum bonus apphcare null theta novi sed bene non refello GT : sed memento doctrinae columen Probum advocare isti qui valet exarationi destrictum bonus null applicare theta novi sed bene non refello OCR: culpam nee null doctis placet impudens poeta sed nee null turgida contumeliosi lectoris nimium verebor ora si tamquam gravior severiorque GT : culpam null nec doctis placet impudens poeta sed null nec turgida contumeliosi lectoris nimium verebor ora si tamquam gravior severiorque OCR: nostrae Terpsichores iocum refutans rugato Cato tertius labello narem rhinoceroticam minetur non te terreat hie null nimis peritus verum si GT : nostrae Terpsichores iocum refutans rugato Cato tertius labello narem rhinoceroticam minetur non te terreat null hic nimis peritus verum si OCR: cupias probare tanta nullus scit mihi crede quanta nescit flagrant codd Severianus poet and rhetorician see Epist IX IX carm GT : cupias probare tanta nullus scit mihi crede quanta nescit null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He may be the lulius Severianus who is the reputed compiler of a collection of rhetorical precepts still IX TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: FKLIX anus who excels in trumpettones and is no less apt in such writing as Marcus Quintilianus used to pen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: As for these measures of my sadly barren muse I rarely commit them to a papyrussheet and then only to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a short one which would rightly be used for carrying mackerel or pepper for what god will ever grant to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my scorned sheet even the small boon of sniffing pleasant scents and being used for wrapping nard and oily alabaster GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flasks fragrant with Nicerotian essences and cinnamon got from the Indian pyre where the Phoenix renews his youth by dying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and costum and malobathrum and roses and amomum and incense and opobalsamum Therefore defend my audacious deed and vindicate I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pray you in its rash escapade the modesty of a schoolfellow who is but obeying your orders But remember first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to call in that pillar of learning your brother Probus who is able with all his kindness to attach a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stern obelus to this scribbling But I know it well I am not clearing myself of guilt and a shameless GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poet does not please the wellinstructed And yet I shall not dread excessively the pompous mouthing of an abusive reader GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: should he with an air of superior gravity and sternness like a third Cato spurn the jesting of my Terpsichore GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: purse his lips and threaten me with the contemptuous nose of a rhinoceros Let not this too consummate pundit frighten GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you If you would get at the real truth beUeve me nobody knows as many things as he doesnt know GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: extant Rhet Min Halm pp but there is nothing to prove it Tuba probably refers to Epic poetry See Introd GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p Iv n An epithet borrowed from Martial VI X Niceros was a famous perfumer in the time of Domitian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: See n on Krythras THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS PRAEFATIO EPITHALAMII DICTI RVRICIO ET HIBERIAE Flucticolae cum festa nurus Pagasaea per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Flucticolae cum festa nurus Pagasaea per OCR: antra rupe sub Emathia Pelion explicuit angustabat humum superum satis ampla supellex certabant gazis hinc polus hinc pelagus ducebatque chores GT : antra rupe sub Emathia Pelion explicuit angustabat humum superum satis ampla supellex certabant gazis hinc polus hinc pelagus ducebatque null OCR: null viridi prope tectus amictu caeruleae pallae concolor ipse socer nympha quoque in thalamos veniens de gurgite nuda vestiti coepit GT : choros viridi prope tectus amictu caeruleae pallae concolor ipse socer nympha quoque in thalamos veniens de gurgite nuda vestiti coepit OCR: membra timere viri tum divum quicumque aderat terrore remote null quo quis pollebat lusit in officio luppiter null emisit tepidum GT : membra timere viri tum divum quicumque aderat terrore null remoto quo quis pollebat lusit in officio null Iuppiter emisit tepidum OCR: sine pondere fulmen et dixit melius nunc Cytherea calet Pollux tum caestu laudatus Castor habenis Pallas tum cristis Delia tum GT : sine pondere fulmen et dixit melius nunc Cytherea calet Pollux tum caestu laudatus Castor habenis Pallas tum cristis Delia tum OCR: pharetris Alcides clava Mavors tum lusit in hasta Areas null tum virga nebride tum Bromius hie null et Pipliadas induxerat GT : pharetris Alcides clava Mavors tum lusit in hasta null Arcas tum virga nebride tum Bromius null hic et Pipliadas induxerat OCR: optimus Orpheus chordis voce manu carminibus calamis ambitiosus Hymen totas ibi contulit artes qui non ingenio fors placuit genio Ruricius GT : optimus Orpheus chordis voce manu carminibus calamis ambitiosus Hymen totas ibi contulit artes qui non ingenio fors placuit genio null OCR: to whom Epist IV V VIII are addressed was a member of a noble family comiected with the gens Anicia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hiberia whom he married was the daughter of Ommatius an Arvernian of good family who does not seem to have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: taken much part in public life Ruricius afterwards X PREFACE TO RURICIUS X PREFACE TO THE EPITHALAMIUM OF RURICIUS AND GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: HIBERIA When Pelion displayed the marriagefeast of the seamaiden in a Pagasaean cave beneath an Emathian crag the stately pageantry GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the gods taxed the ground to hold it on this side the sky on that the sea vied one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the other in their treasures and the song and dance were led by the brides father almost hidden in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his green robe and himself of the same hue as his seacoloured mantle The nymph also coming naked from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: waves to her marriage was seized with fear of the bridegrooms draped form Then every god that was present laid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aside his dreadfulness and exhibited a playful version of his special power Jupiter hurled a thunderbolt that had heither heat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nor force and said At this time it is more fitting for our lady of Cythera to show warmth Pollux GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: then won praise with the boxingglove Castor with reins Pallas with her plumed helm the Delian goddess with her arrows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hercules frolicked with his club Mars with his spear the Arcadian god with his wand Bromius with the fawnskin At GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this moment the Muses also had been introduced by the incomparable Orpheus with strings voice hand songs and reeds Hymen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eager to show off mustered there all arts and he who did not give pleasure by his merit gave pleasure GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: behke by entered the Church and in ad became Bishop of Limoges We possess two books of his letters written GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mostly before his episcopate Two letters are addressed to Sidonius Thetis daughter of Nereus bride of Peleus THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS Fescennina tamen non sunt admissa priusquam intonuit solita noster Apollo lyra XI EPITHALAiMIVM Inter Cyaneas Ephyraea cacumina cautes qua GT : null Fescennina tamen non sunt admissa priusquam intonuit solita noster Apollo lyra null null Inter Cyaneas Ephyraea cacumina cautes qua OCR: super Idalium levat Orithyion in aethram exesi sale montis apex ubi forte vagantem dum fugit et fixit trepidus Symplegada Tiphys GT : super Idalium levat Orithyion in aethram exesi sale montis apex ubi forte vagantem dum fugit et fixit trepidus Symplegada Tiphys OCR: atque recurrentem ructatum ad rauca Maleam exit in Isthmiacum pelagus claudentibus alis saxorum de rupe sinus quo saepe recessu sic GT : atque recurrentem ructatum ad rauca Maleam exit in Isthmiacum pelagus claudentibus alis saxorum de rupe sinus quo saepe recessu sic OCR: tamquam toto coeat de lumine caeli artatur collecta dies tremulasque per undas insequitur secreta vadi transmittitur alto perfusus splendor e GT : tamquam toto coeat de lumine caeli artatur collecta dies tremulasque per undas insequitur secreta vadi transmittitur alto perfusus null null OCR: null latex mirumque relatu lympha bibit solem tenuique inserta fluento perforat arenti radio lux sicca liquorem Profecit studio spatium nam GT : splendore latex mirumque relatu lympha bibit solem tenuique inserta fluento perforat arenti radio lux sicca liquorem Profecit studio spatium nam OCR: Lemnius illic ceu templum lusit Veneri fulmenque relinquens hie null ferrugineus fumavit saepe Pyragmon hie null lapis est de quinque GT : Lemnius illic ceu templum lusit Veneri fulmenque relinquens null hic ferrugineus fumavit saepe Pyragmon null hic lapis est de quinque OCR: locis dans quinque colores Aethiops Phrygius Parius Poenus Lacedaemon orithion codd mirumque Jilohr et in adnot Luetjohann miroque ingenio genio GT : locis dans quinque colores Aethiops Phrygius Parius Poenus Lacedaemon null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an antithesis found in several other places but the meaning of genius varies Here it probably means geniality mirthfulness See GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n on ie the Apollo of us poets The first five lines of this difficult poem are an unintelligible jumble GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and v cannot even be construed Vv and may be by Sidonius if we retain them and omit w and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sinus will be ace plur after claudentibus and should probably be altered to sinum Corinth is prominent in the Aigonautic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: XI EPITHALAMIUM his spirit But Fescennine jests were not admitted until our Apollo had made his song ring forth on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the familiar lyre XI EPITHALAMIUM Between the Darkblue Rocks Ephyras peaks where the summit of a seaworn mountain raises Orithyion GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: above Idalium to the sky in which place as it chanced the wandering Symplegades were fixed fast by the trembling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tiphys even as he fled from them there emerges into the sea of the Isthmus a bay enclosed by wings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of piled rocks jutting from the cliff in which retreat just as if the whole radiance of the sky were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: concentrated there the daylight is gathered together into a naiTow space and penetrating the quivering waters it searches out the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: secluded depths and so the ripples pass on bathed in deepshining brightness and wondrous to tell the water drinks in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sun and the light pushed into the limpid stream bores unwetted through the wet with arid ray This site GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: favoured a labour of love for there the Lemnian god amused himself by building a mimic temple for Venus and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: swarthy Pyragmon abandoning the thunderbolt raised his smoke in the place many a time Here is stone from five regions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: giving forth five hues Aethiopian Phrygian Parian Punic legend but it is very surprising to find the Symplegades in its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: neighbourhood For the legend of the storm encountered by the Argonauts ofiE Cape Malea to which v must refer see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Herodotus IV Or raises up Idalian Orithyion whatever that may mean QI THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS purpureus viridis maculosus eburnus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null purpureus viridis maculosus eburnus OCR: et albus postes chrysolithi fulvus difFulgurat null ardor myrrhina sardonyches amethystus Hiberus iaspis Indus Chalcidicus Scythicus beryllus achates attollunt duplices GT : et albus postes chrysolithi fulvus null diffulgurat ardor myrrhina sardonyches amethystus Hiberus iaspis Indus Chalcidicus Scythicus beryllus achates attollunt duplices OCR: argenti cardine valvas per quas inclusi lucem vomit umbra smaragdi limina crassus onyx crustat propterque hyacinth null caerula concordem iaciunt GT : argenti cardine valvas per quas inclusi lucem vomit umbra smaragdi limina crassus onyx crustat propterque null hyacinthi caerula concordem iaciunt OCR: in stagna colorem exterior non compta silex sed prominet alte asper ab adsiduo lympharum verbere pumex interiore loco simulavit Mulciber GT : in stagna colorem exterior non compta silex sed prominet alte asper ab adsiduo lympharum verbere pumex interiore loco simulavit Mulciber OCR: auro exstantes late scopulos atque arte magistra ingenti cultu naturae inculta fefellit huic operi insistens quod necdum noverat ilia null GT : auro exstantes late scopulos atque arte magistra ingenti cultu naturae inculta fefellit huic operi insistens quod necdum noverat null illa OCR: quae post Lemniacis damnavit furta catenis squameus hue null Triton duplicis confinia dorsi qua coeunt supra sinuamina tortilis alvi inter GT : quae post Lemniacis damnavit furta catenis squameus null huc Triton duplicis confinia dorsi qua coeunt supra sinuamina tortilis alvi inter OCR: aquas calido portavit corde Dionen sed premit adiecto radiantis pondere conch ae null semiferi Galatea latus quod pollice fixo vellit GT : aquas calido portavit corde Dionen sed premit adiecto radiantis pondere null null conchae semiferi Galatea latus quod pollice fixo vellit OCR: et occulto spondet conubia tactu tum gaudens torquente ioco subridet amator vulnere iamque suam parcenti pistre flagellat pone subit turmis GT : et occulto spondet conubia tactu tum gaudens torquente ioco subridet amator vulnere iamque suam parcenti pistre flagellat pone subit turmis OCR: flagrantibus agmen Amorum hie null cohibet delphina rosis viridique iuvenco hie null vectus spretis pendet per cornua frenis iaciunt Luetjohann GT : flagrantibus agmen Amorum null hic cohibet delphina rosis viridique iuvenco null hic vectus spretis pendet per cornua frenis null null OCR: in adnot faciunt The descriptions if placed in the same order as the stones would have been purple see sqq GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n spotted white ivory sq n green GhalcidictLs probably refers to chalcitis a coppercoloured gem Plin N H XXXVII Scythicus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: refers to the Scythian emerald said by Plinv N H XXXVII to be the finest of all cf Martial IV GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: XI EPITHALAMIUM Spartan purple green mottled ivory white The yellow glow of topaz flashes through the doorpost porcelain sardonyx Caucasian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: amethyst Indian jasper Chalcidian and Scythian stones beryl and agate form the double doors that rise upon silver pivots and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through these doors the shadowy recess beyond pours out the sheen of the emeralds that are within Onyx thickly encrusts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the threshold and hard by the blue colour of amethyst casts upon the lagoon a harmonious hue Outside is no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dressed stone but towering walls of rock that has been roughened by the constant lashing of the waters In the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inner part Mulciber mimicked in gold the crags that rise up far and wide and with his skill to guide GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him counterfeited with mighty art the artless creations of Nature plying his work diligently for not yet did he know GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of that deception which afterwards he punished with his Lemnian chains Hither scaly Triton with heart aflame bore amid the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: waters Venus seated where the boundaries of his double back meet above the windings of his writhing belly But Galatea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has brought up close to him her weighty glittering shell and presses his side which she pinches with inserted thumb GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: promising by that stealthy touch connubial bliss whereupon the lover rejoicing in that torturing jest smiles at the wound and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: anon lashes his beloved with a gentle stroke of his fishy tail Behind them comes a column of Loves in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ardent squadrons one controls a dolphin with reins of roses another rides on a green seacalf despising bridles aid and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clinging to the horns others are on The nether half of this merman is fishy the fore part human the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: former is in perpetual motion as he propels himself by lashing the water Venus is seated on his back just GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clear of the agitated fishy half THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS hi stantes motu titubant plantaque madenti labuntur firmantque pedum vestigia GT : null null null null null null null null null null hi stantes motu titubant plantaque madenti labuntur firmantque pedum vestigia OCR: pennis Ilia null recurvato demiserat ora lacerto mollia marcebant violae graviorque sopore coeperat attritu florum descendere cervix solus de numero GT : pennis null Illa recurvato demiserat ora lacerto mollia marcebant violae graviorque sopore coeperat attritu florum descendere cervix solus de numero OCR: fratrum qui pulchrior ille est deerat Amor dum festa parat celeberrima Gallis quae socer Ommatius magnorum maior avorum patriciaeque nepos GT : fratrum qui pulchrior ille est deerat Amor dum festa parat celeberrima Gallis quae socer Ommatius magnorum maior avorum patriciaeque nepos OCR: gentis natae generoque excolit auspiciis faustis sed fulsit ut ille forte dies matrem celeri petit ipse volatu cui fax arcus GT : gentis natae generoque excolit auspiciis faustis sed fulsit ut ille forte dies matrem celeri petit ipse volatu cui fax arcus OCR: gorytus pendebat at ille cernuus et laevae pendens in margine palmae libratos per inane pedes adverberat alis oscula sic matris GT : gorytus pendebat at ille cernuus et laevae pendens in margine palmae libratos per inane pedes adverberat alis oscula sic matris OCR: carpens somnoque refusae semisopora levi scalpebat lumina penna turn null prior his alacer coepit nova gaudia porto felicis praedae genetrix GT : carpens somnoque refusae semisopora levi scalpebat lumina penna null tum prior his alacer coepit nova gaudia porto felicis praedae genetrix OCR: calet ille superbus Ruricius nostris facibus dulcique veneno tactus votivum suspirat corde dolorem esset si praesens aetas impenderet illi Lemnias GT : calet ille superbus Ruricius nostris facibus dulcique veneno tactus votivum suspirat corde dolorem esset si praesens aetas impenderet illi Lemnias OCR: imperium Cressa stamen lab rinthi null Alceste vitam Circe herbas poma Calypso Scylla comas Atalanta pedes Medea furores as wakefulness GT : imperium Cressa stamen null null labyrinthi Alceste vitam Circe herbas poma Calypso Scylla comas Atalanta pedes Medea furores null null OCR: L C Pursers rendering The context seems to show that this is the meaning although curiously enough somno refiLsa might GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also mean sinking back in sleep cf Lucan VIII reftisa coniugis in gremium Hypsipe The form Alceste occurs also in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The only other certain instance is in an inscription C I L VI where it does not refer to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mythological character Scylla was the daughter of Nisus king of Megara He had one red lock in his hair and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on its preservation depended his life and fortune When Minos was besieging Megara Scylla who had fallen in love with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him severed her fathers XI EPITHALAMIUM foot swaying with the motion slipping on their dripping soles and steadying their steps GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with their wings Venus had let her soft cheek rest upon her bended arm the violets about her grew languid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and her neck had begun to sink ever heavier with slumber as the flowers pressed against her Of all the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: troop of brothers one alone was missing the Lovegod the fairest of them all for he was contriving a glorious GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: marriagefeast for the Gauls a feast that the brides father Ommatius scion of a patrician race and the greatest of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his great line was gracing with splendour for his daughter and her bridegroom amid happy auguries But when in due GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: course the great day davned then the god with swift flight sought his mother with torch bow and quiver slung GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: upon him Stooping down and resting on the edge of his left hand vdth his wings he lashed his feet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as they hung poised in the air and thus he snatched kisses from his mother and as she floated back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into wakefulness he began to graze her halfslumbering eyes with the light touch of a feather Then before she could GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: speak he briskly addressed her thus I bring you a new joy Mother the joy of a happy capture That GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proud Ruricius is set aflame by our torch he has caught the sweet poison and heaves sighs of welcome pain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: If those olden times were now the maid of Lemnos would have lavished on him her sovereignty the Cretan maid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the thread for the labyrinth Alcestis her life Circe her magic herbs Calypso her apples Scylla the fatal hair Atalanta GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her swift feet Medea her mad passions red lock This story is the subject of the Ciris one of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: minor works attributed to Virgil THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Hippodame ceras cygno love null nata coronam huic Dido in ferrum GT : null null null null null null null null null Hippodame ceras cygno null Iove nata coronam huic Dido in ferrum OCR: simul in suspendia Phyllis Euadne in flammas et Sestias isset in undas His haec ilia null refert Gaudemus nate rebellem GT : simul in suspendia Phyllis Euadne in flammas et Sestias isset in undas His haec null illa refert Gaudemus nate rebellem OCR: quod vincis null laudasque virum sed forma puellae est quam si spectasset quondam Stheneboeius heros non pro contemptu domuisset monstra GT : quod null vineis laudasque virum sed forma puellae est quam si spectasset quondam Stheneboeius heros non pro contemptu domuisset monstra OCR: Chimaerae Thermodontiaca vel qui genetrice superbus sprevit Gnosiacae temeraria vota novercae hac visa occiderat fateor sed crimine vero et si GT : Chimaerae Thermodontiaca vel qui genetrice superbus sprevit Gnosiacae temeraria vota novercae hac visa occiderat fateor sed crimine vero et si OCR: iudicio forsan mihi quarta fuisset me quoque Rhoetea damnasset pastor in Ida vincere vel si optas istam da malo puellam GT : iudicio forsan mihi quarta fuisset me quoque Rhoetea damnasset pastor in Ida vincere vel si optas istam da malo puellam OCR: dixerat banc null dederam formam pro munere forraae null tantus honor geniusque genis collata rubori pallida blatta latet depressaque lumine GT : dixerat null hanc dederam formam pro munere null formae tantus honor geniusque genis collata rubori pallida blatta latet depressaque lumine OCR: vultus nigrescunt vincto bacarum fulgura coUo null te quoque multimodis ambisset Hiberia ludis axe Pelops cursu Hippomenes luctaque Achelous Aeneas GT : vultus nigrescunt vincto bacarum fulgura null collo te quoque multimodis ambisset Hiberia ludis axe Pelops cursu Hippomenes luctaque Achelous Aeneas OCR: bellis spectatus Gorgone Perseus nee null minus haec species totiens cui luppiter null esset dist ego vincere passivum est minus GT : bellis spectatus Gorgone Perseus null nec minus haec species totiens cui null Iuppiter esset null null null null null null OCR: ego minor Vid Class Quart loc cit p Hippodamia for ceras cf Helen crowned Menelaus with a garland to signify GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that she had chosen him from among her many suitors Hygin Fab Phyllis daughter of a Thracian king hanged herself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when Demophon who had promised to return from Athens and marry her did not appear on the appointed day When GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her husband Capaneus had been killed in the assault of the Seven upon Thebes she leaped into the flames of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his pyre Hero threw herself into the sea after the death of Leander Bellerophon see o XL EPITHALAMIUM Flippodame her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wax Jupiters swandaughter her crown for him Dido would have rushed upon the sword PhylHs to the halter Evadne into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the flames the maid of Sestos into the waves His mother answered I rejoice my son that thou dost both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vanquish and praise that stubborn resister But the maids beauty is such that if the hero whom Sthenoboea loved in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bygone days had beheld her he would not have had to overcome the dread Chimaera through slighting her charms he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who arrogantly proud of his Amazon mother spurned the reckless prayers of his Cretan stepmother would if he had seen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the maid have been doomed indeed but on a true charge nay if she had chanced to contend with me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as a fourth competitor in the trial of beauty then the shepherd on Rhoetean Ida would have given his verdict GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: even against me Lose the contest he would have said to me or if thou choosest and this I prefer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: give the girl to me and I should have given him all that beauty in return for the prize of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beauty Such are the charm and comeliness of her cheeks that compared with their radiance the purple pales into nothingness GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the gleam of the pearls that encircle her neck is dimmed to darkness by the light of her countenance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Her also would men have wooed by all manner of exploits Pelops attesting his prowess by his chariot Hippomenes by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: running Achelous by wrestling Aeneas by wars Perseus by the Gorgon Yea hers is the beauty for whose sake Jupiter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: would so oft have Hippolytus was the son of Theseus and Hippolyte queen of the Amazons The following passage is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: discussed in Class Quart XXVl II p See THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Delia taurus olor Satynis null draco fulmen et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Delia taurus olor null Satyrus draco fulmen et OCR: aurum quare age iungantur nam census forma genusque conveniunt nil hie null dispar tua fixit harundo sed quid vota moror GT : aurum quare age iungantur nam census forma genusque conveniunt nil null hic dispar tua fixit harundo sed quid vota moror OCR: dixit currumque poposcit cui dederant crystalla iugum quae frigore primo orbis adhuc teneri glacies ubi Caucason auget strinxit Hyperboreis Tanaitica GT : dixit currumque poposcit cui dederant crystalla iugum quae frigore primo orbis adhuc teneri glacies ubi Caucason auget strinxit Hyperboreis Tanaitica OCR: crusta pruinis naturam sumens gemmae quia perdidit undae perforat hunc fulvo formatus temo metallo miserat hoc fluvius cuius sub gurgite GT : crusta pruinis naturam sumens gemmae quia perdidit undae perforat hunc fulvo formatus temo metallo miserat hoc fluvius cuius sub gurgite OCR: Nymphae Mygdonium fovere Midam qui pauper in auro ditavit versis Pactoli flumina votis splendet perspicuo radios rota margine cingens Marmaricae GT : Nymphae Mygdonium fovere Midam qui pauper in auro ditavit versis Pactoli flumina votis splendet perspicuo radios rota margine cingens Marmaricae OCR: de fauce ferae dum belua curvis dentibus excussis gemit exarmarier ora misit et hoc munus tepidas qui nudus Erythras concolor GT : de fauce ferae dum belua curvis dentibus excussis gemit exarmarier ora misit et hoc munus tepidas qui nudus Erythras concolor OCR: Aethiopi vel crinem pinguis amomo fluxus odoratis vexat venatibus Indus ilia null tamen pasci suetos per Cypron olores vittata stringit GT : Aethiopi vel crinem pinguis amomo fluxus odoratis vexat venatibus Indus null illa tamen pasci suetos per Cypron olores vittata stringit OCR: myrto quis cetera tensis lactea puniceo sinuantur colla corallo hunc sc currum Mohr hanc codd Fortasse legendum est hoc sc GT : myrto quis cetera tensis lactea puniceo sinuantur colla corallo null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iugum cf et in sequenii versu hunc sc temonem ut me monuit W H Semple ie Diana Jupiter assumed this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: form in order to deceive Cynosura The victims of the other disguises mentioned were in order Europa Leda Antiope Mnemosyne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Proserpina according to the usual account but see sq Semele Danae See According to Ovid Met VI in the case GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Mnemosyne the appearance assumed was that of a shepherd XL EPITHALAMIUM become the Delian goddess a bull a swan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a satyr a serpent thunder or gold So let them be straightway united for they are alike in wealth and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beauty and lineage there is naught that is illmatched in these victims of thy shaft But why am I thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: delaying their marriage Thus she spake and called for her chariot Its yoke was of crystal which in early winter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when the ice of the young world began to increase the bulk of Caucasus was compacted of a piece of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Tanais by dint of the northern frosts assuming the nature of a gem because it lost the nature of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: water The car was pierced by a pole of the yellow metal metal which had been sent by the river GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beneath whose waters the nymphs fondled Mygdonian Midas who poor in the midst of gold enriched Pactolus stream when his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prayers had been turned against him Brightly gleamed the wheels encircling the spokes with translucent rims they were got from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the jaws of the Libyan beast while the monster bewailed the disarming of his mouth with the tusks wrenched away GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: This also was a gift sent by the Indian a man like the Ethiopian in hue and with the grease GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of unguent on his hair who troubles warm Erythrae as he roams about naked in his fragrant hunting Her swans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wont to feed in Cyprus Venus held firmly with reins of beribboned myrtle the rest of their bodies was tense GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and taut but their milkwhite necks were bent by a circlet of red coral See n Here a district rather GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: than a town seems to be indicated Fragrant hunting refers to the fragrance cast from his perfumed hair as he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hunts This seems to mean that the reins are attached to a coral necklet and the neck is bent back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when they are pulled THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Ergo iter aggressi pendens rota sulcat innnem null aera et in liquido GT : null null null null null null null null Ergo iter aggressi pendens rota sulcat null inanem aera et in liquido OCR: non solvitur orbita tractu hie null triplex uno comitatur Gratia nexu hie null redolet patulo Fortunae Copia cornu hie null GT : non solvitur orbita tractu null hic triplex uno comitatur Gratia nexu null hic redolet patulo Fortunae Copia cornu null hic OCR: spargit calathis sed flores Flora perennes hie null Cererem Siculam Pharius comitatur Osiris hie null gravidos Pomona sinus pro tempore GT : spargit calathis sed flores Flora perennes null hic Cererem Siculam Pharius comitatur Osiris null hic gravidos Pomona sinus pro tempore OCR: portat hie null Pallas madidis venit inter prela trapetis hie null distincta latus maculosa nebride Thyias Indica Echionio Bromii rotat GT : portat null hic Pallas madidis venit inter prela trapetis null hic distincta latus maculosa nebride Thyias Indica Echionio Bromii rotat OCR: orgia thyrso hie null et Sigeis specubus qui Dindyma ludit iam sectus recalet Corybas cui gutture ravo ignem per bifores GT : orgia thyrso null hic et Sigeis specubus qui Dindyma ludit iam sectus recalet Corybas cui gutture ravo ignem per bifores OCR: regemunt cava buxa cavernas Sic ventum ad thalamos tus nardum balsama myrrhae hie null sunt hie null Phoenix busti dat GT : regemunt cava buxa cavernas Sic ventum ad thalamos tus nardum balsama myrrhae null hic sunt null hic Phoenix busti dat OCR: cinnama vivi proxima quin etiam festorum adflata calore iam minus alget hiemps speciemque tenentia vernam hoc dant vota loco quod GT : cinnama vivi proxima quin etiam festorum adflata calore iam minus alget hiemps speciemque tenentia vernam hoc dant vota loco quod OCR: non dant tempora mundo tum Paphie dextram iuvenis dextramque puellae compleetens null paucis cecinit sollemnia dictis ne facerent vel verba GT : non dant tempora mundo tum Paphie dextram iuvenis dextramque puellae null complectens paucis cecinit sollemnia dictis ne facerent vel verba OCR: moram feliciter aevum ducite Concordes null sint nati sintque nepotes cernat et in proavo sibimet quod pronepos optet IO XI GT : moram feliciter aevum ducite null concordes sint nati sintque nepotes cernat et in proavo sibimet quod pronepos optet null null OCR: EPITHALAMIUM So they begin their journey the poised wheel cleaves the empty air leaving in the clear expanse no rut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be smoothed out Here the three Graces attend her linked in a single embrace here Plenty casts fragrance from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fortunes open horn here Flora scatters flowers from baskets flowers ever blooming here Egyptian Osiris accompanies Sicilian Ceres here Pomona GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: carries the folds of her robe loaded ith the fruits of the season here Pallas comes with oilmills that are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: oozing between the presses here the Bacchanal her side mottled with a dappled fawnskin plies the whirling Indian revelry of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bromius ith the Theban thyrsus here the Corybant too who represents the rites of Dindyma in the caves of Sigeum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unmanned though he now is feels the old glow return and from that hoarse throat the hollowed boxwood groans out GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through its double pipe the fire that is within him Thus they come to the bridal incense nard balm and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: myrrh are here here Phoenix presents the cinnamon of his living pyre Nay even the inter so near at hand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has felt the warm breath of the festival and has grown less cold and the wedding preserves a suggestion of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spring and gives to that spot a boon which the seasons do not give to the world Then the goddess GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Paphos clasping the right hands of man and maid chanted the hallowed blessing in but few words unwilling that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: even words should bring delay Pass your lives in happiness and concord may ye have children and grandchildren and may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your greatgrandchildren see in their greatgrandparents the bliss which they themselves would fain enjoy See n X THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS XII AD V C CATVLLINVM Quid me etsi valeam parare carmen Fescenninicolae iubes Diones inter crinigeras situm catervas et GT : null null null null null null Quid me etsi valeam parare carmen Fescenninicolae iubes Diones inter crinigeras situm catervas et OCR: Germanica verba sustinentem laudantem tetrico subinde vultu quod Burgundio cantat esculentus infundens acido comam butyro vis dicam tibi quid poema GT : Germanica verba sustinentem laudantem tetrico subinde vultu quod Burgundio cantat esculentus infundens acido comam butyro vis dicam tibi quid poema OCR: frangat ex hoc barbaricis abacta plectris spernit senipedem stilum Thalia ex quo septipedes videt patronos fehces null oculos tuos et GT : frangat ex hoc barbaricis abacta plectris spernit senipedem stilum Thalia ex quo septipedes videt patronos null felices oculos tuos et OCR: aures felicemque libet vocare nasum cui non allia sordidumque cepe ructant mane novo decern null apparatus quem non ut vetulum GT : aures felicemque libet vocare nasum cui non allia sordidumque cepe ructant mane novo null decem apparatus quem non ut vetulum OCR: patris parentem nutricisque virum die nee null orto tot tantique petunt simul Gigantes quot vix Alcinoi culina ferret Sed iam GT : patris parentem nutricisque virum die null nec orto tot tantique petunt simul Gigantes quot vix Alcinoi culina ferret Sed iam OCR: Musa tacet tenetque habenas paucis hendecasyllabis iocata ne quisquam satiram vel hos vocaret sordidumque cepe ego sordidaeque caepae sepe F GT : Musa tacet tenetque habenas paucis hendecasyllabis iocata ne quisquam satiram vel hos vocaret null null null null null null null OCR: codd sed desideratur accusativus Catullinus who appears to have asked Sidonius to write an epithalamium is mentioned in Epist I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sq but is not otherwise known In that letter which has reference to a supposed satire of Sidonius Catullinus plays GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an amusing part and it is fairly obvious that v contains a reference to the incident which occurred at Aries GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in ad The Xll TO CATULLINUS XII TO CATULLINUS SENATORS Why even supposing I had the skill do you bid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: me compose a song dedicated to Venus the lover of Fescennine mirth placed as I am among longhaired hordes haing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to endure German speech praising oft with vry face the song of the gluttonous Burgundian who spreads rancid butter on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his hair Do you want me to tell you what Tecks all poetry Driven away by barbarian thrumming the Muse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has spurned the sixfooted exercise ever since she beheld these patrons seven feet high I am fain to call your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eyes and ears happy happy too your nose for you dont have a reek of garlic and foul onions discharged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: upon you at early morn from ten breakfasts and you are not invaded even before dawn like an old grandfather GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or a fosterfather by a crowd of giants so many and so big that not even the kitchen of Alcinous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: could support them But already my Muse is silent and draws rein after only a few jesting hendecasyllables lest anyone GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: should call even these lines satire poem may have been written at Aries some time after Catullinus had left The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reference to the Burgundians is not quite clear Sidonius seems to imply that he was responsible for feeding a certain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: number of them Were they members of a Burgundian contingent in the forces of Majorian Hodgkin II though adoptmg the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: above view of i and the consequent dating of the poem conjectures that these verses were written at Lyons presumably GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: because Lyons was in though not part of the Burgundian territory but he does not explain the reference to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Burgundian meals For an account of various suggested dates and places see Stevens p n L For the superscription of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this poem see n on Epist I VOL I K THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS XIII AD IMPERATOREM MAIORIANVM Aniphitryoniaden null GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Amphitryoniaden OCR: perhibet veneranda vetustas dum relevat terras promeruisse polos sed licet in nuda torvus confregerit ulna ille Cleonaeae guttura rava ferae GT : perhibet veneranda vetustas dum relevat terras promeruisse polos sed licet in nuda torvus confregerit ulna ille Cleonaeae guttura rava ferae OCR: et quamquam ardenti gladio vix straverit hydram cum duplices pareret vulnere mors animas captivumque ferens silva ex Erymanthide monstrum exarmata GT : et quamquam ardenti gladio vix straverit hydram cum duplices pareret vulnere mors animas captivumque ferens silva ex Erymanthide monstrum exarmata OCR: feri riserit ora suis collaque null null flammigenae disrumpens fumida furis tandem directas iusserit ire boves taurus cerva Gigas hospes GT : feri riserit ora suis null coli aque flammigenae disrumpens fumida furis tandem directas iusserit ire boves taurus cerva Gigas hospes OCR: luctator Amazon Cres canis Hesperides sint monimenta viri nulla tamen fuso prior est Geryone pugna uni tergeminum cui tulit ille GT : luctator Amazon Cres canis Hesperides sint monimenta viri nulla tamen fuso prior est Geryone pugna uni tergeminum cui tulit ille OCR: caput haec quondam Alcides at tu Tirynthius alter sed princeps magni maxima cura dei quem draco cervus aper paribus sensere GT : caput haec quondam Alcides at tu Tirynthius alter sed princeps magni maxima cura dei quem draco cervus aper paribus sensere OCR: sagittis cum dens cum virus cum fuga nil valuit Eurysthea nos esse puta monstrumque tributum hinc capita ut vivam tu GT : sagittis cum dens cum virus cum fuga nil valuit Eurysthea nos esse puta monstrumque tributum hinc capita ut vivam tu OCR: mihi tolle tria sed Mohr et Eurysthea ego hystriones histr Vid Class Quart loccU p hinc Luetjohann hie Majorian had GT : mihi tolle tria null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: punished the rebellious GalloRomans in Lyons by levying a heavy tax The method adopted was apparently to assess each man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on an increased number of capita propertyunits on which taxation was calculated The three heads in this poem seem to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mean that the taxes were trebled or they may even have been quadrupled by the addition of three capita to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: every former one Sidonius here pleads for a remission on behalf of himself and less obviously of others His appeal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was probably successful otherwise he XIII TO MAJORIAN XIII TO THE EMPEROR MAJORIAN i Hallowed antiquity records that the son GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Amphitryon by succouring earth earned heaven as his reward But although with grim look he crushed within his bare GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arms the tawny throat of the monster of Cleonae although with his fiery sword he just availed to lay the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hydra low as one death ever brought forth two lives from the wound although he carried the captured monster from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Erymanthian forest laughing at the wild boars disarmed mouth and although bursting open the smoking neck of the fireborn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thief he compelled the cows at last to go frontwise although the bull the deer the giant the host the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vrestler the Amazon the Cretan beast the dog and the Hesperides are memorials of the heros prowess yet none of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his fights takes rank before the overthrow of Geryon from whose one body he took three heads Thus Alcides of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: old but do thou as a second Hercules and our sovereign to boot and our great Gods greatest care thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whose arrows made snake stag and boar alike to feel thy prowess when tooth poison and flight availed them not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deem us to be Eurystheus and the tax to be the monster and favour me by taking from it three GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: heads that I may be able to hve would scarcely have included it in his collected poems It was probably GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: written very soon after the Panegyric This is probably the meaning of rava hero There is another word ravtis meaning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hoarse rough voiced raucus see Epist VIII carm ib IX The meaning of the word in Horace is disputed see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: commentators on C III Epod XVI and G Ramain in Revue de Phildogie Ser III T IX pp Of n GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: For this exploit of Majorian see sq The king who ordered the labours of Hercules THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Has OCR: supplex famulus preces dicavit responsum opperiens pium ac salubre ut reddas patriam simulque vitam Lugdunum exonerans suis ruinis hoc te GT : supplex famulus preces dicavit responsum opperiens pium ac salubre ut reddas patriam simulque vitam Lugdunum exonerans suis ruinis hoc te OCR: Sidonius tuus precatur sic te Sidonio recocta fuco multos purpura vestiat per annos sic lustro imperii perennis acto quinquennalia fascibus GT : Sidonius tuus precatur sic te Sidonio recocta fuco multos purpura vestiat per annos sic lustro imperii perennis acto quinquennalia fascibus OCR: dicentur sic ripae duplicis tumore fracto detonsus Vachalim bibat Sygamber quod si contuleris tuo poetae mandem perpetuis legenda fastis quaecumque GT : dicentur sic ripae duplicis tumore fracto detonsus Vachalim bibat Sygamber quod si contuleris tuo poetae mandem perpetuis legenda fastis quaecumque OCR: egregiis geris triumphis nam nunc Musa loquax tacet tribute null quae pro Vergilio Terentioque sextantes legit unciasque fisci Marsyaeque timet GT : egregiis geris triumphis nam nunc Musa loquax tacet null tributo quae pro Vergilio Terentioque sextantes legit unciasque fisci Marsyaeque timet OCR: manum ac rudentem qui Phoebi ex odio vetustiore nunc suspendia vatibus minatur XIV SIDONIVS POLEMIO SVO SALVTEM Dum post profectionem GT : manum ac rudentem qui Phoebi ex odio vetustiore nunc suspendia vatibus minatur null null null null null null null null OCR: tuam mi Polemi frater amantissime me cum granditer reputo quatenus in votis tuis philosophi Fescennina cantarem obrepsit mandem a good GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: instance of present subjunctive for future indicative There are several examples of this in Sidonius A reference not only to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the wellknown legend of Apollo and Marsyas but to Marsyas as symbolising the law from the statue of Marsyas in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Roman Forum near the lawcourts l XIV SIDONIUS TO POLEMIUS This petition thy suppliant servant has offered waiting for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a kind and Hfegiving answer That thou mayest give him back his native town and his life withal releasing Lugdunum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from its fallen estate this thy Sidonius craves of thee so may the purple redipped in Sidonian dye clothe thee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for many a year so when thou hast completed a lustre of thine everlasting reign may a quinquennial festival be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consecrated to thy rule so may the Sygambrian when the commotion on both banks has been quelled drink the waters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Vachalis with head shorn in humiliation If thou grant this to thy poet I will commit to historys undying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: records to be read of mankind all the exploits of thy glorious triumphs J For now my talkative muse is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: silenced by the tax and culls instead of Virgils and Terences lines the pence and halfpence owed to the Exchequer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and fears the hand and rope of Marsyas who from his oldtime hatred of Phoebus now threatens bards with hanging GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: XIV SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND POLEMIUS GREETING My devoted brother Polemius After your departure I considered carefully how far I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was entitled to sing a Fescennine strain in celebrating the wedding of a philosopher like you Polemius a descendant of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the historian Tacitus became Praetorian Prefect of Gaul perhaps ad less probably after see Stevens p and held office for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: two years See Episi IV which is addressed to him THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS materia qua decursa facile dinosci valet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: magis me doctrinae quam causae tuae habuisse rationem omissa itaque epithalamii teneritudine per asperrimas philosophiae et salebrosissimas regulas stilum traxi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quarum talis ordo est ut sine plurimis nois verbis quae praefata pace reliquorum eloquentum specialiter tibi et Complatonicis tuis nota GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sunt migae ipsae non valuerint expediri videris utrum aures quorundam per imperitiam temere mentionem centri proportionis diastematum climatum vel myrarum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: epithalamio conducibilem non putent illud certe consulari viro vere Magno quaestorio viro Domnulo spectabili viro Leone ducibus audacter adfirmo musicam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et astrologiam quae sunt infra arithmeticam consequentia membra philosophiae nullatenus posse sine hisce nominibus indicari quae si quispiam ut Graeca GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sicut sunt et peregrina verba contempserit noverit sibi aut semper huiuscemodi artis mentione supersedendum aut nihil omnino se aut certe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non ad assem Latiari lingua hinc posse disserere quod si aliqui secus atque assero rem se habere censuerint do quidem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: absens obtrectatoribus manus sed noverint sententiam meam discrepantia sentientes sine Marco regiunculas Stangl regiones Buecheler semper Buecheler super aliqui censuerint GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ego aliquis censuerit Magnus n Domnulus n Leo n The spectabiles ranked between the irUustres and l XIV SIDONIUS TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POLEMIUS The subject of the poem then crept into my mind and now that it is completed it is easily GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seen that I have taken more notice of your learning than of the happy occasion Thus I have abandoned the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: melting tones of the nuptial song and trailed my pen over the roughest and most stony teachings of philosophy which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are so constituted that even a trifling effort like this could not have been accomplished without a large number of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the new words which with apologies to all other stylists are known in a special degree to you and your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fellowPlat onists You shall judge whether certain persons ears owing to inexperience imagine too hastily that the mention of centrum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proportio diastemata climata mrrae is unsuited to a marriagepoem This at least I confidently affirm following the lead of Magnus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a consular and a man as great as his name Domnulus of quaestorian rank and the Eminent Leo that music GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and astronomy the branches of philosophy which come next in importance to arithmetic cannot in the least be made intelligible GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: without these terms and if anyone look down on them as being Greek and foreign expressions which they are let GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him be assured that he must for ever renounce all mention of this sort of science or else that he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cannot treat the subject at all or at least that he cannot treat it completely in the Latin tongue Should GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: some people maintain that the facts are not as I declare them to be I surrender to those cavillers whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I cannot meet face to face nevertheless I would have all who differ from me know that my opinion cannot GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be condemned without condemning Marcus Varro the clarissimi in the official hierarchy See Hodgkin I Bury I THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS Varrone sine Sereno non Septimio sed Sammonico sine Censorino qui de die natali volumen illustre confecit non posse damnari GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lecturus es hie etiam novum verbum id est essentiam sed scias hoc ipsum dixisse Ciceronem nam essentiam nee non et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: indoloriam nominavit addens licet enim novis rebus nova nomina imponere et recte dixit nam sicut ab eo quod est verbi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gratia sap ere et intellegere sapientiam et intellegentiam nominamus regulariter et ab eo quod est esse essentiam non tacemus igitur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quoniam tui amoris studio inductus homo Gallus scholae sophisticae intromisi materiam vel te potissimum facti mei deprecatorem requiro illi Venus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vel Amorum commenticia pigmenta tribuantur cui defuerit sic posse laudari vale PRAEFATIO EPITHALAMII DICTI POLEMIO ET ARANEOLAE Prosper conubio dies GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coruscat quem Clotho niveis benigna pensis See The Serenus Sanimonicus here referred to is the elder of that name a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: very learned man who was put to death by CaraeaUa His son was a poet and is usually identified with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Quintus or Quintius See Vollmers ed p Serenus the author of a still extant medical treatise in verse Seneca Epist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: confirms Sidonius about essentia but the word is not found in any extant work of Cicero According to Quintilian II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: III VTTT XIV PREFACE TO EPITHALAMIUM Serenus Sammonicus not Septimius and Censorinus the author of a fine book On the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: natal Day Here also you are going to read a novel word essentia but you must note that Cicero himself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has used that word for he introduced the two terms essentia and indoloria adding for it is allowable to apply GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: new names to new notions And he was quite right for just as we form for example the nouns sapientia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and intellegentia from sapere and intellegere so quite legitimately we do not refrain from using essentia from esse Therefore since GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my interest in your loveaffair has led me a man of Gaul to introduce such matter as belongs to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: philosophical lectureroom I claim you in a special degree as intercessor on my behalf Let Venus and all the fictitious GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gallery of lovegods be bestowed on one who cannot be eulogised in the manner of this poem Farewell PREFACE TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE EPITHALAMIUM ADDRESSED TO POLEMIUS AND ARANEOLA Auspicious for the marriage gleams the day a day for a kindly Clotho GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to distinguish with snowessentia a translation of ovaia being was first used by a philosopher called Plautus this seems to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be the correct form but the MSS vary Cicero uses ivdolentia but it is scarcely credible that he ever used GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: indoloria Both these words are renderings of the Greek word dvoAyTata insensibility literally freedom from pain The form indoloria is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: used by Jerome and Augustine For Araneola see n on b THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS albus quern picei lapillus Indi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quem pacis simul arbor et iuventae aeternumque virens oliva signet eia Calliope nitente palma da sacri laticis loquacitatem quem fodit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pede Pegasus volanti cognato madidus iubam veneno non hie impietas nee hanc puellam donat mortibus ambitus procorum non hie Oenomai GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cruenta circo audit pacta Pelops nee insequentem pallens Hippomcnes ad ima metae tardat Schoenida ter cadente pome non hie Herculeas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: videt palaestras Aetola Calydon stupens ab arce cum cornu fluvii superbientis Alcides premeret subinde fessum undoso refovens ab hoste pectus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sed doctus iuvenis decensque virgo ortu culmina Galliae tenentes iunguntur cito diva necte chordas nee quod detonuit Camena maior nostram GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pauperiem silere cogas ad taedas Thetidis probante Phoebo et Chiron cecinit minore plectro nee risit pia turba rusticantem quamvis saepe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: senex biformis illic carmen rumperet hinniente cantu For this proverbial expression said to be derived from the Thracian custom of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: putting a white pebble in an urn to mark a lucky day see commentators on Horace Odes I Conington on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Persius II In Martial whom Sidonius here XIV PREFACE TO EPITHALAMIUM white thread a day to be marked by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: white stone of the black Indian and by the ohve ever fresh and green tree at once of peace and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of youth Ho Calliope With thy radiant hand deliver to me the eloquence of the sacred spring which Pegasus dug GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out with his flying foot when his mane was wet with his mothers poison Here there is no unnatural enmity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this girl is not being bestowed through the deaths of rival suitors Here no Pelops listens to the bloody terms GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Oenomaus in the racingground no Hippomenes pale with dread at the lower turningpoint of the course retards the maid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Schoenus with thricefalling apple not here does Calydon behold in amazement from her Aetolian height the wrestling of Hercules GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when he forced dovm the horn of the arrogant river refreshing his breast ever and anon from his watery foe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nay a learned young scholar and a comely maid holding by right of birth the most exalted eminence in Gaul GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are being united Quick goddess string the lyre nor compel my poor talent to keep silence because a greater Muse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hath sent forth thundering strains At the marriage of Thetis with Apollos approval even Chiron made music with lesser quill GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nor did the kindly company laugh at his rustic style although oft the aged doubleformed creature broke his song with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a whinnying note imitates the stones become pearls Indicis lapiUis I cf X see also VIII XL See n Cf GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: See n The identity of this greater Muse is unknown Cf sq THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS XV EPITHALAMIVM Forte procellosi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Forte procellosi OCR: remeans ex arce Capherei Phoebados Iliacae raptum satis ulta pudorem Pallas Erechtheo Xanthum mutabat Hymetto aiirato null micat acre null GT : remeans ex arce Capherei Phoebados Iliacae raptum satis ulta pudorem Pallas Erechtheo Xanthum mutabat Hymetto null aurato micat null aere OCR: caput maiusque serenum de terrore capit posito nam fulmine necdum Cinyphio Tritone truces hilaraverat artus Gorgo tenet pectus medium factura GT : caput maiusque serenum de terrore capit posito nam fulmine necdum Cinyphio Tritone truces hilaraverat artus Gorgo tenet pectus medium factura OCR: videnti et truncata moras nitet insidiosa superbum effigies vivitque anima pereunte venustas alta cerastarum spirLs null caput asperat atrum congeries GT : videnti et truncata moras nitet insidiosa superbum effigies vivitque anima pereunte venustas alta cerastarum null spiris caput asperat atrum congeries OCR: torquet maculosa volumina mordax crinis et irati dant sibila taetra capilli squameus ad mediam thorax non pervenit alvum post chalybem GT : torquet maculosa volumina mordax crinis et irati dant sibila taetra capilli squameus ad mediam thorax non pervenit alvum post chalybem OCR: pendente peplo tegit extima limbi circite palla pedes qui cum sub veste moventur crispato rigidae crepitant in syrmate rugae laevam GT : pendente peplo tegit extima limbi circite palla pedes qui cum sub veste moventur crispato rigidae crepitant in syrmate rugae laevam OCR: parma tegit Phlegraei plena tumultus hie null rotat excussum vibrans in sidera Pindum Enceladus rabido fit missilis Ossa Typhoeo Porphyrion GT : parma tegit Phlegraei plena tumultus null hic rotat excussum vibrans in sidera Pindum Enceladus rabido fit missilis Ossa Typhoeo Porphyrion OCR: Pangaea rapit Rhodopenque Damastor Strymonio cum fonte levat veniensque superne intorto calidum restinguit flumine fulmen hie null Pallas Pallanta petit GT : Pangaea rapit Rhodopenque Damastor Strymonio cum fonte levat veniensque superne intorto calidum restinguit flumine fulmen null hic Pallas Pallanta petit OCR: cui Gorgone visa rabido Mohr et Lueijohann rapido See n Tritonis palus was a lake in N Africa now impossible GT : cui Gorgone visa null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to identify with certainty It was near the Lesser Syrtes with which it seems to have been united by a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: river also called Tritonis The lake is often associated with Pallas Athena who is called Tpiroyeveia Tritonia and Tritonis see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and below V One legend made her a daughter of the lakenymph another said that she was born on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shores of the lake XV EPITHALAMIUM XV EPITHALAMIUM It chanced that Pallas was returning from the peak of stormswept Caphereus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: she had avenged to the full the ravished honour of Apollos Trojan votary and now she was abandoning Xanthus for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Athenian Hymettus Her head sparkles with gilded bronze and she begins to show a more serene aspect after her frightfulness GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for she has laid aside the thunderbolt though she has not yet gladdened her fierce limbs with the waters of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: African Tritonis The Gorgon covers the middle of her breast with power still to make the beholder motionless though the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: head be severed Proudly shines that guileful form and its beauty still lives though life is ebbing The dark head GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bristles with a towering swarm of twisting vipers those fanged tresses tangle their spotted coils those angry locks utter horrible GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hisses The corselet of scalearmour worn by the goddess reaches not to the waist where the steel ceases her robe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hangs dovm the end of her cloak covers her feet vith its circling hem and when they move under her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: raiment there is a rustling of the stiff folds in the crimped trailing mantle Her left hand is covered by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a shield filled with a likeness of the Phlegraean fray In one part Enceladus brandishes Pindus torn from its base GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and sends it whirling to the stars while Ossa is the missile of frenzied Typhoeus Porphyrion snatches up Pangaeus Damastor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lifts up Rhodope along with Strymons spring and when the glowing thunderbolt comes down he hurls the river at it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and quenches it In another part Pallas assails Pallas but he has seen the Gorgon and her spear is THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS invenit solidum iam lancea tarda cadaver hie null Lemnon pro fratre Mimas contra aegida torquet impulsimique null GT : null null null invenit solidum iam lancea tarda cadaver null hic Lemnon pro fratre Mimas contra aegida torquet null impulsumque OCR: quatit iaculabilis insula caelum plurimus hie null Briareus populoso corpore pugnat cognatam portans aciem cui vertice ab uno eernas null GT : quatit iaculabilis insula caelum plurimus null hic Briareus populoso corpore pugnat cognatam portans aciem cui vertice ab uno null cernas OCR: ramosis palmas fruticare lacertis nee null species solas monstris dedit arte furorem Mulciber atque ipsas timuit quas finxerat iras hastam GT : ramosis palmas fruticare lacertis null nec species solas monstris dedit arte furorem Mulciber atque ipsas timuit quas finxerat iras hastam OCR: dextra tenet nuper quam valle Aracynthi ipsa sibi posita Pallas protraxit oliva hoc steterat genio super ut vestigia divae labentes GT : dextra tenet nuper quam valle Aracynthi ipsa sibi posita Pallas protraxit oliva hoc steterat genio super ut vestigia divae labentes OCR: teneat Marathonia baca trapetas Hie null duo templa micant quorum supereminet unus ut mentis null sic sede locus qui continet GT : teneat Marathonia baca trapetas null Hic duo templa micant quorum supereminet unus ut null meritis sic sede locus qui continet OCR: alta scrutantes ratione viros quid machina caeli quid tellus quid fossa maris quid turbidus aer quid noctis lucisque vices quid GT : alta scrutantes ratione viros quid machina caeli quid tellus quid fossa maris quid turbidus aer quid noctis lucisque vices quid OCR: menstrua lunae incrementa parent totidem cur damna sequantur Pallas Athena is elsewhere said to have flayed Pallas the giant See GT : menstrua lunae incrementa parent totidem cur damna sequantur null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Apollodonis I with Sir J G Frazers note vol I p n in this series The digression on the shield GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ends here Failure to notice this has led to serious misunderstanding of the next four lines although Sidonius has taken GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pains to make things clear hastam dextra tenet is contrasted with laetxim parma tegit v M Aracynthus was in Aetolia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but Sidonius seems to follow Virgil in placing it on the borders of Attica and Boeotia see Conington ed and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Page on Virgil Ec II The olive The poet imagines a site in or near Athens the Acropolis where there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are two adjoining temples consecrated to Pallas Athena goddess of wisdom and of arts and crafts The first temple is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a home of philosophy where Polemius learns all the doctrines of the sages the second described in tw sqq XV GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: EPITHALAMIUM already too late and encounters a solid corpse Elsewhere is seen Mimas flinging Lemnos against the aegis in a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brothers defence while the islandmissile shakes heaven with its impact In yet another part is the multiple Briareus with his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: muchpeopled body joining in the fray carrying in his person a whole host all akin you could see his hands GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on branching arms sprouting from a single source To these monsters Vulcan had given by his skill not only forms GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but frenzy so that he trembled at the very MTath which his art had counterfeited The right hand of Pallas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: held a spear which she herself had lately plucked in the vale of Aracynthus from an olive she had planted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arrayed in all this glory she had now alighted and where the feet of the goddess rested there arose the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Marathonian berry to take possession of the gliding mills Here two temples gleam forth both in the same region a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: region exalted alike in situation and in achievements for it contains the men who by thought profound inquire what the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fabric of the sky the earth the sunken sea the tempestuous air the alternations of day and night and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: monthly waxing of the moon bring to pass and why the waxing is ever followed by is devoted to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: textile arts and there Araneola sits doing wonderful embroidery Her subjects are mostly taken from the lovestories of mythology The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: goddess indicates that she prefers the subjects which are cultivated in the other temple whereupon Araneola mischievously begins to depict GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a philosopher Diogenes the Cynic in a ridiculous situation The goddess unable to restrain a smile says You are not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: going to laugh at philosophers any longer you are going to marry one For an ingenious but unconvincing attempt to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: identify and locate the two temples see A von Premerstein in Jahresh d osterr arch Inst XV pp He seriously GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: misunderstands w THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS ilicet hie null summi resident septem sapientes innumerabilium primordia philosopher um null Thales Mileto GT : null null null null null null ilicet null hic summi resident septem sapientes innumerabilium primordia null null philosophorum Thales Mileto OCR: genitus vadimonia damnat Lindie tu Cleobule iubes modus optimus ut sit tu meditans totum decoras Periandre Corinthon Atticus inde Solon GT : genitus vadimonia damnat Lindie tu Cleobule iubes modus optimus ut sit tu meditans totum decoras Periandre Corinthon Atticus inde Solon OCR: ne quid nimis approbat unuin null Prienaee Bia plures ais esse malignos tu Mytilene satus cognoscere Pittace tempus noscere sese GT : ne quid nimis approbat null unum Prienaee Bia plures ais esse malignos tu Mytilene satus cognoscere Pittace tempus noscere sese OCR: ipsum Chilon Spartane docebas asserit hie null Samius post docta silentia lustri Pythagoras solidum princeps quod musica mundum temperet et GT : ipsum Chilon Spartane docebas asserit null hic Samius post docta silentia lustri Pythagoras solidum princeps quod musica mundum temperet et OCR: certis concent um null reddat ab astris signaque zodiacus quae circulus axe supremo terna quater retinet proprio non currere motu GT : certis null null concentum reddat ab astris signaque zodiacus quae circulus axe supremo terna quater retinet proprio non currere motu OCR: acquis null inter se spatiis tamen esse locata fixaque signifero pariter quoque cernua ferri praecipuumque etiam septem vaga sidera cantum GT : null aequis inter se spatiis tamen esse locata fixaque signifero pariter quoque cernua ferri praecipuumque etiam septem vaga sidera cantum OCR: hinc dare perfectus numerus quod uterque habeatur hoc numero adfirmans hoc ordine cuncta rotari falciferi zonam ire senis per summa GT : hinc dare perfectus numerus quod uterque habeatur hoc numero adfirmans hoc ordine cuncta rotari falciferi zonam ire senis per summa OCR: polorum Martis contiguum medio love null pergere sidus post hos iam quarto se flectere tramite Solem sic placidam Paphien servare GT : polorum Martis contiguum medio null Iove pergere sidus post hos iam quarto se flectere tramite Solem sic placidam Paphien servare OCR: diastema quintum Arcadium sextum Lunam sic orbe supremo utique P fortasse ex utrimque ortum vid Class Qvurt loc citp zonam GT : diastema quintum Arcadium sextum Lunam sic orbe supremo null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mohr chronon sextum ego sexto vid Class Quart ib XV EPITHALAMIUM the waning Here then are enthroned the Seven Sages GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sources of numberless philosophers Thales of Miletus condemns the giving of sureties Cleobulus of Lindus bids moderation be our GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ideal Periander glorifies Corinth as he practises everything then Solon of Athens approves above all the saying Nothing to excess GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bias of Priene says that the evilhearted are the majority Pittacus that son of Mitylene taught this lesson to mark GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the opportune time and Spartan Chilo to know oneself Here the Samian Pythagoras declares after a philosophic silence of five GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years that music is the prime regulator of the universe and gives it a harmony from the unvarying movement of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the stars and that the thrice four signs that the Zodiacbelt holds in high heaven run not on with their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own separate motion but are placed at equal intervals one from another and being fixed in the signbearing belt are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: borne vvith it in descending movement also that the seven wandering stars give forth the finest music because in planets GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and notes alike a perfect number is present He says that by this number the universe is whirled round and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in this arrangement the circle of the old Sicklebearer traverses the highest regions of the firmament next save that Jupiter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comes between the star of Mars wends its way after these the Sun winds along the fourth path in like GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: manner the gentle goddess of Paphos retains the fifth zone the Arcadian the sixth and the moon in the last GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: circle Cf sqq Saturn Venus Mercury see n THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS ter denas tropico prope currere climate myras si GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null ter denas tropico prope currere climate myras si OCR: quos ergo chelys si quos lyra tibia si quos ediderint cum voce modos exemplar ad istud ponderibus positis quantum proportio GT : quos ergo chelys si quos lyra tibia si quos ediderint cum voce modos exemplar ad istud ponderibus positis quantum proportio OCR: suadet intervalla sequi septeni null sideris edit harmoniam dicens etiam quod quattuor istis sic sedeant elementa modis ut pondere magnis GT : suadet intervalla sequi null septem sideris edit harmoniam dicens etiam quod quattuor istis sic sedeant elementa modis ut pondere magnis OCR: sit locus inferior media tellure quod autem perfecte medium est imum patet esse rotundi hinc fieri ut terram levior superemicet GT : sit locus inferior media tellure quod autem perfecte medium est imum patet esse rotundi hinc fieri ut terram levior superemicet OCR: unda altior his quoque sit qui purior eminet aer omnia concludat caelum levitate suprema pendeat et totum simul hoc ab GT : unda altior his quoque sit qui purior eminet aer omnia concludat caelum levitate suprema pendeat et totum simul hoc ab OCR: origine centri Thales hie null etiam numeris perquirit et astris defectum ut Phoebi nee null non Lunaeque laborem nuntiet anterius GT : origine centri Thales null hic etiam numeris perquirit et astris defectum ut Phoebi null nec non Lunaeque laborem nuntiet anterius OCR: sed rebus inutile ponit principium dum credit aquis subsistere mundum huius discipuli versa est sententia dicens principiis propriis semper res GT : sed rebus inutile ponit principium dum credit aquis subsistere mundum huius discipuli versa est sententia dicens principiis propriis semper res OCR: quasque creari singula qui quosdam fontes decernit habere aeternum irriguos ac rerum semine plenos Myrae or moerae are segments of GT : quasque creari singula qui quosdam fontes decernit habere aeternum irriguos ac rerum semine plenos null null null null null null OCR: the zodiacal circle which extends from tropic to tropic The sun traverses thirty of these in about a month Had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius been speaking of the sun there would have been no difficulty but he seems to be confusing these solar GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: degrees with the approximately days of the moons monthly revolution Anaximander but Sidonius in this passage gives a rough summary GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of doctrines usually associated with Anaxagoras the primal chaos contained an infinite number of particles or seeds of things these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: became separated off hke becoming united with hke eg gold particles with gold particles everything in the world consists predominantly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of particles of the same nature as itself miniatures of itself as it were this is the doctrine of homoiomereia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as it was called by Aristotle and others The process of change in individual things is XV EPITHALAMIUM runs on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through nearly thirty degrees within the cHme of the tropics Thus all the tones that have been given forth by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: harp and lyre and flute and voice follow he declares the intervals of the seven planets the pitch of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sounds being assigned after this pattern according to the dictates of proportion He also calls by the name of harmony GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the arrangement of the four elements which are so placed that those of great weight have the lowest place in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the earth at the centre It is clear that in a round shape what is absolutely the middle must be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the lowest part hence it comes about that water which is lighter springs up above the land and higher than GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: both is air which is purer and thus soars over them while sky with its extreme lightness encloses all these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and at the same time this whole universe takes its poise from the centre In this temple also Thales inquires GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by calculations concerning the heavenly bodies how to announce beforehand the eclipse of the sun and the travail of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: moon but he assigns to things a vain first principle believing that the universe is evolved from water His pupil GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: takes a contrary view he says that everything is always created from its own peculiar firstbeginnings and he holds that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: individual entities have as it were springs ever flowing and full of the seeds of things always going on by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: addition or separation something quite different may be produced owing to tlie predominance of another type of particle This may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be the meaning of w sq but the language is vague and might be variously interpreted The ancients often attribute GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Anaxagorean doctrines to Anaximander and it is not easy to draw a rigid line between the tenets of the two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: philosophers but Anaxagoras seems really to have been more influenced by Anaximenes than by Anaximander THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS hunc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null hunc OCR: etiam sequitur qui gignere cuncta putabat hunc aerem pariterque deos sic autumat ortos quartus Anaxagoras Thaletica dogmata servat sed divinum GT : etiam sequitur qui gignere cuncta putabat hunc aerem pariterque deos sic autumat ortos quartus Anaxagoras Thaletica dogmata servat sed divinum OCR: animum sentit qui fecerit orbem iunior huic iunctus residet collega sed idem materiam cunctis creaturis aera credens iudicat inde deum GT : animum sentit qui fecerit orbem iunior huic iunctus residet collega sed idem materiam cunctis creaturis aera credens iudicat inde deum OCR: faceret quo cuncta tulisse post hos Arcesilas divina mente paratam conicit banc null molem confectam partibus illis quas atomos vocat GT : faceret quo cuncta tulisse post hos Arcesilas divina mente paratam conicit null hanc molem confectam partibus illis quas atomos vocat OCR: ipse leves Socratica post hunc secta micat quae de naturae pondere migrans ad mores hominum limandos transtulit usum banc null GT : ipse leves Socratica post hunc secta micat quae de naturae pondere migrans ad mores hominum limandos transtulit usum null hanc OCR: sectam perhibent summum excoluisse Platona sed triplici formasse modo dum primus et unus physica vel logico logicum vel iungit ad GT : sectam perhibent summum excoluisse Platona sed triplici formasse modo dum primus et unus physica vel logico logicum vel iungit ad OCR: ethos invenit hie null princeps quid prima essentia distet a summo sextoque bono cum denique saxa sint tantum penitusque nihil GT : ethos invenit null hic princeps quid prima essentia distet a summo sextoque bono cum denique saxa sint tantum penitusque nihil OCR: nisi esse probentur proxima succedant quibus esse et vivere promptum est addere quis possis nil amplius arbor et herba tertia GT : nisi esse probentur proxima succedant quibus esse et vivere promptum est addere quis possis nil amplius arbor et herba tertia OCR: sit pecorum quorum esse et vivere motu non caret et sensu mortales quart a null deinde respiciat factura suos quibus GT : sit pecorum quorum esse et vivere motu non caret et sensu mortales null null quarta deinde respiciat factura suos quibus OCR: esse moveri vivere cum sensu datur et supereminet illud hunc aerem dej Brakman nisi id esse Leo Anaximenes It is GT : esse moveri vivere cum sensu datur et supereminet illud null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: difficult to guess why Sidonius thought that Anaxagoras upheld the doctrines of Thales This seems to refer to Diogenes of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Apollonia but he certainly did not regard God as a creator essentially distinct from the air out of which all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: else is created Arcesilas should be Archelaus See n on There is no reason for attributing this triple division of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: philosophy to Socrates or Plato It may have XV EPITHALAMIUM He is followed by one who thought that our air GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: produces all things and who declares that the gods also have a like origin Fourth in the line is Anaxagoras GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who upholds the dogmas of Thales but feels the presence of a divine mind creator of the world Next to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him sits a younger colleague but he believing air to be the substance from which all creatures come judges that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thence God derived the wherewithal to create everything After them Arcesilas guesses that this great worldmass is produced by a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: divine mind but is made up of those particles which he himself calls light atoms After him shines forth the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Socratic school which passed from natures massive fabric and transferred its practice to enhancing the moral life of mankind This GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: school they say the peerless Plato adorned but he moulded it after a triple pattern being an unmatched pioneer in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his joining of physics to logic and logic to ethics He is the first to discover how great is the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: distance between the first essence and the sixth and highest good For stones he says do but exist and are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clearly proved to do naught but exist next come those things which manifestly both exist and live but to which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you could ascribe no further attribute trees and plants the third kind of being is found in the beasts in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whom existing and living are accompanied by motion and sensation next the fourth creation favours his own fellowmortals to whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are given the gifts of existence movement life and sensation whereto is added the crowning gift of discernment been first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: formulated by Xenocrates but was first emphasised by the Stoics See Reid on Cic Ac I Needless to say Plato GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: never propounded this doctrine THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quod sapiunt veroque valent discernere falsum quinta creaturas superas substantia prodat quas GT : null null null null null null null null quod sapiunt veroque valent discernere falsum quinta creaturas superas substantia prodat quas OCR: quidam dixere deos quia corpora sumant contemplanda homini paulo post ipsa relinquant inque suam redeant si qua est tenuissima formam GT : quidam dixere deos quia corpora sumant contemplanda homini paulo post ipsa relinquant inque suam redeant si qua est tenuissima formam OCR: null sic fieri ut pateat substantia summa creator sexta tamen supraque nihil sed cuncta sub ipso hoc in gymnasio Polemi GT : — sic fieri ut pateat substantia summa creator sexta tamen supraque nihil sed cuncta sub ipso hoc in gymnasio Polemi OCR: sapientia vitam excoht null adiunctumque suo fovet ipsa Platoni obviet et quamquam totis Academia sectis atque neget verum veris hunc GT : sapientia vitam null excolit adiunctumque suo fovet ipsa Platoni obviet et quamquam totis Academia sectis atque neget verum veris hunc OCR: laudibus ornat Stoica post istos sed concordantibus ipsis Chrysippus Zenonque docent praecepta tenere exclusi prope iam Cynici sed limine restant GT : laudibus ornat Stoica post istos sed concordantibus ipsis Chrysippus Zenonque docent praecepta tenere exclusi prope iam Cynici sed limine restant OCR: ast Epicureos eliminat undique Virtus At parte ex alia textrino prima Minervae palla lovis null rutilat cuius bis coctus null GT : ast Epicureos eliminat undique Virtus At parte ex alia textrino prima Minervae palla null Iovis rutilat cuius bis null coetus OCR: aeno serica Sidonius fucabat stamina murex ebria nee null solum spirat conchylia sandix insertum null nam fulgur habet filoque rigenti GT : aeno serica Sidonius fucabat stamina murex ebria null nec solum spirat conchylia sandix null inscrtum nam fulgur habet filoque rigenti OCR: ardebat gravidum de fragmine fulminis ostrum hie null viridis patulo Glaucus pendebat amictu undabant hie null arte sinus fictoque tumore GT : ardebat gravidum de fragmine fulminis ostrum null hic viridis patulo Glaucus pendebat amictu undabant null hic arte sinus fictoque tumore OCR: mersabat pandas tempestas texta carinas Amphitryoniadi surgebat tertia vestis parvulus hie null gemino cinctus serpente novercae adiunctumque PF adiunctamque Vid GT : mersabat pandas tempestas texta carinas Amphitryoniadi surgebat tertia vestis parvulus null hic gemino cinctus serpente novercae null null null null OCR: Class Quart loc cit p patulo ego patruo CP glauco patruo F patrio T proprio Leo prasino Purgold A good GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: example of the weakened force of tamen common in late Latin See SchmalzHofmann Synt p and the authorities there cited GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: especially Lofstedt Komm ie probably Polemius possibly Plato XV EPITHALAMIUM and power to distinguish false from true the fifth class GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reveals the created beings that dwell on high whom some have called gods because they assume bodies that man can GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: view but soon abandon them and return to their own form a form of the most ethereal fineness thus he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: says it comes to pass that the liighest being is shown to be the creator he is then the sixth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and there is naught above him but all else is beneath him In this school Philosophy ennobles the life of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Polemius and herself fosters him close to her own son Plato and although the Academy opposes all sects by denying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that truth exists that sect extols him with praises that are true After them but now in harmony one with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the other Chrysippus and Zeno teach adherence to the Stoic doctrines The Cynics are by this time almost shut out GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but they linger on the threshold as for the Epicureans Virtue ejects them from every part On the other side GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is Minervas weavinghall Here the robe of Jupiter first shows its ruddy gleam Sidonian purple twice boiled in the cauldron GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coloured the silken threads and the deepdyed red showed not only the sheen of purple for the gleam of lightning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was intermingled and a blaze came from the stiff threads where the purple was weighted vith a broken levinshaft Here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also hung a likeness of jrreen Glaucus in a spreading mantle here art had fashioned his billowing robe and an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inwoven storm with mimic swelling was submerging curved sliips The third garment that rose before the eyes was dedicated to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Amphitryons son Here the infant encircled by the two serpents sent by his stepdame ie a representation of lightning wrought GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in gold thread See n THE POEMS OF SIDONTUS inscius arridet monstris ludumque putando insidias dum nescit amat vultuque dolentis GT : null null null null null null null null null inscius arridet monstris ludumque putando insidias dum nescit amat vultuque dolentis OCR: exstingui deflet quos ipse interficit angues praeterea sparsis sunt haec subiecta figuris sus leo cerva Gigans taurus iuga Cerberus hydra GT : exstingui deflet quos ipse interficit angues praeterea sparsis sunt haec subiecta figuris sus leo cerva Gigans taurus iuga Cerberus hydra OCR: hospesNessusEryx null null null volucres Thrax Cacus Amazon Cres fluvius Libs poma Lycus virgo polus Oete hoc opus et si GT : null hospes Nessus Eryx volucres Thrax Cacus Amazon Cres fluvius Libs poma Lycus virgo polus Oete hoc opus et si OCR: quid superest quod numina vestit virgineae posuere manus sed in agmine toto inter Cecropias Ephyreiadasque puellas Araneola micat proprias conferre GT : quid superest quod numina vestit virgineae posuere manus sed in agmine toto inter Cecropias Ephyreiadasque puellas Araneola micat proprias conferre OCR: laborat ipsa Minerva manus calathisque evicta recedens cum tenet haec telas vult haec plus tela tenere hie null igitur proavi GT : laborat ipsa Minerva manus calathisque evicta recedens cum tenet haec telas vult haec plus tela tenere null hic igitur proavi OCR: trabeas imitata rigentes palmatam parat ipsa patri qua consul et idem Agricolam contingat avum doceatque nepotes non abavi solum sed GT : trabeas imitata rigentes palmatam parat ipsa patri qua consul et idem Agricolam contingat avum doceatque nepotes non abavi solum sed OCR: avi quoque iungere fasces texuerat tamen et chlamydes quibus ille magister per Tartesiacas conspectus splenduit urbes et quibus ingestae sub GT : avi quoque iungere fasces texuerat tamen et chlamydes quibus ille magister per Tartesiacas conspectus splenduit urbes et quibus ingestae sub OCR: tempore praefecturae conspicuus sanctas reddit se praesule leges attamen in trabea segmento luserat alto numina Wilamowitz nomina Cf The meaning GT : tempore praefecturae conspicuus sanctas reddit se praesule leges attamen in trabea segmento luserat alto null null null null null null OCR: of trabea in later Imperial writers is a vexed question but these words strongly confirm the view that it was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: strictly a synonym of tunica palmata see n cf Auson iit trabeam pictamque togam mea praemia consul induerer The word GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is also used in a less precise way to denote the consular vestments in general In it is still more GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: loosely used of the dictators garb which was it is true the same as the consuls but in republican times GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the consul wore the toga praetexta as did all other cunile magistrates and had no distinctive tunica In the plural GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is used for robes of state XV EPITIIALAMIUM smiles in all innocence upon the monsters and taking the guileful menace GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as a game loves them in his ignorance and vith a countenance of grief bewails the dying of the snakes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he himself slays Moreover there are added in scattered figures these likenesses the boar the lion the deer the giant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bull the yoke Cerberus the hydra the host Nessus Eryx the birds the Thracian Cacus the Amazon the Cretan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beast the river the Libyan the apples the Lycian the maid the sky and Oeta This work and all other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vestures fit for gods have been set up in that place by maidens hands But amid the whole multitude among GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the damsels of Athens and of Corinth Araneola shines out Minerva herself strives to match her own hands with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hers but retires beaten from the workbaskets and when Araneola holds the web she herself prefers to hold weapons So GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: here this maid copies the stifFbroidered consular vestment of her greatgrandfather making with her own hands a palmdecked robe for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her father wherewith he a consul likewise shall match his grandfather Agricola and teach his grandchildren to link up in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their chain of consulships their grandsire as well as their grandsires grandsire She had also woven the mantles in which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he as Master shone before all eyes in the cities of Spain and in which conspicuous when the prefecture was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thrust upon him he dispensed the hallowed laws from the presidents seat But on a high strip of broidery upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the consular robe she had playfully fashioned Agricola was Praetorian Prefect of Gaul twice his second term of office was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in atj and consul in He may have een an ancestor possibly even the father of the Emperor Avitua who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had a son named Agricola See also n on THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quod priscis inlustre toris Ithacesia primum fabula GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null quod priscis inlustre toris Ithacesia primum fabula OCR: Dulichiique lares formantur et ipsam Penelopam tardas texit distexere telas Taenaron hie null frustra bis rapt a null coniuge puis GT : Dulichiique lares formantur et ipsam Penelopam tardas texit distexere telas Taenaron null hic frustra bis null null rapta coniuge null OCR: at null Thrax fidibus legem postquam temeravit Averni null null et prodesse putans iterum non respicit umbram hie null vovet GT : null pulsat Thrax fidibus legem postquam temeravit null A verni et prodesse putans iterum non respicit umbram null hic vovet OCR: Alceste praelato coniuge vitam rumpere quam cernas Parearum null vellere in ipso nondum pernetam fato restante salute hie null nox GT : Alceste praelato coniuge vitam rumpere quam cernas null Parcarum vellere in ipso nondum pernetam fato restante salute null hic nox OCR: natarum Danai lucebat in auro quinquaginta enses genitor quibus impius aptat et dat eoncordem null discordia iussa furorem solus Hypermestrae GT : natarum Danai lucebat in auro quinquaginta enses genitor quibus impius aptat et dat null concordem discordia iussa furorem solus Hypermestrae OCR: servatus munere Lynceus eifugit null aspicias illam sibi parva paventem et pro dimisso tantum pallere marito iamque lovem null in GT : servatus munere Lynceus null effugit aspicias illam sibi parva paventem et pro dimisso tantum pallere marito iamque null Iovem in OCR: formas mutat quibus ille tenere Mnemosynam Europani null Semelen Ledam Cynosuram serpens bos fulmen cygnus Dictynna solebat iamque opus in GT : formas mutat quibus ille tenere Mnemosynam null Europam Semelen Ledam Cynosuram serpens bos fulmen cygnus Dictynna solebat iamque opus in OCR: turrem Danaae pluviamque metalli ibat et hie null alio stillabat luppiter null auro cum virgo aspiciens vidit Tritonida verso lumine GT : turrem Danaae pluviamque metalli ibat et null hic alio stillabat null Iuppiter auro cum virgo aspiciens vidit Tritonida verso lumine OCR: doctisonas spectare libentius artes commutat commota manus ac pollice docto pingere philosophi victricem Laida coepit quae Cynici per menta feri GT : doctisonas spectare libentius artes commutat commota manus ac pollice docto pingere philosophi victricem Laida coepit quae Cynici per menta feri OCR: rugosaque colla salute BuecJider salutem codd praestante salutem vulgo fortasse rede Laida livida codd Orpheus See sq n ie the GT : rugosaque colla null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gold threads of the embroidery See note on v above XV EPITHALAMIUM all the famous tales of oldtime marriages First GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the story of Ithaca and the Dulichian home were figured and she wove in Penelope herself unweaving the slowgroving web GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: There also is the Thracian whose wife has twice been snatched from him vainly he beats upon the portal of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Taenarus with the throbs of his lyre after breaking the ordinance of Avernus and he looks not back a second GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time upon the shade deeming that this is in his favour Then there is Alcestis who puts her husband before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: herself and vows to cut short her life which you could see there in the very wool of the Fateful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sisters not yet spun to the end for by her destiny life still remains to her There also shines forth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in gold the night of the Danaids their impious father girds upon them fifty swords and the discord forced upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them stirs a concordant frenzy Lynceus alone escapes saved by the grace of Hypermestra you could see her there fearing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: little for herself and pale only th anxiety for the husband she has sulFered to depart The broiderer likewise changes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Jove into the shapes in which he was wont to embrace Mnemosyne Europa Semele Leda Cynosura becoming serpent bull lightning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: swan and Dictynna Then the work passed into Danaes tower and the rain of metal and here Jupiter was dripping GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with another kind of gold when the maid looking at Tritonis saw that the eyes of the goddess were averted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and that she was gazing with more pleasure at the arts that give forth learned utterance Then the maidens hand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was moved to motive new and with cunning thumb she began to portray Lais the philosophers vanquisher who all over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the chin and wrinkled neck of the boorish Cynic severed THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS rupit odoratam redolenti forcipe barbam subrisit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null rupit odoratam redolenti forcipe barbam subrisit OCR: Pallas castoque haec addidit ore non nostra ulterius ridebis dogmata virgo philosopho nuptura meo mage flammea sumens hoc mater sine GT : Pallas castoque haec addidit ore non nostra ulterius ridebis dogmata virgo philosopho nuptura meo mage flammea sumens hoc mater sine OCR: texat opus consurge sophorum egregium Polemi decus ac nunc Stoica tandem pone supercilia et Cynicos imitatus amantes incipies iterum parvum GT : texat opus consurge sophorum egregium Polemi decus ac nunc Stoica tandem pone supercilia et Cynicos imitatus amantes incipies iterum parvum OCR: mihi ferre Platona haerentem tali compellat voce magister perge libens neu tu damnes fortasse iugari quod noster iubet ille senex GT : mihi ferre Platona haerentem tali compellat voce magister perge libens neu tu damnes fortasse iugari quod noster iubet ille senex OCR: qui non piger hausit numina contemplans Any to null pallente venenum Dixerat ille simul surgit vultuque modesto tetrica nodosae commendat GT : qui non piger hausit numina contemplans null null Anyto pallente venenum Dixerat ille simul surgit vultuque modesto tetrica nodosae commendat OCR: pallia clavae amborum tum diva comas viridantis olivae pace ligat nectit dextras ac foedera mandat Nymphidius quae cernat avus probat GT : pallia clavae amborum tum diva comas viridantis olivae pace ligat nectit dextras ac foedera mandat Nymphidius quae cernat avus probat OCR: Atropos omen fulvaque Concordes null iunxerunt fila sorores XVI EVCHARISTON AD FAVSTVM EPISCOPVM Phoebum et ter ternas decima cum Pallade GT : Atropos omen fulvaque null concordes iunxerunt fila sorores null null null null null Phoebum et ter ternas decima cum Pallade OCR: Musas null null Orpheaque et laticem simulatum fontis equini cygnos Wilamountz contemplans Wilamoioitz condempnans condempnens contempnens codd The Cynics neglect GT : null Mus as Orpheaque et laticem simulatum fontis equini null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of personal comfort gained them a bad reputation This Cynics beard is not over clean the dainty Lais on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other hand perfumes even her scissors Possibly however odoratam means perfumed The Master seems to be Plato The pallium and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the clava a thick staff mark the philosopher cf Epist IV IX It is uncertain whether he was the brides GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or the bridegrooms grandfather He may be the Nymphidius to whom Epist V is addressed XVI TO BISHOP FAUSTUS the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: odorous beard with fragrant scissors Pallas smiled and opened her virgin lips to add these words No more shall you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: laugh at our dogmas you maid that are bridetobe of my philosopher rather now put on the bridal veil and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: let a matron do this piece of broidery Rise Polemius bright jewel among our sages now at last put away GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Stoic frown and imitating the Cynic lovers you shall begin to bring me a second little Plato As he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hesitated the Master addressed him thus Proceed th Avilling heart and do not haply condemn marriage which the old teacher GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enjoins who promptly drained the poison with his eyes fixed on the gods while Anytus cheek grew pale When these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: words are spoken he arises and with modest mien commends the austere cloak to the keeping of the knotted cudgel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Then the goddess binds the hair of each vith green olive the emblem of peace joins their hands and ordains GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the contract which the grandfather Nymphidius is to ratify Atropos approves the omen and the sister Fates with one accord GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unite the golden Hfethreads of the two XVI THANKSGIVING TO BISHOP FAUSTUS Thrust far from thee O lyre of mine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phoebus and the nine Muses together with Pallas as tenth Orpheus and the fabled water of the horses spring Faustus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was a native of Britain Epist IX He entered the monastery of Lerins n at an early age becoming its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: abbot in ad in succession to Maximus ai THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Ogygiamque chelyn quae saxa sequacia flectens null cantibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Ogygiamque chelyn quae saxa sequacia null flecteris cantibus OCR: auritos erexit carmine muros sperne fidis magis ille veni nunc spiritus oro pontificem dicture tuum qui pectora priscae intrasti Mariae GT : auritos erexit carmine muros sperne fidis magis ille veni nunc spiritus oro pontificem dicture tuum qui pectora priscae intrasti Mariae OCR: rapiens cum tympana siccus Israel appensi per concava gurgitis iret aggeribus vallatus aquae mediasque per undas pulverulenta tuum clamaret turba GT : rapiens cum tympana siccus Israel appensi per concava gurgitis iret aggeribus vallatus aquae mediasque per undas pulverulenta tuum clamaret turba OCR: triumphum quique manum ludith null ferientem colla Olophernis iuvisti excise null iacuit cum gutture truncus et fragilis valido latuit bene GT : triumphum quique manum null Iudith ferientem colla Olophernis iuvisti null exciso iacuit cum gutture truncus et fragilis valido latuit bene OCR: sexus in ictu expresso vel qui complens de vellere pelvem inficiensque dehinc non tacto vellere terram firmasti Gedeona tubis inserte GT : sexus in ictu expresso vel qui complens de vellere pelvem inficiensque dehinc non tacto vellere terram firmasti Gedeona tubis inserte OCR: canoris spiritus et solo venit victoria cantu quique etiam adsumptum pecorosi de grege lesse null adflasti regem plaustro cum foederis GT : canoris spiritus et solo venit victoria cantu quique etiam adsumptum pecorosi de grege null Iesse adflasti regem plaustro cum foederis OCR: arcam imponens hostis nullo moderante bubulco proderet obscaenum turgenti podice morbum quique trium quondam puerorum in fauce sonasti quos in GT : arcam imponens hostis nullo moderante bubulco proderet obscaenum turgenti podice morbum quique trium quondam puerorum in fauce sonasti quos in OCR: Chaldaei positos fornace tyranni pelvem Luetjohann pellem v He was consecrated Bishop of Riez Reii probably about AD and became GT : Chaldaei positos fornace tyranni null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a leading ecclesiastical figure His opposition to the Arian creed caused his banishment after Euric had extended his territory in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or and gained control of Riez He was later allowed to return His writings include two books De Gratia two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: De Spiritu Sancto and some letters Some works have been falsely attributed to him After his death his writings were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: condemned as heretical XVI TO BISHOP FAUSTUS and the Theban lute that with its music moved the stones to follow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it and raised by its strains the eagerlylistening walls Rather do thou come O great Spirit I pray to speak GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of thy pontiff thou who didst enter into the heart of Miriam in olden times when Israel seizing their timbrels GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: marched dryshod through the trough of the suspended sea walled in by ramparts of water and thy people dustcovered as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they passed through the midst of the waves acclaimed thy triumph Who didst aid the hand of Judith as it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: smote the neck of Holophernes when the trunk was laid prostrate with the throat cut through and the strong blow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gloriously disguised the weak sex Who filling the basin from the wrung fleece and then bedewing the earth vithout touching GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fleece didst hearten Gideon thou Spirit that wert infused into the sounding trumpets so that victory came from their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: blast alone Who didst also inspire the king that was called from amid the sheep of Jesse the possessor of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rich flocks when the enemy set the Ark of the Covenant on a wain with no drover to guide it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and betrayed the loathsome disease by the swelling of the secret parts Who didst once sound in the mouths of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the three youths who when put in the Chaldean tyrants Miriam Exod crossing of the Red Sea c Judith Judges GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Judges sqq Sam Ark and emerods Sam cc and But this story has nothing to do with King David Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has confused the story of the Philistines and the ark with that of Sam sqq THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS roscida GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null roscida OCR: combusto madefecit flamma camino quique volubilibus spatiantem tractibus alvi complesti lonam null resonant dum viscera monstri introrsum psallente cibo vel GT : combusto madefecit flamma camino quique volubilibus spatiantem tractibus alvi complesti null Ionam resonant dum viscera monstri introrsum psallente cibo vel OCR: pondera ventris ieiuni plenique tamen vate intemerato ructat cruda fames quern null singultantibus extis esuriens vomuit suspense null belua morsu GT : pondera ventris ieiuni plenique tamen vate intemerato ructat cruda fames null quem singultantibus extis esuriens vomuit null suspenso belua morsu OCR: quique duplex quondam venisti in pectus Helisei Thesbiten cum forte senem iam flammeus axis tolleret et scissam linquens pro munere GT : quique duplex quondam venisti in pectus Helisei Thesbiten cum forte senem iam flammeus axis tolleret et scissam linquens pro munere OCR: pellem hispidus ardentes auriga intraret habenas null quique etiam Heliam terris missure secundum Zachariae iusti linguam placate ligasti dum faceret GT : pellem hispidus ardentes auriga intraret habenas i quique etiam Heliam terris missure secundum Zachariae iusti linguam placate ligasti dum faceret OCR: serum rugosa puerpera patrem edita significans iusso reticere propheta gratia cum fulsit nosset se ut lex tacituram quique etiam nascens GT : serum rugosa puerpera patrem edita significans iusso reticere propheta gratia cum fulsit nosset se ut lex tacituram quique etiam nascens OCR: ex virgine semine nuUo null ante ullum tempus deus atque in tempore Christus ad corpus quantum spectat tu te ipse GT : ex virgine semine null nullo ante ullum tempus deus atque in tempore Christus ad corpus quantum spectat tu te ipse OCR: creasti qui visum caecis gressum quoque reddere claudis auditum surdis mutis laxare loquelam pallam cod Hdmstad Daniel sqq the dewlike GT : creasti qui visum caecis gressum quoque reddere claudis auditum surdis mutis laxare loquelam null null null null null null null OCR: flame ib Vulgate et Angelus Domini fecit medium fornacis qiuisi ventum roris flantem et non tetigit eos omnino ignis neque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contristavity nee quidquam molestiae intulit This occurs in a passage of verses numbered which does not appear in the Hebrew GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: text but which is found in Theodotions version from which the Vulgate took it and in the Septuagint it doubtless GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occurred also in all the old Latin versions Curiously enough as Professor A Souter informs me no Latin Father quotes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the above verse Even Jerome in his commentary on Daniel fails to do so though he makes some comments on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the interpolated passage after pointing out that it does not occur in the Hebrew XVI TO BISHOP FAUSTUS furnace were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but wetted with a dewlike flame when the oven itself was consumed Who didst fill Jonah as he traversed the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rolling tracts of the whales belly while the inward parts of the monster resounded with the psalms sung by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: swallowed food and a hunger that was clogged within belched forth the load of a full but fasting stomach without GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hurting the prophet whom the beast ravenous yet holding oif his bite disgorged from his retching entrails Who aforetime didst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pass in a double portion into the breast of Elisha when the time came for the fiery chariot to bear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aloft the Tishbite in his old age and the roughclad charioteer leaving as a gift his torn coat of skin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: entered the flaming car Who also when minded to send to earth the second Elias didst in thy mercy bind GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the tongue of righteous Zacharias till such time as a mother in wrinkled eld should make him a father in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his old age and who in bidding the prophet to be silent about thy message didst give token that with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the dawn of Grace the Law must know that silence was coming upon it Who also born of a pure GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: virgin before all time God and in time Christ didst create thyself as touching the body who wert wont to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: give to the blind sight to the lame the power to walk to the deaf hearing and to loosen the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tongue of the Jonah c Kings sqq Sidonius is again confused Elisha rent his own clothes and took up the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mantle of Elijah that fell from him Malachi Malth Mark Vulg Lulce Luke sqq VOL I L THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS suetus ad hoc etiam venisti ut mortua membra lecto sandapila tumulo consurgere possint quique etiam poenas suscepta in carne GT : null suetus ad hoc etiam venisti ut mortua membra lecto sandapila tumulo consurgere possint quique etiam poenas suscepta in carne OCR: tulisti sustentans alapas ludibria verbera vepres sortem vincla crucem clavos fel missile acetum postremo mortem sed suvrecturus null adisti eripiens GT : tulisti sustentans alapas ludibria verbera vepres sortem vincla crucem clavos fel missile acetum postremo mortem sed null surrecturus adisti eripiens OCR: quidquid veteris migraverat hostis in ius per nostrum facinus cum femina prima praeceptum solvens culpa nos perpete vinxit qui cum GT : quidquid veteris migraverat hostis in ius per nostrum facinus cum femina prima praeceptum solvens culpa nos perpete vinxit qui cum OCR: te interitu petiit nee null repperit in te quod posset proprium convincere perdidit omne quod lapsu dedit Eva suo chirographon GT : te interitu petiit null nec repperit in te quod posset proprium convincere perdidit omne quod lapsu dedit Eva suo chirographon OCR: ilium null quo pervasus homo est haec compensatio rupit expers peccati pro peccatoribus amplum fis pretium veteremque novus vice faenoris GT : null illum quo pervasus homo est haec compensatio rupit expers peccati pro peccatoribus amplum fis pretium veteremque novus vice faenoris OCR: Adam dum moreris de morte rapis sic mortua mors est sic sese insidiis quas fecerat ipsa fefellit nam dum indiscrete GT : Adam dum moreris de morte rapis sic mortua mors est sic sese insidiis quas fecerat ipsa fefellit nam dum indiscrete OCR: petit insontemque reosque egit ut absolvi possent et crimine nexi Coloss The Greek is iaXeltpas to Kad rjixiov Xtpypafot Tois GT : petit insontemque reosque egit ut absolvi possent et crimine nexi null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SoyixacLv and the Latin Vulgate is delens quod adversus nos erat chirographum decreti These very difficult words have been much GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: discussed both by the ancient Fathers and by modern theologians Sidonius was no theologian but there is perhaps something to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be said for his interpretation man had by his faU been as it were compelled to sign a bond whereby GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was made over to the devil in default of paying a seemingly impossible ransom Christ has made himself the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ransom Pervasus is very difficult In legal Latin and in many late authors pervadere pervasio and pervasor are used with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reference to an act of wanton appropriation The act may be a flagrant theft property stolen from a church is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: called pervasa in PauUn Petricord Vit Mart VI or the unlawful occupation of a dwelling In the latter meaning we GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: find pervadere and pervasor used metaphorically by Christian XVI TO BISHOP FAUSTUS mute and didst come that dead bodies might GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be able to rise from bed bier and tomb who didst in thine adopted flesh suffer torments enduring buffets scoffs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stripes thorns casting of lots chains the cross the nails the gall the spear the vinegar and finally didst meet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death though only to rise again delivering whatsoever had passed into the dominion of the old Enemy through our transgression GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when the first woman broke the commandment and so fettered us with abiding guilt But the Enemy when he sought GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thy destruction nor found in thee aught that he could prove to be his own lost all that Eve gave GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him by her fall and this recompense of thine dissolved the bond by which man became a robbers possession Free GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from sin thou didst become an ample ransom for sinners and thou the new Adam didst by dying pay the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: price and snatch the old Adam from death Thus Death is dead caught in the very trap himself had made GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for attacking without distinction innocent and guilty he brought it to pass that even those enslaved by sin received the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: power to be absolved wTiters with reference to demoniac possession In this sense the devil is called pervasor by Paulinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: op cit VI the same metaphor probably suggested by Matth Luke is developed more fully by Sedulius in relating the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: story of the boy possessed by an imclean spirit Matth Mark Luke AV numbering Christ compels the spirit pervdsa migrare GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: domo Pasch Carm III so in the prose version Pasch Op III pervasae domus habitacvlo migraturus Sidonius may have had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this image in his mind in virtue of the bond the Evil One has seized possession of man and made GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of him a dwellingplace On the other hand the meaning of pervasu here may be simply seized snatched away stolen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The translation given attempts to cover both meanings THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quique etiam iustos ad tempus surgere tecum iussisti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null quique etiam iustos ad tempus surgere tecum iussisti OCR: cineres cum tectis tempore longo inrupit festina salus infusaque raptim excussit tumulis solidatas vita fa villas null da Faustum laudare GT : cineres cum tectis tempore longo inrupit festina salus infusaque raptim excussit tumulis solidatas vita null null favillas da Faustum laudare OCR: tuum da solvere grates quas et post debere iuvat te magne sacerdos barbitus hie null noster plectro licet impare cantat GT : tuum da solvere grates quas et post debere iuvat te magne sacerdos barbitus null hic noster plectro licet impare cantat OCR: Haec igitur prima est vel causa vel actio laudum quod mihi germani dum lubrica volvltur null aetas servatus tecum domini GT : Haec igitur prima est vel causa vel actio laudum quod mihi germani dum lubrica null volvitur aetas servatus tecum domini OCR: per dona probatur nee null fama titubante pudor te respicit istud quantumcumque bonum merces debebitur illi ille tibi sit laus GT : per dona probatur null nec fama titubante pudor te respicit istud quantumcumque bonum merces debebitur illi ille tibi sit laus OCR: si labi noluit eius nam quod nee null potuit totum ad te iure redundat praeterea quod me pridem Reios veniente GT : si labi noluit eius nam quod null nec potuit totum ad te iure redundat praeterea quod me pridem Reios veniente OCR: cum Procyon fureret cum solis torridus ignis flexilibus rimis sitientes scriberet agros hospite te nostros excepit protinus aestus pax domus GT : cum Procyon fureret cum solis torridus ignis flexilibus rimis sitientes scriberet agros hospite te nostros excepit protinus aestus pax domus OCR: umbra latex benedictio mensa cubile omnibus attamen his sat praestat quod voluisti ut sanctae matris sanctum quoque limen adirem derigui GT : umbra latex benedictio mensa cubile omnibus attamen his sat praestat quod voluisti ut sanctae matris sanctum quoque limen adirem derigui OCR: fateor mihi conscius atque repente tinxit adorantem pavido reverentia vultum nee null secus intremui quam si me forte Rebeccae Israel GT : fateor mihi conscius atque repente tinxit adorantem pavido reverentia vultum null nec secus intremui quam si me forte Rebeccae Israel OCR: aut Samuel crinitus duceret Annae venientem codd derigui Luetjohann dirigui Matth sq We do not know the name of any GT : aut Samuel crinitus duceret Annae null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brother of Sidonius ie although a reward in heaven will be his due you wiU have made him what he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is The mother is probably as Krusch conjectured Mother Church not the mother of Faustus and m limen is the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: threshold of the cathedral church XVI TO BISHOP lAUSTUS Who didst likewise bid the ashes of the just to rise GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with thee at the appointed time when salvation of a sudden burst upon them who had long been covered up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and a flood of life poured into them and swept their reknit ashes from the tomb Do thou grant that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I may praise thy servant Faustus that I may pay my debt of gratitude which even after this payment I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: am glad to owe Thee great priest this lyre of mine doth hymn albeit with a quill unequal to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: task The first cause and burden of my praises is that when my brother was at an age that is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prone to slip his virtue was preserved with thy help through the grace of our Lord and stands approved yea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and with no wavering in his good report This blessing in all its immensity is to be ascribed to thee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reward will be due to him but he will be due to thee If he has of his own GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: free will refused to stumble let the praise be his but that he could not have stumbled even if he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: would redounds by right entirely to thy credit I praise thee too because when I came aforetime to Reii while GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Procyon was raging and the suns parching fire was marking the thirsty fields with winding cracks thy hospitality straightway greeted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my hot discomfort with peace home shade water benediction bed and board But a far greater boon than all these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was that thou wert willing for me to approach also the hallowed threshold of the hallowed mother I stood stockstill GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I confess as I felt my unworthiness and all at once fearful awe coloured my face as it thrilled with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: adoration yea I trembled as if Israel were bringing me to Rebecca or longhaired Samuel to Hannah THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS quapropter te vel votis sine fine colentes adfectum magnum per carmina parva fatemur Seu te flammatae Syrtes et inhospita GT : null quapropter te vel votis sine fine colentes adfectum magnum per carmina parva fatemur Seu te flammatae Syrtes et inhospita OCR: tesqua seu caeno viridante palus seu nigra recessu incultum mage saxa tenent ubi sole remoto concava longaevas adservant antra tenebras GT : tesqua seu caeno viridante palus seu nigra recessu incultum mage saxa tenent ubi sole remoto concava longaevas adservant antra tenebras OCR: seu te praeruptis porrecta in rupibus Alpis succinctos gelido libantem caespite somnos anachoreta tremit quae quamquam frigora portet conceptum Christi GT : seu te praeruptis porrecta in rupibus Alpis succinctos gelido libantem caespite somnos anachoreta tremit quae quamquam frigora portet conceptum Christi OCR: numquam domat ilia null calorem qua nunc Helias nunc te iubet ire lohannes null nunc duo Macarii nunc et Paphnutius GT : numquam domat null illa calorem qua nunc Helias nunc te iubet ire null Iohannes nunc duo Macarii nunc et Paphnutius OCR: heros nunc Or nunc Ammon nunc Sarmata nunc Hilarion nunc vocat in tunica nudus te Antonius ilia null quam fecit GT : heros nunc Or nunc Ammon nunc Sarmata nunc Hilarion nunc vocat in tunica nudus te Antonius null illa quam fecit OCR: palmae foliis manus alma magistri seu te Lirinus priscum complexa parentem est qua tu iam fractus pro magna saepe quiete GT : palmae foliis manus alma magistri seu te Lirinus priscum complexa parentem est qua tu iam fractus pro magna saepe quiete OCR: discipulis servire venis vixque otia somni vix coctos capture cibos abstemius aevum ducis et insertis pinguis ieiunia psalmis fratribus insinuans GT : discipulis servire venis vixque otia somni vix coctos capture cibos abstemius aevum ducis et insertis pinguis ieiunia psalmis fratribus insinuans OCR: quantos ilia null insula plana pingis CTF pinguas Caduceus fortasse recte Probably the prophet Elijah and John the Baptist though GT : quantos null illa insula plana null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there were Egyptian anchorites who bore these names The Macarii HUarion and Antonius are mentioned in Epist VII Sarmata is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unknown it may be either the mans name or a description of him the Sarmatian For the others see Diet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Chr Biog and Dom E C Butler in C M H I sqq The master of St Anthony was Paulus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thebaeus Lirinus Lerina in Pliny modem StHonorat one of the Lerinsgroup of islands opposite Antibes Monies is used by ecclesiastical GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: writers to denote bishops and priests There is here of course a frigid contrast between montes and plana insula Caprasius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was associated with Honoratus in the foundation of the monastery Lupus St XVI TO BISHOP FAUSTUS Wherefore I honour thee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vithout ceasing even in my prayers and now I acknowledge in paltry verse my great affection Whether thou dost tarry GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: roughly garbed in a cheerless wilderness by the sunfired Syrtes or choosest rather a marsh full of green slime or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the dark recesses of rocks where deep sunless caves maintain an agelong gloom or whether the Alps stretching afar vith GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their long line of precipitous crags tremble before thee great anchorite as thou snatchest brief slumber on the cliill ground GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and th all their cold they never overcome the warm glow that Christ hath set in thy heart for this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is the way that thou art urged to go now by Elias now by John now by the two Macarii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now by the great Paphnutius now by Or now by Ammon now by Sarmata now by Hilarion and another time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the call comes from Antonius clad only in that tunic wliich the kindly hand of his master made of palmleaves GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Or whether Lirinus hath welcomed thee its erstwhile father whither thou instead of resting long when thy strength is exhausted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dost often come to serve thy disciples and thou wilt scarce repose thyself in sleep or take cooked food but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: livest a life of selfdenial and makest thy fasts rich with intervals of psalmody meanwhile instilling lessons into the brethren GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: telling how many great eminences Lupus of Troyes Honoratus became Bp of Aries and Maximus see Epist VIII succeeded him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at Leriiis and subsequently became Bp of Riez in each of these offices his successor was Faustus St Eucherius was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a monk at Lerins and afterwards Bp of Lyons His theological writings were potent for many centuries Hilarius was a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: monk of Lerins who followed Honoratus to Aries but subsequently returned to his old monastery He afterwards became Bp of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aries THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS miserit in caelum montes quae sancta Caprasi vita senis iuvenisque Lupi quae gratia patrem mansit GT : null null null null null miserit in caelum montes quae sancta Caprasi vita senis iuvenisque Lupi quae gratia patrem mansit OCR: Honoratum fuerit quis Maximus ille urbem tu cuius monachosque antistes et abbas bis successor agis celebrans quoque laudibus illis Eucherii GT : Honoratum fuerit quis Maximus ille urbem tu cuius monachosque antistes et abbas bis successor agis celebrans quoque laudibus illis Eucherii OCR: venientis iter redeuntis Hilari seu te commissus populus tenet et minor audet te medio tumidos maiorum temnere mores seu tu GT : venientis iter redeuntis Hilari seu te commissus populus tenet et minor audet te medio tumidos maiorum temnere mores seu tu OCR: sollicitus curas qua languidus esca quave peregrinus vivat quid pascat et ilium null lubrica crura cui tenuat sub compede career GT : sollicitus curas qua languidus esca quave peregrinus vivat quid pascat et null illum lubrica crura cui tenuat sub compede null OCR: null seu mage funeribus mentem distr actus humaiidis null null livida defuncti si pauperis ossa virescant infastiditum fers ipse ad GT : carcer seu mage funeribus mentem null null null distractus humandis livida defuncti si pauperis ossa virescant infastiditum fers ipse ad OCR: busta cadaver seu te conspicuis gradibus venerabilis arae contionaturum plebs sedula circumsistit expositae legis bibat auribus ut medicinam quidquid agis GT : busta cadaver seu te conspicuis gradibus venerabilis arae contionaturum plebs sedula circumsistit expositae legis bibat auribus ut medicinam quidquid agis OCR: quocumque loci es semper mi hi Faust us null null semper Honoratus semper quoque Maximus esto XVII AD V C GT : quocumque loci es semper null null null null mihi Faustus semper Honoratus semper quoque Maximus esto null null null null OCR: OMMATIVM Quattuor ante dies quam lux Sextilis adusti prima spiciferum proferat orbe caput monachosque Sirmondus monachusque The preacher is seated GT : null Quattuor ante dies quam lux Sextilis adusti prima spiciferum proferat orbe caput null null null null null null null OCR: as was usual the congregation stands as was the common but not universal custom at this time Augustine De Catechizandia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rudihus c a very interesting chapter expresses approval of the practice adopted in some transmarine ie Italian churches where seats GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were provided for all He would have them provided everywhere at least for the infirm and the physically tired XVII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO OMMATIUS that flat island hath sent soaring to the skies of what kind was the holy Ufe of old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Caprasius and young Lupus what favour was destined for Honoratus their founder and who was that Maximus over whose city GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and monks thou twice his successor wert set as bishop and abbot and thou dost also acclaim in these praises GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the coming of Eucherius and the return of Hilarius Or whether the people committed to thy charge now have thee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: among them and the lesser folk with thee in their midst dare to despise the proud ways of the great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or whether thou dost anxiously take heed what food the sick or the stranger has and how even he is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fed whose legs the prison wastes imtil they slide loosely beneath the fetters or whether the burial of the dead GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has all thy thoughts and loathing not the body of one of the poor although a green hue be spreading GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over the livid remains thou with thine own hands dost bear it to the tomb or whether thou art about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to preach from the conspicuous steps of the holy altar and the eager crowd take their stand around thee that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their ears may drink in the heahng medicine of the Laws exposition whatever thou doest wherever thou art I wish GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee for evennore the blessings of thy three names Fortunate Honoured Greatest XVII TO OMMATIUS SENATORS Four days before the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: first dawn of August raises above the earth its cornwreathed head there will For Ommatius see n THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS natalis nostris decimus sextusque coletur adventu felix qui petit esse tuo non tibi gemmatis null ponentur prandia mensis Assyrius GT : null natalis nostris decimus sextusque coletur adventu felix qui petit esse tuo non tibi null geminatis ponentur prandia mensis Assyrius OCR: murex nee null tibi sigma dabit nee null per multiplices abaco splendente cavernas argenti nigri pondera defodiam nee null scyphus GT : murex null nec tibi sigma dabit null nec per multiplices abaco splendente cavernas argenti nigri pondera defodiam null nec scyphus OCR: hie null dabitur rutilo cui forte metallo crustatum stringat tortilis ansa latus fercula sunt nobis mediocria non ita facta mensurae GT : null hic dabitur rutilo cui forte metallo crustatum stringat tortilis ansa latus fercula sunt nobis mediocria non ita facta mensurae OCR: ut grandis suppleat ars pretium non panes Libyca solitos flavescere Snte null accipiet Galli rustica mensa tui vina mihi non GT : ut grandis suppleat ars pretium non panes Libyca solitos flavescere null Syrte accipiet Galli rustica mensa tui vina mihi non OCR: sunt Gazetica Chia Falerna quaeque Sarepteno pabnite null missa bibas pocula non hie null sunt inlustria nomine pagi quem posuit GT : sunt Gazetica Chia Falerna quaeque Sarepteno null palmite missa bibas pocula non null hic sunt inlustria nomine pagi quem posuit OCR: nostris ipse triumvir agris tu tamen ut venias petimus dabit omnia Christus hie null mihi qui patriam fecit amore tuo GT : nostris ipse triumvir agris tu tamen ut venias petimus dabit omnia Christus null hic mihi qui patriam fecit amore tuo OCR: Sarepteno T quod Graecae formae respondet Seraptano C F Saraptano cett Hie ant Sarepteno aid Sarapteno kgendum censeo de forma GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SapaTrra vide PaulyWisowa sv Sarepta Latina forma Sareptensis apud Hieronymum invenitur quem ego quod Vide Class Quart loc cit It GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: should have been unnecessary to point out that nostris is not nosirorum but everyone since Mommsens day has inferred from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this line that two of Sidoniuss children were twins Notris is Dative of the Agent Sidonius speaks as a Lyonese GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to an Arvemian Celtic Gaul and Aquitaine which included Auvergne were made separate provinces by Augustus and remained so XML GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO OiMMATlUS be celebrated by my family a sixteenth birthday which craves to be made lucky by your coming You GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shall not have a meal set for you on jewelled tables nor shall Assyrian purple proide your diningcouch I shall GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not bury in the manifold recesses of a glittering sideboard masses of dark old silverplate nor shall there be offered GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: here a up whose twisted handles clasp sides overlaid with ruddy gold Our salvers are of moderate size and not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so made that their artistry atones for their lack of bulk The rustic table of your Gallic friend will not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: receive loaves that were wont to make the fields yellow by the Libyan Syrtes As for wines I have none GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Gaza no Chian or Falernian none sent by the vines of Sarepta for you to drink There are here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no cups distinguished by the name of that canton which the triumvir himself established in our land Nevertheless we beg GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you to come Christ will provide all things by whose grace this has been made a real homeland for me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through your love The Zarephath of Kings f Sarepta in Luke between Tyre and Sidon There is an interesting reminiscence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of this passage in Corippus In Lavdem Iitstini III f dulcia Bacchi munera quae Sarepta note the quantity ferax quae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gaza crearat Cass Dio XLVI states that Lugudunum was founded in BC by Munatius Plancus and M Aemilius Lepidus who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was about to become a triumvir and that the first inhabitants were refugees from Vienna mod Vienne As the district GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: round Vienn was famous for its wine I believe that Sidon i us means cups of the wine of Vienne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The Viennenses are rather loosely described as a pagu but that is no serious objection Our or possibly my land GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: refers to the territory of Lyons See Class Quart loc cit p This refers to the poets new home in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Auvergne THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS XVIII DE BALNEIS VILLAE SVAE Si quis Avitacum dignaris visere nostram non tibi displiceat sic GT : null null null null null null null null null null Si quis Avitacum dignaris visere nostram non tibi displiceat sic OCR: quod habes placeat aemula Baiano tolluntur culmina cono parque cothurnato vertice fulget apex garrula Gauranis plus murmurat unda fluentis contigui GT : quod habes placeat aemula Baiano tolluntur culmina cono parque cothurnato vertice fulget apex garrula Gauranis plus murmurat unda fluentis contigui OCR: collis lapsa supercilio Lucrinum stagnum dives Campania noUet null aequora si nostri cerneret ilia null lacus illud puniceis ornatur litus GT : collis lapsa supercilio Lucrinum stagnum dives Campania null nollet aequora si nostri cerneret null illa lacus illud puniceis ornatur litus OCR: echinis piscibus in nostris hospes utrumque vides si libet et placido partiris null gaudia corde quisquis ades Baias tu facis GT : echinis piscibus in nostris hospes utrumque vides si libet et placido null parthis gaudia corde quisquis ades Baias tu facis OCR: hie null animo XIX DE PISCINA SVA Intrate algentes post balnea torrida fluctus ut solidet calidam frigore lympha cutem et GT : null hic animo null null null null Intrate algentes post balnea torrida fluctus ut solidet calidam frigore lympha cutem et OCR: licet hoc solo mergatis membra liquore per stagnum nostrum lumina vestra natant See introductory note to Epist II With nostram GT : licet hoc solo mergatis membra liquore per stagnum nostrum lumina vestra natant null null null null null null null null OCR: understand villain For the conical roof cf Episl II Apparently a prominent bathingestablishment at Baiae had a roof of that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: kind Cothurnato gives the idea of dignity possibly also of height as in Pliny Epist IX of which this is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: probably a rather loose reminiscence There Pliny tells us of two villas which he possessed on the shores of Lake GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Como One was on a height with a view of the lake the other was down on the lakeside The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: former he called Tragedy because it seemed to be supported on buskins cothurni the latter he named Comedy because it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seemed to rest on humble socks socculi XIX ON HIS SWIMMINGBATH XVIII ON THE BATHS OF HIS COUNTRY HOUSE Whoeer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you be if you deign to visit our Avitacum let it not dissatisfy you so may what you possess satisfy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you Here a roof rises that rivals the cone of Baiae and no whit inferior shines the peaked top vith GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its proud crest There the chattering water that falls from the brow of the neighbouring hill babbles more busily than GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the streams that flow from Gaurus Rich Campania would be illpleased with the Lucrine mere if she beheld the waters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of our lake That other shore is adorned by red seaurchins but in our fish O stranger you see both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: characters If you are willing and if you share our joys with contented heart gentle visitor whoever you be you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: can create a Baiae here in your fancy XIX ON HIS SWIMMINGBATH Enter ye the chill waves after the steaming GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: baths that the water by its coldness may brace your heated skin and though you plunge your limbs in this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: liquid alone our pond makes your eyes swim The meaning seems to be You can see in our fish both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: characteristics of the echini of Baiae ie both fishiness and redness cf Epist II or possibly redness and prickliness But GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the text may be corrupt It is juct possible that utrumque vides is a corruption of acumen idem there is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same sharpness the fish having a sharp flavour cf Plin N H XIV saporis quaedam acumina and the echini GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sharp prickles Perhaps the point is Although it is only water with no stronger liquor in it For another explanation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see Semple op cit p THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS XX AD ECDICIVM SORORIVM SVVM Natalis noster Nonas instare Novembres admonet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Natalis noster Nonas instare Novembres admonet OCR: occurras non rogo sed iubeo sit tecum coniunx duo nunc properate sed illud post annum optamus tertius ut venias XXI GT : occurras non rogo sed iubeo sit tecum coniunx duo nunc properate sed illud post annum optamus tertius ut venias null OCR: DE PISCIBVS NOCTE CAPTIS Quattuor haec primum pisces nox insuit hamis inde duos tenui tu quoque sume duos quos misi GT : null null null null Quattuor haec primum pisces nox insuit hamis inde duos tenui tu quoque sume duos quos misi OCR: sunt maiores rectissimus ordo est namque animae nostrae portio maior eras XXII SIDONIVS PONTIO LEONTIO SVO SALVTEM Dum apud Narbonem GT : sunt maiores rectissimus ordo est namque animae nostrae portio maior eras null null null null null null Dum apud Narbonem OCR: quondam Martium dictum sed nuper factum moras necto subiit animum quosEcdicius was the son of the Emperor Avitus and therefore GT : quondam Martium dictum sed nuper factum moras necto subiit animum null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the brother of Sidonius wife Papianilla He was the hero of the last resistance of Auvergne to the Goths see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Introd p xlvi Epist II and III are addressed to him This poem shows that the birthday of Sidonius was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the th of November Klotz PaulyWissowa RE sv Sidonius thinks the word instare may mean that the birthday was the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: day before the Nones ie the th Obviously he misunderstood natalis although the meaning found here occurs even in Ovid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Tibullus The meaning birthday does not fit the rest of the sentence The owner of Burgus was Pontius Leontius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Bordeaux easily the first of the Aquitanians Epist VIII The poem is very obscure in places and gives no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: adequate idea of the arrangement of the buildings The name of this XXII SIDONIUS TO LEONTIUS XX TO HIS BROTHERINLAW GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ECDICIUS i The genius of my birth reminds me that the Nones of November are at hand I do not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: invite you I order you to come to me Bring your wife with you hasten a couple this time but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: next year I hope there will be three of you XXI FISH CAUGHT AT NIGHT This night for the first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time fixed four fishes on my hooks Of these I have kept two do you also take two Those I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: am sending are the largest the arrangement is perfectly just for you are the larger portion of my heart XXII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND PONTIUS LEONTIUS GREETING As I was trying to spin out the days at Narbo which was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: named of old and has in recent times become in reality the town of Mars it occurred to Burgus is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: believed to survive in the modem BourgsurGironde Stevens p n refers to Naufroy Uistoire de BourgsurGironde p which I have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not been able to consult Narbo Martius was the full name of the town but the origin of Martius is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: uncertain In ad the town was occupied by Theodoric II For its struggles with Theodoric I see sqq See also GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n on THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS null piam secundum amorem tuum hexametros concinnare vel condere quibus lectis oppido scires etsi GT : null null null null null null quos piam secundum amorem tuum hexametros concinnare vel condere quibus lectis oppido scires etsi OCR: utrique nostrum disparatis aequo pluseulum null locis lar familiaris incolitur non idcirco tam nobis animum dissidere quam patriam habes igitur GT : utrique nostrum disparatis aequo null plusculum locis lar familiaris incolitur non idcirco tam nobis animum dissidere quam patriam habes igitur OCR: hie null Dionysum inter triumph null Indici oblectamenta marcentem habes et Phoebum quern null tibi iure poetico inquilinum factum constat GT : null hic Dionysum inter null triumphi Indici oblectamenta marcentem habes et Phoebum null quem tibi iure poetico inquilinum factum constat OCR: ex numine ilium null scilicet Phoebum Anthedii mei perfamiliarem cuius coUegio null vir praefectus non modo musicos quosque verum etiam GT : ex numine null illum scilicet Phoebum Anthedii mei perfamiliarem cuius null collegio vir praefectus non modo musicos quosque verum etiam OCR: geometras arithmeticos et astrologos disserendi arte supervenit siquidem nullum hoc exactius compertum habere censuerim quid sidera zodiaci obliqua quid planetarum GT : geometras arithmeticos et astrologos disserendi arte supervenit siquidem nullum hoc exactius compertum habere censuerim quid sidera zodiaci obliqua quid planetarum OCR: vaga quid exotici sparsa praevaleant nam ita his ut sic dixerim membris philosophiae claret null ut videatur mihi lulium null GT : vaga quid exotici sparsa praevaleant nam ita his ut sic dixerim membris philosophiae null daret ut videatur mihi null Iulium OCR: Firmicum lulianum null Vertacum FuUonium null Saturninum in libris matheseos peritissimos conditores absque interprete ingenio tantum sufFragante null didicisse nos GT : Firmicum null Iulianum Vertacum null Fullonium Saturninum in libris matheseos peritissimos conditores absque interprete ingenio tantum null suffragante didicisse nos OCR: vestigia doctrinae ipsius adorantes coram canoro cygno ravum anserem profitemur quid te amphus null moror Burgum tuam quo iure amicum GT : vestigia doctrinae ipsius adorantes coram canoro cygno ravum anserem profitemur quid te null amplius moror Burgum tuam quo iure amicum OCR: decuit meam feci probe sciens vel materiam tibi esse placituram etiamsi ex solido poema displiceat lulium Firmicum solus ezhibet Vatican GT : decuit meam feci probe sciens vel materiam tibi esse placituram etiamsi ex solido poema displiceat null null null null null OCR: The two mentions of Phoebus are not very clear The first seems to allude to the fact that Paulinus son GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Pontius is a poet n on the second to some poetical society or institute of which Anthedius was president GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: On Anthedius see a XXII SIDONIUS TO LEONTIUS me to put together some hexameters after your own heart I hoped GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that when you read them you might feel well assured that although our respective household gods are set in places GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a bit farther from one another than they ought to be it does not follow that our souls are as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: far apart as our homes Here then you can find Dionysus bemused amid the delights of his Indian triumph and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phoebus also who as is well known is for you a god no longer but rather through a poets privilege GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an inmate of your house that same Phoebus who is a great crony of my friend Anthedius head of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Apolline college a man who surpasses in the art of lecturing not only all musicians but all geometers arithmeticians and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: astrologers for I should think no one knows more perfectly the special influences of the various heavenly bodies the slanting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: signs of the zodiac the roaming planets or the scattered stars of the extrazodiacal region He is indeed so eminent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in these members if I may so term them of philosophy that he seems to me to have mastered without GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an interpreter solely by dint of his own genius the greatest savants among writers on astrology lulius Firmicus lulianus Vertacus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Fullonius Saturninus Following reverently the footsteps of such learning I pretend to no higher title than a hoarse gander GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the presence of a tuneful swan But why delay you further I have made your home The Castle my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own using a friends proper privilege knowing full well that my subjectmatter will please you even though the poem should GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be entirely displeasing Jpsius is here a mere demonstrative See critical note on Epist I THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS BVRGVS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null BVRGVS OCR: PONTII LEONTII Bistonii stabulum regis Busiridis aras Antiphatae mensas et Taurica regna Thoantis atque Ithaci ingenio fraudatum luce Cyclopa portantem GT : PONTII LEONTII Bistonii stabulum regis Busiridis aras Antiphatae mensas et Taurica regna Thoantis atque Ithaci ingenio fraudatum luce Cyclopa portantem OCR: frontis campo per concava montis par prope transfossi tenebrosum luminis antrum hospes adi si quis Burgum taciturus adisti et licet GT : frontis campo per concava montis par prope transfossi tenebrosum luminis antrum hospes adi si quis Burgum taciturus adisti et licet OCR: in carmen non passim laxet habenas Phoebus et hie null totis non pandat t carbasafl null fandi quisque tamn null GT : in carmen non passim laxet habenas Phoebus et null hic totis non pandat null null carbasa fandi quisque null tamen OCR: tantos non laudans ore penates inspicisiiiceri null null resonat sine voce voluntas nam tua te taciturn null livere silentia clamant GT : tantos non laudans ore penates null inspicis inspiceris resonat sine voce voluntas nam tua te null tacitum livere silentia clamant OCR: Ergo age Pirias null Erato mihi percute chordas responsent Satyri digitumque pedemque moventes ludant et tremulo non rumpant cantica saltu GT : Ergo age null Pierias Erato mihi percute chordas responsent Satyri digitumque pedemque moventes ludant et tremulo non rumpant cantica saltu OCR: quidquid forte Dryas vel quidquid Hamadryas umquam conexis sibimet festumplausere null null Napaeis dependant modo BurgetfbTvel null null null Naidas GT : quidquid forte Dryas vel quidquid Hamadryas umquam conexis sibimet null festum plausere Napaeis dependant modo null Burge tibi vel Naidas OCR: istic Nereidum chorus alme doce cum forte Garunna hue null redeunte venis pontumque in flumine sulcas pande igitur causas Erato GT : istic Nereidum chorus alme doce cum forte Garunna null huc redeunte venis pontumque in flumine sulcas pande igitur causas Erato OCR: laribusque sit ede quis genius tantum non est sine praesule culmen totus TF Diomede who fed his mares on human GT : laribusque sit ede quis genius tantum non est sine praesule culmen null null null null null null null null null OCR: flesh King of Egypt who sacrificed foreign visitors to his country until he was slain by Hercules King of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cannibal Laestrygones Homer Od X sqq King of Tauris where human sacrifices were offered XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS Stranger whoever you may be that have visited the Castle and yet are fain to keep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: silence about it may you visit the stalls of the Bistonian king the altars of Busiris the table of Antiphates GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Tauric realm of Thoas and the Cyclops who was robbed of his sight by the cunning of the man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Ithaca and bears on the wide expanse of his forehead as he ranges through his mountaincave a gloomy cavern GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wellnigh as vast the socket of his pierced eye and although Phoebus suffers not all and sundry to give free GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rein to song and does not here spread out fully the sails of eloquence for every man yet whoever you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are who with no praise on your lips view that splendid home you are thereby put on view yourself your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inclination loudly heralds itself though without voice for your silence proclaims you dumb with jealousy Come then Erato strike the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pierian strings for me Let the Satyrs accompany the strain playing their part with movement of finger and of foot GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but not interrupting the melody with jerky leaps All the festive dances that Dryads or Hamadryads hand in hand with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the nymphs of the glen have ever danced may they now bestow on thee alone great Castle Kindly choir of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nereids teach the Naiads there at the season when the Garonne flows back thither and ye come cleaving the sea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the midst of the river Reveal then O Erato the origin of the house and declare what protecting spirit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: watches that home for so great an edifice cannot lack a divine guardian See n and w below THE POEMS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS Forte sagittiferas Euan populatus Erythras vite capistratas cogebat ad esseda tigres intrabat duplicem quaiviacemifer null null null arcum GT : null null Forte sagittiferas Euan populatus Erythras vite capistratas cogebat ad esseda tigres intrabat duplicem null qua temo racemifer arcum OCR: marcidus ipse sedet curru madet ardua cervix sudati de rore meri caput aurea rumpunt cornua et indigenam iaculantur fulminis ignem GT : marcidus ipse sedet curru madet ardua cervix sudati de rore meri caput aurea rumpunt cornua et indigenam iaculantur fulminis ignem OCR: sumpserat hoc nascens rimum null cum transiit olim in patrium de matre femur fert tempus utrumque veris opes rutilosque ligat GT : sumpserat hoc nascens null primum cum transiit olim in patrium de matre femur fert tempus utrumque veris opes rutilosque ligat OCR: vindemia flores cantharus et thyrsus dextra laevaque feruntur nee null tegit exertos sed tangit palla lacertos dulce natant ocu H GT : vindemia flores cantharus et thyrsus dextra laevaque feruntur null nec tegit exertos sed tangit palla lacertos dulce natant null null OCR: null quos si fors vertat in hostem attonitos jolun null dum cernit inebriat Indos turn null salebris saliens quotiens se GT : oculi quos si fors vertat in hostem attonitos null solun dum cernit inebriat Indos null tum salebris saliens quotiens se OCR: concutit axis passim deciduo perfunditur orbita musto Bassaridas Satyros Panas Faunosque docebat ludere Silenus iam numine plenus alumno sed comptus GT : concutit axis passim deciduo perfunditur orbita musto Bassaridas Satyros Panas Faunosque docebat ludere Silenus iam numine plenus alumno sed comptus OCR: tamen ille caput nam vertice nudo amissos sertis studet excusare capillos Corniger inde novi fit Ganges pompa triumphi cernuus inpexam GT : tamen ille caput nam vertice nudo amissos sertis studet excusare capillos Corniger inde novi fit Ganges pompa triumphi cernuus inpexam OCR: faciem stetit ore madenti et arentes vitreis adiuvit fletibus undas coniectas in vincla manus post terga revinxit pampinus hie null GT : faciem stetit ore madenti et arentes vitreis adiuvit fletibus undas coniectas in vincla manus post terga revinxit pampinus null hic OCR: sensim captivo umore refusus sponte refrondescit per bracchia roscida palmesQ Eryth n on Both the Latin and the translation are GT : sensim captivo umore refusus sponte refrondescit per bracchia roscida null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rather strained One is tempted to suspect that a line has dropped out of the text The double arch can GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scarcely be anything but the double yoke illustrations of which may be seen in the ordinary dictionaries of antiquities The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pole was passed through the connectingpiece between the two yokes Those editors who punctuate so as to connect v with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: v make duplicem arcum uninteUigible XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS It chanced that Bacchus having laid waste Erythrae the famed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haunt of bowmen was subjecting vinebridled tigers to his chariot where a pole that bore clustering grapes entered the double GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arch In the car sat the god himself all languorous his proud neck sweated with exuded wine from his head GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sprang golden horns which hurled forth his native levinfire this he had first received at his birth long before when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he passed from his mother into his fathers thigh Both his temples were covered with the bounties of springtime and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the vintage crop fastened the red flowers in their place his right hand carried a goblet and his left a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thyrsus and his arms were bare the cloak just touching without hiding them There was charm in his swinmiing eyes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and if he chanced to turn them upon the enemy he dazed those Indians by his mere look and made GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them drunken Whenever the wheel jolted forced upward by rough places the track was soaked all over with a falling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shower of new wine Bassarids Satyrs Pans and Fauns were being taught to frolic by Silenus he was now filled GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with the divinity that he had reared but his head was in orderly array for on his bare pate he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: took pains to palliate the loss of hair with a garland The next show in this new triumph is homed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ganges With hanging head he has taken his place his face is unkempt and his cheeks bedewed and with his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: glassy tears he has helped to replenish his parched stream His hands have been cast into chains and a vinebranch GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has fastened them behind his back and gradually the water thus held prisoner has caused fresh growth and of its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own accord the vineshoot sends forth new leafage all over those dewy arms THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Nee null null GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null palmes Nec OCR: non et rapti coniunx ibi vineta null mariti it croeeas null demissa genas vetitaque reeondi null lampade cum Solis radiis GT : non et rapti coniunx ibi null vincta mariti it null croceas demissa genas vetitaque null recondi lampade cum Solis radiis OCR: Aurora rubebat Adfuit hie etiara null null post perdita cinnama Phoenix formidans mortem sibi non superesse secundam succedit captiva cohors GT : Aurora rubebat Adfuit null null hic etiam post perdita cinnama Phoenix formidans mortem sibi non superesse secundam succedit captiva cohors OCR: quae fercula gazis fert onerata suis ebur hie hebenpsque null null vel aurum et niveae pieeo null raptae de pectore GT : quae fercula gazis fert onerata suis ebur null null hic hebenusque vel aurum et niveae null piceo raptae de pectore OCR: bacae gestantur quicumque nihil sustentat odoros mittitur in nexus videas hie null ipsa placere supplicia et virides violis halare catenas GT : bacae gestantur quicumque nihil sustentat odoros mittitur in nexus videas null hic ipsa placere supplicia et virides violis halare catenas OCR: Vltima nigrantes incedunt praeda elephanti informis cui forma gregi riget hispida dorso vix ferrum passura null cutis quippe improba fiteml GT : Vltima nigrantes incedunt praeda elephanti informis cui forma gregi riget hispida dorso vix ferrum null passum cutis quippe improba null OCR: null nativam nee null tela forant contracta vicissim tensaque terga feris crepitant usuque cavendi pellunt excussis impactum missile rugis lamque GT : cratem nativam null nec tela forant contracta vicissim tensaque terga feris crepitant usuque cavendi pellunt excussis impactum missile rugis null OCR: null iter ad Thebas per magnum victor agebat aera et ad summas erexerat orgia nubes cum videt Aonia venientem Delion GT : Iamque iter ad Thebas per magnum victor agebat aera et ad summas erexerat orgia nubes cum videt Aonia venientem Delion OCR: arce grypas et ipse tenet vultus his laurea curvos fronde lupata ligant hederis quoque circumplexis pendula lora virent sensim fera GT : arce grypas et ipse tenet vultus his laurea curvos fronde lupata ligant hederis quoque circumplexis pendula lora virent sensim fera OCR: subvolat ales aerias terraeque vias ne forte citato alarum strepitu lignosas frangat habenas aeternum nitet ipse genas crevere corymbis odoros GT : subvolat ales aerias terraeque vias ne forte citato alarum strepitu lignosas frangat habenas aeternum nitet ipse genas crevere corymbis null OCR: edit Buret odoris The stolen husband is probably Tithonus though he is not the only beautiful youth that Aurora carried GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: oflE Commentators wrongly take the husband to be Ganges n Apollo The Aonian height is Mt Helicon sacred to Apollo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the Muses In v below Aonios colles means Boeotian hills Boeotia especially Thebes and Orchomenos was famous for its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: worship of Dionvsus XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS There also walks in chains the wife of a stolen husband Aurora GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Her saffronhued countenance is dovncast but her lamp may not be hidden and she is flushed with the glow of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the suns rays Here also appeais the Phoenix who has lost his cinnamon and fears that after this no second GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death can be his Then comes a company of prisoners bearing trays laden vith their treasures here are carried ivory GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and ebony and gold and snowwhite gems snatched from pitchblack bosoms Whoever does not support a load is consigned to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fragrant bonds and it is plain that their very punishment is pleasing for the verdant chains breathe forth the odour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of violets Last of the spoil the dusky elephants advance a troop of unshapely shape On their backs is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: skin rough and stiff that will scarce let steel pass through it for even ruthless javelins fail to pierce that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: natural barrier and the hide crackles as it stretches and contracts in turn and with practised defence repels the smiting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: missile by shaking out its Tinkles Now the conqueror was speeding his way to Thebes through the vast air and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had taken up his revelling rout to the clouds when he saw the god of Delos approaching from the Aonian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: height This god likewise wields the rein but his steeds are gryphons curbs of leafy laurel bind their hooked beaks GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the hanging reins are green with ivy intertwined Slowly and steadily do those winged beasts fly along their paths in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: air and over land lest haply by a violent flapping of their wings they break the woody reins The countenance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the god shines with an eternal radiance clusters of ivyberries stand out upon his THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS tempora GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null tempora OCR: et auratum verrit coma concolor axem laeva parte tenet vasta dulcedine raucam caelato Pythone lyram pars dextra sagittas continet atque GT : et auratum verrit coma concolor axem laeva parte tenet vasta dulcedine raucam caelato Pythone lyram pars dextra sagittas continet atque OCR: alio resonant es murmur e null null nervos ibant Pipliades pariter mediumque noveno circumsistentes umbrabant syrmate currum pendet per teretes GT : alio null null null null resonantes murmure nervos ibant Pipliades pariter mediumque noveno circumsistentes umbrabant syrmate currum pendet per teretes OCR: tripodas Epidaurius anguis diffusus sanctum per colla salubria virus hie null et crinisatas iungebat Pegasus alas portans doctiloquo facundum crure GT : tripodas Epidaurius anguis diffusus sanctum per colla salubria virus null hic et crinisatas iungebat Pegasus alas portans doctiloquo facundum crure OCR: Crotonem Vt sese iunxere chori consurgit uterque fratris in amplexus sed paulo segnior Euan dum pudet instabiles si surgat prodere GT : Crotonem Vt sese iunxere chori consurgit uterque fratris in amplexus sed paulo segnior Euan dum pudet instabiles si surgat prodere OCR: plantas turn null Phoebus quo pergis ait num forte nocentes Bacche petis Thebas te cretus Echione nempe abnegat esse deum GT : plantas null tum Phoebus quo pergis ait num forte nocentes Bacche petis Thebas te cretus Echione nempe abnegat esse deum OCR: linque his rogo moenia linque et mecum mage flecte rotas despexit Agaue te colere et nosmet Niobe riget inde superba GT : linque his rogo moenia linque et mecum mage flecte rotas despexit Agaue te colere et nosmet Niobe riget inde superba OCR: vulnera tot patiens quot spectat vulnera ventris optantemque mori gravius dementia null fixit parcere saepe malum est sensumque inferre dolori GT : vulnera tot patiens quot spectat vulnera ventris optantemque mori gravius null clementia fixit parcere saepe malum est sensumque inferre dolori OCR: ipsa autem nato occiso Pentheia mater amplius ut furiat numquid non sana futura est ergone Aonios colles habitare valemus Crotonem GT : ipsa autem nato occiso Pentheia mater amplius ut furiat numquid non sana futura est ergone Aonios colles habitare valemus null OCR: Wilamoioitz Creontem superba Luetjohann superbuin ie different from that of the lyrestrings Croton Crotos Crotus was a son of Pan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Eupheme nurse of the muses He became the constellation Sagittarius Crure alludes to metre pede would have been clearer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pentheus The mother of Pentheus She had cast a slight on the parentage of Bacchus who exacted vengeance by driving GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her and her sisters into a frenzy in which they slew Pentheus ie just as Niobes preservation was a cruel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mercy XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS brow and his gilded car is swept by tresses of like hue On his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: left he holds a sonorous lyre of ineffable sweetness with Python graven upon it on his right are arrows and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: strings that echo with a different twang With him advance the Muses all gathered around him and casting on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: midst of his chariot the shadow of their ninefold robes The serpent of Epidaurus hangs loosely coiled about the shapely GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tripod with a hallowed essence diffused throughout his healthgiving neck Joined to them also is Pegasus with his hairy wings GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: carrying on his back Croton whose skilled foot brings forth eloquent utterance WTien the two bands came together each god GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arose to give a brotherly embrace but Bacchus a little more slowly than the other for he was shy of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: betraying his unsteady feet by rising Then Phoebus said Whither away Can it be Bacchus that thou art seeking guilty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thebes True Echions descendant denies thy godhead nevertheless leave the city to them I pray thee yea do so and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rather make thy wheels go my way Agaue scorned thy worship and Niobe mine hence was Niobe turned to stone GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in her pride herself suffering a wound for every wound that she saw her offspring suffer and as she longed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for death my mercy gave her that rigid form a boon worse than death tis oft an ill service to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spare and to inflict on pain longer suffering So shall not even Pentheus mother having slain her son regain her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seiis only to become more frenzied still Nay can we dwell on the Aonian heights when in time to come GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an the restoration of Agaues sanity will result in a madness more terrible than before because it will enable her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to realise what she has done Numquid twn is often used in Late Latin for nonne See n on r GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS cum patris extincti thalamis potietur adulter frater natorum coniunx genetricis habendus vitricus ipse suus cordi est GT : null null null null cum patris extincti thalamis potietur adulter frater natorum coniunx genetricis habendus vitricus ipse suus cordi est OCR: si iungere gressum dicam qua pariter sedem tellure locemus Est locus irrigua qua rupe Garunna rotate et tu qui simili GT : si iungere gressum dicam qua pariter sedem tellure locemus Est locus irrigua qua rupe Garunna rotate et tu qui simili OCR: festinus in aequora lapsu exis curvata Durani muscose sabuiTa null iam pigrescentes sensim confunditis amnes currit in adversum hie null GT : festinus in aequora lapsu exis curvata Durani muscose null saburra iam pigrescentes sensim confunditis amnes currit in adversum null hic OCR: pontus multoque recursu flumina quas volvunt et spernit et expetit undas at cum summotus lunaribus incrementis ipse Garunna suos in GT : pontus multoque recursu flumina quas volvunt et spernit et expetit undas at cum summotus lunaribus incrementis ipse Garunna suos in OCR: dorsa recolligit aestusT null praecipiti fluctu raptim redit atque videtur in fontem iam non refluus sed defluus ire turn null GT : dorsa recolligit null aestus praecipiti fluctu raptim redit atque videtur in fontem iam non refluus sed defluus ire null tum OCR: recipit laticem quamvis minor ille minorem stagnanti de fratre suum turgescit et ipse Oceano propriasque facit sibi litora ripas hos GT : recipit laticem quamvis minor ille minorem stagnanti de fratre suum turgescit et ipse Oceano propriasque facit sibi litora ripas hos OCR: inter fluvios uni mage proximus undae est aethera mons rumpens alta spectabilis agfij i null plus Celsos null habiturus frngiWrnflmgificiPjiatiim GT : inter fluvios uni mage proximus undae est aethera mons rumpens alta spectabilis null null arce plus null celsos habiturus null OCR: null null null quem generis princeps Paulinus Pontius olim cum Latins null patriae dominabitur ambiet altis moenibus et celsae transmittent GT : eros vernamque senatum quem generis princeps Paulinus Pontius olim cum null Latius patriae dominabitur ambiet altis moenibus et celsae transmittent OCR: aera turres quarum culminibus sedeant commune micantes pompa vel auxilium non illos machina muros non aries non alta strues vel GT : aera turres quarum culminibus sedeant commune micantes pompa vel auxilium non illos machina muros non aries non alta strues vel OCR: proximus ggeryJ null non quae stridentes torquet catapulta molares mmorem Luetjohann minore uni Durani Wilamomtz Oedipus The Dordogne ie by GT : proximus null agger non quae stridentes torquet catapulta molares null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the spring tides XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS adulterer shall possess himself of his murdered fathers bride to be reckoned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brother of his sons husband of his mother and stepfather to himself If thou art fain to go with me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I will tell thee in what land we should make our joint habitation There is a place where two rivers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Garunna sped whirling down from a dripping mountaincrag and the mossy Duranius which rushes with like swoop to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plain and at last flows out from a bend in its sandy channel gradually commingle their slowing streams Here the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sea rushes up against the current and with constant coming and going repels or courts the waters that the rivers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: roll down But when the Garunna repulsed by the waxing of the moon once more gathers its own tidal flood GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: upon its back then it returns speeding in headlong billows and now seems to flow not backwards but downwards to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its source Then even the Duranius though as the lesser it receives from its flooding brother but a lesser share GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the water is hkewise swollen by the ocean and its banks become seashores Between these rivers but nearer to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one than to the other there is a mountain piercing the sky conspicuous in its towering height but destined to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have owners still more elevated and to be the birthplace of senators Some day when his land shall be under GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Latin sway Paulinus Pontius the founder of the family shall surround that hill with walls and the towers shall soar GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beyond earths atmosphere thus on their summits shall rest shining with a common radiance the two lights of Stateliness and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Succour Those walls no engine no batteringram no highpiled structure or nearbuilt mound no catapult hurhng the hissing stones THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: POEMS OF SIDONIUS sed nee null testudo nec tvineij null nec rota currens iam positis scalis umquam quassare valebunt cernere GT : null null null sed null nec testudo nec null vinea nec rota currens iam positis scalis umquam quassare valebunt cernere OCR: iam videor quae sint tibi Burge futura diceris sic namque domus de flumine surgunt splendentesque sedent perirnpiirnUJIth prnn a p GT : iam videor quae sint tibi Burge futura diceris sic namque domus de flumine surgunt splendentesque sedent null null null null OCR: hie eiim null null null null null vexatur piceis aquilonibus aestus scrupeus asprata latrare crepidine pumex ineipit null at fraetis GT : null null per propugnacula thermae hic cum vexatur piceis aquilonibus aestus scrupeus asprata latrare crepidine pumex null incipit at null OCR: null saliens e eautibus null altum exeutitur null torrens ipsisque aspergine teetis null impluit ae toUit null null nautas et GT : fractis saliens e null cautibus altum null excutitur torrens ipsisque aspergine null tectis impluit null null ac tollit nautas et OCR: saepe iocoso ludit naufragio nam tempestate peracta destituit refluens missas in balnea classes ipsa autem quantis quibus aut sunt fulta GT : saepe iocoso ludit naufragio nam tempestate peracta destituit refluens missas in balnea classes ipsa autem quantis quibus aut sunt fulta OCR: eolumnis null cedat puniceo pretiosus livor in antro Synnados et Nomadu m null qui portat eburnea saxa eollis null et GT : null columnis cedat puniceo pretiosus livor in antro Synnados et null null Nomadum qui portat eburnea saxa null collis et OCR: herbosis quae Cernant null marmora venis eandentem null iam nolo Paron iam nolo Caryston vilior est rubro quae pendet purpura GT : herbosis quae null vernant marmora venis null candentem iam nolo Paron iam nolo Caryston vilior est rubro quae pendet purpura OCR: saxo Et ne posteritas dubitet quis conditor extet fixus in introitu lapis est hie null nomina signat auctorum sed propter GT : saxo Et ne posteritas dubitet quis conditor extet fixus in introitu lapis est null hic nomina signat auctorum sed propter OCR: aqua et vestigia pressa quae rapit et fuso detergit gurgite eaenirai This has wrongly been taken as a reference to GT : aqua et vestigia pressa quae rapit et fuso detergit gurgite null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nautical sports such as are described in Epist II but Sidonius merely says that there is a gap between rocks GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through which water flows from the river into the baths which are built on the bank When a storm arises GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: boats are sometimes driven through this inlet right into the baths where they are apt to have ridiculous experiences For GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these marbles see nn The next eight lines are desperately obscure Sidonius is writing to one who knew the house GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and he is more intent on ingenious conceits than on inteUigibility Paries is possibly the front wall of the house GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the inner side of which is the atrium The decorative slabs w f are on the inside of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wall Vv describe the atrium which XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS no tortoiseroof no mantlet no wheel rushing onwards with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ladders already in position shall ever have power to shake Methinks I see the future that is in store for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee O Castle for so thou shalt be called The house rises from the rivers brim and gleaming baths are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: set within the circuit of the battlements here when the surging waters are troubled by the murky northwind the eaten GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: jagged rock sends forth a roar from the scarred bank then from a cleft in the crags a torrent leaps GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: forth and is shot aloft showering spray on to the very roofs it lifts up men in boats and often GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mocks them with a sportive shipwreck for when the storm is over the flood retreats and strands whole fleets that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have been forced up into the baths But the columns that support the baths of what manner and size are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they Before them must bow the costly dark hue in the purple quarry of Synnada and the Numidian hill that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bears stones like ivory and the marble that burgeons with grasslike veins henceforth I spurn gleaming Paros and Carystos poorer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now seems the purple suspended in the blushing rock Lest posterity should be uncertain whom the building boasts as its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stablisher a stone is set in the ground at the entrance with the names of the founders clearly graven upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it and there is water near at hand which clears away all footprints and wipes off all mud with its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flooding stream The is crescentshaped lunata atria With much diffidence I have made two alterations in the text The meaning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: maybe that a porticus duplex ie a double row of pillars runs straight through from the entrance thus dividing the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: floor into two floorspaces At the far end the two rows bend round in opposite directions following the rounded wall GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: until they come near to the paries from which they started Then THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS null sectilibus paries tabulis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null caenum sectilibus paries tabulis OCR: crustatus ad aurea tecta venit fulvo nimis abscondenda metallo nam locuples fortuna domus non passa latere divitias prodit cum sic GT : crustatus ad aurea tecta venit fulvo nimis abscondenda metallo nam locuples fortuna domus non passa latere divitias prodit cum sic OCR: sua culmina celat haec post assurgit duplicemque supervenit aream porticus ipsa duplex duplici non cognita plaustro quam rursum moUi null GT : sua culmina celat haec post assurgit duplicemque supervenit aream porticus ipsa duplex duplici non cognita plaustro quam rursum null molli OCR: subductam vertice curvae obversis paulum respectant cornibus alae ipsa diem natum cerniinuanedextro null null null fronte videns medium laevo visuraTcadentem GT : subductam vertice curvae obversis paulum respectant cornibus alae ipsa diem natum null cernit sinuamine dextro fronte videns medium laevo null OCR: null null non perdit quicquam trino de cardine caeli et totum solem lunata per atria servat sacra tridentiferi lovis hie GT : visura cadentem non perdit quicquam trino de cardine caeli et totum solem lunata per atria servat sacra tridentiferi null null OCR: null null armenta profundo Pharnacis immergit genitor percussa securi corpora cornipedum certasque rubescere plagas sanguineo de rore putes stat vulneris GT : Iovis hic armenta profundo Pharnacis immergit genitor percussa securi corpora cornipedum certasque rubescere plagas sanguineo de rore putes stat vulneris OCR: horror verus et occisis vivit pictura quadrigis Ponticus hinc rector numerosis Cyzicon armis claudit at hinc sociis consul Lucullus opem GT : horror verus et occisis vivit pictura quadrigis Ponticus hinc rector numerosis Cyzicon armis claudit at hinc sociis consul Lucullus opem OCR: fert compulsusque famis discrimina summa subire invidet obsesso miles Mithridaticus hosti enatat hie null pelagus Romani militis ardor et chartam GT : fert compulsusque famis discrimina summa subire invidet obsesso miles Mithridaticus hosti enatat null hic pelagus Romani militis ardor et chartam OCR: madido transportat corpore siccam aream ego aedem quam rursum ego quarum unam each row turns inward for a short distance GT : madido transportat corpore siccam null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: obversis turning athwart or turning so as to face one another and thus looks back upon the double colonnade The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: winding pillars on each side form the alae Sidonius welcomed the word because it made a ludicrous combination with cornibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wings and horns Duplici plaustro means not exposed to the north XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS housewall is faced with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: slabs of cut marble up to the gilded ceiling which is right fitly concealed by the yellow metal for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rich prosperity of the house brooking no secrecy reveals its wealth when thus it hides its roof Behind this part GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there soars passing high above a double floor a colonnade likewise double unknown to the double Wain This again diverges GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gently backward and finally these curving wings turn their horns inward for a little way and so look back upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it Its right bend sees the dawn its front the noonday light its left the fading day It loses none GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of these three quarters of the heavens but preserves the whole of the sun in the crescent hall There can GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be seen the father of Pharnaces plunging into the deep the horses sacrificed to the tridentbearing Jove you would think GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bodies of the steeds had in very truth been smitten by the axe and that real gashes were reddening GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with spurts of blood each ghastly wound seems true and that slain team makes the picture live Xext is seen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on one side the ruler of Pontus beleaguering Cyzicus with multitudinous host but on the other side Lucullus brings aid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the warriors of Mithridates forced to undergo the direst straits of hunger envy their besieged foe Here a bold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Roman soldier is swinrndng to land carrying across the water a scroll all dry despite his dripping body Appian Bell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mith c says that Mithridates before proceeding against Cotta in BC sacrificed a chariot team of four horses by flinging GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tliem into the sea but he does not say that the horses were first slaughtered The tridentbearing Jove is Neptune GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: For this story see Flor I III THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Desuper in longum porrectis horrea tectis crescunt atque amplis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null Desuper in longum porrectis horrea tectis crescunt atque amplis OCR: angustant fructibus aedes hue null veniet calidis quantum metit Africa terris quantum vel Calaber quantum colit Apulus acer quanta Leontino GT : angustant fructibus aedes null huc veniet calidis quantum metit Africa terris quantum vel Calaber quantum colit Apulus acer quanta Leontino OCR: turgescit messisiicervo null null quantum Mygdonio eommittunt null Gargara suleo null quantum quae tacitis Cererem venerata choreis Attica Triptolemo civi GT : turgescit null messis acervo quantum Mygdonio null committunt Gargara null sulco quantum quae tacitis Cererem venerata choreis Attica Triptolemo civi OCR: condebat Eleusin cum populis hominum glandem linquentibus null olim fulva fruge data iam saecula fulva perirent porticus ad gelidos patet GT : condebat Eleusin cum populis hominum glandem null liquentibus olim fulva fruge data iam saecula fulva perirent porticus ad gelidos patet OCR: hinc aestiva triones hinc calor innocuus thermis hiemalibus exit atque locum in tempus mollit quippe ilia null rigori pars est GT : hinc aestiva triones hinc calor innocuus thermis hiemalibus exit atque locum in tempus mollit quippe null illa rigori pars est OCR: apta magis nam quod fugit ora Leonis inde Lycaoniae rabiem male sustinet Vrsae arcis at in thermas longe venit altior GT : apta magis nam quod fugit ora Leonis inde Lycaoniae rabiem male sustinet Vrsae arcis at in thermas longe venit altior OCR: amnis et cadit in montem patulisque canalibus actus circumfert clausum cava per divortia flumen occiduum ad solem post horrea surgit GT : amnis et cadit in montem patulisque canalibus actus circumfert clausum cava per divortia flumen occiduum ad solem post horrea surgit OCR: opaca juae null dominis hiberna domus strepit hie null bona flamma appositas depasta trabes sinuata camino ardentis perit unda globi GT : opaca null quae dominis hiberna domus strepit null hic bona flamma appositas depasta trabes sinuata camino ardentis perit unda globi OCR: fractoque flagello spargit lentatum per culmina tota vaporem continuata dehinc videas quae conditor ausus aemula Palladiis textrina educere templis hac GT : fractoque flagello spargit lentatum per culmina tota vaporem continuata dehinc videas quae conditor ausus aemula Palladiis textrina educere templis hac OCR: celsi quondam coniunx reverenda Leonti inaddMohr The sun is or rather was in Leo in July Falls into not down GT : celsi quondam coniunx reverenda Leonti null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or from the mountain a characteristically feeble paradox The meaning is that trenches are dug in the mountainside to form GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conduits ami the water falls into them XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS Higher up the granaries multiply with their long GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stretch of buildings and with produce within so abundant that even their vast space is cramped Hither shall come as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great a harvest as is reaped in Africas warm fields or cultivated by the Calabrian or the brisk Apulian as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rich a crop as swells for the stacks of Leontini or as Gargarus commits to its Lydian furrow or as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Attic Eleusis that worshipped Ceres with mystic dances used to garner for her citizen Triptolemus when long ago the tribes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of mankind renounced the acorn and the golden age was perishing now that the golden grain was given Then there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is a summer portico exposed on one side to the chill north at the other end a harmless warmth comes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out from the winter baths and tempers the air of the place when the season requires so this end is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: best suited to the cold weather for the part that fights shy of the Lions mouth is thereby unfitted to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: endure the rage of Lycaons Bear Into the warm baths of the mansion comes a stream from far above which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: falls into the mountain being forced through open channels till at last it circulates its waters under cover through divergent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tunnels Behind the shaded granaries there rises toward the west a structure that is the winter home of the master GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and mistress here a goodly fire crackles which devours the great logs that are piled near at hand the glowing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cloud that comes forth in billows curls upward from the stove hen fades away and vith its blast now broken GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it spreads a mitigated heat all over the roof Joined to the room may be seen the weavingchambers which the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: founder dared to build in a style that vied with the temples of Pallas Some day it shall be blazoned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VOL I M THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS qua non ulla magis nurus umquam Pontia gaudet inlustris pro sorte viri celebrabitur GT : null null null null null null null qua non ulla magis nurus umquam Pontia gaudet inlustris pro sorte viri celebrabitur OCR: aede vel Syrias vacuasse colus vel serica fila per cannas torsisse leves vel stamine fulvo praegnantisusi null null mollitum nesse GT : aede vel Syrias vacuasse colus vel serica fila per cannas torsisse leves vel stamine fulvo null praegnantis fusi mollitum nesse OCR: metallumj null parietibus posthinc rutilat quae machina iunctis fert recutitorum primordia ludaeorum null perpetuum pictura micat nee null tempore longo GT : null metallum parietibus posthinc rutilat quae machina iunctis fert recutitorum primordia null Iudaeorum perpetuum pictura micat null nec tempore longo OCR: depretiata suas turpant pigmenta figuras Flecteris ad laevam te porticus accipit ampla y directis curvata viis ubi margine summo pendet GT : depretiata suas turpant pigmenta figuras Flecteris ad laevam te porticus accipit ampla null directis curvata viis ubi margine summo pendet OCR: et tarTs null stat saxea silva columnis alta volubilibus patet hie null cenatio valvis fusilis euripus propter cadit unda superne GT : et null artatis stat saxea silva columnis alta volubilibus patet null hic cenatio valvis fusilis euripus propter cadit unda superne OCR: ante fores pendente lacu venamque secuti undosa inveniunt nantes cenacula pisces conuninus null erigitur vel prima vel extima turris mos GT : ante fores pendente lacu venamque secuti undosa inveniunt nantes cenacula pisces null comminus erigitur vel prima vel extima turris mos OCR: erit hie null dominis hibernum igE null locare huius conspicuo residens in culmine saepe dilectum nostris Musis simul atque capellis GT : erit null hic dominis hibernum null sigma locare huius conspicuo residens in culmine saepe dilectum nostris Musis simul atque capellis OCR: aspiciam montem lauri spatiabor in istis frondibus hie null trepidam credam mihi credere Daphnen iam si forte gradus geminam convertls GT : aspiciam montem lauri spatiabor in istis frondibus null hic trepidam credam mihi credere Daphnen iam si forte gradus geminam null OCR: null ad Arcton ut venias in templa dei qui maximus ille est The distaff is called Syrian because the lady GT : convertis ad Arcton ut venias in templa dei qui maximus ille est null null null null null null null null OCR: is working with wool akeady dyed in Syrian purple Perhaps rather on the extreme edge is perched of collis margine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The forest of columns was perhaps built on an overhanging ledge at one end of the hill Sidonius plays on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the literal meaning of cenacvlum diningroom and the derived meaning upper chamber XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS forth by fame GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that in this sanctuary the worshipful lady of the great Leontius than whom no other wife of the Pontian house GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever rejoiced more in her husbands illustrious rank Stripped the Syrian distaff and twisted the silken strands along the light GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reeds and spun the pliant metal making the spindle swell with thread of gold Next to this with wall abutting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there stands a resplendent structure which shows depicted the beginnings of the circumcised Jews The brightness of the picture is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: everlasting time brings no degeneration in the colours to mar the painted forms You turn left and a spacious colonnade GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: receives you its shape curved but its passages straight To the extreme edge clings a crowded forest of closeset columns GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Here is built a lofty diningroom Nvith foldingdoors A conduit of cast metal is near there is a suspended tank GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in front of the door into it the water falls from above and fishes advancing with the flow find the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: end of their swimming in an upper room but a watery one Close at hand rises the first or if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it please you better the last of the towers There the masters of the house will be wont to set GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their diningcouch in vinter Oftentimes on its farseen roof will I sit and view that mountain beloved by my Muses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and by the goats I will walk amid those laurel boughs and there I shall believe that the timorous Daphne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: believes in me Then if you chance to turn your steps towards the two Bears to reach the temple of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that God who is greatest of all you find the wineThe tank is a cenactUum in the latter sense but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fishes generally find the end of their career in a cenactUum of the other sort THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS deliciis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null deliciis OCR: redolent iunctis apotheca penusque hie null multus tu frater eris lam null divide sedem cessurus mihi fonte meo quern null GT : redolent iunctis apotheca penusque null hic multus tu frater eris null Iam divide sedem cessurus mihi fonte meo null quem OCR: monte fluentem umbrat multicavus spatioso circite fornix non eget hie null cultu dedit huic natura decorem nil fictum placuisse placet GT : monte fluentem umbrat multicavus spatioso circite fornix non eget null hic cultu dedit huic natura decorem nil fictum placuisse placet OCR: non pompa per artem ulla resiiltanti null non comet malleus ictu saxa nee exesiira null null supplebunt marmora tofum hie GT : non pompa per artem ulla null resultanti non comet malleus ictu saxa null null nec exesum supplebunt marmora tofum null OCR: null fons Castaliae nobis vice sufficit undae cetera dives habe colles tua iura tremiscant captivos hie null solve tuos et GT : hic fons Castaliae nobis vice sufficit undae cetera dives habe colles tua iura tremiscant captivos null hic solve tuos et OCR: per iuga Burgi laeta relaxatae fiant vineta catenae Confirmat vocem iamiam prope sobrius istam Silenus pariterque chori cecinere faventes Nysa GT : per iuga Burgi laeta relaxatae fiant vineta catenae Confirmat vocem iamiam prope sobrius istam Silenus pariterque chori cecinere faventes Nysa OCR: vale Bromio Phoebo Parnase bivertex non istum Naxus non istum Cirrha requirat sed mage perpetuo Burgus placitura petatur Ecce quotiens GT : vale Bromio Phoebo Parnase bivertex non istum Naxus non istum Cirrha requirat sed mage perpetuo Burgus placitura petatur Ecce quotiens OCR: tibi libuerit pateris capacioribus hilarare convivium misi quod inter scyphos et amystidas tuas legas subveneris verecundiae meae si in sobrias GT : tibi libuerit pateris capacioribus hilarare convivium misi quod inter scyphos et amystidas tuas legas subveneris verecundiae meae si in sobrias OCR: aures ista non venerint nee null iniuria hoc ac secus atque aequum est flagito quandoquidem Baccho meo iudicium decemvirale passuro GT : aures ista non venerint null nec iniuria hoc ac secus atque aequum est flagito quandoquidem Baccho meo iudicium decemvirale passuro OCR: tempestivius quam convenit tribunal erigitur si As Bacchibs is used in poetry for wine there is a double meaning here GT : tempestivius quam convenit tribunal erigitur si null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ie Delphi XXII CASTLE OF PONTIUS LEONTIUS store and the larder fragrant with mingled delights This place will see much GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of you my brother Now agree upon a division of haunts you shall leave to me my spring which flows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the mountain shadowed by an arched covering of ample circuit much pitted This needs no embellishment for Nature has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: given it beauty It seems good to me that there no counterfeiting should seem good no artificial splendour there no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hammer with reechoing blow shall dress those stones no marble workmanship take the place of the weatherworn tuff That spring GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contents me instead of Castalias fountain All else you may have to enrich you the hills may tremble before your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: power here set your captives free and may their loosened bonds become joyous vineyards all over the Castles hilly slopes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Silenus now all but sober confirmed this utterance and the bands of revellers likewise sang their approval Nysa Bromius bids GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thee farewell twincrested Parnassus Phoebus bids farewell to thee Let Naxus no longer seek the one or Cirrha the other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but rather let the Castle be our goal to give delight for evermore See I have sent you something to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: read amid your bumpers and wassailings whenever you choose to cheer the feast with extralarge cups You will save my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: blushes if these lines do not find their way to sober ears This is not an unlawful or an inequitable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: demand on my part since the treatment I deprecate amounts to setting up a premature tribunal for my Bacchus where GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he would be subjected to a judgment of decemviral severity Again should THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quis autem carmen prolixius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null quis autem carmen prolixius OCR: eatenus duxerit esse culpandumquodepigrammatis null null null excesserit paucitatem istum liquido patet neque balneas Etrusci neque Herculem Surrentinum neque comas GT : eatenus duxerit esse null culpandum quod epigrammatis excesserit paucitatem istum liquido patet neque balneas Etrusci neque Herculem Surrentinum neque comas OCR: Flavii Earini neque Tibur Vopisci neque omnino quicquam de Papinii nostri silvulis lectitasse quas omnes descriptiones vir ille praeiudicatissimus non GT : Flavii Earini neque Tibur Vopisci neque omnino quicquam de Papinii nostri silvulis lectitasse quas omnes descriptiones vir ille praeiudicatissimus non OCR: distichorum aut tetrastichorum stringit angustiis sed potius ut lyricus Flaccus in artis poeticae volumine praecipit multis isdemque purpureis locorum communium GT : distichorum aut tetrastichorum stringit angustiis sed potius ut lyricus Flaccus in artis poeticae volumine praecipit multis isdemque purpureis locorum communium OCR: pannis semel inchoatas materias decenter extendit haec me ad defensionis exemplum posuisse sufficiat ne haec ipsa longitudinis deprecatio longa videatur GT : pannis semel inchoatas materias decenter extendit haec me ad defensionis exemplum posuisse sufficiat ne haec ipsa longitudinis deprecatio longa videatur OCR: vale XXIII AD CONSENTIVM Cum iam pro meritis tuis pararem Consenti columen decusque morura null vestrae laudibus hospitalitatis cantum impendere GT : vale null null null Cum iam pro meritis tuis pararem Consenti columen decusque null morum vestrae laudibus hospitalitatis cantum impendere OCR: pauperis cicutae ultro in carmina tu tubam recludens converso ordine versibus citasti suetum ludere sic magis sodalem paret Musa tibi GT : pauperis cicutae ultro in carmina tu tubam recludens converso ordine versibus citasti suetum ludere sic magis sodalem paret Musa tibi OCR: sed impudentem These poems are numbered respectively I III III and I in the Silvae of Statins Hor A P GT : sed impudentem null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: purpureiis late qui sphndeat unus et alter adsuiiur pannus XXIII TO CONSENTIUS anyone consider that such a lengthy poem deserves GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: censure for going beyond the brevity of an epigram it is perfectly clear that he has not been in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: habit of reading the Baths of Etruscus or the Hercules of Surrentum or the Locks of Flavins Earinus or the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tiburtine Home of Vopiscus or indeed anything from the little Silvae of our Statius for that man of most assured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reputation does not cramp any of these descriptions within the narrow limits of twolined or fourlined poems but rather does GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: what the lyric poet Horace enjoins in the Art of Poetry once he has introduced his subject he appropriately enlarges GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it by the repeated use of stock purple patches Let this suffice as a specimen of my selfdefence lest this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: justification of length should itself seem too long Farewell XXIII TO CONSENTIUS Consentius pillar and ornament of manners I was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: already preparing to devote the strains of my poor reed to the praises of your hospitality as you well deserve GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when you forestalled me and reversing the order of things brought out your trumpet and in verses challenged your old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crony who is more used to that kind of pastime to produce a poem Well the Muse answers your call GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but she Consentius of Narbonne to whom Epist VIII is addressed is mentioned as a poet in Epist IX carm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sqq The present poem cannot have been written before AD when Theodoric II occupied Narbonne w or after when he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was murdered See Introd p Ivii THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS multo cautius hinc stilum movebit nam cum carmina postules diserte GT : null null null null null null null null null null multo cautius hinc stilum movebit nam cum carmina postules diserte OCR: suades scribere sed facis tacere nuper quadrupedante cum citato ires Phocida Sestiasque Baias inlustres titulisque proeliisque urbes per duo consulum GT : suades scribere sed facis tacere nuper quadrupedante cum citato ires Phocida Sestiasque Baias inlustres titulisque proeliisque urbes per duo consulum OCR: tropaea nam Martem tulit ista lulianum null et Bruto duce nauticum furorem ast haec Teutonicas cruenta pugnas erectum et Marium GT : tropaea nam Martem tulit ista null Iulianum et Bruto duce nauticum furorem ast haec Teutonicas cruenta pugnas erectum et Marium OCR: cadente Cimbro misisti mihi multiplex poema doctum nobile forte delicatum ibant hexametri superbientes et vestigia iuncta sed minora per quinos GT : cadente Cimbro misisti mihi multiplex poema doctum nobile forte delicatum ibant hexametri superbientes et vestigia iuncta sed minora per quinos OCR: elegi pedes ferebant misisti et triplicis metrum trochaei spondeo comitante dactyloque dulces hendecasyllabos tuumque blando faenore Sollium ligasti usuram petimurque GT : elegi pedes ferebant misisti et triplicis metrum trochaei spondeo comitante dactyloque dulces hendecasyllabos tuumque blando faenore Sollium ligasti usuram petimurque OCR: reddimusque nam quod carmine pro tuo rependo hoc centesima laudium tuarum est Quid primum venerer colamque pro te ni fallor GT : reddimusque nam quod carmine pro tuo rependo hoc centesima laudium tuarum est Quid primum venerer colamque pro te ni fallor OCR: patriam patremque iuxta qui quamquam sibi vindicare summum possit iure locum tamen necesse est illam vincere quae parit parentes salve GT : patriam patremque iuxta qui quamquam sibi vindicare summum possit iure locum tamen necesse est illam vincere quae parit parentes salve OCR: Narbo potens salubritate urbe et rure simul bonus videri XXIII TO CONSENTIUS will move her shameless pen much more cautiously GT : Narbo potens salubritate urbe et rure simul bonus videri null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on this account for in making such an eloquent demand for a song you urge one to write but constrain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one to be silent Lately when on galloping steed you were travelling to Phocis and the Sestian Baiae cities conspicuous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the records of the great and famed for battles through the trophies won by two consuls for the first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of these towns bore the brunt of Caesars armed might and the frenzy of a navy under Brutus command the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other bathed in blood endured the Teuton fray with Marius proudly standing as the Cimbrian fell you sent me a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: manifold poem skilful striking powerful exquisite Hexameters marched in their pride and elegiacs advanced beside them but with lesser steps GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that covered but five feet You sent also graceful hendecasyllables where spondee and dactyl accompany three trochees and you have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: put your Sollius in a charming debt Now I am asked for interest and pay it what I am now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: disbursing in consideration of your poem is one per cent of the praises due to you To what must I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: first pay reverence and worship on account of you To your fatherland methinks and after that to your father He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: might indeed justly claim the first place for himself but the parent of parents must needs have precedence Hail Narbo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: surpassing in thy healthiness gladdening the eye with thy town and thy countryside alike with thy Phocida Massiliam Marseilles a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: colony of Phocaea This confusion of Phocis and Phocaea is probably borrowed from Lucan III V though it occurs elsewhere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The Sestian Baiae is Aquae Sextiae Aix founded by C Sextius Calvinus in bc and renowned for its warm springs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ie Decimus Brutus THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS muris civibus ambitu tabernis portis porticibus foro theatre null delubris capitoliis monetis thermis GT : null null null null null null null muris civibus ambitu tabernis portis porticibus foro null theatro delubris capitoliis monetis thermis OCR: arcubus horreis macellis pratis fontibus insulis salinis stagnis flumine null merce ponte ponto unus qui venerere iure divos Lenaeum Cererem GT : arcubus horreis macellis pratis fontibus insulis salinis stagnis null numine merce ponte ponto unus qui venerere iure divos Lenaeum Cererem OCR: Palem Minervam spicis palmite pascuis trapetis solis fise viris nee null expetito naturae auxilio procul relictis promens montibus altius cacumen GT : Palem Minervam spicis palmite pascuis trapetis solis fise viris null nec expetito naturae auxilio procul relictis promens montibus altius cacumen OCR: non te fossa patens nee null hispidarum obiectu sudium coronat agger non tu marmora bratteam vitrumque non testudinis Indicae nitorem GT : non te fossa patens null nec hispidarum obiectu sudium coronat agger non tu marmora bratteam vitrumque non testudinis Indicae nitorem OCR: non si quas eboris trabes refractis rostris Marmarici dedere barri figis moenibus aureasque portas exornas asaroticis lapillis sed per semirutas GT : non si quas eboris trabes refractis rostris Marmarici dedere barri figis moenibus aureasque portas exornas asaroticis lapillis sed per semirutas OCR: superbus arces ostendens veteris decus duelli quassatos geris ictibus molares laudandis pretiosior ruinis sint urbes aliae situ minaces quas vires GT : superbus arces ostendens veteris decus duelli quassatos geris ictibus molares laudandis pretiosior ruinis sint urbes aliae situ minaces quas vires OCR: humiles per alta condunt et per praecipites locata cristas numquam moenia caesa glorientur tu pulsate places fidemque fortem oppugnatio passa GT : humiles per alta condunt et per praecipites locata cristas numquam moenia caesa glorientur tu pulsate places fidemque fortem oppugnatio passa OCR: publicavit Hinc te Martins null ille rector atque magno patre prior decus Getarum Romanae columen salusque gentis Theudoricus amat sibique GT : publicavit Hinc te null Martius ille rector atque magno patre prior decus Getarum Romanae columen salusque gentis Theudoricus amat sibique OCR: fidum XXIII TO CONSENTIUS walls citizens circuit shops gates porticoes forum theatre shrines capitol mint baths arches granaries markets meadows GT : fidum null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fountains islands saltmines ponds river merchandise bridge and brine thou who hast the best title of all to worship as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thy gods Bacchus Ceres Pales and Minerva in virtue of thy corn thy vines thy pastures and thine olivemills Thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hast put thy trust in thy men alone and seeking no aid from Nature thou dost soar to heights that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: leave mountains far behind No gaping fosse no mound with its banier of bristling stakes surrounds thee no marble workmanship GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no gilding or glass no shining Indian tortoiseshell no bars of ivory broken off from the mouths of Marmaric elephants GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dost thou fix upon thy walls thou adornest no golden gates with mosaic but proud among thy halfdemolished strongholds thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dost display thy glory won in the old war and though thy great stones have been battered down thou art GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prized more highly for those glorious ruins Let other cities menace by their sites cities built on high by lowly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: powers let walls set on precipitous ridges boast that they have never been felled as for thee shattered as thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: art thou dost win favour the widespread fame of that assault hath made thy staunch loyalty renowned Hence that martial GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ruler the superior even of his great sire glorious ornament of the Goths pillar and saviour of the Roman race GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Theodoric loves thee and For the attack on Narbo by Theodoric I see n on It is not certain that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Theodoric II met with resistance when he occupied the town in ad Sidonius seems here to attribute all the damage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the old war In Carm epist he seems to imply recent fighting but the reference may be merely to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: warUke preparations a THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS adversos probat ante per tumultus sed non hinc videare forte turpis quod te GT : null null null null null null null adversos probat ante per tumultus sed non hinc videare forte turpis quod te OCR: machina crebra perforavit namque in corpore fortium virorum laus est amplior amplior cicatrix in castris Marathoniis merentem vulnus non habuisse GT : machina crebra perforavit namque in corpore fortium virorum laus est amplior amplior cicatrix in castris Marathoniis merentem vulnus non habuisse OCR: grande probrum est inter Publicolas manu feroces trunco Mucins eniinet null null lacerto vallum Caesaris opprimente Magno inter tot facies GT : grande probrum est inter Publicolas manu feroces trunco null null Mucius eminet lacerto vallum Caesaris opprimente Magno inter tot facies OCR: ab hoste tutas luscus Scaeva fuit magis decorus laus est ardua dura sustinere ignavis timidis et improbatis multum fingitur otiosa GT : ab hoste tutas luscus Scaeva fuit magis decorus laus est ardua dura sustinere ignavis timidis et improbatis multum fingitur otiosa OCR: virtus Quid quod Caesaribus ferax creandis felix prole virum simul dedisti natos cum genitore principantes nam quis Persidis expeditionem aut GT : virtus Quid quod Caesaribus ferax creandis felix prole virum simul dedisti natos cum genitore principantes nam quis Persidis expeditionem aut OCR: victricia castra praeteribit Cari principis et perambulatum Romanis legionibus Niphaten tum cum fulmine captus imperator vitam fulminibus parem peregit His GT : victricia castra praeteribit Cari principis et perambulatum Romanis legionibus Niphaten tum cum fulmine captus imperator vitam fulminibus parem peregit His OCR: tu civibus urbe rure pollens Consenti mihi gignis alme patrem After the fighting at Dyrrhachium it was found that the GT : tu civibus urbe rure pollens Consenti mihi gignis alme patrem null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shield of Caesars centurion Scaeva was pierced in places Caes BC III Lucan devotes a long passage VI to his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: extraordinary feats XXIII TO CONSENTIUS from thy fierce resistance of yore he gains assurance of thy present loyalty And thou GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: canst not be considered unsightly because many an engine of war hath pierced thee for on the body of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brave the greater the scar the greater the honour In the campaign of Marathon it was a sore disgrace for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a soldier to have had no wound Amid the Publicolae with their bold hands Mucius with his maimed arm shone GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conspicuous When Magnus was overwhelming Caesars rampart then amid a multitude of faces unharmed by the enemy Scaeva with one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eye lost was comelier than all Hard to win is the glory of enduring adversity it is the indolent the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coward and the dastard that are wont to feign prowess without toil Nor is this all Fruitful mother of Caesars GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and blest in an offspring of heroes thou didst give us at one time father and sons holding imperial sway GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: together Who shall leave unmentioned the campaign against Persia or the victorious warfare of Carus our prince and the marching GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Roman legions over Niphates at that time when the Emperor was overwhelmed by lightning and a life that was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: itself like lightning met its end Strong in such citizens and in thy city and thy countryside thou didst graciously GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bless me by bringing to life the father of Consentius a man in Referring to the Emperor Carus ad and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his sons Carinus and Numerianus who were associated with him as Caesars and succeeded him as joint rulers Carus seems GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to have been born not at Narbo Narbonne but at Narbona or rather Narona in Illyria The cause of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death on his Persian expedition may have been assassination not lightning THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS ilium null cui nitidi sales GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null illum cui nitidi sales OCR: rigorque Romanus fait null Attico in lepore hunc Miletius et Thales stupere auditum potuit simulque Lindi est notus qui Cleobulus GT : rigorque Romanus null fuit Attico in lepore hunc Miletius et Thales stupere auditum potuit simulque Lindi est notus qui Cleobulus OCR: inter arces et tu qui Periandre de Corintho es et tu quern null dederat Bias Priene et tu Pittace Lesbius GT : inter arces null tu qui Periandre de Corintho es et tu null quem dederat Bias Priene et tu Pittace Lesbius OCR: sophistes et tu qui tetricis potens Athenis vincis null Socraticas Solon palaestras et tu Tyndareis satus Therapnis Chilon legifero prior GT : sophistes et tu qui tetricis potens Athenis null vineis Socraticas Solon palaestras et tu Tyndareis satus Therapnis Chilon legifero prior OCR: Lycurgo non hie null si voluit vacant e null cura quis sit sideribus notare cursus diversas Arato as null cucurrit GT : Lycurgo non null hic si voluit null null vacante cura quis sit sideribus notare cursus diversas Arato null vias cucurrit OCR: non hunc cum geometricas ad artes mentem composuit sequi valebat Euclides spatium sciens Olympi non hunc si voluit rotare rhythmos GT : non hunc cum geometricas ad artes mentem composuit sequi valebat Euclides spatium sciens Olympi non hunc si voluit rotare rhythmos OCR: quicquam proposito virum morari Chrysippus potuisset ex acervo hie null cum Amphioniae studebat arti plectro poUice null voce tibiaque Thrax GT : quicquam proposito virum morari Chrysippus potuisset ex acervo null hic cum Amphioniae studebat arti plectro null pollice voce tibiaque Thrax OCR: vates deus Areas null atque Phoebus omni carmine post erant et ipsas Musas non ita musicas putares hie null si GT : vates deus null Arcas atque Phoebus omni carmine post erant et ipsas Musas non ita musicas putares null hic si OCR: syrmate cultus et cothurno intrasset semel Atticum theatrum cessissent Sophocles et Euripides The meaning is that Chrysippus who solved or GT : syrmate cultus et cothurno intrasset semel Atticum theatrum cessissent Sophocles et Euripides null null null null null null null null OCR: rather dismissed the problem of the Sorites by arbitrarily choosing a stoppingplace could not have interrupted periods which were so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: skilfully constructed and rounded off that no break XXIII TO CONSENTIUS whom sparkling wit and Roman sternness were set amid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Attic elegance Hearing him Milesian Thales might well have been amazed and Cleobulus too renowned among the eminences of Lindus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Periander of Corinth and Bias whom Priene gave to the world and Pittacus the Lesbian master of wisdom and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Solon who ruled grave Athens and surpassed the school of Socrates and Chilon scion of Tyndarean Therapnae a man to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be esteemed before Lycurgus the lawgiver This sage of ours when in times of leisure he chose to mark the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: courses of the stars did not stray from the paths that Aratus trod When he set his mind on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lore of geometry Euclid who knew the measure of the heavens could not have followed him When he chose to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: build rhythmical periods Chrysippus could not have treated them like the Sorites and hindered him from completing each scheme When GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he devoted himself to the art of Amphion with quill thumb voice and flute the Thracian bard the Arcadian god GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Phoebus lagged behind him in every kind of song and the very Muses might be deemed less musical If GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clad in long cloak and buskin he had once entered the Athenian theatre Sophocles and Euripides would have given way GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: before him if could be made in the middle of them The word acervus corresponding to Greek acopos from which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comes aajpiinis is used also by Cicero Ac II and Horace Epist II in connexion with the fallacy of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sorites see Reid and Wilkins respectively on the passages just cited The Sorites took various forms the simplest form is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: represented by the question How many grains make a heap Does one The answerer would then be led on to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: add one then another one and so on and the process would end in his discomfiture THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aut si pulpita personare socco comoedus voluisset huic levato palmam tu digito dares Menander hie eum null null senipedem stilum GT : aut si pulpita personare socco comoedus voluisset huic levato palmam tu digito dares Menander null null hic cum senipedem stilum OCR: polibat Zmyrnaeae viee doetus offieinae null null null aut eum null se historiae dabat severae primos vix poterant locos tueri GT : polibat Zmyrnaeae null null null vice doctus officinae aut null cum se historiae dabat severae primos vix poterant locos tueri OCR: torrens Herodotus tonans Homerus non isto potior fuisset olim qui Pandioniam movebat arte orator caveam tumultuosus seu luseum null raperetur GT : torrens Herodotus tonans Homerus non isto potior fuisset olim qui Pandioniam movebat arte orator caveam tumultuosus seu null luscum raperetur OCR: in Philippum eausam null seu Ctesiphontis actitaret vir semper popularitate crescens et iuste residens in arce fandi qui fabro genitore GT : in Philippum null causam seu Ctesiphontis actitaret vir semper popularitate crescens et iuste residens in arce fandi qui fabro genitore OCR: procreatus oris maluit expolire limam quid vos eloquii canam Latini Arpinas Patavine Mantuane et te comica qui doces Terenti et GT : procreatus oris maluit expolire limam quid vos eloquii canam Latini Arpinas Patavine Mantuane et te comica qui doces Terenti et OCR: te tempore qui satus severo Graios Plaute sales lepore transis et te multimoda satis verendum C scriptorum numerositate Varro et GT : te tempore qui satus severo Graios Plaute sales lepore transis et te multimoda satis verendum null scriptorum numerositate Varro et OCR: te qui brevitate Crispe polles et qui pro ingenio fluente nulli Corneli Tacite es tacendus ori et te Massiliensium per GT : te qui brevitate Crispe polles et qui pro ingenio fluente nulli Corneli Tacite es tacendus ori et te Massiliensium per OCR: hortos sacri stipitis Arbiter colonum vice C incude F cute ceteri Vid Class Quart loc cit pp sq terrens codd GT : hortos sacri stipitis Arbiter colonum null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cf XXIII TO CONSENTIUS again he had chosen to write comedies and make the stage resound with the sock Menander GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: would have lifted an appealing finger and yielded him the palm When he skilfully embellished the sixfooted style after the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: manner of Smyrnas school or when he devoted himself to austere history Homer with his thunder and Herodotus with his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rushing flow were scarcely able to keep the first place Not above him would that stormy orator have been ranked GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who in olden times was wont to sway the theatre in Pandions toSTi by his art whether he launched himself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against the oneeyed Philip or pled insistently the cause of Ctesiphon a man ever advancing in favour and justly placed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the topmost pinnacle of oratory a smiths son who preferred to sharpen his tongue to a fine edge Why GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: should I sing of the masters of Latin utterance the man of Arpinum the man of Padua the bard of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mantua Terence producer of comedies Plautus who though born in a serious age surpasses by his brightness the vit of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Greeks Varro too right worshipful for the manysided multitudinousness of his books Crispus master of bredty Cornelius Tacitus whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by reason of his fertile genius no tongue must tacitly ignore Arbiter whose Gardens of Massilia make him the peer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the sq n With this descriptive catalogue of Latin writers cf Referring to Petronius Arbiter The extaiit remains of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his Saiyricon do not enable ns to explain hortos Massil though there is evidence that Massilia was mentioned in that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: work The hero Encolpius is dogged by the wrath of Priapus who was worshipped especially at Lampsacus on the Hellespont GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cf The sacred treestock refers to the rude wooden images of Priapus For a fuller discussion see Class Quartf loc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cit p THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Hellespontiaco parem Priapi et te carmina per libidinosa notum Naso tener Tomosque missum quondam GT : null null null null null null Hellespontiaco parem Priapi et te carmina per libidinosa notum Naso tener Tomosque missum quondam OCR: Caesareae nimis puellae ficto nomine subditum Corinnae quid celsos Senecas loquar vel ilium null quem dat Bilbilis alta Martialem terrarum GT : Caesareae nimis puellae ficto nomine subditum Corinnae quid celsos Senecas loquar vel null illum quem dat Bilbilis alta Martialem terrarum OCR: indigenas Hibericarum quid quos duplicibus iugata taedis Argentaria Polla dat poetas quid multos varii stili retexam arguti teneri graves dicaces GT : indigenas Hibericarum quid quos duplicibus iugata taedis Argentaria Polla dat poetas quid multos varii stili retexam arguti teneri graves dicaces OCR: si Consentius adfuit latebant Huic summi ingenii viro simulque summae nobilitatis atque formae iuncta est femina quae domum ad mariti GT : si Consentius adfuit latebant Huic summi ingenii viro simulque summae nobilitatis atque formae iuncta est femina quae domum ad mariti OCR: prisci insignia transferens lovini null implevit trabeis larem sophistae sic intra proprios tibi penates Consenti patriae decus superbum fastis vivit GT : prisci insignia transferens null Iovini implevit trabeis larem sophistae sic intra proprios tibi penates Consenti patriae decus superbum fastis vivit OCR: avus paterque libris Haec per stemmata te satis potentem morum culmine sed potentiorem non possim merita sonare laude nee null GT : avus paterque libris Haec per stemmata te satis potentem morum culmine sed potentiorem non possim merita sonare laude null nec OCR: si me Odrysio canens in antro qua late trepidantibus fluentis cautes per Ciconum resultat Hebrus princeps instituisset ille vatum cum GT : si me Odrysio canens in antro qua late trepidantibus fluentis cautes per Ciconum resultat Hebrus princeps instituisset ille vatum cum OCR: dulces animata saxa chordae Priapi ego Priapo Vid Class QtuirL loc cit p pallidat codd There is no ground for GT : dulces animata saxa chordae null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this identification of Ovids Corinna with Julia daughter of Augustus or for the suggestion that his relations with Julia were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the cause of his banishment XXIII TO CONSENTIUS dweller of the Hellespont as worshipper of the sacred treestock Priapus and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: languishing Ovid famed for his lascivious poems and banished to Tomi too much erstwhile the slave of Caesars daughter whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he called by the feigned name of Corinna Why cite the great Senecas or Martial given to the world by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lofty Bilbilis all natives of Spanish lands Why speak of the poets whom Argentaria PoUa twice yoked in wedlock presents GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to us Why rehearse the names of many masters of divers styles Tuneful melting grave or witty if Consentius appeared GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they shrank into obscurity To this man supreme ahke in genius nobility and comeliness was linked a lady who brought GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to her husbands home the trappings of honour worn by Jovinus of old and filled the dwelling of a scholar GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with robes of state Thus within your walls Consentius proud glory of your country your grandfather still lives on by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the lustre of his dignities and your father by his books Mighty as you are through this lineage and yet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mightier by your lofty character I could not sound your praises worthily even if the great father of bards singing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Odrysian cave where Hebrus with his bustling waters reechoes among the rocks of the Ciconians had taught me while GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sweet strings by the power of their music drew the animated stones Lucan and presumably Statius but the ide GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Lucans widow married Statius has no foundation The elder Consentius had married a daughter of the usurper Jovinus With GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the passage which follows compare This is the seventh mention of Orpheus in these poems and there are nearly as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: many in the Epistles S THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS ferrent per Rhodopen trahente cantu et versa vice fontibus ligatis terras GT : null null null null null null null null null ferrent per Rhodopen trahente cantu et versa vice fontibus ligatis terras OCR: currere cogerent anhelas nee null non Hismara solibus paterent aurita chelyn expetente silva et nulli resolubiles calori curvata ruerent nives GT : currere cogerent anhelas null nec non Hismara solibus paterent aurita chelyn expetente silva et nulli resolubiles calori curvata ruerent nives OCR: ab Ossa stantem aut Strymona Bistones viderent cum carmen rapidus latex sitiret nee null si Peliaco datus bimembri ad Centaurica GT : ab Ossa stantem aut Strymona Bistones viderent cum carmen rapidus latex sitiret null nec si Peliaco datus bimembri ad Centaurica OCR: plectra constitissem hinnitum duplicis timens magistri nee null si me docuisset ille fari iussus pascere qui gregem est clientis Amphrysi GT : plectra constitissem hinnitum duplicis timens magistri null nec si me docuisset ille fari iussus pascere qui gregem est clientis Amphrysi OCR: ad fluvium deus bubulcus quod ferrugineos Cyclopas arcu stravit sub Liparensibus caminis ibrans null plus grave fulmen in sagitta lam GT : ad fluvium deus bubulcus quod ferrugineos Cyclopas arcu stravit sub Liparensibus caminis null vibrans plus grave fulmen in sagitta null OCR: null primo tenero calentem ab ortu excepere sinu novem sorores et te de genetrice vagientem tinxerunt vitrei vado Hippocrenes tunc GT : Iam primo tenero calentem ab ortu excepere sinu novem sorores et te de genetrice vagientem tinxerunt vitrei vado Hippocrenes tunc OCR: hac mersus aqua loquacis undae pro fluctu mage litteras bibisti hinc tu iam puer aptior magistro quidquid rhetoricae institutionis null GT : hac mersus aqua loquacis undae pro fluctu mage litteras bibisti hinc tu iam puer aptior magistro quidquid rhetoricae null institutioins OCR: quidquid grammaticalis aut palaestrae est sicut iam tener hauseras vorasti et lam null te aula tulit piusque princeps inter conspicuous GT : quidquid grammaticalis aut palaestrae est sicut iam tener hauseras vorasti et null Iam te aula tulit piusque princeps inter conspicuous OCR: statim locavit consistoria quos habent tribunes texerunt codd vitrei CPF vitreae T rf hinc Luefjohann tunc XXIII TO CONSENTIUS adown GT : statim locavit consistoria quos habent null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the slopes of Rliodope and reversing the order of things bound rivers fast and forced the land to rush panting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: along and Mount Ismarus was laid bare to the sun as the trees all ears hied them towards the lyre GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the snows that no heat could melt fell headlong down from bowing Ossa and the Bistones saw Strymon standing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: still its rushing waters athirst for song nay not if I had been given in charge to the twyformed denizen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Pelion and had taken my place by the Centaurs lyre dreading the neigh of my doublebodied teacher nor if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I had been taught to give utterance by him who was commanded to feed the flock of his servant by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the river Amphrysus a god turned herdsman because with his bow he laid prostrate the grimy Cyclopes down among the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: furnaces of Lipara launching in his arrow a bolt more crushing than theirs The moment that your warm infant form GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: saw the hght the nine Sisters welcomed you to their arms and they took you a wailing babe from your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mother and dipped you in the crystal pool of Hippocrene At that moment when they steeped you in the fount GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was no mere flow of prattling water that you drank but rather the lore of letters Hence when you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had grown to boyhood and were more fitted for a teachers care you devoured all the course of rhetoric and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the grammarians school even as you imbibed it in infancy Next the Court claimed you and the good Emperor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: straightway set you among the honourable tribunes of his Consistory and the Chiron Apollo Or perhaps more capable than your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: teacher so the Thes Ling Lot He was tribunns et notarius under Valentinian III On this oflRce see C M GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: H I THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS null iamque et purpureus in arce regni praeesse officiis tuis solebat mores nobilitate quod GT : null null null null null null tribunos iamque et purpureus in arce regni praeesse officiis tuis solebat mores nobilitate quod OCR: merebant tantum culminis et decus stupendum script null annalibus indicant honores hinc tu militiam secutus amplam castrensem licet ampliare censum GT : merebant tantum culminis et decus stupendum null scripti annalibus indicant honores hinc tu militiam secutus amplam castrensem licet ampliare censum OCR: per sufFragia null iusta debuisses sollcmnis null tamen abstinens lucelli fama plus locuples domum redisti solum quod dederas tuum putando GT : per null suffragia iusta debuisses null sollemnis tamen abstinens lucelli fama plus locuples domum redisti solum quod dederas tuum putando OCR: turn null si forte fuit quod imperator Eoas soceri venire in aures fido interprete vellet et perito te commercia duplicis GT : null tum si forte fuit quod imperator Eoas soceri venire in aures fido interprete vellet et perito te commercia duplicis OCR: loquelae doctum solvere protinus legebat o sodes quotiens tibi loquenti Byzantina sophos dedere regna et te seu Latialiter sonantem tamquam GT : loquelae doctum solvere protinus legebat o sodes quotiens tibi loquenti Byzantina sophos dedere regna et te seu Latialiter sonantem tamquam OCR: Romulea satum Subura seu linguae Argolicae rotunditate undantem Marathone ceu creatura null plaudentes stupuere Bosphorani mirati minus Atticos alumnos hinc GT : Romulea satum Subura seu linguae Argolicae rotunditate undantem Marathone ceu null creatum plaudentes stupuere Bosphorani mirati minus Atticos alumnos hinc OCR: si foedera solverentur orbis pacem te medio darent feroces Chunus Sauromates Getes Gelonus tu Tuncrum et Vachalim Visurgin Albin Francorum GT : si foedera solverentur orbis pacem te medio darent feroces Chunus Sauromates Getes Gelonus tu Tuncrum et Vachalim Visurgin Albin Francorum OCR: et penitissimas paludes intrares venerantibus Sygambris solis moribus inter arma tutus Theodosius II whose daughter Eudoxia was married to Valentinian GT : et penitissimas paludes intrares venerantibus Sygambris solis moribus inter arma tutus null null null null null null null null null OCR: III Stein I n remarks that the choice of so young an official for this importatit duty indicates that a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: good XXIII TO CONSENTIUS wearer of the purple himself in the citadel of the Empire was wont to preside over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your boards an honour which your noble virtue well deserved This great eminence and wondrous glory stands recorded in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: yearly roll of public dignities Thereupon you undertook a duty of wide power and although you might well have enlarged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your servicepay by the lawful bestowal of your good offices you held aloof from that common pursuit of paltry gain GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and you returned home made richer in reputation by deeming as yours only what you had given away At that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time if there chanced to be aught that the Emperor wished to be brought to the ears of the Empresss GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: father in the East through an interpreter both honest and skilled he would straightway choose you as one wellinstructed to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hold intercourse in the two tongues O how often let me say it how often did the Byzantine realm give GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you a bravo as you spoke How often did the dwellers by the Bosphorus applaud and marvel at you both GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: when you uttered the Latin speech like one born in the Roman Subura and when you poured forth the finished GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: elegance of the Greek tongue like a son of Marathon so that they admired the natives of Athens less Thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if the worlds treaties had been dissolved your mediation would have made fierce peoples the Hun the Sarmatian the Goth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Gelonian offer peace safe in the midst of arms through your sheer goodness you would have penetrated even to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Tungrian and the Vachalis the Visurgis the Albis and the remotest fens of the Franks and the Sygambrians would GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have done you reverence the knowledge of Greek was now rare among the governing class in the western Empire This GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is probably true though we read of some other cases where duties of very high responsibility were entrusted to one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the tribuni et notarii THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS tu Maeotida Caspiasque portas tu fluxis equitata Bactra Parthis constans intrepidusque GT : null null null null null null null null null tu Maeotida Caspiasque portas tu fluxis equitata Bactra Parthis constans intrepidusque OCR: sic adires ut fastu posito tumentis aulae qui supra satrapas sedet tyrannus ructans semideum propinquitates lunatam tibi flecteret tiaram tu GT : sic adires ut fastu posito tumentis aulae qui supra satrapas sedet tyrannus ructans semideum propinquitates lunatam tibi flecteret tiaram tu OCR: si publica fata non vetarent ut Byrsam peteres vel Africanae telluris Tanaiticum rebellem confestim posito furore Martis post piratica damna GT : si publica fata non vetarent ut Byrsam peteres vel Africanae telluris Tanaiticum rebellem confestim posito furore Martis post piratica damna OCR: destinaret plenas niercibus null institor carinas et per te bene pace restituta non ultra mihi bella navigarent lam null si GT : destinaret plenas null mercibus institor carinas et per te bene pace restituta non ultra mihi bella navigarent null Iam si OCR: seria forte terminantem te spectacula ceperant theatri pallebat chorus omnis histrionum tamquam si Arcitenens novemque Musae propter pulpita iudices sederent GT : seria forte terminantem te spectacula ceperant theatri pallebat chorus omnis histrionum tamquam si Arcitenens novemque Musae propter pulpita iudices sederent OCR: coram te Caramallus aut Phabaton clausis faucibus et loquente gestu nutu crure genu manu rotatu toto in schemate vel semel GT : coram te Caramallus aut Phabaton clausis faucibus et loquente gestu nutu crure genu manu rotatu toto in schemate vel semel OCR: latebit sive Aeetias et suus lason null inducuntur ibi ferusque Phasis qui iactos super arva Colcha dentes expavit fruticante cum GT : latebit sive Aeetias et suus null Iason inducuntur ibi ferusque Phasis qui iactos super arva Colcha dentes expavit fruticante cum OCR: duello spicis spicula mixta fluctuarent sive prandia quis refert Thyestae seu vestros Philomela torva planctus discerptum aut puerum cibumque factum GT : duello spicis spicula mixta fluctuarent sive prandia quis refert Thyestae seu vestros Philomela torva planctus discerptum aut puerum cibumque factum OCR: iamiam coniugis innocentioris ut etc XXIII TO CONSENTIUS Maeotid mere and the Caspian gates and Bactra where the roving Parthians GT : iamiam coniugis innocentioris null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ride you would have approached so resolute and fearless that the tyrant who sits enthroned above his satraps mouthing boasts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his kinship with demigods would have laid aside the arrogance of his pompous court and bowed his crescent tiara GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: before you Had the fortunes of Rome allowed you to seek Byrsa and the rebel from the Tanais in Africs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: land the frenzy of war would straightway have been laid aside and the trader after all his losses at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hands of pirates would have begun to dispatch ships laden with merchandise and thus peace being firmly restored through you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I should no longer have been troubled with wars afloat on the seas And when you chanced to put aside GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: serious concerns and were attracted by the shows of the theatre the whole company of actors would grow pale as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if the god of the bow and the nine Muses were sitting as judges beside the stage In your presence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a Caramallus or a Phabaton with his closed lips and his action that speaks through nod leg knee hand and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spin will for once be unnoticed all through his piece whether the daughter of Aeetes and her Jason are being GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shown with the barbarous Phasisthat was affrighted at the teeth thrown upon the Colchian field when a martial host sprouted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up amid a surging mass of cornspikes and spearheads commingled or whether the feast of Thyestes is represented or the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lamentations of the wildeyed Philomela or the dismembered boy given as food to the husband who thus at the last GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: became the more innocent of the two Cf n Geiseric The following passage refers to performances of pantomimi THE POEMS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS seu raptus Tyrios lovemque taiirum null null spreto fulmine fronte plus timendum seu turris Danaae refertur illic cum GT : null null seu raptus Tyrios null null Iovemque taurum spreto fulmine fronte plus timendum seu turris Danaae refertur illic cum OCR: multum pluvio rigata censu est dans plus aurea furta quam metalla seu Ledam quis agit Phrygemque ephebura null aptans ad GT : multum pluvio rigata censu est dans plus aurea furta quam metalla seu Ledam quis agit Phrygemque null ephebum aptans ad OCR: cyathos facit Tonanti suco nectaris esse dulciorem null null seu Martem simulat modo in catenas missum Lemniacas modo aut repulso GT : cyathos facit Tonanti suco nectaris esse null dulci orem seu Martem simulat modo in catenas missum Lemniacas modo aut repulso OCR: formam imponit apri caputque saetis et tergum asperat hispidisque malis leve incurvat ebur vel ille fingit hirtam dorsa feram repanda GT : formam imponit apri caputque saetis et tergum asperat hispidisque malis leve incurvat ebur vel ille fingit hirtam dorsa feram repanda OCR: tela attritu adsiduo cacuminantem seu Perseia virgo vindicata illic luditur harpe coniugali seu quod carminis atque fabularum clausa ad Pergama GT : tela attritu adsiduo cacuminantem seu Perseia virgo vindicata illic luditur harpe coniugali seu quod carminis atque fabularum clausa ad Pergama OCR: dat bilustre bellum quid dicam citharistrias choraulas mimos schoenobatas gelasianos cannas plectra iocos palen rudentem coram te trepidanter explicare nam GT : dat bilustre bellum quid dicam citharistrias choraulas mimos schoenobatas gelasianos cannas plectra iocos palen rudentem coram te trepidanter explicare nam OCR: circensibus ipse quanta ludis victor gesseris intonante Roma lactam null par fuit exarare Musam lanus null forte suas bifrons Kalendas GT : circensibus ipse quanta ludis victor gesseris intonante Roma null laetam par fuit exarare Musam null Ianus forte suas bifrons Kalendas OCR: anni tempora circinante Phoebo sumendas referebat ad curules mos est Caesaris hie null die bis uno privates null vocitant parare GT : anni tempora circinante Phoebo sumendas referebat ad curules mos est Caesaris null hic die bis uno null privatos vocitant parare OCR: ludos According to one version of the legend Mars in his jealousy changed himself into a wild boar and slew GT : ludos null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Adonis XXIII TO CONSENTIUS or whether it is the Tyrian ravishment and Jove turned bull with his chief menace in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his brow for he has flung the thunderbolt aside or whether the scene is the tower of Danae when it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was drenched with a shower of riches and conferred secret joys more golden than the metal or whether one plays GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Leda or by setting the Phrygian youth to serve the winecups makes him sweeter to Jove than the nectarjuice or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whether one counterfeits Mars put in Lemnian chains or again invests him a lover rejected with a wild boars form GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: roughening his head and back with bristles curving the smooth ivory upward from his shaggy jaws and the hairybacked monster GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is shown sharpening his upbent weapons by diligent rubbing or whether Perseus maid rescued by her lovers falchion is represented GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or such song and story as the ten years war at beleaguered Pergamum aifords Why should I tell how the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: harpists fluteplayers mimes ropewalkers and clowTis quail as they display before you their reeds quills jests bouts and ropes Nay GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was rather the duty of my Muse to record with joy your own great exploits when you were conqueror GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the circensian games amid the thunderous plaudits of Rome Phoebus was beginning a new yearly circle and twofaced Janus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was bringing back his Calends the day when the new magistrates take their seats It is Caesars custom to provide GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: games called private Rome must not be taken literally these games were held at Ravenna where Valentinian III resided The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: description which follows though by no means without originality is considerably influenced by Statins Theb VI sqq which describes the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chariotrace held at Nemea by the seven chieftains on their way to Thebes THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS tunc coetus iuvenum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null tunc coetus iuvenum OCR: sed aulicorum Elei simulacra torva cainpi null exercet spatiantibus quadrigis et iam te urna petit cietque raucae acclamatio sibilans coronae GT : sed aulicorum Elei simulacra torva null campi exercet spatiantibus quadrigis et iam te urna petit cietque raucae acclamatio sibilans coronae OCR: turn null qua est ianua consulumque sedes ambit quam paries utrimque senis cryptis carceribusque fornicatus uno e quattuor axe sorte GT : null tum qua est ianua consulumque sedes ambit quam paries utrimque senis cryptis carceribusque fornicatus uno e quattuor axe sorte OCR: lecto curvas ingrederis premens habenas id collega tuus simulque vobis pars adversa facit micant color es null albus vel venetus GT : lecto curvas ingrederis premens habenas id collega tuus simulque vobis pars adversa facit micant null null colores albus vel venetus OCR: virens rubensque vestra insignia continent ministri ora et lora manus iubasque tortas cogunt flexilibus latere nodis hortanturque obiter iuvantque blandis GT : virens rubensque vestra insignia continent ministri ora et lora manus iubasque tortas cogunt flexilibus latere nodis hortanturque obiter iuvantque blandis OCR: ultro plausibus et voluptuosum dictant quadrupedantibus furorem illi ad claustra fremunt repagulisque incumbunt simul ac per obseratas transfumant tabulas et GT : ultro plausibus et voluptuosum dictant quadrupedantibus furorem illi ad claustra fremunt repagulisque incumbunt simul ac per obseratas transfumant tabulas et OCR: ante cursum campus flatibus occupatur absens impellunt trepidant trahunt repugnant ardescunt saliunt timent timentur nee null gressum cohibent sed inquieto GT : ante cursum campus flatibus occupatur absens impellunt trepidant trahunt repugnant ardescunt saliunt timent timentur null nec gressum cohibent sed inquieto OCR: duratum pede stipitem flagellant tandem murmure bucinae strepentis sorte eo forte reraens codd ie of the Olympic games urna The GT : duratum pede stipitem flagellant tandem murmure bucinae strepentis null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lot assigned to each competitor a particular career and hence on this and similar occasions a particular chariot as the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chariots and teams were supplied by the Emperor and were already in their respective carceres v XXIII TO CONSENTIUS twice GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in that one day Then a company of young men all of the Court goes through a grim mimicry of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the field of Elis with fourhorse chariots racing over the course Now the urn demanded you and the whistling cheers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the hoarse onlookers summoned you Thereupon in the part where the door is and the seat of the consuls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: round which there runs a wall with six vaulted chambers on each side wherein are the startingpens you chose one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the four chariots by lot and mounted it laying a tight grip on the hanging reins Your partner did GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same so did the opposing side Brightly gleam the colours white and blue green and red your several badges GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Servants hands hold mouth and reins and with knotted cords force the twisted manes to hide themselves and all the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: while they incite the steeds eagerly cheering them with encouraging pats and instilling a rapturous frenzy There behind the barriers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chafe those beasts pressing against the fastenings while a vapoury blast comes forth between the wooden bars and even before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the race the field they have not yet entered is filled with their panting breath They push they bustle they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: drag they struggle they rage they jump they fear and are feared never are their feet still but restlessly they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lash the hardened timber At last the herald with loud blare Cf The four competitors were paired off and each GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: competitor endeavoured to bring victory to his side by fair means or by means which in modem times woiild be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: considered foul The colleague of Consentius apparently tries to force the pace and fluster his opponents in order to leave GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a clear field for his partner who conserves the energies of his team tmtil the time comes to make a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spurt for victory In the last lap one of the opposing side tries to help his partner ty an egious GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foul with disastrous results THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS suspensas null tubicen vocans quadrigas effundit celeres in aiva null currus non GT : null null null null null null null null null snspensas tubicen vocans quadrigas effundit celeres in null arva currus non OCR: sic fulminis impetus trisulci non pulsa Scythico sagitta nervo non sulcus rapide cadentis astri non fundis Balearibus rotata umquam sic GT : sic fulminis impetus trisulci non pulsa Scythico sagitta nervo non sulcus rapide cadentis astri non fundis Balearibus rotata umquam sic OCR: liquidos poli meatus rupit plumbea glandium procella cedit terra rotis et orbitarum moto pulvere sordidatur aer instant verberibus simul regent GT : liquidos poli meatus rupit plumbea glandium procella cedit terra rotis et orbitarum moto pulvere sordidatur aer instant verberibus simul null OCR: es null iamque et pectora prona de covinno extensi rapiuntur et iugales trans armos feriunt vacante tergo nee null cernas GT : null regentes iamque et pectora prona de covinno extensi rapiuntur et iugales trans armos feriunt vacante tergo null nec cernas OCR: cito cernuos magistros temones mage sufferant an axes iam vos ex oculis velut volantes consumpto spatio patentiore campus clauserat artus GT : cito cernuos magistros temones mage sufferant an axes iam vos ex oculis velut volantes consumpto spatio patentiore campus clauserat artus OCR: arte factus per quem longam humilem duplamque muro euripus sibi machinam tetendit ut meta ulterior remisit omnes fit collega tuus GT : arte factus per quem longam humilem duplamque muro euripus sibi machinam tetendit ut meta ulterior remisit omnes fit collega tuus OCR: prior duobus qui te transierant ita ipse quartus gyri condicione tum fuisti curae est id mediis ut ille primus It GT : prior duobus qui te transierant ita ipse quartus gyri condicione tum fuisti curae est id mediis ut ille primus null OCR: was usual to start the race from a white line made on the course itself but on this occasion the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: start is made from the carceres This seems to have been the older method Euripus is applied to a canal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or large tank In some circuses the long central barrier spina was filled with water In earUer times euripus was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: applied to the moat which Julius Caesar built round the interior of the Circus Maximus to protect the spectators when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wild beasts were exhibited This was filled up by Nero XXIII TO CONSENTIUS of trumpet calls forth the impatient teams GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and launches the fleet chariots into the field The swoop of forked lightning the arrow sped by Scythian string the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trail of the swiftlyfalling star the leaden hurricane of bullets whirled from Balearic slings has never so rapidly split the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: airy paths of the sky The ground gives way under the wheels and the air is smirched with the dust GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that rises in their track The drivers while they vneld the reins ply the lash now they stretch forward over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the chariots with stooping breasts and so they sweep along striking the horses withers and leaving their backs untouched With GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: charioteers so prone it would puzzle you to pronounce whether they were more supported by the pole or by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wheels Now as if flying out of sight on wings you had traversed the more open part and you were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hemmed in by the space that is cramped by craft amid which the central barrier has extended its long low GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: doublewalled structure When the farther turningpost freed you all from restraint once more your partner went ahead of the two GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: others who had passed you so then according to the law of the circling course you had to take the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fourth track The drivers in the middle were intent The races were run counterclockwise thus the competitors had the spectators GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on their right and the spina on their left The coveted position was the inside one ie the one nearest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the spina which gave the shortest course On this occasion Consentius partner has the inside position and Consentius the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: next The two opponents get so far ahead of Consentius that they are entitled to move inward in front of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him and he has to change over to the outside position sq Having gained this advantage the two opponents hope GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that the horses of Consentius partner will swerve outward far enough to allow one of his enemies to dash in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS pressus dexteriore concitatu partem si patefecerit sinistram totas ad podium ferens habenas curru praetereatur intiis GT : null null null null null pressus dexteriore concitatu partem si patefecerit sinistram totas ad podium ferens habenas curru praetereatur null OCR: null acto tu conamine duplicatus ipso stringis quadriiugos et arte summa in gyrum bene septimum reservas instabant alii manu atque GT : intus acto tu conamine duplicatus ipso stringis quadriiugos et arte summa in gyrum bene septimum reservas instabant alii manu atque OCR: voce passim et deciduis in arva guttis rectorum alipediimque null sudor ibat raucus corda ferit fragor faventum atque ipsis pariter GT : voce passim et deciduis in arva guttis rectorum null alipedumque sudor ibat raucus corda ferit fragor faventum atque ipsis pariter OCR: viris equisque fit cursu calor et timore frigus itur sic semel itur et secundo est sic tertius atque quartus orbis GT : viris equisque fit cursu calor et timore frigus itur sic semel itur et secundo est sic tertius atque quartus orbis OCR: quinto circite non valens sequentum pondus ferre prior retorquet axem quod velocibus imperans quadrigis exhaustos sibi senserat iugales iam sexto GT : quinto circite non valens sequentum pondus ferre prior retorquet axem quod velocibus imperans quadrigis exhaustos sibi senserat iugales iam sexto OCR: reditu perexplicato iamque et praemia flagitante vulgo pars contraria nil timens tuam vim securas prior orbitas terebat tensis cum subito GT : reditu perexplicato iamque et praemia flagitante vulgo pars contraria nil timens tuam vim securas prior orbitas terebat tensis cum subito OCR: simul lupatis tensis pectoribus pede ante fixo quantum auriga suos solebat ille raptans Oenomaum tremente Pisa tantum tu rapidos teris GT : simul lupatis tensis pectoribus pede ante fixo quantum auriga suos solebat ille raptans Oenomaum tremente Pisa tantum tu rapidos teris OCR: iugales hie null compendia flexuosa metae simul ego sinum Vid Class Quart loc cit pp sq seize the inside position GT : iugales null hic compendia flexuosa metae null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: In the fifth lap Consentius partner has to withdraw thus the opponents secure the two iinier tracks Consentius acting on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the traditional principle XXIII TO CONSENTIUS that if haply the first man embarrassed by a dash of his steeds too GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: much to the right should leave a space open on the left by heading for the surrounding seats he should GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be passed by a chariot driven in on the near side As for you bending double with the very force GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the effort you keep a tight rein on your team and with consummate skill wisely reserve them for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seventh lap The others are busy with hand and voice and everywhere the sweat of drivers and flying steeds falls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in drops on to the field The hoarse roar from applauding partisans stirs the heart and the contestants both horses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and men are warmed by the race and chilled by fear Thus they go once round then a second time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thus goes the third lap thus the fourth but in the fifth turn the foremost man unable to bear the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pressure of his pursuers swerved his car aside for he had found as he gave conmiand to his fleet team GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that their strength was exhausted Now the return half of the sixth course was completed and the crowd was already GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clamouring for the award of the prizes your adversaries with no fear of any effort from you were scouring the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: track in front with never a care when suddenly you tautened the curbs all together tautened your chest planted your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: feet firmly in front and chafed the mouths of your swift steeds as fiercely as was the wont of that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: famed charioteer of old when he swept Oenomaus along with him and all Pisa trembled Hereupon one of the others GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clinging to the shortest that alls fair in the circus rushes up as close as possible to the inside car GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as it passes the turningpost and succeeds in exciting the horses so that they plunge wildly and take a crooked GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: course Consentius watches his opportunity gains the inside position and dashes ahead Cf sqq VOL I N THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS unus dum premit incitatus a te elatas semel impetu quadrigas iiincto null non valuit plicare gyro quern null tu GT : null unus dum premit incitatus a te elatas semel impetu quadrigas null iuncto non valuit plicare gyro null quem tu OCR: quod sine lege praeteriret transisti remanens ab arte restans alter dum popularitate gaudet dexter sub cuneis nlmis null cucurrit hunc GT : quod sine lege praeteriret transisti remanens ab arte restans alter dum popularitate gaudet dexter sub cuneis null nimis cucurrit hunc OCR: dum obliquat iter diuque lentus sero cornipedes citat flagello tortum tramite transis ipse recto hie null te ineautius null assecutus GT : dum obliquat iter diuque lentus sero cornipedes citat flagello tortum tramite transis ipse recto null hic te null incautius assecutus OCR: hostis sperans anticipasse iam priorem transversum venit impudens in axem ineurvantur null equi proterva crurum intrat turba rotas quaterque terni GT : hostis sperans anticipasse iam priorem transversum venit impudens in axem null incurventur equi proterva crurum intrat turba rotas quaterque terni OCR: artantur radii repleta donee null intervalla crepent volubilisque frangat margo pedes ibi ipse quintus curru praecipitatus obruente montem multiplici facit GT : artantur radii repleta null donec intervalla crepent volubilisque frangat margo pedes ibi ipse quintus curru praecipitatus obruente montem multiplici facit OCR: ruina turpans prociduam cruore frontem miscet cuncta fragor resuscitatus quantum non cyparissifer Lycaeus quantum non nemorosa tollit Ossa crebras inrequieta GT : ruina turpans prociduam cruore frontem miscet cuncta fragor resuscitatus quantum non cyparissifer Lycaeus quantum non nemorosa tollit Ossa crebras inrequieta OCR: per procellas quantum nee null reboant volutae ab Austro Doris Trinacris aut voraginoso ie the firstmentioned of the two opponents GT : per procellas quantum null nec reboant volutae ab Austro Doris Trinacris aut voraginoso null null null null null null null OCR: of Consentius the one whom Consentius had first passed This mans attention had been distracted vv and seeing Consentius pass GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him on the inside he assumed that his own partner who had occupied that position a moment before had gone GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ahead He then attempted to simplify that partners path to victory by fouling Consentius wheel XXIII TO CONSENTIUS route round GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the turningpost was hustled by you and his team carried away beyond control by their onward rush could no more GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be wheeled round in a harmonious course As you saw him pass before you in disorder you got ahead of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him by remaining where you were cunningly reining up The other adversary exulting in the public plaudits ran too far GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the right close to the spectators then as he turned aslant and all too late after long indifference urged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his horses with the whip you sped straight past your swerving rival Then the enemy in reckless haste overtook you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and fondly thinking that the first man had already gone ahead shamelessly made for your wheel with a sidelong dash GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: His horses were brought down a multitude of intruding legs entered the wheels and the twelve spokes were crowded until GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a crackle came from those crammed spaces and the revolving rim shattered the entangled feet then he a fifth victim GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flung from his chariot which fell upon him caused a mountain of manifold havoc and blood disfigured his prostrate brow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thereupon arose a riot of renewed shouting such as neither Lycaeus with its cypresses ever raises nor the forests of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ossa troubled though they be by many a hurricane such echoing roar as not even the SiciUan sea rolled onward GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in billows by the south wind gives forth nor Propontis whose wild deeps Venit does not mean dashed against Consentius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: car could not have won after such an impact How the blow was eluded and how the horses were brought GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: down we are not told expUcitly indeed the end of the description is so vague that I long understood it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to mean that one of the men inadvertently fouled his partners car but several things seem to rule out this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interpretation a fifth the other four being the horses THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS quae vallat sale Bosphorum Propontis hie null GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null quae vallat sale Bosphorum Propontis null hic OCR: mox praecipit aequus imperator palmis serica torquibus coronas coniungi et meritum remunerari victis ire iubens satis pudendis villis versicoloribus tapetas GT : mox praecipit aequus imperator palmis serica torquibus coronas coniungi et meritum remunerari victis ire iubens satis pudendis villis versicoloribus tapetas OCR: lam null vero iuvenalibus peractis quern null te praebueris sequente in aevo intra aulam soceri mei expetitus curam cum moderatus GT : null Iam vero iuvenalibus peractis null quem te praebueris sequente in aevo intra aulam soceri mei expetitus curam cum moderatus OCR: es Palati chartis posterioribus loquemur si plus temporibus vacat futuris nunc quam diximus hospitalitatem paucis personet obsequens Thalia O dulcis GT : es Palati chartis posterioribus loquemur si plus temporibus vacat futuris nunc quam diximus hospitalitatem paucis personet obsequens Thalia O dulcis OCR: domus o pii penates quos res difficilis sibique discors libertas simul excolit pudorque o convivia fabulae libelli risus serietas dicacitates GT : domus o pii penates quos res difficilis sibique discors libertas simul excolit pudorque o convivia fabulae libelli risus serietas dicacitates OCR: occursus comitatus unus idem seu delubra dei colenda nobis tecta inlustria seu videnda Livi sive ad pontificem gradus ferendi sive GT : occursus comitatus unus idem seu delubra dei colenda nobis tecta inlustria seu videnda Livi sive ad pontificem gradus ferendi sive OCR: ad culmina Martii Myronis sive ad doctiloqui Leonis aedes quo bis sex tabulas docente iuris ultro Claudius Appius lateret claro GT : ad culmina Martii Myronis sive ad doctiloqui Leonis aedes quo bis sex tabulas docente iuris ultro Claudius Appius lateret claro OCR: obscurior in decemviratu at si dicat epos metrimique null rhythmis transposuit Luetjohann Note the plurals the two members of the GT : obscurior in decemviratu at si dicat epos null metrumque rhythmis null null null null null null null null null null OCR: winning pair receive the same prizes One of them had not finished the course but he had done his best GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for his side Thus unselfish teamwork was encouraged XXIII TO CONSENTIUS are a rampart to the Bosphorus Next the just GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: emperor ordered silken ribands to be added to the victors palms and crowns to the necklets of gold and true GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: merit to have its reward while to the vanquished in their sore disgrace he bade rugs of manycoloured hair to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be awarded As for your conduct in aftertime when the days of youth were over when you were welcomed to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Court of my wifes father and were charged with the oversight of the Palace of this I will tell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in a later MTiting if the future allows me more free time but now let my obedient Muse proclaim in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a few ringing words the hospitality of which I have made mention O charming home O holy hearth graced by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that double glor so hard to win so hard to make one free speech and modesty O feasts and talks GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and books laughter seriousness and witty saws happy meetings and fellowship ever the same whether Gods temple was to be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reverently honoured by us or the glorious house of Livius was to be visited or our way led to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Bishop or to the towering house of Martius Mto or to the house of the eloquent Leo If Leo had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been expounding the Twelve Tables of the Law Appius Claudius would have lain low of his own accord and in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that decemvirate so illustrious he would have been a meaner figure if again Leo should sound an epic strain guiding GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The cura palatii entailed the oversight of the palaces and other royal buildings The holder of this office in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: western Empire received the rank of spectabilis In the eastern Empire the cura palatii was a very exalted office A GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poet of Nar bonne Probably Hermes who succeeded Rusticus in ad See n Martius Myro is not otherwise known see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n on H THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS flectat commaticis tonante plectro mordacem faciat silere Flaccum quamvis post satiras lyraraque null GT : null null null null null null null flectat commaticis tonante plectro mordacem faciat silere Flaccum quamvis post satiras null lyramque OCR: tendat ille ad Pindarieum vol are null null cygnum seu nos Magne tuus favor tenebat multis praedite dotibus virorum forma GT : tendat ille ad null null null Pindaricum volare cygnum seu nos Magne tuus favor tenebat multis praedite dotibus virorum forma OCR: nobilitate mente censu cuius si varios earn null per actus centum et ferrea lasset ora laude constans ingeniosus efficaxque prudens GT : nobilitate mente censu cuius si varios null eam per actus centum et ferrea lasset ora laude constans ingeniosus efficaxque prudens OCR: arbiter optimus propinquus nil fraudans genii sibi vel uUi null personas loca tempus intuendo seu nos atria vestra continebant Marcelline GT : arbiter optimus propinquus nil fraudans genii sibi vel null ulli personas loca tempus intuendo seu nos atria vestra continebant Marcelline OCR: meus perite legum qui verax nimis et nimis severus asper crederis null esse nescienti at si te bene quispiam probavit GT : meus perite legum qui verax nimis et nimis severus asper null credens esse nescienti at si te bene quispiam probavit OCR: noscit quod velit ipse iudicare nam numquam metuis loqui quod aequum est si te Sulla premat ferusque Carbo si tristes GT : noscit quod velit ipse iudicare nam numquam metuis loqui quod aequum est si te Sulla premat ferusque Carbo si tristes OCR: Marii null trucesque Cinnae et si forte tuum caput latusque circumstent gladii triumvirales seu nos Limpidii null lares habebant civis GT : null Marti trucesque Cinnae et si forte tuum caput latusque circumstent gladii triumvirales seu nos null Lirnpidii lares habebant civis OCR: magnifici virique summi fratemam null bene regulam sequentis seu nos eximii simul tenebat nectens officiositas Marini quidPT Pindaric swan Hor GT : magnifici virique summi null fraternam bene regulam sequentis seu nos eximii simul tenebat nectens officiositas Marini null null null null OCR: G IV the Odes lyram are those of the first three books XXIII TO CONSENTIUS the metre in brief measured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clauses to the thundering note of the lyre he would force the carping Flaccus to silence even though that bard GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after his Satires and his Odes should strive to soar to the heights of the Pindaric swan It was the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: same when we were entertained by the kindliness of Magnus one who is endowed with many a manly grace with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comeliness birth intellect and wealth truly were I to go through the list of his diverse achievements he would wear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out a hundred tongues even tongues of iron with the telling of his praise that man so staunch so talented GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so efficient wise mediator best of kinsmen stinting neither himself nor others of enjoyment regardful as he ever is of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: persons places and seasons It was the same when we found ourselves in the hall of my ovn Marcellinus learned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the law who being immeasurably truthful and strict is deemed harsh by the ignorant but if anyone has proved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him well then he knows that our friends judgment is what he would like his own to be for Marcellinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is never afraid to utter what is right nor would he be were Sulla or savage Carbo or gloomy Marii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or ferocious Cinnas threatening him or if the swords of the triumvirs flashed about his head and side It was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same when the home of Limpidius welcomed us a splendid patriot he and a great man who follows well GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his brothers pattern or it might be that the excellent Marinus with his engaging Magnus of Narbonne an eminent GalloRoman GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: noble praefectus praeiorio Galliarum consul father of Magnus Felix n identified by Sundwall with the grandson of Agricola and father GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Araneola sqq See Epist I Mentioned in Epist II Limpidius and Marinus are not otherwise known THE POEMS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS cuius sedulitas sodalitasque aeterna mihi laude sunt colendae seu quoscumque alios videre fratres cordi utrique fuit quibus vacasse laudandam GT : null cuius sedulitas sodalitasque aeterna mihi laude sunt colendae seu quoscumque alios videre fratres cordi utrique fuit quibus vacasse laudandam OCR: reor occupationem horum uomina null cum referre versu adfectus cupiat metrum recusat Hinc nos ad propriam domum vocabas cum mane GT : reor occupationem horum null nomina cum referre versu adfectus cupiat metrum recusat Hinc nos ad propriam domum vocabas cum mane OCR: exierat novum et calescens horam sol dabat alteram secundam hie null promens teretes pilas trochosque hie null talos erepitantibus null GT : exierat novum et calescens horam sol dabat alteram secundam null hic promens teretes pilas trochosque null hic talos null crepitantibus OCR: fritillis nos ad verbera iactuum struentes tamquam Naupliades repertor artis gaudebas hilarem eiere null rixam hine null ad balnea non GT : fritillis nos ad verbera iactuum struentes tamquam Naupliades repertor artis gaudebas hilarem null ciere rixam null hinc ad balnea non OCR: Neroniana nee null quae Agrippa dedit vel ille cuius bustum Dalmaticae vident Salonae ad thermas tamen ire sed libebat privato GT : Neroniana null nec quae Agrippa dedit vel ille cuius bustum Dalmaticae vident Salonae ad thermas tamen ire sed libebat privato OCR: bene praebitas pudori post quas nos tua pocula et tuarura null Musarum medius torus tenebat quales nee null statuas imaginesque GT : bene praebitas pudori post quas nos tua pocula et null tuarum Musarum medius torus tenebat quales null nec statuas imaginesque OCR: acre null aut marmoribus coloribusque Mentor Praxiteles Scopas dederunt quantas nee null Polycletus ipse finxit nee null fit Phidiaco figura GT : null aere aut marmoribus coloribusque Mentor Praxiteles Scopas dederunt quantas null nec Polycletus ipse finxit null nec fit Phidiaco figura OCR: caelo Sed iam te veniam loquaeitati null quingenti hendecasyllabi precantur tantum etsi placeat poema longum est iamiam sufficit ipse et GT : caelo Sed iam te veniam null loquacitati quingenti hendecasyllabi precantur tantum etsi placeat poema longum est iamiam sufficit ipse et OCR: impediris iactuum ego tractuum Vid Glass Quart loc cit p XXIII TO CONSENTIUS courtesy was likewise entertaining us a man GT : impediris null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whose attentiveness and sociableness have earned my everlasting praise It was just the same if we both took a fancy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to visit any other of the brethren to spare time for whom I deem a glorious occupation but though my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: affection would fain record their names in verse metre forbids Afterwards you would bid us to your own home when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the early morning had passed and the sun w ith its gathering warmth was bringing the second hour to second GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our wishes Then you would bring out the shapely balls and hoops or the dice which with rattling box marshal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: us for the hurtling throw and like Nauplius son inventor of the art you would exult in the raising of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a merry quarrel Hence to the baths they were not those of Nero or those given by Agrippa or by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him whose tomb Dalmatian Salonae views but we were pleased to go to baths fittingly provided for privacy and modesty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: After the bath your cups and a couch in the midst of your Muses would claim us no statues or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: likenesses to compare with these were ever fashioned in bronze or marble or colours by Mentor Praxiteles or Scopas Polycletus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: himself did not mould any so great nor did Phidias with his chisel But now five hundred hendecasyllables crave your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pardon for their wordiness A poem of this size even if it should please is too long Now at last GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ive had enough of it and you yourself are finding alteram secundam for the pun cf Others would translate the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fourth hour Palamedes the reputed inventor of dice Diocletian thp poems of sidonius multum in carmine perlegens amicum dorniitantibus null GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null multum in carmine perlegens amicum null dominantibus OCR: otiosiorem XXIV PROPEMPTICON AD LIBELLVM Eressus null foribus meis libelle hanc servare viam precor memento quae nostros bene diicit null GT : otiosiorem null null null null null Egressus foribus meis libelle hanc servare viam precor memento quae nostros bene null ducit OCR: ad sodales quorum nomina sedulus notavi antiquus tibi nee null teratur agger cuius per spatium satis vetustis nomen Caesareum viret GT : ad sodales quorum nomina sedulus notavi antiquus tibi null nec teratur agger cuius per spatium satis vetustis nomen Caesareum viret OCR: columnis sed sensim gradere et moras habendo adfectum celerem moves amicis Ac primum Domiti larem severi intrabis trepidantibus Camenis tam GT : columnis sed sensim gradere et moras habendo adfectum celerem moves amicis Ac primum Domiti larem severi intrabis trepidantibus Camenis tam OCR: censorius baud null fuit vel ille quem risisse semel ferunt in aevo sed gaudere potes rigore docto hie null si GT : censorius null haud fuit vel ille quem risisse semel ferunt in aevo sed gaudere potes rigore docto null hic si OCR: te probat omnibus placebis hinc te suscipiet benigna Brivas sancti quae fovet ossa luliani null quae dum mortua mortuis putantur GT : te probat omnibus placebis hinc te suscipiet benigna Brivas sancti quae fovet ossa null Iuliani quae dum mortua mortuis putantur OCR: vivens e tumulo micat potestas hinc iam dexteriora carpis arva emensusque iugum die sub uno Milestones The book is to GT : vivens e tumulo micat potestas hinc iam dexteriora carpis arva emensusque iugum die sub uno null null null null null OCR: avoid the highroad A grammaticus to whom Epist II is addressed XXIV LENVOI it an encumbrance to read through such GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a long bit of your friend in verse a friend who is more of an idler than a man in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a doze XXIV LENVOI When you pass out by my door little book pray remember to keep this route it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: leads conveniently to some comrades of mine whose names I have carefully put down Do not tread the old road GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through whose whole length the name of Caesar shows bright on very old pillars go by easy stages by such GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: slow progress you can call forth prompt affection from our friends First of all you shall enter the home of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the strict Domitius where our Muse will be very nervous for even the man who they say laughed only once GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in his life was not as critical as he Yet you may take pleasure in his sage severity for if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he approve of you you will satisfy everybody Next you shall be taken in hand by kindly Brivas which cherishes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bones of the holy Julian those bones are deemed dead by the dead but a living power flashes forth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from that tomb From here you wind through fields more to the right and having traversed a hill ridge on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same day on the morrow you behold Marcus Crassus grandfather of the triumvir The allega tion was first made GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Lucilius sq Marx Brioude HauteLoire St Julian suffered martyrdom in AD The Emperor Avitus was buried in the church GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at Brioude The dead means those who are dead in their sins Coloss Ephea THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS flavum crastinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null flavum crastinus OCR: aspicis Triobrem turn terrain null null Gabalum satis nivosam et quantum indigenae volunt putari sublimem in puteo videbis urbem hinc GT : aspicis Triobrem null null tum terram Gabalum satis nivosam et quantum indigenae volunt putari sublimem in puteo videbis urbem hinc OCR: te temporis ad mei Laconas lustinum null rapies suumque fratrem quorum notus amor per orbis ora calcat Pirithoumque Theseumque et GT : te temporis ad mei Laconas null Iustinum rapies suumque fratrem quorum notus amor per orbis ora calcat Pirithoumque Theseumque et OCR: fidum rabidi sodalem Orestae horum cum fueris sinu receptus ibis Trevidon et calumniosis vicinum nimis heu iugum Rutenis hie null GT : fidum rabidi sodalem Orestae horum cum fueris sinu receptus ibis Trevidon et calumniosis vicinum nimis heu iugum Rutenis null hic OCR: docti invenies patrem Tonanti rectorem columenque Galliarum prisci Ferreolum parem Syagri coniunx Papianilla quem pudico curas participans iuvat labore qualis GT : docti invenies patrem Tonanti rectorem columenque Galliarum prisci Ferreolum parem Syagri coniunx Papianilla quem pudico curas participans iuvat labore qualis OCR: nee null Tanaquil fuit nee ilia null null quam tu Tricipitine procreasti Triober or Triobris mod Truyere tributary of the GT : null nec Tanaquil fuit null null nec illa quam tu Tricipitine procreasti null null null null null null null null OCR: Oltis Lot which is a tributary of the Garonne The Gabales or Gabali also Gabalitani Epist V VII were an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aquitanian people on the border of Narbonese Gaul occupying the N W slopes of the Cevennes Such local tales of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wonderful things to be seen in water are common enough An unfounded view perhaps suggested by Savarons note that puteus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: here means hill Fi puy which however comes from podium has found general acceptance S Reinach Rev Arch Ser V GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I suggests orbem for urbem and boldly takes sublimem orbem to mean the moon which is proverlaially invisible in French GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wells ie the Castor and Pollux of his day Epist V is written to lustinus and his brother Sacerdos Conjectured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: without very much reason to be mod Treves Dep Gard XXIV LENVOI the yellow Triober Next you shall see the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: land of the Gabales where the snow lies deep and according to what the natives would have us believe you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: will view a towering city in a wcll Next you shall hasten to those two Spartans of my time lustinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and his brother whose love is the theme of every tongue in the world thrusting into nothingness Pirithous and Tlieseus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the faithful comrade of mad Orestes After they have received you with open arms you shall go to Trevidos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and to the hill which is alas only too near to those slanderers the Ruteni Here you will find the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: father of the learned Tonantius the governor and pillar of the Gallic lands Ferreolus peer of old Syagrius to whom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Papianilla gives all the help a good wife can sharing his cares a woman surpassing Tanaquil and the daughter of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tricipitinus and that votary of Their town orig Segodunum is the modern Rodez on the upper course of the Aveyron GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tributary of the Garonne The name survives also in the districtname Le Rouerge To the young Tonantius Epist IX is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: addressed His father Tonantius Ferreolus was related through his wife Papianilla v to Sidonius whose wife had the same name GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He was a very eminent man of distinguished ancestry Epist VII sqq Praetorian Prefect of Gaul when he helped to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: secure Gothic support against Attila Epist VII a little later his diplomacy saved Aries from Thorismund ib In au he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was sent to Rome with Thaumastua and Petronius to prosecute Arvandus Epist I He became a Patrician the date is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: uncertain Besides his estate at Trevidos he had one called Prusianum near Nimes Epist II Afranius Syagrius of Lyons maternal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: grandfather of Tonantius Ferreolus To him Symmachus wrote a number of lettra and Ausonius dedicated a book of poems He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was consul in ad less probably See Epist I V Lucretia daughter of Sp Lucretius Tricipitinus THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: qualis nee null Phrygiae dicata Vestae quae contra satis Albulam tumentem duxit virgineo ratem capillo hine null te Laesora Caucason GT : qualis null nec Phrygiae dicata Vestae quae contra satis Albulam tumentem duxit virgineo ratem capillo null hinc te Laesora Caucason OCR: Scytharum vincens aspiciet citusque Tarnis limosum et solido sapore pressum piscem perspieua null gerens in unda hie null Zeti et GT : Scytharum vincens aspiciet citusque Tarnis limosum et solido sapore pressum piscem null perspicua gerens in unda null hic Zeti et OCR: Calais tibi adde pennas nimbosumque iugum fugax caveto namque est assiduae ferax procellae sed quamvis rapido ferare cursu lassum te GT : Calais tibi adde pennas nimbosumque iugum fugax caveto namque est assiduae ferax procellae sed quamvis rapido ferare cursu lassum te OCR: Vorocingus obtinebit nostrum hie null invenies Apollinarem seu contra rabidi Leonis aestus vestit frigore marmorum penates sive hortis spatiatur in GT : Vorocingus obtinebit nostrum null hic invenies Apollinarem seu contra rabidi Leonis aestus vestit frigore marmorum penates sive hortis spatiatur in OCR: repostis quales mellifera virent in Hybla quales Corycium senem beantes fuscabat picei latex Galaesi sive inter violas thymum ligustrum serpyllum GT : repostis quales mellifera virent in Hybla quales Corycium senem beantes fuscabat picei latex Galaesi sive inter violas thymum ligustrum serpyllum OCR: casiam crocum atque caltam narcissos hyacinthinosque flores spemit null quam pretii petitor ampli glaebam turifer advehit Sabaeus seu ficto potius GT : casiam crocum atque caltam narcissos hyacinthinosque flores null spernit quam pretii petitor ampli glaebam turifer advehit Sabaeus seu ficto potius OCR: specu quiescit collis margine qua nemus reflexum nativam dare porticum laborans non lucum arboribus facit sed antrum vorocingus voracingus PT GT : specu quiescit collis margine qua nemus reflexum nativam dare porticum laborans non lucum arboribus facit sed antrum null null null OCR: veracingus F Claudia the Vestal drew along the Tiber the boat containing the image of Magna Mater from Pessinus The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: idea that she dragged it bv her hair is probably taken from Claudian Carm Min XXX XXIX XXI LENVOI Phrygian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vesta who against the fiercely swelling waters of Tiber dragged the ship by her virtuous hair Next Laesora which overtops GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Scythian Caucasus shall behold you so shall the rapid Tarnis which carries in its translucent waters a fish that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haunts the mud loaded with solid savouriness Here put on the wings of Zetus and Calais and take flight from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that cloudy mountainridge for it is rife xith constant gales But however speedily you are rushing along Vorocingus shall harbour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your wearied frame Here you will find my dear Apollinaris He may be clothing his home in a cold Tapping GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of marble against the heat of the raging Lion or he may be walking in his secluded gardens which are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: like those that bloom on honeybearing Hybla or those others the joy of the old man of Corycus which the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: waters of black Galaesus darkened or there among his violets thyme privet serpyllum casia saffron marigolds narcissus and blooms of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hyacinth he may be rejecting the earthy lump that the Sabaean carrier of frankincense brings from afar seeking a great GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: price or he may have chosen to rest in his mimic grotto on the edge of the hill where the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trees take a backward sweep striving to make a natural portico and thereby create not a A mountain modem Lozere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Modern Tarn orocingus the estate of Apollinaris was near the Prusianum of Tonuntius Ferreolus t n see Epist II and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The view that this Apollinaris is identical with the one mentioned in the n on v see Stevens pp f GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: raises grave diflficulties An allusion to Virgils charming description of the garden cultivated near Tarentum by a humble Corycian Georg GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: IV sqq V is a paraphrase of Virgil v Corycium senem is taken from the same sentence v THE POEMS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS quis pomaria prisca regis Indi hie null nunc comparet aureasque vites electro viridante pampinatas cum Poms null posuit GT : null null quis pomaria prisca regis Indi null hic nunc comparet aureasque vites electro viridante pampinatas cum null Porus posuit OCR: crepante gaza fulvo ex palmite vineam metalli gemmarum fluitantibus raceniis null Hinc tu Cottion ibis atque Avito nostro dicis ave GT : crepante gaza fulvo ex palmite vineam metalli gemmarum fluitantibus null racemis Hinc tu Cottion ibis atque Avito nostro dicis ave OCR: deliinc null valeto debes obsequium viro perenne nam dent hinc veniam mei propinqui non nobis prior est parens amico hinc GT : null dehinc valeto debes obsequium viro perenne nam dent hinc veniam mei propinqui non nobis prior est parens amico hinc OCR: te iam Fidulus decus bonorum et nee null Tetradio latens secundus moruni null dotibus aut tenore recti sancta suscipit hospitalitate GT : te iam Fidulus decus bonorum et null nec Tetradio latens secundus null morum dotibus aut tenore recti sancta suscipit hospitalitate OCR: exin tende gradum Tribusque Villis Thaumastum expete quemlibet duorum quorum iunior est mihi sodalis et collega simul graduque frater quod GT : exin tende gradum Tribusque Villis Thaumastum expete quemlibet duorum quorum iunior est mihi sodalis et collega simul graduque frater quod OCR: si fors senior tibi invenitur hunc pronus prope patruum saluta hinc ad consulis ampla tecta Magni latens ego satis Vid GT : si fors senior tibi invenitur hunc pronus prope patruum saluta hinc ad consulis ampla tecta Magni null null null null OCR: Class Quart loc cit p There are many ancient and mediaeval references to golden vines and similar extravagances of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: East These became a favourite ingredient of the Alexanderromance For an interesting description of such wonders in the palace of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: King Porus see Epist Alexandri ad Aristotdem edited with lulius Valerius by B Kuebler p Pfisters Kleine Texte zum Alezanderroman GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p For the golden vine at Jerusalem see Josephus B Ivd V Tac Hist V ad fn Flor I III GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The earliest mention of such a thing seems to be in Herodotus VII Cottion cannot be identified A kinsman of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius Kpist III is addressed to him XXIV LENVOI grove but rather a cavern In that place who would now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bring into comparison the ancient orchards of the Indian king and the golden vines with their tendrils of verdant electrum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the days when Porus made a metal vineyard with treasure rustling on the yellow branches and clusters of gems GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: swaying about Thence you shall go to Cottion and say to my Avitus Goodday and then Goodbye To that man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you owe eternal duty for may my near and dear ones forgive me for this I put not even a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: parent before a friend Next Fidulus glory of all good men and no humble second even to Tetradius in gifts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of character or in steadfast rectitude shall receive you with pious hospitality Thence wend your way and at Three Manors GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: visit Thaumastus either of the two Wonders the younger is my bosomfriend and also my colleague and in standing my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brother but if you chance to find the elder bow low and salute him as almost my uncle Hence pass GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on to the spacious abode of the consul Magnus Not otherwise known A lawyer to whom Epist III is written GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: There is a play on the words Tetradius which suggests four and secundus Not otherwise known This seems to refer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Thaumastus and his younger brother Apoliinaris Sidonius is punning on the word ThaumaMus which means wonderful Thaum is mentioned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Epist I V and Epist V is addressed to him Apoliinaris is mentioned in Epist V Epist IV V GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and are written to him These brothers were kinsmen probably cousins of Sidonius Simplicius seems to have been another brother GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Epist IV and are addressed to him and Apoliinaris cf VII In V Sidonius writes of Thaumastus in terms which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: remind one of the present passage See n THE POEMS OF SIDONIUS Felicemque tuum veni libelle et te bybliotheca qua GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null Felicemque tuum veni libelle et te bybliotheca qua OCR: paterna est qiialis nee null null tetrici fuit Philagri admitti faciet Probus probatum hie null saepe Eulaliae meae legeris euius GT : paterna est null null qualis nec tetrici fuit Philagri admitti faciet Probus probatum null hic saepe Eulaliae meae legeris null OCR: Ceeropiae null null pares Minervae mores et rigidi senes et ipse quondam purpureus socer timebant Sed iam sufficit ecce linque GT : null cuius Cecropiae pares Minervae mores et rigidi senes et ipse quondam purpureus socer timebant Sed iam sufficit ecce linque OCR: portum ne te pondere plus premam saburrae his in versibus ancoram levato qua Luetjohann quae codd XXIV LENVOI and to GT : portum ne te pondere plus premam saburrae his in versibus ancoram levato null null null null null null null null OCR: your friend Felix O book of mine and where their fathers library stands a library such as not even the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: austere Pliilagrius had Probus having given you approbation vnW cause you to be admitted Here you will often be read GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by my kinswoman Eulalia of whose character worthy of Athenian Minerva strict greybeards and even her husbands father in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: days when he wore the purple used to stand in awe But enough Away with you put out from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: harbour and lest I weight you further with a load of sandy ballast up with the anchor even while these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: verses sound See n See n on See and Epist IV is written to him Wife of Probus and cousin GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidonius Magnus The purple is that of the consulship LETTERS OF GAIUS SOLLIUS APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS GAI SOLLII APOLLINARIS SIDONIl GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS I SIDOxNIVS CONSTANTIO SVO SALVTEM Diu praecipis domine maior summa suadendi auctoritate sicuti es in his quae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deliberabuntur consiliosissimus ut si quae mihi litterae paulo politiores varia occasione fluxerint prout eas causa persona tempus elicuit omnes retractatis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: exemplaribus enucleatisque uno volumine includam Quinti Symmachi rotunditatem Gai Plinii disciplinam maturitatemque vestigiis praesumptuosis insecumihi dd R This letter was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: written about ad Constantius of Lyons was a priest much admired by Sidonius for his character see esp III and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for his literary ability see II He seems to be the Constantius who wrote a life of Remigius of Auxerre GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but the extant life of Remigius attributed to him A SS lul VII is probably by a later writer The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: respectful address domine maior seems to occur only in Sidonius cf I II III IV IV VIII M B OBrien GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TiUes of address in Christian Latin epistolography Washington DC wrongly attributes the use also to Claudianus Mamertus LETTERS OF GAIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SOLLIUS APOLLINARIS SIDONIUS BOOK I I SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND CONSTANTIUS GREETING My honoured Lord you have this long while GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been pressing me and you have every claim on my attention for you are a most competent adviser on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: matters about to be discussed to collect all the letters making any little claim to taste that have flowed from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my pen on different occasions as this or that affair person or situation called them forth and to revise and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: correct the originals and combine all in a single book In so doing I should be following though with presumptuous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: steps the path traced by Quintus Symmachus vith his rounded style and by Gaius Plinius with his highlydeveloped misled by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the fact that Sidoiiius Epist IV is reproduced in editions of Claudianus to whom the letter was addressed The use GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of comparative adjectives especially maior jirior senior in titles is derived from the use of the comparative for the superlative GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which arose early in colloquial Latin and ultimately became fairly common in the literature For the use of dominus as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an honorary title in letters see the article in Thesaurus linguae Latinae especially f also OBrien o ctf p For GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the meaning of volumen here see Introd p Ixi n THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS turus nam de Marco TuUio silere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: melius puto quem in stilo epistulari nee lulius Titianus sub nominibus inlustrium feminarum digna similitudine expressit propter quod ilium ceteri GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quique Frontonianorum utpote consectaneum aemulati cur veternosum dicendi genus imitaretur oratorum simiam nuncupaverunt quibus omnibus ego immane dictu est quantum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: semper iudicio meo cesserim quanturaque servandam singulis pronuntiaverim temporum suorum meritorumque praerogativam sed scilicet tibi parui tuaeque examinationi has non GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: recensendas hoc enim parum est sed defaecandas ut aiunt limandasque commisi sciens te inmodicum esse fautorem non studiorum modo verum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: etiam studiosorum quam ob rem nos nunc perquam haesitabundos in hoc deinceps famae pelagus impellis porro autem super huiusmodi opusculo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tutius conticueramus contenti versuum felicius quam peritius editorum opinione de qua mihi iam pridem in portu iudicii publici post lividorum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: latratuum Scyllas enavigatas sufficientis gloriae ancora sedet sed si et hisce deliramentis silere nee Sic Wilamowiiz me pro melius ei GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ordinem lurhatvm exhihent codd There were two writers of this name father and son The reference here is evidently to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the elder who seems to have fully earned and often received the nickname ape see Vit Maximin dictua est simia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: temporis sui quod cuncta esset imHatiis Aemulari often means be jealous of sometimes as here be hostile to or disparage GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Frontos disciples BOOK I I TO CONSTANTIUS artistry Marcus Tullius indeed I think I had better not mention for even GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Julius Titianus in his fictitious letters of famous women failed to produce a satisfactory copy of that writers epistolary style GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and for his pains was called ape of the orators by all the other disciples of Fronto who were as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: might be expected spiteful toward this member of their own school for copying an outworn mode of writing Now in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the first place I have always in my ovn judgment fallen terribly short of all the authors I have named GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and secondly I have always strenuously proclaimed that we must uphold the wellearned right of each of them to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foremost place in his own age But you see I have obeyed your command and now submit to your scrutiny GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these epistles of mine not merely for revision which would not suffice but also for purging as the saying is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and polishing for I know you are an enthusiastic friend not only to literary pursuits but to men of letters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as well and that is why whilst I shiver on the brink you are launching me upon this new sea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of ambition It would have been safer though for me never to have said a word about a petty work GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of this sort and to have been content with the reputation I won by my published verses which have obtained GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a success out of proportion to their skill thus I have sailed past Scyllas with their envious barkings I have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reached the harbour of public approval and I have long been safely anchored to a sufficiency of fame However if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Jealousy refrains would have run down a man who aped Ciceros style but they would scarcely have been jealous of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Oratorum if the reading is correct probably means Cicero and all his tribe THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS genuinum molarem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: invidia non fixerit actutum tibi a nobis volumina numerosiora percopiosis scaturientia sermocinationibus multiplicabuntur vale II SIDONIVS AGRICOLAE SVO SALVTEM Saepenumero GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: postulavisti ut quia Theudorici regis Gothorum commendat populis fama civilitatem litteris tibi formae suae quantitas vitae qualitas significaretur pareo libens GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in quantum epistularis pagina sinit laudans in te tarn delicatae sollicitudinis ingenuitatem igitur vir est et illis dignus agnosci qui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eum minus familiariter intuentur ita personam suam deus arbiter et ratio naturae consummatae felicitatis dote sociata cumulaverunt mores autem huiuscemodi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ut laudibus eorum nihil ne regni quidem defrudet invidia si forma quaeratur corpore exacto longissimis brevior procerior eminentiorque mediocribus capitis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: apex rotundus in quo paululum a planitie frontis in vertieem caesaries refuga crispatur cervix non sedet enervis sed stat nervis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: geminos orbes hispidus superciliorum enervis sed stat add ego codd varie turbati It is generally agreed that this Agricola was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a son of the Emperor Avitus and therefore a brotherinlaw of Sidonius See II sq He rose to high office GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: perhaps to the Praetorian Prefecture of the Gauls Eventually he entered the priesthood We cannot with certainty date this letter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: early in the reign of Theodorie as many do The last sentence of seems to imply that Sidonius was at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Gothic court when he wrote it in that case it would have been quite BOOK I II TO AGRICOLA GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from fastening a jawtooth on these new absurdities as well there will straightway pour in upon you roll after roll GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gushing with exuberant garrulity Farewell II SIDONIUS TO HIS DEAR AGRICOLA GREETING Seeing that report commends to the world the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: graciousness of Theodoric King of the Goths you have often asked me to describe to you in writing the dimensions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his person and the character of his life I am delighted to do so subject to the limits of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a letter and I appreciate the honest spirit which prompts so nice a curiosity Well he is a man who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deserves to be studied even by those who are not in close relations with him In his build the will GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of God and Natures plan have joined together to endow him with a supreme perfection and his character is such GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that even the jealousy which hedges a sovereign has no power to rob it of its glories Take first his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: appearance His figure is wellproportioned he is shorter than the very tall taller and more commanding than the average man GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The top of his head is round and on it his curled hair retreats gently from his even forehead His GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: neck is not squat and sinewless but erect and sinewy Each eye is encircled by a shaggy arch of natural GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for Agricola to ask him for a description of Theodoric and his ways Even though Agricola as the son of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avitus must have heard a good deal about the Gothic king he would be interested in riding an uptodate record GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidoniuss impressions Theodoric II reigned ad THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS coronat arcus si vero cilia flectantur ad malas medias GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: palpebrarum margo prope pervenit aurium legulae sicut mos gentis est crinium superiacentium flagellis operiuntur nasus venustissime incurvus labra subtilia nee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dilatatis oris angulis ampliata pilis infra narium antra fruticantibus cotidiana succisio barba concavis hirta temporibus quam in subdita vultus parte GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: surgentem stirpitus tonsor assiduus genis ut adhuc vesticipibus evellit menti gutturis colli non obesi sed suculenti lactea cutis quae propius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inspecta iuvenali rubore sufFunditur namque hunc illi crebro colorem non ira sed verecundia facit teretes umeri validi lacerti dura bracchia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patulae manus recedente alvo pectus excedens aream dorsi humilior inter excrementa costarum spina discriminat tuberosum est utrumque musculis prominentibus latus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in succinctis regnat vigor ilibus corneum femur internodia poplitum bene mascula maximus in minime rugosis genibus honor crura suris fulta GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: turgentibus et qui magna sustentat membra pes modicus si actionem diurnam quae est forinsecus exposita perquiras antelucanos sacerdotum suorum coetus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: minimo comitatu expetit grandi sedulitate veneratur quamquam si sermo excedens Luetjohann accedens ie he does not let his moustache grow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: BOOK I II TO AGRICOLA brow when his eyelids droop the extremities of the lashes reach almost halfway dovn the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cheeks The tips of his ears according to national fashion are hidden by wisps of hair that are trained over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them His nose is most gracefully curved his lips are delicately moulded and are not enlarged by any extension of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the corners of the mouth Every day there is a clipping of the bristles that sprout beneath the nostrilcavities The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hair on his face grows heavily in the hollows of the temples but as it springs up upon the lowest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: part of the face the barber constantly roots it out from the cheeks keeping them as though they were still GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the earliest stage of manly growth His chin throat and neck suggest not fat but fullness the skin is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: milkwhite but if closely looked at it takes on a youthful blush for this tint is frequently produced in his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: case by modesty not by illtemper His shoulders are wellshaped his upper arms sturdy his forearms hard his hands broad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The chest is prominent the stomach recedes the surface of his back is divided by a spine that lies low GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: between the bulging ribs his sides swell with protuberant muscles Strength reigns in his wellgirt loins His thigh is hard GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as horn the upper legs from joint to joint are full of manly vigour his knees are completely free from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wrinkles and full of grace the legs have the support of sturdy calves but the feet which bear the weight GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of such mighty limbs are of no great size And now you may want to know all about his everyday GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: life which is open to the public gaze Before dawn he goes with a very small retinue to the service GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conducted by the priests of his faith and he worships with great earnestness THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS secretus possis animo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: advertere quod servet istam pro consuetudine potius quam pro ratione reverentiam reliquum mane regni administrandi cura sibi deputat circumsistit sellam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: comes armiger pellitorum turba satellitum ne absit admittitur ne obstrepat eliminatur sicque pro foribus immurmurat exclusa veils inclusa cancellis inter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haec Intromissis gentium legationibus audit plurima pauca respondet si quid tractabitur dlfFert si quid expedietur accelerat hora est secunda surgit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: e solio aut thesauris inspiciendis vacaturus aut stabulls si venatione nuntiata procedit arcum lateri innectere citra gravitatem regiam iudicat quem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tamen si comminus avem feramque aut venanti aut vianti fors obtulerit manui post tergum reflexae puer inserit nervo lorove fluitantibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quem sicut puerile computat gestare thecatum ita muliebre accipere iam tensum igitur acceptum modo sinuatis e regione capitibus intendit modo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad talum pendulum nodi parte conversa languentem chordae laqueum vagantis digito superlabente prosequitur et mox spicula capit implet expellit quidve GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cupias percuti prior admonet ut eligas eligis quid feriat sinuatis FR insinuatis ut eligas add ego Or possibly if one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: talks to him in private One end of the string is permanently knotted to one horn of the bow the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other end has a loop which can be easily slipped on to the other horn Theodoric raises one foot keeping GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the heel on the ground and rests the strung end of the bow on that foot while the other end GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rests against his body or is firmly held in one hand He then stoops bending the bow at the same GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time Taking hold of the string at the end where it is tied to the bow he runs his fingers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: along it thus BOOK I II TO AbRICOLA though between ourselves i one can see that this devotion is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: matter of routine rather than of conviction The administrative duties of his sovereignty claim the rest of the morning Nobles GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in armour have places near his throne a crowd of guards in their dress of skins is allowed in so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as to be at hand but excluded from the presence so as not to disturb and so they keep up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a hum of conversation by the door outside the curtains but within the barriers Meanwhile deputations from various peoples are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: introduced and he listens to a great deal of talk but replies shortly postponing business which he intends to consider GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: speeding that which is to be promptly settled The second hour comes he rises from his throne to pass an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interval in inspecting his treasures or his stables When a hunt has been proclaimed and he sallies forth he considers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it beneath his royal dignity to have his bow slung at his side but if in the chase or on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the road chance presents bird or beast within his range he puts his hand behind his back and an attendant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: places the bow in it with the string or thong hanging loose for he thinks it childish to carry the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bow in a case and womanish to take it over ready strung When he takes it he either holds it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: straight in front of him and bends the two ends and so strings it or he rests upon his raised GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foot the end which has the knot and runs his finger along the loose spring until he comes to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dangling loop then he takes up the arrows sets them in place and lets them fly Or he may urge GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you first to choose what quarry you wish to be struck down you choose what he is to straightening it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out until they reach the loop which he duly attaches THE LETtERS OF SIDONIUS quod elegeris ferit et si ab GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: alterutro errandum est rarius fallitur figentis ictus quam destinantis obtutus si in convivium venitur quod quidem diebus profestis simile privato GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: est non ibi impolitam congeriem liventis argenti mensis cedentibus suspiriosus minister imponit maximum tunc pondus in verbis est quippe cum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: illic aut nulla narrentur aut seria toreumatum peripetasmatumque modo conchyliata profertur supellex modo byssina cibi arte non pretio placent fercula GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nitore non pondere scyphorum paterarumque raras oblationes facilius est ut accuset sitis quam recuset ebrietas quid multis videas ibi elegantiam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Graecam abundantiam Gallicanam celeritatem Italam publicam pompam privatam diligentiam regiam disciplinam de luxu autem illo sabbatario narrationi meae supersedendum est GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: qui nee latentes potest latere personas ad coepta redeatur dapibus expleto somnus meridianus saepe nuUus semper exiguus quibus horis viro GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Toreuma should mean a piece of ornamental metalwork eg a chased vase or cup but Sirmond is undoubtedly right in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thinking that Sidonius connected the word with torus as did Prudentius Psychom and Salvian Ad Ecd IV For other examples GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Sidonius see II IX V Sirmond takes it to mean the coverings of the couch but this does not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: suit the epithet sericatum covered with silk in Bk II and the expression ruiilum toreuma hysso in Bk IX loc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cit does not favour though it does not absolutely exclude such an interpretation All difficulty disappears if we suppose that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the word was regarded as an ornate substitute for toniSy couch or more strictly the mattress of the couch over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which a covering peristroma was placed Peripetasma is applied to a spreading drapery whether a hanging or a covering Here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reference is probably to the perisiromata which often hung down far over the side of the couch and BOOK GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I II TO AGKICOLA strike and he strikes what you have chosen Should a mistake be made by either it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is more often the eyesight of the selector than the aim of the bowman that is at fault When one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: joins him at dinner which on all but festival days is just like that of a private household there is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: no unpolished conglomeration of discoloured old silver set by panting attendants on sagging tables the weightiest thing on these occasions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is the conversation for there are either no stories or only serious ones The couches with their spreading draperies show GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an array sometimes of scarlet cloth sometimes of fine linen The viands attract by their skilful cookeiy not by tlieir GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: costliness the platters by their brightness not by their weight Replenishment of the goblets or winebowls comes at such long GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intervals that there is more reason for the thirsty to complain than for the intoxicated to refrain To sum up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you can find there Greek elegance Gallic plenty Italian briskness the dignity of state the attentiveness of a private home GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the ordered discipline of royalty But as to the luxury of the days of festival I had better hold my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tongue for even persons of no note cannot fail to note it To resume the story after satisfying his appetite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he never takes more than a short midday sleep and often goes without it In the hours when the gamingboard GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: toreumoUum peripetasmatumque may be regarded as a hendiadys Tabula may here be used for tabula Itisoria or as the name GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of a particular boardgame on which see R G Austin in Greece and Rome IV pp In any case the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: game described in this passage is one of those in which both dice and pieces were used as in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: various forms of backgammon VOL I O THE LETIERS OF SIDONIUS tabula cordi tesseras coUigit rapide inspicit sollicite volvit argute GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mittit instanter ioculanter compellat patienter exspectat in bonis iactibus tacet in malis ridet in neutris irascitur in utrisque philosophatur secundas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fastidit vel timere vel facere quarum opportunitates spernit oblatas transit oppositas sine motu evaditur sine colludio evadit putes ilium et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in calculis arma tractate sola est illi cura vincendi cum ludendum est regiam sequestrat tantisper severitatem hortatur ad ludum libertatem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: communionemque dicam quod sentio timet timeri denique oblectatur commotione superati et tum demum credit sibi non cessisse collegam cum fidem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fecerit victoriae suae bilis aliena quodque mirere saepe ilia laetitia minimis occasionibus veniens ingentium negotiorum merita fortunat tunc petitionibus diu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ante per patrociniorum naufragia iactatis absolutionis subitae portus aperitur tunc etiam ego aliquid obsecraturus feliciter vincor quando mihi ad hoc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tabula perit ut causa salvetur circa nonam recrudescit molis ilia regnandi redeunt pulsantes redeunt We do not know enough about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the game to understand this Secundae sc tesseracl is obviously a technical term Probably at certain junctures the player was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allowed the option of a second throw The translation given of oppositas accords with Dr Semples view Tabula may here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: b the name of the game but more probably it is a collective term for a players pieces as BOOK GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I II TO AGRICOLA attracts him he is quick to pick up the dice he examines them anxiously spins them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with finesse throws them eagerly he addresses them jestingly and calmly awaits the result If the throw is lucky he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: says nothing if unlucky he smiles in neither case does he lose his temper in either case he is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: real philosopher As for a second throw he is too proud either to fear it or to make it when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a chance of one is presented he disdains it when it is used against him he ignores it He sees GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his opponents piece escape vithout stirring and gets his own free without being played up to You would actually think GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he was handling weapons when he handles the pieces on the board his sole thought is of victory When it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is the time for play he throws oft for a while the stern mood of royalty and encourages fun and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: freedom and goodfellowship My own opinion is that he dreads being feared Further he is delighted at seeing his defeated GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rival disgruntled and it is only his opponents illtemper which really satisfies him that the game has not been given GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Now comes something to surprise you the exultation which comes upon him on these trivial occasions often speeds the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: claims of important transactions At such times the haven of a prompt decision is thrown open to petitions which have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for a long time previously been in distress through the foundering of their advocates I myself at such times if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I have a favour to ask find it fortunate to be beaten by him for I lose my pieces to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: win my cause About the ninth hour the burden of royal business is taken up afresh Back come the imferire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was a technical term in such games for to be taken THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS summoventes ubique litigiosus fremit ambitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: qui tractus in vesperam cena regia interpellante rarescit et per aulicos deinceps pro patronorum varietate dispergitur usque ad tempus concubiae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: noctis excubaturus sane intromittuntur quamquam raro inter cenandum mimici sales ita ut nuUus conviva mordacis linguae felle feriatur sic tamen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quod illic nee organa hydraulica sonant nee sub phonasco vocalium concentus meditatum acroama simul intonat nullus ibi lyristes choraules mesochorus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tympanistria psaltria canit rege solum illis fidibus delenito quibus non minus mulcet virtus animum quam cantus auditum cum surrexerit inchoat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nocturnas aulica gaza custodias armati regiae domus aditibus assistunt quibus horae primi soporis vigilabuntur sed iam quid meas istud ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: partes qui tibi indicanda non multa de regno sed pauca de rege promisi simul et stilo finem fieri decet quia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et tu cognoscere viri non amplius quam studia personamque voluisti et ego non historiam sed epistulam efficere curavi vale BOOK GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I II TO AGRICOLA portunate petitioners back come the marshals to drive them off everywhere the rivalry of the disputants GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: makes an uproar This continues till evening then the royal supper interrupts and the bustle fades away distributing itself among GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the various courtiers whose patronage this or that party enjoys and thus they keep watch till the nightwatches It is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: true that occasionally not often the banter of Iom comedians is admitted during supper though they are not allowed to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assail any guest with the gall of a biting tongue In any case no hydrauUc organs are heard there nor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: does any concertparty under its trainer boom forth a set performance in chorus there is no music of lyrist flautist GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or danceconductor tambourinegirl or female citharist for the king finds a charm only in the string music which comforts the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soul with virtue just as much as it soothes the ear with melody When he rises from the table the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nightwatch is first posted at the royal treasury and armed sentries are set at the entrances to the palace who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: will keep guard through the hours of the first sleep But I have already exceeded my part for I promised GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to tell you a little about the king not a long story about his rule it is also fitting that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my pen should come to a stop because you desired to hear only of the tastes and personality of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great man and because I took it upon myself to write a letter not a history Farewell THE LETTERS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS III SIDONIVS PHILOMATHIO SVO SALVTEM I nunc et legibus me ambitus interrogatum senatu move cur adipiscendae dignitati hereditariae curis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pervigilibus incumbam cui pater socer avus proavus praefecturis urbanis praetorianisque magisteriis Palatinis militaribusque micuerunt et ecce Gaudentius meus hactenus tantum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tribunicius oscitantem nostrorum civium desidiam vicariano apice transcendit mussitat quidem iuvenum nostrorum calcata generositas sed qui transiit derogantes in hoc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: solum movetur ut gaudeat igitur venerantur hucusque contemptum ac subitae stupentes dona Philomathius is mentioned in V It is unfortunately GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: impossible to date this letter as we do not know when Gaudentius held the vicariate referred to There is no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other evidence that the greatgrandfather of Sidonius held any such public office or that any of the kinsmen referred to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever held the Prefecture of the City Sidonius himself held it in ad Magisterium was the office of a magister GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and mag mil obviously refers to the magisterium militum held by Avitus Introd p xx Carm sq n on sqq GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but Palatinis migisteriis is puzzling We do not read elsewhere that any relation of Sidonius was ever mugister officiorum or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one of the mxigistri scriniorum on these offices see Bury I p It is just possible though scarcely likely that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidoniuss father held one of these posts after being trihimus et notarius under Honorius or if he became chief primicerius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the tribuni et notarii he may have received the honorary title of magister officiorum on his retirement from office GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as seems sometimes to have happened Or did the mysterious greatgrandfather hold one of those offices On the whole it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems probable that when Sidonius says BOOK I III TO PHILOMATHIUS III SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND PHILOMATHIUS GREETING Go to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now indict me by the Electoral Corruption Acts and propose my dismissal from the Senate for striving with unsleeping labours GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to win a hereditary position seeing that my father my fatherinlaw my grandfather and my greatgrandfather won the distinctions of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: praetorian and city prefectures and Masterships at court and in the army And lo my friend Gaudentius till now only GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of tribunician rank has overclimbed the yawning idleness of our countrymen by winning the dignity of a vicarius Of course GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our young lordlings are muttering about trampling on good birth but when a man has risen over the heads of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: backbiters the only effect on him is a feeling of elation So they worship a man whom till yesterday they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: belittled and full of wonderment at the Palatine and military Masterships he is speaking loosely and grandiloquently of a Mastership GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of soldiers and the Palatine post of irihunus et notarius The name Palatine was applied to ofices connected with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great departments of the Imperial civil service which had their headquarters at Rome under the immediate control of the Emperor GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He had been trihunus et notarius on this office see Bury I CMH I and was now Vicarius Septem Provinciarum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: per Gallias The provinces in each praetorian prefecture were grouped so as to form a number of dioceses dioeceses each GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of which was administered by a vicarius The Septem Provinciae were Vienneiisis Narbonensis I and II Novem Populi Novem populana GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aquitanica I and II Alpes Maritimae but the Vicarius Septem Provinciarum seems at this time to have exercised supervision over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the Gallic provinces THE LETfERS OF SIDONIUS fortunae quem consessu despiciebant sede suspiciunt ille obiter stertentum oblatratorum aures rauci GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: voce praeconis everberat qui in eum licet stimulis inimicalibiis excitentur scamnis tamen amicalibus deputabuntur unde te etiam par fuerit privilegio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consiliorum praefecturae in quae participanda deposceris antiquati honoris perniciter sarcire dispendium ne si extra praerogativam consiliarii in concilium veneris solas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vicariorum vices egisse videare vale IV SIDONIVS GAVDENTIO SVO SALVTEM Macte esto vir amplissime fascibus partis dote meritorum quorum ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: titulis apicibusque potiare non maternos reditus non a vitas largitiones non uxorias gemmas non paternas pecunias numeravisti quia tibi e GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contrario apud principis domum inspecta sinceritas spectata sedulitas admissa sodalitas laudi fuere o terque quaterque beatum te de cuius He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had apparently been assessor to the Vicarius The counsellors consiliarii or assessors adsessores of the Praetorian Prefect had a position GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of great dignity At the end of their year of office they received many privileges and ranked with the Vicarii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: BOOK I IV TO GAUDENTIUS gifts of an unexpected fortune they look up to him in the iudamentseat though they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: used to look down on him when he was seated by their side Meanwhile the lucky man makes the husky GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ushers yells beat upon the ears of those stertorous snarlers but although they are goaded by feelings of enmity towards GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him they will be given places on the benches reserved for his friends So it will be the proper course GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for you also to repair promptly the loss of your expired office by accepting the earnest invitation addressed to you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to occupy the favoured position of Counsellor to the Prefect for if you come to the Council without the special GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: standing of a counsellor you will be looked upon only as one who has acted as deputy vicarius Farewell IV GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND GAUDENTIUS GREETING Congratulations my noble friend on the office you have won through the dower of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your deserts To win its titles and glories you have not expended a mothers rentroll a grandfathers bounty a wifes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: jewels or a fathers capital but on the contrary you have won distinction in an emperors household by welltested honesty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wellattested assiduity and an approved claim to intimacy O three and four times happy thou by whose elevation joy is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: brought to your friends punishment to your detractors and disThe Concilium Septem Provinciarum Introd p xii Virg Aen I THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: LETTERS OF SIDONIUS culniine datur amicis laetitia lividis poena posteris gloria turn praeterea vegetis et alacribus exemplum desidibus et pigris GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: incitamentum et tamen si qui sunt qui te quocumque animo deinceps aemulabuntur sibi forsitan si te consequantur debeant tibi debebunt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: procul dubio quod sequuntur spectare mihi videor bonorum pace praefata illam in invidis ignaviam superbientem et illud militandi inertibus familiare GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tastidium cum a desperatione crescendi inter bibendum philosophantes ferias inhonoratorum laudant vitio desidiae non studio perfectionis appetitus ne adhuc pueris GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: usui foret maiorum iudicio reiciebatur sic adulescentum declamatiunculas pannis textilibus comparantes intellegebant eloquia iuvenum laboriosius brevia produci quam porrecta succidi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sed hinc quia istaec satis quod subest quaeso reminiscaris velle me tibi studii huiusce vicissitudinem reponderare modo me actionibus iustis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deus annuens et sospitem praestet et reducem vale The end of this letter and the beginning of another of which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is the concliision have apparently been lost BOOK I IV TO GAUDKNTIUS tinction to your posterity an example moreover to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the energetic and zealous and a spur to the idle and lazy And certainly if others in their turn no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: matter in what spirit become your rivals such people though they may claim credit to themselves if they catch up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with you will certainly owe it to you that they follow in your path I picture myself looking on I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: say this with all respect to the better sort at the combination of arrogance and indolence among your illwdshers and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at that disdain of public service which is characteristic of the slothful when hopeless themselves of rising in the world GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they play the philosopher over their wine and praise the leisured lives of those who hold no office not from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: any eagerness for perfection but simply through vicious indolence Indeed the judgment of our ancestors condemned the straining after lest GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it should be taken advantage of by mere boys They compared the short rhetorical exercises of striplings with pieces of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cloth meaning that it is harder to lengthen the compositions of young students if too short than to cut them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: down if too long But I have said enough on this matter now as to what lies at the bottom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of my remarks please remember that I am most anxious to repay this zeal of yours by giving like for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: like provided only that God who rewards righteous efforts keeps me safe and brings me home Farewell THE LETTERS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS SIDONIVS HERONIQi SVO SALVTEM Litteras tuas Romae positus accepi quibus an secundum commune consilium sese peregrinationis meae coepta promoveant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soUicitus inquiris viam etiam qualem qualiterque confecerim quos aut fluvios viderim poetarum carminibus inlustres aut urbes moenium situ inclitas aut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: montes numinum opinione vulgatos aut campos proeliorum replicatione monstrabiles quia voluptuosum censeas quae lectione compereris eorum qui inspexerint fideliore didicisse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: memoratu quocirca gaudeo te quid agam cupere cognoscere namque huiuscemodi studium de adfectu interiore proficiscitur ilicet etsi secus quaepiam sub GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ope tamen dei ordiar a secundis quibus primordiis maiores nostri etiam sinisteritatum suarum relationes evolvere auspicabantur egresso mihi Rhodanusiae nostrae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: moenibus publicus cursus Usui fuit utpote sacris apicibus accito et quidem per domicilia sodalium propinquorumque ubi sane vianti moram non GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: veredorum paucitas sed amicorum multitudo faciebat quae mihi arto implicita complexu itum reditumque felicem certantibus votis herenio LNT On the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occasion of this letter and of No below see Introd p xl Nothing is known of Heronius beyond what may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be gathered from these two letters On the meaning of ilicet see n on Carm Lugdunum Lyons situated at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: confluence of the Rhodanus Rhone and the Arar Sane BOOK I V TO HERONIUS SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND HERONIUS GREETING GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I received your letter after I had settled down at Rome I see that you inquire anxiously whether the objects GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of my journey are prospering according to our common plan You ask also what the route was like and in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: what manner I travelled over it what rivers I viewed made famous by the songs of poets what cities renowned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for their situation what mountains celebrated as the reputed haunts of deities what fields claiming the interest of the sightseer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by reason of their memories of battles for having learnt of these things in books you think it would be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a pleasure so you tell me to have a more faithful account from those who have seen them with their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: own eyes I am delighted therefore that you long to learn how I fare for interest of this kind proceeds GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from heartfelt affection Well though some things went wrong I will begin by Gods help with my good news for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our ancestors too made it a rule to begin with such as forming an auspicious start even for a narrative GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of their misfortunes When I passed the gates of our native Rhodanusia I found the statepost at my disposal as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one summoned by an imperial letter and moreover the homes of intimate friends and relations lined the route delays on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my journey were due not to scarcity of posthorses but to multiplicity of friends who clasped me to their hearts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and vied with one another in their prayers on my behalf for a prosperous journey and THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conprecabatur sic Alpium iugis appropinquatum quarum mihi citiis et facilis ascensus et inter utrimque terrentis latera praerupti cavatis in callem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nivibus itinera mollita fluviorum quoque si qui non navigabiles vada commoda vel certe pervii pontes quos antiquitas a fundamentis ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: usque aggerem caleabili silice crustatum crypticis arcubus fornicavit Ticini cursoriam sic navigio nomen escendi qua in Eridanum brevi delatus cantatas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: saepe comissaliter nobis Phaethontiadas et commenticias arborei metalli lacrimas risi ulvosum Lambrum caerulum Adduam velocem Athesim pigrum Mincium qui Ligusticis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Euganeisque montibus oriebantur paulum per ostia adversa subvectus in suis etiam gurgitibus inspexi quorum ripae torique passim quernis acernisque nemoribus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vestiebantur hie avium resonans dulce concentus quibus nunc in concavis harundinibus nunc quoque in iuncis pungentibus nunc et in scirpis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enodibus nidorum struis imposita nutabat quae cuncta virgulta tumultuatim super amnicos margines soli bibuli suco fota fruticaverant atque obiter Cremonam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: praevectus adveni cuius est olim Tityro Mantuano largum suspirata proximitas Brixillum dein oppidum dum succedenti Pavia Cursoria sc navis so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: called from being employed on the Imperial postal service ciirsus pnhlicus The Po On its banks according to the legend GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sisters of Phaethon were turned into poplars and their tears into amber The modem names of these rivers are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lambro Adda Adige Miiicio Virg Ec IX Mantua vae miserae nimium vicina Cremonae The words are uttered by Moeris not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tityrus but Tityrus to Sidonius generally means the Virgil of the Eclogues cf Carm BOOK I V TO HERONIUS homecoming GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: In this way I drew near to the heights of the Alps I found the ascent quick and easy between GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: walls of terrifying precipice on either side travelling had been simplified by cutting a pathway through the snow As to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the rivers I found that such of them as were not navigable had convenient fords or at any rate bridges GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fit for traffic these our forefathers have constructed on a series of vaulted arches reaching from the foundations up to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the roadway with its cobbled surface At Ticinum I went on board a packetboat so they call the vessel and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: travelled quickly downstream to the Eridanus where I had my laugh over Phaethons sisters of whom we have often sung GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: amidst our revels and over those mythical tears of arboreal ore I passed the sedgy Lambrus the blue Addua the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: swift Athesis and the sluggish Mincius rivers which have their sources in the mountains of Liguria and the Euganeans In GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: each case I cruised a little way upstream from the point of confluence so as to view each actually in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the midst of its own waters Their banks and knolls were everywhere clad with groves of oak and maple A GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: concert of birds filled the air with sweet sounds their neststructures quivered balanced sometimes on hollow reeds sometimes on prickly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rushes sometimes too on smooth bulrushes for all this undergrowth nourished on the moisture of the spongy soil had sprouted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: confusedly along the river banks Proceeding on my way I came to Cremona whose nearness caused Mantuas Tityrus to sigh GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: profoundly in days of old Next we entered the town of Brixillum only to quit it just allowing time Brescello GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the right bank of the Po THE LETIERS OF SIDONIUS Aemiliano nautae decedit Venetus remex tan turn ut exiremus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intravimus Ravennam paulo post cursu dexteriore subeuntes quo loci veterem civitatem novumque portum media via Caesaris ambigas utrum conectat an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: separet insuper oppidum duplex pars interluit Padi certa pars alluit qui ab alveo principali molium publicarum discerptus obiectu et per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: easdem derivatis tramitibus exhaustus sic dividua fluenta partitur ut praebeant moenibus circumfusa praesidium infusa commercium hie cum peropportuna cuncta mercatui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tum praecipue quod esui competeret deferebatur nisi quod cum sese hinc salsum portis pelagus impingeret hinc cloacali pulte fossarum discursu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lintrium ventilata ipse lentati languidus lapsus umoris nauticis cuspidibus foraminato fundi glutino sordidaretur in medio undarum sitiebamus quia nusquam vel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aquaeductuum liquor integer vel cisterna defaecabilis vel fons inriguus vel puteus inlimis unde progressis ad Rubiconem ventum qui originem nomini GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: de glarearum colore puniceo mutuabatur quique olim Gallis cisalpinis Italisque veteribus terminus erat cum populis utrisque Hadriatici maris oppida divisui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fuere hinc Ariminum Fanumque perveni illud certa sedusi ex gloss cetera corruptela orta videtur The harbour constructed by Augustus as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a naval tatim was connected with the old town which was three miles distant by a causeway here called Caesars GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: road A large suburb which grew up between the old town and the harbourtown Portus Classis or simply Classis was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: called Caesarea Great confusion has been imported into this sentence through taking insuper as a preposition The double town is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the old town which is divided into two by the branch of the Po which runs through it BOOK I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: V TO HERONIUS for our oarsmen who were Veneti to give up their places to boatmen of Aemilia and a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: little later we reached Ravenna on a course bearing to the right Here Caesars road runs between the old town GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the new harbour one could scarcely say whether it joins or parts them Moreover one branch of the Padus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flows through this double town another flows by it for the river is diverted from its main bed by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intervention of the city embankments along whose course are various branch channels which draw off more and more of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stream The effect of this division is that the waters which encircle the walls provide protection while those which flow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: into the town bring commerce The whole situation is most favourable to trade and in particular we saw large foodsupplies GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coming in But there was one drawback on one side the briny seawater rushed up to the gates and elsewhere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the sewerlike filth of the channels was churned up by the boattraffic and the bargemens poles boring into the glue GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the bottom helped to befoul the current slow and sluggish at the best the result was that we went GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thirsty though surrounded by water finding nowhere pure water from aqueducts nowhere a filthproof reservoir nowhere a bubbling spring or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mudfree well Leaing this place we travelled to the Rubicon the name is derived from the red tint of its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gravel This used to be the dividing Une between Cisalpine Gaul and the old Italy the towns on the Adriatic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coast being divided between the two peoples From this point I came on to Ariminum and Fanum the former place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: celebrated For this aspersion cf I and see note on Carm THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS luliana rebellione memorabile hoc Hasdrubaliano GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: funere infectum siquidem illic Metaurus cuius ita in longum felicitas uno die parta porrigitur ac si etiam nunc Dalmatico salo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cadavera sanguinulenta decoloratis gurgitibus inferret hinc cetera Flaminiae oppida statim ut ingrediebar egressus laevo Picentes dextro Vmbros latere transmisi ubi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mihi seu Calaber Atabulus seu pestilens regio Tuscorum spiritu aeris venenatis flatibus inebriate et modo calores alternante modo frigora vaporatum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: corpus infecit interea febris sitisque penitissimum cordis meduUarumque secretum depopulabantur quarum aviditati non solum amoena fontium aut abstrusa puteorum quamquam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haec quoque sed tota ilia vel vicina vel obvia fluenta id est vitrea Velini gelida Clitumni Anienis caerula Naris sulpurea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pura Fabaris turbida Tiberis metu tamen desiderium fallente pollicebamur inter haec patuit et Roma conspectui cuius mihi non solum formas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: verum etiam naumachias videbar epotaturus ubi priusquam vel pomoeria contingerem triumphalibus apostolorum liminibus adfusus omnem protinus After crossing the Rubicon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Caesar promptly occupied Ariminum Rimini Fanum Fortunae Fano was an Umbrian coasttown near the mouth of the Metaurus Metauro The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: exact site of Hasdrubals defeat is unknown but it was probably not many miles from the mouth of the river GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: A hot dry wind see commentators on Horace Sat A lake in the Sabine country near the Nar Nera now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: called Pie di Lugo or Lago delle Marmore Virgil mentions the fontes Velini Aen VII This name is borrowed from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Virgil Aen VII Servius says it is the same as the Farfarus modern Farfa a Sabine stream which flows into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Tiber S BOOK I V TO HERONIUS through the insurrection of Julius the latter dyed ith Hasdrubals lifeblood for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: here is the Metaurus the glory of which river was won in a single day but has endured through the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ages as though even now it swept bloody corpses down its empurpled waters into Dalmatias seas As for the other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: towns on the Flaminian road I just entered and then left them passing on with Picenum on my left and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Umbria on my right but there either the wind Atabulus from Calabria or the malarial district of Etruria intoxicated my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lungs with poisonous blasts of air that brought on sweats and chills alternately and infected my whole body with its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: atmosphere Meanwhile fever and thirst made havoc of the innermost recesses of my heart and marrow to their greedy claims GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I kept promising not only the deliciousness of springs and the deephidden waters of wells though I reckoned on these GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also but all the streams that lay on my route or near it those of Velinus glassy of Clitumnus cool GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Anio blue of Nar smacking of sulphur of the Fabaris clear of the Tiber muddy but caution ever GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: balked my longing Amid this distress Rome burst upon my sight I thought I could drink dry not only its GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aqueducts but the ponds used in its mock seafights But before allowing myself to set foot even on the outer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: boundary of the city I sank on my knees at the triumphal thresholds of the Apostles The churches of St GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Peter and St Paul St Peters founded by Constantine and consecrated in ad was still outside the city precincts The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: basilica of St Paul S Paolo fuori le Mura was founded in ad Triumphalibv was perhaps suggested by Porta Triumphalis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the gateway by which a generals triumphal procession entered Rome THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS sensi membris male fortibus explosum esse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: languorem post quae caelestis experimenta patrocinii conduct devorsorii parte susceptus atque etiam nunc istaec inter iacendum scriptitans quieti pauxillulum operam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: impendo neque adhuc principis aulicorumque tumultuosis foribus obversor interveni etenim nuptiis patricii Ricimeris cui filia perennis Augusti in spem publicae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: securitatis copulabatur igitur nunc in ista non modo personarum sed etiam ordinum partiumque laetitia Transalpino tuo latere conducibilius visum quippe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cum hoc ipso tempore quo haec mihi exarabantur vix per omnia theatra macella praetoria fora templa gymnasia Thalassio Fescenninus explicaretur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: atque etiam nunc e contrario studia sileant negotia quiescant iudicia conticescant differantur legationes vacet ambitus et inter scurrilitates histrionicas totus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: actionum seriarum status peregrinetur iam quidem virgo tradita est iam coronam sponsus iam palmatam consularis iam cycladem pronuba iam togam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: senator honoratus iam paenulam deponit inglorius et nondum tamen cuncta thalamorum pompa defremuit quia necdum ad mariti domum nova nupta GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: migravit qua festivitate decursa cetera tibi laborum meorum molimina reserabuntur si senator seclusit lAietjohann See Carm n Thalassio or Talassio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was properly the cry with which the bride was greeted by her attendants on entering her new home but it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: became a general expression of good wishes to the happy couple Its origin is uncertain Livy gives a quaint story GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to account for it I sq BOOK I V TO HERON lUS and straightway I felt that all the sickness GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had been driven from my enfeebled limbs after which proof of heavenly protection I found quarters in a hired lodging GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and even now I pen these words at intervals in my repose for I am making rest my business for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a little while Up till now I have not presented myself at the bustling doors of the Emperor and his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: courtiers for I arrived here at the moment of the marriage of Ricimer the patrician whose union with the daughter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the immortal Augustus is a hopeful guarantee of the safety of the state So for the present amid this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: general rejoicing not merely of individuals but of classes and parties the best course for your friend from over the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Alps seemed to be to lie low for at the very moment that I am writing this the shouts of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thalassio according to Fescennine custom have hardly ceased to echo in every theatre marketplace camp lawcourt church and playground on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the other hand the schools are still silent business is hushed lawsuits are stilled delegations from the provinces are adjourned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: placeseeking takes a holiday and while buffoons are making their merry jests all serious business seems to be away on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its travels And now the bride has been given away the bridegroom has put off his garland the consular his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: embroidered robe the brideswoman her gay mantle the man of rank his toga and the undistinguished citizen his cloak nevertheless GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the full pomp of the bridal ceremony has not yet subsided for the bride has not yet passed to her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: husbands home When all this gaiety has run its course I will disclose to you the other struggles Or possibly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: factions political antagonisms THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS tamen vel consummata sollemnitas aliquando terminaverit istara totius civitatis occupatissimam vacationem vale VI GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIVS EVTROPIO SVO SALVTEM Olim quidem scribere tibi concupiscebam sed nunc vel maxime impellor id est cum mihi ducens in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: urbem Christo propitiante via carpitur scribendi causa vel sola vel maxima quo te scilicet a profundo domesticae quietis extractum ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: capessenda militiae Palatinae munia vocem his additur quod niunere dei tibi congruit aevi corporis animi vigor integer dein quod equis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: armis veste sumptu famulicio instructus solum nisi fallimur incipere formidas et cum sis alacer domi in aggredienda peregrinatione trepidum te GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iners desperatio facit si tamen senatorii seminis homo qui cotidie trabeatis proavorum imaginibus ingeritur iuste dicere potest semet peregrinatum si GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: semel et in iuventa viderit domicilium legum gymnasium litterarum curiam dignitatum verticem mundi patriam libertatis in This letter is usually GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assigned to ad when Sidonius was on his way to Rome in the train of Avitus but it may have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been written four or five years later as Sidonius was again in Rome in the year or more probably see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I n It seems to have had an immediate effect see III There is no need to assume that either GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Eutropius or Sidonius held a public appointment under Avitus their old partnership in the civil service referred to in III GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may well have been in the reign of Majorian Eutropius rose to be Praetorian Prefect of Gaul under Anthemius ie GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from Gaul to Rome BOOK I VI TO EUTROPIUS of my toilsome adventure at least if sooner or later the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: completion of the celebration shall end this most busy holiday of a whole city Farewell VI SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: EUTROPIUS GREETING I have long been wanting to wTite to you but now I am especially drawn to do so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the moment when by the grace of Christs atonement I am treading the path which leads to the City GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: My one reason at any rate my chief one is to draw you out from the depths of your domestic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: calm and to invite you to take up the duties of the Palatine imperial service Besides all this you are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the favour of heaven in the prime of life and possess strength of body and mind to correspond then GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you are well furnished with horses armour raiment money and servants and unless I am wrong you only dread beginning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and though you have an energetic spirit at home an unenterprising nervousness makes you alarmed about attempting foreign travel if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: indeed a man of senatorial descent who every day rubs shoulders with the figures of his ancestors arrayed in robes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of state can fairly say that he has travelled to foreign parts when once he has seen and seen with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the eyes of youth the home of laws the trainingschool of letters the assemblyhall of high dignitaries the head of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the universe the mothercity of liberty the one Sabinus consul in ad was an ancestor of Eutropiua see III and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for the meaning of Irabea n on Carm XV THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS qua unica totius orbis civitate soli barbari GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et servi peregrinantur et nunc pro pudor si relinquare inter busequas rusticanos subulcosque ronchantes quippe si et campum stiva tremente GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proscindas aut prati floreas opes panda curvus falce populeris aut vineam palmite gravem cernuus rastris fossor invertas tunc tibi est GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: summa votorum beatitudo quin potius expergiscere et ad maiora se pingui otio marcidus et enervis animus attollat non minus est GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tuorum natalium viro personam suam excolere quam villam ad extremum quod tu tibi iuventutis exercitium appellas hoc est otium veteranorum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in quorum manibus effetis enses robiginosi sero ligone mutantur esto multiplicatis tibi spumabunt musta vinetis innumeros quoque cumulos frugibus rupta GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: congestis horrea dabunt densum pecus gravidis uberibus in mulctram per antra olida caularum pinguis tibi pastor includet quo spectat tam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: faeculento patrimonium promovisse compendio et non solum inter ista sed quod est turpius propter ista latuisse non nequiter te concilii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tempore post sedentes censentesque iuvenes inglorium rusticum senem stantem latitabundum pauperis honorati sententia premat cum eos quos ie all who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are not slaves or barbarians are citizens of Rome so when in Rome they cannot be foreigners BOOK I VI GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO EUTROPIUS community in the whole world in which only slaves and barbarians are foreigners And now for shame if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you are to be left behind amongst bumpkin cowmen and snorting swineherds If you can hold a shaky ploughhandle and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cut up the field or if stooping over the curved sickle you can prune the flowery wealth of the meadow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or if as a downbent delver you can turn up with your hoe the vineyard laden with heavy growth that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: forsooth is the supreme happiness to which you aspire Nay rouse yourself and let your spirit which is faint and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nerveless through obese idleness rise to greater things A man of your birth must needs cultivate his reputation just as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: diligently as his farm To conclude what you are pleased to call the drill of youth is properly the repose GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of veterans in whose toilworn hands rusted swords are exchanged for the mattock of old age Granted that your vats GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: will foam with the produce of your extended vineyards that your barns will show corn heaped in countless piles until GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they burst that your wellfed shepherd will drive a crowded flock with full udders to the milkingpail through the odorous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: entrances of your sheepfolds but of what use is it to have increased your inheritance by so dirty an economy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and at the same time to have remained in obscurity not only amid such surroundings but what is more shameful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for the sake of them Would it not be a wicked thing if on the day of assembly you in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your old age were to stand behind your juniors while they are seated and taking part in the debate you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an inglorious rustic shrinking from sight and bowing before the authoritative pronouncement of some poor man come to high place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: having realised with THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS esset indignum si vestigia nostra sequerentur videris dolens antecessisse sed quid plura si GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pateris hortantem conatuum tuorum socius adiutor praevius particeps ero sin autem inlecebrosis deliciarum cassibus involutus mavis ut aiunt Epicuri dogmatibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: copulari qui iactura virtutis admissa summum bonum sola corporis voluptate determinat testor ecce maiores testor posteros nostros huic me noxae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non esse confinem vale VII SIDONIVS VINCENTIO SVO SALVTEM Angit me casus Arvandi nee dissimulo quin angat namque hie quoque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cumulus accedit laudibus imperatoris quod amari palam licet et capite damnatos amicus homini fui supra quam morum eius facilitas varietasque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patiebantur testatur hoc propter ipsum nuper mihi invidia conflata cuius me paulo incautiorem flamma detorruit sed quod in amicitia steti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mihi debui porro autem in natura ille non habuit diligentiam perseverandi libere queror non insultatorie quia fidelium consilia despiciens fortunae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ludibrium per omnia fuit Nothing is known of this Vincentius See Introd p xli BOOK I VII TO VINCENTIUS remorse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that men in whose case it would have been a scandal if they had even followed in our steps have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: passed you in the race Well what need to say more If you submit to these exhortations I am ready GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be your comrade and helper the guide and the partner of your efforts If however you let yourself be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: entangled in the tempting snares of luxur and prefer as people say to be tied up with the dogmas of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Epicurus who makes jettison of virtue and defines the supreme good in terms of bodily pleasure alone then here and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: now I call our ancestors and our posterity to witness that I have nothing to do with such wickedness Farewell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: VII SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND VINCENTIUS GREETING I am distressed by the fall of Arvandus and do not conceal my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: distress for it is the crowning glory of our Emperor that affection may be openly shown even for men condemned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to death I have shown myself this mans friend even more than his easygoing and unstable character justified as is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proved by the disfavour which has lately flared up against me on his account for I have been rather too GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: heedless and have scorched myself in its flame But such steadfastness in friendship was a duty which I owed to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: myself On the other hand he never had in his disposition any firmness of principle and I complain of him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: frankly but not spitefully for scorning the advice of his loyal friends and so becoming the sport of fortune all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: through THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS denique non eum aliquando cecidisse sed tam diu stetisse plus miror o quotiens saepe ipse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: se adversa perpessum gloriabatur cum tamen nos ab adfectu profundiore ruituram eius quandoque temeritatem miseraremur definientes non esse felicem qui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hoc frequenter potius esse quam semper iudicaretur sed damnationis suae ordinem exposcis salva fidei reverentia quae amico debetur etiam adflicto GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rem breviter exponam praefecturam primam gubernavit cum magna popularitate consequentemque cum maxima populatione pariter onere depressus aeris alieni metu creditorum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: successuros sibi optimates aemulabatur omnium colloquia ridere consilia mirari officia contemnere pati de occurrentum raritate suspicionem de adsiduitate fastidium donee GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: odii publici mole vallatus et prius cinctus custodia quam potestate discinctus captus destinatusque pervenit Romam ilico tumens quod prospero cursu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: procellosum Tuseiae litus enavigasset tamquam sibi bene conscio ipsa quodammodo elementa famularentur in Capitolio custodiebatur ab hospite Flavio Asello comite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sacrarum largitionum qui adhuc in eo semifumantem praefecturae nuper extortae dignitatem venerabatur interea legati provinciae Galliae Tonantius Ferreolus praefectorius Afranii GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Syagrii consulis e filia nepos Thaumastus dampnationis T gubernationis Minister of Finance See Bury I n on Carm n on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carm BOOK I VII TO VINCENTIUS In brief I am not so much surprised that he has fallen at last GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as that he has held his own so long How often he used to boast of himself as one who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had often endured ill fortune whilst we from a deeper feeling for him lamented that his recklessness must some day GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: end in disaster holding that a man is not fortunate if he is judged to be so only frequently not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: always You ask me to tell the story of his condemnation I will give you the facts shortly whilst paying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all respect to the loyalty which is due even to a fallen friend He conducted his first term as prefect GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with great approbation his second with the greatest depredation Moreover he was oppressed by the burden of debt and dreading GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his creditors felt jealous of those nobles who were Ukely successors to liim He mocked every one of them when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they conversed ith him professed astonishment at their suggestions and ignored their services if only few sought to accost him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he nursed suspicion if many contempt till in the end he was encircled by a wall of general antipathy and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was burdened by guards before he was disburdened of his office He was arrested and brought in bonds to Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: priding himself then and there on having sailed safely past the stormy coast of Tuscany as though the elements were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in some way submissive to him recognising the clearness of his conscience He was kept under guard on the Capitol GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by his friend Flavius Asellus Count of the Sacred Largesses who respected the lingering aroma of the prefectorian dignity which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had just been wrested from him Meanwhile the deputies of the province of Gaul Tonantius Ferreolus of prefectorian rank grandson GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Consul Afranius Syagrius through THE LETITRS OF SIDONIUS quoque et Petronius maxima rerum verborumque scientia praediti et inter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: principalia patriae nostrae decora ponendi praevium Arvandum publico nomine accusaturi cum gestis decretalibus insequuntur qui inter cetera quae sibi provinciales GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: agenda mandaverant interceptas litteras deferebant quas Arvandi scriba correptus dominum dictasse profitebatur haec ad regem Gothorum charta videbatur emitti pacem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cum Graeco imperatore dissuadens Britannos supra Ligerim sitos impugnari oportere demonstrans cum Burgundionibus iure gentium Gallias dividi debere confirmans et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in hunc ferme modum plurima insana quae iram regi feroci placido verecundiam inferrent banc epistulam laesae maiestatis crimine ardere iurisconsulti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interpretabantur me et Auxanium praestantissimum virum tractatus iste non latuit qui Arvandi amicitias quoquo genere incursas inter ipsius adversa vitare GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: perfidum barbarum ignavum computabamus deferimus igitur nil tale metuenti totam perniciter i machinam quam summo artificio acres et flammei viri GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occulere in tempus iudicii meditabantur scilicet pemiciter machinam Lueijohann vix probabUiter perimachiam codd fere omnes n on Carm An eminent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lawyer vir inlustris It was at his instance that Sidonius added Bk VIII to his collection of letters Anthemius ie GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Bretons of Aremorica see Introd p xii n Euric soon acted in accordance with this advice of Arvandus ib GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p xxviii ie make him ashamed of his inactivity shame him out of his peacefulness BOOK I VII TO VINCENTIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Iiis daughter and Thaumastus and Petronius men possessed of ripe experience and consummate oratorical skill and entitled to rank amongst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the chief glories of our native land followed in his wake carrying the official resolutions having been appointed to accuse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him on behalf of the province Amongst other pleas which the provincials had instructed them to urge they were bringing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against him an intercepted letter which Arvanduss secretary who had been arrested admitted to have been written at his masters GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dictation It appeared to be a message addressed to the king of the Goths dissuading him from peace with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Greek Emperor insisting that the Britanni settled to the north of the Liger should be attacked and declaring that the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gallic provinces ought according to the law of nations to be divided up with the Burgundians and a great deal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more mad stuff in the same vein fitted to rouse a warlike king to fury and a peaceful one to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: shame The opinion of the lawyers was that this letter was redhot treason These proceedings did not escape my excellent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friend Auxanius and myself and we thought it would be disloyal inhuman and cowardly to disovn our friendly relations with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arvandus in his time of danger no matter how we had been drawn into them So we promptly reported to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the unfortunate man who had no fear of anything of the sort the whole machination which his eager and fiery GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: enemies were most cunningly planning to keep secret till the day of the trial for they knew This Auxanius afterwards GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: adopted the monastic life if as is probable he is the Auxanius mentioned in VII His father had been Praetorian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Prefect of Gaul below THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS ut adversarium incautum et consiliis sodalium repudiatis soli sibi temere fidentem professione GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: responsi praecipitis involverent dicimus ergo quid nobis quid amicis secretioribus tutum putaretur suademus nil quasi leve fatendum si quid ab GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inimicis etiam pro levissimo flagitaretur ipsam illam dissimulationem tribulosissimam fore quo facilius exitiosam suscitarent illi persuasionem securitatis quibus agnitis proripit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sese atque in convieia subita prorumpens abite degeneres inquit et praefectoriis patribus indigni cum hac superforanea trepidatione mihi quia nihil GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intellegitis banc negotii partem sinite curandam satis Arvando conscientia sua sufficit vix illud dignabor admittere ut advocati mihi in actionibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: repetundarum patrocinentur discedimus tristes et non magis iniuria quam maerore confusi quis enim niedicorum iure moveatur quotiens desperatum furor arripiat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inter haec reus noster aream Capitolinam percurrere albatus modo subdolis salutationibus pasci modo crepantes adulationum bullas ut recognoscens libenter audire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: modo serica et gemmas et pretiosa quaeque trapezitarum involucra rimari et quasi mercaturus inspicere prensare depretiari devolvere exit i p GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ego desperanter codices varie et gramter corrupti sunt depretiari deponens an Aey forlasse depretiare scribendum cf II Cann A broad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: esplanade on the top of the Capitoline Hill About halfway along it was the historic temple of Jupiter now a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sad ruin owing to the recent Vandal depredations ad BOOK I VII TO VINCENTIUS of course that their opponent was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: incautious that lie iiad rejected the advice of his friends and was rashly trusting in his own powers and so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they hoped to entangle him in an avowal through some hasty reply We told him therefore what we and his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: less open friends thought to be the safe course we suggested to him that he should make no admission on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the assumption that it was a trivial matter even if his opponents in pressing him for it implied that it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was the most trivial matter in the world we warned him that that very pretence was going to be the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: most serious danger to him its aim being to produce more easily in him a fatal sense of security When GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he realised our drift he started foiw ard and in a moment burst into violent taunts Off with you degenerate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cravens he said unworthy of your prefectfathers off with you and your uncalledfor panic Let me look after this side GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the business since you have no comprehension of it for Arvandus his consciousness of innocence is enough only with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: difficulty shall I bring myself even to allow advocates to defend me on the charge of extortion We went away GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: disheartened and upset by grief more than by resentment for what physician would have a right to become excited when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a patient beyond hope of recovery is seized by a fit of madness Meanwhile our accused friend briskly parades the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Capitoline Terrace in festal dress now he gloats over various knavish salutations given him now he listens with pleasure to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bursting bubbles of flattery seeming to recognise them as his due again he pries into silk wares jewels and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the costly cases of the goldsmiths and as if he meant to make a purchase scans them closely snatches GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: them VOL I P THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS et inter agendum multum de legibus de temporibus de senatu de principe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: queri quod se non prius quam discuterent ulciscerentur pauci medii dies et in tractatorio frequens senatus sic post comperi nam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inter ista discesseram procedit noster ad curiam paulo ante detonsus pumicatusque cum accusatores semipuUati atque concreti nuntios a decemviris opperirentur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et ab industria squalidi praeripuissent reo debitam miserationem sub invidia sordidatorum citati intromittuntur partes ut moris est e regione consistunt GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ofFertur praefectoriis ante propositionis exordium ius sedendi Arvandus iam tunc infelici impudentia concito gradu mediis prope iudicum sinibus ingeritur Ferreolus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: circumsistentibus latera collegis verecunde ac leviter in imo subselliorum capite consedit ita ut non minus legatum se quam senatorem reminisceretur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plus ob hoc postea laudatus honoratusque dum haec et qui procerum defuerant adfuerunt consurgunt partes legatique proponunt epistula post provinciale GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mandatum cuius supra mentio facta profertur atque cum sensim recitaretur Arvandus necdum interrogatus se dictasse proclamat reCriminal charges against senators GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were at this time regularly judged by live senators chosen by lot sitting under the presidency of the Prefect of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the City This limitation of number was apparently not enforced in cases of high treason BOOK I VII TO VINCENTIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up disparages them and flings them back and in the midst of this business makes frequent criticisms of the laws GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the times the Senate and the Emperor for not vindicating him before investigating his case A few days elapsed and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: then a full senate met in the Council Chamber so I learned afterwards for I had left Rome in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interval Our man makes his way to the Senatehouse having shortly before been shaved and rubbed down while his accusers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in halfmourning and unkempt await a summons from the ten judges having by their intentional squalor robbed the accused of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his due sympathy availing themselves of the indignation which the sight of men in the garb of sorrow arouses They GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are summoned and admitted the two sides take their positions as usual one opposite the other Those of prefectorian rank GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are offered before the indictment is begun the privilege of being seated Arvandus even thus early with unhappy selfassertion makes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a rush and seizes a place almost in the laps of his j udges on the other hand Ferreolus takes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his seat modestly and quietly at the lowest end of the benches with his colleagues standing on either side thus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: showing that he remembered that he was a delegate as well as a senator for which action he was afterwards GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the more complimented and honoured Meanwhile those of the magnates who had not attended at the beginning arrived the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: opponents rose in their places and the delegates set out their case After the commission from the province the letter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which we have mentioned above was produced It was being slowly read when Arvandus without waiting to be questioned cried GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out that he had dictated it The delegates replied THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS spondere legati quamquam valde nequiter constaret quod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ipse dictasset at ubi se furens ille quantumque caderet ignarus bis terque repetita confessione transfodit acclamatur ab accusatoribus conclamatur a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iudicibus reum laesae maiestatis confitentem teneri ad hoc et milibus formularum iuris id sancientum iugulabatur turn demum laboriosus tarda paenitudine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: loquacitatis impalluisse perhibetur sero cognoscens posse reum maiestatis pronuntiari etiam eum qui non adfectasset habitum purpuratorum confestim privilegiis geminae praefecturae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quam per quinquennium repetitis fascibus rexerat exauguratus et plebeiae famiiliae non ut additus sed ut redditus publico carceri adiudicatus est GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: illud sane aerumnosissimum sicuti narravere qui viderant quod quia se sub atratis accusatoribus exornatum ille politumque iudicibus intulerat paulo post GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cum duceretur addictus miser nee miserabilis erat quis enim super statu eius nimis inflecteretur quem videret accuratum delibutumque lautumiis aut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Arvandus with his wide legal experience cannot have been as ignorant as Sidonius supposes The reason of his astounding confidence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may have been that Ricimer had secretly supported his treasonable designs and Arvandus counted on his potent help See Stevens GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pp fif though he like Hodgkin II inadvertently takes adfect hab purp to mean had assumed the purple It was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: common perhaps usual for a person condemned on his own confession to be committed to prison while awaiting sentence Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems to imply that if Arvandus had not been a parvenu he would have been put under a milder form GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of custody being committed to the charge of one or two persons pledged to produce him at the right time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: BOOK I VII TO VINCENTIUS very mischievously indeed that it should be taken as an agreed point that he had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dictated it But when the madman not realising his blunder re peated his avowal two or three times and so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dealt himself his deathblow the accusers raised a shout in which the judges joined declaring that the accused was guilty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of high treason on his owti confession Besides this thousands of legal precedents sanctioning the extreme penalty were aimed at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his throat Then and not till then it is reported did he show distress His face grew pale as he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tardily regretted his talkativeness realising all too late that a man could be declared guilty of high treason even although GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he had not aspired to the purple He was instantly deprived by solemn procedure of the privileges appertaining to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: double prefectship which he had held by reappointment for five years and he was consigned to the state prison as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one not degraded but rather restored to a plebeian family The bitterest affliction of all as those who watched the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scene have related was that because he had marched into the presence of his judges elegantly dressed and groomed whilst GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his accusers were in dark clothing the pitiable plight in which he appeared only a little later evoked no pity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as he was dragged off to prison after his commitment For who would distress himself greatly about the position of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one whom he saw being carried off to the quarries or the convictprison punctiliously Ergastula were slaveprisons where slaves chosen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for hard rough labour often as a punishment were quartered being chained at night and sometimes even working in chains GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Under the Empire there were public ergastula to which convicts as well as slaves were sent THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ergastulo inferri sed et iudicio vix per hebdomadam duplicem comperendinato capite multatus in insulam coniectus est serpentis Epidauri ubi usque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad inimicorum dolor em devenustatus et a rebus humanis veluti vomitu fortunae nauseantis exsputus nunc ex vetere senatus consulto Tiberiano GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: triginta dierum vitam post sententiam trahit uncum et Gemonias et laqueum per horas turbulenti camificis horrescens nos quidem prout valemus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: absentes praesentesque vota facimus preces supplicationesque geminamus ut suspense ictu iam iamque mucronis exserti pietas Augusta seminecem quamquam publicatis bonis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vel exsilio muneretur illo tamen seu exspectat extrema quaeque seu sustinet infelicius nihil est si post tot notas inustas contumeliasque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aliquid nunc amplius quam vivere timet vale Sed et is not very clear The meaning seems to be but he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was actually et sentenced to death not merely to the quarries or the convictprison The Insula Tiberina on which stood GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a temple of Aesculapius Under Tiberius the period was ten days A law of Theodosius which allowed a reprieve of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thirty days in the case of an Imperial sentence presumably caused a similar extension in the case of the senatorial GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: courts BOOK I VII TO vincpntius dressed and perfumed But he indeed after an adjournment of the sentence for a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bare fortnight was sentenced to death and flung into prison in the island of the Serpent of Epidaurus where he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has been stripped of his elegance to a point at which even his opponents are distressed and having been spewed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out of society as though fortune threw him up in a fit of sickness he is now dragging out the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: period of thirty days after his sentence as fixed by an ancient senatus consultum of the Emperor Tiberius living in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hourly terror of the hook the Stairs and the noose of a savage executioner As for us whether at Rome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or away from it we offer vows and reiterate prayers and supplications to the extent of our powers entreating that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Imperial generosity may even at the cost of the confiscation of his property or exile show favour to this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: halfdead man by holding back the stroke of the sword which threatens every moment to be loosed upon him But GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as for him whether he is now waiting for the worst or already enduring it he is certainly the most GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hapless of beings if with the brand of all those ignominies and humiliations upon him there is anything he now GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dreads more than life Farewell The Scalae Gemoniae were on the Capitoline slope near the old prison but their exact GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: position is uncertain To these stairs the executioner dragged by a hook the bodies of criminals which were exposed there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for some days and then dragged to the Tiber Sidonius uses turbiUentiis in the sense of truculentus THE LETTERS OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS VIII SIDONIVS CANDIDIANO SVO SALVTEM Morari me Romae congratularis id tamen quasi facete et fatigationum salibus admixtis ais enim GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: gaudere te quod aliquando necessarius tuus videam solem quern utique perraro bibitor Araricus inspexerim nebulas enim mihi meorum Lugdunensium exprobras GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et diem quereris nobis matutina caligine obstructum vix meridiano fervore reserari et tu istaec mihi Caesenatis furni potius quam oppidi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: verna deblateras de cuius natalis tibi soli vel iucunditate vel commodo quid etiam ipse sentires dum migras iudicavisti ita tamen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quod te Ravennae felicius exsulantem auribus Padano culice perfossis municipalium ranarum loquax turba circumsilit in qua palude indesinenter rerum omnium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lege perversa muri cadunt aquae stant turres fluunt naves sedent aegri deambulant medici iacent algent balnea domicilia conflagrant sitiunt vivi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: natant sepulti vigilant fares dormiunt potestates indicasti F Gandidianus is not mentioned elsewhere Modem Cesena on the Via Aemilia about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: miles NW of Ariminum BOOK I VIII TO CANDIDIANUS VIII SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND CANDIDIANUS GREETING You congratulate me on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: being still in Rome but you do so in a witty sort of way and with a spice of banter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for you say you are delighted that I a friend of yours have at last got a view of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sun which as one who drank of the Arar I have seen you say at all events very seldom You GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bring up against me the fogs of my countrymen of Lugdunum and complain that with us the daylight is shut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out by morning mist and scarcely revealed later by midday heat And do you talk this balderdash to me you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a native of Caesena which is an oven rather than a town You have shown your own opinion of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: attractiveness and amenities of that natal soil of yours by quitting it though in your happier existence as an exile GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at Ravenna your ears are pierced by the mosquitoes of the Padus and a chattering company of your fellowburghers the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: frogs keeps jumping about on every side of you In that marshland the laws of nature are continually turned upside GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: down the walls fall and the waters stand towers float and ships are grounded the sick promenade and the physicians GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lie abed the baths freeze and the houses bum the living go thirsty and the buried swim thieves keep vigil GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and authorities sleep clerics pracThe frogs of Ravenna are mentioned by Martial III For a few of the features about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to be mentioned cf I It is impossible to see the point of all the remarks in this section no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: doubt they are much exaggerated THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS faenerantur clerici Syri psallunt negotiatores militant milites negotiantur student pilae senes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aleae iuvenes armis eunuchi litteris foederati tu vide qualis sit civitas ubi tibi lar familiaris incolitur quae facilius territorium potuit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: habere quam terram quocirca memento innoxiis Transalpinis esse parcendum quibus caeli sui dote contentis non grandis gloria datur si deteriorum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coUatione clarescant vale IX SIDONIVS HERNI SVO SALVTEM Post nuptias patricii Ricimeris id est post imperii utriusque opes eventilatas tandem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reditum monachi LNTV herenio LNTR Canon law strictly forbade the clergy to practise usury Syrians took a prominent part in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trading and in financial operations all over the Empire It may be that at this time at least in Gaul GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the word Syrus was used in the special sense of banker or moneylender see Friedlaender Sittengeschichte I who compares the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mediaeval use of Lombard With reference to the present passage Hodgkin I n ingeniously suggests that there may be an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: allusion to a tradition that all the bishops of Ravenna for the first four centuries were of Syrian extraction This GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seems very doubtful In the later Empire the trading classes were excluded by law from the army and from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: civil service and on the other BOOK I IX TO HERONIUS tise usury and Syrians sing psalms business men go GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soldiering and soldiers do business the old go in for ballplaying and the young for dicing the eunuchs for arms GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the federates for culture I bid you look at the nature of the city where you have established your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hearth and home a city which found it easier to secure territory than to secure terra jirma So mind that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you spare the harmless dwellers beyond the Alps for they are quite content with the climate with which they have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: been endowed and it is no great glory for them if they should shine by comparison with those that are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: worse Farewell IX SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND HERONIUS GREETING Since the wedding of the patrician Ricimer that is to say GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after the wealth of two empires has been hand soldiers might not go into trade though some laxity seems to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have been allowed in their case The juxtaposition of milites seems to show that militare is here used of service GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the army not as was usual in this period of a post in the civil service For milites some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: MSS read monachi monks which deprives the sentence of all point Probably milites was accidentally omitted in the archetype because GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of its similarity to mililani this is a common form of scribal error then someone noticing that a noun was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wanted stupidly inserted monachi perhaps suggested by clerici in the preceding sentence For the meaning of foederati see Introd p GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: x n The reference here is presumably to the federate troops of the garrison A continuation of the account begun GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in No The date of the letter is ad THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS est in publicam serietatem quae rebus actitandis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ianuam campumque patefecit interea nos Pauli praefectorii tarn doctrina quam sanctitate venerandis laribus except comiter blandae hospitalitatis officiis excolebamur porro GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non isto quisquam viro est in omni artium genere praestantior deus bone quae ille propositionibus aenigmata sententiis schemata versibus commata GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: digitis mechanemata facit illud tamen in eodem studiorum omnium culmen antevenit quod habet huic eminenti scientiae conscientiam superiorem igitur per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hunc primum si quis quoquo modo in aulam gratiae aditus exploro cum hoc confero quinam potissimum procerum spebus valeret nostris GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: opitulari nee sane multa cunctatio quia pauci de quorum eligendo patrocinio dubitaretur erant quidem in senatu plerique opibus culti genere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sublimes aetate graves consilio utiles dignitate elati dignatione communes sed servata pace reliquorum duo fastigatissimi consulares Gennadius Avienus et Caecina GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Basilius prae ceteris conspiciebantur hi in amplissimo ordine seposita praerogativa partis armatae facile post purpuratum principera principes erant sed inter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hos quoque Gennadius Avienus belonged to the family of the Connni He was consul in ad In he accompanied Pope GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Leo I and Trygetius as ambassador to Attila riavius Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius was Praetorian Prefect of Italy under Majorian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad and again under Severus he was consul in ad This refers not only to the personal predominance of Ricimer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but to the marked tendency under his regime to exalt the military class ie the holders or former holders of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one of the high military offices over the class of civil functionaries for example an exconsul who belonged to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: military class took precedence over other exconsuls in the senatorial order See Stein p BOOK I IX TO HRNIUS scattered GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the winds there has been a reversion to seriousness in public affairs and this has opened a door and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a field for the transaction of business Meanwhile I had been welcomed in the home of Paulus a man of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prefectorian rank a home venerable for its learning as well as for its virtuousness where I was receiving the kindly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: attentions of a genial hospitality Besides there is not a man anywhere more excellent than he in every department of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: culture Kind heaven With what ingenious subtleties he sets forth his theme What apt figures adorn his thoughts what nicelymeasured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: phrases divide his verses what works of art he creates ith his fingers And better still is the copingstone of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all his studies namely that he has a conscience which surpasses his brilliant erudition And so he was the first GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friend through whom I sought to ascertain whether there was any possible way of approach to gain the favour of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the court ith him I debated the question who in particular amongst the influential people would be able to aid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my expectations There was really little hesitation about this for there were very few whose claims as possible protectors were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: worth weighing Certainly there were many in the Senate who were blessed with wealth and exalted in lineage reverend in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years and helpful in counsel elevated by their dignity and yet accessible through their condescension but with all due respect GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the rest two consulars of the highest distinction Gennadius Avienus and Caecina Basilius were conspicuous above their fellows In GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the most elevated rank if we leave out of account the privileged military class they stood easily next to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Emperor in the purple But when we compare the two men we find even in s THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quamquam stupendi tamen varii mores et genii potius quam ingenii similitudo fabor namque super his aliqua succinctius Avienus ad consulatum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: felicitate Basilius virtute pervenerat itaque dignitatum in Avieno iucunda velocitas in Basilio sera numerositas praedicabatur utrumque quidem si fors laribus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: egrediebantur artabat clientum praevia pedisequa circumfusa populositas sed longe in paribus dispares sodalium spes et spiritus erant Avienus si quid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poterat in filiis generis fratribus provehendis moliebatur cumque semper domesticis candidatis distringeretur erga expediendas forinsecus ambientum necessitates minus valenter efficax GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: erat et in hoc Corvinorum familiae Deciana praeferebatur quod qualia impetrabat cinctus Avienus suis talia conferebat Basilius discinctus alienis Avieni GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: animus totis et cito sed infructuosius Basilii paucis et sero sed commodius aperiebatur neuter aditu difficili neuter sumptuoso sed si GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: utrumque coluisses facilius ab Avieno familiaritatem facilius a Basilio beneficium consequebare quibus diu utrimque libratis id tractatus mutuus temperavit ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reservata senioris consularis reverentia in domum cuius nee nimis rare ventigenii ingenii See nn on Carm and Notes and on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: p will make this reference clear BOOK I IX TO HERONIUS their case that their characters though both extraordinary are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nevertheless different and there is more Hkeness in their dignity than in their disposition I vin make some brief remarks GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: about them Avienus had reached the consulship by good fortune Basilius by his personal merit so in the case of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Avienus people commonly remarked upon the happy rapidity of his dignities and in the case of Basilius upon their tardy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: multiplicity When either of them happened to go out of doors he was encircled by a swarming mass of clients GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who preceded him followed him or walked at his side but though so far there was likeness the ambitions and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tone of the two companies were very unlike Avienus so far as his influence extended exerted himself in promoting his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sons sonsinlaw and cousins and as he was always busy with candidates from his ovn family he was less helpful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in meeting the wants of placeseekers outside his circle A further reason which made the Decian clan preferable to that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the Corvini was that such favours as Avienus when in office obtained for his relatives Basilius even when out GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of office bestowed on outsiders Avienus revealed his mind to all speedily but rather unprofitably Basilius did so to few GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and tardily but more beneficially It was not difficult or expensive to get access to either of them but if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you sought the company of both you were more likely to get goodfellowship from Avienus and good deeds from Basilius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: When we had carefully weighed the considerations in favour of each the discussion between us arrived at this compromise that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: while still paying due respect to the elder consular at whose house I was indeed a fairly frequent visitor THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: LETTERS OF SIDONIUS tabamus Basilianis potius frequentatoribus applicaremur ilicet dum per hunc amplissimum virum aliquid de legationis Arvernae petitionibus elaboramus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ecce et Kalendae lanuariae quae August consulis mox futuri repetendum fastis nomen opperiebantur tunc patronus heia inquit SoUi meus quamquam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: suscepti officii onere pressaris exseras volo in obsequium novi consulis veterem Musam votivum quippiam vel tumultuariis fidibus carminantem praebebo admittendo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aditum recitaturoque solacium recitantique suffragium si quid experto credis multa tibi seria hoc ludo promovebuntur parui ego praeceptis favorem ille GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non subtraxit iniunctis et impositae devotionis adstipulator invictus egit cum consule meo ut me praefectum faceret senatui suo sed tu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ni fallor epistulae perosus prolixitatem voluptuosius nunc opusculi ipsius relegendis versibus inmorabere scio atque ob hoc carmen ipsum loquax in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consequentibus charta deportat quae pro me interim dum venio diebus tibi pauculis sermocinetur cui si examinis tui quoque puncta tribuantur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aeque gratum mihi These words show that Sidonius was not the only delegate though he must have been the leader GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the mission Letter V makes it clear that he had not travelled along with his colleagues ie as Praefectus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vrbi The Panegyric on Anthemius Carmen II BOOK I IX TO HERONIUS I should attach myself more particularly to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: train of Basilius Well while by the aid of this most distinguished man I was devising some move in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: matter of the petitions of the Arvernian deputation lo and behold the Kalends of January also loomed before us the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: day on which the second appearance of Augustus on the list of chief magistrates was due for our Emperor was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: about to become consul Then my patron said Come on my dear SoUius though you are sorely busied with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: burden of the commission you have undertaken I wish that you would in humble duty to the new consul draw GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out your old Muse from her retirement and get her to chant some expression of good wishes even if she GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has to strike up a hastilyimprovised strain will give you the entry by passing you in I will give you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assistance when you are called on to read and support as you go on Believe me as a man of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: experience many serious concerns of yours will be greatly advanced by this sportive performance I complied with his instructions and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he did not withdraw his support from the work he had charged me with he gave his personal and irresistible GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: backing to the tribute imposed upon me and pressed the consul whose praises I had sung to appoint me as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: president of his Senate However unless I am mistaken you are bored with the length of my letter and will GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: find it more pleasurable ot this point to pass your time in reading the verses of the actual composition I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: understand and accordingly this garrulous sheet carries you the poem itself added at the tailend to hold conversation with you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on my behalf for a few days until I arrive And if it should get good marks from your examination GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also THE LETFERS OF SIDONIUS ac si me in comitio vel inter rostra contionante ad sophos meum non modo lati GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clavi sed tribulium quoque fragor concitaretur sane moneo praeque denuntio quisquilias ipsas Clius tuae hexametris minime exaeques merito enim oonlata GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vestris mea carmina non heroicorum phaleris sed epitaphistarum neniis comparabuntur attamen gaude quod hie ipse panegyricus etsi non iudicium certe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: eventum boni operis accepit quapropter si tamen tetrica sunt amoenanda iocularibus volo paginam glorioso id est quasi Thrasoniano fine concludere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Plautini Pyrgopolinicis imitator igitur cum ad praefecturam sub ope Christi stili occasione pervenerim iuberis scilicet pro potestate cinctuti undique omnium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: laudum convasatis acclamationibus ad astra portare si placeo eloquentiam si displiceo felicitatem videre mihi videor ut rideas quia perspicis nostram GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cum milite comico ferocisse iactantiam vale istas Luetjohann frustra vid Mohrii praef p xiv iuberis scilicet ego iubeas ilicet NCT GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iubeo te scilicet Mohr BOOK I IX TO HERONIUS that will be as acceptable to me as if I were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: holding forth in the Comitium or on the public platform and the clamour not only of the grandees but also GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the humble citizens were breaking out in a Bravo for me I do indeed warn you and give you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: clear notice that you are on no account to compare this rubbish of mine with the hexameters of your epic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Muse for my strains if compared with yours will justly seem to resemble the dirges of tombstonepoets rather than the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: splendour of heroic bards Still I want you to rejoice that this same panegyric if it has not won critical GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: approval has at any rate had the practical success of a fine composition Therefore if serious subjects really ought to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be brightened by jesting I should like to finish off this column with an ending in a boastful tone a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thrasolike ending in fact and to become an imitator of the Pyrgopolinices of Plautus So since I have with Christs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: help been promoted to the Prefectship by the timely use of my pen you must know that you are commanded GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by ministerial authority to heap together all the plaudits of all the praises in the world and to exalt to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the skies my eloquence if you are pleased with my work my good fortune if you are dissatisfied with it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I can imagine myself seeing how you laugh on realising that my arrogance has gone wild in company with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soldier of the comedy Farewell Thraso and Pyrgopolinices are two boastful soldiers of Latin comedy the former in the Eumichus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Terence the latter in the Miles CHoriosus of Plautus THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS SIDONIVS CAMPANIANO SVO SALVTEM Accepi per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: praefectum annonae litteras tuas quibus eum tibi sodalem veterem mihi insinuas iudici novo gratias ago magnas illi maximas tibi quod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: statuistis de amicitia mea vel praesumere tuta vel inlaesa credere ego vero notitiam viri familiaritatemque non solum volens sed et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: avidus amplector quippe qui noverim nostram quoque gratiam hoc obsequio meo fore copulatiorem sed et tu vigilantiae suae me id GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: est famae meae statum causamque commenda vereor autem ne famem populi Romani theatralis caveae fragor insonet et infortunio meo publica GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deputetur esuries sane hunc ipsum e vestigio ad portum mittere paro quia comperi naves quinque Brundisio profectas cum speciebus tritici GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ac mellis ostia Tiberina tetigisse quarum onera exspectationi plebis si quid strenue gerit raptim faciet offerri commendaturus se mihi me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: populo utrumque tibi vale Nothing further is known of Campanianus The date of the letter is ad The Praefectus Annonae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: worked under the Prefect of the City who was ultimately responsible for the foodsupply of Rome Probably in a double GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sense Sidonius in his new office of BOOK I X TO CAMPANIANUS SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND CAMPANIANUS GREETING I have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: received your letter by the Prefect of the FoodSupply in it you commend him as an old comrade of yours GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to me as a new judge I thank him heartily and you most heartily that you have both decided either GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to count on my friendships being safe or at least to beHeve that nothing has yet impaired it For my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: part I accept the acquaintance and intimacy of your excellent friend not only with readiness but with enthusiasm for I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: feel sure that our own mutual liking will become closer through this compliance on my part However I should wish GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you also to recommend to his vigilance my own self that is to say the upholding and defence of my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reputation For I am afraid that the uproar of the theatrebenches may sound the cry of starvation in Rome and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that the general famine may be put down to my luckless management In fact I am proposing to send this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: very man down to the harbour without a moments delay for I have been informed that five ships hailing from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Brundisium have reached the mouth of the Tiber with foodstuffs in the shape of wheat and honey and if he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is at all businesclike he will see that their cargoes are promptly placed at the service of the expectant population GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: By so doing he will commend himself to me me to the people and both of us to yourself Farewell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Prefect of the City is a new judge he is also invited to be a fresh judge of the character GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the praefectus annonae THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS XI SIDONIVS MONTIO SVO SALVTEM Petis tibi vir disertissime Sequanos tuos expetituro GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: satiram nescio quam si sit a nobis perscripta transmitti quod quidem te postulasse demiror non enim sanctum est ut de GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: moribus amici cito perperam sentias huic eram themati scilicet incubaturus id iam agens otii idque habens aevi quod iuvenem militantemque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dictasse praesumptiosum fuisset publicasse autem periculosum cui namque grammaticum vel salutanti Calaber ille non dixit si mala condiderit in quem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quis carmina ius est iudiciumque sed ne quid ultra tu de sodali simile credas quid f uerit illud quod me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sinistrae rumor ac fumus opinionis adflavit longius paulo sed ab origine exponam Montius is not otherwise known The incident here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: related is referred to in Carm see note on that poem The beginning of the letter seems to show that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was written very soon after the occurrence the date of which is ad The point of perscripta will be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: made clear in This sentence raises problems even when correctly construed but it has been grossly abused through inattention to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Latin for example one of the ablest of recent writers on Sidonius infers from it that Sidonius still held GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a government appointment was still militans when he wrote the letter Sidonius who was little if at all over thirty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the time playfully speaks as if his days of youth and official life were far behind him He had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: recently retired from a government post in Rome see recenti commilitio and note on the passage and had gone back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Auvergne Now he assumes the pose of a retired old fogey and talks airily of the BOOK I XI GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO MONTIUS XI SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND MONTIUS GREETING You ask me my most eloquent friend now that you mean GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to visit your countrymen the Sequani to send you some satire or other if I have finished it Now I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: am much surprised that you have made such a request for it is not decent of you so quickly to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: believe the worst of a friends character So you supposed did you that I was likely after reaching such an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: age and retiring from active life to spend pains upon a literary effort which in my young days when I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was in the government service it would have been audacious for me to have composed and dangerous for me to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have published Who that has even a nodding acquaintance with the schoolmaster has not been told by the poet of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Calabria If ribald verse besmirch an honest name The law shall see the offender put to shame However to prevent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you from entertaining such notions in future about your comrade I will risk being rather long and tell from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beginning the whole story of the suspicion that was thrown on me by the chatter and smoke of malicious gossip GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Under the days when he was a young man in the civil service Even if we take this to refer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to some post under Avitus about five years before the incident related in this letter it is a jesting absurdity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but it may well refer to the recens ccnnmUitium of Thus the present passage throws no real light on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: official career of Sidonius Horace Sat II sq THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS temporibus Aiigusti Maioriani venit in medium charta comitatum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sed carens indice versuum plena satiricorum mordacium sane qui satis invectivaliter abusi nominum nuditate carpebant plurimum vitia plus homines inter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haec fremere Arelatenses quo loci res agebatur et quaerere quem poetarum publici furoris merito pondus urgeret his maxime auctoribus quos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: notis certis auctor incertus exacerbaverat accidit casu ut CatuUinus inlustris tunc ab Arvernis illo veniret cum semper mihi tum praecipue GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: commilitio recenti familiaris saepe enim cives magis amicos peregrinatio facit igitur insidias nescienti tam Paeonius quam Bigerrus has tetenderunt ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plurimis coram tamquam ab incauto sciscitarentur hoc novum carmen an recognosceret et ille si dixeritis cumque frusta diversa quasi per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iocum efFunderent solvitur CatulHnus in risum intempestivoque sufFragio clamare coepit dignum poema quod perennandum apicibus auratis iuste tabula rostralis Carm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is addressed to him In the superscription of that poem CatulHnus is described as vir darissimus V CHe must have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: become inlustris before this letter was revised for publication and Sidonius has punctiliously inserted his latest title thus committing an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unconscious anachronism For the meaning of inlustris and clarissimus see note on below No unprejudiced reader of this sentence could GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fail to conclude that Sidonius and CatuUinus had held posts in the civil service at a very recent date ie GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in or more probably but some scholars push the rectus commilitium back five BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS government of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Emperor Majorian there came into circulation in the court a sheet with no label attached full of satirical and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: biting Hnes actually making the most savage use of undisguised names and attacking vices a great deal but men still GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more At this the people of Arelate which was the scene of the incident began to rage and to cast GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: about among our poets in order to discover which of them deserved to bear the brunt of the general indignation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The chief instigators of this inquiry were the infuriated victims whose identity this mysterious poet had revealed by indications that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were no mystery It so happened that the Illustrious CatuUinus arrived at that time from Auvergne He had always been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my friend and at that moment was particularly intimate with me as we had recently been partners in the public GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: service for a sojourn abroad often makes fellowcitizens better friends Well Paeonius and Bigerrus together laid a trap for my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unsuspecting friend Designedly taking him off his guard they asked him before a number of witnesses whether he recognised this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: new poem If you would be good enough to recite it said he They proceeded to spout sundry fragments as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if it were all a jest CatuUinus burst into laughter and with unseasonable approbation cried out that the poem deserved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by right to be immortalised by being inscribed on a plate in letters of gold to be set up on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Rostra or years or more to the time of Avitus The whole wording of the sentence is patently against GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this For peregrinari used of an inhabitant of Gaul who goes to Rome compare I All that is known of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Paeonius is contained in this letter Bigerrus is otherwise unknown THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS acciperet aut etiam Capitolina Paeonius exarsit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cui satiricus ille morsum dentis igniti avidius impresserat atque ad adstantes circulatores iniuriae communis inquit iam reiim inveni videtis ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Catullinus deperit risu apparet ei nota memorari nam quae causa festinam compulit praecipitare sententiam nisi quod iam tenet totum qui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: de parte sic iudicat atqui Sidonius nunc in Arverno est unde coUigitur auctore illoisto auditore rem textam itur in furias GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inque convicia absentis nescientis innocentisque conscientiae fidei quaestioni nil reservatur sic levis turbae facilitatem qua voluit et traxit persona popularis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: erat enim ipse Paeonius populi totus qui tribuniciis flatibus crebro seditionum pelagus impelleret ceterum si requisisses qui genus unde domo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non eminentius quam municipaliter natus quemque inter initia cognosci claritas vitrici magis quam patris fecerit identidem tamen per fas nefasque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crescere adfectans pecuniaeque per avaritiam parcus per ambitum prodigus namque ut familiae superiori per filiam saltim quamquam honestissimam iungeretur contra GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rigorem civici moris splendidam ut ferunt dotem Chremes noster Pamphilo suo dixerat cumque atqui Mohr itaque et traxit L contraxit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fortasse attraxit Luetjohann This may be as has been suggested a reference to the fact that some of Neros verses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were inscribed in gold letters and dedicated to Capitoline Jove Suet Ner but among the Romans the idea is older GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: than the age of Nero see Tac Ann III and passages unknown to the Thesaurus sv aureus and we are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: told that the Greeks set up three of Chilons wise sayings in letters of gold at Delphi Plin NH VII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Verg Am VIII Pamphilus married the daughter of Chremes The dowry was talents Terence Andria sq BOOK I XI TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: MONTIUS even on the Capitol Paeonius flared up the satirist had quite savagely assailed him with the bite of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: burning tooth and said to the loungers who were standing by I have now found out the culprit in this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: attack on us all You see how Catullinus is dying with laughter obviously our tale is no news to him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: What has made him blurt out such a hasty opinion Surely a man who pronounces thus on a part of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the work already knows the whole of it Now Sidonius is at present in Auvergne so we can infer that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the thing was concocted with Sidonius as author and this gentleman as audience They all began to rage and rail GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against me absent as I was and unwitting and innocent no room was left for fair dealing honesty or investigation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: So Paeonius who was a power with the populace led the compliant crowd by the nose For this Paeonius was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a demagogue all over the sort of man who was always stirring up a sea of riots by his blasts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of tribunician violence But if the question had been asked Who is he by birth and whence does he come GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his parentage had no standing beyond what a provincial town can give and in the beginning of his career he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was better known by the eminence of his stepfather than by that of his father but he made repeated efforts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to rise by fair means or foul and while his avarice made him stingy his ambition made him a wastrel GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Desiring even if other means should fail to gain a connexion with a family of higher rank through his daughter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: certainly a quite unexceptionable lady our Chremes they say abandoned the hardness characteristic of his native place and promised his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pamphilus a splendid dowr Later when the THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS de capessendo diademate coniuratio Marcelliniana coqueretur nobilium iuventuti signiferum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sese in factione praebuerat homo adhuc novus in senectute donee aliquando propter experimenta felicis audaciae natalium eius obscuritati dedit hiantis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interregni rima fulgorem nam vacante aula turbataque republica solus inventus est qui ad Gallias administrandas fascibus prius quam codicillis ausus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: accingi mensibus multis tribunal inlustrium potestatum spectabilis praefectus escenderet anno peracto militiae extremae terminum circa vix honoratus numerariorum more seu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: potius advocatorum quorum cum finiuntur actiones tunc incipiunt dignitates igitur iste sic praefectorius sic senator cuius moribus quod praeconia competentia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non ex asse persolvo generi sui moribus debeo multorum plus quam bonorum odia commovit adhuc ignoranti mihi adhuc amico tamquam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: saeculo meo canere solus versu valerem venio Arelatem nil adhuc unde enim suspicans quamquam putarer Marcelliniana vel Marcellini requiri admonet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mommsen recte ut videtur nisi Marcellina scrihas marcelliana codd In spite of tbe confusion in the MSS it seems reasonable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to believe that the name here connected with the conspiracy is that of Marcellinus see Introd p xxiii Sidonius seems GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to imply that Marcellinus was a party to the plot if this is so he must have speedily withdrawn without GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: committing himself deeply We know that he soon became an active supporter of Majorian The interregnum occurred between the death GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Avitus and the accession of Majorian It was an interregnum in a double sense as there was no western GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Emperor and no Praetorian Prefect of Gaul Praetorian Prefects received the rank of inlustris as a matter of course n GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on Carm but Paeonius remained a spectabilis until his appointment was regularised The spectabUes ranked below the iyditstres and above GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the darissimi See Bury I sqq Hodgkin I Since the vicarii ranked as speciibiles it is tempting to conjecture that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS conspiracy of Marcellinus to assume the diadem was being hatched he presented himself to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: young nobles as their ringleader still a new man in his old age till in the end thanks to some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: strokes of lucky audacity on his part the chink of a gaping interregnum let in a ray of glory upon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the obscurity of his birth For the throne being vacant and the administration in a turmoil he alone of all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: men was found bold enough to assume the government of Gaul by taking up the fasces before receiving his patent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of office and to mount for several months the tribunal of illustrious dignitaries as an eminent prefect so that he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had barely gained his high dignity by the end of the year toward the very close of his term of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: service like the official cashiers or rather the advocates who receive their promotion just at the time when their activities GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are coming to an end Well then this man thus risen to prefectorian and senatorial rank and if I do GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not give a full advertisement of his character it is owing to my respect for the character of his soninlaw GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stirred up illfeeling against me amongst the many rather than amongst the good while I was still ignorant of his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: doings still his friend as if I were the only man in my generation who could write poetry I came GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Arelate still suspecting nothing why should I although my enemies did not expect me to appear and on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: following Paeonius held the vicariate at the time when he took over the prefecture If so he may have acted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: partly at least from patriotic motives as there was no one to carry on the Prefects duties the Vicar might GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: feel bound to step in The numerarii cashiers in the office of the Praetorian Prefect might expect to receive the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rank of tribunu the advocates attached to the Prefects court might become Counts of the Consistory THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ab inimicis non adfuturus ac principe post diem viso in forum ex more descendo quod ubi visum est ilico expavit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ut ait ille nil fortiter ausa seditio alii tamen mihi plus quam deceret ad genua provolvi alii ne salutarent fugere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: post statuas occuli post columnas alii tristes vultuosique iunctis mihi lateribus incedere hie ego quid sibi haec vellet in illis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: superbiae nimiae nimiae in istis humilitatis forma mirari nee ultro tamen causas interrogare cum subornatus unus e turba faetiosorum dat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sese mihi consalutandum turn procedente sermone cernis hos inquit et ego video inquam gestusque eorum miror equidem nee admiror ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haec noster interpres ut satirographum te inquit aut exsecrantur aut reformidant unde cur quando respondi quis crimen agnovit quis detulit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quis probavit moxque subridens perge inquam amice nisi molestum est et tumescentes nomine meo consulere dignare utrumnam ille delator aut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: index qui satiram me scripsisse confinxit et perscripsisse confinxerit unde forte sit tutius si retractabunt ut superbire desistant quod ubi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nuntius rettulit protinus cuncti non i Lucan V sq BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS day having visited the Emperor I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: walked down in the usual way to the Forum This was observed and thereupon panic filled what the poet calls GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The rout that dare not strike a manful blow Some indeed threw themselves at my feet with indecent servility others GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to avoid greeting me ran behind statues and concealed themselves behind columns others with downcast expression and long faces joined GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: themselves on and walked at my side At this point I began to wonder what such a show of extravagant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haughtiness in one party and extravagant abjectness in another could possibly mean but I did not go out of my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: way to inquire into the reasons until one of the aggressive rabble who had been put up to the job GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: presented himself to me so as to make me greet him Then as we went on talking he asked Do GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you see these gentlemen I do said I and I find their behaviour more puzzling than pleasing They look on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you as a satirist said my instructor and curse or dread you accordingly How so Why When I replied Who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: discovered the wrongdoing Who has informed against me Who has proved the charge Then with a smile I added Go GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on my friend if you dont mind and be good enough to inquire as from me of those who are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: making all this stir whether the informer or spy who invented the story that I had composed a satire also GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: invented the addition that I have finished writing it So if these people will think over it they will perhaps GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: find it safer to give up their insolent conduct When the messenger brought back this answer the whole company not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in a quiet way or one THE LETFERS OF SIDONIUS modeste neque singuli sed propere et catervatim oscula ac dexteras GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mihi dederunt solus Curio meus in transfugarum perfidiam invectus cum advesperasceret per cathedrarios servos vispillonibus taetriores domum raptus ac reportatus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: est postridie iussit Augustus ut epulo suo circensibus ludis interessemus primus iacebat cornu sinistro consul ordinarius Severinus vir inter ingentes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: principum motus atque inaequalem reipublicae statum gratiae semper aequalis iuxta eum Magnus olim ex praefecto nuper ex consule par honoribus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: persona geminatis recumbente post se Camillo filio fratris qui duabus dignitatibus et ipse decursis pariter ornaverat proconsulatum patris patrui consulatum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Paeonius hinc propter atque hinc Athenius homo litium temporumque varietatibus exercitatus hunc sequebatur Gratianensis omni ab infamia vir sequestrandus qui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Severinum sicut honore postibat ita favore praecesserat ultimus Paeonius is so called as an agitator of the rabble Cf Lucan GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: I IV One end of the dinnertable was left free for the convenience of the service it is from this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: end that the right and left sides of the couch are reckoned The usual form of diningcouch at this time GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was semicircular sigma or stibadium being made to fit the round tables which had long been fashionable The horns are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the two ends of the couch In the present case the guests are arranged in a way which seems to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have been usual at the time On the right extremity or horn reclines Majorian the host Opposite him on the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: left horn is the guest of honour the consul The other guests are arranged round the couch in strict order GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of precedence beginning with Magnus next to the consul and ending with Sidonius who is next to Majorian At the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beginning of the conversation the Emperor was apparently expected to address the chief guest first and then say a word GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to each of the others in order of precedence BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS by one but in a crowd GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and in a rush offered me their lips and their hands Only my good Curio upbraided violently the disloyalty of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the deserters but as evening was coming on he was caught up by his sedanbearers who were more repulsive than GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: undertakers men and so he was carried off to his liouse The next day Augustus invited me to take part GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in his banquet on the occasion of the sports of the circus The first place on the left horn of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the couch was occupied by Severinus consul of the year a man who through all the great struggles between the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mighty and through all the unstable fortunes through which the state had passed had always kept a steady position of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: influence At his side was Magnus who had formerly had the standing of an exprefect and had lately gained that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of an exconsul a personality equal to the double distinction conferred upon him After him was placed Camillus his brothers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: son who having himself also passed through two high offices had added fresh lustre alike to his fathers proconsulship and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to his uncles consulship Then next to him came Paeonius and then Athenius a man who had played a busy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: part in the vicissitudes of litigation and revolution After him came Gratianensis a man whom no illreport ought to touch GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inferior to Severinus in rank but having the advantage of him in favour Last came I placed where Nothing further GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is known of Severinus Magnus n on Carm As already mentioned Magnus had been consul in the previous year Caraillus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Carm Not otherwise known VOL I Q THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS ego iacebam qua purpurati latus laevum margine in dextro GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: porrigebatur edulium multa parte finita Caesaris ad consulem sermo dirigitur isque succinctus inde devolvitur ad consularem cum quo saepe repetitus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quia de litteris factus ad virum inlustrem Camillum ex occasione transfertur in tantum ut diceret princeps vere habes patruum frater GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Camille propter quern me familiae tuae consulatum unum gratuler contulisse tunc ille qui simile aliquid optaret tempore invento non unum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inquit domine Auguste sed primum summo fragore ut nee Augusti reverentia obsisteret excepta sententia est inde nescio quid Athenium interrogans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: superiectum Paeonium compellatio Augusta praeteriit casu an industria ignoro quod cum turpiter Paeonius aegre tulisset quod fuit turpius compellato tacente GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: respondit subrisit Augustus ut erat auctoritate servata cum se communioni dedisset ioci plenus per quern cachinnum non minus obtigit Athenio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vindictae quam contigisset iniuriae colligit itaque sese trebacissimus senex et ut semper intrinsecus aestu pudoris excoquebatur cur sibi Paeonius anteferretur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non miror inquit Auguste si mihi standi locum This is Sidoniuss way of saying that he was close to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: emperor who occupied the right horn The mention of the left side of the emperor has no significance as every GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: diner reclined on his left side or elbow it is due merely to the authors itch for antithesis as right GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: occurs in the sentence he cannot refrain from contrasting it with left just as he can scarcely ever mention new GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: without contrasting it with old and vice versa BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS the left side of the wearer of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the purple reposed on the right extremity of the couch When we had got a good way through the courses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Caesars conversation was directed to the consul and was only short then it passed to the consular and with him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was frequently resumed being on literary subjects it was then shifted when an occasion offered to the Illustrious Camillus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the extent that the Emperor remarked Truly my dear Camillus with such an uncle as you have I am GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: delighted to have bestowed one consulship on your family Then Camillus who had similar ambitions for himself found his opportunity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and said Not one consulship my lord Augustus but the first This reply was received with a roar of applause GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not hindered even by respect for Augustus Then Augustus in his round of remarks by putting to Athenius some trifling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: question whether deHberately or by accident I know not passed over Paeonius who was placed above him Paeonius with very GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bad taste showed annoyance at this and what was worse before the person addressed found words to reply answered for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Augustus gave a gentle laugh being a man who while keeping his dignity was full of merriment when he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: had given himself over to goodfellowship and by that chuckle Athenius won a revenge quite as great as the injury GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which he would otherwise have suffered So this old gentleman who was a decidedly artful person pulled himself together and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: found a vent for the blaze of shame which constantly burned within him as he thought how Paeonius was favoured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: above him I am not at all surprised Augustus said he that this fellow should attempt to rob me of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my right to THE LETfERS OF SIDONIUS praeripere conetur qui tibi invadere non erubescit loquendi et vir inlustris Gratianensis multus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inquit hoc iurgio satiricis campus aperitur hie imperator ad me cervice conversa audio ait comes Sidoni quod satiram scribas et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ego inquam hoc audio domine princeps tunc ille sed ridens parce vel nobis at ego inquam quod ab inlicitis tempero GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mihi parco post quae ille et quid faciemus his inquit qui te lacessunt et ego quisquis est iste domine imperator GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: publice accuset si redarguimur debita luamus supplicia convicti ceterum obiecta si non inprobabiliter cassaverimus oro ut indultu clementiae tuae praeter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iuris iniuriam in accusatorem meum quae volo scribam ad haec ipse Paeonium conspicatus nutu coepit consulere nutantem placeretne condicio sed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cum ille confusus reticuisset princepsque consuleret erubescenti ait annuo postulatis si hoc ipsum e vestigio versibus petas fiat inquam retrorsumque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conversus tamquam aquam manibus poscerem tantumque remoratus quantum stibadii circulum celerantia ministeria percurrunt cubitum toro reddidi et imperator spoponderas te GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: licentiam scribendae satirae versibus subitis postulaturum et ego scribere me satiram qui culpat maxime princeps hanc rogo decernas aut probe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: t aut timeat In the case of Sidonius this title is commonly thought to have been purely honorary not due GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the holding of any public office The view of Savaron that he was comes civitatis Arvemorum has recently been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: revived but has no evidence to support it and the existence of an official with this title in the reign GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Majorian would certainly be surprising BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS precedence when he does not blush to usurp your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: right to speak Then said the Illustrious Gratianensis This Tangle opens a wide door for satirists Thereupon the Emperor turned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his head to me and said I hear Count Sidonius that you write satire I repHed Sovereign Lord I hear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it too Then he said but with a smile Anyhow spare poor me I said In keeping off forbidden ground GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it is myself that I spare And what he said shall we do with those who attack you I replied GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Whoever does so my Lord Emperor ought to accuse me openly if I am found guilty let me pay the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proper penalty as a proved offender if on the other hand I can make out a good case against the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: charge I beg that by the indulgence of your gracious clemency I may be allowed to wTite what I please GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against my accuser short of offending the law At this he looked Paeonius in the face and by a nod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: propounded to the confounded courtier the question whether he approved of the terms When the abashed Paeonius said nothing the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Prince showed consideration for his blushes and said I approve the proposal on condition that you make the request on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the spot in verse Very good said then I turned round as if asking for water for my hands and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after Maiting just the time that the hurrying servants take to make the round of the couch I again reposed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: my arm on the cushion Then the Emperor said You undertook to ask in impromptu verse for permission to write GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a satire I said Who taxes me with satire mighty prince Say he must prove it or be made to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wince THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS secutus est fragor nisi quod dico iactantia est par Camillano quern quidem iion tarn carminis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dignitas quam temporis brevitas meruit et princeps deum tester et statum publicum me de cetero numquam prohibiturum quin quae velis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scribas quippe cum tibi crimen impactum probari nuUo modo possit simul et periniurium est sententiam purpurati tribuere privatis hoc simultatibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ut innocens ac secura nobilitas propter odia certa crimine incerto periclitetur ad banc ipse sententiam cum verecunde capite demisso gratias GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: agerem contionatoris mei coeperunt ora pallere in quae paulo ante post iram tristitia successerat nee satis defuit quin gelarent tamquam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad exsertum praebere cervices iussa mucronem vix post haec alia pauca surreximus paululum ab aspectu imperatoris processeramus atque etiamnunc chlamydibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: induebamur cum mihi consul ad pectus praefectorii ad manus cadere ipse ille reus amicus crebro et abiecte miserantibus cunctis humiliari GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ita ut timerem ne mihi invidiam supplicando moveret quam criminando non concitaverat dixi ad extremum pressus oratu procerum conglobatorum scire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: t conatibus suis versu nil reponendum derogare actibus meis in posterum tamen si pepercisset BOOK I XI TO MONTIUS At GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: once there was an outburst of applause if it is not boasting to say so like that which followed the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sally of Camillus however it was earned not so much by the quality of the verse as by its quick GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: production Then the Prince said I declare before God and the State that for the future I will never forbid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your writing anything that you please for the charge that has been fastened upon you can in no way be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: substantiated Moreover it would be an outrageous thing if the authority of the wearer of the purple should so favour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: private animosities as to endanger an inoffensive and unsuspecting nobleman by a doubtful charge prompted by undoubted illwill At this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: utterance I modestly bowed my head and expressed my thanks and the face of my demagogue in which gloom had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so recently taken the place of anger began to pale indeed it almost froze as if the order had been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: given him to stretch out his neck to the drawn sword of the executioner After this there was very little GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: further conversation then we rose We had only proceeded a little way from the Emperors presence and we were just GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: putting on our cloaks when the consul flung himself on my breast and the exprefects grasped my hands while my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friend the offender of all people abased himself before me again and again rousing the whole company to compassion so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that I was afraid that by his humiliation he might stir up against me the illwill which he had failed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to excite by his accusation In the end urged by a massed appeal from the dignitaries present I told him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that he might be sure that no revenge in verse would be taken for his machinations always provided that in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the future he did not vilify my actions for THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS etenim sufficere debere quod satirae obiectio famam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mihi parasset sed sibi infamiam in summa percuU quidem domine maior non assertorem caliimniae tantum quantum murmuratorem sed cum mihi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sic satisfactum est ut pectori meo pro reatu eius tot potestatum dignitatumque culmina et iura summitterentur fateor exordium contumeliae talis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tanti fuisse cui finis gloria fuit vale LIBER SECVNDVS SIDONIVS ECDICIO SVO SALVTEM L Duo nunc pariter mala sustinent Arverni GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tui quaenam inquis praesentiam Seronati et absentiam tuam Seronati inquam de cuius ut primum etiam nomine loquar sic mihi videtur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quasi praescia futurorum lusisse fortuna sicuti ex adverso maiores nostri proelia quibus nihil est foedius bella dixerunt quique etiam pari GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contrarietate fata quia non parcerent Parcas vocitavere perculi Wilamoivitz pertuli For Ecdicius see Introd pp xlvi f Seronatus is generally GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: said to have been Praetorian Prefect of Gaul but it is quite possible that he was either Vicarius of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Seven Provinces see p n or governor of BOOK II I TO ECDICIUS there was good reason as I told GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him for me to be content inasmuch as his charge of satirewriting had brought me repute and him disrepute The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: upshot of it all is my honoured lord that I crushed one who had whispered rather than proclaimed a false GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: accusation against me but now that I have got such ample satisfaction having had all those high and mighty dignitaries GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bowing their majesty and authority before me because of his guilt I must confess that the insult which formed the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: preamble was worth while seeing that the conclusion has been glory Farewell BOOK II SIDONIUS TO HIS DEAR ECDICIUS GREETING GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Your countrymen the Arverni have now to bear two troubles at once What can they be you ask Seronatuss presence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and your absence Seronatuss I say whose very name I may remark at the outset makes me feel that chance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foreseeing the future must have played a joke just as our ancestors going by contraries called wars which are the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: foulest of all things bella beautiful and with like contradiction called the Fates Parcae because the province of Aquitanica Prima GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: perhaps in ad He was in league with Euric and tried to deliver the Roman territories into the hands of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Goths until he was brought to justice by the Arvemians VII See also V THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS rediit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ipse Catilina saeculi nostri nuper Aturribus ut sanguinem fortunasque miserorum quas ibi ex parte propinaverat hie ex asse misceret scitote GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in eo per dies spiritum diu dissimulati furoris aperiri aperte invidet abiecte fingit serviliter superbit indicit ut dominus exigit ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tyrannus addicit ut iudex calumniatur ut barbarus to to die a metu armatus ab avaritia ieiunus a cupiditate terribilis a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vanitate crudelis non cessat simul furta vel punire vel facere palam et ridentibus convocatis ructat inter cives pugnas inter barbaros GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: litteras epistulas ne primis quidem apicibus sufficienter initiatus publice a iactantia dictat ab impudentia emendat totum quod concupiscit quasi comparat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nee dat pretia contemnens nee accipit instrumenta desperans in concilio iubet in consilio tacet in ecclesia iocatur in convivio praedicat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in cubiculo damnat in quaestione dormitat implet cotidie silvas fugientibus villas hospitibus altaria reis carceres clericis hostibua LC Whether the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: form Aturribus is correct or not the reference is to the town of the Aturenses Ci vitas Aturensium modem Aire GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in Gascony It was in Novempopulana which now belonged to the Goths and the Gothic court occasionally resided there The GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reference seems to be to instrumenta emptionis see Justinian Inst III written contracts between vendor and intending purchaser The Concilium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Septem Provinciarum Introd p xii Referring to the usual system of occupation by the Goths and others whereby the Roman GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: landowner had to surrender a certain portion of his estate to a barbarian See Introd p X n The word GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hospes was euphemistically applied BOOK II TO ECDICIUS they spared not This very Catiline of our age returned lately from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aire to make here one big draught of the blood and the fortunes of the wretched inhabitants after a good GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: taste of such refreshment in the other place Be it known to all of you that in his case a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: longconcealed spirit of brutality is being revealed more fully every day He is openly malignant and basely deceitful he swaggers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: like a slave and gives his orders like a master exacts like a despot condemns like a judge accuses falsely GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: like a barbarian all day long he goes armed through fear and he goes hungry through avarice his greed makes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him terrible his presumption makes him cruel he is ceaselessly busy either in punishing thefts or in committing them in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: public and amidst the laughter of those he has assembled he belches forth talk of fighting amongst peaceful citizens and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of letters amongst barbarians as for his written instructions not having had a real schooHng even in his ABC he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dictates them in public through boastfulness and corrects them through sheer effrontery Everything that he lusts to possess he makes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a pretence of purchasing he is too arrogant to pay the price and too diffident to agree to a contract GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of sale In the Common Council he gives orders among his counsellors he is mute in the church he jests GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at the banquet he preaches in his chamber he convicts in the court he dozes each day he crowds the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: woods with fugitives the farms with barbarian occupants the altars with accused persons the prisons with priests he brags to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the both to the owner and to his unwelcome guest The meaning is that Seronatus allows the Goths to encroach GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: freely on Roman territory THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS exsultans Gothis insultansque Romanis inludens praefectis conludensque numerariis leges Theudosianas caleans Theudoricianasque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proponens veteres culpas nova tributa perquirit proinde moras tuas citus explica et quidquid illud est quod te retentat incide te GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: exspectat palpitantium civium extrema libertas quidquid sperandum quidquid desperandum est fieri te medio te praesule placet si nullae a republica GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vires nulla praesidia si nuUae quantum rumor est Anthemii principis opes statuit te auctore nobilitas seu patriam dimittere seu capillos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vale II SIDONIVS DOMITIO SVO SALVTEM Ruri me esse causaris cum mihi potius queri suppetat te nunc urbe retineri iam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ver decedit aestati et per lineas sol altatus extremas in axem Scythicum radio peregrinante porrigitur hie quid de regionis nostrae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: climate loquar cuius spatia ie assume the tonsure On Domitius see Carm n Some of the fine writing in this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letter is rather obscure and the description does not supply adequate material for a plausible plan of the buildings For GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the baths of Avitacum see Carm There have been several attempts to identify the site of the villa The favourite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: theory places it on the shores of the Lac dAydat about miles SW of ClermontFerrand The very name of Aydat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aidacum in mediaeval documents seems to confirm the identification and in the village church there is a mysterious BOOK II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: II TO DOMITIUS Goths and insults the Romans mocks the magistrates and plays tricks along with the public cashiers he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tramples on the laws of Theodosius and issues laws of Theodoric searching out ancient offences and brandnew taxes Be quick GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: then and clear away your impediments and break off whatever is detaining you Your countrymen in the last throes of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the struggle for liberty are waiting for you Every counsel of hope or of despair we are prepared to risk GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with you in our midst with you as our leader If the state has neither strength nor soldiers if as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: report has it the Emperor Anthemius has no resources then our nobility has resolved under your guidance to give up GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: either its country or its hair Farewell II SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND DOMITIUS GREETING You grumble at my staying in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the country whereas I have better reason to complain of your being detained in town Spring is now giving place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to summer and the sun travelling upward through its highest latitudes is obtruding an alien ray upon the region of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the North Pole No need to speak here of the climate of this district The inscription possibly of the th GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: century but now thought to be a copy of a much older one HIC ST sunt DVO INNOCENTES ET S GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sanctiis SIDONIVS But it is not very easy to accept this tempting identification even if we make allowance for considerable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: changes in the physical features of the district The question is discussed at length by Stevens Appendix B pp with GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the aid of a map a plan and an aerial photograph THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS divinum sic tetendit opificium ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: magis vaporibus orbis occidui subiceremur quid plura niundus incanduit glacies Alpina deletur et hiulcis arentium rimarum flexibus terra perscribitur squalet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: glarea in vadis limus in ripis pulvis in campis aqua ipsa quaecumque perpetuo labens tractu cunctante languescit iam non solum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: calet unda sed coquitur et nunc dum in carbaso sudat unus alter in bombyce tu endromidatus exterius intrinsecus fasceatus insuper GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et concava municipis Amerini sede compressus discipulis non aestu minus quam timore pallentibus exponere oscitabundus ordiris Samia mihimaterfuit quin tu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mage si quid tibi salubre cordi raptim subduceris anhelantibus angustiis civitatis et contubernio nostro aventer insertus fallis clementissimo recessu inclementiam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: canicularem sane si placitum quis sit agri in quem vocaris situs accipe Avitaci sumus nomen hoc praedio quod quia uxorium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: patrio mihi dulcius haec mihi cum meis praesule deo nisi quid tu fascinum verere Concordia mons ab occasu quamquam terrenus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arduus tamen inferiores sibi colles tamquam gemino fomite efFundit quattuor a se circiter iugerum ie of withies for which Ameria GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was famous This expression has been ludicrously misunderstood Domitius has actually been represented as teaching in the schools of Ameria GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: See Housman in Class Rev XIV p Terence Eunuchus Settlements of considerable size consisting largely of tenantfarmers slaves and other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: persons attached in various ways to the estate or to its owner grew up in the neighbourhood of important villas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Thus Aviiacum is here treated grammatically as a township and used in the locative case ie not rocky BOOK II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: II TO DOMITIUS divine workmanship has so fixed its borders that we are chiefly exposed to the heats of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: west Why say more The earth has groMn hot the ice of the Alps is disappearing the land is being GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scored with irregular curved cracks gaping in the heat gravel Hes untidily in the fords mud on the banks dust GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the fields even streams that flow all the year round have languidly slowed down the water is not merely GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hot it boils And at this time of year while one man sweats in linen and another in silk you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with your woollen gown outside and your swathings underneath and as if that were not enough squeezed into a deep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chair made of Amerias population begin yawningly to expound to your pupils whose pale faces are due quite as much GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the heat as to fear of you A Samian was my mother Why not rather if you have any GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: thought of your health promptly withdraw from the panting oppression of the town and eagerly join our houseparty and so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beguile the fierceness of the dogdays by retiring to the coolest of retreats Just let me tell you if you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dont mind how this country place you are invited to is situated We are at Avitacum this is the name GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the farm which is dearer to me than the property I inherited from my father because it came to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: me with my wife such is the harmony in which under Gods guidance I live with my family I hope GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you are not afraid of the evil eye On the western side is a mountain earthy in substance but stiff GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to climb which pushes out lower hills from itself like offshoots from a double stem and these hills diverge so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as to leave a breadth of about four iugera between The itigerutn was about fiveeighths of an acre THE LETTERS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS latitudine abductos sed donee domicilio competens vestibuli campus aperitur mediam vallem reetis tractibus prosequuntur latera elivorum usque in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: marginem villae quae in Borean Austrumque conversis frontibus tenditur balineum ab Africo radicibus nemorosae rupis adhaerescit et si caedua per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iugum silva truncetur in ora fornacis lapsu velut spontaneo deciduis struibus impingitur hinc aquarum surgit cella coctilium quae consequenti unguentariae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spatii parilitate conquadrat excepto solii capacis hemicyclio ubi et vis undae ferventis per parietem foraminatum fiexilis plumbi meatibus implicita singultat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intra conclave succensum solidus dies et haec abundantia lucis inclusae ut verecundos quosque compellat aliquid se plus putare quam nudos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hinc frigidaria dilatatur quae piscinas publicis operibus exstructas non impudenter aemularetur primum tecti apice in conum cacuminato cum ab angulis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quadrifariam concurrentia dorsa cristarum tegulis interiacentibus imbricarentur ipsa vero convenientibus mensuris exactissima spatiositate quadratur ita ut ministeriorum sese non impediente GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: famulatu tot possit recipere sellas quot solet sigma personas fenestras e regione conditor binas confinio camerae pendentis admovit ut suspicientum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: visui fabrefactum lacunar aperiret interior parietum BOOK II II TO DOMITIUS them But before spreading out so as to allow GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a sufficiently large frontage for a dwelling the hillsides escort the intervening valley in straight lines right up to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: outskirts of the mansion which has its fronts facing north and south On the southwest side are the baths hugging GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the base of a wooded cliff and when along the ridge the branches of light wood are lopped they slide GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: almost of themselves in falling heaps into the mouth of the furnace At this point there stands the hot bath GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and this is of the same size as the anointingroom which adjoins it except that it has a semicircular end GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vith a roomy bathingtub in which part a supply of hot water meanders sobbingly through a labTinth of leaden pipes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that pierce the wall Within the heated chamber there is full day and such an abundance of enclosed light as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: forces all modest persons to feel themselves something more than naked Next to this the cold room spreads out it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: might without impertinence challenge comparison with baths built as public undertakings First of all the architect has given it a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: peaked roof of conical shape the four faces of this erection are covered at the corners where they join by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hollow tiles between which rows of flat tiles are set and the bathchamber itself has its area perfectly adjusted by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the nicest measurements so as to find room for as many chairs as the semicircular bath usually admits bathers without GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: causing the servants to get in one anothers way The architect has also set a pair of windows one opposite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the other where the vaulting joins the wall so as to disclose to the view of guests as they look GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up the cunninglywrought coffered ceiling The inner face of the walls is content with the plain THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: facies solo levigati caementi candore contenta est non hie per nudam pictorum corporum pulchritudinem turpis prostat historia quae sicut ornat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: artem sic devenustat artificem absunt ridiculi vestitu et vultibus histriones pigmentis multicoloribus Philistionis supellectilem mentientes absunt lubrici tortuosique pugilatu et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nexibus palaestritae quorum etiam viventum luctas si involvantur obscenius casta confestim gymnasiarchorum virga dissolvit quidplura nihil illis paginis impressum reperietur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quod non vidisse sit sanctius pauci tamen versiculi lectorem adventiciuni remorabuntur minime improbo temperamento quia eos nee relegisse desiderio est GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nee perlegisse fastidio iam si marmora inquiras non illic quidem Paros Carystos Proconnesos Phryges Numidae Spartiatae rupium variatarum posuere crustas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: neque per scopulos Aethiopicos et abrupta purpurea genuine fucata conchylio sparsum mihi saxa furfurem mentiuntur sed etsi nullo peregrinarum cautium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rigore ditamur habent tamen tuguria seu mapalia mea civicum frigus quin potius quid habeamus quam quid non habeamus ausculta huic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: basilicae appendix piscina forinsecus seu si graecari mavis baptisterium ab oriente conectitur quod viginti circiter modiorum milia capit hue elutis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: e calore venientibus triplex medii parietis aditus per arcuata intervalla A writer of mimes in Greek who had a considerable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vogue in Rome in the age of Augustus See Carm n Lapis Syenites was a coarse stone sprinkled with numerous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reddish crystals A modius was approximately two gallons BOOK II II TO DOMITIUS whiteness of polished concrete Here no disgraceful GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tale is exposed by the nude beauty of painted figures for though such a tale may be a glory to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: art it dishonours the artist There are no mummers absurd in features and dress counterfeiting Philistions outfit in paints of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: many colours There are no athletes slipping and twisting in their blows and grips Why even in real life the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chaste rod of the gymnasiarch promptly breaks off the bouts of such people if they get mixed up in an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unseemly way In short there will not be found traced on those spaces anything which it would be more proper GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not to look at only a few lines of verse will cause the newcomer to stop and read these strike GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the happy mean for although they inspire no longing to read them again they can be read through without boredom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: If you ask what I have to show in the way of marble it is true that Paros Carystos and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Proconnesos Phrygians Numidians and Spartans have not deposited here slabs from hillfaces in many colours nor do any stone surfaces GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stained with a natural tinge among the Ethiopian crags with their purple precipices furnish a counterfeit imitation of sprinkled bran GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But although I am not enriched by the chill starkness of foreign rocks still my buildings call them cottages or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: huts as you please have their native coolness However I want you to hear what we have rather than what GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: we have not Attached to this hall is an external appendage on the east side a piscina swimmingpool or if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you prefer the Greek word a baptisterium which holds about modii Those who come out of the heat after the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bath find a triple entrance thrown open to them in THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS reseratur nee pilae sunt mediae sed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: columnae quas architecti peritiores aedificiorum purpuras nuncupavere in hanc ergo piscinam fluvium de supercilio mentis elicitumcanalibusquecircumactis per exteriora natatoriae latera GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: curvatum sex fistulae prominentes leonum simulatis capitibus effundunt quae temere ingressis veras dentium crates meros oculorum furores certas cervicum iubas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: imaginabuntur hie si dominum seu domestica seu hospitalis turba circumstet quia prae strepitu caduci fluminis mutuae vocum vices minus intelleguntur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in aurem sibi populus confabulatur ita sonitu pressus alieno ridiculum adfectat publicus sermo secretum hinc egressis frons triclinii matronalis ofFertur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cui continuatur vicinante textrino cella penaria discriminata tantum pariete castrensi ab ortu lacum porticus intuetur magis rotundatis fulta coluriis quam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: columnis invidiosa monobilibus a parte vestibuli longitudo tecta intrinsecus patet mediis non interpellata parietibus quae quia nihil ipsa prospectat etsi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non hypodromus saltim cryptoporticus meo mihi iure vocitabitur haec tamen coluriis Sinnond collyriis It seems almost certain that purpurae means GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: columns of porphyry purpureus lapis Lucan X Columnae are cylindrical pilae may be pilasters or halfcylindrical pillars These two words GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are contrasted by Seneca NQ VI and Petronius c and twice in the scholia on Horace Sat I Mediae is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: difficult I take it to mean that only the middle one of the three entrances had purple columns BOOK II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO DOMITIUS the centre of the wall with separate archways The middle supports are not pillars but columns of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: kind that highclass architects have called purples A stream is enticed from the brow of the mountain and diverted through GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conduits which are carried round the outer sides of the swimmingbath it pours its waters into the pool from six GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: projecting pipes with representations of lions heads to those who enter unprepared they will give the impression of real rows GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of teeth genuine wildness in the eyes and unmistakable manes upon the neck If the ovner is surrounded here by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a crowd of his own people or of visitors so difficult is it to exchange words intelligibly owing to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: roar of the falling stream that the company talk right into each others ears and so a perfectly open conversation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: overpowered by this din from without takes on an absurd air of secrecy On leaving this place one comes across GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the front of the ladies diningroom joined on to this with only a barrack partition between them is the household GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: storeroom next to which is the weavingroom On the east a portico overlooks the lake it is supported on round GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: composite pillars rather than by a pretentious array of monolithic columns On the side of the vestibule extends inward a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: length of covered passage covered but open being unbroken by partitions this corridor has no view of its own so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: although it cannot claim to be a hypodrome at any rate I am entitled to call it a cryptportico At GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the end of Verg Georg I sq Presumably a flimsy partition or one which does not extend all the way GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from floor to roof but the expression does not seem to be found elsewhere Underground passage THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aliquid spatio suo in extimo deambulacri capite defrudans efficit membrum bene frigidum ubi publico lectisternio exstructo clientularum sive nutricum loquacissimus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: chorus receptui canit cum ego meique dormitorium cubiculum petierimus a cryptoporticu in hiemale triclinium venitur quod arcuatili camino saepe ignis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: animatus pulla fuligine infecit sed quid haec tibi quern nunc ad focum minime invito quin potius ad te tempusque pertinentia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: loquar ex hoc triclinio fit in diaetam sive cenatiunculam transitus cui fere totus lacus quaeque tota lacui patet in hac GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stibadium et nitens abacus in quorum aream sive suggestum a subiecta porticu sensira non breviatis angustatisque gradibus ascenditur quo loci GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: recumbens si quid inter edendum vacas prospiciendi voluptatibus occuparis iam si tibi ex illo conclamatissimo fontium decocta referatur videbis in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: calicibus repente perfusis nivalium maculas et frusta nebularum et illam lucem lubricam poculorum quadam quasi pinguedine subiti algoris hebetatam turn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: respondentes poculis potiones quarum rigentes cyathi siticuloso cuique ne dicam tibi granditer abstemio non om LVM A lectistemium publicum was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a sacred feast to appease the gods at which their images were placed on couches with food set before them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius playfully uses this expression of the midday meal of female slaves and dependents with a glance at the literal GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: meaning of lectistemium spreading of a dining couch combined with the other meaning of publicum general one might say in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: English a general spread In those troublous times many humble or distressed people put themselves under the protection of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: great landowners the wives or daughters of such men and possibly those of some BOOK II II TO DOMITIUS thi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: passage however a part is stolen from it to form a very cool chamber where a chattering crowd of female GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dependents and nursemaids spread a feast for the gods but sound the retreat when I and my family have set GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out for our bedrooms From the cryptportico we come to the winter diningroom which the fire often called into life GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: within the vaulted fireplace has stained with black soot But why should I speak of this to you wlien the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: last thing in my mind at this time is to bid you to the fireside Rather let me speak of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: what better suits you and the time of year From this diningroom we pass to a livingroom or small diningroom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all of which lies open to the lake and to which almost the whole lake lies open In this room GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are a semicircular diningcouch and a glittering sideboard and on to the floor or platform on which they stand there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is a gentle ascent from the portico by steps which are not made either short or narrow Reclining in this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: place you are engrossed by the pleasures of the view whenever you are not busy with the meal Then if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a chilled drink is brought you from that most celebrated of springs you ill see in the cups when they GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are suddenly filled to the brim spots and crumbs of snowy mist and the glossy glitter which cups have is GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dimmed by the greasylooking film produced by sudden cold Then there are the drinks that are suited to the cups GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: icy ladlefuls of them which might be dreaded by the most thirsty of men to say nothing of you who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are supremely abstemious From this place coloni tenantfarmers and other workers on the estate might be included under the term GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dientiUae ie for the siesta THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS metuerentur hinc iam spectabis ut promoveat alnum piscator in pelagus ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stataria retia suberinis corticibus extendat aut signis per certa intervalla dispositis tractus funium librentur hamati scilicet ut nocturnis per lacum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: excursibus rapacissimi salares in consanguineas agantur insidias quid enim hinc congruentius dixerim cum piscis pisce decipitur edulibus terminatis excipiet te GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deversorium quia minime aestuosum maxime aestivum nam per hoc quod in Aquilonem solum patescit habet diem non habet solem interiecto GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consistorio perangusto ubi somnilentiae cubiculariorum dormitandi potius quam dormiendi locus est hie iam quam volupe auribus insonare cicadas meridie concrepantes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ranas crepusculo incumbente blaterantes cygnos atque anseres concubia nocte clangentes intempesta gallos gallinacios concinentes oscines corvos voce triplicata puniceam surgentis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aurorae facem consalutantes diluculo autem Philomelam inter frutices sibilantem Prognen inter asseres minurrientem cui concentui licebit adiungas fistulae septiforis armentalem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Camenam quam saepe nocturnis carminum certaminibus insomnes nostrorum montium Tityri exercent inter greges tinnibulatos per depasta buceta reboantes quae tamen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: varia vocum cantuumque modulamina profundius confovendo sopori tuo lenocinabuntur porticibus egresso si portum litoris petas in area virenti BOOK II GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: IT TO DOMITIUS you will see how the fisherman propels his boat into the deep water how he spreads his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stationary nets on cork floats and how lengths of rope with hooks attached are poised there with marks arranged at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: regular intervals so that the greedy trout in their nightly forays through the lake may be lured to kindred bait GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for what more suitable phrase could I find in this case when fish is caught by fish When you have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: finished your meal a drawingroom will offer you welcome one which is truly a summer room because it is not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the least sunbaked for as it is open to the north only it admits daylight but not sunshine before GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you reach it there is a narrow antechamber where the somnolence of the ushers has room to doze rather than GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to sleep How charming it is here to have echoing in ones ears the midday chirp of cicalas the croaking GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the frogs as evening comes on the honking of swans and geese in the early houis of slumber the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: crowing of codes in the small hours to hear the prophetic rooks greeting with thricerepeated cry the red torch of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rising dawn Philomela piping in the bushes in the halflight and Procne twittering amid the rafters To this concert you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may add if you please the pastoral muse with sevenholed flute which often many a TitjTus of our mountains forgoing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sleep keeps sounding in a nocturnal competition of song among the belled sheep whose cries echo through the pastures as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they crop the grass Yet all these changeful tones of music and cries will but fondle and coax your slumber GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and make it all the deeper Issuing from the shelter of the colonnades if you make for the lakeside harbour GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you find your THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS vulgare iubar quamquam non procul nemus ingentes tiliae duae conexis frondibus fomitibus abiunctis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unam umbram non una radice conflciunt in cuius opacitate cum me meus Ecdicius inlustrat pilae vacamus sed hoc eo usque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: donee arborum imago contractior intra spatium ramorum recussa cohibeatur atque illic aleatorium lassis consumpto sphaeristerio faciat sed quia tibi sicut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aedificium solvi sic lacum debeo quod restat agnosce lacus in Eurum defluus meat eiusque harenis fundamenta impressa domicilii ventis motantibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aestuans umectat alluvio is quidem sane circa principia sui solo palustri voraginosus et vestigio inspectoris inadibilis ita limi bibuli pinguedo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coalescit ambientibus sese fontibus algidis litoribus algosis attamen pelagi mobilis campus cumbulis late secatur pervagabilibus si flabra posuere si turbo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: austrinus insorduit immane turgescit ita ut arborum comis quae margin insistunt superiectae asperginis fragor impluat ipse autem secundum mensuras quas GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ferunt nauticas in decern et septem stadia procedit fluvio intratus qui iubar add ego Lucan V where darkness shuts off GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the Delphic prophetess the vision she has just had and she emerges from it into the ordinary daylight refertur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ad volgare iubar In the present passage I have inserted iubar which might easily have dropped out after vulgare If GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the reading in the text be not adopted it seems best to read egressis for egresso and to take vulgare GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as a verb you are made public ie you are exposed to view but the meanings of this verb when GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: applied to persons do not favour such a use even in jest Sidonius has several references to and reminiscences of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lucan and quotes him in I II above There is a play on words here the lustre shed by the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: BOOK II II TO DOMITIUS self exposed to the light of common day on a stretch of green but there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is a wooded patch not far off where two enormous limes link the foliage of their separate stocks to produce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a single shade from a twofold root In that dark shelter when my dear Ecdicius sheds his lustre upon me GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: we find recreation at ball but only until the diminishing shadow of the trees is driven backward and confined within GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the range of the branches and makes there a dicingspace for people tired after their ballgame Now that I have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: duly presented the building to you I must still give you the lake so listen to what remains The lake GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: flows downwards towards the east and its wash which surges as the wind drives it moistens the foundations of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: house which are sunk in its sandy bottom At its beginning it has an expanse of marshy soil with deep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pools and no wouldbe sightseer can get near thanks to the greasy mixture of oozing slime amid an intertwining labyrinth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of cold streams and weedgrown banks But the moving plain of open water is cut in all directions by small GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: boats flitting about everywhere if the wind has fallen but if a gale from the south brings dirty weather it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: forms stupendous waves so that the breaking of the overcast spray comes down hke rain on the foliage of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: trees which stand on the bank The lake itself according to what is called nautical measurement has a length of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: seventeen stadia and is entered by a stream which is glorious Ecdicius is contrasted with the dark shade opacitas of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the woodland ie until the sun is overhead The stadium a Greek measure was used by the Romans for nautical GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and astronomical measurements Seventeen stadia would be equal to J Roman miles ie almost exactly two English miles THE LETTERS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS salebratim saxorum obicibus adfractus spumoso canescit impulsu et nee longum scopulis praecipitibus exemptus laeu eonditur quern fors fuat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: an incurrat an faciat praeterit certe coactus per cola subterranea deliquari non ut fluctibus sed ut piscibus pauperetur qui repulsi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in gurgitem pigriorem carnes rubras albis abdominibus extendunt ita illis nee redire valentibus nee exire permissis quendam vivum et eircumlaticium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: carcerem corpulentia facit lacus ipse qua dexter incisus flexuosus nemorosusque qua laevus patens herbosus aequalis aequor ab Africo viride per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: litus quia in undam fronde porrecta ut glareas aqua sic aquas umbra perfundit huiusmodi colorem ab oriente par silvarum corona GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: continuat per Arctoum latus ut pelago natura sic species a Zephyro plebeius et tumultuarius frutex frequenterque lemborum superlabentum ponderibus inflexus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hunc circa lubrici scirporum cirri plicantur simulque pingues ulvarum paginae natant salicumque glaucarum fota pauperetur ego pauperaretur This is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: literal translation The drains are likened to sieves or strainers because the apertures are covered by some kind of fine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: network or grating through which the water can filter but the fishes cannot pass Apparently there was at this end GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the lake a creek or inlet which since the current flowed in that direction Sidonius regards as a continuation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the stream which flows into the lake at the other end At the far end of this inlet there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are drains to carry off the surplus water The fishes are carried by the current into the inlet they cannot GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: get into the drains and of course there is a bank or dam to stop further progress Here the water GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which does not vanish through the drains is in constant commotion hurled back and whirling round and the fishes are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: carried round with it till they get back to the less agitated water where they congregate like salmon at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: bottom of a salmonleap and grow fat and BOOK II II TO DOMITIUS roughly broken by rocky barriers and so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: whitens with splashes of foam and presently frees itself from the steep rocks and buries itself in the lake Whether GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it so happens that this river creates the lake or merely that it runs into it it certainly passes beyond GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it being strained through subterranean sieves with the result that it undergoes a deprivation not of its waters but of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: its fish These are thrown back into the more sluggish water where they increase the bulk of red flesh in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their white bellies and so it goes on they are not able to make their way back or to find GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a way out and their obesity creates for them what one may call a living circulatory prison As for the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lake itself on its right bank it is indented vinding and wooded on the left open grassy and even On GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the southwest the water is green along the shore because the foliage stretches over the water and just as the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: water floods the gravel so the shade floods the water On the east a like fringe of trees spreads a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tint of the same kind On the northern side the water presents its natural appearance On the west is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vulgar and disorderly growth of weeds which is often bent under the weight of the yachts that speed over it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: round this growth slippery tufts of bulrushes wrap themselves thick slabs of sedge also float there and the bitter sap GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of grey willows is ever nurtured sluggish They have not the strength or energy to struggle back to the lake GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: against the current their only motion is a repetition of the same old gyration up to the drains round and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: back again At any rate this is the best I can make of a very obscure passage This reference to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their corpulence may contain also a sidereference to the appearance of the bellies white or silvery flecked with red See GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n on Carm THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS semper dulcibus aquis amaritiido in medio profundi brevis insula ubi supra molares naturaliter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aggeratos per impactorum puncta remorum navalibus trita gyris meta protuberat ad quam se iucunda ludentum naufragia collidunt nam moris istic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fuit senioribus nostris agonem Drepanitanum Troianae superstitionis imitari iam vero ager ipse quamquam hoc supra debitum diffusus in silvis pictus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in pratis pecorosus in pascuis in pastoribus peculiosus sed non amplius moror ne si longior stilo terminus relegentem te autumnus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inveniat proinde mihi tribue veniendi celeritatem nam redeundi moram tibi ipse praestabis daturus hinc veniam quod brevitatem sibi debitam paulo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: scrupulosior epistula excessit dum totum ruris situm solliciia rimatur quae tamen summovendi fastidii studio nee cuncta perstrinxit quapropter bonus arbiter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et artifex lector non paginam quae spatia describit sed villam quae spatiosa describitur grandem pronuntiabunt vale The boatrace described by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Virgil in Aen V sqq BOOK II II TO DOxMITIUS by these sweet wateis In the middle of the deep GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: part is a small island Here a turningpost sticks up on the top of a natural accumulation of boulders it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is worn by the dents of oars dashed against it in the course of the circling evolutions of the ships GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and it is the scene of the jolly wrecks of vessels which collide at the sports For here it was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the traditional custom of our elders to imitate the contest of Drepanum in the mythical tale of Troy Further let GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: me say of the land around though this is going beyond my obligation that it is extensive in its woodland GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and nicely coloured in its flowers with plenty of sheep in its pastures and plenteous savings in the shepherds purses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But I will detain you no longer for if I let my pen run on further the autumn may find GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you still reading So grant me only the favour of a speedy arrival for you will allow yourself a prolonged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: stay as a favour to yourself and find excuses for me inasmuch as my letter by its rather excessive precision GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: has outrun its proper limit of length whilst anxiously scrutinizing the whole layout of this country estate though even so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it has left some points untouched in order to avoid tedium And so the fairminded judge and the reader of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: expert taste will decide that the bigness is not in the letter which has an estate of so much size GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to describe but in the estate which has so much size to need description Farewell THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS III GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIVS FELICI SVO SALVTEM Gaudeo te domine maior amplissimae dignitatis infulas consecutum sed id mihi ob hoc solum destinato tabellario GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nuntiatum non minus gaudeo nam licet in praesentiarum sis potissimus magistratus et in lares Philagrianos patricius apex tantis post saeculis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tua tantum felicitate remeaverit invenis tamen vir amicitiarum servantissime qualiter honorum tuorum crescat communione fastigium raroque genere exempli altitudinem tuam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: humilitate sublimas sic quondam Quintum Fabium magistrum equitum dictatorio rigori et Papirianae superbiae favor publicus praetulit sic et Gnaeum Pompeium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: super aemulos extulit numquam fastidita popularitas sic invidiam Tiberianam pressit universitatis amore Germanicus quocirca nolo sibi de successibus tuis principalia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beneficia plurimum blandiantur quae nihil tibi amplius conferre potuerunt quam ut si id noluissemus transiremur inviti illud peculiare tuum est GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: illud gratiae singularis quod tam qui te aemulentur non fiabes quam non invenis qui sequantur vale On Felix see Carm GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n This letter congratulates him on his elevation to the patriciate which he apparently received when Praetorian Prefect of Gaul GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: He may have succeeded Arvandus in this office in ad Sundwall can scarcely be right in suggesting as the date GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of his prefectship See Carm n Q Fabius Maximus Master of the Horse to L Papirius Cursor fought against the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Samnites in BC in defiance of the dictators orders and was with difficulty saved from execuBOOK II III TO FELIX GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: III SIDONIUS TO HIS DEAR FELIX GREETING I am delighted my honoured lord that you have gained the insignia of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the most exalted dignity and I am no less delighted that the news has been sent me by a special GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: messenger for though you are at present a magistrate of the highest rank and through your success alone the patrician GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: honour has found its way back after so many generations to the house of the Philagrii yet you with your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: characteristic regard for the claims of friendship find ways of enhancing the greatness of your lofty dignities by geniality and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in a fashion far from common you raise your elevation still higher by a lowly spirit So in old days GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the approval of the public raised Quintus Fabius the Master of the Horse above the stern dictator above the haughty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Papirius so Pompey who never disdained to be the peoples man was exalted above his rivals so Germanicus through the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: affection of the whole world rose superior to the jealousy of Tiberius Therefore I dont want the bounty of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Emperor to flatter itself by taking the chief credit for your success The most it could have done for you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: would have been to make us reluctantly let you get ahead of us supposing we had been unwilling but the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: special feature of your case a feature of peculiar charm is that you never find people jealous of you any GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more than you find them rivalling you Farewell tion by the intercession of the senate and the people and his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: aged father He became the mainstay of Rome in the Second Samnite War VOL I R THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: IV SIDONIVS SAGITTARIO SVO SALVTEM Vir clarissimus Proiectus domi nobilis et patre patnioque spectabilibus avo etiam praestantissimo sacerdote conspicuus amicitiarum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tuarum nisi respuis avidissime sinibus infertur et cum illi familiae splendor probitas morum patrimonii facultas iuventutis alaeritas in omne decus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pari lance conquadrent ita demum sibi tamen videbitur ad arcem fastigatissimae felicitatis evectus si gratiae tuae sodalitate potiatur Optantii clarissimi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: viri nuper vita functi filiam quod deo prosperante succedat licet a matre pupillae in coniugium petierit obtinueritque parum tamen votorum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: suorum promotum censet efFectum nisi assensum tuum super his omnibus seu sedulitate sua seu precatu nostrae intercessionis adipiscatur namque ipse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quantum ad institutionem spectat puellae in locum mortui patris curarum participatione succedis conferendo virgini parentis adfectum patroni auctoritatem tutoris officium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quocirca quia dignus es ut domus tuae celeberrimam disciplinam etiam procul positorum petat ambitus sicut decet Sagittarius is not mentioned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: elsewhere On the significance of the titles clarissimus and speclubilis sec Bury I sqq Hodgkin I BOOK II IV TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SAGITTARIUS IV SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND SAGITTARIUS GREETING The honourable Proiectus a man of noble birth who can claim the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: distinction of having a father and an uncle among the Eminents and also a grandfather who held an exalted position GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the priesthood is very eager to be received into the bosom of your friendship if you are not averse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: The lustre of his family the uprightness of his character the amplitude of his estate and the ardour of youth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: combine in equal measure to form a complete and wellbalanced excellence but he will not feel that he has reached GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the pinnacle of supreme happiness until he secures a share in your favour He has sought in marriage from her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mother the daughter of the honourable Optantius lately deceased but although he has been successful in his suit and may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: God bless the union still he considers that the fruition of his hopes is imperfectly accomplished unless in addition to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all this felicity he obtains your approval either by his own assiduity or through my supplication as intercessor For as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: regards the girls upbringing you are yourself stepping into the dead fathers place as a sharer in the responsibilities bringing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to the maiden at once a parents love a protectors support and a guardians service So since it is no GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more than you deserve if the aspirations even of total strangers should seek a place in a family so famous GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for its good government as yours is please act as befits a statesman of the honest party and reward the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: modest appeal of your THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS bonanim partium iros benignitate responsi proci supplicis verecundiam munerare et qui ita GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: expetitus deberes illi expetere pollicendam secunis permitte promissam quia sic te condicioni huic meritomm ratio praefecit ut nee superstiti Optantio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in liberos suos decuerit plus licere vale SIDONIVS PETRONIO SVO SALTEM lohannes familiaris meus inextricabilem labyrinthum negotii multiplicis incurrit et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: donee suanun merita chartarum vel vestra scientia vel si qua est vestrae si tamen est ulla siniilis inspexerit quid respuat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quid optet ignorat ita se quodamniodo bipertitae litis forma confunditut propositio sua quern actioms ordinem propugnatura quem sit impugnatura non GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: noverit pro quo preeem sedulam fundo ut perspectis chartulis suis si quid iure competit instruatis quae qualiterve sint obicienda quae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: refellenda monstrantes non enim verebimu quod causae istius cursus si de vestri manaven fonte consilii ulla contrastantum derivatione tenuetur vale GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: permitte ifT jsomifcte For Petronius see n on L L BOOK II V TO PETRONIUS suppliant suitor by the kindness GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of your answer Had you yourself been so approached you would have been right in approaching her mother in turn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and pressing for her approval of the match but as it is I ask you to sanction ithout hesitation an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: approval already given Your kindness to the family has conferred upon you such a position of authority in the matter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of this betrothal that even had Optantius been living he would have had no right to exercise a fuller control GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: over his own children Farewell SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND PETRONIUS GREETING My friend lohannes is rushing into the hopeless labyrinth GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of a complicated litigation and until the merits of his documents are examined by your learning or by some learning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: like yours if there is any such he does not know what to choose and what to reject His suit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is a sort of twosided one and its form is so perplexing that he does not know what line of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: procedure his pleading should be ready to advocate or to dispute On his behalf I pour forth an earnest petition GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that you will go through his papers and get ready any plea that is legally competent instructing him what contentions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to put forward and how also what ones to refute For if the current of his case starts from the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: headwaters of your advice I have no fear of its being weakened through any diversion of the stream by his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: opponents Farewell r THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS VI SIDONIVS PEGASIO SVO SALVTEM Proverbialiter celebre est saepe moram esse meliorem sicuti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et nunc expert sumus Menstruanus amicus tuus longo istic tempore inspectus meruit inter personas nobis quoque caras devinctasque censeri opportunus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: elegans verecundus sobrius parens religiosus et his morum dotibus praeditus ut quotiens in boni cuiusque adscitur amicitias non amplius consequatur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: beneficii ipse quam tribuat haec tibi non ut ignoranti sed ut iudicio meo satisfacerem scripsi quam ob rem triplex causa GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: laetandi tibi prima cui amicos sic aut instituere aut eligere contingit Arvernis secunda quibus hoc in eo placuisse confirmo quod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: te probasse non ambigo illi tertia de quo boni quique bona quaeque iudicaverunt vale VII SIDONIVS EXPLICIO SVO SALVTEM Quia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: iustitia vestra iure fit universitati per complura recti experimenta venerabilis idcirco singulas quasque personas id ipsum efflagitantes Pegasius and Menstruanus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: are otherwise unknowTi t Nothing further is known of Explicius BOOK II VI TO PEGASIUS VI SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: PEGASIUS GREETING It is a proverbial platitude that delay is often the better course and now I have found it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so Your friend Menstruanus having been here for a long time under my eye has won the right to be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: counted also amongst my dear and devoted friends He is a congenial companion with refined manners he is modest and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: temperate thrifty and religious and endowed with so excellent a character that when he is invited to share the friendship GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of any of the best people he contributes no less benefit than he gains This I wTite not because it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is news to you but to do justice to my good opinion of him There are thus three grounds for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rejoicing you have one in having the good fortune to train up or to choose friends so successfully the Arverni GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have another for I can state with confidence that they have found in him the merit which I am clear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that you recognised and he has the third in that the best people have formed the best possible opinion of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: him Farewell VII SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND EXPLICIUS GREETING f Since your impartiality is rightly respected by the world at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: large as a result of many experiences of your rectitude I gladly and eagerly dispatch all and sundry as indeed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they themselves urgently THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS in examen vestrum libens et avidus emitto quam primum ambiens me discussionis illos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: simultatis onere laxari quod demum ita sequetur si non ex solido querimonias partium verecundus censor excludas quamquam et hoc ipsum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quod copiam tui iurgantibus difficile concedis indicium sit bene iudicaturi quis enim se non ambiat arbitrum legi aut pretio aliquid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: indulturus aut gratiae igitur ignosce ad tam sanctae conscientiae praerogativam raptim perniciterque properantibus quandoquidem sententiam tuam nee victus ut stolidus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: accusat nee victor ut argutus inridet veritatisque respectu dependunt tibi addicti reverentiam gratiam liberati proinde impense obsecro ut inter Alethium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et Paulum quae veniunt in disceptationem mox ut utrimque fuerint opposita discingas namque ni fallor supra decemvirales pontificalesque sententias aegritudini GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: huius prope interminabilis iurgii sola morum tuorum temperantia solita iudicandi salubritate medicabitur vale This interpretation of the words is due GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Dr Semple Qvxiest Exeg p BOOK II VII TO EXPLICIUS desire to be weighed in the scales of your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: judgment My design in so doing is to get myself relieved at the earliest possible moment from the burden of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: examining the case and them from the burden of a quarrel This wall be accompHshed only if your modest reluctance GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to play the censor does not lead you to shut out the grievances of the parties entirely from your presence GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and yet the very fact that you are so unilling to give a hearing to disputants is an indication that GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your judgment will be fair for who would not seek to be chosen as umpire if he were ready to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: concede something to bribery or favour Be gentle therefore to those who are now hurrying with all haste and speed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to seek the advantage of your strict sense of right for when you give the verdict the defeated party never GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: impugns it with the idea that he has been outwitted nor does the successful party sneer at it with the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: idea that he has played a clever trick but in recognition of your honesty the condemned respect you and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: acquitted are grateful to you And so with the points at issue between Alethius and Paulus I earnestly entreat you GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to settle them as soon as each side has stated its case for in my opinion better than any decisions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of decemviri or pontifices the mere moderation of your character will be able to cure the painfulness of this almost GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: interminable dispute by virtue of your usual healthgiving judgment Farewell THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS VIII SIDONIVS DESIDERATO SVO SALVTEM Maestissimus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: haec tibi nuntio decessit nudius tertius non absque iustitio matrona Philomathia morigera coniunx domina clemens utilis mater pia filia cui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: debuerit domi forisque persona minor obsequium maior officium aequalis adfectum haec cum esset unica iam diu matris amissae facile diversis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: blandimentorum generibus effecerat ne patri adhuc iuveni subolis sexus alterius desideraretur nunc autem per subita suprema virum caelibatu patrem orbitate GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: confodit his additur quod quinque liberum parens inmaturo exitu reddidit infortunatam fecunditatem qui parvuli si matre sospite perdidissent iam diu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: debilem patrem minus pupilli existimarentur hanc tamen si quis haud incassum honor cadaveribus impenditur non vispillonum sandapilariorumque ministeria ominosa tumulavere GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sed cum libitinam ipsam flentes omnes externi quoque prensitarent remorarentur exoscularentur sacerdotum propinquorumque manibus excepta perpetuis sedibus dormienti similior inlata GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: est post quae precatu parentis orbati neniam funebrem non per Desideratus is otherwise unknown BOOK II VIII TO DESIDERATUS VIII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND DESIDERATUS GREETING I write to you in the greatest grief Three days ago there departed from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: us amid general mourning the Lady Philomathia a dutiful Nife and a kind mistress a busy mother and a devoted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: daughter one to whom in social and domestic life her inferiors owed respect her superiors consideration her equals affection Although GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: she was an only child and had lost her mother long before yet by her many charming ways she easily GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prevented her father who was still in the prime of life from grieving over his lack of offspring of the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other sex Now by her sudden death she has dealt a cruel blow both to the husband whom she has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: left a mdower and to the father whom she has left childless Another trouble is that she was tlie mother GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of five children and her untimely decease has made her large family a misfortune If the little ones had kept GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their mother and lost their father who has long been disabled they would seem less orphaned But happily in her GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: case if there is aught but vanity in the honours paid to dead bodies it was not by the illomened GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: offices of common bearers and attendants that she was laid in the tomb on the contrary whilst all who attended GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: even those outside the family circle clasped the very bier held it back and kissed it her body was lifted GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up by the hands of the clergy and her relatives and she was conveyed to her everlasting home more like GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: one asleep After this at the request of her bereaved father I com THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS elegos sed per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hendecasyllabos marmori incisam planctu prope calente dictavi quam si non satis improbas ceteris epigrammatum meorum voluminibus applicandam mercennarius bybliopola suscipiet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: si quod secus sufficit saxo carmen saxeum contineri hoc enim epitaphion est Occasu celeri feroque raptam gnatis quinque patrique coniugique GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hoc flentis patriae maniis locarunt matronam Philomathiam sepulchre o splendor generis decus mariti prudens casta decens severa dulcis atque ipsis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: senioribus sequenda discordantia quae solent putari morum commoditate copulasti nam vitae comites bonae fuerunt libertas gravis et pudor facetus hinc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: est quod decimam tuae saluti vix actam trieteridem dolemus atque in temporibus vigentis aevi iniuste tibi iusta persoluta Placeat carmen GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: necne tu propera civitatemque festinus invise debes enim consolationis officium duorum civium domibus adflictis quod ita solvas deum quaeso ne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: umquam tibi redhibeatur vale BOOK II VIII TO DESIDERATUS posed almost before the violence of my grief had abated a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: funeral dirge not in elegiacs but in hendecasyllables and this has been engraved on marble If you are not seriously GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: displeased with it the bookseller I employ will undertake to add it to the other sheets of my epigrams but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if you feel otherwise about it it is enough that a poem which is heavy as stone should be preserved GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on stone This is the funeral inscription Torn from her father husband and five children by a swift and merciless GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: death the Lady Philomathia has been laid in this tomb by the hands of her weeping fellowcitizens Pride of your GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: family glory of your husband wise chaste gracious upright and kind a model even to your elders you have by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your sweet reasonableness combined things that are wont to be counted opposed for a serious frankness and a merry modesty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were the constant attendants of your virtuous life For this cause do we grieve that you have hardly fulfilled three GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: decades of existence and that in the years of vigorous Hfe the last dues have been paid to you unduly GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: soon Whether you like this poem or not bestir yourself and make haste to visit our town for you owe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the duty of consolation to the afflicted families of two fellowcitizens I pray God that you may discharge that duty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: without ever requiring a repayment of it for yourself Farewell For a discussion of this sentence see Introd p Ixvi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: n THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS IX SIDONIVS DONIDIO SVO SALTEM Quaeris cur ipse iampridem Nemausum profectus vestra serum ob adventum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: desideria producam reddo causas reditus tardioris nee moras meas prodere moror quia quae mihi dulcia sunt tibi quoque inter agros GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: amoenissimos humanissimos dominos Ferreolum et Apollinarem tempus voluptuosissimum exegi praediorum his iura contermina domicilia vicina quibus interiecta gestatio peditem lassat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: neque sufficit equitaturo colles aedibus superiores exercentur vinitori et olivitori Aracynthum et Nysam celebrata poetarum carminibus iuga censeas uni domui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in plana patentiaque alteri in nemora prospectus sed nihilo minus dissimilis situs similiter oblectat quamquam de praediorum quid nunc amplius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: positione cum restat hospitalitatis ordo reserandus iam primum sagacissimis in hoc exploratoribus destinatis qui reditus nostri iter aucuparentur domus utraque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: non solum tramites aggerum publicorum verum etiam calles compendiis tortuosos atque pastoria deverticula insedit ne quo casu dispositis officiorum insidiis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: elaberemur quas incidimus fateor sed minime Donidius was an Arvemian III and a vir speciabilis ib See also VI On GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tonantius see Cann n on Apollinaris ib n For Aracynthus see note on Carm The name Nysa was applied to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: various mountains and places associated with the cultivation of the vine and the legends of Dionysus an enumeration of them GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: may be found in any classical dictionarj Cf Cann r BOOK II IX TO DONIDIUa IX SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: DONIDIUS GREETING You ask me why having started long ago for Nemausiis I am causing you so long a disappointment GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by my tardiness in arriving I will give you my reasons for my belated return and I will not be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: slow to explain my slowness for what is pleasurable to me is so to you also I have spent the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: most delicious time in visiting two charming properties and two most sympathetic hosts Ferreolus and Apollinaris Their estates have a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: common boundary and their residences are near being connected by a road which is long enough to tire the pedestrian GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: but hardly long enough for a ride The hills which rise above the buildings are cultivated by the vinedresser and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the olivegrower you would think them Aracynthus and Nysa those heights so greatly lauded in poetic song One house has GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a view over flat and open ground the other looks out on woods yet though they differ in their situation GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: they are alike in their charm But why should I say more of the lie of the farms when there GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: remains to be disclosed the whole scheme of my entertainment First of all the cleverest scouts were sent out to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: keep watch on the route of my return journey and the two household staffs took up positions not only on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the various courses of the public higliways but also on the rough tracks with their intricate short cuts and on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the bypaths used by shepherds in order to leave me no chance of eluding the traps which their kindness had GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arranged I admit that I was THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS inviti iusque iurandum confestim praebere compulsi ne priusquam septem dies GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: evolverentur quicquam de itineris nostri continuatione meditaremur igitur mane cotidiano partibus super hospite prima et grata contentio quaenam potissimum anterius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: edulibus nostris culina fumaret nee sane poterat ex aequo divisioni lancem ponere vicissitude licet uni domui mecum alteri cum meis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vinculum foret propinquitatis quia Ferreolo praefectorio viro praeter necessitudinem sibi debitam dabat aetas et dignitas primi invitatoris praerogativam ilicet a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: deliciis in delicias rapiebamur vix quodcumque vestibulum intratum et ecce hue sphaeristarum contrastantium paria inter rotatiles catastropharum gyros duplicabantur hue GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inter aleatoriarum vocum competitiones frequens crepitantium fritillorum tesserarumque strepitus audiebatur hue libri adfatim in promptu videre te crederes aut grammaticales GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pluteos aut Athenaei cuneos aut armaria exstructa bybliopolarum sic tamen quod qui inter matronarum cathedras codices erant stilus his religiosus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inveniebatur qui vero per subsellia patrumfamilias hi coturno Latiaris eloquii nobilitabantur licet quaepiam volumina quorumpiam auctorum servarent in causis disparibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dicendi parilitatem nam similii hue def Mohr Praef p xvii Ferreolus was related to Papianilla the wife of Sidonius We GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: do not know the degree of relationship between Sidonius and Apolhnaris The meaning is uncertain See V for a longer GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: description of a ballgame Possibly Hadrians famous educational institution at Rome IX but various provincial towns copied both the idea GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and the name IX BOOK II IX TO DONIDIUS caught but by no means against my will and I was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at once forced to take an oath that I would not give a thought to the resumption of my journey GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: till seven days were passed Each morning saw the start of a really charming contest between the two parties about GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: their guest to decide which of the two kitchens should be the earher to steam with my meal and it GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was really impossible to keep the balance even by alternation although one house had the tie of kinship with myself GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the other with my family because Ferreolus is of prefectorian rank and his age and standing added to the just GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: claims of his relationship gave him a prior right to invite me Well I was hurried from bliss to bliss GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hardly had I entered one vestibule or the other when behold I found on one side opposing ballplayers bending low GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: amid the whirling evolutions of the catastrophae in another quarter I would hear the clatter of rattling diceboxes and of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dice mingled with the rival shouts of the gamesters in another part were books in any number ready to hand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you might have imagined yourself looking at the shelves of a professional scholar or at the tiers in the Athenaeum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or at the towering presses of the booksellers The arrangement was such that the manuscripts near the ladies seats were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of a devotional type while those pmong the gentlemens benches were works distinguished by the grandeur of Latin eloquence the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: latter however included certain writings of particular authors which preserve a similarity of style though their doctrines are different for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: it was a ie Christian as well as pagan writers came in this category Sidonius wishes to make it clear GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that Christian reading was not confined to the women THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS scientiae viri hinc Augustinus hinc Varro hinc GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Horatius hinc Prudentius lectitabantur quos inter Adamantius Origenes Turranio Rufino interpretatus sedulo fidei nostrae lectoribus inspiciebatur pariter et prout singulis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cordi di versa censentes sermocinabamur cur a quibusdam protomystarum tamquam scaevus cavendusque tractator improbaretur quamquam sic esset ad verbum sententiamque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: translatus ut nee Apuleius Phaedonem sic Platonis neque Tullius Ctesiphontem sic Demosthenis in usum regulamque Romani sermonis exscripserint studiis hisce GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dum nostrum singuli quique prout libuerat occupabantur ecce et ab archimagiro adventans qui tempus instare curandi corpora moneret quern quidem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nuntium per spatia clepsydrae horarum incrementa servantem probabat competenter ingressum quinta digrediens prandebamus breviter an Origenis Scientia here means expert GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: skill artistic mastery as in the next letter the meaning erudition would not suit the mention of Horace and Prudentius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: who are compared as masters of lyric poetry and the previous sentence shows that Sidonius is thinlung only of style GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: or of style and diction It is strange to find Varro ranked as an artist in prose with Augustine and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: almost as strange to find him classed among those distinguished by the grandeur of Latin eloquence Sidonius expresses admiration for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Varros style also in Epist VIII As a matter of fact scientia in the sense of erudition was the leading GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: characteristic of Varro as QuintiUan says in a passage which gives the he direct to these two sentences of Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Varro is more Ukely to enhance ones knowledge than ones style plus scientiae conlatums quam eloquentiae Inst Or X and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Augustine himself says very much the same thing Civ Dei VI Augustine drew largely upon Varros historical and antiquarian researches GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and frequently mentions him in the De Civitate Dei It may be a BOOK IX TO DONIDIUS frequent practice to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: read wTiters whose artistry was of a similar kind here Augustine there Varro here Horace there Prudentius Amongst these books GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the translation of the Adamantius of Origen by Turranius Rufinus was diligently studied by readers of our faith We would GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all join in a discussion expressing our various views just as we felt inclined We debated why Origen was condemned GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by some of our chief hierophants as an inept and dangerous expositor and yet his works had been translated into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Latin with such faithfulness to the letter and the spirit that Apuleius could not be said to have turned Platos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Phaedo or TuUy Demosthenes Ctesiphon into such a perfect expression of the theory and the usage of Latin speech While GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all and sundry occupied themselves in these pursuits according to their individual tastes a messenger would approach from the head GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cook to tell us that the time for refreshment was at hand He had his eye on the passage of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the hours as marked by the waterclock and as the fifth hour was just departing he was proved to have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: arrived just at the right moment The luncheon was at once short and vague recollection of this that makes Sidonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: compare the two as literary artists Turranius or Tyrannius Rufinus a contemporary of Jerome translated the five books of dialogues GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: On the tnie belief in God falsely ascribed to Origen in which Adamantius is the chief speaker The translation was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: certainly not faithful Rufinus was fond of altering or modifying his originals oftn in the direction of orthodoxy These translations GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by Apuleius and Cicero are no longer extant though we still possess Ciceros De Optimo Genere Oratorum which was meant GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as an introduction to his translations of the speeches for and against Ctesiphon by Demosthenes De Corona and Aeschines In GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Ctesiphontem THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS copiose senatorium ad morem quo insitum institutumque niultas epulas paucis parabsidibusapponi quamvis convivium per edulia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nunc assa nunc iurulenta varietur inter bibendum narratiunculae quarum cognitu hilararemur institueremur quia eas bifariam orditas laetitia peritiaque comitabantur quid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: multa sancte pulchre abundanter accipiebamur inde surgentes si Vorocingi eramus hoc uni praedio nomen ad sarcinas et deversorium pedem referebamus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: si Prusiani sic fundus alter seniorum Fertig Notable among the many attempts to restrain the extravagance of the upper classes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hi their feasts was the action of C Fabricius Luscinus who as censor in BC expelled from the Senate P GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cornelius Rufinus an ancestor of the dictator Sulla Plutarch Sull because he possessed ten pounds or according to another account GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: more than ten pounds of silver plate This incident is recalled again and again by writers of later ages see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for example the references given by Friedlaender on Juvenal IX and it or the law if there was such a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: law on which Fabricius acted is probably the ultimate source of the custom mentioned here Such sumptuary restrictions as those GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Fabricius and many others were powerless to stem the tide of luxury but it is interesting to find his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: action cited even as late as Tertullian in order to lash the extravagance of the times In Apol c after GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: referring to the expulsion of P Cornelius from the Senate he goes on to say that in his time whole GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mines of silver are wrought into dishes The word parabsis parapsis paropsis is appHed to a large square dish see GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Mayor on Juvenal III The difficulty of interpreting deversorium is greatly increased by the use here of the first person GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: plural Nearly everywhere in this paragraph the meaning must be really plural but if we take it so at the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: end of the first sentence we shall have to assume that Sidonius was not the only guest staying there at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the time otherwise the words ad sarcinas referebamus would scarcely be intelligible This notion BOOK II IX TO DONIDIUS lavish GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the style of senators who have an inherited and established practice of having abundant viands served up on few GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dishes although the meal is varied by having some of the meats roasted and others stewed As we sat over GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our wine there were short stories for amusement or instruction they were started in two sets bringing mirth and edification GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: respectively To sum up our entertainment was moral elegant and profuse We then rose from table and if we were GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: at Vorocingus this was the name of one of the estates we returned to our baggage and our lodging if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: we were at Prusianum however seems at first sight to be contradicted by assecularum meorum in if there were other GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: guests their servants as well as those of Sidonius must have been included in the convivial company But Sidonius would GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: know and recognise his own servants and it does not really follow that there were no servants of other guests GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in the indiscriminate crowd Much difficulty is removed if we assume that the plural verbs have a plural meaning throughout GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the paragraph moreover several parts of this letter seem to imply that there were other guests besides Sidonius Deversorium may GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: be applied to temporary quarters of various kinds In I it means inn or boardinghouse the latter is perhaps the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: meaning in VII Here it seems to refer to some such accommodation near the house of Apollinaris Building was still GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: going on at both houses init it was indeed going on at Vorocingus when Sidonius wrote the epilogue to his GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poems and his mention of it in Carm sq may have been suggested by what ho had recently seen on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the visit described here Thus the inferences sometimes drawn from this letter about the Hmited accommodation at GalloRoman countryhouses must GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not be taken too seriously Dr Semple makes the tempting suggestion that deversorium both here and in II means guestroom GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: We should then have to suppose that Sidonius was staying with Apollinaris at Vorocingus and that after lunching there he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: simply retired to his own room for the siesta on the other hand when he had lunched at Prusianum one GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the sons of THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS nuncupabatur Tonantium cum fratribus lectissimo aequaevorum nobilium principes stratis suis eiciebamus quia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nee facile crebro cubilium nostrorum instrumenta circumferebantur excusso torpore meridiano paulisper equitabamus quo facilius pectora marcida cibis cenatoriae fami exacueremus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: balneas habebat in opere uterque hospes in usu neuter sed cum vel pauxillulum bibere desisset assecularum meorum famulorumque turba compotrix GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quorum cerebris hospitales creterrae nimium immersae dominabantur vicina fonti aut fluvio raptim scrobis fodiebatur in quam forte cum lapidum cumulus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ambustus demitteretur antro in hemisphaerii formam corylis flexibilibus intexto fossa inardescens operiebatur sic tamen ut superiectis Cilicum velis patentia intervalla GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: virgarum lumine excluso tenebrarentur vaporem repulsura salientem qui undae ferventis aspergine flammatis silicibus excuditur hie nobis trahebantur horae non absque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sermonibus salsis iocularibusque quos inter halitu nebulae stridentis oppletis involutisque saluberrimus sudor eliciebatur quo prout libuisset effuso coctilibus aquis ingerebamur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quarumque fotu cruditatem nostram tergente resoluti aut fontano deinceps frigore putealique aut fluviali copia flexilibus R fortasse recte quarumque LV GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hanimquc h in ras N Ferreolus gave up his own bed to him But the use of the jjlural above GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mentioned seems against this view Again as Sidonius tells us in that whenever he entered either vestibule he found games GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: going on the most natural inference is that he was not staying in either house In the third place if GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he were staying with either of his hosts surely he would have told ns which of them had the pleasure GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of putting him up especialty as he makes so much in of their friendly BOOK II IX TO DONIDIUS so GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the other property was called we turned out of their beds Tonantius and his brothers the flower of all the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: young nobles of their age because it was not easy to carry our own sleepingkit so often from place to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: place After shaking off the midday drowsiness we took short rides to whet our appetites jaded with eating to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: keenness needful for dinner Both my entertainers had baths in course of erection in neither case were they in working GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: order However when the convivial crowd consisting of my attendants and the household servants whose heads the hospitable bowl was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wont to souse and overpower had left off drinking at least for the moment a trench would be hastily dug GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: close to the spring or the river and a pile of heated stones poured into it Then while the ditch GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was heating it was roofed over with a dome constructed of pliant hazel twigs twined into a hemispherical shape in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: addition rugs of haircloth were throl over this roof shutting out the light and darkening the open spaces between the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: twigs so as to keep in the rising steam which is created by pouring boiling water on hot stones Here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: we whiled away the hours with no lack of witty and humorous conversation in the course of which we became GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: wrapped and choked in the breath of the hissing mist which drew forth a wholesome perspiration When this had poured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: out sufficiently to please us we plunged into the hot water Its kindly warmth relaxed us and cleared our clogged GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: digestions and then we braced ourselves in turn with the cold water of the spring and the well or in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contest for the pleasure of feeding him In II however Dr Seraples interpretation of deversoriuni may be right The young GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Tonantius is mentioned in Carni THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS solidabamur siquidem domibus medius it Vardo fluvius nisi cum deflua nive GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pastus impalluit flavis ruber glareis et per alveum perspicuus quietus calculosusque neque ob hoc minus piscium ferax delicatorum dicerem et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cenas et quidem unctissimas nisi terminum nostrae loquacitati quem verecundia non adhibet charta posuisset quarum quoque replicatio fieret amoena narratu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nisi epistulae tergum madidis sordidare calamis erubesceremus sed quia et ipsi in procinctu sumus teque sub ope Christi actutum nobis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: invisere placet expeditius tibi cenae amicorum in mea cena tuaque commemorabuntur modo nos quam primum hebdomadis exactae spatia completa votivae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: restituant esuritioni quia disruptum ganea stomaclmm nulla sarcire res melius quam parsimonia solet vale SIDONIVS HESPERIO SVO SALVTEM Amo in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: te quod litteras amas et usquequaque praeconiis cumulatissimis excolere contendo tantae diligentiae generositatem per quam nobis non solum initia tua GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: verum etiam studia nostra comextoUere T The Gard a name known to most people from the famous Pont du Gard GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: near Nimes This is the only passage where the ancient name of the river is mentioned Hesperius is praised also GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in IV He taught the son of Ruricius three of whose letters are addressed to him BOOK II X TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: HESPERIUS the full flow of the river for I should explain that the river Vardo flows midway between the houses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Except when it is swollen by the melting of the snows and turns yellowish it has a red tinge caused GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by the brownish shingle and it passes down its channels transparent smooth and pebbly but is none the less on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that account prolific in choice fishes I should have gone on to tell you of our dinners sumptuous ones I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: assure you had not my paper imposed upon my chatter a limit which my sense of decency is failing to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: set The record of these feasts would indeed form a pleasant tale did I not blush to disfigure the back GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of my letter with a soaked pen But as I am now approaching you in person and intend with Christs GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: help to visit you immediately the dinners of my friends will be more expeditiously related when you and I are GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dining together I only hope that the completion of a weeks interval will see the prompt restoration of that feeling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of hunger for which I yearn when the stomach is upset by a debauch nothing repairs it so well as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: abstemiousness Farewell SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND HESPERIUS GREETING What I love in you is that you are a lover of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: letters and I strive everywhere to glorify with the most profuse acclamations the noble spirit of your great industry by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: which you make me think well not only of your first attempts but also of my own VOL I THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: LETTERS OF SIDONIUS niendas nam cum videmus in huiusmodi disciplinam iuniorum ingenia succrescere propter quam nos quoque subduximus ferulae manum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: copiosissimum fructum nostri laboris adipischnur illud appone quod tantum increbruit multitude desidiosorum ut nisi vel paucissimi quique meram linguae Latiaris GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: proprietatem de trivialium barbarismorum robigine vindicaveritis cam brevi abolitam defleamus interemptamque sic omnes nobilium sermonum purpurae per incuriam vulgi decolorabuntur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sed istinc alias interea tu quod petis accipe petis autem ut si qui versiculi mihi fluxerint postquam ab alterutro discessimus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hos tibi pro quadam morarum mercede pernumerem dicto pareo nam praeditus es quamquam iuvenis hac animi maturitate ut tibi etiam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: natu priores gerere morem concupiscamus ecclesia nuper exstructa Lugduni est quae studio papae Patientis summum coepti operis accessit viri sancti GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: strenui severi misericordis quique per uberem munificentiam in pauperes humanitatemque non minora bonae conscientiae culmina levet huius igitur aedis extimis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: rogatu praefati antistitis tumultuarium carmen inscripsi trochaeis triplicibus adhuc mihi Juvenal I This church which replaced an older one was GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dedicated to St Justus It was destroyed by the Huguenots in the year Bishop Patiens of Lyons a very wealthy GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prelate gave freely of his means for the building and restoration of churches and for the rehef of distress When GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Euric laid waste the lands which he overran after his victory in ad Introd p xxix Patiens rescued the inhabitants GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: from the BOOK II X TO HESPERIUS studies For when I see our young men of ability rising in their GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: turn to cultivate that art in pursuit of which I too flinched from the rod I win a most ample GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: harvest from my own efforts Consider too that the mob of the sluggards has so grovn in numbers that unless GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: there are at least a modest few like yourself to defend the exact use of the language of Latium from GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tlie rust of vulgar barbarisms we shall in a short time be lamenting its extinction and annihilation so sadly will GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all the bright ornaments of noble expression be dulled by the slovenliness of the mob But of this more some GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: other time meanwhile let me give you what you ask for It is your wish that if any humble verses GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have flowed from my pen since we separated I should deliver them to you as a kind of payment for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the length of my absence I obey your command for though you are young you are endowed with such ripeness GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of mind that even we who are your elders are eager t meet your wishes A church has recently been GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: built at Lugdunum and the undertaking has come to the point of completion through the zeal of Bishop Patiens a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man both holy and active strict and compassionate and one who is building up by his noble generosity to the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: poor and by his kindliness the not less lofty edifice of a guileless conscience For the far end of this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: temple at the request of the aforesaid dignitary I have written offhand an inscription in the threetrochee metre with which GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up to this date I and horrors of famine and he rendered a similar service to Clermont at a critical GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: time See Epist VI which is addressed to him In Carm sqq the hendecasyllabic metre is more fully described as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: consisting of a spondee a dactyl and three trochees ie wwww THE LEITERS OF SIDONIUS iamque tibi perfamiliaribus namque ab GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: hexametris eminentium poetarum Constantii et Secundini vicinantia altari basilicae latera clarescunt quos in hanc paginam admitti nostra quam maxume verecundia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vetat quam suas otiositates trepidanter edentem meliorum carminum comparatio premit nam sicuti novam nuptam nihil minus quam pulchrior pronuba decet GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sicuti si vestiatur albo fuscus quisque fit nigrior sic nostra quantula est cumque tubis circumfusa potioribus stipula vilescit quam mediam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: loco infimam merito despicabiliorem pronuntiari non imperitia modo sed et arrogantia facit quapropter illorum iustius epigrammata micant quam istaec quae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: imaginarie tantum et quodammodo umbratiliter effingimus sed quorsum ista quin potius paupertinus flagitatae cantilenae culmus immurmuret Quisquis pontificis patrisque nostri GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: conlaudas Patientis hie laborem voti compote supplicatione concessum experiare quod rogabis aedis celsa nitet nee in sinistrum aut dextrum trahitur GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: sed arce frontis ortum prospicit aequinoctialem intus lux micat atque bratteatum sol sic sollicitatur ad lacunar fulvo ut concolor erret GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in metallo distinctum vario nitore marmor percurrit cameram solum fenestras ac sub versicoloribus figuris See introd to I His poetry GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is praised in V BOOK II X TO HESPERIUS henceforth you also can claim intimate famiHarity For the two sides GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the basilica where they adjoin the altar are glorified by the hexameters of the eminent poets Constantius and Secundinus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: these verses my modesty absolutely debars from a place in this letter for a comparison with better poetry is too GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: severe for a shrinking soul who is nervously exhibiting his own casual efforts For just as nothing becomes a bride GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: so ill as a brideswoman of greater beauty just as a man of dark skin is made blacker if clothed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in white so my humble pipe puny as it is becomes still meaner when set amid superior clarions foisted into GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a place in their midst when it takes the lowest place in merit it earns a double contempt by such GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a combination of presumption and incompetence So the inscriptions by the poets I have named are more justly honoured than GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this of mine which is a mere creation of hollow conceits and what may be called shadowy outlines But why GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all this preamble Rather let my sorry reed murmur the notes of the doggerel you have demanded of me All GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you who here admire the work of Patiens our bishop and father may you by effectual supplication obtain the boon GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you ask for The lofty temple sparkles and does not incline to right or left but with its towering front GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: faces the sunrise of the equinox Within it the light flashes and the sunshine is so tempted to the gilded GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ceiling that it travels over the tawny metal matching its hue Marble diversified by various shining tints pervades the vaulting GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the floor the windows forming designs of diverse colour a verdant grassgreen encrustation brings winding lines This probably refers to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the semidome over the apse which regularly contained mosaic decoration THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS vernans herbida crusta sapphiratos flectit per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: prasinum vitrum lapillos huic est porticus applicata triplex fulmentis Aquitanicis superba ad cuius specimen remotiora claudunt atria porticus secundae et GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: campum medium procul locatas vestit saxea silva per columnas hinc agger sonat hinc Arar resultat hinc sese pedes atque eques GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reflectit stridentum et moderator essedorum curvorum hinc chorus helciariorum responsantibus alleluia ripis ad Christum levat amnicum celeuma sic sic psallite GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nauta vel viator namque iste est locus omnibus petendus omnes quo via ducit ad salutem Ecce parui tamquam iunior imperatis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tu modo fac memineris multiplicato me faenore remunerandum quoque id facilius possis voluptuosiusque opus est ut sine dissimulatione lectites sine GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: fine lecturias neque patiaris ut te ab hoc proposito propediem coniunx domum feliciter ducenda deflectat sisque oppido meminens quod olim GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Marcia Hortensio Terentia Tullio Calpurnia Plinio Pudentilla Apuleio Rusticiana Symniacho legentibus meditantibusque candelas et candelabra tenuerunt certe si praeter oratoriam GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: contubernio feminarum poeticum ingenium et oris tui limam frequentium studiorum cotibus expolitam quereris obtundi rerem oratoriam codd plerique fortasse artem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: oratoriam Cloisters in front of the atrium A triple colonnade is one with three rows of columns BOOK II X GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO HESPKllIUS of sapphirehued stones over the leekgreen glass Attached to this edifice is a triple colonnade rising proudly on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: columns of the marble of Aquitania A second colonnade on the same plan closes the atrium at the farther end GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and a stone forest clothes the middle area with columns standing well apart On one side is the noisy highroad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: on the other the echoing Arar on the first the traveller on foot or on horse and the drivers of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: creaking carriages turn round on the other the company of the bargemen their backs bent to their work raise a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: boatmens shout to Christ and the banks echo their alleluia Sing traveller thus sing boatman thus for towards this place GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: all should make their way since through it runs the road which leads to salvation See now I have obeyed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: your command as though I were your junior remember however that I have to be repaid with multiple interest That GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you may do so the more easily and pleasantly you must read constantly and vithout carelessness and your thirst for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: reading must be without limit You must not allow the thought that you vill soon be happily married to turn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: you from this determination ever remembering that in the old times of Marcia and Hortensius Terentia and Tullius Calpumia and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pliny Pudentilla and Apuleius Rusticiana and Symmachus the wives held candles and candlesticks for their husbands whilst they read or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: composed And by all means if you lament that in addition to your oratorical skill your poetical capacity and the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: keen edge of your tongue which has been sharpened on the whetstone of industrious study are blunted by the society GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of ladies remember that The nave THE LETlERS OF SIDONIUS miniscere quod saepe versum Corinna cum suo Nasone complevit Lesbia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cum Catullo Caesennia cum Gaetulico Argentaria cum Lucano Cynthia cum Propertio Delia cum TibuUo proinde liquido claret studentibus discendi per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nuptias occasionem tribui desidibus excusationem igitur incumbe neque apud te litterariam curam turba depretiet imperitorum quia natura comparatum est ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in omnibus artibus hoc sit scientiae pretiosior pompa quo rarior vale XI SIDONIVS RVSTICO SVO SALVTEM Si nobis pro situ GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spatiisque regionum vicinaremur nee a se praesentia mutua vasti itineris longinquitate discriminaretur nihil apicum raritati licere in coeptae familiaritatis officia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: permitterem neque iam semel missa fundamenta certantis amicitiae diversis honorum generibus exstruere cessarem sed animorum coniunctioni separata utrique porrectioribus terminis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: obsistit habitatio equidem semel devinctis parum nocitura pectoribus sed tamen ex ipsa communium municipiorum discretione procedit quod cum amicissimi simus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: raritatem colloquii de prolixa terrarum interiectione venientem See Carm n See Carm n Rusticus is mentioned in VIII carm He GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: lived in or near Bordeaux The language of this letter is extraordinarily stilted BOOK II XI TO RUSTICUS Corinna often GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: helped her Naso to complete a verse and so it was with Lesbia and Catullus Caesennia and Gaetulicus Argentaria and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lucan Cynthia and Propertius Delia and TibuUus So it is clear as daylight that literary workers find in marriage an GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: oportunity for study and idlers an excuse for shirking it To work then and do not let the cultivation of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: literature lose its value in your eyes because of the multitude of the ignorant for it is a law of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nature that in all the arts the splendour of attainment rises in value as it becomes rarer Farewell XI SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO HIS FRIEND RUSTICUS GREETING If we were neighbours in respect of domicile and distance and if our meeting face GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to face were not held off by the long mileage of an enormous journey I would never allow the rarity GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of letters to have any effect upon the attentions proper to the intimacy we have contracted nor would I be GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: slow about building on the foundations already laid once for all of an emulously cultivated friendship by piling up various GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: manifestations of my regard But the union of our souls is obstructed by the extended space between our habitations though GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: this can certainly never injure our affections which are joined for ever Nevertheless it follows from the very separation of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our respective townships that just because we are such close friends we are inclined to treat the rarity of our GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: intercourse which is due to the long stretch of country that lies between us as a sin on each THE GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: LETTERS OF SIDONIUS in reatum volumus transferre communem cum de naturaliiim rerum difficultate nee eulpa nos debeat manere nee venia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: domine inlustris gerulos litterarum de disciplinae tuae institutione formatos et morum erilium verecundiam praeferentes opportune adinisi patienter audivi competenter explicui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vale XII SIDONIVS AGRICOLAE SVO SALVTEM Misisti tu quidem lembum mobilem solidum lecti capaeem iamque cum piscibus turn praeterea gubematorem GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: longe peritum remiges etiam robustos expeditosque qui scilicet ea rapiditate praetervolant amnis adversi terga qua deflui sed dabis veniam quod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: invitanti tibi in piscationem comes venire dissimulo namque me multo decumbentibus nostris validiora maeroris retia tenent quae sunt amicis quaeque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: et externis indolescenda unde te quoque puto si rite germano moveris adfectu quo temporis puncto paginam banc sumpseris de reditu GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: potius cogitaturum Severiana sollieitudo communis inquietata primum lentae tussis impulsu febribus quoque iam fatigatur hisque per noctes ingravescentibus propter quod GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: optat exire in suburbanum litteras tuas denique cum sumeremus On Agricola see introductory n to I Severiana was the daughter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sidonius This letter was probably written at Lyons BOOK XII TO AGRICOLA others part although when it is a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: case of natural obstacles we cannot rightly be the objects either of blame or of forgiveness Illustrious lord the bearers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of your letters men trained according to the principles of your system and displaying the modesty characteristic of their master GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: were admitted by me with due promptitude I listened to them patiently and dispatched their business suitably Farewell XII SIDONIUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TO HIS DEAR AGRICOLA GREETING You have sent me a boat which is swift and substantial big enough to hold GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: a couch and a load of fish too also a boatman of wide experience and oarsmen so strong and brisk GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that they fly over the surface of the water as swiftly upstream as downstream But you must excuse me for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not availing myself of your invitation to join you in a fishing excursion for with illness in our family I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: am held here by a much stronger kind of net a net of affliction which must needs bring grief to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: friends and strangers alike so I think that if you feel a genuine brotherly affection for me as soon as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ever you take up this sheet you will think rather of returning here Severiana our common anxiety was in the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: first instance racked by an attack of persistent coughing and is now beginning to suffer severely from bouts of fever GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: as well which become more acute at night so she is anxious to move to our home outside the town GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: in fact at the very moment that took your letter in my hand we THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS egredi ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: villulam iam parabamus quocirca tu seu venias seu moreris preces nostras orationibus iuva ut ruris auram desideranti salubriter cedat ipsa GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: vegetatio certe ego vel tua soror inter spem metumque suspensi credidimus eius taedium augendum si voluntati iacentis obstitissemus igitur ardori GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: civitatis atque torpori tarn nos quam domum totam praevio Christo pariter eximimus simulque medicorum consilia vitamus assidentum dissidentumque qui parum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: docti et satis seduli languidos multos officiosissime occidunt sane contubernio nostro iure amicitiae Justus adhibebitur quern si iocari liberet in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tristibus facile convincerem Chironica magis institutum arte quam Machaonica quo diligentius postulandus est Christus obsecrandusque ut valetudini cuius curationem cura GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: nostra lion invenit potentia superna medeatur vale XIII SIDONIVS SERRANO SVO SALVTEM Epistulam tuam nobis Marcellinus togatus exhibuit homo peritus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: virque amicorum quae Possibly veterinary medicine with which the name of Chiron was specially associated in late Roman times opposed GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to Machaonica ars human medicine from Machaon physician of the Greeks in the Trojan war but there may be a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: play on the Greek xP worse the art of making worse BOOK xiii TO SERRANUS were making preparations to move GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to our little country house Accordingly whether you come here or stay away support my prayers by your own petitions GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: that as she pines for the country air even the motion of the journey may turn out for the good GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of her health Anyhow both your sister and I though wavering between hope and fear believed that our patients discomfort GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: would certainly be increased if we opposed her inclination Therefore under Christs guidance we are taking ourselves and our whole GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: household away from the heat and the oppressiveness of the city and at the same time escaping from the counsels GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the physicians who attend and contend at the bedside for with their scanty knowledge and immense zeal they most GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dutifully kill many sick folks Justus indeed will be admitted to our household by his claim as a personal friend GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: though if one had been inclined to jest in sad circumstances I should easily have proved to you that he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is better trained in the art of Chiron than in that of Machaon So we must the more earnestly make GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: our appeal to Christ and beseech Him that as our diligence has procured no cure for the patients malady the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: power that is from above may cure it Farewell XIII SIDONIUS TO HIS FRIEND SERRANUS GREETING Marcellinus the advocate a GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: man of tried wisdom and of many friends showed me your letter Serranus is otherwise unknown See Carm THE LETTERS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: OF SIDONIUS primoribus verbis salutatione libata reliquo sui tractu qui quidem grandis est patroni tui Petronii Maximi imperatoris laudes habebat GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quern tanien tu pertinacius aut amabilius quam reetius veriusque felicissimum appellas propter hoc quippe cur per amplissimos fascium titulos fuerit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: evectus usque ad imperium sed sententiae tali numquam ego assentior ut fortunatos putem qui rei publicae praecipitibus ac lubricis culminibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: insistunt nam dici nequit quantum per horas fert in hac vita miseriarum vita felicium istorum si tamen sic sunt pronuntiandi GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: qui sibi hoc nomen ut Sulla praesumunt nimirum qui supergressi ius fasque commune summam beatitudinem existimant summam potestatem hoc ipso GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: satis miseriores quod parum intellegunt inquietissimo se subiacere famulatui nam sicut hominibus reges it a regibus dominandi desideria dominantur hie GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: si omittamus antecedentium principum casus vel secutorum solus iste pecuHaris tuus Maximus maximo nobis ad ista documento poterit esse qui GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: quamquam in arcem praefectoriam patriciam consularemque intrepidus ascenderat eosque quos gesserat magistratus ceu recurrentibus orbitis inexpletus iteraverat cum tamen venit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: omnibus viribus ad principalis apicis abruptum quandam potestatis immensae vertiginem sub corona patiebatur nee sustinebat dominus esse On Petronius Maximus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: see In trod p xx BOOK II XIII TO SKRRANUS In its opening it lightly conveys a greeting and then GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: for the rest of its length which is considerable it contains the praises of your protector the Emperor Petronius Maximus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: to whom with more persistency or kindliness than justice or truth you give the title of Most Happy your reason GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: being that he made his way up through all the most distinguished magisterial offices and finally reached the Imperial throne GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But I can never agree with the view that counts as prosperous those who stand on the precipitous and slippery GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: heights of public life For it is beyond the power of words to tell of the miseries which are endured GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: every hour life being what it is today in the lives of these socalled happy men if indeed they have GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: any right to be so called when they appropriate this title in the spirit of a Sulla as men who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: have transgressed the universal principles of law and right and who consider supreme power to be supreme bliss when all GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the while they are particularly wretched just because they fail to see that they are subject to a most harassing GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: servitude For as kings rule over men so does the passion for mastery rule over kings Even if we here GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ignore the calamities of the rulers who preceded or succeeded him this very Maximus whom you take as your hero GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: will prove our point with the maximum of cogency for although he had made his way up without faltering to GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the eminences of prefect patrician and consul and although still unsatisfied he had repeated the magistracies he had held as GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: if they moved in recurring orbits yet when by straining every nerve he readied the precarious peak of Imperial majesty GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he felt beneath his crown dizziness the result of boundless power and the very man who had found it unbearable GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS qui non sustinuerat esse sub domino denique require in supradicto vitae prioris gratiam potentiam diuturnitatem eque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: diverso principatus paulo amplius quam bimenstris originem turbinem fmem profecto invenies hominem beatiorem prius fuisse quam beatissimus nominaretur igitur ille GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: cuius anterius epulae mores pecuniae pompae litterae fasces patrimonia patrocinia florebant cuius ipsa sic denique spatia vitae custodiebantur ut per GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: horarum disposita clepsydras explicarentur is nuncupatus Augustus ac sub hac specie Palatinis liminibus inclusus ante crepusculum ingemuit quod ad vota GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pervenerat cumque mole curarum pristinae quietis tenere dimensum prohiberetur veteris actutum regulae legibus renuntiavit atque perspexit pariter ire non posse GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: negotium principis et otium senatoris nee fefellerunt futura maerentem namque cum ceteros aulicos honores tranquillissime percurrisset ipsam aulam turbulentissime rexit GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: inter tumultus militum popularium foederatorum quod et exitus prodidit novus celer acerbus quem cruentavit Fortunae diu lenocinantis perfidus finis quae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: virum ut scorpios ultima sui parte percussit dicere solebat vir litteratus atque ob ingenii merita quaes BOOK II XIII TO GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: SERRANUS to be under a master could not bear to be a master himself Now go back over the record GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of this man again and put in one scale his early Hfe with its popularity its power and its long GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: years of enjoyment and in the other the beginning the tumult and the ending of a principate which lasted for GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: little more than two months you will assuredly find that the man was more blest before the time when men GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: spoke of him as Most Blessed In his earlier Hfe his hospitaUties and his character his wealth and his display GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his literary reputation and his magistracies his estate and his roll of clients were splendid indeed the very division of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: his time was so carefully looked after that it was measured and arranged by the hourly periods of the clock GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: But when he received the title of Augustus and was imprisoned on this pretence behind the doors of the palace GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: he groaned before evening that he had reached his ambition A mass of responsibilities pressed upon him and he could GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: not maintain the programme of his earlier restful life he at once abandoned the rules by which he had long GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: regulated his existence and understood that the business of an emperor and the quiet life of a senator could not GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: go together His gloomy anticipations did not go unfulfilled for although he had passed through all the other high offices GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of the court in peace and quietness he actually ruled the court with violence amid risings of the soldiers the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: citizens and the allied peoples and all this was revealed also by his end which was strange swift and bitter GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: after fortune had long flattered him her treacherous last act bathed him in blood for like a scorpion she struck GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: her favourite down with the tailend A man of culture who reached the rank THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS torius partium GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: certe bonarum pars magna Fulgentius ore se ex eius frequenter audisse cum perosus pondus imperii veterem securitatem desideraret felicem te GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Damocles qui non uno longius prandio regni necessitatem toleravisti iste enim ut legimus Damocles provincia Siculus urbe Syracusanus familiaris tyranno GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Dionysio fuit qui cum nimiis laudibus bona patroni ut cetera scilicet inexpertus efferret vis inquit Dionysius hodie saltim in hac GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: mensa bonis meis pariter ac malis uti libenter inquit tunc ille confestim laetum clientem quamquam et attonitum lebeio tegmine erepto GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: muricis Tyrii seu Tarentini conchyliato ditat indutu et renidentem gemmis margaritisque aureo lecto sericatoque toreumati imponit cumque pransuro Sardanapallicum in GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: morem panis daretur e Leontina segete confectus insuper dapes cultae ferculis cultioribus apponerentur spumarent Falerno gemmae capaces inque crystallis calerent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unguenta glacialibus hue suffita cinnamo ac ture cenatio spargeret peregrinos naribus odores et madescentes nardo capillos circumfusa florum serta siccarent GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: coepit supra tergum sic recumbentis repente vibrari mucro destrictus e lacunaribus qui inquain LN hue LN hinc For the meaning GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of toreuma see n on I BOOK II XIII TO SERRANUS of quaestor by virtue of his talents and who GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: himself played a leading part in the good party his name is Pulgentius used to say that he had often GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: heard fiom the mans very lips when he was disgusted with the weight of empire and longed for the old GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tranquillity the cry Happy you Damocles who had not to submit to the obligation of kingship for more than the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: duration of a single meal Now this Damocles as we read a Sicilian by country and a Syracusan by citizenship GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: was an intimate of the prince Dionysius When he praised in effusive terms the happy lot of his patron having GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of course no means of knowing the other side of the picture Dionysius said to him Would you like this GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: very day just for the duration of this meal to enjoy my blessings and my ills alike Willingly said he GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Without wasting a moment Dionysius stripped the humble robe from the back of his delighted but amazed vassal glorified him GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with a purpledyed robe of the mollusc of Tyre or of Tarentum and set him all resplendent with jewels and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: pearls on a golden couch with a silk cover over the bedding He was preparing to dine in the fashion GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of Sardanapallus bread was handed him baked from the harvest of Leontini and choice meats were set before him on GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dishes still more choice large jewelled cups foamed with Falernian wine and warm perfume lay in icy crystal the reek GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: of cinnamon and frankincense pervaded the dininghall wafting foreign scents to the nostrils the encircling garlands of flowers were drying GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: up the guests nardsoaked hair But suddenly as he thus reposed a naked sword which hung from the panelled ceiling GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: began to shake over his shoulders and seemed each moment about to fall THE LETTERS OF SIDONIUS te moraturum quo GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: loci tibi cum ferax vinea est turn praeter ipsam praedium magno non minus domino quod te tuosque plurifaria frugum mansionumque GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dote remoretur ilicet si horreis apothecisque seu penu impleta destinas illic usque ad adventum hirundineum vel ciconinum lani Numaeque ninguidos GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: menses in otio fuliginoso sive tunicata quiet e transmittere nobis quoque parum in oppido fructuosae protinus amputabuntur causae morarum ut GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: dum ipse nimirum frueris rure nos te fruamur quibus ut recognoscis non magis cordi est aut voluptati ager cum reditibus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: amplis quam vicinus aequalis cum bonis moribus vale BOOK II XIV TO MAURUSIUS have not only a fertile vineyard but GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: also a farm which is as great as is its great owner to keep hold of you and your company GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: by its manifold endowment of grain and dwellingplaces Well then if it is your intention when your barns storehouses and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: household stores have been duly replenished to spend the snowy months of Janus and Numa there in sooty idleness or GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: ungowned ease remaining until the coming of the swallow and the stork I too will at once cut short my GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: unfruitful excuses for lingering in town so that while you of course enjoy the fruits of your land I at GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the same time may enjoy the fruits of your society for as you well know an estate making large returns GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: is no more attractive and delightful to me than a neighbour of my own age and of high character Farewell GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: January and February Martial X Printed in Great Britain by RICHARD OLAY and COirANY LTD BUNQAY SUFPOIiK THE LOEB CLASSICAL GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: LIBRARY VOLUMES ALREADY PUBLISHED Latin Authors Ammianus Mabceixinus Translated by J C Rolfe Vols Aptjleius The Golden Ass Metamorphoses W GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Adlington Revised by S Gaselee St Augustine City of God Vols Vol I G E McCracken Vol VI W C GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Greene St Augustine Confessions of W Watts Vols St Augustine Select Letters J H Baxter Ausonius H G Evelyn White GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vols Bede J E King Vols BoETHius Tracts and De Consolationb Philosophiae Rev H F Stewart and E K Rand GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Caesar Alexandrian African and Spanish Wars A G Way Caesar Civil Wars A G Peskett Caesar Gallic War H J GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Edwards Cato De Re Rustic a Vabro De Re Rustica H B Ash and W D Hooper Catullus F W GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Comish Tibullus J B Postgate PervioiLiuM Veneris J W Mackail Celsus De Medicina W G Spencer Vols Cicero Brutus and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Orator G L Hendrickson and H M Hubbell Cicero Ad Hebennium H Caplan Cicero De Oratore etc Vols Vol I GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: De Oratorb Books I and II E W Sutton and H Rftckham Vol II De Oratore Book III De Fato GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Paradoxa Stoicorum De Partitione Oratoria H Rackham Cicero De Finibus H Rackham Cicero De Inventione etc H M Hubbell Cicero GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: De Natura Deorum and Academica H Rackham Cicero De Offichs Walter Millei Cicero De Republica and De Legibus Somnium Scipionis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Clinton W Keyes Cicero De Senectute De Amicitia De Divinatione VV A Falconer Cicero In Catilinam Pro Flacco Pro Murena GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pro Sulla Louis E Lord Cicero Letters to Atticus E O Winstedt Vols Cicero Letters to His Friends W Glynn GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Williams Vols Cicero Philippics W C A Ker Cicero Pro Archia Post Reditum De Domo De HaruspicuM Resfonsis Pro Plancio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: N H Watts Cicero Pro Caecina Pro Lege Manilla Pro Cluentio Pro Rabirio H Grose Hodge Cicero Pro Caelio De GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Provinciis Consularibus Pro Balbo R Gardner Cicero Pro Milone In Pisonem Pro Scauro Pro Fonteio Pro Rabirio Postumo Pro Marcello GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pro Lioario Pro Reoe Deiotaro N H Watts Cicero Pro Quinctio Pro Roscio Amerino Pro Roscio CoMOEDO Contra Rullum J GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: H Freese Cicero Pro Sestio In Vatinium R Gardner Cicero Tusculan Disputations J E King Cicero Verbine Orations L H GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: G Greenwood Vols Claudian M Platnauer Vols Columella De Re Rustica De Arbobibus H B Ash E S Forster and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: E Heffner Vols Cubtius Q Histoby of Alexander J C Rolfe Vols Florus E S Forster and Cornelius Nepos J GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: C Rolfe Fbontinus Stratagems and Aqueducts C E Bennett and M B McElwain Fronto Correspondence C R Haines Vols Gellius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: J C Rolfe Vols Horace Odes and Epodes C E Bennett Horace Satires Epistles Abs Poetica H R Fairclough Jebome GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Selected Lettebs F A Wright Juvenal and Pebsius G G Ramsay LiVY B O Foster F G Moore Evan T GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sage and A C Schlesinger and R M Gear General Index Vols LucAN J D Duff Lucretius W H D GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Rouse Mabtlal W C a Ker Vols Minor Latin Poets from Publilius Syrus to Rutilius Namatianus including Gbattius Calpubnius Siculus GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Nemesianus Avianus and others with Aetna and the Phoenix J Wight Duff and Arnold M Duff Ovid The Art of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Love and Other Poems J H Mozley Ovid Fasti Sir James G Frazer Ovid Heroides and Amores Grant Showerman Ovid GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Metamorphoses F J Miller Vols Ovid Tristia and Ex Ponto A L Wheeler Persius Cf Juvenal Petronius M Heseltine Seneca GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Apocolocyntosis W H D Rouse PiiAiTTUs Paul Nixon Vols Pliny Letters Melmoths Translation revised by W M L Hutchinson Vols GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Pliny Natural History Vols Vols IV and IX H Rackham Vols VIVIII W H S Jones Vol X D E GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Eichholz Propertius H E Butler Prudentius H J Thomson Vols QuiNTiLiAN H E Butler Vols Remains of Old Latin E GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: H Warmington Vols Vol I Ennius and Caecilius Vol II Livius Naevius Pacuvius Accius Vol III Lucilius and Laws of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: XII Tables Vol IV Archaic Inscriptions Sallust J C Rolfe ScRiPTOREs HisTORiAE AuGUSTAE D Magie Vols Seneca Apocolocyntosis Cf Petronius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Seneca Epistulae Morales R M Gummere Vols Seneca Moral Essays J W Basore Vols Seneca Tragedies F J Miller Vols GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Sidonius Poems and Letters W B Anderson Vols SiLius Italicus J D Duff Vols Statius J H Mozley Vols Suetonius GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: J C Rolfe Vols Tacitus Dialogues Sir Wm Peterson Agricola and Germania Maurice Hutton Tacitus Histories and Annals C H GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Moore and J Jackson Vols Terence John Sargeaunt Vols Tertullian Apologia and De Spectacults T R Glover MiNUCius Felix G GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: H Rendall Valerius Flaccus J H Mozley Varro De Lingua Latina R G Kent Vols Velleius Paterculus and Res Gestae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Divi Augusti F W Shipley Virgil H R Fairclough Vols Vitruvius De Architectura F Granger Vols Greek Authors Achilles Tatitts GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: S Gaselee Aelian On the Nature of Animals A F Scholfield Vols Aeneas Tacticcts Asclepiodotus and Onasander The Illinois Greek GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Club Aeschines C D Adams Aeschylus H Weir Smyth Vols AixiPHRON Aelian Philostratus Letters A R Banner and F H GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fobes Andocides Antiphon Cf Minor Attic Orators Apollodorus Sir James G Frazer Vols Apollonius Rhodius R C Seaton The Apostolic GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fathers Kirsopp Lake Vols Appian Roman History Horace White Vols Aratus Cf Callimachus Aristophanes Benjamin Bickley Rogers Vols Verse trans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aristotle Art of Rhetoric J H Freese Aristotle Athenian Constitution Eudemian Ethics Vices and Virtues H Rackham Aristotle Generation of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Animals A L Peck Aristotle Metaphysics H Tredennick Vols Aristotle Meteorolooica H D P Lee Aristotle Minor Works W S GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Hett On Colours On Things Heard On Physiognomies On Plants On Marvellous Things Heard Mechanical Problems On Indivisible Lines On GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Situations and Names of Winds On Melissus Xenophanes and Gorgias Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics H Rackham Aristotle Oeconomica and Magna Moralia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: G C Armstrong with Metaphysics Vol II Aristotle On the Heavens W K C Guthrie Aristotle On the Soul Parva GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Naturalia On Breath W S Hett Aristotle Categories On Interpretation Prior Analytics H P Cooke and H Tredennick Aristotle Posterior GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Analytics Topics H Tredennick and E S Forster Aristotle On Sophistical Refutations On Coming to be and Passing Away On GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: the Cosmos E S Forster and D J Furley Aristotle Parts or Animals A L Peck Motion and Progression of GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Animals E S Forster Aristotie Phvsrs Rev p Wicksteed and F M Comford Vols Aristotle Poetics and LoNomus W Hamilton GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Fyfe Demetrius on Style VV Rhys Roberts Aristotle Politics H Rackham Aristotle Problems W S Hett Vols Aristotle Rhetorica Ad GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Alexandrum with Problems Vol II H Rackham Arrian History of Alexandeb and Indica Rev E Iliffe Robson Vols Athenaeus Deipnosophistae GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: C B Gulick Vols St Basil Letters R J Deferrari Vols Callimachxjs Fragments C A Trypanis Callimachus Hymns and Epigrams GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Lycophron A W Mair Aratus G R Mair Clement of Alexandria Rev G W Butterworth COLLUTHUS Cf OpPIAN Daphnis GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Chloe Thornleys Translation revised by J M Edmonds and Parthenius S Gaselee Demosthenes I Olynthiacs Philippics and Minor Oba GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: tions IXVII and XX J H Vince Demosthenes II De Corona and De Falsa Leoatione C A Vince and J GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: H Vince Demosthenes III Meidias Androtion Aristocrates Timocrates and Aristogeiton I and II J H Vince Demosthenes IVVI Private Orations GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and In Neaeram A T Murray Demosthenes VII Fttneral Speech Erotic Essay Exordia and Letters N VV and N J GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: DeWitt Dio Cassitjs Roman History E Cary Vols Dio Chrysostom J W Cohoon and H Lamar Crosby Vols DiODORUs SiCTTLUS GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vols Vols I VI C H Oldfather Vol VII C L Sherman Vol VIII C B Welles Vols IX and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: X R M Geer Vol XI F Walton Diogenes Laerittds R D Hicks Vols DiONYsius OF Halicarnassus Roman Antiquities Spelmans GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: translation revised by E Cary Vols Epictetus W a Oldfather Vols Euripides A S Way Vols Verse trans EusEBius Ecclesiastical GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: History Kirsopp Lake and J E L Oulton Vols Galen On the Natural Faculties A J Brock The Greek Anthology GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: W R Paton Vols Greek Elegy and Iambus with the Anacbeontea J M Edmonds Vols Greek Authors Achilles Tatixjs S GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Gaselee Aelian On the Nature of Animals A F Scholfield Vols Aeneas Tacticus Asclepiodotus and Onasander The Illinois Greek Club GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Aeschines C D Adams Aeschylus H Weir Smyth Vols AixiPHRON Aelian Philostratus Letters A R Benner and F H Fobes GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Andocides Antiphon Cf Minor Attic Orators Apollodorus Sir James G Frazer Vols Apollgnius Rhodius R C Seaton The Apostolic Fathers GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Kirsopp Lake Vols Appian Roman History Horace White Vols Aratus Cf Callimachus Aristophanes Benjamin Bickley Rogers Vols Verse trans Aristotle GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Art of Rhetoric J H Freese Aristotle Athenian Constitution Eudemian Ethics Vices and Virtues H Rackham Aristotle Generation of Animals GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: A L Peck Aristotle Metaphysics H Tredennick Vols Aristotle Meteorolooica H D P Lee Aristotle Minor Works W S Hett GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: On Colours On Things Heard On Physiognomies On Plants On Marvellous Things Heard Mechanical Problems On Indivisible Lines On Situations GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and Names of Winds On Melissus Xenophanes and Gorgias Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics H Rackham Aristotle Oeconomica and Magna Moralia G GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: C Armstrong with Metaphysics Vol II Aristotle On the Heavens W K C Guthrie Aristotle On the Soul Parva Naturalia GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: On Breath W S Hett Aristotle Categories On Interpretation Prior Analytics H P Cooke and H Tredennick Aristotle Posterior Analytics GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Topics H Tredennick and E S Forster Aristotle On Sophistical Refutations On Coming to be and Passing Away On the GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cosmos E S Forster and D J Furley Aristotle Parts or Animals A L Peck Motion and Progression of Animals GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: E S Forster Aristotie Physics Rev P Wicksteed and F M Cornford Vols Aristotle Poetics and Lonointts W Hamilton Fyfe GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Demetrius on Style W Rhys Roberts Aristotle Politics H Rackham Aristotle Problems W S Hett Vols Abistotle Rhetorica Ad Alexandrum GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: with Problems Vol II H Rackham Arrian History of Alexandkb and Indica Rev E Iliffe Robson Vols Athenaeus Deipnosophistae C GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: B Gulick Vols St Basil Letters R J Deferrari Vols Callimachus Fragments C A Trypanis Callimachus Hymns and Epigrams and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Lycophron A W Mair Aratus G R Mair Clement of Alexandria Rev G W Butterworth COLLUTHUS Cf OpPIAN Daphnis and GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Chloe Thomleys Translation revised by J M Edmonds and Parthenius S Gaselee Demosthenes I Olynthiacs Philippics and Minor Orations IXVII GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: AND XX J H Vince Demosthenes II De Corona and De Falsa Lkqatione C A Vince and J H Vince GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Demosthenes III Meidias Androtion Aristocrates TiMOCRATEs and Aristogeiton I and II J H Vince Demosthenes IVVI Private Orations and In GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Neaeram A T Murray Demosthenes VII Fxtneral Speech Erotic Essay Exordia and Letters N W and N J DeWitt Dio GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Cassitjs Roman History E Cary Vols Dio Chrysostom J W Cohoon and H Lamar Crosby Vols DiODORUs SicuLus Vols Vols GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: IVI C H Oldfather Vol VII C L Sherman Vol VIII C B Welles Vols IX and X R M GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Geer Vol XI F Walton Diogenes Laerittds R D Hicks Vols DiONYsros OF Halicarnassus Roman Antiquities Spelmans translation revised by GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: E Cary Vols Epictetus W a Oldfather Vols Euripides A S Way Vols Verse trans EusEBius Ecclesiastical History Kirsopp Lake GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: and J E L Oulton Vols Galen On the Natural Faculties A J Brock The Greek Anthology W R Paton GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Vols Greek Eleoy and Iambus with the Anacreontea J M Edmonds Vols IN PREPARATION Aristotle Historia Animalium Greek A L GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: Peck Plotinus Greek A H Armstrong Babrius Greek and Phaedrus Latin Ben E Perry DESCRIPTIVE PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION London WILLIAM GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: HEINEMANN LTD Gambridge Mass HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS p PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null OCR: TORONTO LIBRARY PA S vl cop allace Sidonius C Sollius Modestus Apollinaris Poems and letters WAT ACF ROOM GT : null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null